GE : imagination at work

GE : imagination at work

GE : imagination at work


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职 业 加 油 站 Career DevelopmentMa Haiyan: Enjoy My Dual RoleWhen we talk about living double lives, we’re reminded of classicfictional characters and superheroes like the iconic B<strong>at</strong>man. Incomics and films, Bruce Wayne, the man behind the B<strong>at</strong>manmask, is a playboy billionaire who spends money like w<strong>at</strong>er butdons a mask <strong>at</strong> night to fight crime. Not everyone who livesa double life wears a mask or <strong>work</strong>s in the shadows–some ofthese unique individuals <strong>work</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>GE</strong>. Ma Haiyan is one of themserving as both the general manager of the Go Blue Team of <strong>GE</strong>Healthcare and as the ombudsperson in charge of listening toemployees’ concerns.Since Haiyan has joined <strong>GE</strong> ten years ago, he has devoted himselfto the company. Because he was the compliance manager ofthe legal department of <strong>GE</strong> Healthcare, he assumed the role asombudsperson as his part-time job in 2003. Whether serving asthe compliance manager or the ombudsperson, he is faced witha variety of integrity problems. As the l<strong>at</strong>ter, he not only needsto deal with conventional integrity viol<strong>at</strong>ions rel<strong>at</strong>ed to <strong>GE</strong>’spolicies, but also listens to employees’ concerns and helps themsolve these problems, while providing advice for their careerdevelopment.When employees report vital problems in person or by email,Haiyan puts the case into the ombuds system and coordin<strong>at</strong>eswith relevant departments including HR, legal and finance tosolve the problems to protect the company from risks. This is therole <strong>GE</strong> hopes its ombudspersons will play.Haiyan has his own opinions on the position of an ombudsperson.“The ombudsperson is a special communic<strong>at</strong>ion channel <strong>GE</strong>offers to all employees. In order to keep this channel open, theombudsperson should have integrity and credibility, becausewhen employees go to report their concerns, trust is the mostimportant aspect of th<strong>at</strong> rel<strong>at</strong>ionship as opposed to the authorityor title the ombudsperson has. Wh<strong>at</strong>’s more, the ombudspersonshould have a clear map about the company’s structure andhave extremely rich career experience. In this way, employeescan gain fair and objective advice. When employees trust theombudsperson, they are willing to open their hearts and talkabout their concerns. And after talking, employees will be morerelaxed and get wh<strong>at</strong> they were looking for. This is the value ofthe <strong>work</strong>.”Zhang Tianbing: Being the“Ears” and “Mouth” of theCompanyApart from finishing their own <strong>work</strong>, some engineers in <strong>GE</strong> needto handle the integrity concerns reported by colleagues. ZhangTianbing <strong>at</strong> <strong>GE</strong> Transport<strong>at</strong>ion is a prim<strong>at</strong>e example of such anengineer. Tianbing joined <strong>GE</strong> in 2003 as an R&D engineer. As amechanical engineering manager, he has not only led the ICSmechanical engineering team <strong>at</strong> <strong>GE</strong> Transport<strong>at</strong>ion Engineering, butalso served as the ombudsperson listening to everyone’s concerns.Tianbing received a series of reports every day, not only when employees find viol<strong>at</strong>ions in policies’ implement<strong>at</strong>ion or issues ofintegrity in IP protection and EHS, but also about the problems affecting employees’ daily <strong>work</strong>. Faced with these complic<strong>at</strong>ions,Tianbing relies on p<strong>at</strong>ience and good judgment to deal with each problem th<strong>at</strong> arises. “Actually they are not easy to tackle, since I amnot an expert in every field. When something complic<strong>at</strong>ed happens, I need to decide wh<strong>at</strong> area it belongs, then go to the respectiveexperts in th<strong>at</strong> field such as Legal or HR to solve the problem,” Tianbing said.Years of experience have given him a deep understanding of being an ombudsperson. He thinks th<strong>at</strong> it is very important to play theroles of “ear” and “mouth” for a branch of the company. “Admittedly, the solution of the problem is significant, but first we should listenp<strong>at</strong>iently to everyone’s concerns and suggestions and report them to rel<strong>at</strong>ed departments and leaders in a timely manner. In th<strong>at</strong> waywe can all <strong>work</strong> together to solve problems, and navig<strong>at</strong>e for the company’s safe development.”Since 2003, Haiyan has dealt with dozens of integrity cases.“This job covers a wide array of aspects, even including givingdirections when employees can’t find some loc<strong>at</strong>ions. It seemsth<strong>at</strong> I am like the chief of the complaint department, handlingissues and solving problems in a timely manner,” Haiyan said.“The main task of an ombudsperson is to listen to employees’concerns and help them allevi<strong>at</strong>e their unpleasant moods.I remember one time an employee left the <strong>GE</strong> site withoutauthoriz<strong>at</strong>ion, and then his family called us worried because hehadn’t returned home either. While the company and police triedtheir best to find this particular employee, he suddenly appearedand returned to <strong>GE</strong> after disappearing for 72 hours. He was veryembarrassed and extremely sad, but he was unwilling to tell uswh<strong>at</strong> happened. At th<strong>at</strong> time, wh<strong>at</strong> he needed most was comfortand someone to talk to.”27 <strong>GE</strong> & ME“There is an old saying in China: The blacksmith needs to be harder than steel. First, a qualified ombudsperson should be honest; second,he or she should always be objective and base decisions on facts; third, he or she must be an approachable and p<strong>at</strong>ient listener; fourth,he or she must pay <strong>at</strong>tention to the communic<strong>at</strong>ion and cooper<strong>at</strong>ion in problem-solving and inform of employees the results.”When talking about his life outside <strong>work</strong>, Tianbing said th<strong>at</strong> he enjoys spending time with his families. At the weekend, he often cooks forhis families or goes hiking with his wife. We believe th<strong>at</strong> he will keep up his good <strong>work</strong> by being the “ear” and ”mouth” of <strong>GE</strong> in the future.<strong>GE</strong> & ME 28

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