A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan


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AFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. 103Iheie is a sight of our misery, to which we are brought bythe law. Sec<strong>on</strong>dly, there is by the gospel a holding forthof Christ, as our redempti<strong>on</strong> from sin and death. Thirdly,there is a working of faith in the heart to rest <strong>on</strong> Christ asthe ransom from sin and death. Now when a man is comehither, he is truly and really just*."" We teach, that in true c<strong>on</strong>versi<strong>on</strong> a man must bewounded in his c<strong>on</strong>science by the sense of Lis sins. Hisc<strong>on</strong>triti<strong>on</strong> must be pungent and vehement, bruising, breaking,rending the heart, and feeling the pains (as a womanlabouring of child) before the new creature be broughtforth, or Christ truly formed in him. It is not d<strong>on</strong>e withoutbitterness of the soul, without care, indignati<strong>on</strong>, revenge(2 Cor. vii, 11). But as some infants are born with lesspain to the mother, and some with more ; so may the newman be regenerated in some with more, in some wiih lessanxiety of travail. But surely grace is not infused into theheart of any sinner, except there be at least so great afflicti<strong>on</strong>of spirit for sin foregoing that he cannot but feel it,"&c.t"This bruising is required before c<strong>on</strong>versi<strong>on</strong>. 1. Thatso the Spirit may make way for itself into the heart bylevelling all proud high thoughts, &c. 2. To make us seta high price up<strong>on</strong> Christ's death.—This is the cause of relapsesand apostasies, because men never smarted for sinat the first. <strong>The</strong>y were not l<strong>on</strong>g enough under the lash ofthe law. Hence this inferior work of the Spirit in bringingdown high thoughts is necessary before c<strong>on</strong>versi<strong>on</strong>^."Danbers reprehended.CHAP. II.Faithfulness in preaching and Daubing compared.By this time it doth most clearly and plentifully appearwhat a foul and fearful fault it is, for men, either in themanaging of their public ministry, or in their more privatec<strong>on</strong>ferences, visitati<strong>on</strong>s of the sick, c<strong>on</strong>sultati<strong>on</strong>s about agood estate to God-ward, and other occasi<strong>on</strong>s of like nature,to apply Jesus Christ and the promises, to promise life andsafety in the evil day, to souls as yet not soundly enlightenedand <strong>afflicted</strong> with sight of sin and sense of God'swrath ; to c<strong>on</strong>sciences never truly wounded and awakened.* Baiue, in his Serm<strong>on</strong> up<strong>on</strong> John iii. 16.t Cade, in his Justificati<strong>on</strong> of the Church of England, lib. i, cap. vsec. 1.t Sibbs, in his Bruised Reed.

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