A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

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:370 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMFORTINGthe soul of any son or daughter of Adam been saved. Itwas not the glory and treasures of the whole earth, notany streaming sacrifices of purest gold, not the life of menand angels ; no, not the power and prostration of all thecreatures in heaven and earth, or of ten thousand worldsbesides, could have prevailed, satisfied, and served theturn in this case. Either the "heir of all things" mustdie, or we had all been damned. Is the heart then of anymourner in Zion heavy and ready to break for sorrow becausehe hath lost the light of God's face, feeling of hislove, and consolations of grace ; so that the darkness of hisspirit thereupon frights him with repossession of his pardonedsins, temptations to despair, and fears lest he be forsaken 1O then let him hie and have speedy recourse unto this heavenlycordial, when our Lord and our love felt the curse ofour sins and his Father's hottest wrath coming upon himin the garden, without any outward violence at all, onlyout of the pain of his own thoughts, bled, through the fleshand skin, not some faint dew, but even solid drops ofblood ; and afterwards in the bitterness of his soul criedout upon the cross, " My God, my God, why hast thou forsakenme " 1 And none of all this for himself; for no stainat ail did cleave to his sacred soul ; but all this (the leastof which we can no more express than we could undergo)for thy sake and salvation alone, who lovest our Lord JesusChrist in sincerity. And therefore ground upon it as uponthe surest rock, even in the height of thy heavy-heartednessand depth of spiritual desertion, that those depths of sorrov\^,whereof our thoughts can find no bottom, throughwhich he waded in his bloody sweat, cry upon the cross,and painful sufferings in soul, did most certainly free theeeverlastingly from the guilt, venom, and endless vengeanceof all terrors of conscience, agonies of spirit, temptationsto despair, and damnations of hell. The righteous Judgeof all the world will never expect or exact at the handsof any of his creatures double payment, a double punishment.Our dearest Saviour hath satisfied to the utmostwith his own blood the rigour and extremity of his Father'sjustice in thy behalf ; and therefore it is utterly impossiblethat thou shouldst ever finally perish. Inward afflictionsand troubles of mind may for a tim.e press thee so sore,that thou mayest be ready to sink for chastisement, trial,prevention of sin, perfecting the pangs of the new birth,example to others, &c. But in despite of the united rageand policy of all infernal powers, thou shalt in due time beraised again by that victorious and triumphant hand which" bruised the serpent's head" and burst the heart of hell

AFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. 371even " out of a horrible pit be set upon a rock. " far abovethe reach of all hellish hurt or sting of horror. " In a littlewrath I hid my face from thee for a moment, but witheverlasting kindness will I have mercy upon thee, saith theLord thy Redeemer" (Isa. liv, 8).CHAP. XIX.Tlie Fifth Malady of an Afflicted Conscience. The First way of curingit,wliicii isSpeculc-itive, and the first part of that way, which is byConsideration.5. There is another terrible fiery dart, dipped full deep inthe very rankest poison of the infernal pit, which though itbe not much talked of abroad, nor taken notice of by theworld, yet is secretly suggested and m.anaged with extremestmalice and cruelty in the silent bosoms of God'sblessed ones. The most holy hearts are many times mosthaunted with ihis foulest fiend. Strangers to the ways ofGod be not much troubled in this kind, nor ordinarily vexedwith such horrors. Satan, as I said before, makes as muchof his in this world as he can possibly, knowing that hehath time enough, even eternity to torment them in theworld to come ; and therefore he is not wont to wield thisterrifying weapon against them, save only at some deadlift, or upon some special advantage, as under some extraordinarymisery, or in excess of melancholy, to drivethem thereby to distraction or despair. Or it may be, Godmay suffer him to afilict thus hideously some grievous sinnerwhom he is about to bring in ; to prepare him thereby(though the devil himself meaneth not so) for the pangs ofthe new birth, deeper humiliations, and more vehementdesires to get under the wings of Christ from that hellishkite. Or he may sometimes mingle these horrible stingswith the terrors of spiritual travail, upon purpose to hinderconversion by a diversion into bye-ways, or frighteningback again to folly and former courses. But sure 1 am, theordinary object and special aim of Satan's malice in thispoint are only those who have happily escaped out of hisclutches already, and are fully and for ever freed from hisdamning fury and all deadly hurt. And I know not whetherthere be any of these which doth not less or more, at onetime or other, sufl^er under this horror. And yet everyoneof them thinks himself singular in this suffering; and thatit is not usual for God's children to have such prodigiously

:370 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMFORTINGthe soul of any s<strong>on</strong> or daughter of Adam been saved. Itwas not the glory and treasures of the whole earth, notany streaming sacrifices of purest gold, not the life of menand angels ; no, not the power and prostrati<strong>on</strong> of all thecreatures in heaven and earth, or of ten thousand worldsbesides, could have prevailed, satisfied, and served theturn in this case. Either the "heir of all things" mustdie, or we had all been damned. Is the heart then of anymourner in Zi<strong>on</strong> heavy and ready to break for sorrow becausehe hath lost the light of God's face, feeling of hislove, and c<strong>on</strong>solati<strong>on</strong>s of grace ; so that the darkness of hisspirit thereup<strong>on</strong> frights him with repossessi<strong>on</strong> of his pard<strong>on</strong>edsins, temptati<strong>on</strong>s to despair, and fears lest he be forsaken 1O then let him hie and have speedy recourse unto this heavenlycordial, when our Lord and our love felt the curse ofour sins and his Father's hottest wrath coming up<strong>on</strong> himin the garden, without any outward violence at all, <strong>on</strong>lyout of the pain of his own thoughts, bled, through the fleshand skin, not some faint dew, but even solid drops ofblood ; and afterwards in the bitterness of his soul criedout up<strong>on</strong> the cross, " My God, my God, why hast thou forsakenme " 1 And n<strong>on</strong>e of all this for himself; for no stainat ail did cleave to his sacred soul ; but all this (the leastof which we can no more express than we could undergo)for thy sake and salvati<strong>on</strong> al<strong>on</strong>e, who lovest our Lord JesusChrist in sincerity. And therefore ground up<strong>on</strong> it as up<strong>on</strong>the surest rock, even in the height of thy heavy-heartednessand depth of spiritual deserti<strong>on</strong>, that those depths of sorrov\^,whereof our thoughts can find no bottom, throughwhich he waded in his bloody sweat, cry up<strong>on</strong> the cross,and painful sufferings in soul, did most certainly free theeeverlastingly from the guilt, venom, and endless vengeanceof all terrors of c<strong>on</strong>science, ag<strong>on</strong>ies of spirit, temptati<strong>on</strong>sto despair, and damnati<strong>on</strong>s of hell. <strong>The</strong> righteous Judgeof all the world will never expect or exact at the handsof any of his creatures double payment, a double punishment.Our dearest Saviour hath satisfied to the utmostwith his own blood the rigour and extremity of his Father'sjustice in thy behalf ; and therefore it is utterly impossiblethat thou shouldst ever finally perish. Inward afflicti<strong>on</strong>sand troubles of mind may for a tim.e press thee so sore,that thou mayest be ready to sink for chastisement, trial,preventi<strong>on</strong> of sin, perfecting the pangs of the new birth,example to others, &c. But in despite of the united rageand policy of all infernal powers, thou shalt in due time beraised again by that victorious and triumphant hand which" bruised the serpent's head" and burst the heart of hell

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