A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan


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AFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. 295thee, had been the vilest daubing. But in the case 1 nowsuppose, it is both seas<strong>on</strong>able and surely grounded for meto assure thee of acceptati<strong>on</strong> and pard<strong>on</strong>, and for thee toreceive Jesus Christ without any more ado into the arms ofthy humble soul.CHAP. IV.Two Brfinclics more of the Fifth Part of the former Argument, andthe several Particles which bel<strong>on</strong>g to the Sec<strong>on</strong>d of them.(2.) His sweet name (Exod. xxxiv, 6, 7), wherein is answeredwhatsoever may any ways be pretended for standingout in this case, as appears fully before, chap, iii, p. 240.(3.) His glorious attributes.1st. His truth. He that believeth hath set to his sealthat God is true (John iii, 33). He that labours and isheavy laden with the burthen of sin, comes to Christ forease when he is called, takes him for his Saviour and hisLord, and thereup<strong>on</strong> grounds a resolute, unshaken, andeverlasting c<strong>on</strong>fidence, that he is his for ever, puts to hisseal that Christ is true, that his precious promise, "Comeunto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I willgive you rest " (Mat. xi, 28), is inviolable. Whereby ChristJesus, blessed for ever, is mightily h<strong>on</strong>oured, his truth glorified,and thine own soul with extraordinary blessednesseverlastingly enlivened. But he now that retires in thiscase and holds ofF, makes him who is truth itself a liar."He that believeth not God, hath made him a liar"(1 John v, 10).Now what a fearful indignity is this against the Lord Godof truth ! We see too often how miserable mortal men,worms of the earth, take such an affr<strong>on</strong>t at the hands <strong>on</strong>eof another ; for many times for the lie given them theythrow ihemselves desperately up<strong>on</strong> the irrecoverable ruin oftheir lives, estates, soul>, and posterity, by challenging andkilling each other ; which dish<strong>on</strong>our to the mighty Lord ofheaven and earth is the greater, and is much aggravated bythe infinite infallibility of the promises. For besides hisword, which were more than immeasurably sufficient, hehath added a most solemn oath for our sakes, that we mighthave greater assurance and str<strong>on</strong>ger c<strong>on</strong>solati<strong>on</strong>.2d. His mercy, most directly and specially. And to saynothing of the freeness of his mercy, which springs <strong>on</strong>ly outof the riches of his infinite bounty, and " the good pleasure

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