A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan


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;300 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMFORTINGsound humiliati<strong>on</strong>, c<strong>on</strong>triti<strong>on</strong>, spiritual thirsting, resoluti<strong>on</strong>to sell all, iScc, required by the reverend Author quotedbefore*: but <strong>on</strong>ly hath passed over them overtly, notsoundly ; superficially, not sincerely ; and then no marvelthough no true and real comfort come. Inform thyself furtherin this point, that thou mayest more fully knovv^ mymeaning in it, and be guided aright in a matter of so greatweight t.2. Or it may be, how^soever he protest otherwise, and forall his partial legal terror and trouble of mind, his deceitfulheart may still secretly harbour and hanker after somesweet sin, as pride, revenge, strange fashi<strong>on</strong>s, worldliness,lust, plays, gaming, good-fellowship, as it is called, &c.from which it doth not heartily yield, resolve, and endeavourto make an utter and final cessati<strong>on</strong> and divorce. Andassuredly that false heart which regards and allows anywickedness in itself, howsoever it may be deluded withsome Anabaptistical flashes, yet shallfreshed with " joy in the Holy Ghost."never be truly re-3. It may be, though there were some probable andplausible shows that the party was principally cast downand affected with the heavy weight of sin and horror ofGod's wrath for it ;yet the true predominant cause of hisheaviness, heart's grief, and bitterest complaint, was somesecret earthly disc<strong>on</strong>tentment, the restless biting of someworldly sting : and in such cases, remove this, and youremove his pains ;comfort him about his cross, and you sethim were he was ; and therefore, as in all this he c<strong>on</strong>tinuesa mere stranger in affecti<strong>on</strong> to the sweetness, amiableness,and excellency of Jesus Christ, so it is impossible that heshould be acquainted with any sound spiritual comfort.But I will suppose all to be sincere and as it should belet me advise thee then to take notice;of thine own unadvisedness.(1.) Thou art perhaps so full of the want of feeling,such a stranger to so much expected and desired joy andpeace in believing, and by c<strong>on</strong>sequence so drowned in theunnecessary distracti<strong>on</strong>s and distempers of a sad heart,that thou utterly forgettest to give thanks and magnify God'ssingular and incomprehensible mercy for enlightening,c<strong>on</strong>vincing, and territying thy c<strong>on</strong>science, offering his S<strong>on</strong>,raising in thine heart an insatiable thirst after him, andgiving thee spiritual ability to rest thy weary soul up<strong>on</strong>him ; and who knows not that unthankfulness keeps manygood things from us, and is an unhappy block in the way to* Rogers of Dedham, <strong>on</strong> Faith. t Ibid. cap. ii, and v.

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