A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

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Oh236 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMFORTINGand all thy goods? Doth thy wife afflict thy afflictions?If this be not thy case and rueful condition, thou comestyet short of Job, a most just man, and one of God's dearestjewels.CHAP. II.Two Principles of Comfort more.4. The " exceeding greatness and preciousness of the promises."In every one of which it is incredible to considerwhat abundant matter of unspeakable and glorious joy lieswrapt up ! ! how sweet are they to a thirsty soul m thetiine of anguish and trouble ! They are like a cloud ofrain that cometh in the time of a drought. They are veryglimpses of heaven shed into the heart, many times as darkas hell. They are even rocks of eternity, upon which everybruised reed may sweetly repose with impregnable safety.A truly humbled spirit, relishing spiritual things, would notexchange any one of them for all the riches and sweetnessof both the Indies. Tell me, dear heart, thou that in thyuuregenerate time, though now happily changed, lay soakingin sins of cruelty and blood ; whether that mercifulpromise, " Come now, and let us reason together, saith theLord ; Though your sins be as scarlet they shall be aswhite as snow ; though they be red like crimson they shallbe as wool" (Isa. i, 18) ; be not far dearer unto thee " thanthousands of gold and silver?" Or thou, who formerlypollutedst thyself villanously with such secret execrablelusts, which now thou canst not remember without horror,tell me, if it were utterable by the tongue of man, with whatdearest sweetness and blessed peace thy broken heart wasbound up and revived, when thou didst cast thine eye consideratelyand believingly upon that precious place, " I willsprinkle water upon you, and ye shall be clean ; and fromall your filthiness and from all your idols will I cleanseyou" (Ezek. xxxvi, 25)."There was beyond the seas, as my Author reports*,a Christian matron of excellent parts and piety, wholanguishing long under the horrible pressure of most furiousand fiery temptations, wofully at length yielded to despair,and attempted the destruction of herself. After often andcurious seeking occasion for the fulfilment of her design, atlast, having first put off her apparel, she threw herself headlongfrom a high promontory into the sea. But having re-* Alexipharm. adversus desperationem ; Authore M. Nlcolao Lauentio,p. 63 et seq.

AFFLICTED CONSCIEMCES. 237ceived no hurt by the fall, she was there by a most extraordinarymercy strangely preserved for the space of twohours at the least, though all the while she laboured industriouslyto destroy herself. Afterwards drawn out withmuch ado, and recovered, she yet did conflict with thatextremest desperate horror almost a whole year ; but byGod's good providence, which sweetly and wisely orderethall things, listening on a time, though very unwillingly atfirst, to her husband, reading amongst other places Isa. Ivii,15, 16, Thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth'eternity, whose name is Holy, I dwell in the high and holyplace ; with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit,to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart ofthe contrite ones. For 1 will not contend for ever, neitherwill I be always wroth : for the spirit should fail beforeme, and the souls which I have made '—I ; say, listening tothese words, the Holy Ghost drawing her heart, she beganto reason thus with herself: God doth here promise torevive and comfort the heart of the contrite and spirit ofthe humble, and that he will not contend for ever, neitherbe always wroth. But I have a very contrite heart, and aspirit humbled even unto the dust, out of the acknowledgmentand sense of my sins and divine vengeance againstthem; therefore, peradventure, God will vouchsafe to reviveand comfort my heart and spirit ; and not contendwith me for ever, nor be wroth against me still."Hereupon by little and little there flowed by God'sblessing into her dark and heavy heart abundance of life,lightsomeness, spiritual strength, and assurance. In whichshe continued with constancy and comfort many a yearafter, crowned those happy days and a blessed old agewith a glorious and triumphant death, and went to heavenin the year 1595."What heart now but hers that felt it can possibly conceivethe depth of that extraordinary unutterable refreshing,which sprung out of that promise upon her forlorn andfearful soul ; or the excess of that love which she bore everafter to those blessed lines, to the mercy that made them,and to the blood that sealed them 1" Another, terrified in conscience for sin, resolves to turnon God's side ; but the cry of his good-fellow companions,strength of corruption, and cunning of Satan, carry himback to his former courses. A good number of years afterhe was so thoroughly wounded, that whatsoever came ofhim he would never return again unto folly. Then comesinto his mind the first of the Proverbs, whence he reasonedagainst himself: — So many years ago God called and

Oh236 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMFORTINGand all thy goods? Doth thy wife afflict thy afflicti<strong>on</strong>s?If this be not thy case and rueful c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>, thou comestyet short of Job, a most just man, and <strong>on</strong>e of God's dearestjewels.CHAP. II.Two Principles of Comfort more.4. <strong>The</strong> " exceeding greatness and preciousness of the promises."In every <strong>on</strong>e of which it is incredible to c<strong>on</strong>siderwhat abundant matter of unspeakable and glorious joy lieswrapt up ! ! how sweet are they to a thirsty soul m thetiine of anguish and trouble ! <strong>The</strong>y are like a cloud ofrain that cometh in the time of a drought. <strong>The</strong>y are veryglimpses of heaven shed into the heart, many times as darkas hell. <strong>The</strong>y are even rocks of eternity, up<strong>on</strong> which everybruised reed may sweetly repose with impregnable safety.A truly humbled spirit, relishing spiritual things, would notexchange any <strong>on</strong>e of them for all the riches and sweetnessof both the Indies. Tell me, dear heart, thou that in thyuuregenerate time, though now happily changed, lay soakingin sins of cruelty and blood ; whether that mercifulpromise, " Come now, and let us reas<strong>on</strong> together, saith theLord ; Though your sins be as scarlet they shall be aswhite as snow ; though they be red like crims<strong>on</strong> they shallbe as wool" (Isa. i, 18) ; be not far dearer unto thee " thanthousands of gold and silver?" Or thou, who formerlypollutedst thyself villanously with such secret execrablelusts, which now thou canst not remember without horror,tell me, if it were utterable by the t<strong>on</strong>gue of man, with whatdearest sweetness and blessed peace thy broken heart wasbound up and revived, when thou didst cast thine eye c<strong>on</strong>sideratelyand believingly up<strong>on</strong> that precious place, " I willsprinkle water up<strong>on</strong> you, and ye shall be clean ; and fromall your filthiness and from all your idols will I cleanseyou" (Ezek. xxxvi, 25)."<strong>The</strong>re was bey<strong>on</strong>d the seas, as my Author reports*,a Christian matr<strong>on</strong> of excellent parts and piety, wholanguishing l<strong>on</strong>g under the horrible pressure of most furiousand fiery temptati<strong>on</strong>s, wofully at length yielded to despair,and attempted the destructi<strong>on</strong> of herself. After often andcurious seeking occasi<strong>on</strong> for the fulfilment of her design, atlast, having first put off her apparel, she threw herself headl<strong>on</strong>gfrom a high prom<strong>on</strong>tory into the sea. But having re-* Alexipharm. adversus desperati<strong>on</strong>em ; Authore M. Nlcolao Lauentio,p. 63 et seq.

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