A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

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304 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMFORTINGyet thy spiritual state is not thereby prejudiced, but thysalvation is still most sure ; and thy first taste of thoseeternal joys shall be the sweeter, by how much thy formertemptations and trials have been the sorer : for we mustever hold fast this blessed tiuth, that we are justified bycasting ourselves upon Christ, not by comfort; by faith,not by feeling ; by trusting the sure word of God, not byassurance.CHAP. VI.Two Considerations more against Unadvisedness, for the Cure of theformer Malady.But I desire to come yet nearer to thy conscience, and topress comfort upon thee with such strong and irresistiblearguments, as all the subtlety of the infernal powers willnever be able to dissolve.Thou sayest, and 1 suppose so, that thou art "weary ofall thy sins," dost hunger and thirst after the righteousnessof Christ ;prizest him before all the world ; hast cast thyselfupon his truth and tender-heartedness for everlastingsafety ; and yet thou feelest no special sensible joy in thineheart thereupon. Be it so ;yet upon this occasion take raycounsel, and at my request address thyself again, and haverecourse afresh unto the promises : settle thy soul uponthem seriously, with fixed meditation and fervent prayer :set thyself purposely with earnestness and industry to suckfrom them their heavenly sweetness. And then, how is itpossible that thine humble, upright heart should makeresist ince to those mighty torrents of spiritual joys andrefreshings, which by a natural and necessary consequencespring abundantly from the ensuing comfortable conclusions,grounded upon the sure word of God, and thine ow^n inwardsense and most certain undeniable experience tVVhosoever "hungers and thirsts after righteousness"is blessed from Christ's own mouth. Matt, v, 6. And thisblessedness compriseth an absolute and universal confluenceof all excellencies, perfections, pleasures, and felicities inthis world, and in the world to come ; begun in somemeasure in the kingdom of grace, and made complete inthe kingdom of glory through all eternity.But I, mayest thou say, out of evident feeling andexperience, find myself to " hunger and thirst after righteousness."

;AFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. 305Therefore I am most certainly blessed and interested inall the rich purchases of Christ's dearest blood and merit,which is the full price of the kingdom of heaven and allthe glory thereof.Whosoever is athirst, hath his part in the " fountainof the water of life " (Rev. xxi, 6 ; xxii, 17 ; John vii, 37and Isa. Iv, 1).But I, mayest thou say, cannot deny, dare not belie myself,but that my poor heart thirsts unfeignedly to be bathedin the heavenly streams of God's free favour and Christ'ssovereign blood.Therefore, undoubtedly I have my part in the well of lifeeverlastingly ;whence, what delicious streams of dearestjoy do sweetly flow !Whosoever " labours and is heavy laden " may justlychallenge at the hands of Christ rest and refreshing (Matt,xi, 28).But I feel all my sins an intolerable burthen upon mywounded soul, and most willingly take him as a Saviourand a Lord.Therefore I have my portion in his spiritual and eternalrest."The High and Lofty One that inhabiteth eternity,whose name is Holy," and who dwells " in the high andholy place ;" dwelleth also in every " humble and contritespirit," as in a royal throne. He hath, as it were, twothrones ; one in the empyrean heaven, the other in a brokenheart (Isa. Ivii, 15).But my heart lies groveling in the dust, humbled underthe mighty hand of God, and trembling at his feet.Therefore it is the mansion of Jehovah, blessed for ever.Whosoever " confesseth and forsaketh his sins shall havemercy " (Prov. xxviii, 13).But I confess and abominate all sin, resolved never to'*turn again to folly."Therefore mercy is most certainly mine.He in whose heart the Holy Ghost hath enkindled a kindlyheat of affection to the brethren, hath passed from death tolife (1 John iii, 14).But, by the mercy of God, my heart is wholly set uponthe "brotherhood " (1 Pet. ii, 17), which I heartily hatedheretofore.Therefore I have passed from death to life.These and the like conclusions are in themselves as fullof sound joy and true comfort, as the sun is of light or thesea of waters. Open but the eye of thine humble souLand thou mayest see many glorious things in them. Crush2 D 3

;AFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. 305<strong>The</strong>refore I am most certainly blessed and interested inall the rich purchases of Christ's dearest blood and merit,which is the full price of the kingdom of heaven and allthe glory thereof.Whosoever is athirst, hath his part in the " fountainof the water of life " (Rev. xxi, 6 ; xxii, 17 ; John vii, 37and Isa. Iv, 1).But I, mayest thou say, cannot deny, dare not belie myself,but that my poor heart thirsts unfeignedly to be bathedin the heavenly streams of God's free favour and Christ'ssovereign blood.<strong>The</strong>refore, undoubtedly I have my part in the well of lifeeverlastingly ;whence, what delicious streams of dearestjoy do sweetly flow !Whosoever " labours and is heavy laden " may justlychallenge at the hands of Christ rest and refreshing (Matt,xi, 28).But I feel all my sins an intolerable burthen up<strong>on</strong> mywounded soul, and most willingly take him as a Saviourand a Lord.<strong>The</strong>refore I have my porti<strong>on</strong> in his spiritual and eternalrest."<strong>The</strong> High and Lofty One that inhabiteth eternity,whose name is Holy," and who dwells " in the high andholy place ;" dwelleth also in every " humble and c<strong>on</strong>tritespirit," as in a royal thr<strong>on</strong>e. He hath, as it were, twothr<strong>on</strong>es ; <strong>on</strong>e in the empyrean heaven, the other in a brokenheart (Isa. Ivii, 15).But my heart lies groveling in the dust, humbled underthe mighty hand of God, and trembling at his feet.<strong>The</strong>refore it is the mansi<strong>on</strong> of Jehovah, blessed for ever.Whosoever " c<strong>on</strong>fesseth and forsaketh his sins shall havemercy " (Prov. xxviii, 13).But I c<strong>on</strong>fess and abominate all sin, resolved never to'*turn again to folly."<strong>The</strong>refore mercy is most certainly mine.He in whose heart the Holy Ghost hath enkindled a kindlyheat of affecti<strong>on</strong> to the brethren, hath passed from death tolife (1 John iii, 14).But, by the mercy of God, my heart is wholly set up<strong>on</strong>the "brotherhood " (1 Pet. ii, 17), which I heartily hatedheretofore.<strong>The</strong>refore I have passed from death to life.<strong>The</strong>se and the like c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>s are in themselves as fullof sound joy and true comfort, as the sun is of light or thesea of waters. Open but the eye of thine humble souLand thou mayest see many glorious things in them. Crush2 D 3

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