A Buzz in Tooele City - Tooele Transcript Bulletin

A Buzz in Tooele City - Tooele Transcript Bulletin A Buzz in Tooele City - Tooele Transcript Bulletin

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Tooele Transcript-BulletinPublic NoticesMeetingslast date of publication ofthis notice.NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN that a period ofthirty (30) days from andafter the last date of thepublication of this noticeis provided by law duringwhich any person in interestshall have theright to contest the legalityof the Resolution, theIndenture (but only asthe same relates to theBonds), or the Bonds, orany provision made forthe security and paymentof the Bonds, andthat after such time, noone shall have anycause of action to contestthe regularity, formalityor legality thereoffor any cause whatsoever.DATED this 27th day ofApril, 2011.U T A HT R A N S I TAUTHORITY/s/ Kenneth D. Montague,Jr.Secretary/ Treasurer(Published in the TranscriptBulletin May 3 &10, 2011)Public NoticesTrusteesDeadline for public noticesis 4 p.m. the dayprior to publication.Public notices submittedpast the deadlinewill not be accepted.UPAXLPNOTICE OF TRUS-TEE'S SALEAPN: 11-077-0-0018Trust No. 1315787-07Ref: Rebecca GreearT R A : L o a n N o .xxxxxx1753. IMPOR-TANT NOTICE TOPROPERTY OWNER:YOU ARE IN DEFAULTUNDER A DEED OFTRUST, DATED December07, 2006. UNLESSYOU TAKE ACTION TOP R O T E C TY O U RPROPERTY, IT MAY BESOLD AT A PUBLICSALE. IF YOU NEEDAN EXPLANATION OFTHIS PROCEEDING,YOU SHOULD CON-TACT A LAWYER. OnMay 31, 2011, at4:30pm, James H. Woodall,as duly appointedTrustee under a Deed ofTrust recorded December12, 2006, as InstrumentNo. 273952, inBook xx, Page xx, of theOfficial Records in theoffice at the County Recorderof Tooele County,State of Utah, executedby Rebecca Greear AnUnmarried Woman, willsell at public auction tohighest bidder, payablein lawful money of theUnited States at the timeof sale. Successful biddersmust tender a depositof $5,000 in certifiedfunds to the trusteeat the time of sale, withthe balance due by noonthe following businessday, at the office of theTrustee. At the tooelecounty courthouse 74South 100 East TooeleUtah all right, title and interestconveyed to andnow held by it under saidDeed of Trust in theproperty situated in saidCounty and State describedas: Lot 18, theridge plat 'a' subdivision,according to the officialplat thereof, on file andof record in the Tooelecounty recorder's office.The street address andother common designationof the real propertydescribed above is purportedto be: 494 E 670N Tooele Ut 84074. EstimatedTotal Debt as ofMay 31, 2011 is$203,820.15. The undersignedTrustee disclaimsany liability for any incorrectnessof the street addressand other commondesignation, if any,shown herein. Said salewill be made withoutcovenant or warranty,express or implied, regardingtitle, possession,condition or encumbrances,including fees,charges and expensesof the Trustee and of thetrusts created by saidDeed of Trust, to pay theremaining principal sumsof the note(s) secured bysaid Deed of Trust. Thecurrent beneficiary of theTrust Deed as of thedate of this notice is:Aurora Loan Services,Llc. The record owner ofthe property as of the recordingof the Notice ofDefault is/are: RebeccaGreear. Dated: April 26,2011.James H. Woodall10808 River FrontParkway, Suite 175South JordanUt84095 (801)254-9450(800)245-1886 (Hotline)Hours: 9:00 A.M. - 5:00P.M.Si gnature/by:James H. WoodallR-376830(Published in the TranscriptBulletin April 26,May 3 & 10, 2011)Public NoticesTrusteesNOTICE OF TRUS-TEE'S SALEAPN: 11-049-0-4063Trust No. 1206378-07Ref: Lonnie Burke TRA:Loan No. xxxxx9215. IM-PORTANT NOTICE TOPROPERTY OWNER:YOU ARE IN DEFAULTUNDER A DEED OFTRUST, DATED June23, 2005. UNLESS YOUTAKE ACTION TO PRO-TECT YOUR PROP-ERTY, IT MAY BESOLD AT A PUBLICSALE. IF YOU NEEDAN EXPLANATION OFTHIS PROCEEDING,YOU SHOULD CON-TACT A LAWYER. OnJune 07, 2011, at4:30pm, James H. Woodall,as duly appointedTrustee under a Deed ofTrust recorded June 29,2005, as Instrument No.242744, in Book xx,Page xx, of the OfficialRecords in the office atthe County Recorder ofTooele County, State ofUtah, executed by LonnieBurke and Alicia L.Burke, will sell at publicauction to highest bidder,payable in lawfulmoney of the UnitedStates at the time ofsale. Successful biddersmust tender a deposit of$5,000 in certified fundsto the trustee at the timeof sale, with the balancedue by noon the followingbusiness day, at theoffice of the Trustee. Atthe tooele county courthouse74 South 100East Tooele Utah allright, title and interestconveyed to and nowheld by it under saidDeed of Trust in theproperty situated in saidCounty and State describedas: Lot 4063,rancho Tooele phase ivamended, according tothe official plat thereofon file and of record inthe tooele county recorder'soffice.. Thestreet address and othercommon designation ofthe real property describedabove is purportedto be: 1019 South810 W Tooele Ut84074. Estimated TotalDebt as of June 07,2011 is $134,463.99.The undersigned Trusteedisclaims any liabilityfor any incorrectness ofthe street address andother common designation,if any, shownherein. Said sale will bemade without covenantor warranty, express orimplied, regarding title,possession, condition orencumbrances, includingfees, charges and expensesof the Trusteeand of the trusts createdby said Deed of Trust, topay the remaining principalsums of the note(s)secured by said Deed ofTrust. The current beneficiaryof the Trust Deedas of the date of this noticeis: Wells FargoBank, Na. The recordowner of the property asof the recording of theNotice of Default is/are:Lonnie Burke and AliciaBurke. Dated: May 03,2011.James H. Woodall10808 River FrontParkway, Suite 175South JordanUt84095 (801)254-9450(800)245-1886 (Hotline)Hours: 9:00 A.M. - 5:00P.M.Signature/by:James H. WoodallR-379208(Published in the TranscriptBulletin May 3, 10& 17, 2011)NOTICE OF TRUS-TEE'S SALEAPN: 13-049-0-0104Trust No. 1248623-07Ref: Jolene ReddenT R A : L o a n N o .xxxxxx5597. IMPOR-TANT NOTICE TOPROPERTY OWNER:YOU ARE IN DEFAULTUNDER A DEED OFTRUST, DATED January18, 2005. UNLESS YOUTAKE ACTION TO PRO-TECT YOUR PROP-ERTY, IT MAY BESOLD AT A PUBLICSALE. IF YOU NEEDAN EXPLANATION OFTHIS PROCEEDING,YOU SHOULD CON-TACT A LAWYER. OnJune 07, 2011, at4:30pm, James H. Woodall,as duly appointedTrustee under a Deed ofTrust recorded January20, 2005, as InstrumentNo. 234948, in Book0997, Page 0347, of theOfficial Records in theoffice at the County Recorderof Tooele County,State of Utah, executedby Max E. Redden andJolene Redden HusbandAnd Wife As Joint TenantsWith Right Of Survivorship,will sell at publicauction to highest bidder,payable in lawfulmoney of the UnitedStates at the time ofsale. Successful biddersmust tender a deposit of$5,000 in certified fundsto the trustee at the timeof sale, with the balancedue by noon the followingbusiness day, at theoffice of the Trustee. Atthe tooele county courthouse74 South 100Public NoticesTrusteesvorship, will sell at publicauction to highest bidder,payable in lawfulmoney of the UnitedStates at the time ofsale. Successful biddersmust tender a deposit of$5,000 in certified fundsto the trustee at the timeof sale, with the balancedue by noon the followingbusiness day, at theoffice of the Trustee. Atthe tooele county courthouse74 South 100East Tooele Utah allright, title and interestconveyed to and nowheld by it under saidDeed of Trust in theproperty situated in saidCounty and State describedas: Lot 104,gateway neighborhoodphase 2a-2 subdivisionof Tooele county, accordingto the official platthereof on file and of recordin the tooele countyrecorder's office.. Thestreet address and othercommon designation ofthe real property describedabove is purportedto be: 6684 OldMill Road TooeleUt84074. Estimated TotalDebt as of June 07,2011 is $258,988.50.The undersigned Trusteedisclaims any liabilityfor any incorrectness ofthe street address andother common designation,if any, shownherein. Said sale will bemade without covenantor warranty, express orimplied, regarding title,possession, condition orencumbrances, includingfees, charges and expensesof the Trusteeand of the trusts createdby said Deed of Trust, topay the remaining principalsums of the note(s)secured by said Deed ofTrust. The current beneficiaryof the Trust Deedas of the date of this noticeis: Aurora LoanServices. The recordowner of the property asof the recording of theNotice of Default is/are:Dennis Sean Buckner,Max E Redden, KristineBuckner. Dated: May 03,2011.James H. Woodall10808 River FrontParkway, Suite 175South JordanUt84095 (801)254-9450(800)245-1886 (Hotline)Hours: 9:00 A.M. - 5:00P.M.Signature/by:James H. WoodallR-378913(Published in the TranscriptBulletin May 3, 10& 17, 2011)NOTICE OF TRUS-TEE'S SALEAPN: 13-051-0-0240Trust No. 1316453-07Ref: Brett Imlay TRA:Loan No. xxxxxx7228.IMPORTANT NOTICET OP R O P E R T YOWNER: YOU ARE INDEFAULT UNDER ADEED OF TRUST,DATED July 19, 2006.UNLESS YOU TAKEACTION TO PROTECTYOUR PROPERTY, ITMAY BE SOLD AT APUBLIC SALE. IF YOUNEED AN EXPLANA-TION OF THIS PRO-C E E D I N G ,Y O USHOULD CONTACT ALAWYER. On June 07,2011, at 4:30pm, JamesH. Woodall, as duly appointedTrustee under aDeed of Trust recordedAugust 02, 2006, as InstrumentNo. 264772, inBook xx, Page xx, of theOfficial Records in theoffice at the County Recorderof Tooele County,State of Utah, executedby Brett Imlay and AngialiqueImlay, HusbandAnd Wife, As Joint Tenants,will sell at publicauction to highest bidder,payable in lawfulmoney of the UnitedStates at the time ofsale. Successful biddersmust tender a deposit of$5,000 in certified fundsto the trustee at the timeof sale, with the balancedue by noon the followingbusiness day, at theoffice of the Trustee. Atthe tooele county courthouse74 South 100East Tooele Utah allright, title and interestconveyed to and nowheld by it under saidDeed of Trust in theproperty situated in saidCounty and State describedas: Lot 240, maplehills subdivision no.2, according to the officialplat thereof, as recordedin the office ofthe Tooele county recorder..The street addressand other commondesignation of the realpropertydescribedabove is purported to be:621 Est 1250 N TooeleUt 84074. Estimated TotalDebt as of June 07,2011 is $219,404.77.The undersigned Trusteedisclaims any liabilityfor any incorrectness ofthe street address andother common designation,if any, shownherein. Said sale will bemade without covenantor warranty, express orimplied, regarding title,possession, condition orencumbrances, includingfees, charges and expensesof the Trusteeand of the trusts createdby said Deed of Trust, topay the remaining principalsums of the note(s)secured by said Deed ofTrust. The current beneficiaryof the Trust Deedas of the date of this noticeis: Aurora LoanPublic NoticesTrusteesor warranty, express orimplied, regarding title,possession, condition orencumbrances, includingfees, charges and expensesof the Trusteeand of the trusts createdby said Deed of Trust, topay the remaining principalsums of the note(s)secured by said Deed ofTrust. The current beneficiaryof the Trust Deedas of the date of this noticeis: Aurora LoanServices, Llc. The recordowner of the property asof the recording of theNotice of Default is/are:Brett Imlay and AngialiqueImlay. Dated: May03, 2011.James H. Woodall10808 River FrontParkway, Suite 175South JordanUt84095 (801)254-9450(800)245-1886 (Hotline)Hours: 9:00 A.M. - 5:00P.M.Signature/by:James H. WoodallR-377284(Published in the TranscriptBulletin May 3, 10& 17, 2011)NOTICE OF TRUS-TEE'S SALEThe following describedreal property will be soldat public auction to thehighest bidder, purchaseprice payable in lawfulmoney of the UnitedStates of America at thetime of sale, at the mainentrance of the TooeleCountyCourthouse,a/k/a the Third JudicialDistrict Court, 74 South100 East, Tooele, Utah,on Friday, May 27,2011, at the hour of 9:30a.m. of that day for thepurpose of foreclosing adeed of trust originallyexecuted by Soo What,Inc., in favor of MountainAmerica Federal CreditUnion, covering realproperty located at approximately235 EastMain Street, Grantsville,Tooele County, Utah,and more particularly describedas:COMMENCING 2.44CHAINS EAST FROMTHESOUTHWESTCORNER OF THENORTHEAST QUAR-TER OF SECTION 31,TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH,RANGE 5 WEST, SALTLAKE BASE AND ME-RIDIAN; THENCE EAST12 FEET MORE ORLESS TO THE TRUEPOINT OF BEGINNING;THENCE EAST 106FEET; THENCE NORTH180 FEET; THENCEWEST 106 FEET;THENCE SOUTH 180FEET TO THE POINTOF BEGINNING, ASRECORDED IN THEOFFICE OF THECOUNTY RECORDEROF SAID COUNTY.01-048-0-0044The current beneficiaryof the trust deed isMountain America FederalCredit Union, andthe record owner of theproperty as of the recordingof the notice ofdefault is Soo What, Inc.,a Utah Corporation. Thetrustee's sale of theaforedescribedrealproperty will be madewithout warranty as to title,possession, or encumbrances.Biddersmust be prepared to tender$5,000.00 in certifiedfunds at the sale and thebalance of the purchaseprice in certified funds by10:00 a.m. the followingbusiness day. The trusteereserves the right tovoid the effect of thetrustee's sale after thesale based upon informationunknown to thetrustee at the time of thesale, such as a bankruptcyfiling, a loan reinstatement,or an agreementbetween the trustorand beneficiary to postponeor cancel the sale.If so voided, the only recourseof the highestbidder is to receive a fullrefund of the money paidto the trustee. THIS ISAN ATTEMPT TO COL-LECT A DEBT. ANY IN-F O R M A T I O N O B -TAINED WILL BE USEDFOR THAT PURPOSE.DATED this 22nd day ofApril, 2011Marlon L. Bates, successortrusteeScalley Reading BatesHansen & Rasmussen,P.C.15 West South Temple,Ste. 600Salt Lake City, Utah84101Telephone: (801)531-7870Business Hours: 9:00a.m. to 5:00 p.m.Trustee No. 67008-2538(Published in the TranscriptBulletin April 26,May 3 & 10, 2011)NOTICE OF TRUS-TEE'S SALEThe following describedreal property will be soldat public auction to thehighest bidder, purchaseprice payable in lawfulmoney of the UnitedStates of America at thetime of sale, at the mainentrance of the TooeleCountyCourthouse,a/k/a the Third JudicialDistrict Court, 74 South100 East, Tooele, Utah,on Friday, May 27, 2011,at the hour of 9:30 a.m.of that day for the purposeof foreclosing adeed of trust originallyexecuted by Clinton C.Gunderson and CherylD. Gunderson, in favorof Washington MutualBank fsb, covering realPublic NoticesTrusteesentrance of the TooeleCountyCourthouse,a/k/a the Third JudicialDistrict Court, 74 South100 East, Tooele, Utah,on Friday, May 27, 2011,at the hour of 9:30 a.m.of that day for the purposeof foreclosing adeed of trust originallyexecuted by Clinton C.Gunderson and CherylD. Gunderson, in favorof Washington MutualBank fsb, covering realproperty located at approximately377 EastAngus Cove, Grantsville,Tooele County, Utah,and more particularly describedas:LOT 143, SOUTH WIL-L O WE S T A T E SAMENDED PLAT 1, AC-CORDING TO THE OF-F I C I A LP L A TTHEREOF, AS RE-CORDED IN THE OF-FICE OF THE COUNTYRECORDER OF SAIDCOUNTY 12-94-143The current beneficiaryof the trust deed isJPMorgan Chase Bank,National Association,and the record owner ofthe property as of the recordingof the notice ofdefault is Clinton C.Gunderson and CherylD. Gunderson. The trustee'ssale of the aforedescribedreal property willbe made without warrantyas to title, possession,or encumbrances.Bidders must be prepa r e d t o t e n d e r$5,000.00 in certifiedfunds at the sale and thebalance of the purchaseprice in certified funds by10:00 a.m. the followingbusiness day. The trusteereserves the right tovoid the effect of thetrustee's sale after thesale based upon informationunknown to thetrustee at the time of thesale, such as a bankruptcyfiling, a loan reinstatement,or an agreementbetween the trustorand beneficiary to postponeor cancel the sale.If so voided, the only recourseof the highestbidder is to receive a fullrefund of the money paidto the trustee. THIS ISAN ATTEMPT TO COL-LECT A DEBT. ANY IN-F O R M A T I O N O B -TAINED WILL BE USEDFOR THAT PURPOSE.DATED this 19th day ofApril, 2011Marlon L. Bates, successortrusteeScalley Reading BatesHansen & Rasmussen,P.C.15 West South Temple,Ste. 600Salt Lake City, Utah84101Telephone: (801)531-7870Business Hours: 9:00a.m. to 5:00 p.m.T r u s t e e N o .94100-1246(Published in the TranscriptBulletin April 26,May 3 & 10, 2011)NOTICE OF TRUS-TEE'S SALEThe real property describedbelow and situatedin Tooele County,Utah will be sold at publicauction to the highestbidder, payable in lawfulmoney of the UnitedStates at the time ofsale, at the front entranceof the Third JudicialDistrict Courthousefor Tooele County, 74South 100 East, Tooele,Utah 84074 on May 25,2011 at the hour of11:00 a.m. The sale isfor the purpose of foreclosingthe Deed of Trust(the “Deed of Trust”)dated September 6,2005 and executed byRUTH O. ALLEN, asTrustor and granted andconveyed to WASHING-TON FEDERAL SAV-INGS as Beneficiary andTrustee.The Deed ofTrust was recorded onSeptember 20, 2005 asEntry No. 247257 of theOfficial Records of theCounty Recorder ofTooele County, Utah.W. Jeffery Fillmore hasbeen appointed the SuccessorTrustee of theDeed of Trust.Theproperty subject to theDeed of Trust is situatedin Tooele County, Utahand more particularly describedas follows:LOT 16, BROOKFIELDESTATESSUBDIVI-SION PHASE 2, AC-CORDING TO THE OF-FICIAL PLAT THEREOFON FILE AND OF RE-CORD IN THE TOOELECOUNTY RECORDER'SOFFICE.Together with all improvements,easements,rights, appurtenances,rents, royalties, mineral,oil and gas rights andprofits, water rights andstock and all fixtures.The Property has a reputedaddress of 1154East Brookfield Avenue,Erda, Utah 84074. Thecurrent beneficiary of theDeed of Trust is WashingtonFederal Savingsand the record owner ofthe Property as of the recordingof the Notice ofDefault and Election toSell is Ruth O. Allen.The Trustee's sale willbe made without covenantor warranty, expressor implied, regardingtitle, possession orencumbrances.Bidders must tender a$5,000 deposit to theSuccessor Trustee at thetime of sale and the balanceof the purchasePublic NoticesTrusteesthe Property as of the recordingof the Notice ofDefault and Election toSell is Ruth O. Allen.The Trustee's sale willbe made without covenantor warranty, expressor implied, regardingtitle, possession orencumbrances.Bidders must tender a$5,000 deposit to theSuccessor Trustee at thetime of sale and the balanceof the purchaseprice by 12:00 noon theday following the sale.The deposit must be inthe form of a cashier'scheck or bank officialcheck payable to WashingtonFederal Savings.The balance must be inthe form of a wire transfer,cashier's check orbank official check(credit union officialchecks are not accepted)payable toWashingtonFederalSavings.Cash paymentsare not accepted.A trustee's deed will bedelivered to the successfulbidder within threebusiness days after receiptof the amount bid.The purpose of this noticeis to collect a debtand any information obtainedmay be used forthat purpose.Dated: April 15, 2011Successor Trustee/s/ W. Jeffery FillmoreCallister Nebeker &McCullough10 East South Temple,Suite 900Salt Lake City, UT84133(801) 530-7310Office Hours 8:30 a.m.to 5:00 p.m.(Published in the TranscriptBulletin April 19,26 & May 3, 2011)Public NoticesMiscellaneousDeadline for public noticesis 4 p.m. the dayprior to publication.Public notices submittedpast the deadlinewill not be accepted.UPAXLPINVITATION TO BIDTooele County SchoolDistrict is requesting bidsfor pavement rehabilitationand site improvementsat various schoolsites located in TooeleCounty, Utah. Plans andspecifications will beavailable at Nolte Associates,5217 South StateStreet, Suite 300, Murray,Utah on May 2,2011. A $30.00 non-refundabledeposit is required.A pre-bid walkthrough will be held atthe Maintenance/FoodServices building, 76South 1000 West,Tooele, Utah on May 5,2011 at 10:00 am.Sealed bids are due May12, 2011 by 10:00amand must be addressedto Mr. Bruce Williams,Business Administrator,Tooele County SchoolDistrict, 92 South Lodestone,Tooele, Utah.Bids must be accompaniedby a Bid bondequivalent to 5% of thetotal amount bid. The bidmust be clearly markedon the outside of the envelope“Pavement Rehabilitation2011.” The districtreserves the right towaive any formalitiesand accept or reject anybid it deems in its bestinterest.(Published in the TranscriptBulletin April 28 &May 3, 2011)INVITATION TO BIDTooele School District isnow receiving bids forP.E. uniforms for theschool year 2010-2011.The uniform consists ofan athletic shirt andshorts. The uniforms arefor the Jr. High and HighSchool students.Pleaseemail bids toslindberg@tooeleschools.orgClosing date isMay 13,2011.(Published in the TranscriptBulletin May 3, 5,10 & 12, 2011)NOTICE OF AUCTIONPITT’S AUTONOTICE is hereby giventhat an auction will beheld Monday, May 30,2011, 1pm at Pitt’s Auto,40 E. Flinders, Tooele,UT.2003 Mitsubishi Monte r o ,V I N#JA4LS21H93JO14415Diane Pierce. $6900 topay for storage fee.(Published in the TranscriptBulletin May 3 & 5,2011)PUBLIC NOTICEIn accordance with Sec106 of the ProgrammaticAgreement, T-MobileUSA plans to place antennasonto a new antennastructure at 400 N.Broadway, Tooele, UT84074. Please fax commentsto Vitaly M. at714-508-4110 regardingsite SL01637-A.(Published in the TranscriptBulletin May 3 &10, 2011)Public NoticesMiscellaneousNOTICE OF DELIN-QUENCYGrantsville IrrigationCompanyNOTICE: There are delinquentupon the followingdescribed stock, onaccount of assessmentlevied on the 1st Day ofApril, 2011, the amountsset opposite the namesof the respective stockholdersas follows:Lance Akers $227.00Peter & Leslie Anthony530 S DristeenaWay$387.00Lisa Arnold 123 E PearStreet $227.00Charles & JovetteBrinkerhoff 119 E HarvestLane $316.39CarriageCrossing,LLC$13987.00Todd Castagno 414 EHollywood Court, 417 EHollywood Court, 418 EHollywood Court, 387 ENygreen $1949.55E r m aD i c k e r s o n$249.00Jody or Sharon Ellsworth-Nielson$227.00David & StephanieFrew $111.00Todd Gaplin 368 LaceeLane $227.00Josh & Leann Garrard322 E Legacy Lane$227.00Carolyn Grow $227.00Kenneth Grygla 310 SRanch Road$227.00BillyHooser 373 SWrangler Way $227.00Michael Howard 592 EMontego Court $387.00Bart Jensen 334 ELegacy $227.00KMO Enterprises, LLC133 E Katresha, 147 EKatresha $707.00LDS Real Estate/Grantsville $2976.00Lance and Marnae Marshall$227.00Travis and Jolene Mulford862 E Silver Spur$387.00Warren Penney$547.00Realty DevelopmentConsultants 368 SWrangler Court $387.00Suzette or Bryan Rydalch525 S Hale$387.00Angela Smith 92 E Sorrel$227.00Angela Vanvleet 1083S Kimberly Way $227.00WebBank $2471.00In accordance with lawsof the State of Utah andthe order of the Board ofDirectors made on the9th day of February,2011, so many shares ofsuch stock as may benecessary to pay the delinquentassessmentthereon, together withthe late fee, costs of advertising,and expensesof the sale, will be soldto the highest bidder at apublic auction to be heldat the principal businessof the corporation, at 411So. West Street, Grantsville,Utah, on the 11thday of May, 2011, at thehour of 8 p.m.DATED this 25th day ofApril, 2011.Sunnie Titmus,SecretaryGrantsville IrrigationCompany(Published in the TranscriptBulletin April 28,May 3, 5 & 10, 2011)NOTICE TO CREDI-TORS AND AN-NOUNCEMENT OF AP-POINTMENTEstate of Darwin Le-Grand Finch, aka DarwinL. Finch, Deceased.Probate No. 103300084Lyla J. Finch, whose addressis 261 East 100South, Tooele, Utah84074, has been appointedPersonal Representativeof the estate ofthe above-named decedent.All persons havingclaims against the aboveestate are required topresent them to the undersignedor to the Clerkof the Court on or beforethe 3rd day of August,2011, or said claimsshall be forever barred.LYLA J. FINCH261 East 100 SouthTooele, Utah 84074(435)882-4603(Published in the TranscriptBulletin May 3, 10& 17, 2011)PUBLIC NOTICEDepot Self Storage, locatedat 1685 W. JamesWay, Tooele, UT, 84074,hereby gives Kendall &JoAnn Ogden, lastknown address P.O. Box413, Idaho Springs, CO80452 notice that we areasserting a possessorylien on the propertystored in unit #871C.The lien is asserted forunpaid rental charges,late fees, and other associatedcharges incurredfor the rent of thestorage space. Theamount of the lien is$1,012.50.The property subject tothis lien is: Couches, table& chairs, householdfurniture & misc. boxes.Unless full payment ismade by May 18, 2011at 5:00 p.m., the propertybecomes the possessionof Depot Associates,L.L.C., to disposePublic NoticesMiscellaneousJoAnn Ogden, lastknown address P.O. Box413, Idaho Springs, CO80452 notice that we areasserting a possessorylien on the propertystored in unit #871C.The lien is asserted forunpaid rental charges,late fees, and other associatedcharges incurredfor the rent of thestorage space. Theamount of the lien is$1,012.50.The property subject tothis lien is: Couches, table& chairs, householdfurniture & misc. boxes.Unless full payment ismade by May 18, 2011at 5:00 p.m., the propertybecomes the possessionof Depot Associates,L.L.C., to disposeof as provided by law, tosatisfy the lien. All unpaidcharges will be sentto collections.(Published in the TranscriptBulletin May 3 &12, 2011)PUBLIC NOTICEJulie Bunk hereby givesnotice that an action hasbeen commenced in theThird District Court bythe undersigned to QuietTitle the Real Propertylocated Tooele City,Tooele County, State ofUtah described as: Beginningat the Northeastcorner of Block 37, Plat"A" of the Tooele CitySurvey and runningthence West 39.50 feet;thence South 81 feet;thence east 39.50 feet;thence North 81 feet tothe point of beginning -Also, beginning 100 feetSouth from the Northeastcorner of Block 37,and running thence west81 feet; thence South 32feet; thence East 81 feet;thence North 32 feet tothe point of beginningcontaining 5792ft2 or0.13 Acres AKA TooeleCounty Tax #02-049-0-0026 AKA 155 West 100South Tooele Utah84074, against Judd A.Garcia; Brenda Cox, anypersons claiming an interestthrough thenamed defendants; andall persons unknownclaiming any right, title,estate, lien or interest inthe real property. DatedMay 2, 2011./s/ Gary BuhlerAttorney for Julie Bunk(Published in the TranscriptBulletin May 3, 10,17 & 24, 2011)REQUEST FOR PRO-POSALSFIRE STATION ADDI-TION DESIGN/ CON-STRUCTIONTOWN OF VERNONProposals will be receivedby the Town ofVernon, P.O. Box 134Vernon, Utah 84080, until5:00 pm on May 31,2011 for the Vernon FireStation Addition - ArchitecturalDesign/ ConstructionProject.Proposals shall includesupport to obtain financing,engineered plansand the construction ofan approximate 40’ by40’ metal building withsite work, as an additionto the Town’s existingFire Station.Specifications for thework and related documentsmay be obtainedfrom Mayor Kent Sagersat (435) 839-3424 or viaemail at mayor.ksagers@hotmail.com upon requestat no cost.It is anticipated that theselection of a vendor willbe made at the TownCouncil Meeting on June7, 2011. The selectedvendor may be asked toprovide assistance inmaking a funding requestthrough the UtahPermanent CommunityImpact Board.The Owner reserves theright to reject any or allproposals, to waive anyinformality in a proposaland to make awards inthe interest of theOwner.Dated this 20th day ofApril, 2011.By: Mayor Kent Sagers(Published in the TranscriptBulletin April 26 &May 3, 2011)RUSH VALLEY TOWNCOUNCIL NOTICE OFVACANCY - TOWNCOUNCIL POSITIONNOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN that a vacancyexists on the Rush ValleyTown Council. TheRush Valley Town Councilis soliciting the namesof qualified persons interestedin being consideredfor appointment tofill this vacancy.TheTown Council will meetat the Rush Valley TownHall, 52 South ParkStreet, Rush Valley,Utah on Wednesday,May 25, 2011 at 7:00p.m. to consider appointinga qualified candidateto fill the unexpired termof the office vacated,which will be until thefirst Monday in January2012. Persons desiringto be considered for thisvacancy must be in attendanceat the May 25,2011 meeting.Interestedpersonsshould submit theirname and a statement ofqualifications to AmieRussell, PO Box 363,Rush Valley, UT 84069prior to 5:00 p.m. on May23, 2011. Applicantsmust be registered votersin the Town of RushValley and a resident ofPublic NoticesMiscellaneousStreet, Rush Valley,Utah on Wednesday,May 25, 2011 at 7:00p.m. to consider appointinga qualified candidateto fill the unexpired termof the office vacated,which will be until thefirst Monday in January2012. Persons desiringto be considered for thisvacancy must be in attendanceat the May 25,2011 meeting.Interestedpersonsshould submit theirname and a statement ofqualifications to AmieRussell, PO Box 363,Rush Valley, UT 84069prior to 5:00 p.m. on May23, 2011. Applicantsmust be registered votersin the Town of RushValley and a resident ofthe Town for at least 12consecutive months immediatelybefore May25, 2011. A person whois mentally incompetentor a convicted felon (unlessright to hold officehas been restored) is notqualified.DATED this 28th day ofApril 2011.BY ORDER OF THERush Valley TownCouncilAmie RussellTown Recorder(Published in the TranscriptBulletin May 3,10& 17, 2011)SUMMONSIn the Third JudicialDistrict Court, TooeleCounty, State of Utah.Case No. 114300048Natasha M Galvan, Petitionervs. Emanuel RGalvan, Respondent.THE STATE OF UTAHTO THE ABOVE-NAMED RESPONDENT:You are hereby summonedand required tofile an Answer in writingto the attached Petitionwith the Clerk of theabove-entitled Court atthe following address: 74South 100 East, Suite14, Tooele, UT 84074and to service upon, ormail to the petitioner at360 West Plum Street,Grantsville, UT, 84029, acopy of said answer,within 20 days if you areserved in the State ofUtah, or within 30 days ifyou are served outsidethe State of Utah, afterservice of this Summonsupon you. If you fail todo so, judgment by defaultwill be takenagainst you for the reliefdemanded in said Petition,which has beenfiled with the Clerk of theabove-entitled Court anda copy of which is heretoannexed and herewithserved upon you. READTHESE PAPERS CARE-FULLY. These papersmean that you are beingsued for divorce.Natasha M GalvanPetitioner(Published in the TranscriptBulletin April 26,May 3, 10 & 17, 2011)SUMMONSTAMMY COFFMAN, Petitionerv.ROBERT COFFMAN,Respondent.Civil No. 114300085Judge Robert Adkins.THE STATE OF UTAHTO THE RESPONDENTROBERT COFFMAN:YOU ARE NOTIFIEDthat a protective orderhas been filed with theabove court seeking reliefagainst you underthe Cohabitant AbuseAct, Utah Code Ann.§30-6-1, et seq.VIOLATION OF THEEXPARTE PROTEC-TIVE ORDER IS ACRIME CONSTITUTINGA CLASS A MISDE-MEANOR FOR WHICHYOU CAN BE AR-RESTED, FINED ORJAILED.YOU ARE NOTIFIEDthat a hearing concerningPetitioner's complaintwill be held on the 9thday of May, 2011, at thehour of 1:00 p.m., in theThird District Court,Tooele County, Utah,before CommissionerMICHELLE TACK.You are required to bepresent at the hearing.Failure to appear at thehearing may result inyour default being enteredand in the grantingof the relief requested bythe Petitioner in hercomplaint/ protective order.You may petition theCourt for an earlier hearingdate if you so desire.DATED this 18th day ofApril, 2011.UTAH LEGAL SERV-ICES, INC.Attorney for PetitionerJULIE C. WINKLER(Published in the TranscriptBulletin April 19,26, May 3 & 10, 2011)TRANSCRIPTBULLETINTOOELEPlace Your Classified Ad Online!www.tooeletranscript.comTRANSCRIPTBULLETINTOOELEInvite theWholeTown toYour YardSale!882-0050OpinionsShared Freely.(Yours and Ours.)Open ForumEvery TuesdayTRANSCRIPTBULLETINTOOELEB6 Tuesday May 3, 2011

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<strong>Tooele</strong> <strong>Transcript</strong>-Bullet<strong>in</strong>Public NoticesMeet<strong>in</strong>gslast date of publication ofthis notice.NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN that a period ofthirty (30) days from andafter the last date of thepublication of this noticeis provided by law dur<strong>in</strong>gwhich any person <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>terestshall have theright to contest the legalityof the Resolution, theIndenture (but only asthe same relates to theBonds), or the Bonds, orany provision made forthe security and paymentof the Bonds, andthat after such time, noone shall have anycause of action to contestthe regularity, formalityor legality thereoffor any cause whatsoever.DATED this 27th day ofApril, 2011.U T A HT R A N S I TAUTHORITY/s/ Kenneth D. Montague,Jr.Secretary/ Treasurer(Published <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Transcript</strong>Bullet<strong>in</strong> May 3 &10, 2011)Public NoticesTrusteesDeadl<strong>in</strong>e for public noticesis 4 p.m. the dayprior to publication.Public notices submittedpast the deadl<strong>in</strong>ewill not be accepted.UPAXLPNOTICE OF TRUS-TEE'S SALEAPN: 11-077-0-0018Trust No. 1315787-07Ref: Rebecca GreearT R A : L o a n N o .xxxxxx1753. IMPOR-TANT NOTICE TOPROPERTY OWNER:YOU ARE IN DEFAULTUNDER A DEED OFTRUST, DATED December07, 2006. UNLESSYOU TAKE ACTION TOP R O T E C TY O U RPROPERTY, IT MAY BESOLD AT A PUBLICSALE. IF YOU NEEDAN EXPLANATION OFTHIS PROCEEDING,YOU SHOULD CON-TACT A LAWYER. OnMay 31, 2011, at4:30pm, James H. Woodall,as duly appo<strong>in</strong>tedTrustee under a Deed ofTrust recorded December12, 2006, as InstrumentNo. 273952, <strong>in</strong>Book xx, Page xx, of theOfficial Records <strong>in</strong> theoffice at the County Recorderof <strong>Tooele</strong> County,State of Utah, executedby Rebecca Greear AnUnmarried Woman, willsell at public auction tohighest bidder, payable<strong>in</strong> lawful money of theUnited States at the timeof sale. Successful biddersmust tender a depositof $5,000 <strong>in</strong> certifiedfunds to the trusteeat the time of sale, withthe balance due by noonthe follow<strong>in</strong>g bus<strong>in</strong>essday, at the office of theTrustee. At the tooelecounty courthouse 74South 100 East <strong>Tooele</strong>Utah all right, title and <strong>in</strong>terestconveyed to andnow held by it under saidDeed of Trust <strong>in</strong> theproperty situated <strong>in</strong> saidCounty and State describedas: Lot 18, theridge plat 'a' subdivision,accord<strong>in</strong>g to the officialplat thereof, on file andof record <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Tooele</strong>county recorder's office.The street address andother common designationof the real propertydescribed above is purportedto be: 494 E 670N <strong>Tooele</strong> Ut 84074. EstimatedTotal Debt as ofMay 31, 2011 is$203,820.15. The undersignedTrustee disclaimsany liability for any <strong>in</strong>correctnessof the street addressand other commondesignation, if any,shown here<strong>in</strong>. Said salewill be made withoutcovenant or warranty,express or implied, regard<strong>in</strong>gtitle, possession,condition or encumbrances,<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g fees,charges and expensesof the Trustee and of thetrusts created by saidDeed of Trust, to pay therema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g pr<strong>in</strong>cipal sumsof the note(s) secured bysaid Deed of Trust. Thecurrent beneficiary of theTrust Deed as of thedate of this notice is:Aurora Loan Services,Llc. The record owner ofthe property as of the record<strong>in</strong>gof the Notice ofDefault is/are: RebeccaGreear. Dated: April 26,2011.James H. Woodall10808 River FrontParkway, Suite 175South JordanUt84095 (801)254-9450(800)245-1886 (Hotl<strong>in</strong>e)Hours: 9:00 A.M. - 5:00P.M.Si gnature/by:James H. WoodallR-376830(Published <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Transcript</strong>Bullet<strong>in</strong> April 26,May 3 & 10, 2011)Public NoticesTrusteesNOTICE OF TRUS-TEE'S SALEAPN: 11-049-0-4063Trust No. 1206378-07Ref: Lonnie Burke TRA:Loan No. xxxxx9215. IM-PORTANT NOTICE TOPROPERTY OWNER:YOU ARE IN DEFAULTUNDER A DEED OFTRUST, DATED June23, 2005. UNLESS YOUTAKE ACTION TO PRO-TECT YOUR PROP-ERTY, IT MAY BESOLD AT A PUBLICSALE. IF YOU NEEDAN EXPLANATION OFTHIS PROCEEDING,YOU SHOULD CON-TACT A LAWYER. OnJune 07, 2011, at4:30pm, James H. Woodall,as duly appo<strong>in</strong>tedTrustee under a Deed ofTrust recorded June 29,2005, as Instrument No.242744, <strong>in</strong> Book xx,Page xx, of the OfficialRecords <strong>in</strong> the office atthe County Recorder of<strong>Tooele</strong> County, State ofUtah, executed by LonnieBurke and Alicia L.Burke, will sell at publicauction to highest bidder,payable <strong>in</strong> lawfulmoney of the UnitedStates at the time ofsale. Successful biddersmust tender a deposit of$5,000 <strong>in</strong> certified fundsto the trustee at the timeof sale, with the balancedue by noon the follow<strong>in</strong>gbus<strong>in</strong>ess day, at theoffice of the Trustee. Atthe tooele county courthouse74 South 100East <strong>Tooele</strong> Utah allright, title and <strong>in</strong>terestconveyed to and nowheld by it under saidDeed of Trust <strong>in</strong> theproperty situated <strong>in</strong> saidCounty and State describedas: Lot 4063,rancho <strong>Tooele</strong> phase ivamended, accord<strong>in</strong>g tothe official plat thereofon file and of record <strong>in</strong>the tooele county recorder'soffice.. Thestreet address and othercommon designation ofthe real property describedabove is purportedto be: 1019 South810 W <strong>Tooele</strong> Ut84074. Estimated TotalDebt as of June 07,2011 is $134,463.99.The undersigned Trusteedisclaims any liabilityfor any <strong>in</strong>correctness ofthe street address andother common designation,if any, shownhere<strong>in</strong>. Said sale will bemade without covenantor warranty, express orimplied, regard<strong>in</strong>g title,possession, condition orencumbrances, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>gfees, charges and expensesof the Trusteeand of the trusts createdby said Deed of Trust, topay the rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g pr<strong>in</strong>cipalsums of the note(s)secured by said Deed ofTrust. The current beneficiaryof the Trust Deedas of the date of this noticeis: Wells FargoBank, Na. The recordowner of the property asof the record<strong>in</strong>g of theNotice of Default is/are:Lonnie Burke and AliciaBurke. Dated: May 03,2011.James H. Woodall10808 River FrontParkway, Suite 175South JordanUt84095 (801)254-9450(800)245-1886 (Hotl<strong>in</strong>e)Hours: 9:00 A.M. - 5:00P.M.Signature/by:James H. WoodallR-379208(Published <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Transcript</strong>Bullet<strong>in</strong> May 3, 10& 17, 2011)NOTICE OF TRUS-TEE'S SALEAPN: 13-049-0-0104Trust No. 1248623-07Ref: Jolene ReddenT R A : L o a n N o .xxxxxx5597. IMPOR-TANT NOTICE TOPROPERTY OWNER:YOU ARE IN DEFAULTUNDER A DEED OFTRUST, DATED January18, 2005. UNLESS YOUTAKE ACTION TO PRO-TECT YOUR PROP-ERTY, IT MAY BESOLD AT A PUBLICSALE. IF YOU NEEDAN EXPLANATION OFTHIS PROCEEDING,YOU SHOULD CON-TACT A LAWYER. OnJune 07, 2011, at4:30pm, James H. Woodall,as duly appo<strong>in</strong>tedTrustee under a Deed ofTrust recorded January20, 2005, as InstrumentNo. 234948, <strong>in</strong> Book0997, Page 0347, of theOfficial Records <strong>in</strong> theoffice at the County Recorderof <strong>Tooele</strong> County,State of Utah, executedby Max E. Redden andJolene Redden HusbandAnd Wife As Jo<strong>in</strong>t TenantsWith Right Of Survivorship,will sell at publicauction to highest bidder,payable <strong>in</strong> lawfulmoney of the UnitedStates at the time ofsale. Successful biddersmust tender a deposit of$5,000 <strong>in</strong> certified fundsto the trustee at the timeof sale, with the balancedue by noon the follow<strong>in</strong>gbus<strong>in</strong>ess day, at theoffice of the Trustee. Atthe tooele county courthouse74 South 100Public NoticesTrusteesvorship, will sell at publicauction to highest bidder,payable <strong>in</strong> lawfulmoney of the UnitedStates at the time ofsale. Successful biddersmust tender a deposit of$5,000 <strong>in</strong> certified fundsto the trustee at the timeof sale, with the balancedue by noon the follow<strong>in</strong>gbus<strong>in</strong>ess day, at theoffice of the Trustee. Atthe tooele county courthouse74 South 100East <strong>Tooele</strong> Utah allright, title and <strong>in</strong>terestconveyed to and nowheld by it under saidDeed of Trust <strong>in</strong> theproperty situated <strong>in</strong> saidCounty and State describedas: Lot 104,gateway neighborhoodphase 2a-2 subdivisionof <strong>Tooele</strong> county, accord<strong>in</strong>gto the official platthereof on file and of record<strong>in</strong> the tooele countyrecorder's office.. Thestreet address and othercommon designation ofthe real property describedabove is purportedto be: 6684 OldMill Road <strong>Tooele</strong>Ut84074. Estimated TotalDebt as of June 07,2011 is $258,988.50.The undersigned Trusteedisclaims any liabilityfor any <strong>in</strong>correctness ofthe street address andother common designation,if any, shownhere<strong>in</strong>. Said sale will bemade without covenantor warranty, express orimplied, regard<strong>in</strong>g title,possession, condition orencumbrances, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>gfees, charges and expensesof the Trusteeand of the trusts createdby said Deed of Trust, topay the rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g pr<strong>in</strong>cipalsums of the note(s)secured by said Deed ofTrust. The current beneficiaryof the Trust Deedas of the date of this noticeis: Aurora LoanServices. The recordowner of the property asof the record<strong>in</strong>g of theNotice of Default is/are:Dennis Sean Buckner,Max E Redden, Krist<strong>in</strong>eBuckner. Dated: May 03,2011.James H. Woodall10808 River FrontParkway, Suite 175South JordanUt84095 (801)254-9450(800)245-1886 (Hotl<strong>in</strong>e)Hours: 9:00 A.M. - 5:00P.M.Signature/by:James H. WoodallR-378913(Published <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Transcript</strong>Bullet<strong>in</strong> May 3, 10& 17, 2011)NOTICE OF TRUS-TEE'S SALEAPN: 13-051-0-0240Trust No. 1316453-07Ref: Brett Imlay TRA:Loan No. xxxxxx7228.IMPORTANT NOTICET OP R O P E R T YOWNER: YOU ARE INDEFAULT UNDER ADEED OF TRUST,DATED July 19, 2006.UNLESS YOU TAKEACTION TO PROTECTYOUR PROPERTY, ITMAY BE SOLD AT APUBLIC SALE. IF YOUNEED AN EXPLANA-TION OF THIS PRO-C E E D I N G ,Y O USHOULD CONTACT ALAWYER. On June 07,2011, at 4:30pm, JamesH. Woodall, as duly appo<strong>in</strong>tedTrustee under aDeed of Trust recordedAugust 02, 2006, as InstrumentNo. 264772, <strong>in</strong>Book xx, Page xx, of theOfficial Records <strong>in</strong> theoffice at the County Recorderof <strong>Tooele</strong> County,State of Utah, executedby Brett Imlay and AngialiqueImlay, HusbandAnd Wife, As Jo<strong>in</strong>t Tenants,will sell at publicauction to highest bidder,payable <strong>in</strong> lawfulmoney of the UnitedStates at the time ofsale. Successful biddersmust tender a deposit of$5,000 <strong>in</strong> certified fundsto the trustee at the timeof sale, with the balancedue by noon the follow<strong>in</strong>gbus<strong>in</strong>ess day, at theoffice of the Trustee. Atthe tooele county courthouse74 South 100East <strong>Tooele</strong> Utah allright, title and <strong>in</strong>terestconveyed to and nowheld by it under saidDeed of Trust <strong>in</strong> theproperty situated <strong>in</strong> saidCounty and State describedas: Lot 240, maplehills subdivision no.2, accord<strong>in</strong>g to the officialplat thereof, as recorded<strong>in</strong> the office ofthe <strong>Tooele</strong> county recorder..The street addressand other commondesignation of the realpropertydescribedabove is purported to be:621 Est 1250 N <strong>Tooele</strong>Ut 84074. Estimated TotalDebt as of June 07,2011 is $219,404.77.The undersigned Trusteedisclaims any liabilityfor any <strong>in</strong>correctness ofthe street address andother common designation,if any, shownhere<strong>in</strong>. Said sale will bemade without covenantor warranty, express orimplied, regard<strong>in</strong>g title,possession, condition orencumbrances, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>gfees, charges and expensesof the Trusteeand of the trusts createdby said Deed of Trust, topay the rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g pr<strong>in</strong>cipalsums of the note(s)secured by said Deed ofTrust. The current beneficiaryof the Trust Deedas of the date of this noticeis: Aurora LoanPublic NoticesTrusteesor warranty, express orimplied, regard<strong>in</strong>g title,possession, condition orencumbrances, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>gfees, charges and expensesof the Trusteeand of the trusts createdby said Deed of Trust, topay the rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g pr<strong>in</strong>cipalsums of the note(s)secured by said Deed ofTrust. The current beneficiaryof the Trust Deedas of the date of this noticeis: Aurora LoanServices, Llc. The recordowner of the property asof the record<strong>in</strong>g of theNotice of Default is/are:Brett Imlay and AngialiqueImlay. Dated: May03, 2011.James H. Woodall10808 River FrontParkway, Suite 175South JordanUt84095 (801)254-9450(800)245-1886 (Hotl<strong>in</strong>e)Hours: 9:00 A.M. - 5:00P.M.Signature/by:James H. WoodallR-377284(Published <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Transcript</strong>Bullet<strong>in</strong> May 3, 10& 17, 2011)NOTICE OF TRUS-TEE'S SALEThe follow<strong>in</strong>g describedreal property will be soldat public auction to thehighest bidder, purchaseprice payable <strong>in</strong> lawfulmoney of the UnitedStates of America at thetime of sale, at the ma<strong>in</strong>entrance of the <strong>Tooele</strong>CountyCourthouse,a/k/a the Third JudicialDistrict Court, 74 South100 East, <strong>Tooele</strong>, Utah,on Friday, May 27,2011, at the hour of 9:30a.m. of that day for thepurpose of foreclos<strong>in</strong>g adeed of trust orig<strong>in</strong>allyexecuted by Soo What,Inc., <strong>in</strong> favor of Mounta<strong>in</strong>America Federal CreditUnion, cover<strong>in</strong>g realproperty located at approximately235 EastMa<strong>in</strong> Street, Grantsville,<strong>Tooele</strong> County, Utah,and more particularly describedas:COMMENCING 2.44CHAINS EAST FROMTHESOUTHWESTCORNER OF THENORTHEAST QUAR-TER OF SECTION 31,TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH,RANGE 5 WEST, SALTLAKE BASE AND ME-RIDIAN; THENCE EAST12 FEET MORE ORLESS TO THE TRUEPOINT OF BEGINNING;THENCE EAST 106FEET; THENCE NORTH180 FEET; THENCEWEST 106 FEET;THENCE SOUTH 180FEET TO THE POINTOF BEGINNING, ASRECORDED IN THEOFFICE OF THECOUNTY RECORDEROF SAID COUNTY.01-048-0-0044The current beneficiaryof the trust deed isMounta<strong>in</strong> America FederalCredit Union, andthe record owner of theproperty as of the record<strong>in</strong>gof the notice ofdefault is Soo What, Inc.,a Utah Corporation. Thetrustee's sale of theaforedescribedrealproperty will be madewithout warranty as to title,possession, or encumbrances.Biddersmust be prepared to tender$5,000.00 <strong>in</strong> certifiedfunds at the sale and thebalance of the purchaseprice <strong>in</strong> certified funds by10:00 a.m. the follow<strong>in</strong>gbus<strong>in</strong>ess day. The trusteereserves the right tovoid the effect of thetrustee's sale after thesale based upon <strong>in</strong>formationunknown to thetrustee at the time of thesale, such as a bankruptcyfil<strong>in</strong>g, a loan re<strong>in</strong>statement,or an agreementbetween the trustorand beneficiary to postponeor cancel the sale.If so voided, the only recourseof the highestbidder is to receive a fullrefund of the money paidto the trustee. THIS ISAN ATTEMPT TO COL-LECT A DEBT. ANY IN-F O R M A T I O N O B -TAINED WILL BE USEDFOR THAT PURPOSE.DATED this 22nd day ofApril, 2011Marlon L. Bates, successortrusteeScalley Read<strong>in</strong>g BatesHansen & Rasmussen,P.C.15 West South Temple,Ste. 600Salt Lake <strong>City</strong>, Utah84101Telephone: (801)531-7870Bus<strong>in</strong>ess Hours: 9:00a.m. to 5:00 p.m.Trustee No. 67008-2538(Published <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Transcript</strong>Bullet<strong>in</strong> April 26,May 3 & 10, 2011)NOTICE OF TRUS-TEE'S SALEThe follow<strong>in</strong>g describedreal property will be soldat public auction to thehighest bidder, purchaseprice payable <strong>in</strong> lawfulmoney of the UnitedStates of America at thetime of sale, at the ma<strong>in</strong>entrance of the <strong>Tooele</strong>CountyCourthouse,a/k/a the Third JudicialDistrict Court, 74 South100 East, <strong>Tooele</strong>, Utah,on Friday, May 27, 2011,at the hour of 9:30 a.m.of that day for the purposeof foreclos<strong>in</strong>g adeed of trust orig<strong>in</strong>allyexecuted by Cl<strong>in</strong>ton C.Gunderson and CherylD. Gunderson, <strong>in</strong> favorof Wash<strong>in</strong>gton MutualBank fsb, cover<strong>in</strong>g realPublic NoticesTrusteesentrance of the <strong>Tooele</strong>CountyCourthouse,a/k/a the Third JudicialDistrict Court, 74 South100 East, <strong>Tooele</strong>, Utah,on Friday, May 27, 2011,at the hour of 9:30 a.m.of that day for the purposeof foreclos<strong>in</strong>g adeed of trust orig<strong>in</strong>allyexecuted by Cl<strong>in</strong>ton C.Gunderson and CherylD. Gunderson, <strong>in</strong> favorof Wash<strong>in</strong>gton MutualBank fsb, cover<strong>in</strong>g realproperty located at approximately377 EastAngus Cove, Grantsville,<strong>Tooele</strong> County, Utah,and more particularly describedas:LOT 143, SOUTH WIL-L O WE S T A T E SAMENDED PLAT 1, AC-CORDING TO THE OF-F I C I A LP L A TTHEREOF, AS RE-CORDED IN THE OF-FICE OF THE COUNTYRECORDER OF SAIDCOUNTY 12-94-143The current beneficiaryof the trust deed isJPMorgan Chase Bank,National Association,and the record owner ofthe property as of the record<strong>in</strong>gof the notice ofdefault is Cl<strong>in</strong>ton C.Gunderson and CherylD. Gunderson. The trustee'ssale of the aforedescribedreal property willbe made without warrantyas to title, possession,or encumbrances.Bidders must be prepa r e d t o t e n d e r$5,000.00 <strong>in</strong> certifiedfunds at the sale and thebalance of the purchaseprice <strong>in</strong> certified funds by10:00 a.m. the follow<strong>in</strong>gbus<strong>in</strong>ess day. The trusteereserves the right tovoid the effect of thetrustee's sale after thesale based upon <strong>in</strong>formationunknown to thetrustee at the time of thesale, such as a bankruptcyfil<strong>in</strong>g, a loan re<strong>in</strong>statement,or an agreementbetween the trustorand beneficiary to postponeor cancel the sale.If so voided, the only recourseof the highestbidder is to receive a fullrefund of the money paidto the trustee. THIS ISAN ATTEMPT TO COL-LECT A DEBT. ANY IN-F O R M A T I O N O B -TAINED WILL BE USEDFOR THAT PURPOSE.DATED this 19th day ofApril, 2011Marlon L. Bates, successortrusteeScalley Read<strong>in</strong>g BatesHansen & Rasmussen,P.C.15 West South Temple,Ste. 600Salt Lake <strong>City</strong>, Utah84101Telephone: (801)531-7870Bus<strong>in</strong>ess Hours: 9:00a.m. to 5:00 p.m.T r u s t e e N o .94100-1246(Published <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Transcript</strong>Bullet<strong>in</strong> April 26,May 3 & 10, 2011)NOTICE OF TRUS-TEE'S SALEThe real property describedbelow and situated<strong>in</strong> <strong>Tooele</strong> County,Utah will be sold at publicauction to the highestbidder, payable <strong>in</strong> lawfulmoney of the UnitedStates at the time ofsale, at the front entranceof the Third JudicialDistrict Courthousefor <strong>Tooele</strong> County, 74South 100 East, <strong>Tooele</strong>,Utah 84074 on May 25,2011 at the hour of11:00 a.m. The sale isfor the purpose of foreclos<strong>in</strong>gthe Deed of Trust(the “Deed of Trust”)dated September 6,2005 and executed byRUTH O. ALLEN, asTrustor and granted andconveyed to WASHING-TON FEDERAL SAV-INGS as Beneficiary andTrustee.The Deed ofTrust was recorded onSeptember 20, 2005 asEntry No. 247257 of theOfficial Records of theCounty Recorder of<strong>Tooele</strong> County, Utah.W. Jeffery Fillmore hasbeen appo<strong>in</strong>ted the SuccessorTrustee of theDeed of Trust.Theproperty subject to theDeed of Trust is situated<strong>in</strong> <strong>Tooele</strong> County, Utahand more particularly describedas follows:LOT 16, BROOKFIELDESTATESSUBDIVI-SION PHASE 2, AC-CORDING TO THE OF-FICIAL PLAT THEREOFON FILE AND OF RE-CORD IN THE TOOELECOUNTY RECORDER'SOFFICE.Together with all improvements,easements,rights, appurtenances,rents, royalties, m<strong>in</strong>eral,oil and gas rights andprofits, water rights andstock and all fixtures.The Property has a reputedaddress of 1154East Brookfield Avenue,Erda, Utah 84074. Thecurrent beneficiary of theDeed of Trust is Wash<strong>in</strong>gtonFederal Sav<strong>in</strong>gsand the record owner ofthe Property as of the record<strong>in</strong>gof the Notice ofDefault and Election toSell is Ruth O. Allen.The Trustee's sale willbe made without covenantor warranty, expressor implied, regard<strong>in</strong>gtitle, possession orencumbrances.Bidders must tender a$5,000 deposit to theSuccessor Trustee at thetime of sale and the balanceof the purchasePublic NoticesTrusteesthe Property as of the record<strong>in</strong>gof the Notice ofDefault and Election toSell is Ruth O. Allen.The Trustee's sale willbe made without covenantor warranty, expressor implied, regard<strong>in</strong>gtitle, possession orencumbrances.Bidders must tender a$5,000 deposit to theSuccessor Trustee at thetime of sale and the balanceof the purchaseprice by 12:00 noon theday follow<strong>in</strong>g the sale.The deposit must be <strong>in</strong>the form of a cashier'scheck or bank officialcheck payable to Wash<strong>in</strong>gtonFederal Sav<strong>in</strong>gs.The balance must be <strong>in</strong>the form of a wire transfer,cashier's check orbank official check(credit union officialchecks are not accepted)payable toWash<strong>in</strong>gtonFederalSav<strong>in</strong>gs.Cash paymentsare not accepted.A trustee's deed will bedelivered to the successfulbidder with<strong>in</strong> threebus<strong>in</strong>ess days after receiptof the amount bid.The purpose of this noticeis to collect a debtand any <strong>in</strong>formation obta<strong>in</strong>edmay be used forthat purpose.Dated: April 15, 2011Successor Trustee/s/ W. Jeffery FillmoreCallister Nebeker &McCullough10 East South Temple,Suite 900Salt Lake <strong>City</strong>, UT84133(801) 530-7310Office Hours 8:30 a.m.to 5:00 p.m.(Published <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Transcript</strong>Bullet<strong>in</strong> April 19,26 & May 3, 2011)Public NoticesMiscellaneousDeadl<strong>in</strong>e for public noticesis 4 p.m. the dayprior to publication.Public notices submittedpast the deadl<strong>in</strong>ewill not be accepted.UPAXLPINVITATION TO BID<strong>Tooele</strong> County SchoolDistrict is request<strong>in</strong>g bidsfor pavement rehabilitationand site improvementsat various schoolsites located <strong>in</strong> <strong>Tooele</strong>County, Utah. Plans andspecifications will beavailable at Nolte Associates,5217 South StateStreet, Suite 300, Murray,Utah on May 2,2011. A $30.00 non-refundabledeposit is required.A pre-bid walkthrough will be held atthe Ma<strong>in</strong>tenance/FoodServices build<strong>in</strong>g, 76South 1000 West,<strong>Tooele</strong>, Utah on May 5,2011 at 10:00 am.Sealed bids are due May12, 2011 by 10:00amand must be addressedto Mr. Bruce Williams,Bus<strong>in</strong>ess Adm<strong>in</strong>istrator,<strong>Tooele</strong> County SchoolDistrict, 92 South Lodestone,<strong>Tooele</strong>, Utah.Bids must be accompaniedby a Bid bondequivalent to 5% of thetotal amount bid. The bidmust be clearly markedon the outside of the envelope“Pavement Rehabilitation2011.” The districtreserves the right towaive any formalitiesand accept or reject anybid it deems <strong>in</strong> its best<strong>in</strong>terest.(Published <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Transcript</strong>Bullet<strong>in</strong> April 28 &May 3, 2011)INVITATION TO BID<strong>Tooele</strong> School District isnow receiv<strong>in</strong>g bids forP.E. uniforms for theschool year 2010-2011.The uniform consists ofan athletic shirt andshorts. The uniforms arefor the Jr. High and HighSchool students.Pleaseemail bids tosl<strong>in</strong>dberg@tooeleschools.orgClos<strong>in</strong>g date isMay 13,2011.(Published <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Transcript</strong>Bullet<strong>in</strong> May 3, 5,10 & 12, 2011)NOTICE OF AUCTIONPITT’S AUTONOTICE is hereby giventhat an auction will beheld Monday, May 30,2011, 1pm at Pitt’s Auto,40 E. Fl<strong>in</strong>ders, <strong>Tooele</strong>,UT.2003 Mitsubishi Monte r o ,V I N#JA4LS21H93JO14415Diane Pierce. $6900 topay for storage fee.(Published <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Transcript</strong>Bullet<strong>in</strong> May 3 & 5,2011)PUBLIC NOTICEIn accordance with Sec106 of the ProgrammaticAgreement, T-MobileUSA plans to place antennasonto a new antennastructure at 400 N.Broadway, <strong>Tooele</strong>, UT84074. Please fax commentsto Vitaly M. at714-508-4110 regard<strong>in</strong>gsite SL01637-A.(Published <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Transcript</strong>Bullet<strong>in</strong> May 3 &10, 2011)Public NoticesMiscellaneousNOTICE OF DELIN-QUENCYGrantsville IrrigationCompanyNOTICE: There are del<strong>in</strong>quentupon the follow<strong>in</strong>gdescribed stock, onaccount of assessmentlevied on the 1st Day ofApril, 2011, the amountsset opposite the namesof the respective stockholdersas follows:Lance Akers $227.00Peter & Leslie Anthony530 S DristeenaWay$387.00Lisa Arnold 123 E PearStreet $227.00Charles & JovetteBr<strong>in</strong>kerhoff 119 E HarvestLane $316.39CarriageCross<strong>in</strong>g,LLC$13987.00Todd Castagno 414 EHollywood Court, 417 EHollywood Court, 418 EHollywood Court, 387 ENygreen $1949.55E r m aD i c k e r s o n$249.00Jody or Sharon Ellsworth-Nielson$227.00David & StephanieFrew $111.00Todd Gapl<strong>in</strong> 368 LaceeLane $227.00Josh & Leann Garrard322 E Legacy Lane$227.00Carolyn Grow $227.00Kenneth Grygla 310 SRanch Road$227.00BillyHooser 373 SWrangler Way $227.00Michael Howard 592 EMontego Court $387.00Bart Jensen 334 ELegacy $227.00KMO Enterprises, LLC133 E Katresha, 147 EKatresha $707.00LDS Real Estate/Grantsville $2976.00Lance and Marnae Marshall$227.00Travis and Jolene Mulford862 E Silver Spur$387.00Warren Penney$547.00Realty DevelopmentConsultants 368 SWrangler Court $387.00Suzette or Bryan Rydalch525 S Hale$387.00Angela Smith 92 E Sorrel$227.00Angela Vanvleet 1083S Kimberly Way $227.00WebBank $2471.00In accordance with lawsof the State of Utah andthe order of the Board ofDirectors made on the9th day of February,2011, so many shares ofsuch stock as may benecessary to pay the del<strong>in</strong>quentassessmentthereon, together withthe late fee, costs of advertis<strong>in</strong>g,and expensesof the sale, will be soldto the highest bidder at apublic auction to be heldat the pr<strong>in</strong>cipal bus<strong>in</strong>essof the corporation, at 411So. West Street, Grantsville,Utah, on the 11thday of May, 2011, at thehour of 8 p.m.DATED this 25th day ofApril, 2011.Sunnie Titmus,SecretaryGrantsville IrrigationCompany(Published <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Transcript</strong>Bullet<strong>in</strong> April 28,May 3, 5 & 10, 2011)NOTICE TO CREDI-TORS AND AN-NOUNCEMENT OF AP-POINTMENTEstate of Darw<strong>in</strong> Le-Grand F<strong>in</strong>ch, aka Darw<strong>in</strong>L. F<strong>in</strong>ch, Deceased.Probate No. 103300084Lyla J. F<strong>in</strong>ch, whose addressis 261 East 100South, <strong>Tooele</strong>, Utah84074, has been appo<strong>in</strong>tedPersonal Representativeof the estate ofthe above-named decedent.All persons hav<strong>in</strong>gclaims aga<strong>in</strong>st the aboveestate are required topresent them to the undersignedor to the Clerkof the Court on or beforethe 3rd day of August,2011, or said claimsshall be forever barred.LYLA J. FINCH261 East 100 South<strong>Tooele</strong>, Utah 84074(435)882-4603(Published <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Transcript</strong>Bullet<strong>in</strong> May 3, 10& 17, 2011)PUBLIC NOTICEDepot Self Storage, locatedat 1685 W. JamesWay, <strong>Tooele</strong>, UT, 84074,hereby gives Kendall &JoAnn Ogden, lastknown address P.O. Box413, Idaho Spr<strong>in</strong>gs, CO80452 notice that we areassert<strong>in</strong>g a possessorylien on the propertystored <strong>in</strong> unit #871C.The lien is asserted forunpaid rental charges,late fees, and other associatedcharges <strong>in</strong>curredfor the rent of thestorage space. Theamount of the lien is$1,012.50.The property subject tothis lien is: Couches, table& chairs, householdfurniture & misc. boxes.Unless full payment ismade by May 18, 2011at 5:00 p.m., the propertybecomes the possessionof Depot Associates,L.L.C., to disposePublic NoticesMiscellaneousJoAnn Ogden, lastknown address P.O. Box413, Idaho Spr<strong>in</strong>gs, CO80452 notice that we areassert<strong>in</strong>g a possessorylien on the propertystored <strong>in</strong> unit #871C.The lien is asserted forunpaid rental charges,late fees, and other associatedcharges <strong>in</strong>curredfor the rent of thestorage space. Theamount of the lien is$1,012.50.The property subject tothis lien is: Couches, table& chairs, householdfurniture & misc. boxes.Unless full payment ismade by May 18, 2011at 5:00 p.m., the propertybecomes the possessionof Depot Associates,L.L.C., to disposeof as provided by law, tosatisfy the lien. All unpaidcharges will be sentto collections.(Published <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Transcript</strong>Bullet<strong>in</strong> May 3 &12, 2011)PUBLIC NOTICEJulie Bunk hereby givesnotice that an action hasbeen commenced <strong>in</strong> theThird District Court bythe undersigned to QuietTitle the Real Propertylocated <strong>Tooele</strong> <strong>City</strong>,<strong>Tooele</strong> County, State ofUtah described as: Beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>gat the Northeastcorner of Block 37, Plat"A" of the <strong>Tooele</strong> <strong>City</strong>Survey and runn<strong>in</strong>gthence West 39.50 feet;thence South 81 feet;thence east 39.50 feet;thence North 81 feet tothe po<strong>in</strong>t of beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g -Also, beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g 100 feetSouth from the Northeastcorner of Block 37,and runn<strong>in</strong>g thence west81 feet; thence South 32feet; thence East 81 feet;thence North 32 feet tothe po<strong>in</strong>t of beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>gconta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g 5792ft2 or0.13 Acres AKA <strong>Tooele</strong>County Tax #02-049-0-0026 AKA 155 West 100South <strong>Tooele</strong> Utah84074, aga<strong>in</strong>st Judd A.Garcia; Brenda Cox, anypersons claim<strong>in</strong>g an <strong>in</strong>terestthrough thenamed defendants; andall persons unknownclaim<strong>in</strong>g any right, title,estate, lien or <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong>the real property. DatedMay 2, 2011./s/ Gary BuhlerAttorney for Julie Bunk(Published <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Transcript</strong>Bullet<strong>in</strong> May 3, 10,17 & 24, 2011)REQUEST FOR PRO-POSALSFIRE STATION ADDI-TION DESIGN/ CON-STRUCTIONTOWN OF VERNONProposals will be receivedby the Town ofVernon, P.O. Box 134Vernon, Utah 84080, until5:00 pm on May 31,2011 for the Vernon FireStation Addition - ArchitecturalDesign/ ConstructionProject.Proposals shall <strong>in</strong>cludesupport to obta<strong>in</strong> f<strong>in</strong>anc<strong>in</strong>g,eng<strong>in</strong>eered plansand the construction ofan approximate 40’ by40’ metal build<strong>in</strong>g withsite work, as an additionto the Town’s exist<strong>in</strong>gFire Station.Specifications for thework and related documentsmay be obta<strong>in</strong>edfrom Mayor Kent Sagersat (435) 839-3424 or viaemail at mayor.ksagers@hotmail.com upon requestat no cost.It is anticipated that theselection of a vendor willbe made at the TownCouncil Meet<strong>in</strong>g on June7, 2011. The selectedvendor may be asked toprovide assistance <strong>in</strong>mak<strong>in</strong>g a fund<strong>in</strong>g requestthrough the UtahPermanent CommunityImpact Board.The Owner reserves theright to reject any or allproposals, to waive any<strong>in</strong>formality <strong>in</strong> a proposaland to make awards <strong>in</strong>the <strong>in</strong>terest of theOwner.Dated this 20th day ofApril, 2011.By: Mayor Kent Sagers(Published <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Transcript</strong>Bullet<strong>in</strong> April 26 &May 3, 2011)RUSH VALLEY TOWNCOUNCIL NOTICE OFVACANCY - TOWNCOUNCIL POSITIONNOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN that a vacancyexists on the Rush ValleyTown Council. TheRush Valley Town Councilis solicit<strong>in</strong>g the namesof qualified persons <strong>in</strong>terested<strong>in</strong> be<strong>in</strong>g consideredfor appo<strong>in</strong>tment tofill this vacancy.TheTown Council will meetat the Rush Valley TownHall, 52 South ParkStreet, Rush Valley,Utah on Wednesday,May 25, 2011 at 7:00p.m. to consider appo<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>ga qualified candidateto fill the unexpired termof the office vacated,which will be until thefirst Monday <strong>in</strong> January2012. Persons desir<strong>in</strong>gto be considered for thisvacancy must be <strong>in</strong> attendanceat the May 25,2011 meet<strong>in</strong>g.Interestedpersonsshould submit theirname and a statement ofqualifications to AmieRussell, PO Box 363,Rush Valley, UT 84069prior to 5:00 p.m. on May23, 2011. Applicantsmust be registered voters<strong>in</strong> the Town of RushValley and a resident ofPublic NoticesMiscellaneousStreet, Rush Valley,Utah on Wednesday,May 25, 2011 at 7:00p.m. to consider appo<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>ga qualified candidateto fill the unexpired termof the office vacated,which will be until thefirst Monday <strong>in</strong> January2012. Persons desir<strong>in</strong>gto be considered for thisvacancy must be <strong>in</strong> attendanceat the May 25,2011 meet<strong>in</strong>g.Interestedpersonsshould submit theirname and a statement ofqualifications to AmieRussell, PO Box 363,Rush Valley, UT 84069prior to 5:00 p.m. on May23, 2011. Applicantsmust be registered voters<strong>in</strong> the Town of RushValley and a resident ofthe Town for at least 12consecutive months immediatelybefore May25, 2011. A person whois mentally <strong>in</strong>competentor a convicted felon (unlessright to hold officehas been restored) is notqualified.DATED this 28th day ofApril 2011.BY ORDER OF THERush Valley TownCouncilAmie RussellTown Recorder(Published <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Transcript</strong>Bullet<strong>in</strong> May 3,10& 17, 2011)SUMMONSIn the Third JudicialDistrict Court, <strong>Tooele</strong>County, State of Utah.Case No. 114300048Natasha M Galvan, Petitionervs. Emanuel RGalvan, Respondent.THE STATE OF UTAHTO THE ABOVE-NAMED RESPONDENT:You are hereby summonedand required tofile an Answer <strong>in</strong> writ<strong>in</strong>gto the attached Petitionwith the Clerk of theabove-entitled Court atthe follow<strong>in</strong>g address: 74South 100 East, Suite14, <strong>Tooele</strong>, UT 84074and to service upon, ormail to the petitioner at360 West Plum Street,Grantsville, UT, 84029, acopy of said answer,with<strong>in</strong> 20 days if you areserved <strong>in</strong> the State ofUtah, or with<strong>in</strong> 30 days ifyou are served outsidethe State of Utah, afterservice of this Summonsupon you. If you fail todo so, judgment by defaultwill be takenaga<strong>in</strong>st you for the reliefdemanded <strong>in</strong> said Petition,which has beenfiled with the Clerk of theabove-entitled Court anda copy of which is heretoannexed and herewithserved upon you. READTHESE PAPERS CARE-FULLY. These papersmean that you are be<strong>in</strong>gsued for divorce.Natasha M GalvanPetitioner(Published <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Transcript</strong>Bullet<strong>in</strong> April 26,May 3, 10 & 17, 2011)SUMMONSTAMMY COFFMAN, Petitionerv.ROBERT COFFMAN,Respondent.Civil No. 114300085Judge Robert Adk<strong>in</strong>s.THE STATE OF UTAHTO THE RESPONDENTROBERT COFFMAN:YOU ARE NOTIFIEDthat a protective orderhas been filed with theabove court seek<strong>in</strong>g reliefaga<strong>in</strong>st you underthe Cohabitant AbuseAct, Utah Code Ann.§30-6-1, et seq.VIOLATION OF THEEXPARTE PROTEC-TIVE ORDER IS ACRIME CONSTITUTINGA CLASS A MISDE-MEANOR FOR WHICHYOU CAN BE AR-RESTED, FINED ORJAILED.YOU ARE NOTIFIEDthat a hear<strong>in</strong>g concern<strong>in</strong>gPetitioner's compla<strong>in</strong>twill be held on the 9thday of May, 2011, at thehour of 1:00 p.m., <strong>in</strong> theThird District Court,<strong>Tooele</strong> County, Utah,before CommissionerMICHELLE TACK.You are required to bepresent at the hear<strong>in</strong>g.Failure to appear at thehear<strong>in</strong>g may result <strong>in</strong>your default be<strong>in</strong>g enteredand <strong>in</strong> the grant<strong>in</strong>gof the relief requested bythe Petitioner <strong>in</strong> hercompla<strong>in</strong>t/ protective order.You may petition theCourt for an earlier hear<strong>in</strong>gdate if you so desire.DATED this 18th day ofApril, 2011.UTAH LEGAL SERV-ICES, INC.Attorney for PetitionerJULIE C. WINKLER(Published <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Transcript</strong>Bullet<strong>in</strong> April 19,26, May 3 & 10, 2011)TRANSCRIPTBULLETINTOOELEPlace Your Classified Ad Onl<strong>in</strong>e!www.tooeletranscript.comTRANSCRIPTBULLETINTOOELEInvite theWholeTown toYour YardSale!882-0050Op<strong>in</strong>ionsShared Freely.(Yours and Ours.)Open ForumEvery TuesdayTRANSCRIPTBULLETINTOOELEB6 Tuesday May 3, 2011

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