A Buzz in Tooele City - Tooele Transcript Bulletin

A Buzz in Tooele City - Tooele Transcript Bulletin A Buzz in Tooele City - Tooele Transcript Bulletin

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Tooele County’s pioneer roots run deeply andthe value local citizens have in the area’sremarkable history is quickly evidenced at thefamous Benson Gristmill near Stansbury Park.16 TOOELE COUNT Y SUMMER 2010Springs Mill, which is a working12 those millstones will demonstrate for visitors theSept.25.This farmer’sJune 12 –25th RestorationAnniversaryJune 17 –“Fun at the Mill” DayJuly 10 –“Daughters ofUtah Pioneers” DayAug. 7 –“Harvest Days”Farmer’s MarketAug. 13, 14, 16, 17 –“Music Man”by Benson GristmillPerforming ArtsOct. 15-16 – Pumpkin WalkTOOELE COUNT Y SUMMER 2010 17A12TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETINTUESDAY May 3, 2011Stallions rally in 7th formuch-needed victoryby Jake GordonSTAFF WRITERIt didn’t matter much to theStansbury baseball players thatthey trailed by four runs headinginto their final at-bat againstOlympus. The Stallions refused toquit and earned clutch hit afterclutch hit in the seventh inning.With the bases loaded andStansbury having alreadytrimmed a 7-3 deficit to get withinone run, Matt Cuellar had anopportunity at the plate with twoouts and the bases loaded. Cuellardidn’t disappoint as he depositeda single to center to bring in tworuns for the game-winning basehit and an 8-7 victory Mondayafternoon in Stansbury Park.“We finally came through in aone-run game,” said Stansburycoach Ray Clinton. “The guys atthe bottom of the order kept usgoing.”The hit in the seventh wasthe only hit in the game forCuellar but it was enough to giveStansbury a pivotal victory over aregion opponent. Wyatt Branchand Trevor Clingman came up bigfor Stansbury at the bottom of thelineup with both players earningtwo hits in the contest and eachdriving in two runs while MattLindsley also knocked two hits inthe victory.Olympus put up the first scoringthreat in the opening inningwhen they loaded the bases witha single each from Tanner Curtis,Nate Sorenson and StephenSotiriou. Even with Stansburyevents THANKS TO THOUSANDS OF HANDSBenson Gristmill escaped oblivion 25 years ago.5This year marks the 25th anniversary of thegristmill’s second life,and the countless peoplewho have helped withits continued restorationwill be acknowledgedduring daylong festivitieson June 12.Built in 1854 andoperated until the 1940s,the gristmill was nearly lost to oblivionwhen a group of localcitizens discovered itshistorical signifi cancein the early 1980s.Although in seriousdisrepair, the citizensgroup began aninitiative to save thevalley landmark.Since then the BensonGristmill has become TooeleCounty’s top pioneer historicalvenue. It also serves as amajor information center andcommunity-gathering place.Thousands of visitors fromaround the world experience themill each year.The anniversary celebrationbegins as the mill opens at 10a.m. on June 12. At 1 p.m. therewill be a program to recognizeseveral local citizens who havebeen instrumental in initiallysaving and then restoring thestructure.In addition to a biganniversary cake, homemadebread and jam will be served.The day’s activities will alsoinclude tours, wagon rides, anddemonstrations such as loomweaving and wagon wheelrestoration. A highlight of theday is the newly-fi nished Twingristmill that demonstrates the milling process thepioneers used.Located next to the Benson Gristmill, the TwinSprings Mill features water-driven millstones. On Juneprocess of grinding corn into meal. The Twin SpringsMill’s operation is part of theBensonGristmill tour. The gristmill replicawas constructed using pioneerbuilding techniques by BensonGristmill employees.“We’re thrilled to host thisanniversary event and to givethanks to the many volunteersand the overall communityfor saving the mill,” saidMarilyn Shields, BensonGristmill administrator.“Literally thousands ofhands have helpedrenovate the siteover the years.What standshere todayis a realinspiration.”But beforeso many handsgot involved, therestoration effortbegan with onlynine local citizens in 1983. In late 1984, theyconvinced Terracor to donate the mill site to TooeleCounty Corporation. Then in early 1985, the TooeleCounty Commission formally established theBenson Gristmill Restoration Committee.The committee immediately got to work to savewhat was left of the gristmill’s foundation, walls,roof and millworks. The original millstones, importedfrom France and carted across the Great Plains nearly160 years ago, were found in the adjacent creek.It didn’t take long before the ranks of skilledvolunteers began to grow. In addition, the TooeleCounty Commission rolled up its sleeves and has beena major supporter since 1985, noted Shields.In addition to the Benson Gristmill and TwinSprings Mill, the site also features pioneer cabins, amiller’s cabin, a blacksmith’s shop, a sawmill, barnsand a country store.After the anniversary celebration, the nextscheduled summer event is “Fun at the Mill Day” onJune 17, during which children ages 3-11 can learn toplay pioneer games from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Afterthat is the Daughters of Utah Pioneers Day on July 10,which features pioneer demonstrations, booths andtours.This year’s Benson Gristmill Performing Artsproduction will be “Music Man” onAug. 13, 14, 16 and 17. Also inAugust, the popular “HarvestDays” will begin on Aug.7 and continueuntilSHS BASEBALLstarting pitcher Brek Bentley inan early jam, the only run he gaveup was when Spencer Lindsleyblooped a single to right-centerfor a 1-0 lead.Stansbury got the run rightback in the bottom half as Cuellarand Christian Pitts led off theinning with back-to-back walks.After Clint Peterson reached onan error to load the bases, anotherwalk, this time by Branch, leveledthe score at 1-1 after the first.Pitching settled in for the nexttwo innings but then Olympusbroke the game open in thefourth. Tyler Hill started the rallywith a one-out single and thenChris Tatton and Brock Bettilyonwalked to load the bases. Curtiscleared the bases for Olympuswith a triple to the fence in rightcenter for a 4-1 lead. Curtislater came around to score on aground out by Sorenson for a 5-1advantage.It took an inning but Stansburywas able to cut into the Olympuslead. Jake Witkowski started therally with a one-out triple andwas later brought in to scorewith a single hit through the leftside by Peterson to make it 5-2. Clingman supplied the thirdrun for Stansbury with a singlethrough the left side also to getthe Stallions within two after five.The two runs that Stansburypicked up in the fifth were takenright back in the top of the sixthby Olympus. Bettilyon started itmarket, craft fair and fl eamarket is held every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.The Pumpkin Walk, one of the gristmill’s biggestevents, is set for Oct. 15-16. The theme for this year is“Pumpkins on Broadway.”Daily activities at the mill include tours from 10a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Saturday. In addition,the mill is a popular place to hold family gatherings,weddings, company parties, and church groups. Thegristmill’s country store offers unique and handmadeitems.The Benson Gristmill is open Monday throughSaturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. May 1 to Oct. 31.For reservations for specialevents call (435) 882-7678.Or visit www.bensonmill.org or exploretooele.com formore information.How to get there: KEY SUMMER DATES:The Benson Gristmillis located at 325 SR-138in Stansbury Park. Thataddress is one mile westof the SR-36 and SR-138 junction andstoplight.Full ColorEvery Page!with a lead-off walk and made hisway to second after a ground out.With Bettilyon on second, Sotirioubelted a single up the middle for a6-3 lead. Spencer Lindsley addeda seventh run with a single tocenter that scored Sotiriou for afour-run advantage.Stansbury didn’t put up muchof a fight in the sixth but theseventh was a different story asPitts reached on an error andWitkowski walked to get theinning started.Two consecutive outs put theStallions in a dire position but theStansbury hitters kept coming upwith clutch hits. Branch got theball rolling with a single smackedup the middle to make the score7-4.Clingman brought the gamewithin two with a single to leftand pinch-hitter Chandler Staleywalked with the bases loaded tobring Stansbury within 7-6 withthe bases still loaded.Pressure never seemed toset in for Stansbury as Cuellarcalmly placed a single to centerthat brought Clingman aroundto score from third and TysonHaddon barely beat out the tag athome for the game-winning run.Clinton hopes that this victorywill fuel future victories toend the season. “We need to winout to have any shot at playoffs,”Clinton said.Stansbury will continue Region6 play when they host WoodsCross on Thursday at 3:30 p.m.jgordon@tooeletranscript.comHave a SuccessfulSummer with theSummer Guide!The Tooele County Summer Guideis the perfect advertising opportunityfor you to get your name out there.This beautiful full-color magazine willbe used by readers all summer longand will be a constant reminder to thepublic about your business.10,000 CopiesPrinted & DistributedALL ADS ARE FULL COLORInserted in the Tooele Transcript-Bulletin and placedin motels, restaurants, businesses for tourists andvisitors’ bureaus across the Wasatch Front. MagazineSize: 8-1/4 x 10-3/4. Shelf life: 4 Months.Advertising deadline is May 13, 2011.Reservation and copy deadline is May 16.Published May 26, 2011Call Today! 882-0050SLC: 801-355-6525TOOELETRANSCRIPTBULLETINMaegan BurrStansbury High School’s Dominick Johnson (26) kicks a goal to tie the game while being chased by Tooele defenderMichael Caldwell (25) on Monday.Overtimecontinued from page A10After the goal, Andersen substitutedfor Brunson and sentin Kyler Clements as goalie.“That’s the first time I’vesubstituted at goalkeeper.Brunson has been our primarygoalkeeper all season and hasdone a great job, but it seemedhe was just having an off-day.”In the second half Andersenalso changed from a 3-5-2alignment to a 3-4-3 to providemore offensive firepower.“We really needed to pickit up on offense. In the firsthalf I had one of my forwardsplaying back on defense andwe moved him up to forwardagain on offense in the secondhalf. It was a little risky ondefense, but I figured it didn’tmatter if we lost by one goal ortwo or three — it was still a lossso we made the change to helpour offense,” the coach said.As time wound down in thesecond half, Stansbury startedto pressure the net and got apair of close-in shots but couldnot connect until DominicJohnson found a clear path tothe goal and knocked it in to tieit at 2-2 with about 7 minutesleft in regulation.Stansbury moves to 2-6in Region 6 standings whilethe Buffaloes sit at 0-8. Bothcoaches are impressed with theStrongcontinued from page A10Brown scored the thirdOlympus run on an error whileCurtis doubled in a run andStephen Sotiriou capped thescoring with a single to center toknot the game at 5-5.Having just lost their four-runlead, Tooele got right back tobusiness in the bottom half witha lead-off double by McKendrick.Tooele eventually loaded thebases when Park and Burr drewwalks. Gould was able to forcea run across when he got hit bythe pitch to give Tooele a slim6-5 lead.Even with Tooele’s one-runlead, Olympus didn’t let go of themomentum and they got goingagain in the sixth. Tatton startedthe inning with a double and wasfollowed by a single from TaylorIf it happens here,read about it here.TOOELETRANSCRIPTBULLETINSubscribe Today • 882-0050Maegan BurrTooele High School’s TJ Porter (3) and Stansbury High School’s Jara Eshete (1)fight for the ball Monday afternoon.progress of their young teamsthis season and say the futureMaegan BurrTooele High School’s Colton Burrmakes a catch in the infield Thursdayagainst Olympus.Cox.Tooele opted to intentionallywalk the hot-hitting Curtis butNate Sorenson made them paylooks bright.mwatson@tooeletranscript.comwith a single to left-center to tiethe game at 6-6. Sotiriou broughtin a run after getting beaned withthe bases loaded then Curtisscored from third on a passedball to make the score 8-6.Olympus tacked on a coupleinsurance runs in the seventh,starting with a solo home runfrom Tyler Hill to left to begin theinning. Curtis got his team to 10runs with a double to the fencein left-center for a 10-6 lead.After leaving the bases loadedin the sixth, Tooele lookedto make amends and pull outa come-from-behind victory inthe seventh. Logan Poyner andMcKendrick drew walks whileSanders drove in a run with aground out to the left side butthat would be all Tooele couldmuster in the final inning asOlympus held on for the threerunvictory.“Any team can beat anyone inthis region,” Medina said. “Thisweek will tell if we can make it tothe playoffs.”Tooele will continue theirregion season when they travelto Salt Lake City to face East onThursday at 3:30 p.m.jgordon@tooeletranscript.com“PAUL VIGIL ISENTERTAINING,CHARMING, WAY FUNNYAND DELIGHTFUL BUTWE DIDN’T CARE ABOUTANY OF THAT, WEJUST STARED AT HISHANDS... AND HE STILLFOOLED THE BULL ****OUT OF US!”- Penn & TellerM A G I C , M I N D R E A D I N G& M Y S T E RY:A N I N T I M AT E E V E N I N G W I T HP A U L V I G I LM AY 5 & 6 - 7 P MT I C K E T S - $ 2 5 I N A D V A N C E . $ 3 0 D AY O F .( P A U L ’ S S H O W S A R E A LW AY S F U L L S O B Y Y O U R T I C K E T S E A R LY , S E AT S A R E V E R Y L I M I T E D . )TRACKS Restaurant and Brewery

TUESDAY May 3, 2011• Weddings, Military, Graduation• Classifieds and Public NoticesTOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETINHometownB1Unless otherwise requested, community news itemssuch as weddings, missionaries, birthdays, babies andThe Bulletin Board must be submitted by 3 p.m. theday prior to the desired publication date. To place acommunity news item or for more information contactCommunity News Editor Sarah Miley at 882-0050 orswest@tooeletranscript.com.Sterling ScholarsTooele High School 2011ooeleHighSchool isproud to Tannounce announce the2011 Deseret News/ KSL TV SterlingScholars. The SterlingScholars are requiredto demonstrate excellencein four characteristics:a specificcategory, overall academics,leadership andcitizenship. Each ofthese students exemplifiesthis excellence.Brooke AdamsSarah AndersonTanner BanksBrooke Adams:musicBrooke is an accomplishedmusician. Shechooses to specialize inthe clarinet while enjoyingmany other talentsincluding singing bothvocally and in AmericanSign Language, playingpiano, and Polynesiandance. Expanding thesetalents has allowed herto also focus on academics.Brooke will beattending the FloridaInstitute of Technologywhere she will be studyingastrophysics.Ashlyn CahoonAlyssa GambleShannon HowsdenSarah Anderson:family and consumersciencesSarah plans to teachelementary school soher studies in Familyand Consumer Sciencesare a natural fit. Shehas earned Utah StateCareer and TechnicalEducation SkillCertificates in InteriorDesign, Foods I andFoods II. Additionally,she is interning in thefourth grade at CopperCanyon ElementarySchool. She has preparedfor additionalschooling by takingAP Calculus and APEnglish and severalUSU and SLCC concurrentenrollment courses.Mirranda MottRyan RobinsonSkyler SmithTanner Banks: socialscienceTanner is the 2010-2011 student bodyvice-president and hasserved as the junior classpresident. This yearTanner volunteeredin a campaign wherehe distributed flyers,posted signs and visitedwith constituents.Additionally, Tanner iscurrently the Interactpresident, which hehelped found in 2009.During this year Tannerwon the Rotary YouthLeadership Award,and traveled to PuertoPenasco on a servicetrip building a housefor a local family.Ashlyn Cahoon:EnglishAshlyn is currentlytaking AP English andAP Calculus havingsuccessfully completedHistory 1700, PersonalFinance 1050, Math1010 and Math 1050.In 2008, her poem“Happily Ever After”was published in theschool literary magazine.She has writtenSEE TOOELE PAGE B8 ➤Jenessa SwanJacqueline TrujilloMakinnley vonWeller

<strong>Tooele</strong> County’s pioneer roots run deeply andthe value local citizens have <strong>in</strong> the area’sremarkable history is quickly evidenced at thefamous Benson Gristmill near Stansbury Park.16 TOOELE COUNT Y SUMMER 2010Spr<strong>in</strong>gs Mill, which is a work<strong>in</strong>g12 those millstones will demonstrate for visitors theSept.25.This farmer’sJune 12 –25th RestorationAnniversaryJune 17 –“Fun at the Mill” DayJuly 10 –“Daughters ofUtah Pioneers” DayAug. 7 –“Harvest Days”Farmer’s MarketAug. 13, 14, 16, 17 –“Music Man”by Benson GristmillPerform<strong>in</strong>g ArtsOct. 15-16 – Pumpk<strong>in</strong> WalkTOOELE COUNT Y SUMMER 2010 17A12TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETINTUESDAY May 3, 2011Stallions rally <strong>in</strong> 7th formuch-needed victoryby Jake GordonSTAFF WRITERIt didn’t matter much to theStansbury baseball players thatthey trailed by four runs head<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>to their f<strong>in</strong>al at-bat aga<strong>in</strong>stOlympus. The Stallions refused toquit and earned clutch hit afterclutch hit <strong>in</strong> the seventh <strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g.With the bases loaded andStansbury hav<strong>in</strong>g alreadytrimmed a 7-3 deficit to get with<strong>in</strong>one run, Matt Cuellar had anopportunity at the plate with twoouts and the bases loaded. Cuellardidn’t disappo<strong>in</strong>t as he depositeda s<strong>in</strong>gle to center to br<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> tworuns for the game-w<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g basehit and an 8-7 victory Mondayafternoon <strong>in</strong> Stansbury Park.“We f<strong>in</strong>ally came through <strong>in</strong> aone-run game,” said Stansburycoach Ray Cl<strong>in</strong>ton. “The guys atthe bottom of the order kept usgo<strong>in</strong>g.”The hit <strong>in</strong> the seventh wasthe only hit <strong>in</strong> the game forCuellar but it was enough to giveStansbury a pivotal victory over aregion opponent. Wyatt Branchand Trevor Cl<strong>in</strong>gman came up bigfor Stansbury at the bottom of thel<strong>in</strong>eup with both players earn<strong>in</strong>gtwo hits <strong>in</strong> the contest and eachdriv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> two runs while MattL<strong>in</strong>dsley also knocked two hits <strong>in</strong>the victory.Olympus put up the first scor<strong>in</strong>gthreat <strong>in</strong> the open<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>gwhen they loaded the bases witha s<strong>in</strong>gle each from Tanner Curtis,Nate Sorenson and StephenSotiriou. Even with Stansburyevents THANKS TO THOUSANDS OF HANDSBenson Gristmill escaped oblivion 25 years ago.5This year marks the 25th anniversary of thegristmill’s second life,and the countless peoplewho have helped withits cont<strong>in</strong>ued restorationwill be acknowledgeddur<strong>in</strong>g daylong festivitieson June 12.Built <strong>in</strong> 1854 andoperated until the 1940s,the gristmill was nearly lost to oblivionwhen a group of localcitizens discovered itshistorical signifi cance<strong>in</strong> the early 1980s.Although <strong>in</strong> seriousdisrepair, the citizensgroup began an<strong>in</strong>itiative to save thevalley landmark.S<strong>in</strong>ce then the BensonGristmill has become <strong>Tooele</strong>County’s top pioneer historicalvenue. It also serves as amajor <strong>in</strong>formation center andcommunity-gather<strong>in</strong>g place.Thousands of visitors fromaround the world experience themill each year.The anniversary celebrationbeg<strong>in</strong>s as the mill opens at 10a.m. on June 12. At 1 p.m. therewill be a program to recognizeseveral local citizens who havebeen <strong>in</strong>strumental <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>itiallysav<strong>in</strong>g and then restor<strong>in</strong>g thestructure.In addition to a biganniversary cake, homemadebread and jam will be served.The day’s activities will also<strong>in</strong>clude tours, wagon rides, anddemonstrations such as loomweav<strong>in</strong>g and wagon wheelrestoration. A highlight of theday is the newly-fi nished Tw<strong>in</strong>gristmill that demonstrates the mill<strong>in</strong>g process thepioneers used.Located next to the Benson Gristmill, the Tw<strong>in</strong>Spr<strong>in</strong>gs Mill features water-driven millstones. On Juneprocess of gr<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g corn <strong>in</strong>to meal. The Tw<strong>in</strong> Spr<strong>in</strong>gsMill’s operation is part of theBensonGristmill tour. The gristmill replicawas constructed us<strong>in</strong>g pioneerbuild<strong>in</strong>g techniques by BensonGristmill employees.“We’re thrilled to host thisanniversary event and to givethanks to the many volunteersand the overall communityfor sav<strong>in</strong>g the mill,” saidMarilyn Shields, BensonGristmill adm<strong>in</strong>istrator.“Literally thousands ofhands have helpedrenovate the siteover the years.What standshere todayis a real<strong>in</strong>spiration.”But beforeso many handsgot <strong>in</strong>volved, therestoration effortbegan with onlyn<strong>in</strong>e local citizens <strong>in</strong> 1983. In late 1984, theyconv<strong>in</strong>ced Terracor to donate the mill site to <strong>Tooele</strong>County Corporation. Then <strong>in</strong> early 1985, the <strong>Tooele</strong>County Commission formally established theBenson Gristmill Restoration Committee.The committee immediately got to work to savewhat was left of the gristmill’s foundation, walls,roof and millworks. The orig<strong>in</strong>al millstones, importedfrom France and carted across the Great Pla<strong>in</strong>s nearly160 years ago, were found <strong>in</strong> the adjacent creek.It didn’t take long before the ranks of skilledvolunteers began to grow. In addition, the <strong>Tooele</strong>County Commission rolled up its sleeves and has beena major supporter s<strong>in</strong>ce 1985, noted Shields.In addition to the Benson Gristmill and Tw<strong>in</strong>Spr<strong>in</strong>gs Mill, the site also features pioneer cab<strong>in</strong>s, amiller’s cab<strong>in</strong>, a blacksmith’s shop, a sawmill, barnsand a country store.After the anniversary celebration, the nextscheduled summer event is “Fun at the Mill Day” onJune 17, dur<strong>in</strong>g which children ages 3-11 can learn toplay pioneer games from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Afterthat is the Daughters of Utah Pioneers Day on July 10,which features pioneer demonstrations, booths andtours.This year’s Benson Gristmill Perform<strong>in</strong>g Artsproduction will be “Music Man” onAug. 13, 14, 16 and 17. Also <strong>in</strong>August, the popular “HarvestDays” will beg<strong>in</strong> on Aug.7 and cont<strong>in</strong>ueuntilSHS BASEBALLstart<strong>in</strong>g pitcher Brek Bentley <strong>in</strong>an early jam, the only run he gaveup was when Spencer L<strong>in</strong>dsleyblooped a s<strong>in</strong>gle to right-centerfor a 1-0 lead.Stansbury got the run rightback <strong>in</strong> the bottom half as Cuellarand Christian Pitts led off the<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g with back-to-back walks.After Cl<strong>in</strong>t Peterson reached onan error to load the bases, anotherwalk, this time by Branch, leveledthe score at 1-1 after the first.Pitch<strong>in</strong>g settled <strong>in</strong> for the nexttwo <strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>gs but then Olympusbroke the game open <strong>in</strong> thefourth. Tyler Hill started the rallywith a one-out s<strong>in</strong>gle and thenChris Tatton and Brock Bettilyonwalked to load the bases. Curtiscleared the bases for Olympuswith a triple to the fence <strong>in</strong> rightcenter for a 4-1 lead. Curtislater came around to score on aground out by Sorenson for a 5-1advantage.It took an <strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g but Stansburywas able to cut <strong>in</strong>to the Olympuslead. Jake Witkowski started therally with a one-out triple andwas later brought <strong>in</strong> to scorewith a s<strong>in</strong>gle hit through the leftside by Peterson to make it 5-2. Cl<strong>in</strong>gman supplied the thirdrun for Stansbury with a s<strong>in</strong>glethrough the left side also to getthe Stallions with<strong>in</strong> two after five.The two runs that Stansburypicked up <strong>in</strong> the fifth were takenright back <strong>in</strong> the top of the sixthby Olympus. Bettilyon started itmarket, craft fair and fl eamarket is held every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.The Pumpk<strong>in</strong> Walk, one of the gristmill’s biggestevents, is set for Oct. 15-16. The theme for this year is“Pumpk<strong>in</strong>s on Broadway.”Daily activities at the mill <strong>in</strong>clude tours from 10a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Saturday. In addition,the mill is a popular place to hold family gather<strong>in</strong>gs,wedd<strong>in</strong>gs, company parties, and church groups. Thegristmill’s country store offers unique and handmadeitems.The Benson Gristmill is open Monday throughSaturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. May 1 to Oct. 31.For reservations for specialevents call (435) 882-7678.Or visit www.bensonmill.org or exploretooele.com formore <strong>in</strong>formation.How to get there: KEY SUMMER DATES:The Benson Gristmillis located at 325 SR-138<strong>in</strong> Stansbury Park. Thataddress is one mile westof the SR-36 and SR-138 junction andstoplight.Full ColorEvery Page!with a lead-off walk and made hisway to second after a ground out.With Bettilyon on second, Sotirioubelted a s<strong>in</strong>gle up the middle for a6-3 lead. Spencer L<strong>in</strong>dsley addeda seventh run with a s<strong>in</strong>gle tocenter that scored Sotiriou for afour-run advantage.Stansbury didn’t put up muchof a fight <strong>in</strong> the sixth but theseventh was a different story asPitts reached on an error andWitkowski walked to get the<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g started.Two consecutive outs put theStallions <strong>in</strong> a dire position but theStansbury hitters kept com<strong>in</strong>g upwith clutch hits. Branch got theball roll<strong>in</strong>g with a s<strong>in</strong>gle smackedup the middle to make the score7-4.Cl<strong>in</strong>gman brought the gamewith<strong>in</strong> two with a s<strong>in</strong>gle to leftand p<strong>in</strong>ch-hitter Chandler Staleywalked with the bases loaded tobr<strong>in</strong>g Stansbury with<strong>in</strong> 7-6 withthe bases still loaded.Pressure never seemed toset <strong>in</strong> for Stansbury as Cuellarcalmly placed a s<strong>in</strong>gle to centerthat brought Cl<strong>in</strong>gman aroundto score from third and TysonHaddon barely beat out the tag athome for the game-w<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g run.Cl<strong>in</strong>ton hopes that this victorywill fuel future victories toend the season. “We need to w<strong>in</strong>out to have any shot at playoffs,”Cl<strong>in</strong>ton said.Stansbury will cont<strong>in</strong>ue Region6 play when they host WoodsCross on Thursday at 3:30 p.m.jgordon@tooeletranscript.comHave a SuccessfulSummer with theSummer Guide!The <strong>Tooele</strong> County Summer Guideis the perfect advertis<strong>in</strong>g opportunityfor you to get your name out there.This beautiful full-color magaz<strong>in</strong>e willbe used by readers all summer longand will be a constant rem<strong>in</strong>der to thepublic about your bus<strong>in</strong>ess.10,000 CopiesPr<strong>in</strong>ted & DistributedALL ADS ARE FULL COLORInserted <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Tooele</strong> <strong>Transcript</strong>-Bullet<strong>in</strong> and placed<strong>in</strong> motels, restaurants, bus<strong>in</strong>esses for tourists andvisitors’ bureaus across the Wasatch Front. Magaz<strong>in</strong>eSize: 8-1/4 x 10-3/4. Shelf life: 4 Months.Advertis<strong>in</strong>g deadl<strong>in</strong>e is May 13, 2011.Reservation and copy deadl<strong>in</strong>e is May 16.Published May 26, 2011Call Today! 882-0050SLC: 801-355-6525TOOELETRANSCRIPTBULLETINMaegan BurrStansbury High School’s Dom<strong>in</strong>ick Johnson (26) kicks a goal to tie the game while be<strong>in</strong>g chased by <strong>Tooele</strong> defenderMichael Caldwell (25) on Monday.Overtimecont<strong>in</strong>ued from page A10After the goal, Andersen substitutedfor Brunson and sent<strong>in</strong> Kyler Clements as goalie.“That’s the first time I’vesubstituted at goalkeeper.Brunson has been our primarygoalkeeper all season and hasdone a great job, but it seemedhe was just hav<strong>in</strong>g an off-day.”In the second half Andersenalso changed from a 3-5-2alignment to a 3-4-3 to providemore offensive firepower.“We really needed to pickit up on offense. In the firsthalf I had one of my forwardsplay<strong>in</strong>g back on defense andwe moved him up to forwardaga<strong>in</strong> on offense <strong>in</strong> the secondhalf. It was a little risky ondefense, but I figured it didn’tmatter if we lost by one goal ortwo or three — it was still a lossso we made the change to helpour offense,” the coach said.As time wound down <strong>in</strong> thesecond half, Stansbury startedto pressure the net and got apair of close-<strong>in</strong> shots but couldnot connect until Dom<strong>in</strong>icJohnson found a clear path tothe goal and knocked it <strong>in</strong> to tieit at 2-2 with about 7 m<strong>in</strong>utesleft <strong>in</strong> regulation.Stansbury moves to 2-6<strong>in</strong> Region 6 stand<strong>in</strong>gs whilethe Buffaloes sit at 0-8. Bothcoaches are impressed with theStrongcont<strong>in</strong>ued from page A10Brown scored the thirdOlympus run on an error whileCurtis doubled <strong>in</strong> a run andStephen Sotiriou capped thescor<strong>in</strong>g with a s<strong>in</strong>gle to center toknot the game at 5-5.Hav<strong>in</strong>g just lost their four-runlead, <strong>Tooele</strong> got right back tobus<strong>in</strong>ess <strong>in</strong> the bottom half witha lead-off double by McKendrick.<strong>Tooele</strong> eventually loaded thebases when Park and Burr drewwalks. Gould was able to forcea run across when he got hit bythe pitch to give <strong>Tooele</strong> a slim6-5 lead.Even with <strong>Tooele</strong>’s one-runlead, Olympus didn’t let go of themomentum and they got go<strong>in</strong>gaga<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> the sixth. Tatton startedthe <strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g with a double and wasfollowed by a s<strong>in</strong>gle from TaylorIf it happens here,read about it here.TOOELETRANSCRIPTBULLETINSubscribe Today • 882-0050Maegan Burr<strong>Tooele</strong> High School’s TJ Porter (3) and Stansbury High School’s Jara Eshete (1)fight for the ball Monday afternoon.progress of their young teamsthis season and say the futureMaegan Burr<strong>Tooele</strong> High School’s Colton Burrmakes a catch <strong>in</strong> the <strong>in</strong>field Thursdayaga<strong>in</strong>st Olympus.Cox.<strong>Tooele</strong> opted to <strong>in</strong>tentionallywalk the hot-hitt<strong>in</strong>g Curtis butNate Sorenson made them paylooks bright.mwatson@tooeletranscript.comwith a s<strong>in</strong>gle to left-center to tiethe game at 6-6. Sotiriou brought<strong>in</strong> a run after gett<strong>in</strong>g beaned withthe bases loaded then Curtisscored from third on a passedball to make the score 8-6.Olympus tacked on a couple<strong>in</strong>surance runs <strong>in</strong> the seventh,start<strong>in</strong>g with a solo home runfrom Tyler Hill to left to beg<strong>in</strong> the<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g. Curtis got his team to 10runs with a double to the fence<strong>in</strong> left-center for a 10-6 lead.After leav<strong>in</strong>g the bases loaded<strong>in</strong> the sixth, <strong>Tooele</strong> lookedto make amends and pull outa come-from-beh<strong>in</strong>d victory <strong>in</strong>the seventh. Logan Poyner andMcKendrick drew walks whileSanders drove <strong>in</strong> a run with aground out to the left side butthat would be all <strong>Tooele</strong> couldmuster <strong>in</strong> the f<strong>in</strong>al <strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g asOlympus held on for the threerunvictory.“Any team can beat anyone <strong>in</strong>this region,” Med<strong>in</strong>a said. “Thisweek will tell if we can make it tothe playoffs.”<strong>Tooele</strong> will cont<strong>in</strong>ue theirregion season when they travelto Salt Lake <strong>City</strong> to face East onThursday at 3:30 p.m.jgordon@tooeletranscript.com“PAUL VIGIL ISENTERTAINING,CHARMING, WAY FUNNYAND DELIGHTFUL BUTWE DIDN’T CARE ABOUTANY OF THAT, WEJUST STARED AT HISHANDS... 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