A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

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•244 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMFORTINGus as a " voice of a great thunder," more distinct and particular; breeding not only admiration but fear also ; notfilling our ears only with an uncouth sound, but our heartsalso with a terrible searching. For the sermons of everysabbath came home to our consciences, singling out ourseveral reigning corruptions, beating punctually upon ourbosom sins, manifesting clearly our spiritual misery andcertain liableness to the exlremest wrath of God and endlesswoe. Whereupon we were all at our wits' end whatto do, grew weary of our lives, wished with all our heartsthat such a puritan preacher had never come amongst us ;told every man almost we met, ihat we had a fellow at ourtown would drive us all to despair, distraction, self-destruction,or some mischief or other ; that we heard nothingfrom him but of damnation, and hell, and such horriblethings. Now in this second work of the word there was agood number, even some out of that cursed crew and knotof good-fellowship wherein I have been ensnared so long,won unto Jesus Christ. For being enlightened, convinced,and terrified in conscience for their former sinful courses,the continued piercing of the word and work of the spirit ofbondage keeping them upon the rack under the dreadfulsense of divine wrath and their damnable state a goodwhile ; at last they happily resolved, without any moredelay, diversion, bye-path, or plunging again into worldlypleasures, to pass on directly, by the light and guidance ofthe gospel, into the holy path. And so undertook, and hithertohave holden out in profession and a blessed conformityto the better side. But I, and a greater part, a greatdeal more was the pity, hating heartily to be reformed, andabhorring that precise way so much " spoken against everywhere,''into which we conceived such severe ministerialcounsel would have conducted as ; I say, we wickedlywrested out of our vexed consciences those keen arrows oftruth and terror with great indignation; we unhappilyhardened our hearts and foreheads against the power of theword, which particularly pursued us every sabbath. Nay,alas ! we persecuted the very means which should sanctifyus ; and men which would have saved us. Here then is mycase and complaint ; neglecting that blessed season when Iwas first terrified and troubled in mind, when the angelfrom heaven, as it were, " troubled the water," and whensome, even of mine own companions in iniquity, were converted; I am afraid I now come too late, that the mercy ofGod to do me spiritual good is already expiied ; and thatthe ministry which I have so wretchedly opposed, is thevery same to me that it was to the obstinate Jews (Isa. vi,

AFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. 2459, 10). Nay, but yet say not so, though it be with thee asthou hast said ; for our gracious God " keepeth mercy forthousands." Here you must know that a Jinite number isput for an infinite, and an infinite indeed. And thereforeif thou now be in earnest, and willing to come in, in truth ;and those thine other brethren in good-fellowship, andhundreds, thousands, millions more, or any whosoever tothe world's end, God hath mercy in store for you all ; andbeing all weary of all your sins, unfeignedly thirsting forthe well of life, resolving for the time to come upon newcourses, company, and conversation, you shall all be mostwelcome to Jesus Christ. Even the last man upon earth,bringing a truly broken heart to the throne of grace, shallbe crowned as richly and with as large a portion of God'sinfinite mercy and Christ's invaluable merit as Adam andEve, or whosoever laid first hold of that first promise," The seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent's head."(7.) Yea, but, alas ! I have been no ordinary sinner. Mycorruptions have carried me beyond the villanies of thevilest you can name. Not only the variety, but the notoriousnessalso, and enormity of my wicked ways have set aninfamous brand upon me, even in the sight of the world ;beside those secret pollutions and sinful practices which noeye but that which is ten thousand times brighter than thesun ever beheld. Had I not been extremely outrageous,stained with abominations of deepest dye, and gone on thuswith a high hand, I might have had some hope ; but now 1know not what to say ! Take notice, then, to the end thatnothing at all may possibly hinder or any way discourageany poor soul that sincerely seeks for mercy and desires toturn truly on God's side, from assurance of gracious acceptationand entertainment at his throne of grace ; that it isnatural also to his name " to forgive iniquity, transgression,and sin ;" that is, sins of all sorts, kinds, and degreeswhatsoever. There is none so hateful and heinous, whethernatural corruption, or ordinary outward transgression,or highest presumption, but, upon repentance, God is mostable, ready, and willing to remit it.7. God the Father's compassionate pangs of infinite afifection,and forwardness to entertain in his arms of mercy alltrue penitents. " As I live, saith the Lord God, I have nopleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wickedturn from his way and live : turn ye, turn ye from yourevil ways : for why will ye die, O house of Israel 1 " (Ezek.xxxiii, 11.) " Woe unto thee, O Jerusalem, wilt thou notbe made clean? when shall it once be?" ( Jer. xiii, 27.)" They say, If a man put away his wife, and she go fromY^

•244 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMFORTINGus as a " voice of a great thunder," more distinct and particular; breeding not <strong>on</strong>ly admirati<strong>on</strong> but fear also ; notfilling our ears <strong>on</strong>ly with an uncouth sound, but our heartsalso with a terrible searching. For the serm<strong>on</strong>s of everysabbath came home to our c<strong>on</strong>sciences, singling out ourseveral reigning corrupti<strong>on</strong>s, beating punctually up<strong>on</strong> ourbosom sins, manifesting clearly our spiritual misery andcertain liableness to the exlremest wrath of God and endlesswoe. Whereup<strong>on</strong> we were all at our wits' end whatto do, grew weary of our lives, wished with all our heartsthat such a puritan preacher had never come am<strong>on</strong>gst us ;told every man almost we met, ihat we had a fellow at ourtown would drive us all to despair, distracti<strong>on</strong>, self-destructi<strong>on</strong>,or some mischief or other ; that we heard nothingfrom him but of damnati<strong>on</strong>, and hell, and such horriblethings. Now in this sec<strong>on</strong>d work of the word there was agood number, even some out of that cursed crew and knotof good-fellowship wherein I have been ensnared so l<strong>on</strong>g,w<strong>on</strong> unto Jesus Christ. For being enlightened, c<strong>on</strong>vinced,and terrified in c<strong>on</strong>science for their former sinful courses,the c<strong>on</strong>tinued piercing of the word and work of the spirit ofb<strong>on</strong>dage keeping them up<strong>on</strong> the rack under the dreadfulsense of divine wrath and their damnable state a goodwhile ; at last they happily resolved, without any moredelay, diversi<strong>on</strong>, bye-path, or plunging again into worldlypleasures, to pass <strong>on</strong> directly, by the light and guidance ofthe gospel, into the holy path. And so undertook, and hithertohave holden out in professi<strong>on</strong> and a blessed c<strong>on</strong>formityto the better side. But I, and a greater part, a greatdeal more was the pity, hating heartily to be reformed, andabhorring that precise way so much " spoken against everywhere,''into which we c<strong>on</strong>ceived such severe ministerialcounsel would have c<strong>on</strong>ducted as ; I say, we wickedlywrested out of our vexed c<strong>on</strong>sciences those keen arrows oftruth and terror with great indignati<strong>on</strong>; we unhappilyhardened our hearts and foreheads against the power of theword, which particularly pursued us every sabbath. Nay,alas ! we persecuted the very means which should sanctifyus ; and men which would have saved us. Here then is mycase and complaint ; neglecting that blessed seas<strong>on</strong> when Iwas first terrified and troubled in mind, when the angelfrom heaven, as it were, " troubled the water," and whensome, even of mine own compani<strong>on</strong>s in iniquity, were c<strong>on</strong>verted; I am afraid I now come too late, that the mercy ofGod to do me spiritual good is already expiied ; and thatthe ministry which I have so wretchedly opposed, is thevery same to me that it was to the obstinate Jews (Isa. vi,

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