A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan


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;212 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMFORTINGwealth, riches, pastures, variety of choicest pastimes; nay,for ease to any thing, even to drinking, dancing, dicing,masking, revelling, roaring, or any other such ribald, bedlam,and raging fooleries.CHAP. XVII.A Third Case, wherein Fangs of C<strong>on</strong>science may seem to be healedand are not; with tht; l>iscovery of Men's Errors in that kind.III. Some there are, vv-ho pass out of trouble of mind for sin andlegal terrors into a kind of an artificial, enforced, unsound,untimely, and counterfeit peace of c<strong>on</strong>science. I mean itthus : when a man's carnal heart, wounded by the terrifyingpower of the word, with sight and horror of his formerwicked ways ; but weary of the wound, impatient of spiritualheaviness, wilfully set and resolved obstinately againstthe holy severities of the school of repentance, mortificati<strong>on</strong>,godly strictness, walking with God, 6cc., and withalmeeting with some dauber with untempered mortar, who isvery reatiy to heal his heart with sweet words, saying," i eace, peace, when there is no peace " (Jer. vi, 14)—;I say, in this case snatches hold of comfort, and appliesthe promises of mercy and salvati<strong>on</strong> before they bel<strong>on</strong>gunto him; before he be searched to the quick, sounded tothe bottom, and soundly humbled ; before the spirit ofb<strong>on</strong>dage hath its perfect work, and he be kindlily fitted forJesus Christ. For this purpose they are w<strong>on</strong>t to wrest,abuse, misapply many places in the book of God; the unskilfulphysicians in applicati<strong>on</strong>, and the deluded patientsin apprehensi<strong>on</strong> of them ; even such as these ": Come untome all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and 1 will giveyou rest " (Matt, xi, 28). Yea, but they are not weary ofall their sins, but <strong>on</strong>ly troubled with the present terrornor willing to take up<strong>on</strong> them the cross ot Christ. Wellenough c<strong>on</strong>tent they are to take him as a Saviour to preservethem from hell, but not as a lord, a king, and a husband,to serve, obey, and love him. " Whosoever shallcall up<strong>on</strong> the name of the T^ord shall be saved " (Rom. x,13). Yea, but they do not c<strong>on</strong>sider that many also shallcry "Lord, Lord," (Matt. vii,22, andxxv, 11) and yet be excludedfrom eternal bliss ; and therefore " all that callsavingly up<strong>on</strong> the name of Christ, must depaitfrom iniquity"(2 Tim. ii, 19). But they up<strong>on</strong> lecovery will by no meansdepart from their darling delight. " He that believeth <strong>on</strong>

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