A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

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170 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMFORTINGwill wake them, and dry up the besotting humours; so inour dead security before our conversiou, God is pleased tolet the law, sin, conscience, and Satan loose upon us, andto kindle the fire ofhell in our souls, that so we might beroused. Our sins stick close unto us as the prisoners' bolts,and we are shut up under them as in a strong prison ;andtherefore, unk ss as once in Paul and Silas's case an earthquake,so here there come a mighty heart-quake, violentlybreaking open the prison doors and shaking oft' our fetters,never shall we get our liberty," *5lC.Thus we see what a mighty work of the law and of thespirit of bondage there must be to prepare for Christ, andhow requisite ii is both for the glorifying of God's justiceand mercy, and also for the furtherance of our justificationand sanctihcation. For illustration of which point, besidesall that hath been said before, 1 have more willingly in thislast passage pressed at large the authority of so great a divine(in which I hope I have not swerved from his sense),because he is without exception, both for holiness andlearning ; and so his sincere and orthodox judgment morecurrent and passable.CHAP, XI.Objection against the former Doctrine. Differences between legalTerrors in Ihe Elect and others.Object. But hence, it may be, some troubled soul maytake up a complaint and say : Alas ! if it be thus, whatshall 1 think of myself f I do not remember that ever 1tasted so deeply of such terrors and legal troubles as youseem to require. 1 have not been so humbled and terrified,nor had such experience of that state under the " spirit ofbondage " as you talk of, &c. ; and therefore you have castscruples into my conscience about the truth and soundnessof my conversion.Answer. I answer : in this work of the " spirit of bondage" ; in this case of legal terrors, humiliations, and otherpreparative dispositions, we do not prescribe precisely justsuch a measure and quantity : we do not determine peremptorilyupon such or such a degree or height ; we leave thatto tlie wisdom of our great Master in heaven, the " onlywise God/' who is a most free agent ; but sure we are aman must have so much, and in that measure, as to bringhim to Christ. It must make him weary of all his sins, andof Satan's bondage wholly ; willing " to pluck out his right

AFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. 179eye, and cut off his right hand," I mean, to part with hisbest beloved bosom lusts, to sell all, and not to leave somuch as a hoof behind. It must be so much as to make himsee his danger, and so haste to the city of refuge ; to besensible of his spiritual misery, that he may heartily thirstfor mercy ; to find himself lost and cast away in hiijiself,that Christ may be all in all unto him ; and after must followa hatred of all false and evil ways for the time to comea thorough change of former courses,;company, conversation; and setting himself in the way and practice of sobriety,honesty, and holiness. If thou hast had experienceof these affections and effects in thine own soul, whatsoeverthe measure of the work of the " spirit of bondage" hathbeen in thee, less or more, thou art safe enough, and mayestgo on comfortably in the holy path, without any discouragementeither from such pretended scruples in thyself, or anyof Satan's cruel cavils and oppositions to the contrary.Upon this occasion it will not be here unseasonable totell you how that legal terror, which God appoints to be apreparative in his elect for the spirit of adoption, and atrue change, differs from that which is found in aliens, andnot attended with any such saving consequents ; that everyone who hath had trouble of conscience for sin, may dearlydiscern whether it hath brought him to Christ, or left himunconverted.1. That happy soul, which is under the terrifying handof God preparing by the work of the spirit of bondage forthe entertainment of Christ and a sound conversion, uponthat fearful apprehension of God's wrath and strict visitationof his conscience for sin, casts about for ease and reconcilementonly by the blood of the Lord Jesus, and those soulhealingpromises in the book of life, with a resolute contemptof all other means and offers for pacification ; feelingnow, and finding by experience, that no other way, noearthly thing, not this whole world, were it all dissolved intothe most curious and exquisite pleasures that ever any carnalheart conceived, can any way assuage the least pangof his grieved spirit. Glad therefore is he to take counseland to advise with any that is able or likely to lead him bya wise and discreet hand to a well-grounded comfort andrefreshment ; and resolveth greedily, whatever the prescriptionand direction be, to give way unto it most willinglyin his performance and practice. " And the peopleasked him, saying. What shall we do then? Then camealso publicans to be baptized, and said unto him, Master,what shall we do ? And the soldiers likewise demanded ofhim, saying, And what shall we do 1 " Thus were John's

170 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMFORTINGwill wake them, and dry up the besotting humours; so inour dead security before our c<strong>on</strong>versiou, God is pleased tolet the law, sin, c<strong>on</strong>science, and Satan loose up<strong>on</strong> us, andto kindle the fire ofhell in our souls, that so we might beroused. Our sins stick close unto us as the pris<strong>on</strong>ers' bolts,and we are shut up under them as in a str<strong>on</strong>g pris<strong>on</strong> ;andtherefore, unk ss as <strong>on</strong>ce in Paul and Silas's case an earthquake,so here there come a mighty heart-quake, violentlybreaking open the pris<strong>on</strong> doors and shaking oft' our fetters,never shall we get our liberty," *5lC.Thus we see what a mighty work of the law and of thespirit of b<strong>on</strong>dage there must be to prepare for Christ, andhow requisite ii is both for the glorifying of God's justiceand mercy, and also for the furtherance of our justificati<strong>on</strong>and sanctihcati<strong>on</strong>. For illustrati<strong>on</strong> of which point, besidesall that hath been said before, 1 have more willingly in thislast passage pressed at large the authority of so great a divine(in which I hope I have not swerved from his sense),because he is without excepti<strong>on</strong>, both for holiness andlearning ; and so his sincere and orthodox judgment morecurrent and passable.CHAP, XI.Objecti<strong>on</strong> against the former Doctrine. Differences between legalTerrors in Ihe Elect and others.Object. But hence, it may be, some troubled soul maytake up a complaint and say : Alas ! if it be thus, whatshall 1 think of myself f I do not remember that ever 1tasted so deeply of such terrors and legal troubles as youseem to require. 1 have not been so humbled and terrified,nor had such experience of that state under the " spirit ofb<strong>on</strong>dage " as you talk of, &c. ; and therefore you have castscruples into my c<strong>on</strong>science about the truth and soundnessof my c<strong>on</strong>versi<strong>on</strong>.Answer. I answer : in this work of the " spirit of b<strong>on</strong>dage" ; in this case of legal terrors, humiliati<strong>on</strong>s, and otherpreparative dispositi<strong>on</strong>s, we do not prescribe precisely justsuch a measure and quantity : we do not determine peremptorilyup<strong>on</strong> such or such a degree or height ; we leave thatto tlie wisdom of our great Master in heaven, the " <strong>on</strong>lywise God/' who is a most free agent ; but sure we are aman must have so much, and in that measure, as to bringhim to Christ. It must make him weary of all his sins, andof Satan's b<strong>on</strong>dage wholly ; willing " to pluck out his right

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