A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan


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194 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMFORTINGview of thy old sins and former life, thou must renew thispresent repentance of thy new birth, make thine heartbreak again and bleed afresh with the sight of thy heretoforemuch doated up<strong>on</strong> but now most abhorred abominablecourses. And so often also as thou lookest back up<strong>on</strong> them,thou must labour to abominate and aband<strong>on</strong> them withmore resolute aversi<strong>on</strong> and new decrees of detestati<strong>on</strong>.Though it may be, by the mercies of God, they shall neverbe able to sting thee again with the same slavishness ofguilty horror, yet thou must still endeavour in thy coolblood to strangle utterly thy former delight in them withmore hearty additi<strong>on</strong>s of deadly hatred, and to be moreand more humbled for them until thy ending hour. It is avery high happiness and blessing above ordinary to be ableto look back up<strong>on</strong> thy choicest youthful pleasures and polluti<strong>on</strong>s,without either sensual delight or slavish horror ;with sincere hatred, holy indignati<strong>on</strong>, and hearty mourningṄow for the time to come, and those sins which hereafterthe rebelliousness of thy sinful nature, and violence ofthe devil's temptati<strong>on</strong>s may force up<strong>on</strong> thee ; if thy heartbe now truly touched and c<strong>on</strong>science savingly enlightened,thou shalt find much matter, necessity, and use of c<strong>on</strong>tinuingthy repentance so l<strong>on</strong>g as thy life lasts. In a leakingship there must be c<strong>on</strong>tinual pumping. A ruinoushouse must be still in repairing. <strong>The</strong>se bodies of death webear about us, are naturally liable to so many batteries andbreaches by the assaults of original sin and other implacableenemies to our souls, that there is extreme need ofperpetual watch and ward, repenting and repairing, lestthe new man be too much oppressed and too often surprizedby the many and cunning encounters of the oldAdam. When thou art in company, solitary, busied aboutthy particular calling, there may suddenly arise in thineheart sqme greedy wish, some gross c<strong>on</strong>ceit, some vain, unclean,ambitious, revengeful thought : ejaculate presentlya penitent sigh and fervent prayer for pard<strong>on</strong> of it in thepassi<strong>on</strong> of Christ. In thy family, perhaps am<strong>on</strong>gst thychildren and servants, by reas<strong>on</strong> of some cross accident,thou mayest break out into some unadvised passi<strong>on</strong>atespeech, and disgrace thyself and professi<strong>on</strong> by over-hastyintemperate heat, not without some danger of hurting andhardening those about thee thereby : get thee presentlyup<strong>on</strong> it into thy closet, or some place for that purpose,throv.' thyself down with a truly grieved and humbled soulbefore the thr<strong>on</strong>e of grace, and rise not until thou be rec<strong>on</strong>ciledunto thy God. If at any time, which God forbid,

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