A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan


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:52 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMFORTINGhallowed fury possessed many heretics of old. Up<strong>on</strong> thisfalse ground the D<strong>on</strong> utists in the fourth century after Christoffered themselves willingly, and suffered death most courageously.And so did the JEuphemites, who for the multitudeof their supposed martyrs, would needs be called Martyrians.We also learn from history that Turks, Tartars,and Moors both fight and die most bravely for the blasphemousopini<strong>on</strong>s of Mahomet; and that the Assassins*, acompany of blood-thirsty villains and desperate cut-throats,who would without all scruple or fear undertake to dispatchany man whom their general commanded them to murder,died oftentimes with great c<strong>on</strong>stancy and undismayedness ;and this they accounted a special point of religi<strong>on</strong>. Butespecially at this day the Popish pseudo-martyrs (indeedtrue traitors) are stark mad with this superstitious rage.First, they drink full deep of the golden cup of abominable" fornicati<strong>on</strong> in the hand of the great whore ;" immediatelywhereup<strong>on</strong> they grow into an insatiable and outrageousthirst alter the blood of souls, pois<strong>on</strong>ing them with the doctrineof devils, and also after the blood of whomsoeverwithstands their accursed superstiti<strong>on</strong>s, even though theywear imperial crowns up<strong>on</strong> their heads ; by plotting andpractising treas<strong>on</strong>s, patricides, assassinati<strong>on</strong>s, pois<strong>on</strong>ings,ruins of whole nati<strong>on</strong>s, barbarous massacres, blowing up ofparliaments, and a world of mischiefs, which cast an inexpiablestain and obloquy up<strong>on</strong> the innocency of the Christianreligi<strong>on</strong>^ At last they come to Tyburn, or some otherpkce of just executi<strong>on</strong>, and then they will needs persuadethe world that they are going towards heaven to receive acrown of martyrdom. <strong>The</strong>y seem there already to triumphextraordinarily, and to c<strong>on</strong>temn tortures. With an affectedbravery they trample up<strong>on</strong> the tribunals of justice ; kiss theinstruments of death in sign of happiness at hand ; andthrow many resolute and rejoicing speeches am<strong>on</strong>gst thepeople, as though they liad <strong>on</strong>e foot in heaven alreadywhen, alas! poor blind, misguided souls, while they thuswilfully and desperately aband<strong>on</strong> their lives up<strong>on</strong> a groundlessand graceless c<strong>on</strong>ceit that they shall become crownedmartyrs, they are like a man, who lying asleep up<strong>on</strong> a higharid steep rock, dreams that he is created a king, guardedwith a goodly train of ancient nobles, furnished with manyprincely houses and stately palaces, enriched with the revenues,majesty, and magnificence of a mighty kingdom,attended with all the pleasures his heart could desire ; butstarting up suddenly and leaping for joy, falls headl<strong>on</strong>g and• A sect of Mahometan enthusiasts.

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