A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan


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AFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. 279tell thee, these hearty l<strong>on</strong>gings and lorkging desires in themean time, until God give more strength, be right dear tothat tender-hearted Father of thine, who doth infinitelymore esteem <strong>on</strong>e groan or sigh from a broken spirit, than" a thousand rams, or ten thousand rivers of oil," and aremost precious and piercing to that compassi<strong>on</strong>ate heart, thatpoured out its warmest and dearest blood to purchase thesalvati<strong>on</strong> and refresh the sadness of every truly humbledsoul. Ground up<strong>on</strong> it then, and be of good cheer. If thytroubled spirit, filled with the sense of the want of its formersweet and joyful feelings, find in itself a true and heartyl<strong>on</strong>ging after the supply of that want; a c<strong>on</strong>stant and c<strong>on</strong>scientiouspursuit of all holy means for the procurement ofthat supply, I can assure thee in the word of life and truth,in God's seas<strong>on</strong> thou shalt be satisfied. " He will fulhl thedesire of them tliat fear him ; he also will hear their cryand will save them" (Psalm cxlv, 19). And this blessedpromise for the accomplishment of thy desire is as surelythine as the breath in thy body. He must so<strong>on</strong>er cease tobe God, and deny himself, which is more than infinitelyimpossible and prodigious blasphemy to imagine, than failin the least circumstance or syllable of all his love and promisesof life to any <strong>on</strong>e that heartily loves him. All thesacred sayings in his holy book, and all those promises ofsalvati<strong>on</strong>, are signed with the hand of truth itself, and sealedwith the blood of his beloved S<strong>on</strong> ; and so are far surer thanthe pillars of the earth, or poles of heaven : for heaven andearth must pass away before any tittle of his word fall untothe ground ; and therefore, as he will most certainly pourup<strong>on</strong> the hairy pate of every <strong>on</strong>e which hates to be reformedall the plagues and curses threatened there, even to theleast spark of the flames of hell ; and the last drop of thefull vials of his infinite, endless, unquenchable wrath ; sowill he abundantly make good to every upright soul, sincerelythirsting after Jesus Christ, in the best time, all thepromised good in his blessed book, and that above all expectati<strong>on</strong>,expressi<strong>on</strong>, or imaginati<strong>on</strong>.Fourthly. Thou mayest be in many ways distressed up<strong>on</strong>thy bed of death.1. Casting thine eye back up<strong>on</strong> thy whole life, all thysins from Adam to that hour, and willing, as thou mustnow take thy farewell so to take thy fill of repentance ;theyappear to the eye of thy c<strong>on</strong>science far more in number, andmore ugly than ever before. And no marvel ; for beingnow sequestered for ever from all worldly comforts andcompany, distracti<strong>on</strong>s and diversi<strong>on</strong>s, and the clouds ofnatural fear, raised by the dreadful circumstances of ap-

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