The North / South Language Body Annual Report & Accounts 2009

The North / South Language Body Annual Report & Accounts 2009

The North / South Language Body Annual Report & Accounts 2009


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CommunicationObjective: To ensure the effective promotion and marketing ofthe Irish language throughout the island of Ireland.Communication and MarketingDuring <strong>2009</strong> Foras na Gaeilge continued with an agenda to promote theimage of Irish on an all-island basis and to extend the effective marketing ofIrish. During the year Foras na Gaeilge dealt with enquiries about variousaspects of the language.Foras na Gaeilge was delighted to provide sponsorship throughout the yearfor a wide range of projects, among the main ones of which were Gaelspraoi– the St. Patrick’s Day Festival, supplements in Hotpress publications and inthe Star, Seachtain na Gaeilge during Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann, Féile anPhobail in Belfast and the Young Scientists’ Competition.Foras na Gaeilge dealt with enquiries from the public on a daily basis,especially in respect of Foras’ events, in addition to requests for advice andassistance on other aspects connected with Irish and the promotion of Irish.Foras na Gaeilge has regular contact with all the media both Irish andEnglish. This is a very important aspect of the Foras’ work as it is throughthese contacts that information about Foras na Gaeilge and other Irishlanguage activities is disseminated.A new series of posters was developed in co-operation with the Irish DailyMail. <strong>The</strong> posters give the vocabulary which is required by primary schoolchildren who are learning Irish. <strong>The</strong> posters are a wonderful resource forparents and teachers alike. More than 360,000 copies of the posters weredistributed with the papers. <strong>The</strong> campaign was a great success and the posterswhich were developed were in great demand.Foras na Gaeilge had an information stand at a wide range of occasions thisyear. <strong>The</strong>se included the Glór na nGael events, the <strong>Annual</strong> Convention of theCouncil for Irish Medium Education (Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta), FleadhCheoil na hÉireann, the <strong>Annual</strong> Convention of Gaelscoileanna andOireachtas na Gaeilge. <strong>The</strong> Foras also had an information stand in the townswhere Macalla na hÉireann – the Tour of the Irish Musicians’ Organisationwas taking place.<strong>The</strong> aims of www.gaeilge.ie are to create one central place on the internet forall information about Irish – classes, courses, events and, of course, about thelanguage itself. In addition to that, it is hoped that this site will create a linkbetween every Irish language organisation and every other group connectedwith Irish not only throughout the island but throughout the world. <strong>The</strong>re is agreat demand for all the services which are offered on the site and to providea wide range of additional services on the site which was redeveloped during<strong>2009</strong>. A New Internet Strategy for Young People was also developed during<strong>2009</strong>. As part of the preparation of the strategy, focus groups were organisedwith young people in addition to a public consultation process.Expert advice and support was provided to the Gaelic Athletic Association(cf. <strong>The</strong> Signage Scheme with the Munster Council) during <strong>2009</strong>.High profile events in the business sector which focussed on the use of Irishas a practical business tool were sponsored, including the Business with Irish37

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