A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

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160 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMFORTINGthe book of Iheir own conscience and of his own holy law.In one of which they find now at length all their innumerableiniquities, transgressions, and sins engraven with thepoint of a diamond, enraged with God's implacable wrath,aggravated with the utmost malice of Satan, and never tobe razed out or remitted but by the blood of the Son ofGod, in which they peremptorily profess themselves to haveno part. In the other they see the fierceness and fulness ofall the curses, plagues, and torments denounced there, anddue unto all impenitent sinners, ready to be poured upontheir bodies and souls for ever; and no possibility to preventthem, no way to decline them, but by God's infinitebounty through Jesus Christ, in which they also utterlydisc) am all right and interest ; and therefore they are nowfinally and desperately resolved to look for no mercy ; butin their own judgment and by their own confession standreprobates from God's covenant, and void of all hope ofhis inheritance, expecting with unspeakable terror andamazement of spirit the consummation of their misery andfearful sentence of eternal damnation. They are commonlysuch as have been gross hypocrites like Judas, and lie insome secret abomination against the knowledge of theirhearts all their life long ; that have followed still their ownsensual ways and course oi the world against the light ofthe ministry, standing like an armed man in their consciencesto the contrary ; who have been scorners and persecutorsof the power of godliness and the good way ; whohave abjured the gospel of Jesus Christ and forsaken thetruth for honour, wealth, or worldly happiness; to whomthe Lord in their lifetime vouchsafed many mercies, muchprosperity, great means of salvation, long forbearance, &c.And yet they stood out still, they still hated to be reformed," set at nought all his counsel, and would none of his reproof."Wherefore the day of gracious visitation being onceexpired, a thousand worlds will not purchase it again :heaven and earth cannot recal it. No mercy, no comfort, noblessing can then be had, though they seek it with tears andyelling. They shall never more be heard, though with muchviolence they throw their shrieks into the air, they cry withsighs and groans as piercing as a sword. Not but that thegates of heaven and arms of mercy may stand wide openuntil their last breath. But, alas ! ihey have already sohardened their hearts that they cannot repent. " Afterthine hardness, saith Paul (Rom. ii, 5), and heart that cannotrepent." They now but howl upon their beds, they donot cry unto God vvith their hearts, as the prophet speaks(Hos.vii, 14). Tlieir earnest and early crying in this last

AFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. 161extremity is only because their " fear is come upon them asdesolation, and their destruction as a whirlwind." Whenthey cast out their considerations for comfort, it is not thewhole creation can possibly help them ; for they must standor fall to the tribunal of the " everlasting God, mighty andterrible, and Creator of the ends of the earth." If theylook up to God the Father, that scripture, Prov. i, 24, 26,comes presently into their head v\ith much horror, andquite kills their hearts ; because he hath called all our lifelong, and all that goodly time we refused, he will laugh nowat our calamity, and mock when our fear is come. JesusChrist, as they strongly conceive, andimmoveably concludeagainst themselves, hath now to them for ever closed up hiswounds as it were, and will not afford them one drop of hisblood; because tliey have so often by coming unworthilyspilt it in the sacrament, persecuted him in his members,and despised him in the ministry. The blessed Spirit, becausein the day of visitation they repelled all his inwardwarnings and holy motions, preferring Satan's impure suggestionsbefore his sacred inspirations, doth now in their ownacknowledgment, by the equity of a just proportion, in thisday of vexation leave them to eat the fruit of their formerwilfulness, and reap the reward of their own ways. Thusthese forlorn wretches are disclaimed, forsaken, and abandonedof heaven and earth, God and man ; of all the comfortsin this life and blessings of the world to come. And soby final despairing of God's mercy, the greatest of sins,they most unhappily and cursedly follow Judas, the worstof men, into the darkest and most horrible cavern in hell.(2.) Others die senselessly and blockishly. They demeanthemselves upon their dying beds as though there were noimmortality of the soul, no tribunal above, no strict accountto be given up there for all things done in the flesh, no everlastingestate in tiie v\orld to come, wherein everyone musteither lie in unspeakable pains, or live in unutterable pleasures.In their lifetime they were never wont to trembleat God's judgments, or lejoice in his promises, or muchtrouble themselves with the ministry of the word, or aboutthe state of their souls. All was one to them, what ministerthey had, whether a man " taught to the kingdom ofChrist," or a general teacfier, or an ignorant mangier of theword, or a dissolute fellow, or a dauber with untemperedmortar, or a dumb dog. If they were neither prostitutesnor thieves, but well accounted of amongst their neighbours,thrived m the world, prospered in their outwardstale, provided for posterity, slept lu a whole skin, wereP 3

160 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMFORTINGthe book of Iheir own c<strong>on</strong>science and of his own holy law.In <strong>on</strong>e of which they find now at length all their innumerableiniquities, transgressi<strong>on</strong>s, and sins engraven with thepoint of a diam<strong>on</strong>d, enraged with God's implacable wrath,aggravated with the utmost malice of Satan, and never tobe razed out or remitted but by the blood of the S<strong>on</strong> ofGod, in which they peremptorily profess themselves to haveno part. In the other they see the fierceness and fulness ofall the curses, plagues, and torments denounced there, anddue unto all impenitent sinners, ready to be poured up<strong>on</strong>their bodies and souls for ever; and no possibility to preventthem, no way to decline them, but by God's infinitebounty through Jesus Christ, in which they also utterlydisc) am all right and interest ; and therefore they are nowfinally and desperately resolved to look for no mercy ; butin their own judgment and by their own c<strong>on</strong>fessi<strong>on</strong> standreprobates from God's covenant, and void of all hope ofhis inheritance, expecting with unspeakable terror andamazement of spirit the c<strong>on</strong>summati<strong>on</strong> of their misery andfearful sentence of eternal damnati<strong>on</strong>. <strong>The</strong>y are comm<strong>on</strong>lysuch as have been gross hypocrites like Judas, and lie insome secret abominati<strong>on</strong> against the knowledge of theirhearts all their life l<strong>on</strong>g ; that have followed still their ownsensual ways and course oi the world against the light ofthe ministry, standing like an armed man in their c<strong>on</strong>sciencesto the c<strong>on</strong>trary ; who have been scorners and persecutorsof the power of godliness and the good way ; whohave abjured the gospel of Jesus Christ and forsaken thetruth for h<strong>on</strong>our, wealth, or worldly happiness; to whomthe Lord in their lifetime vouchsafed many mercies, muchprosperity, great means of salvati<strong>on</strong>, l<strong>on</strong>g forbearance, &c.And yet they stood out still, they still hated to be reformed," set at nought all his counsel, and would n<strong>on</strong>e of his reproof."Wherefore the day of gracious visitati<strong>on</strong> being <strong>on</strong>ceexpired, a thousand worlds will not purchase it again :heaven and earth cannot recal it. No mercy, no comfort, noblessing can then be had, though they seek it with tears andyelling. <strong>The</strong>y shall never more be heard, though with muchviolence they throw their shrieks into the air, they cry withsighs and groans as piercing as a sword. Not but that thegates of heaven and arms of mercy may stand wide openuntil their last breath. But, alas ! ihey have already sohardened their hearts that they cannot repent. " Afterthine hardness, saith Paul (Rom. ii, 5), and heart that cannotrepent." <strong>The</strong>y now but howl up<strong>on</strong> their beds, they d<strong>on</strong>ot cry unto God vvith their hearts, as the prophet speaks(Hos.vii, 14). Tlieir earnest and early crying in this last

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