A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan


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AFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. 89thou fallest into that sin, thou art fallen into hell, if Godlielp not out.19. Never be the bolder to give way unto any wickedness,to exercise thy heart with covetousness, cruelty, ambiti<strong>on</strong>,revenge, adulteries, speculative want<strong>on</strong>ness, undeanness,or any other solitary sinfulness, because thou art al<strong>on</strong>e,and no mortal eye looks up<strong>on</strong> thee. For " if thine heartc<strong>on</strong>demn thee, God is greater than thy heart, and knowethall things;" and will c<strong>on</strong>demn thee much more. If thyc<strong>on</strong>science be as a thousand witnesses ; God, who is theLord of thy c<strong>on</strong>science, will be more than a milli<strong>on</strong> of witnesses;and thou mayest be assured, howsoever thoublessest thyself in thy secrecy, that what sin soever is nowacted in the very retiredst corner of thine heart, or anyways most solitarily by thyself ; though in the meantimeit be c<strong>on</strong>cealed and lie hid in as great darkness as it wascommitted, until that last and great day, yet then it mustmost certainly appear, and be as legible <strong>on</strong> thy forehead asif it were written with the brightest sun-beam up<strong>on</strong> a wallof crystal. Thou shalt then in the face of heaven and earthbe laid out in thy true colours, and without c<strong>on</strong>fessing andforsaking while it is called to-day, be before angels, men,and devils, utterly, universally, and everlastingly shamedand c<strong>on</strong>founded.20. C<strong>on</strong>sider the resolute resistance and mortified resoluti<strong>on</strong>sagainst sin and all enticements thereunto of many,up<strong>on</strong> whom the sun of the gospel did not shine with suchbeauty and fulness as it doth up<strong>on</strong> us; neither were somany heavenly discoveries in the kingdom of Christ madeknown unto them as our days have seen. For up<strong>on</strong> ourtimes (which makes our sins a great deal more sinful) hathhappily fallen an admirable c<strong>on</strong>fluence of the saving lightand learning, experience and excellency of all former ages,besides the extraordinary additi<strong>on</strong>s of the present, whichwith a glorious no<strong>on</strong>tide of united illuminati<strong>on</strong>s doth abundantlyserve our turn for a c<strong>on</strong>tinued further and fullerillustrati<strong>on</strong> of the great mystery of godliness and secrets ofsanctificati<strong>on</strong>. Hear Chrysostom ": But I think thus, andthis will I ever preach, that it is much more bitter to offendChrist than to be tormented in the pains of hell." He thatwrites the life of Anselm, saith thus of him ; "He fearednothing in the world more than to sin. My c<strong>on</strong>sciencebearing me witnes 1 lie not ; for we have often heard himprofess, that if <strong>on</strong> the <strong>on</strong>e hand he should see corporallythe horror of sin, <strong>on</strong> the other the pains of hell, and mustnecessarily be plunged into the <strong>on</strong>e, he would choose hellrather than sin. And another thing also no less perhapsI 3

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