A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan


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AFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. 369distress. And so also all others, who have been most <strong>afflicted</strong>either with outward troubles or inward terrors, orboth, are ever most ht and feeling to speak unto the heart,to put to their helping hand, and make much of comfortlessand miserable men, troubled and tempted as they havebeen. And such was the case of our blessed Saviour in hissufferings for our sakes. He was exercised all his life l<strong>on</strong>gwith variety and extremity of cruellies, indignities, and allmanner of vexati<strong>on</strong>s bey<strong>on</strong>d measure, grievous, bitter, andintolerable. He drank full deep of the world's disgrace ;the devil's malice ; the rage of great <strong>on</strong>es ; the c<strong>on</strong>temptand c<strong>on</strong>tumelies of the vilest ; the scornful insultings of hisenemies; sorest sufferings from all things in heaven, earth,,and hell ; of those pinching passi<strong>on</strong>s, hunger, thirst, weariness; of bodily tortures, hideous temptati<strong>on</strong>s, ag<strong>on</strong>ies ofspirit, even of the full cup of his Father's fiery wrath, andhorrors of soul for our sins to the very last drop, whichv^ent as far bey<strong>on</strong>d his other outward extremities, as the soulgoes bey<strong>on</strong>d the body, or God's utmost anger the malice ofmen ; whereby he is now blessedly htted and enabled excellently" to succour them that are tempted." C<strong>on</strong>sciousnessof his own case in the " days of his flesh " is a keen incentiveto his holy and heavenly soul, more sensibly andso<strong>on</strong> to take pity up<strong>on</strong> and ease the several necessities,troubles, sorrows, and soul-afflicti<strong>on</strong>s of all his children.(3.) As this ever-blessed Redeemer of ours was in himselfmore than infinitely free, and more than far enoughfrom all sins ; so by c<strong>on</strong>sequence from any inherent causeof the least cross, or any shadow in the world of his dearestFather's displeased countenance. For originally he wasof a most pure, harmless, and holy nature all his life l<strong>on</strong>g ;kind, sweet, and gracious to every creature ; offendingn<strong>on</strong>e, doing good unto all; in his death incomparably patient,"brought as an innocent lamb" to that bloodyslaughter ;" not opening his mouth " for all those base andbarbarous provocati<strong>on</strong>s of the cruel and merciless miscreantsabout him ; swimming in blood, burning in zeal,,wrestling in prayer even for the salvati<strong>on</strong> of his enemies.So that his guiltless and unspotted soul had no need at allof any passi<strong>on</strong> or expiati<strong>on</strong>. All his sorrows and sufferingswere voluntarily underg<strong>on</strong>e <strong>on</strong>ly for our sakes andsins. Had not the precious heart's blood of the <strong>on</strong>ly, dear,natural, eternal S<strong>on</strong> of God, been poured out as water up<strong>on</strong>the ground, wliereat the whole creati<strong>on</strong> was ast<strong>on</strong>ished,the earth trembled and shook, her rocks clave asunder, hergraves opened, the heavens withdrew their light, as notdaring to behold this sad and fearful spectacle, never bad

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