A Buzz in Tooele City - Tooele Transcript Bulletin

A Buzz in Tooele City - Tooele Transcript Bulletin A Buzz in Tooele City - Tooele Transcript Bulletin

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A2 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETIN TUESDAY May 3, 2011Peppermill Concert Hall thriving despite tough economyby Missy BirdSTAFF WRITERWeathering a recession and adownturn in gaming revenuesacross Nevada, the PeppermillConcert Hall has found a successfuloperating formula sinceit opened in West Wendover,Nev., in the summer of 2006.Thus far, 120 artists haveperformed at the $21 millionfacility — many of themmore than once. Those rangefrom country singers to oldrock stars to comedians. Andthe 1,032-seat venue sells outregularly, according to JohnSpillman, marketing directorfor Peppermill Resorts inWendover.“Attendance is very good,”he said. “Most shows are sellingout and the ones that don’t arevery close.”Spillman said when the hallfirst opened, it was only themost popular shows that wereselling out. Over time, however,the crowds have increased forall shows.file / Troy BomanThe Peppermill Concert Hall in West Wendover, Nev., opened in 2006. While theaudience is generally full for concerts, it sometimes struggles to book acts.BUSINESS BRIEFSThe Transcript-Bulletin welcomesnews items from the local businesscommunity of 150 words orless. Businesses can send newsof awards, promotions, internalmilestones, new business ventures,new hires, relocations, partnerships,major transactions andother items to Missy Thompson viae-mail at missy@tooeletranscript.com, via fax at (435) 882-6123,or via regular mail at P.O. Box 390,Tooele, UT 84074. by Lisa ChristensenSTAFF WRITERTroopers from the UtahHighway Patrol made three marijuanabusts along I-80 over theweekend, resulting in the seizureof more than 75 pounds ofdrugs.Late Thursday evening,Trooper Chris Lewis pulled over aNissan Maxima near milepost 58for a speeding violation, accordingto UHP Lt. Corey Nye. WhenLewis approached the vehicle, hedetected the smell of marijuanaand asked the driver, 26-yearoldOwings, Md., resident DavidJared Segall, to get out of the carto facilitate the search for thesource of the drug odor. Nye saidat that point in the stop Segallrolled the window up, put the carin gear and drove away.Lewis chased Segall for about10 miles down the highway untilSegall slowed and began to pullover, Nye said.“What we found out later wasthat his girlfriend, who was drivinganother car as part of therun, had convinced him to givehimself up,” Nye said. “But thenit seemed like he changed hismind because he started to pullout again.”Segall was stopped whenLewis maneuvered his car nextto Segall’s. The patrol vehiclewas slightly damaged, and noone was hurt, Nye said. InsideSegall’s vehicle, Lewis found 40pounds of raw marijuana, packagedfor distribution, a smallamount of cocaine for personaluse, Nye said, and more than 150glass pipes and bongs. Nye saidSegall was transporting the drugsfrom Central California back toMaryland.Segall and his girlfriendwere both taken into custody.The woman, also a Marylandresident, was not transportingany drugs in her car and wascourtesy of Saul AndradeRocker Alice Cooper performs at the Peppermill Concert Hall in West Wendover, Nev., on Oct. 17, 2009. The concert hall has acts performing almost every weekend.Achieving those sellouts ispartly a function of ticket pricing,with the price of admissionvarying from $5 to $60 dependingupon the seats and the artist.“A high-end artist like LynyrdSkynryd — they are a highlysought-after group, so naturallywe have to pay a little moremoney for them,” Spillman said.“The ticket prices will be a littlelower for someone who’s not aswell known or sought after, likethe Little River Band. They startat $20 whereas Lynyrd Skynyrdmight start at $50 or $60.”The hall operates as a lossleader for Peppermill Resortsin order to attract customersto casinos and hotels — meaningconcerts just pay the costof covering the band, singer oract, Spillman said.The concert hall’s main challengeis not selling tickets butrather booking acts.“It’s very expensive [for theartists] to put on big productions,get the dates and havethe band and equipment movingaround and setting up,”Spillman said. “That’s beenour biggest challenge: findingenough acts to have everyweekend.”The Peppermill ConcertHall has 44 acts scheduled toperform through December,with tickets on sale for performancesthrough the end of July.Concerts are already sold outfor rocker Joan Jett performingFriday, folk rock band Americaon May 13, stand-up comedianGabriel Iglesias on May 27 andtwo shows for comedian RonWhite on July 1.Some artists have been repeatperformers at the concert hall,such as comedian RodneyCarrington (who’s scheduled toperform two shows on Dec. 3).“When Rodney Carrington ishere, we try to book him forthe following year,” he said.“We’re still trying to book actsin August. More are last-minute,some of the shows we bookfar out in advance.”There are other acts, suchreleased, so far without chargespressed against her, after providinginformation to investigators,as Saigon by Night, an oldvaudeville-type group, whereSpillman is never sure whattypes of entertainers will beperforming.“They’re like a mishmash ofthe old vaudeville with singersand dancers,” he said. “We’llhave four or five of those a year.They just never confirm whothe actual artists are going to beuntil a few months before.”Spillman said he tries to landdiverse acts — within certainparameters.“We put offers out to allgenres,” he said. “We’re hustlingcountry stars, comedians,old rockers and newer rock.”Most of the market for theconcert hall comes from theNye said.“Working with our state bureauof investigations, she’s given a lotof statements,” Nye said. “She’sbeen helpful.”Segall, however, is being heldin the Tooele County DetentionCenter.At approximately 10:30 Fridaynight, Trooper Evan Kirbystopped a rental car near milepost67 for a moving violation.Upon approaching the vehicle,he noticed the smell of marijuana,Nye said, and requested a K-9unit to investigate. Five poundsof marijuana were found in thecar. The driver, a 39-year-oldmale, and the passenger, a 35-year-old woman, who were ontheir way from Central Californiato Chicago, were both arrested.On Saturday, Trooper ChrisTerry pulled over a HondaElement near milepost 26 anddetected the smell of marijuana.When he approached the driver,35-year-old Chesterfield, Va., residentAlan Pew, about the smell,Pew became noncompliant andbegan yelling and flailing. NyeWasatch Front. Demand andpopularity have determinedwhat types of acts they go after.“We have tested various typesof acts and found country to bethe most popular genre amongour patrons followed by classicrock, comedy and alternative,”he said.The concert hall was nominatedby the Academy ofCountry Music as the CasinoVenue of the Year in 2008,2009 and 2010, according toSpillman.“Even to be nominated is ahuge honor,” he said. “It’s casinovenues all across the UnitedStates and Canada and LasVegas casinos. There’s a lot ofnice facilities. For us to be recognizedis a significant deal.”With fewer bands touringdue to the economy, Spillmansaid it’s become increasinglydifficult to book bands andacts. However, the number ofpeople attending shows has notdecreased.“We’re still seeing the samenumber of people, but they’renot bringing as much money,”he said. “The thing that’s affectingus right now is gas prices.People bring a couple hundredout to play the tables or slotsand have to spend $80 on gas.Still, the ticket sales are a testamentto the customers reallyenjoying the shows.”missy@tooeletranscript.comI-80 sees three more weekend marijuana bustsShare youropinion withover 27,000readers.Write a letter to the editortbp@tooeletranscript.comP.O. Box 390, Tooele, UT 84074courtesy of Utah Highway PatrolMore than 75 pounds of marijuana and drug paraphernalia were seized duringthree separate busts along I-80 over the weekend. 1/2 lb Double5.49CheeseburgerCombo NOW SERVING! $5.49Breakfast inGrantsville8am–11am490 N. Main, Tooele • 882-3608HOURS: Mon - Sat 10 am –10 pm Sunday 11 am – 10 pmearn pointsfor freefood andmerchandiseGet aRewardsCard!230 E. Main, Grantsville• 884-4408HOURS: Monday - Sunday 8 am – 10 pmPGSun - Thurs 5:00 | 7:00Fri & Sat 5:00 | 7:00 | 9:00HoodwinkedToo:Hood vs EvilTooele’s Show Place for Over 60 Years!No Credit/Debit cardsor Checks Accepted882-2273111 N. Main, TooeleMOTOR VUAdmission Adults $7 | Child/Senior $5 | 5pm Matinee $5Admission- Adults $ 7 | Child $ 1 | Senior $ 5GNOMEO & JULIETGNOMEO & JULIETalsoG PG-13Sun - Thurs 5:00Ends ThursdayPG-13Helen Mirren, Russell BrandArthurAdmission Adults $7 | Child/Senior $5 | 5pm Matinee $58:45 • THURS - FRI - SATSun - Thurs 7:10Ends ThursdayPG-13HannaCate BlanchettAdmission Adults $7 | Child/Senior $5 | 5pm Matinee $5FM Radio Required for SoundMARS NEEDS MOMSMARS NEEDS MOMSsaid a second trooper and adeputy from the Tooele CountySheriff’s Office were called to thescene, where Pew’s actions hadgotten more belligerent.“The individual took his keysand threw them into the salt flatsso we couldn’t gain access to thevehicle,” Nye said.When the officers did searchthe vehicle, Nye said, they found30 pounds of raw marijuana. Pewwas arrested and booked into thecounty jail.lchristensen@tooeletranscript.comTOOELE“Your Neighborhood Family Theatre”1600 N. Pine Canyon Rd.843-5800 • uecmovies.comAPR 29 - MAY 5FAST FIVEFRI/SAT ... 12:25, 4:10, 7:00, 9:45SUN ........ 12:25, 4:10, 7:00DLY ......... 4:10, 7:00, 9:45INSIDIOUSFRI/SAT ... 2:15, 7:00SUN ........ 2:15, 7:00DLY ......... 7:00SOURCE CODEDLY ......... 12:10, 4:40, 9:45SUN ........ 12:10, 4:40DLY ......... 4:40, 9:45RIO(PG-13)(PG-13)(PG-13)FRI/SAT ... 12:00, 2:20, 4:40, 7:10, 9:35SUN ........ 12:00, 2:20, 4:40, 7:10DLY ......... 4:40, 7:10, 9:35WATER FOR ELEPHANTSFRI/SAT .... 12:25, 4:15, 7:10, 9:40SUN ........ 12:25, 4:15, 7:10 (PG-13)DLY .......... 4:15, 7:10, 9:40PROMHOP(G)FRI/SAT ... 12:05, 2:25, 4:40, 7:15, 9:35SUN ........ 12:05, 2:25, 4:40, 7:15DLY ......... 4:40, 7:15, 9:35(PG)FRI/SAT ... 12:10, 2:30, 4:35, 7:05, 9:30SUN ........ 12:10, 2:30, 4:35, 7:05 (PG)DLY ......... 4:35, 7:05, 9:30Our Box Offi ce opens daily 20 min.before fi rst show starts. Show times aresubject to change without notice.All Shows before 6 pm $ 5 50After 6 pm Adults $ 7 50 • Kids (under 12) $ 5 50Seniors (over 65) $ 5 503D Surcharge $ 2; ALL 3D TicketsBARGAIN TUESDAYSMatinee prices ALL day!The Only State-of-the-Art Theatre in TooeleAll Digital Sound Wall to Wall Screens

TUESDAY May 3, 2011by Lisa ChristensenSTAFF WRITERA woman charged with being themastermind of a plan to kidnap aman and kill him on the outskirtsof Grantsville in January has beencharged with using drugs while beingheld in the Tooele County DetentionCenter.Michelle Gallegos, 34, was chargedwith possession or use of a controlledsubstance in a drug-free zone with aprior sentence, a first-degree felony.Gallegos, who has three drug convictionssince November 2004, was allegedlyusing heroin while in jail, accordingto Tooele County Chief DeputyAttorney Gary Searle.The drug was snuck into the facility,Searle said, but by whom is stillunknown. Searle said an inmateinformed jail staff of the use.Mallorie Madill, a 22-year-oldwoman in jail awaiting an order toTOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETINWoman charged in execution attempt allegedly used drugs in county jailMichelle GallegosMallorie Madillshow cause for violating the terms ofher parole from a 2010 forgery case, wasalso charged with possession or use ofa controlled substance in a drug-freezone. However, because Madill has noprior drug convictions, her charge isonly a second-degree felony.Madill and Gallegos’ alleged druguse occurred on April 12 and 13,respectively.Tooele County Sheriff Frank Parksaid inmates smuggling drugs into jailis uncommon at the facility.“It doesn’t happen very often simplybecause we don’t have a lot of peoplefrom the outside coming into the generalpopulation of the jail,” Park said.“I don’t think it is done for any poweror anything inside the jail becauseit’s not that kind of facility. I thinkit’s probably personal use, but I don’tknow why anyone would do it.”Park said incoming inmates aresearched by jail staff upon admittance,but the legality of more thoroughsearches prevents staff fromcompletely preventing drugs beingsnuck in.“We try to search them really wellwhen they first come in and the issueis that we can’t do a cavity searchunless we have probable cause, andin a normal arrest we don’t have thatprobable cause,” Park said. Chargesin the attempted execution caseagainst Gallegos originated in Januarywhen she and four others allegedlykidnapped a 26-year-old man fromA3his Midvale Motel 6 room, broughthim out to the northern outskirts ofGrantsville and attempted to kill him.The gun, wielded by 28-year-old EliJohnson, who pled guilty to his chargeslast month, misfired and the victimwas able to escape and alert authorities.Gallegos will make her first appearanceon the new drug charge in 3rdDistrict Court today. She is also scheduledto appear for a preliminary hearingin the Grantsville case with codefendantsDerek Andrews, 20, andCorey Northrup, 31, this afternoon.Madill’s next hearing will be the orderto show cause from her broken paroleon May 10.lchristensen@tooeletranscript.comSloancontinued from page A1of the redistricting committeebefore their first meeting,” saidSloan. “I let them know that wewill be watching the processvery closely.”A fair outcome, according toSloan, would be at least onestate Representative districtwholly within Tooele Countyand a Senate district that hasthe majority of its population inTooele County.The county conventionpassed a resolution demandingthat the redistricting committee,the Legislature, and thegovernor treat Tooele Countyfairly in the redistricting processand use demographics, notpolitical protection or favoritism,to include the county in adistrict that has a majority ofTooele County residents.The convention also turneddown a resolution calling forthe repeal of House Bill 116. HB116, passed by the Legislaturethis year, creates a guest workerprogram for illegal immigrantsin Utah that undergo abackground check, pay taxes,become proficient in English,pay a fine and pay a fee to coverthe expenses of the guest workerprogram.Jeff McNeil, of Grantsville,introduced the resolution to askthe legislature to repeal HB 116.“HB 116 is a sloppily writtenbill that is unconstitutional andif to goes into effect it will turnUtah into a sanctuary state,attracting illegal immigrants,”said McNeil, adding the bill isa form of amnesty that ignoresthe rule of law.Maegan BurrGov. Gary Herbert speaks with delegates at the Tooele County RepublicanConvention Thursday at Tooele City Hall. The convention attracted 93 ofthe 120 delegates.Anson Call, 70, a delegatefrom Tooele spoke against therepeal of HB 116.“We have to remember thatthese people are still humanbeings,” said Call. “They haveyoung men who came here asbabies with their parents whohave earned a 4.0 in math andscience and now they can’t go tocollege or get a job.”Call, now a U.S. citizen, saidhe came to Utah illegally as acitizen of Mexico in 1958 andhas lived in Tooele since 1966.Herbert also gave an impassionedplea supporting HB 116.“Good people of goodwilloccasionally have a differenceof opinion,” said Herbert. “Wehave passed bills before onsubjects like eminent domain,health care, and interstate commercethat have questionableMaegan BurrUtah Congressman Rob Bishop talks to Tooele County Republican delegatesThursday at Tooele City Hall.constitutionality with the ideathat we want to set up groundsto challenge the federal governmenton states’ rights.”Herbert said he believes thatHB 116 is constitutional.“Congress has the authorityto set regulations on naturalizationand immigration,” saidHerbert. “But it is the states’ rightto determine who is allowed towork within their state.”After 15 minutes of debate,the resolution calling for therepeal of HB 116 failed by a 47to 22 vote.Tooele joins the Beaver, BoxElder, Davis, and Iron CountyRepublican parties tin votingagainst a resolution calling forthe repeal of HB 116. Salt Lakeand Utah county Republicanshave approved a resolution callingfor the repeal of HB 116.Sloan also spoke about severallocal issues following hisre-election.“I think Sheriff Frank Park hasdone a good job of demonstratingthe need for a new countyjail,” said Sloan. “It may not havebeen required to put the projectout to bid, but I would haveliked to have seen it put out tobid. The process was made alittle murky by the involvementof a private group, but I favoropenness and transparency.”Sloan said he is not excitedabout the use of Build ofAmerica bonds, part of thefederal stimulus program, tofinance the new jail.“In an ideal world, we wouldnot use the Build Americabonds,” said Sloan. “But in thelong run, the county must usethe financial opportunitiesavailable to them to preventexcess costs to taxpayers resultingin a need to raise taxes. Itis the lesser of two evils, thebonds or raising taxes.”Sloan also said he does notsense a strong desire in TooeleCounty to change the countycommission to a nonpartisanbody.“The idea was floated by acounty commissioner [JerryHurst],” said Sloan. “But I don’tfeel the majority of the citizenshave expressed the desire for achange.”Sloan is prepared to meet achallenge from Democrats inthe 2012 election as they striveto recover from heavy losses in2010.“I fully expect the DemocraticTooele InstaCareOpen HouseTMay 7th 11 am to 2 pmaking care of everyday illnesses and accidents will soon be as easy asone, two, three. One, Intermountain InstaCares are fast. Two, when weopen May 9 we’ll likely be within a few minutes’ drive. And three,you know you’ll have a quality doctor taking care of you. Which meansyou can feel more confident in the care you receive when you’re sick.Party to challenge us in the nextelection,” said Sloan. “We haveto be ready with good candidateswith lots of support.”Scott Broadhead defeatedJeff McNeil and Jerry Hill tobecome the county RepublicanParty vice chairman, and TracyShaw defeated B.J. Salmond tobecome the county RepublicanParty secretary/treasurer.tgillie@tooeletranscript.comPLANTING FOR THE FUTUREIf it happens here,read about it here.TOOELETRANSCRIPTBULLETINSubscribe Today • 882-0050Tooele InstaCareInstaCare 435-228-1200InstaCare hours: 9 am to 9 pm, 7 days a weekOpen most holidaysComplete Urology Services Close to HomeDr. Perry Walters is a board certified Urologist who has beenproviding comprehensive urological services to adults andchildren in the Tooele Community for more than 25 years. Dr.Walters has re-located to the Gateway Professional Center at1244 North Main Street, Suite #100.Our Practice provides a full range of urological services for bothchildren and adults. Services include but are not limited to:Sue ButterfieldB. Van Cooney and Braeden Dix put dirt around a tree in Stansbury Parkduring an Arbor Day ceremony. Arbor Day ceremonies were held in Tooele,Stockton, Grantsville and Stansbury Park last Friday.Direct Doctor to Patient Care.group speaker.Mountain West Medical CenterLakeview (Bountiful)Salt Lake Regional (Holy Cross)Hospitals:Gateway Professional Center435-843-1511 (fax)

A2 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETIN TUESDAY May 3, 2011Peppermill Concert Hall thriv<strong>in</strong>g despite tough economyby Missy BirdSTAFF WRITERWeather<strong>in</strong>g a recession and adownturn <strong>in</strong> gam<strong>in</strong>g revenuesacross Nevada, the PeppermillConcert Hall has found a successfuloperat<strong>in</strong>g formula s<strong>in</strong>ceit opened <strong>in</strong> West Wendover,Nev., <strong>in</strong> the summer of 2006.Thus far, 120 artists haveperformed at the $21 millionfacility — many of themmore than once. Those rangefrom country s<strong>in</strong>gers to oldrock stars to comedians. Andthe 1,032-seat venue sells outregularly, accord<strong>in</strong>g to JohnSpillman, market<strong>in</strong>g directorfor Peppermill Resorts <strong>in</strong>Wendover.“Attendance is very good,”he said. “Most shows are sell<strong>in</strong>gout and the ones that don’t arevery close.”Spillman said when the hallfirst opened, it was only themost popular shows that weresell<strong>in</strong>g out. Over time, however,the crowds have <strong>in</strong>creased forall shows.file / Troy BomanThe Peppermill Concert Hall <strong>in</strong> West Wendover, Nev., opened <strong>in</strong> 2006. While theaudience is generally full for concerts, it sometimes struggles to book acts.BUSINESS BRIEFSThe <strong>Transcript</strong>-Bullet<strong>in</strong> welcomesnews items from the local bus<strong>in</strong>esscommunity of 150 words orless. Bus<strong>in</strong>esses can send newsof awards, promotions, <strong>in</strong>ternalmilestones, new bus<strong>in</strong>ess ventures,new hires, relocations, partnerships,major transactions andother items to Missy Thompson viae-mail at missy@tooeletranscript.com, via fax at (435) 882-6123,or via regular mail at P.O. Box 390,<strong>Tooele</strong>, UT 84074. by Lisa ChristensenSTAFF WRITERTroopers from the UtahHighway Patrol made three marijuanabusts along I-80 over theweekend, result<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the seizureof more than 75 pounds ofdrugs.Late Thursday even<strong>in</strong>g,Trooper Chris Lewis pulled over aNissan Maxima near milepost 58for a speed<strong>in</strong>g violation, accord<strong>in</strong>gto UHP Lt. Corey Nye. WhenLewis approached the vehicle, hedetected the smell of marijuanaand asked the driver, 26-yearoldOw<strong>in</strong>gs, Md., resident DavidJared Segall, to get out of the carto facilitate the search for thesource of the drug odor. Nye saidat that po<strong>in</strong>t <strong>in</strong> the stop Segallrolled the w<strong>in</strong>dow up, put the car<strong>in</strong> gear and drove away.Lewis chased Segall for about10 miles down the highway untilSegall slowed and began to pullover, Nye said.“What we found out later wasthat his girlfriend, who was driv<strong>in</strong>ganother car as part of therun, had conv<strong>in</strong>ced him to givehimself up,” Nye said. “But thenit seemed like he changed hism<strong>in</strong>d because he started to pullout aga<strong>in</strong>.”Segall was stopped whenLewis maneuvered his car nextto Segall’s. The patrol vehiclewas slightly damaged, and noone was hurt, Nye said. InsideSegall’s vehicle, Lewis found 40pounds of raw marijuana, packagedfor distribution, a smallamount of coca<strong>in</strong>e for personaluse, Nye said, and more than 150glass pipes and bongs. Nye saidSegall was transport<strong>in</strong>g the drugsfrom Central California back toMaryland.Segall and his girlfriendwere both taken <strong>in</strong>to custody.The woman, also a Marylandresident, was not transport<strong>in</strong>gany drugs <strong>in</strong> her car and wascourtesy of Saul AndradeRocker Alice Cooper performs at the Peppermill Concert Hall <strong>in</strong> West Wendover, Nev., on Oct. 17, 2009. The concert hall has acts perform<strong>in</strong>g almost every weekend.Achiev<strong>in</strong>g those sellouts ispartly a function of ticket pric<strong>in</strong>g,with the price of admissionvary<strong>in</strong>g from $5 to $60 depend<strong>in</strong>gupon the seats and the artist.“A high-end artist like LynyrdSkynryd — they are a highlysought-after group, so naturallywe have to pay a little moremoney for them,” Spillman said.“The ticket prices will be a littlelower for someone who’s not aswell known or sought after, likethe Little River Band. They startat $20 whereas Lynyrd Skynyrdmight start at $50 or $60.”The hall operates as a lossleader for Peppermill Resorts<strong>in</strong> order to attract customersto cas<strong>in</strong>os and hotels — mean<strong>in</strong>gconcerts just pay the costof cover<strong>in</strong>g the band, s<strong>in</strong>ger oract, Spillman said.The concert hall’s ma<strong>in</strong> challengeis not sell<strong>in</strong>g tickets butrather book<strong>in</strong>g acts.“It’s very expensive [for theartists] to put on big productions,get the dates and havethe band and equipment mov<strong>in</strong>garound and sett<strong>in</strong>g up,”Spillman said. “That’s beenour biggest challenge: f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>genough acts to have everyweekend.”The Peppermill ConcertHall has 44 acts scheduled toperform through December,with tickets on sale for performancesthrough the end of July.Concerts are already sold outfor rocker Joan Jett perform<strong>in</strong>gFriday, folk rock band Americaon May 13, stand-up comedianGabriel Iglesias on May 27 andtwo shows for comedian RonWhite on July 1.Some artists have been repeatperformers at the concert hall,such as comedian RodneyCarr<strong>in</strong>gton (who’s scheduled toperform two shows on Dec. 3).“When Rodney Carr<strong>in</strong>gton ishere, we try to book him forthe follow<strong>in</strong>g year,” he said.“We’re still try<strong>in</strong>g to book acts<strong>in</strong> August. More are last-m<strong>in</strong>ute,some of the shows we bookfar out <strong>in</strong> advance.”There are other acts, suchreleased, so far without chargespressed aga<strong>in</strong>st her, after provid<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>formation to <strong>in</strong>vestigators,as Saigon by Night, an oldvaudeville-type group, whereSpillman is never sure whattypes of enterta<strong>in</strong>ers will beperform<strong>in</strong>g.“They’re like a mishmash ofthe old vaudeville with s<strong>in</strong>gersand dancers,” he said. “We’llhave four or five of those a year.They just never confirm whothe actual artists are go<strong>in</strong>g to beuntil a few months before.”Spillman said he tries to landdiverse acts — with<strong>in</strong> certa<strong>in</strong>parameters.“We put offers out to allgenres,” he said. “We’re hustl<strong>in</strong>gcountry stars, comedians,old rockers and newer rock.”Most of the market for theconcert hall comes from theNye said.“Work<strong>in</strong>g with our state bureauof <strong>in</strong>vestigations, she’s given a lotof statements,” Nye said. “She’sbeen helpful.”Segall, however, is be<strong>in</strong>g held<strong>in</strong> the <strong>Tooele</strong> County DetentionCenter.At approximately 10:30 Fridaynight, Trooper Evan Kirbystopped a rental car near milepost67 for a mov<strong>in</strong>g violation.Upon approach<strong>in</strong>g the vehicle,he noticed the smell of marijuana,Nye said, and requested a K-9unit to <strong>in</strong>vestigate. Five poundsof marijuana were found <strong>in</strong> thecar. The driver, a 39-year-oldmale, and the passenger, a 35-year-old woman, who were ontheir way from Central Californiato Chicago, were both arrested.On Saturday, Trooper ChrisTerry pulled over a HondaElement near milepost 26 anddetected the smell of marijuana.When he approached the driver,35-year-old Chesterfield, Va., residentAlan Pew, about the smell,Pew became noncompliant andbegan yell<strong>in</strong>g and flail<strong>in</strong>g. NyeWasatch Front. Demand andpopularity have determ<strong>in</strong>edwhat types of acts they go after.“We have tested various typesof acts and found country to bethe most popular genre amongour patrons followed by classicrock, comedy and alternative,”he said.The concert hall was nom<strong>in</strong>atedby the Academy ofCountry Music as the Cas<strong>in</strong>oVenue of the Year <strong>in</strong> 2008,2009 and 2010, accord<strong>in</strong>g toSpillman.“Even to be nom<strong>in</strong>ated is ahuge honor,” he said. “It’s cas<strong>in</strong>ovenues all across the UnitedStates and Canada and LasVegas cas<strong>in</strong>os. There’s a lot ofnice facilities. For us to be recognizedis a significant deal.”With fewer bands tour<strong>in</strong>gdue to the economy, Spillmansaid it’s become <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>glydifficult to book bands andacts. However, the number ofpeople attend<strong>in</strong>g shows has notdecreased.“We’re still see<strong>in</strong>g the samenumber of people, but they’renot br<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>g as much money,”he said. “The th<strong>in</strong>g that’s affect<strong>in</strong>gus right now is gas prices.People br<strong>in</strong>g a couple hundredout to play the tables or slotsand have to spend $80 on gas.Still, the ticket sales are a testamentto the customers reallyenjoy<strong>in</strong>g the shows.”missy@tooeletranscript.comI-80 sees three more weekend marijuana bustsShare yourop<strong>in</strong>ion withover 27,000readers.Write a letter to the editortbp@tooeletranscript.comP.O. Box 390, <strong>Tooele</strong>, UT 84074courtesy of Utah Highway PatrolMore than 75 pounds of marijuana and drug paraphernalia were seized dur<strong>in</strong>gthree separate busts along I-80 over the weekend. 1/2 lb Double5.49CheeseburgerCombo NOW SERVING! $5.49Breakfast <strong>in</strong>Grantsville8am–11am490 N. Ma<strong>in</strong>, <strong>Tooele</strong> • 882-3608HOURS: Mon - Sat 10 am –10 pm Sunday 11 am – 10 pmearn po<strong>in</strong>tsfor freefood andmerchandiseGet aRewardsCard!230 E. Ma<strong>in</strong>, Grantsville• 884-4408HOURS: Monday - Sunday 8 am – 10 pmPGSun - Thurs 5:00 | 7:00Fri & Sat 5:00 | 7:00 | 9:00Hoodw<strong>in</strong>kedToo:Hood vs Evil<strong>Tooele</strong>’s Show Place for Over 60 Years!No Credit/Debit cardsor Checks Accepted882-2273111 N. Ma<strong>in</strong>, <strong>Tooele</strong>MOTOR VUAdmission Adults $7 | Child/Senior $5 | 5pm Mat<strong>in</strong>ee $5Admission- Adults $ 7 | Child $ 1 | Senior $ 5GNOMEO & JULIETGNOMEO & JULIETalsoG PG-13Sun - Thurs 5:00Ends ThursdayPG-13Helen Mirren, Russell BrandArthurAdmission Adults $7 | Child/Senior $5 | 5pm Mat<strong>in</strong>ee $58:45 • THURS - FRI - SATSun - Thurs 7:10Ends ThursdayPG-13HannaCate BlanchettAdmission Adults $7 | Child/Senior $5 | 5pm Mat<strong>in</strong>ee $5FM Radio Required for SoundMARS NEEDS MOMSMARS NEEDS MOMSsaid a second trooper and adeputy from the <strong>Tooele</strong> CountySheriff’s Office were called to thescene, where Pew’s actions hadgotten more belligerent.“The <strong>in</strong>dividual took his keysand threw them <strong>in</strong>to the salt flatsso we couldn’t ga<strong>in</strong> access to thevehicle,” Nye said.When the officers did searchthe vehicle, Nye said, they found30 pounds of raw marijuana. Pewwas arrested and booked <strong>in</strong>to thecounty jail.lchristensen@tooeletranscript.comTOOELE“Your Neighborhood Family Theatre”1600 N. P<strong>in</strong>e Canyon Rd.843-5800 • uecmovies.comAPR 29 - MAY 5FAST FIVEFRI/SAT ... 12:25, 4:10, 7:00, 9:45SUN ........ 12:25, 4:10, 7:00DLY ......... 4:10, 7:00, 9:45INSIDIOUSFRI/SAT ... 2:15, 7:00SUN ........ 2:15, 7:00DLY ......... 7:00SOURCE CODEDLY ......... 12:10, 4:40, 9:45SUN ........ 12:10, 4:40DLY ......... 4:40, 9:45RIO(PG-13)(PG-13)(PG-13)FRI/SAT ... 12:00, 2:20, 4:40, 7:10, 9:35SUN ........ 12:00, 2:20, 4:40, 7:10DLY ......... 4:40, 7:10, 9:35WATER FOR ELEPHANTSFRI/SAT .... 12:25, 4:15, 7:10, 9:40SUN ........ 12:25, 4:15, 7:10 (PG-13)DLY .......... 4:15, 7:10, 9:40PROMHOP(G)FRI/SAT ... 12:05, 2:25, 4:40, 7:15, 9:35SUN ........ 12:05, 2:25, 4:40, 7:15DLY ......... 4:40, 7:15, 9:35(PG)FRI/SAT ... 12:10, 2:30, 4:35, 7:05, 9:30SUN ........ 12:10, 2:30, 4:35, 7:05 (PG)DLY ......... 4:35, 7:05, 9:30Our Box Offi ce opens daily 20 m<strong>in</strong>.before fi rst show starts. Show times aresubject to change without notice.All Shows before 6 pm $ 5 50After 6 pm Adults $ 7 50 • Kids (under 12) $ 5 50Seniors (over 65) $ 5 503D Surcharge $ 2; ALL 3D TicketsBARGAIN TUESDAYSMat<strong>in</strong>ee prices ALL day!The Only State-of-the-Art Theatre <strong>in</strong> <strong>Tooele</strong>All Digital Sound Wall to Wall Screens

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