A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

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—120 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMFORTINGtry, and Felix trembling when Paul struck him on theright vein.The reasons why this more particular discovery and denouncingof judgment against a man's principal sin is likeGod assisting with the spirit of bondage to put such life intothe work of the law, are such as these :1. " The sword of the Spirit," which is the word of God,being wielded by the hand of the Holy Ghost, and edged,as it were, with the special power of God's blessing for thecutting asunder of the iron sinews of a stubborn and stonyheart, doth crush and conquer, strike through and break mpieces with an irresistible power, proportioned to the insolencyor easiness of resistance. My meaning is this, asphilosophers say of the lightning, that by reason of theeasiness of the passage, weakness of resistance, porosity ofthe parts, it pierceth through the purse, scabbard, and bark,without any such scorching and visible hurt ; but melts themoney, the sword, rends and shivers the tree, because theirsubstance and solidity doth more exercise and improve itsactiveness and ability : so this spiritual sword, though itstrike at every sin, and passeth through " even to the dividingasunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints andmarrow," yet the hairy pate of the main corruption andmaster sin it wounds with a witness ; it there tortures andteais in pieces with extraordinary anguish and smart,searching and sense ; for that opposeth with the mostflinty iron sinew, to blunt and deaden its edge if it werepossible.2. In consciences regularly and rightly wounded andawakened, sins are wont to bite and sting proportionablyto tlieir heinousness and the exorbitancy of their form.ersensual impressions. Some like a mastiff, some like a scorpion,some like a wolf in the evening. But understand,that spiritual anguish surpasseth immeasurably any corporalpain, therefore conceive of them with a vast disproportion.Now the darling delight or captain sin frighting the heartwith greatest horror, and stinging with extremity proportionableto its former outrages upon conscience, doth by anaccidental power (God blessing the business) give a greatstroke to drive a man to deepest detestation of himself, tothrow him down to the lowest step of penitent dejection, torender more eager his thirsty greediness after pardon andgrace, and at length to terrify him out of his naturalestate.3. A man's principal and most prevailing sin is Satan'sstrongest hold. When he is in danger to be dislodged anddriven by the power of the word out of the other parts of

weAFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. 121the soul, as it were, and from possession of a man by allother sins, he retires hither as to his castle and most impregnablefort. And therefore if this be soundly beaten uponby the hammer and horror of the law, and battered abouthis ears, he will be quickly enforced to quit the place altogether.It may be good counsel then, and often seasonable, tosay unto those men of God who desire to drive the devilout of others in some sort, as the king of Syria said to hiscaptains, " Fight neither with small nor great, save onlywith the king of Igrael." My meaning is, let them addressthe sharpest edge of their spiritual sword, yet as well witha holy charitable discretion as with resolute downrightdealing, against those sins which bear greatest sway inthem they have to deal with. Be it their covetousness,ambition, lust, drunkenness, lukewarmness, monstrousnessof the fashion, sacrilege, oppression, usury, backsliding,murder, luxury, opposition to the good way, hatred of thesaints, or what other sin soever they discover in them tominister greatest advantage to Satan, to keep them fastestin his clutches. No sin must be spared, but let the reigningsin be thrust at especially.II. For opening of the most rich and orient mines of allthose sweetest mercies folded up within the bowels of God'sdearest compassions and of the mystery of his free graceand love through the Son of his love ; upon purpose to inviteand allure those that are without to come in ; and tostir up our hearers to bring broken hearts, bruised spirits,bleeding souls unto the throne of grace, upon the sameground, but infinitely more gracious, that encouraged theservants of Benhadad to address them.selves towards theking of Israel ;" And his servants said unto him, Beholdnow, we have heard that the kings of the house of Israelare merciful kings : let us, I pray thee, put sackcloth onour loins, and ropes upon our heads, and go out to the kingof Israel : peradventure he will save thy life" (1 Kings xx,31). The most desperate rebels heretofore, upon presenttrue remorse for their former rage in sin, resolving sincerelyto stand on God's side for ever hereafter, may safely and upongood ground thus reason within themselves : Alas ! liavedone very villanously ; we have served Satan along time ; wewalk up and down as condemned men, ripe fordestruclionlongago ; hell itself even groans for us ; we may justly look everymoment for a mittimus to cast us headlong into the dungeonof brimstone and fire ;and yet we will try ; we will go andthrow down ourselves before the throne of grace in dustand ashes, and cry as the publican did unto the great GodM

—120 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMFORTINGtry, and Felix trembling when Paul struck him <strong>on</strong> theright vein.<strong>The</strong> reas<strong>on</strong>s why this more particular discovery and denouncingof judgment against a man's principal sin is likeGod assisting with the spirit of b<strong>on</strong>dage to put such life intothe work of the law, are such as these :1. " <strong>The</strong> sword of the Spirit," which is the word of God,being wielded by the hand of the Holy Ghost, and edged,as it were, with the special power of God's blessing for thecutting asunder of the ir<strong>on</strong> sinews of a stubborn and st<strong>on</strong>yheart, doth crush and c<strong>on</strong>quer, strike through and break mpieces with an irresistible power, proporti<strong>on</strong>ed to the insolencyor easiness of resistance. My meaning is this, asphilosophers say of the lightning, that by reas<strong>on</strong> of theeasiness of the passage, weakness of resistance, porosity ofthe parts, it pierceth through the purse, scabbard, and bark,without any such scorching and visible hurt ; but melts them<strong>on</strong>ey, the sword, rends and shivers the tree, because theirsubstance and solidity doth more exercise and improve itsactiveness and ability : so this spiritual sword, though itstrike at every sin, and passeth through " even to the dividingasunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints andmarrow," yet the hairy pate of the main corrupti<strong>on</strong> andmaster sin it wounds with a witness ; it there tortures andteais in pieces with extraordinary anguish and smart,searching and sense ; for that opposeth with the mostflinty ir<strong>on</strong> sinew, to blunt and deaden its edge if it werepossible.2. In c<strong>on</strong>sciences regularly and rightly wounded andawakened, sins are w<strong>on</strong>t to bite and sting proporti<strong>on</strong>ablyto tlieir heinousness and the exorbitancy of their form.ersensual impressi<strong>on</strong>s. Some like a mastiff, some like a scorpi<strong>on</strong>,some like a wolf in the evening. But understand,that spiritual anguish surpasseth immeasurably any corporalpain, therefore c<strong>on</strong>ceive of them with a vast disproporti<strong>on</strong>.Now the darling delight or captain sin frighting the heartwith greatest horror, and stinging with extremity proporti<strong>on</strong>ableto its former outrages up<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>science, doth by anaccidental power (God blessing the business) give a greatstroke to drive a man to deepest detestati<strong>on</strong> of himself, tothrow him down to the lowest step of penitent dejecti<strong>on</strong>, torender more eager his thirsty greediness after pard<strong>on</strong> andgrace, and at length to terrify him out of his naturalestate.3. A man's principal and most prevailing sin is Satan'sstr<strong>on</strong>gest hold. When he is in danger to be dislodged anddriven by the power of the word out of the other parts of

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