Vol. 110 - Part III - Zoological Survey of India

Vol. 110 - Part III - Zoological Survey of India Vol. 110 - Part III - Zoological Survey of India


72 Rec. zool. Surv. IndiaPLATE-IIIqrTetralia rubridactylaTrapezia areolatastTylocarcinus styxSchizophrys asperauvArcania heptacanthaArcania erinaceuswxIphiculus spongiosusGrapsus albolineatus

GOKUL AND VENKATARAMAN : Taxonomy and Systematics of Coral.........Biosphere Reserve 73waters : Pondicherry and mouth of Hooghly river(Alcock, 1895) and from the Indo-Pacific region : SriLanka, Singapore and Japan (Sakai, 1976).Remarks : It was recorded from the dead Pocilloporacorals covered with algae from Manauli Putti Island.23. Iphiculus spongiosus Adams and WhitePlate-III, Fig.-w1849. Iphiculus spongiosus Adams and White, Zoology ofthe voyage, H.M.S. Samarang ,1843–46, p 57, pls. I–XIII.1976. Iphiculus spongiosus Sakai, Crabs of Japan andadjacent seas, p.105.Materials : 5 Males and 2 females; the maximum CLis 2.0 cm and the minimum CL is 1.0 cm. Reg. No. ZSI/MBS/5224.Diagnosis : Carapace convex, transversely ovoidal,much broader than long; the surface when denuded ofits wooly covering, granulose with numerous largerpustulus tubercles, and showing the cardiac andintestinal regions tumid and very well demarcated bygrooves; on the anterolateral margins, four large coarsespines, increasing in size from backwards; on thepostero- lateral margins, two coarser dentiform tuberclespresent, separated by a wide interval; front coarselybilobed; a strong tooth at the outer angle of the orbit;another at the outer angle of the buccal cavern; thechelipeds densely tomentose up to the base of thefingers; the fingers are more slender.Habitat : Muddy substrate.Distribution : No earlier records were made fromGoMMBR. Records from the Indian waters : Andamans(Alcock, 1896) and from the Indo-Pacific region : RedSea, Bay of Bengal, Singapore, Gulf of Thailand, thePhilippines, Hong Kong and Japan (Sakai, 1976).Remarks : It was recorded from the dead Pocilloporacorals covered with algae from Anaipar Island. It wasreported for the first time from GoMMBR.FamilyGRAPSIDAE24. Grapsus albolineatus LamarckPlate-III, Fig.-x1818. Grapsus albo-lineatus Lamarck, Exposition desprincipes fondamentaux de la Zoologie, 5, p. 249.1976. Grapsus albolineatus Sakai, Crabs of Japan andadjacent seas, p. 630.Materials : 2 Males and 4 females; the maximum CLis 3.0 cm and the minimum CL is 2.5 cm.Diagnosis : Carapace subcircular, slightly broaderthan long; depressed, dorsal surface smooth in median,with transverse and oblique striae in lateral part; frontbroad, about 1/3rd of total carapace width, deflexed;lateral margins strongly arched with a single sharptooth behind the orbital tooth; chelipeds subequal,anterior margin of arm (merus) with sharp spines; innercorner of carpus with long spine; hand with uppersurface granular, fingers with corneous spooned tip;walking legs stout, depressed, meri with subdistal spine;dactyli with strong brownish spines).Habitat : Rocky beach or coral reefs.Distribution : Reports on previous records of thespecies from the GoMMBR: Tuticorin (Henderson,1893), from the Indian waters : Malabar and Coromandelcoasts (Alcock, 1900), Trivandrum (Pillai, 1951), Okha(Chhapgar, 1957) and Andaman and Nicobar Islands(Alcock 1900; Sankarankutty, 1961a) and from the Indo-Pacific region: Red Sea, east coast of Africa, Sind coast,Sri Lanka, Polynesia, Hawaii and Japan (Sakai, 1976).Remarks : It was recorded from the dead Pocilloporacorals covered with algae from Shingle and PoomarichanIslands.25. Metapograpsus messor (Forskål)Plate-IV, Fig.-y1775. Cancer messor Forskål, Hauniae., I–XXXIV, p. 88.1976. Metapograpssus messor Sakai, Crabs of Japan andadjacent seas, p. 630.Materials : 4 females; the maximum CL is 2.5 cmand the minimum CL is 2.1 cm.Diagnosis : Carapace trapezoidal, 1.25-1.35 timesbroader than long, with strongly converging lateralmargins; surface smooth and slightly convex; front verybroad, about 3/5th of greatest carapace width; lateralmargins entire, without tooth behind the outer orbitalangle; chelipeds unequal, larger one about 1.5 timesthe length of the carapace, strong and stout; palminflated, outer surface smooth; fingers with blunt tips;walking legs with broad, flattened merus and stronglyspinose dactyli.

72 Rec. zool. Surv. <strong>India</strong>PLATE-<strong>III</strong>qrTetralia rubridactylaTrapezia areolatastTylocarcinus styxSchizophrys asperauvArcania heptacanthaArcania erinaceuswxIphiculus spongiosusGrapsus albolineatus

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