A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

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330 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMFORTINGwalk on heavily and lame, in respect of those comfortablesupporters of the soul, affiance, hope, spiritual joy, peaceot conscience, sense of God's favour, boldness m his ways,courage in good causes, delight in the company of thesaints, &c. Such a damp, also, and desertion may comeupon the soul, especially after a fall into some new open,scandalous sin, whereby not only their own conscienceswithin are grievously wounded, but also for their sakes andsin, the profession of God's truth abroad scandalized anddisgraced, the common state ef goodness questioned andtraduced, the heart and glory of Christianity hurt and distained.Uavid was thus dealt with in God's just judgment^ afterhis monstious and matchless* fall. God's good Spirit hadrichly crowned his royal heart with abundance of sanctificationand purity, and had graciously filled him aforetimewith the fruits and feeling thereof, and thereupon manyheavenly dews, no doubt, of spiritual joys had many timessweetly refreshed his blessed soul ; but by the heinousscandalousness of his hateful fall he so grieved that goodSpirit, and turned the face of God from him, that he hadneither sense of the comforts of the one, nor of the favourof the other. The spiritual life of his soul, the eye ofhis judgm,ent, light of conscience, lightsomeness in theHoly Ghost, and the whole grace of sanctification, wereso wasted, dazzled, confounded, weakened, raked underthe ashes, as it were, and lun into the root, that he speaksas if he had utterly lost them, and so stood in need of anew infusion and creation thereof ( I'salm li, 10). But,by the May, conceive aright of David's spiritual conditionat this time. Though in his own feeling and presentapprehension he so complains and cries out for a newcreation, as though all were gone; yet even when hewas at the lowest and worst, the soul and substance, ifI may so speak, of saving grace and salvation did abide stillrooted and resident in his heart ; which once implantedby God's omnipotent merciful hand in a humble soul,and taking root, it there sticks fast for ever, far more immoveablethan a thousand IMount Zions. The blossoms,buds, and fruits may sometimes be foully cankered, as itwere, by our own conuptions, shrewdly nipped by the frostof some earthly affections, blasted by sharper tempests ofSatan's temptations : but the foundation standeth sure,grounded and founded upon the unchangeable nature ofGod, and immutability of his counsel ; and therefore in* I mean, he being God' teircliild.

!AFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. 331spite of the malice of all, both mortal and immortal rage,there is still life in the root, which in due season will springout again and grow up to everlasting life.In the present instance, all purity and cleanness of heartwas not utterly extinguished and abolished in David :lor,(1.) Some little at least was left, which descried and discoveredthose spots and pollutions of tilthiness and impuritywhich had lately overgrown it. For grace discoverscorruption, not nature. A sensible complaint of hardnessof heart, and an earnest desire after softness, is a signthat the heart is not wholly hard. A sincere crying outagainst impurity, and hearty endeavours after purity, arguesthe presence of the punfying Spirit(2.) And how was this holy ejaculation, " Create in mea clean heart, () God, and renew a right spirit within me,"created, but by the Spirit of grace and supplications ?Which blessed sanctifying Spirit was all the while rootedand resident in David's heart, by a saving existence there,though not so fully by an eft'ectual operation and exercise.TMvines about this point consider : First, The infinite,free, and eternal love and favour towards his child, withwhich whom he loves once, he loves for ever. The giftsand calling of Ood; that is, as best interpreters affirm,the gifts of effectual calling, effects of his free grace, aresuch as God never repenteth of, or taketh away. Secondly;His sanctifying Spirit, which he gives unto him.Thirdly ; The habits of graces created in his heart bythat blessed Spirit, justification, regeneration, adoption.Fourthly ; The feeling exercises and acts of those graces,with many sweet and glorious refreshings of spiritual joyspringing thence, 'i he three first, after we be once Christ's,are oius for ever, the last may be suspended, and ceasefor a time.(3.) By way of interpretation, in the latter part of theverse he calleth the creation of the grace of sanctificationin his heart, a renovation and raising thereof to the samedegree wherein it was in former time.(4.) He cries unto the Lord, " Not to take his holySpirit from him" (ver. 11); and therefore that blessedSpirit was not gone. It were very absurd and incongruousto desire the not taking away of that tiling which we havenot. He certainly hath the Holy Spirit, who heartily desireshe may not be taken away from him.David's desire then of a clean heart did not argue thatit was utterly unclean, and wholly turned into a lump offilth (Sanctity and cleanness of heart is never wholly extinguishedin any one once truly sanctified, it was not in

!AFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. 331spite of the malice of all, both mortal and immortal rage,there is still life in the root, which in due seas<strong>on</strong> will springout again and grow up to everlasting life.In the present instance, all purity and cleanness of heartwas not utterly extinguished and abolished in David :lor,(1.) Some little at least was left, which descried and discoveredthose spots and polluti<strong>on</strong>s of tilthiness and impuritywhich had lately overgrown it. For grace discoverscorrupti<strong>on</strong>, not nature. A sensible complaint of hardnessof heart, and an earnest desire after softness, is a signthat the heart is not wholly hard. A sincere crying outagainst impurity, and hearty endeavours after purity, arguesthe presence of the punfying Spirit(2.) And how was this holy ejaculati<strong>on</strong>, " Create in mea clean heart, () God, and renew a right spirit within me,"created, but by the Spirit of grace and supplicati<strong>on</strong>s ?Which blessed sanctifying Spirit was all the while rootedand resident in David's heart, by a saving existence there,though not so fully by an eft'ectual operati<strong>on</strong> and exercise.TMvines about this point c<strong>on</strong>sider : First, <strong>The</strong> infinite,free, and eternal love and favour towards his child, withwhich whom he loves <strong>on</strong>ce, he loves for ever. <strong>The</strong> giftsand calling of Ood; that is, as best interpreters affirm,the gifts of effectual calling, effects of his free grace, aresuch as God never repenteth of, or taketh away. Sec<strong>on</strong>dly;His sanctifying Spirit, which he gives unto him.Thirdly ; <strong>The</strong> habits of graces created in his heart bythat blessed Spirit, justificati<strong>on</strong>, regenerati<strong>on</strong>, adopti<strong>on</strong>.Fourthly ; <strong>The</strong> feeling exercises and acts of those graces,with many sweet and glorious refreshings of spiritual joyspringing thence, 'i he three first, after we be <strong>on</strong>ce Christ's,are oius for ever, the last may be suspended, and ceasefor a time.(3.) By way of interpretati<strong>on</strong>, in the latter part of theverse he calleth the creati<strong>on</strong> of the grace of sanctificati<strong>on</strong>in his heart, a renovati<strong>on</strong> and raising thereof to the samedegree wherein it was in former time.(4.) He cries unto the Lord, " Not to take his holySpirit from him" (ver. 11); and therefore that blessedSpirit was not g<strong>on</strong>e. It were very absurd and inc<strong>on</strong>gruousto desire the not taking away of that tiling which we havenot. He certainly hath the Holy Spirit, who heartily desireshe may not be taken away from him.David's desire then of a clean heart did not argue thatit was utterly unclean, and wholly turned into a lump offilth (Sanctity and cleanness of heart is never wholly extinguishedin any <strong>on</strong>e <strong>on</strong>ce truly sanctified, it was not in

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