A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan


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AFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. 99doctrine with such cauti<strong>on</strong>, that neither the humble soulsmay be affrighted with the severity of God's judgments,nor the profane and unrepentant grow presumptuous by theabundance of God's mercy. <strong>The</strong> pers<strong>on</strong> that is full despiseththe h<strong>on</strong>eycomb, saith Solom<strong>on</strong> (Prov. xxvii, 7). Andwhat doth a proud Pharisee, or a churlish Nabal, or a politicGallio, or a scoffing Ishmael, care to hear of ihebreadth, and length, and depth, and height of the love ofGod in his s<strong>on</strong> Jesus 1 (Ephes. iii, 1 8) except it be to settlethem faster up<strong>on</strong> their lees. Doctrine of that nature isas unfiting such uncircumcised ears (Actsvii, 51) as thesnow the summer, and the rain the harvest. Unto the horsebel<strong>on</strong>gs a whip, to the ass a bridle, and a rod to the fool'sback, &CC (Prov. xxvi, I, 3). He that intendeth to do anygood in this frozen generati<strong>on</strong>, had need rather to be Boanerges,<strong>on</strong>e of the s<strong>on</strong>s of thunder (Mark iii, 17), than Bar-J<strong>on</strong>ah, the s<strong>on</strong> of a dove."" <strong>The</strong> word of God," saith Forbes*, " hath three degreesof operati<strong>on</strong> in the hearts of men. For, first, it falleth to men'sears as the sound of many waters, a mighty, great, andc<strong>on</strong>fused sound, and which comm<strong>on</strong>ly bringeth neither terrornor joy, but yet a w<strong>on</strong>dering and acknowledgment, ofa strange force, and more than human power. This is thateffect which many felt <strong>on</strong> hearing Christ, when they wereast<strong>on</strong>ished at his doctrine, as teaching with authority." What manner of doctrine is this " " ? Never man spakelike this man" (Mark i, 22, 27 ; Luke iv, 32 ; John vii, 46).This effect falleth even to the reprobate (Habak. i, 5 ; Actsxiii, 41). <strong>The</strong> next effect is the voice of thunder ; whichbringeth not <strong>on</strong>ly w<strong>on</strong>der but fear also ; not <strong>on</strong>ly filleth theears with sound and the heart with ast<strong>on</strong>ishment, but moreovershaketh and terrifieth the c<strong>on</strong>science. And this sec<strong>on</strong>deff'ect may also befal a reprobate, as Felix (Actsxxiv, 25). <strong>The</strong> third effect is proper to the elect, the soundof harping, while the word not <strong>on</strong>ly ravisheth with admirati<strong>on</strong>and striketh the c<strong>on</strong>science with terror, but also, lastly,filleth it with sweet peace and joy, &c. Now albeit thefirst two degrees may be without the last ;yet n<strong>on</strong>e feelthe last, who have not in some degree felt both the firsttwo."" God healeth n<strong>on</strong>e," saith Gouget, " but such as arefirst wounded. <strong>The</strong> whole need not a physician, but theythat are sick ( Matt, ix, 12)- Christ was anointed to preachthe gospel to the poor, to heal the broken-hearted, &c.(Luke iv, 18)."^ In his Commentary up<strong>on</strong> Rev. xiv. t <strong>The</strong> whole Armour of God.

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