A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan


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How360 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMFORTINGand favour, falling to prayer, vowing better obedience, andpromising up<strong>on</strong> deliverance much holiness and a happychange. What mighty groans of spirit proceed from thedeserted in such a case, which are the str<strong>on</strong>gest piayers,though in that ag<strong>on</strong>y they falsely complain that they cannotpray ! greedy are they of godly c<strong>on</strong>ference, counsel,and vcomfort out of the word, days of humiliati<strong>on</strong>, of themost searching serm<strong>on</strong>s, godliest company, presence andprayers of the precisest ministers ! How fearful are they tohear any worldly talk up<strong>on</strong> the Lord's day ! How sensibleof the least sin, any dish<strong>on</strong>our of God, and all appearanceof evil ! In a word, how busy are they about that <strong>on</strong>enecessary thing ! Sec<strong>on</strong>dly, Of compassi<strong>on</strong>ateness towardsothers. Self-sufferings soften men's hearts towards theirbrethren : pers<strong>on</strong>al miseries make them pitiful and painfulto afford all possible help in times of distress. Experienceof our own weaknesses, wants, danger to sink under thewaves of God's wrath, and disability to subsist by ourselves,begets a sweet mildness and gentle behaviour towards ourneighbours, whose assistance, visitati<strong>on</strong>, and prayers wenow see we stand in need of in extremities and evil times.Prosperiiy is apt of itself to beget scornfulness, insolency,self-c<strong>on</strong>fidence, and c<strong>on</strong>tempt of others ; but God's handup<strong>on</strong> us, especially in afflicti<strong>on</strong>s of soul, teacheth us anotherless<strong>on</strong>; to wit, how frail, weak, and unworthy we are.Thirdly, Of self-knowledge. In times of peace and calmness,looking through the false spectacles of self-love andc<strong>on</strong>ceitedness, we are ready to over-estimate and outprizeour gifts, to mistake shadows for substances, smallest mitesof virtue for richest talents, the infant beginnings of gracefor tallness in Christ. But remove these deceiving glasses,and let the touchst<strong>on</strong>e of some sorer trial represent ourselvesunto ourselves, and we shall more clearly see our spiritualabilities in their true nature and proporti<strong>on</strong>. <strong>The</strong>n all unsoundsemblances of self c<strong>on</strong>ceited sufficiencies and formerflourishes of unhumble assurance, which, like gilded papersor posts, showing gloriously in the sunshine, and seemingpure gold in outward appearance, will vanish quite awayand come to nothing in the fire of spiritual afflicti<strong>on</strong>. <strong>The</strong>nthe weakness of our too much vaunted of Christian valourwill be discoveied unto us, and acknowledged by us, whenwe are put to wrestle with the wrath of God, and left tothe horror of some hideous temptati<strong>on</strong>.4. Hear Mr. Hooker, a man of great learning and verysound in this point : I vary some words, but keep the senseentire. " Happier a great deal is that man's case whosesoul by inward desolati<strong>on</strong> is humbled, than he whose heart

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