A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

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!384 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMFORTINGreligious duties, honest workers of their lawful callings,Company of skilful experienced soul physicians, or one orother comfortable employment.4. Settle in thy heart a peremptory impregnable resolutionnever to entertain any thought of that great majestyand glory above, of the most holy and ever-blessed Trinity,or any thing thereabout, but such only as is revealed andrepresented unto thee in God's book. Whatsoever is objectedby carnal reason to the contrary, or injected by thedevil any ways to deprave the divineness of that glorioustruth, ought to be rejected as cursed, false, and execrable.And therefore, when that hellish Nimrod shall at any timehunt and chase thine affrighted soul with these blasphemoushell-hounds, be sure ever to take sanctuary in the oraclesof God, and keep thee close and safe under this covert.Whatsoever is not comprehended within the confines of thatsacred pale, warranted by holy writ, the sovereign touchstoneof all heavenly truth, let it be abhorred, and retortedas dung upon the face of the tempter. That sense and apprehensionof the Deity and divine things which is notsucked from the breasts of the two Testaments, is in thisregard to be reputed rank poison, repelled and abominatedwith infinite indignation and disdain. And for further helpherein, when thou findest thyself thus followed with theviolent and incessant incursions of this furious folly, callotten and seriously to mind that accursed brand which thebook of God hath set upon the adversary, that he is the*' father of lies," and let that still continue a more resoluterejection and contempt of whatsoever comes from him.Suppose a raging madman should follow thee up and downall the day long, and tell thee that thy father or specialfriend were a stone, a bird, a tree, a toad, or whatsoever isviler or more absurd ; wouldst thou hereupon entertain andharbour in thy mind any mis-impression or monstrous persuasionof the party ? I trow not (only his senseless clamourand restless raving would be very irksome, troublesome, andunwelcome) ; especially since thou art furnished with a cleardemonstrative light out of natural philosophy, that he is areasonable creature, and thyself seest in him the face andfavour, the shape and proportion of a man. ProportionablySatan, that bloodthirsty maniac of hell, out of that madnessat which heaven and earth may stand amazed, solicitsthee to admit such and such horrible and hideous conceitsof thy dearest Lord, his Son, and sacred word. (Ahcursed fiend, that ever thou shouldst discover such prodigiousmalice against thy glorious Maker!) Now God infinitelyforbid that this should cause the least alteration, or

;AFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. 385any diminution at all of thy lowliest, most reverent, adoring,and divinest thoughts of so great a God. For have recourseto the holy records of all sound, supernatural, a.ndsaving knowledge ; I mean, the word of life with whichthou oughtest to consult, and to which only thou art confinedin this case ; and thou shalt find him to be the " onlyone living and true God, everlasting, without body, parts,or passions ; of infinite power, wisdom, and goodness ; themaker and preserver of all things, both visible and invisible.And in unity of this Godhead there be three persons, ofone substance, power, and eternity, the Father, the Son,and the Holy Ghost *." And besides thou mayest graspas it were, and feel between thy fingers as it were, even inevery creature, his greatness and goodness, majesty andmight, power and providence. " In the glorious lights ofheaven," saith a noble writer, " we perceive a shadow ofhis Divine countenance ; in his provision for all that live,his manifold goodness ; and lastly, in creating and makingexistent the world universal by the absolute art of his ownword, his power and almightiness ; which power, light,virtue, wisdom, and goodness, being all but attributes ofone simple essence, and one God, we in all admire, and inpart discern per speculum creatumrnm, that is in the disposition,order, and variety of celestial and terrestrial bodies ;terrestrial in their strange and manifold diversities ; celestialin their beauty and magnitude, which in their continualand contrary motions are neither repugnant, intermixed,nor confounded. By these potent eflfects we approach tothe knowledge of the omnipotent Cause, and by these motionstheir almighty Mover." Whensoever therefore thatmost implacable and everlasting enemy to God's glory andthe good of his children shall go about to pervert and crossby his blasphemous injections these sober and sacred conceptionsof the thrice-glorious and ever-blessed Deity,planted in thy mind by his own word and this visible world,bid him, by the example of thy Lord and Master, " avoidandavaunt;" trample upon his hellish spite, appeal untoGod's righteous throne with protestations of thine innocency ;damning them unto the pit of hell in thy judgment, andhating them not without horror from the very heart-rootand so truly resisting them, crying mightily unto God for* Articles of Keli?ion ; Art. 1. — Exod. xx, 3 ; Deut. vi, 4 j Psalinxvlii, 31 ; Mai. ii, 10; J Cor. viii, 4; Psalm IxxxiV, 2 ; 2 Cor. vi, 16 ;2 Chron. xv, 3 ; Jer. x, lOj John xvii, 3 ; 1 Tlies. i, 9 ; Psalm cii,24,26,27; Dan. vi, 26 ; Psalm civ; .John iv, 24; 2Cor. iii. 17;1 Sam. XV, 29 ; Hos. xi, 9 ; Ezek. x, 5 ; 2 Cor. vi, 18 ; Revel, xi. 17 ;1 Tim. i, 17; Rom. xvi, 27; Psalm cxlvij, 5 ; cvi, 1 ; and cvii, 1.2 L

;AFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. 385any diminuti<strong>on</strong> at all of thy lowliest, most reverent, adoring,and divinest thoughts of so great a God. For have recourseto the holy records of all sound, supernatural, a.ndsaving knowledge ; I mean, the word of life with whichthou oughtest to c<strong>on</strong>sult, and to which <strong>on</strong>ly thou art c<strong>on</strong>finedin this case ; and thou shalt find him to be the " <strong>on</strong>ly<strong>on</strong>e living and true God, everlasting, without body, parts,or passi<strong>on</strong>s ; of infinite power, wisdom, and goodness ; themaker and preserver of all things, both visible and invisible.And in unity of this Godhead there be three pers<strong>on</strong>s, of<strong>on</strong>e substance, power, and eternity, the Father, the S<strong>on</strong>,and the Holy Ghost *." And besides thou mayest graspas it were, and feel between thy fingers as it were, even inevery creature, his greatness and goodness, majesty andmight, power and providence. " In the glorious lights ofheaven," saith a noble writer, " we perceive a shadow ofhis Divine countenance ; in his provisi<strong>on</strong> for all that live,his manifold goodness ; and lastly, in creating and makingexistent the world universal by the absolute art of his ownword, his power and almightiness ; which power, light,virtue, wisdom, and goodness, being all but attributes of<strong>on</strong>e simple essence, and <strong>on</strong>e God, we in all admire, and inpart discern per speculum creatumrnm, that is in the dispositi<strong>on</strong>,order, and variety of celestial and terrestrial bodies ;terrestrial in their strange and manifold diversities ; celestialin their beauty and magnitude, which in their c<strong>on</strong>tinualand c<strong>on</strong>trary moti<strong>on</strong>s are neither repugnant, intermixed,nor c<strong>on</strong>founded. By these potent eflfects we approach tothe knowledge of the omnipotent Cause, and by these moti<strong>on</strong>stheir almighty Mover." Whensoever therefore thatmost implacable and everlasting enemy to God's glory andthe good of his children shall go about to pervert and crossby his blasphemous injecti<strong>on</strong>s these sober and sacred c<strong>on</strong>cepti<strong>on</strong>sof the thrice-glorious and ever-blessed Deity,planted in thy mind by his own word and this visible world,bid him, by the example of thy Lord and Master, " avoidandavaunt;" trample up<strong>on</strong> his hellish spite, appeal untoGod's righteous thr<strong>on</strong>e with protestati<strong>on</strong>s of thine innocency ;damning them unto the pit of hell in thy judgment, andhating them not without horror from the very heart-rootand so truly resisting them, crying mightily unto God for* Articles of Keli?i<strong>on</strong> ; Art. 1. — Exod. xx, 3 ; Deut. vi, 4 j Psalinxvlii, 31 ; Mai. ii, 10; J Cor. viii, 4; Psalm IxxxiV, 2 ; 2 Cor. vi, 16 ;2 Chr<strong>on</strong>. xv, 3 ; Jer. x, lOj John xvii, 3 ; 1 Tlies. i, 9 ; Psalm cii,24,26,27; Dan. vi, 26 ; Psalm civ; .John iv, 24; 2Cor. iii. 17;1 Sam. XV, 29 ; Hos. xi, 9 ; Ezek. x, 5 ; 2 Cor. vi, 18 ; Revel, xi. 17 ;1 Tim. i, 17; Rom. xvi, 27; Psalm cxlvij, 5 ; cvi, 1 ; and cvii, 1.2 L

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