A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

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—;188 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMFORTINGthe same sense is to be found in Mr. Perkins *, a greatmaster in the deep mystery of dealing with afflicted consciences.For we must know, that too inuch is by no meansto be meant of any ways restraining or confining the infinitenessof God's mercy. It were execrable blasphemy to disrobeGod's most glorious attribute of its immensity ; but inrespect of not mingling some cautions to keep from presumption,as will appear in the ensuing counsels 1 shall commendfor that purpose.Upon this ground, I reason thus :—A man may press and apply God's justice and the terrorsof the law loo much ; therefore also mercy and the comfortsof the gospel too much : the consequence is clear ; for asthe former may plunge into the gulf of despair, so the othermay cast upon the rock of presumption. Nay, it is morethan unanswerably strong, because we are far readier toapprehend and apply unto ourselves mercy than judgmentand thousands are endlessly overthrown through presumptionfor one by despair. And the antecedent who will deny 1It is rather so preposterously applauded and pressed, thatmost, if a minister, even with his best discretion, reveal thewhole counsel of God, and tell them that none shall berefreshed by Christ, but only those who " labour and areheavy laden" (Matt, xi, 28); that they must "humblethemselves in the sight of the Lord," if they would havehim "to lift them up " (James iv, 10); that none "shallhave mercy " but such as " confess and"forsake their sins(^Prov. xxviii, 13) ; that the mere civil man and lukewarmformal professor without holiness and zeal can never besaved (Heb. xii, 14; Revel, iii, 19) ; that all "the wickedshall be turned into hell," &c. (Psalm ix, 17) ; in a word,if he take the to bring men " from darkness toright courselight, from Satan to the living God;" by first woundingwith the law before he heal with the gospel ; — I say, themost in this case are ready to cry out and complain that hethrows wildfire, brimstone, and gunpowder into the consciencesof men.Conceive, therefore, I pray you,That there is in God, first, his justice ; and secondly, hismercy, both infinite and equal. Only in regard of manthere is an inequality, for God may be said to be more mercifulunto them that are saved, than just to them that aredamned. For of damnation, the just cause is in man ; butof salvation, it is wholly from grace. In himself, and origi-* Cases of Conscience, book i, chap, vii, ject. 6; and chap, xi,sect. 1.

";AFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. 189nally, they are both equal, and so are all his attributesbut in respect of the exercise and expression upon his creatures,and abroad in the world, there is some difference.But for my purpose and our ministerial employment andcommission, take notice,That as the revealed effects of God's mercy are love,tender-heartedness, compassions, his own dear Son's preciousheart-blood, pardon of sins, peace of conscience, unspeakableand glorious joy thereupon, evangelical pleasures, comfortablepresence of the Spirit even in this life, and in theother world pleasures infinitely more than the stars of thefirmament in number, even for ever and ever ; and allthese upon all true penitents —:So the revealed effects of his justice are " indignation andwrath, tribulation and anguish ;" that sword, " which willdevour flesh ;" those arrows, that " drink blood ;" thatfiery anger, " which will burn unto the lowest hell, and seton fire the foundations of the mountains " ; that comingagainst, which is " with fire and chariots like a whirlwind,to render anger with fury, and rebuke with flames of fire ;that meeting, which is as of a " bear bereaved of herwhelps, to rend the caul of the heart, and devour like alion," 6cc. ; all plagues, with the extremity, temporal,spiritual, eternal ; all the curses in this book of his ;allthe torments of hell, to the utmost spark of those infernalflames ; and all these upon all impenitent sinners. NowGod will be glorified both ways and by them both.Give us leave, then, to give them both their due.We are most willing and ready, as our great Master inheaven would have us (Isa. xl, 1, 2), and our blessedSaviour by his example doth teach us (Luke iv, II), toconvey by our ministry into every truly broken heart andbleeding soul the warmest blood that ever heated Christ'stender heart, and to keep back from the true penitent notany one grain of that immeasurable mine of all the richmercies purchased Avith that precious blood.Be content therefore on the other side that we open thearmoury of God's justice, and " reveal his wrath from heavenagainst all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men ; thatindignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish, shall beupon every soul of man that doth evil," &c. As we are everready to bind up the bruised spirit with the softest oil ofGod's sweetest mercy ;so let us, 1 pray you, have leave, inthe equity of a just and holy proportion, to wound with thehammer of the law the hairy scalp of every one that goeson in his sin.Let us deal faithfully even with wicked men, lest we

";AFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. 189nally, they are both equal, and so are all his attributesbut in respect of the exercise and expressi<strong>on</strong> up<strong>on</strong> his creatures,and abroad in the world, there is some difference.But for my purpose and our ministerial employment andcommissi<strong>on</strong>, take notice,That as the revealed effects of God's mercy are love,tender-heartedness, compassi<strong>on</strong>s, his own dear S<strong>on</strong>'s preciousheart-blood, pard<strong>on</strong> of sins, peace of c<strong>on</strong>science, unspeakableand glorious joy thereup<strong>on</strong>, evangelical pleasures, comfortablepresence of the Spirit even in this life, and in theother world pleasures infinitely more than the stars of thefirmament in number, even for ever and ever ; and allthese up<strong>on</strong> all true penitents —:So the revealed effects of his justice are " indignati<strong>on</strong> andwrath, tribulati<strong>on</strong> and anguish ;" that sword, " which willdevour flesh ;" those arrows, that " drink blood ;" thatfiery anger, " which will burn unto the lowest hell, and set<strong>on</strong> fire the foundati<strong>on</strong>s of the mountains " ; that comingagainst, which is " with fire and chariots like a whirlwind,to render anger with fury, and rebuke with flames of fire ;that meeting, which is as of a " bear bereaved of herwhelps, to rend the caul of the heart, and devour like ali<strong>on</strong>," 6cc. ; all plagues, with the extremity, temporal,spiritual, eternal ; all the curses in this book of his ;allthe torments of hell, to the utmost spark of those infernalflames ; and all these up<strong>on</strong> all impenitent sinners. NowGod will be glorified both ways and by them both.Give us leave, then, to give them both their due.We are most willing and ready, as our great Master inheaven would have us (Isa. xl, 1, 2), and our blessedSaviour by his example doth teach us (Luke iv, II), toc<strong>on</strong>vey by our ministry into every truly broken heart andbleeding soul the warmest blood that ever heated Christ'stender heart, and to keep back from the true penitent notany <strong>on</strong>e grain of that immeasurable mine of all the richmercies purchased Avith that precious blood.Be c<strong>on</strong>tent therefore <strong>on</strong> the other side that we open thearmoury of God's justice, and " reveal his wrath from heavenagainst all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men ; thatindignati<strong>on</strong> and wrath, tribulati<strong>on</strong> and anguish, shall beup<strong>on</strong> every soul of man that doth evil," &c. As we are everready to bind up the bruised spirit with the softest oil ofGod's sweetest mercy ;so let us, 1 pray you, have leave, inthe equity of a just and holy proporti<strong>on</strong>, to wound with thehammer of the law the hairy scalp of every <strong>on</strong>e that goes<strong>on</strong> in his sin.Let us deal faithfully even with wicked men, lest we

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