A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

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322 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMFORTINGtreme filth, extortions, pollutions. Physicians, by ripeningdiseases, make way to heal them ; for diseased matter isnever more easily removed than when it exceedeth in ripenessand quantity.4th. Lying long in ignorance, sensuality, and dissolutelife, without profitable and powerful means. In this case,upon the first awaking and affrighting the conscience forsin, it may be exposed to many terrible perplexities andlonger continued terrors. For the light of natural consciencebred with them in their own bosoms may in themean time serve to enrage and torture, as we see in manyguilty heathens ; but there is no natural light to lead us toChrist and evangelical comforts. 'J'he commandments haveground in nature ; but the mystery of the gospel is whollysupernatural. We find by manifold experience what a hardand heavy task it is to undertake a poor ignorant soul,troubled in mind. The cure is many times very difficult,dangerous, and long. The darkness of their ignorance,being now distressed in conscience, is very fit and fearfulmatter for Satan to work on hideously, and to play his pestilentpranks of most gross impostures and much hellishcruelty. His malicious main plot against such, and his utmostendeavour ordinarily is to drive them to self-destruction,if it be possible, before they get understanding in tlieways of God, or we can get any competent light and comfortinto their consciences.(2.) Some concurrent circumstances ; as,1st. The melancholic and sad constitution of the party ;that humour doth naturally give extraordinary entertainmentand edge to terrors and sorrows.2d. The crabbedness and crookedness of his natural disposition,which must be tamed and taken down with morelabour and with much violence. A hard and knotty blockmust have a hard wedge. An angry word or frown willwork more with some dispositions, than many sore blowsupon a cross and sturdy spirit. God is here wont sweetlyand wisely to apply himself to the several natures, conditions,and dispositions of his children.3d. Height of place and happiness to have for this lifewhat heart can wish. Whereby it comes to pass that menare so deeply drowned in sensuality, epicurism, and earthlymindedness,that for a thorough change they have needmany times to be taken down thoroughly with a deep senseof legal terrors.4th. Excellency of natural or acquired parts and endowments; as wit, learning, courage, wisdom, &c. wretchedlyabused and long misemployed upon wrong and wicked ob-

AFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. 323jects. Much ado many times and a great measure of humiliationwill hardly fright such vain over-valuers of themselvesand idolizers of their own sufficiency from their admiredfollie^. And here also Satan interposeth most furiously,and hinders this hai)py work all he can possibly ; forhe well knows, that if such noble and worthy parts shouldbe sanctified to the owners and turned the right way, hiskingdom would fare the worse and he should be a greaterloser. Suppose a Christian prince should with his armybreak into the Turk's dominion, would not the Turk fortifythose castles best, out of which being won, ihe enemymight do him most harm ? So whom the devil seeth to bethe likeliest instruments for the overthrow of his kingdom,if once they become temples of the Holy Ghost, those he ismost loath to lose, and labours mightily to keep in his slaverystill. And therefore he opposes with all his power and policy,raising as.many tempests of terror as he is able, that hemay either drive them back in their passage to the holypath, or swallow them up in the abhorred gulf of despairby the way.5th. A more searching and piercing ministry, which isordinarily wont to awake the conscience with more terror,to irradiate and fill it with more universal and clearer light,to quicken it with more apprehension, and so proportionablyto aftect and afflict it with a more feeling and fearfulsense of God's most just and holy wrath against sin.Whereupon they become excellent and everlasting Christians.6th. Biting it in, as it may be called, and not openingthe wound of conscience betimes to some skilful soul physician,may be an unhappy means, much to enlarge boththe continuance and extremity of a man's spiritual trouble.Shame, bashfulness, pretence of want of opportunity, hopeto get through by himself, ice., are ordinary keys to lock uphis tongue at such a time. But sure I am, Satan hathachief stroke and principal part to persuade concealment.For, alas ! he wins by it wofully. All the while he plieswith great advantage and much subtlety his hideous temptationsto self- killing, despair of mercy, returning again tofolly, &c. ; and it is to be feared, which is a most grievousthing, that sometimes by this cruel silence he conquersand casts some poor souls upon the bloody and most abhorredvillany of self-murder. Let such a one then be eversure most resolutely to break through the devil's accursedsnare in this kind, and to pour out his soul secrets betimesinto some faithful holy bosom. J have heard many afterthey have escaped tell what strange tricks and variety of

AFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. 323jects. Much ado many times and a great measure of humiliati<strong>on</strong>will hardly fright such vain over-valuers of themselvesand idolizers of their own sufficiency from their admiredfollie^. And here also Satan interposeth most furiously,and hinders this hai)py work all he can possibly ; forhe well knows, that if such noble and worthy parts shouldbe sanctified to the owners and turned the right way, hiskingdom would fare the worse and he should be a greaterloser. Suppose a Christian prince should with his armybreak into the Turk's domini<strong>on</strong>, would not the Turk fortifythose castles best, out of which being w<strong>on</strong>, ihe enemymight do him most harm ? So whom the devil seeth to bethe likeliest instruments for the overthrow of his kingdom,if <strong>on</strong>ce they become temples of the Holy Ghost, those he ismost loath to lose, and labours mightily to keep in his slaverystill. And therefore he opposes with all his power and policy,raising as.many tempests of terror as he is able, that hemay either drive them back in their passage to the holypath, or swallow them up in the abhorred gulf of despairby the way.5th. A more searching and piercing ministry, which isordinarily w<strong>on</strong>t to awake the c<strong>on</strong>science with more terror,to irradiate and fill it with more universal and clearer light,to quicken it with more apprehensi<strong>on</strong>, and so proporti<strong>on</strong>ablyto aftect and afflict it with a more feeling and fearfulsense of God's most just and holy wrath against sin.Whereup<strong>on</strong> they become excellent and everlasting Christians.6th. Biting it in, as it may be called, and not openingthe wound of c<strong>on</strong>science betimes to some skilful soul physician,may be an unhappy means, much to enlarge boththe c<strong>on</strong>tinuance and extremity of a man's spiritual trouble.Shame, bashfulness, pretence of want of opportunity, hopeto get through by himself, ice., are ordinary keys to lock uphis t<strong>on</strong>gue at such a time. But sure I am, Satan hathachief stroke and principal part to persuade c<strong>on</strong>cealment.For, alas ! he wins by it wofully. All the while he plieswith great advantage and much subtlety his hideous temptati<strong>on</strong>sto self- killing, despair of mercy, returning again tofolly, &c. ; and it is to be feared, which is a most grievousthing, that sometimes by this cruel silence he c<strong>on</strong>quersand casts some poor souls up<strong>on</strong> the bloody and most abhorredvillany of self-murder. Let such a <strong>on</strong>e then be eversure most resolutely to break through the devil's accursedsnare in this kind, and to pour out his soul secrets betimesinto some faithful holy bosom. J have heard many afterthey have escaped tell what strange tricks and variety of

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