A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan


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AFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. 5unquenchable wrath in the c<strong>on</strong>cepti<strong>on</strong>, which <strong>on</strong>ce <strong>on</strong> footwould " burn unto the lowest hell, and set <strong>on</strong> fire the foundati<strong>on</strong>sof the mountains,''— I mean that most precious, andalmost, if not altogether, omnipotent grace of Prayer. Thisgreat master of miracles hath wrought from time to timemany and very remarkable w<strong>on</strong>ders, both in heaven andearth. It made the sun, that mighty creatuie. the princeof all the lights in heaven, to stay and stand still upun thesudden in the heat of his swiftest course (Josh, x, 12, 13) ;it landed J<strong>on</strong>ah safely up<strong>on</strong> the shore out of the belly of thewhale and bowels of the sea (J<strong>on</strong>ah ii, 1, 10); it drewrefreshing streams out of a dry b<strong>on</strong>e ibr the saving ofSams<strong>on</strong>'s life (Judges xv, 18, 19) ; it turned the heaven intobrass for three years and a half, and afterward turned theself-same brass into fruitful clouds and fountains of rain(James v, 17, 18) ; it killed a hundred fourscore and fivethousand of the enemies of God's people in <strong>on</strong>e night(2 Kings xix, 15—35) ; for the freeing of Elisha from astrait and dangerous siege it filled a mountain in a moment,as it were, "full of horses and chariots of fire" (2 Kingsvi, 17) ; it turned the swords of a mighty army into thebowels of <strong>on</strong>e another, when Jehoshaphat knew not whichway to turn himself, but was so helpless and hopeless thathe cried unto the Lord, " We know not what to do, <strong>on</strong>lyour eyes are up<strong>on</strong> tliee (2 Chr<strong>on</strong>. xx, 5—23); it loosedPeter out of pris<strong>on</strong>, shook his chains off from his hands,and made an ir<strong>on</strong> gate to open of its own accord (Acts xii,5, 7, 10) ; it enraged and enlarged the P^nglish seas toswallow up the Spanish invincible armada ; and, which isn<strong>on</strong>e of the least w<strong>on</strong>ders, it brought prince Charles out ofSpain.But you instance, may some say, in extraordinary examplesof extraordinary men, endowed with an extraordinaryspirit.Yet sure I am they are registered by the Holy Ghost torepresent unto us and to all generati<strong>on</strong>s of the church tothe world's end the almighty and w<strong>on</strong>der-working power ofprayer ; and I am as sure that the petiti<strong>on</strong>ers were men" subject to like passi<strong>on</strong>s as we are " (James v. 17). Perhapsif thou be a true hearted Nathanael, since thy newbirth ihou wast never so extraordinarily passi<strong>on</strong>ate as J<strong>on</strong>ahwas, when out of a pang of strange distemper he thusanswered the mighty Lord of heaven and earth, " I do wellto be angry, even unto death " (J<strong>on</strong>ah iv, 9).IV. God's favourite is further furnished with anotherspiritual weap<strong>on</strong> of impregnable temper and incrediblemight : I mean faith, the very power and arm of God forJ3 3

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