A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

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288 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMFORTINGment, that we should believe on the name of his Son JesusChrist" ( 1 John iii, 23). This command alone of the AllpowerfulGod should infinitely outweigh and prevail againstall other countermands of heaven or earth, flesh and blood,Satan, nature, reason, sense, the whole creation, all theworld. It should swallow up all scruples, doubts, fears,despairs. Coming to Jesus Christ with broken hearts accordingto this commandment, it will bear us out againstall oppositions, accusations, weaknesses of faith, in the eviltimes, in the hour of temptation, upon our beds of death, atthe last and greatest day. It will be a plea at such timesutterly above all exception, against all allegations, terrors,and temptations to the contrary, to say, i was humbledunder the burthen of sin and sense of my spiritual misery.God in mercy offered me his Son Jesus Christ freely in themystery of the gospel by the ministry of the word. I thereuponthirsted infinitely for his person and precious blood,that I might thereby obtain pardon and power against mysins. He called upon me and commanded me to drink myfill of the water of life freely. I accepted his gracious offer,and according to his commandment cast myself upon theLord Christ against all the contradictions of carnal reasonand sophistry of Satan ; and since that time he hath givenme power to serve him in sincerity of heart. This is myground and warrant, even the commandment of my blessedGod, thus to drink when 1 was thirsty ; against which thegates of hell can never possibly prevail. In thy case then,who thirstest extremely, and upon free ofter yet refusest todrink, consider how unworthily thou dishonourest God andwrongest thine own soul ; by suffering the devil's cavils andthe groundless exceptions of thine own distrustful heart toprevail with thee against the direct command of AlmightyGod, which thou oughtest to obey against all reason, sense,fears, doubts, despairs, and hellish suggestions. Abraham,the father of the faithful, did readily and willingly submitto God's commandment, even to kill his own only dear sonwith his own hand, naturally, matter of a great grief ascould possibly pierce the heart of a mortal man. And wiltthou, being broken-hearted, stand off from believing, andrefuse when he commands thee to take his own only dearSon ; especially since thou takest with him the excellencyand variety of all blessings both of heaven and earth ; adischarge from every moment of the everlasting pains ofhell ; deeds sealed with his own blood, of thy right to theglorious inheritance of the saints in light 1 In a word, evenall things, the most glorious Deity itself blessed for ever, tobe enjoyed through him, with unspeakable and endless

VFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. 289pleasure through all eternity ! Prodigious madness ! crueltyto thine own soul ; or something at which heaven and earth,man and angel, and all creatures may stand amazed, thatthou shouldst so wickedly and wilfully " forsake thine ownmercy," and " neglect so great salvation."6. Lastly, lest he should let pass any means, or be anyways warning on his part to drive us to Christ, and settleour souls upon him with sure and everlasting confidence, healso threateneth : " And to whom sware he, that theyshould not enter into his rest ; but to them that believednotV (Heb. iii, 18.) Wherein he expresseth extremestanger, unquenchable and implacable indignation. Heswears in his wrath that no unbeliever shall ever enter intohis rest. In the threats of the moral law there is no suchoath, but a secret reservation of mercy upon the satisfactionof divine justice some other way. But herein the Lordis peremptory, and a third way shall never be found orafforded the sons of men. Neglect of such a gracious offerof so great salvation, must needs provoke and incense sogreat a God extraordinarily : for with prodigious ingratitudeand folly it slings as it were God's free grace in his faceagain, and sins against his mercy. Suppose a mighty prince,passing by all the royal and noble blood in Christendom,many brave and honourable ladies, should send to a poormaid, bred in a base cottage, born both of beggarly andwicked parents, offer her marriage, and to make her a princess; and she then should foolishly refuse and reject soinfinitely undeserved and unexpected advancement. Asshe might thereupon be justly branded for a notorious maniac; so would not so great a prince, think you, be mightilyenraged at such a dunghill indignity and peevish afiVont ?The Prince of peace, upon whose thigh is written " King ofkings, and Lord of lords," passing by more excellent andnoble creatures, sends unto thee, whose "father is corruptionand the worm thy mother and thy sister," and who inrespect of thy spiritual stateliest "polluted in thine ownblood," and offers to "betroth thee unto himself in righteousnessand in judgment, and in loving-kindness, and intender mercies" (Ilos. ii, 19); to crown thee with all theriches both of his kingdom of grace and glory. Now if thoushouldest stand off (which God forbid !) as thereupon outout of perfection of madness thou forsakest thine own salvation,so thou most justly enforcest that blessed Lord toswear in his wrath that thou shalt never be saved.Thus thou hast heard how, first, he keeps open house toall such hungry and thirsty souls (Rev. xxii, 17; ; secondly,he invites (Mat.xi, 28) ; thirdly, invites with an awakening

288 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMFORTINGment, that we should believe <strong>on</strong> the name of his S<strong>on</strong> JesusChrist" ( 1 John iii, 23). This command al<strong>on</strong>e of the AllpowerfulGod should infinitely outweigh and prevail againstall other countermands of heaven or earth, flesh and blood,Satan, nature, reas<strong>on</strong>, sense, the whole creati<strong>on</strong>, all theworld. It should swallow up all scruples, doubts, fears,despairs. Coming to Jesus Christ with broken hearts accordingto this commandment, it will bear us out againstall oppositi<strong>on</strong>s, accusati<strong>on</strong>s, weaknesses of faith, in the eviltimes, in the hour of temptati<strong>on</strong>, up<strong>on</strong> our beds of death, atthe last and greatest day. It will be a plea at such timesutterly above all excepti<strong>on</strong>, against all allegati<strong>on</strong>s, terrors,and temptati<strong>on</strong>s to the c<strong>on</strong>trary, to say, i was humbledunder the burthen of sin and sense of my spiritual misery.God in mercy offered me his S<strong>on</strong> Jesus Christ freely in themystery of the gospel by the ministry of the word. I thereup<strong>on</strong>thirsted infinitely for his pers<strong>on</strong> and precious blood,that I might thereby obtain pard<strong>on</strong> and power against mysins. He called up<strong>on</strong> me and commanded me to drink myfill of the water of life freely. I accepted his gracious offer,and according to his commandment cast myself up<strong>on</strong> theLord Christ against all the c<strong>on</strong>tradicti<strong>on</strong>s of carnal reas<strong>on</strong>and sophistry of Satan ; and since that time he hath givenme power to serve him in sincerity of heart. This is myground and warrant, even the commandment of my blessedGod, thus to drink when 1 was thirsty ; against which thegates of hell can never possibly prevail. In thy case then,who thirstest extremely, and up<strong>on</strong> free ofter yet refusest todrink, c<strong>on</strong>sider how unworthily thou dish<strong>on</strong>ourest God andwr<strong>on</strong>gest thine own soul ; by suffering the devil's cavils andthe groundless excepti<strong>on</strong>s of thine own distrustful heart toprevail with thee against the direct command of AlmightyGod, which thou oughtest to obey against all reas<strong>on</strong>, sense,fears, doubts, despairs, and hellish suggesti<strong>on</strong>s. Abraham,the father of the faithful, did readily and willingly submitto God's commandment, even to kill his own <strong>on</strong>ly dear s<strong>on</strong>with his own hand, naturally, matter of a great grief ascould possibly pierce the heart of a mortal man. And wiltthou, being broken-hearted, stand off from believing, andrefuse when he commands thee to take his own <strong>on</strong>ly dearS<strong>on</strong> ; especially since thou takest with him the excellencyand variety of all blessings both of heaven and earth ; adischarge from every moment of the everlasting pains ofhell ; deeds sealed with his own blood, of thy right to theglorious inheritance of the saints in light 1 In a word, evenall things, the most glorious Deity itself blessed for ever, tobe enjoyed through him, with unspeakable and endless

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