A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan


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AFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. 381and so thy torments in hell more horrible hereafter. If itbe <strong>on</strong>ce d<strong>on</strong>e, it will appear to have been God's decree, andI hope thou wilt not oppose the accompMshment of that.Do what thou canst, thou wilt be damned when all isd<strong>on</strong>e *." Now in this case if thou debate the matter withthe devil, and begin to c<strong>on</strong>fer, thou art likely enough to bemore and more c<strong>on</strong>founded and entangled with inextricableast<strong>on</strong>ishment and danger to be utterly und<strong>on</strong>e, and suddenlyblown up by the mine of his soul-murdering sophistry. Butif, according to tiie example and practice of thy Lord andMaster, who hath begun unto thee in this bitter cup, "is<strong>afflicted</strong> in all thy afflicti<strong>on</strong>s," and ever stands by thee as avictorious commander and c<strong>on</strong>queror in all such assaults;first abominate and beat back this base and bloody moti<strong>on</strong>'*with infinite indignati<strong>on</strong> and loathing, " Avaunt, Satan !and then immediately lay hold <strong>on</strong> the sword of the Spirit,and keep him at the point of it, and then assuredly all thedevils in hell cannot hurt thee. Tell him, that against hisvile and villanous suggesti<strong>on</strong>s and all the subtleties andsophistry with which he sec<strong>on</strong>ds it, this is thy <strong>on</strong>ly answer,even the precise, holy, and everlasting countermand of hisand thy Creator, the mighty Lord of heaven and earth,"Thoushalt not kill." Now if it be a crims<strong>on</strong> and cryingsin, the most deadly opposite and desperate cut-throat ofcharity to kill another, and fasteneth such a deep and inexpiablestain up<strong>on</strong> the face of a whole kingdom, that it cannotbe razed out "but by the blood of him that shed it"(Numb. XXXV, 33) ; how execrable and heinous then isthis, and what depth of hell and height of horror doth thatabhorred miscreant deserve and may expect, who naakes* Here if thou answer— Yea, but in the mean time it is better tospend the remainder of my few and evil days up<strong>on</strong> earth than in hell,he will reply, But so thou shall increase thy sins here, and by c<strong>on</strong>sequencethy hellish pains hereafter; to which if thou rejoin, But theheinousness of self-murder and horribUness of despair may appear morevile and execrable in the eyes of God than all the other sins I maycommit to the last period of my natural course ;—he may then hideouslyroar, But so thou mayest both go <strong>on</strong> lo increase thy sins and makeaway thyself at last, and where art thou then ? &c. I know him tohave thus thrown his fiery darts into tremblinir hearts <strong>on</strong>e after anotherwith extreme subtleness and cruelty; and therefore in these cases d<strong>on</strong>ot admit of any dispute or c<strong>on</strong>ference with him; but up<strong>on</strong> the veryfirst assault (for who would hear him talk that will tell never a trueword, and is thy sworn enemy ?) be ever sure presently to lay hold up<strong>on</strong>the word of God, that weap<strong>on</strong> of proof which serves like a sword, not<strong>on</strong>ly for defence, as all the other pieces of armour, but also for uiTence.Beat liack with undaunted resoluti<strong>on</strong> and c<strong>on</strong>fidence this devilish dart,^and stop for ever the mouth of the tempter with the c<strong>on</strong>trary chai'geol'the most holy and all-powerful God — " Thou shalt not kill."

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