A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan


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AFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. 371even " out of a horrible pit be set up<strong>on</strong> a rock. " far abovethe reach of all hellish hurt or sting of horror. " In a littlewrath I hid my face from thee for a moment, but witheverlasting kindness will I have mercy up<strong>on</strong> thee, saith theLord thy Redeemer" (Isa. liv, 8).CHAP. XIX.Tlie Fifth Malady of an Afflicted C<strong>on</strong>science. <strong>The</strong> First way of curingit,wliicii isSpeculc-itive, and the first part of that way, which is byC<strong>on</strong>siderati<strong>on</strong>.5. <strong>The</strong>re is another terrible fiery dart, dipped full deep inthe very rankest pois<strong>on</strong> of the infernal pit, which though itbe not much talked of abroad, nor taken notice of by theworld, yet is secretly suggested and m.anaged with extremestmalice and cruelty in the silent bosoms of God'sblessed <strong>on</strong>es. <strong>The</strong> most holy hearts are many times mosthaunted with ihis foulest fiend. Strangers to the ways ofGod be not much troubled in this kind, nor ordinarily vexedwith such horrors. Satan, as I said before, makes as muchof his in this world as he can possibly, knowing that hehath time enough, even eternity to torment them in theworld to come ; and therefore he is not w<strong>on</strong>t to wield thisterrifying weap<strong>on</strong> against them, save <strong>on</strong>ly at some deadlift, or up<strong>on</strong> some special advantage, as under some extraordinarymisery, or in excess of melancholy, to drivethem thereby to distracti<strong>on</strong> or despair. Or it may be, Godmay suffer him to afilict thus hideously some grievous sinnerwhom he is about to bring in ; to prepare him thereby(though the devil himself meaneth not so) for the pangs ofthe new birth, deeper humiliati<strong>on</strong>s, and more vehementdesires to get under the wings of Christ from that hellishkite. Or he may sometimes mingle these horrible stingswith the terrors of spiritual travail, up<strong>on</strong> purpose to hinderc<strong>on</strong>versi<strong>on</strong> by a diversi<strong>on</strong> into bye-ways, or frighteningback again to folly and former courses. But sure 1 am, theordinary object and special aim of Satan's malice in thispoint are <strong>on</strong>ly those who have happily escaped out of hisclutches already, and are fully and for ever freed from hisdamning fury and all deadly hurt. And I know not whetherthere be any of these which doth not less or more, at <strong>on</strong>etime or other, sufl^er under this horror. And yet every<strong>on</strong>eof them thinks himself singular in this suffering; and thatit is not usual for God's children to have such prodigiously

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