A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

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:366 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMFORTINGbeams of their fatherly favour, under some aflfected angryfrowns,as when things are carried more currently and comfortablybetwixt them without any great distaste and discontentment,or occasion to discover the mutual impatiency oftheir loves one unto another 1 And shall not the Father of ourspirits, who loves us with the same love with which he lovesthe Lord Jesus himself; surpass as far in affectionate compassiontowards us in the like case as an Almighty Goddoth a mortal manl He cannot choose, because the vvordis already gone out of his mouth ": Like as a father pitiethhis child, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him " (Psalmciii, 13). I am persuaded God's bowels of compassionatetender-heartedness and love did yearn within him towardsJob with more dearness and delight at that cry, " Though heslay me, yet will I trust in him " ( Job xiii, 15), than at anytime else, even in the spring of his spiritual prosperity, orfullest tide of most heavenly feelings. Here then is comfort,raorethanthy heart canhold, if thou wilt be counselled by theprophets, that thou mayest prosper. For when thou thinkestthat all is gone, that thou art a lost man, and utterly forsaken, even in the depth of thy spiritual darkness (thoubeing so spiritually disposed as 1 have said, and which thoucanst not deny), I say even then (and thou oughtest so toapprehend and believe) the love of God is, as it were,doubled towards thee, much more endeared by reason of thydistress, and cannot hold, but breaks out many times intoextraordinary pangs and expressions thereof, as we maysee Isa. liv, 11, " O thou afflicted, tossed with tempest, andnot comforted," &c. ; and into profession of resolution andwaiting to do us good, which he will superabundantly performin the best time. " Behold; I will lay thy stones with faircolours, and lay thy foundations with sapphires." (ibid.)" And therefore will the Lord wait that he may be graciousunto you ; and therefore will he be exalted that he mayhave mercy upon you ; for the Lord is a God of judgmentblessed are all they that wait for him " (Isa. xxx, 18).Withdrawing the effects and exercise of our love from himwhom we love dearly, makes it return with redoubled fervourinto our own bosoms, and there grow into a more vehementflame, which never rests until it break out again with dearerpangs upon the beloved party. Even as when the sun suffersan eclipse, and its beams are driven back and reflectedfrom the face of the moon interposed directly between it andour sight, so that they shine not upon us, then is the heat *and light thereof multiplied and much intended toward the* Or at least virtual power of heatiug.

AFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. 367fountain, which afterwards is shed down upon us againmore amiably and acceptably when the darkness is done.And let us further take notice, that Christ, our eldest brother,blessed for ever, deals with us in such cases as Joseph(a type of him in many respects) dealt with his brethren.He frowned upon them, handled them roughly, and frightedthem extremely, only to humble tliem thoroughly ; but inthe mean time and midst of his menacing carriage, his heartwas so full of natural affection, that he was enforced bythe excess thereof to turn aside and weep, and so return tothern again. " And he turned himself about from them andwept, and returned to them again " (Gen. xlii, 24). So theSon of God, as well as God the Father through him, thoughsometimes " in a little wrath he hide his face from us ;"yet as he will certainly after " a small moment gather uswith great mercies "; so in the mean time " he is afflicted,"and most tenderly affected towards us *' in all our afflictions."See Isa. Ixiii, 9.CHAP. XVIII.The last help for the Curing of the former Malady.7. Think it not strange that thou art fallen into this kindof spiritual affliction, as though some strange thing, or thatwhich doth not or may not befal the dearest servants ofGod, had happened unto thee ; for herein thou becomestconformable to as holy men as ever the world had ; Job,David, Heman, Luther, 6cc. ; nay, to the Son of God himself,from whose example and precedency let the Christian,even in the darkest horror of a spiritual desertion, when heis afraid lest God hath forsaken him, fetch abundance ofcomfort and support out of such considerations as these —:(L) Christ himself was in the same case. Besides anumberless variety of most barbarous cruelties inflictedupon his blessed body by the merciless and implacablemalice of the Jews, and by consequent sympathy uponhis glorious soul ; he suffered also in soul immediately, intolerable,and (save by himself) unconquerable tormentsand pain. He grasped with the fiercest wrath of his Fatherfor our sins, and sweat blood under the sense of his angrycountenance. Nay, this cross upon his soul, infinitely moreweighty than that which he carried upon his shoulders towardsCalvary, did not only cause streams of great bloodydrops to fall down to the ground ; but also pressed fromhim that heavy jroaa, Mat. xxvi, 38, " My soul is exceed-

:366 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMFORTINGbeams of their fatherly favour, under some aflfected angryfrowns,as when things are carried more currently and comfortablybetwixt them without any great distaste and disc<strong>on</strong>tentment,or occasi<strong>on</strong> to discover the mutual impatiency oftheir loves <strong>on</strong>e unto another 1 And shall not the Father of ourspirits, who loves us with the same love with which he lovesthe Lord Jesus himself; surpass as far in affecti<strong>on</strong>ate compassi<strong>on</strong>towards us in the like case as an Almighty Goddoth a mortal manl He cannot choose, because the vvordis already g<strong>on</strong>e out of his mouth ": Like as a father pitiethhis child, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him " (Psalmciii, 13). I am persuaded God's bowels of compassi<strong>on</strong>atetender-heartedness and love did yearn within him towardsJob with more dearness and delight at that cry, " Though heslay me, yet will I trust in him " ( Job xiii, 15), than at anytime else, even in the spring of his spiritual prosperity, orfullest tide of most heavenly feelings. Here then is comfort,raorethanthy heart canhold, if thou wilt be counselled by theprophets, that thou mayest prosper. For when thou thinkestthat all is g<strong>on</strong>e, that thou art a lost man, and utterly forsaken, even in the depth of thy spiritual darkness (thoubeing so spiritually disposed as 1 have said, and which thoucanst not deny), I say even then (and thou oughtest so toapprehend and believe) the love of God is, as it were,doubled towards thee, much more endeared by reas<strong>on</strong> of thydistress, and cannot hold, but breaks out many times intoextraordinary pangs and expressi<strong>on</strong>s thereof, as we maysee Isa. liv, 11, " O thou <strong>afflicted</strong>, tossed with tempest, andnot comforted," &c. ; and into professi<strong>on</strong> of resoluti<strong>on</strong> andwaiting to do us good, which he will superabundantly performin the best time. " Behold; I will lay thy st<strong>on</strong>es with faircolours, and lay thy foundati<strong>on</strong>s with sapphires." (ibid.)" And therefore will the Lord wait that he may be graciousunto you ; and therefore will he be exalted that he mayhave mercy up<strong>on</strong> you ; for the Lord is a God of judgmentblessed are all they that wait for him " (Isa. xxx, 18).Withdrawing the effects and exercise of our love from himwhom we love dearly, makes it return with redoubled fervourinto our own bosoms, and there grow into a more vehementflame, which never rests until it break out again with dearerpangs up<strong>on</strong> the beloved party. Even as when the sun suffersan eclipse, and its beams are driven back and reflectedfrom the face of the mo<strong>on</strong> interposed directly between it andour sight, so that they shine not up<strong>on</strong> us, then is the heat *and light thereof multiplied and much intended toward the* Or at least virtual power of heatiug.

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