A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan


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AFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. 107which the Pharisees had of Christ's followers, that theywere a c<strong>on</strong>temptible and cursed generati<strong>on</strong>, a company ofbase, rude, illiterate underlings. Nay, sometimes whenthe rnad fit is up<strong>on</strong> them, they will not stick to charge God'speople in some proporti<strong>on</strong> most wickedly and falsely, asthe ancient heathens did the primitive Christians — withc<strong>on</strong>venticles and meetings of hateful impurities, facti<strong>on</strong>,disaffecti<strong>on</strong> to Cesar, and jnany other horrible things ;vvhereas, poor souls, they were most innocent, and infinitelyabhorred all such villanies ; and they met in themorning, even before day, not to do, God knows, any suchill, but for the service of God (even their most ingeniousadversaries being witnesses), to sing praises to Christ.God, to c<strong>on</strong>firm their discipliae, forbidding all manner ofsin, (Sec;— with all the miscarriages, miseries, and calamitiesthat fell up<strong>on</strong> the state, as though they were the causes.Whereas those few neglected <strong>on</strong>es which truly serve Godare the <strong>on</strong>ly men in all places where they live to make upthe hedge, and to stand in the gap against the threatenedinundati<strong>on</strong>s of God's di'eadful wrath ; and all the oppositesto their holy professi<strong>on</strong> are the real enemies of kingdoms,able by their dissoluteness and disgracing godliness to dissolvethe sinews of the str<strong>on</strong>gest state up<strong>on</strong> earth. Lookup<strong>on</strong> Amos iv, 1, 2, and there you shall find who they arewhich cause God to enter a c<strong>on</strong>troversy with the inhabitantsof a land.Hear how Austin describes some of these self-seeking andsoul-murdering daubers in his days ": Far be it from us,"saith he, " that we should say unto you, live as you list, d<strong>on</strong>ot trouble yourselves, God will cast away n<strong>on</strong>e, <strong>on</strong>ly holdthe Christian faith. He will not destroy that which hehath redeemed, he will not destroy those for whom he hathshed his blood; and if you please to recreate yourselves atplays, you may go ; what hurt is there in it 1 And youmay go to those feasts which are kept in all towns by jovialcompani<strong>on</strong>s, making themselves merry, as they suppose, atthese public meetings, but indeed rather making themselvesmost miserable ;I say you may go and be jovial,God's mercy is great and may pard<strong>on</strong> all. Crown yourselveswith roses before they wither. You may fill yourselveswith good cheer and wine am<strong>on</strong>gst your good-fellowcompani<strong>on</strong>s ; for the creature is given unto us for that purpose,that we may enjoy it.—If we say these things, peradventurewe shall have greater multitudes applaud andadhere unto our doctrine. And if there be some, whichthink, that speaking these things we are not well advised,we offend but a few, and those precise <strong>on</strong>es ; but we win

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