Vol. 110 - Part III - Zoological Survey of India

Vol. 110 - Part III - Zoological Survey of India Vol. 110 - Part III - Zoological Survey of India


26 Rec. zool. Surv. IndiaFigure 8 : Showing the physical structure and number of anal fin rays.Figure 9 : Photograph of the fresh fish specimen Barilius arunachalensis sp. nov.

NATH, DAM & KUMAR : A new fish species of the genus Barilius (Cyprinidae : Rasborinae).........India 27Body with a band, vertical bar absent, Dorsal finextends to 4th ray of anal ............................................................................. Barilius evezardi DayFin Formula : Barbels absent, Dorsal i.7, Pectoral ii.11, Ventral i.8, Anal ii.8, Caudal 18DIAGNOSISBody broad & deep, its depth 4.8-4.9 times instandard length (SL). Head long & broad, its length3.7-4.0 in SL, its maximum width 1.2-1.3 times and internostril distance 4.0-4.1 times in HL, gill opening almostat the base of pectoral fins. Eyes fairly large, its diameter5.0-6.1 times in HL; inter orbital distance 2.27-2.46 timesin H.L. Snout deeply humped and tip with rough,prominent tubercles. Mouth moderate in size, up turnedand its gape far away from orbit. Lips thick, sub-equal,lower lip with tubercles and longer than upper. Barbelsabsent (Fig. 5) Paired fins, well built dorsal fin nearer tocaudal base. Dorsal fin fan like supported by strongand branched rays, robust in nature & embedded in askin-like sheath (Fig. 6). Its posterior end extends to 3rdray of anal. Anal fin also supported by strong,cartilaginous branched rays & looks like a reed of aharmonium or piano (Fig. 8). Caudal fin unequal, lowerlobe longer (Fig. 7). Scales cycloid fairly large; lateralline ceases at the 35th scale. Body color silvery, dorsalfin with a streak of longitudinal band; scales with ovalspots at the dorsal side and almost diamond shaped atTable-1 : Morphometric data for Barilius arunachalensis Sp. nov. (n = 8). Measurements are in cm (mean ± SE).Sl. No. Morphological Characters Measurements (Ranges in parenthesis)I Head length (HL) 3.17 ± 0.27 (2.5-3.7)1 Snout length 0.75 ± 0.07 (0.65-0.9)2 Eye diameter 0.59 ± 0.03 (0.5-0.65)3 Inter-orbital distance 1.27 + 0.09 (1.1-1.5)4 Post-orbital distance 1.27 ± 0.09 (1.1-1.5)II Body measurements1 Total length 14.12 ± 1.38 (11.5-16.8)2 Standard length 11.9 ± 1.33 (9.4-14.4)3 Body depth 2.43 ± 0.29 (1.9-3.0)4 Pre-dorsal length 6.4 ± 0.66 (5.2-7.6)5 Post dorsal length 4.3 + 0.13 (4.0-4.6)6 Pre-pectoral length 3.18 + 0.38 (2.5-3.9)7 Post-pectoral length 8.49 + 0.96 (6.8-10.2)8 Pre-ventral length 5.9 + 0.66 (4.7-7.1)9 Post-ventral length 5.71 + 0.74 (4.4-7.0)10 Pre-anal length 8.1 + 0.89 (6.5-9.7)11 Post-anal length 3.6 + 0.44 (2.8-4.5)12 Caudal fin length (upper) 2.34 ± 0.05 (2.2-2.4)13 Caudal fin length (lower) 2.65 ± 0.06 (2.5-2.8)14 Dorsal fin base length 1.45 + 0.17 (1.1-1.8)15 Dorsal fin height 1.86 + 0.12 (1.6-2.15)16 Pectoral fin base length 0.7 ± 0.09 (0.6-0.9)17 Pectoral fin height 1.8 + 0.06 (1.7-1.95)18 Ventral fin base length 0.58 ± 0.1 (0.4-0.8)19 Ventral fin height 1.58 + 0.12 (1.35-1.8)20 Anal fin base length 2.0 + 0.25 (1.6-2.5)21 Anal fin height 0.9 + 0.03 (0.9-1.05)22 Length of caudal peduncle 1.14 ± 0.05 (1-1.25)23 Depth of least height of caudal peduncle 1.02 ± 0.11 (0.8-1.3)

26 Rec. zool. Surv. <strong>India</strong>Figure 8 : Showing the physical structure and number <strong>of</strong> anal fin rays.Figure 9 : Photograph <strong>of</strong> the fresh fish specimen Barilius arunachalensis sp. nov.

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