A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan


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AFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. ,255hell in some str<strong>on</strong>g temptati<strong>on</strong>, up<strong>on</strong> purpose to terrify theeI'rom tampering so much with the devil's baits ; so that thouseest nothing about thee for the present but darkness anddiscomforts, and the very horrors of eternal death ready totake hold of thee ;yet for all this, up<strong>on</strong> the ground of thisloving, gracious resemblance, thou mayest be comfortedand cry c<strong>on</strong>fidently with Job, " Though he slay me, yetwill I trust in him" (Job xiii, 15) ; with David, " thoughI walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fearno evil " (Psalm xxiii, 4). " Who is am<strong>on</strong>g you," saiththe Prophet (Isaiah 1, 10), "that feareth the Lord, thatobeyeth the voice of his servant, that walketh in darkness,and hath no light ? Let him trust in the name of the Lord,and stay up<strong>on</strong> his God."9. A s<strong>on</strong>, by the seducti<strong>on</strong> of some dissolute and drunkenBelials is drawn into lewd and licentious company, andso plunges presently over head and ears into pestilentcourses ;falls unhappily to swaggering, drinking, gaming,the mirth and madness of wine and pleasures ; and atlength to express to the life an exact c<strong>on</strong>formity to thatcomplete character given in the book of Wisdom* of theprofessors of good-fellowship (astheycall it) and epicurism,both for pursuit of sensual delights and persecuti<strong>on</strong> of trueprofessors, whereby he wastes his patrim<strong>on</strong>y, cuts the heartof his parents, and wounds his c<strong>on</strong>science. His fathermourns and grieves, c<strong>on</strong>sults and casts about with all loveand l<strong>on</strong>ging for his recovery and return. At length, out ofsense and c<strong>on</strong>science of his base and debauched behaviour,vile company, dish<strong>on</strong>ouring God, banishing good moti<strong>on</strong>s," he comes to himself," entreats his father up<strong>on</strong> his kneeswith many tears that he would be pleased to pard<strong>on</strong> whatis past, receive him into favour again, and he will faithfullyendeavour to displease him no more, but redeem the lossof the former with the improvement of the time to come.How willingly and welcomely think you would such afather receive such a s<strong>on</strong> into the bosom of his fatherly affecti<strong>on</strong>,and arms of dearest embracement. And yet so,and infinitely more, is our heavenly Father merciful andmelting towards any of his relapsed children, returning untohis gracious thr<strong>on</strong>e with true remorse and hearty grief forso going astray ; which is an incomparable comfort in caseof backsliding, which yet God forbid.10. A father indeed will lay heavier burthens up<strong>on</strong> hiss<strong>on</strong> now grown into years and strength, and puts him tosorer labour and harder tasks ; but while he is very younghe is w<strong>on</strong>t to forbear him with much tenderness and compassi<strong>on</strong>; because he knows he is scarcely able to carry him-* Wisd. ii, 6, &c. ; xii, &c.

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