A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan


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AFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. 285CHAP. II.Tlif /irst partic'.ilar ar^'ument to l>e applied for the Cure of the formerMalady.And now come and take abundantly mighty arguments andinvincible motives, which neither man, nor devil, nor naturaldistrust can ever any ways possibly disable ;not tolie any l<strong>on</strong>ger, being in the supposed state, up<strong>on</strong> the rack ofterror ; but to lay hold up<strong>on</strong> the rock of eternity. I mean,to rest and establish thy trembling heart up<strong>on</strong> the LordJesus with everlasting peace and safety ; and af;er\vards towalk watchfully and fruitfully in the holy way until thineending hour.1. And first take notice, that Jesus Christ, God blessedfor ever, keeps an open house for all such hungry and thirstysouls. " Let him that is athirst come. And whosoeverwill, let him take the water of life freely " (Rev. xxii, 17)." Whosoever will " ; in whose heart soever the Holy Ghosthath wrought an eflectual, earnest, hearty will ; that supernaturalsincere desire described before, which prizeththe " uell of life" before the whole world, and is ever accompaniedwith an unfeigned resoluti<strong>on</strong> to sell all for thepearl of great price ; 1 say, such a <strong>on</strong>e may come andwelcome, and that without bidding, and drink his fill ofthe river of all spiritual pleasures. If there were nomore but this, this is more than enough to bring thee toJesus Christ. If a proclamati<strong>on</strong> should be made, thatsuch or such a great man kept open house for all comers,there need no move to bring in all the poor hungry peoplein the country, without any further waiting or inviting.But here, above all degress of comparis<strong>on</strong>, the hunger ismore importunate and important ; the feast-maker morefaithful and sure of his word ; the fare more delicious andravishing. And why dost thou refuse? Thou hast a warrant,infinitely above all excepti<strong>on</strong>. 1 he Lord of life keepsopen house for all that mil come; and thou knowest inthine own c<strong>on</strong>science, and canst not deny but that he hathalready h<strong>on</strong>oured thee with that singular favour as to plantin thy soul a icill this way, and that most earnestly. Forwhat wouldst thou not part with to have assurance of thypart in Jesus Christ ? What wouldst thou not give, if itmight be bought, to hear him speak peace unto thy soul,and say sweetly unto it," I am thy salvati<strong>on</strong> 1" Andtherefore if thou come not in presently, and take the comfortof this precious place and promise, " setting to thy

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