Vol. 110 - Part III - Zoological Survey of India

Vol. 110 - Part III - Zoological Survey of India Vol. 110 - Part III - Zoological Survey of India


14 Rec. zool. Surv. India132|————————————|1 mmFigs. 1-3 :Zaischnopsis mampadicus Narendran and Girish Kumar sp. nov. Female. Fig. 1. Head front view; Fig. 2. Bodyprofile; Fig. 3. Gaster dorsal viewinfuscation slightly lighter at apical part. Legs brownishblack with following yellowish to white : mid and hindtarsi except last tarsal segment and claws brown tobrownish black; mid tibial spur and apical pegs of midtibia and tarsi black. Gaster black without any metalliclustre; syntergum pale brown except at base brownishblack; ovipositor sheath pale brown.Head : Scrobal depression with distinct dorsalmargin separated from anterior ocellus by a distanceless than the diameter of anterior ocellus (Fig. 1).Frontovertex strongly reticulate from scrobal channelto posterior ocelli; gena posterior to malar sulcusstrongly and longitudinally striate- reticulate withconspicuous white lanceolate scattered setae. channeland scrobes strongly reticulate to transversely reticulatestrigose; frons strongly reticulate; interantennal regionstrongly reticulate, with sparse setae; lower parascrobalregion with scattered white setae not differentiated fromother setae on face. Eyes with minute sparsepubescence; vertex and occiput coriaceous- reticulatewith short pale white setae. Antenna (Fig. 2) with scapereticulate- strigose on outer and inner sides; flagellum

NARENDRAN, KUMAR AND KAZMI : Two new species of Zaischnopsis Ashmead..........species 15elongate, increasing in width towards apex with apicalfunicular segment transverse.Mesosoma : Pronotum with a median deep furrow;mesoscutum entirely striate- reticulate, moderatelysetose, setae white and lanceolate. Scutellar- axillarcomplex punctate-reticulate. Acropleuron anteriorly withsparse white lanceolate setae. Metacoxa with dense,lanceolate white setae ventrolaterally and dorsally.Propodeum with callus broadly bare posterior tospiracle, setose anterior to and mesal to spiracle andwith dense white setae postero-laterally. Forewing (Fig.2) 3.21x as long as wide; relative lengths of veins: SMV= 32; MV = 33; STV = 9; PMV = 20; forewing distinctlyshorter in length than metasoma (excluding ovipositorsheath).Metasoma (Fig. 3) : 1.84x as long as mesosoma inprofile, excluding ovipositor sheaths; syntergum 0.71xpreceding tergum in lateral view (Fig. 2); ovipositorsheaths exserted distinctly beyond syntergal flange,0.09x gaster length in lateral view.Male : Unknown.Host : Unknown.Biology : Unknown.Distribution : India : Kerala.Material examined : Holotype : Female, India, Kerala,Malappuram dist., Mampad, 10 km west of Nilambur,26-31.xii.2007, coll. Santhosh, S. (NZSI Reg. No. 11487/H3).Discussion : This new species comes close toZaischnopsis keralensis Narendran but distinctly differsfrom it in having: (1). Mid tibial spur black (in Z.keralensis mid tibial spur yellow); (2). Gaster distinctlylonger than mesosoma (1.84x) (in Z. keralensis gaster alittle longer than mesosoma (1.09)); (3). Ovipositorsheaths distinctly exserted beyond syntergal flange (inZ. keralensis ovipositor sheaths exserted only veryslightly beyond syntergal flange); (4). MV almost equalor slightly longer than SMV (33 : 32) (in Z. keralensisMV distinctly longer than SMV (58 : 46); (5). Antennawith last funicular segment transverse (in Z. keralensisantenna with apical three funicular segmentstransverse); (6). Scrobal depression separated fromanterior ocellus by a distance less than the diameter ofanterior ocellus (in Z. keralensis scrobal depressionseparated from anterior ocellus by a distance equal to2x diameter of anterior ocellus).Etymology : The species is named after the localityfrom where the holotype is collected.Zaischnopsis stom Narendran and Girish Kumarsp. nov. (Figs. 4-8)Female : Holotype : Length including ovipositorsheath 3.94 mm (exserted part of ovipositor 0.53 mm).Head slightly dark with metallic green lustre; palpi andmandible dark brown. Antenna brownish black. Eyesand ocelli reddish brown. Mesosoma dark with metallicgreen lustre on metapleuron and sides of pronotum.Forewing (Fig. 6) hyaline basally and a hyaline spotbelow MV and a very narrow longitudinal hyaline stripeat the lower margin opposit to the base of MV,infuscation moderate with lighter at apical part. Legsyellow with following blackish brown parts: fore andhind coxa entirely, mid coxa basally, fore and hind femurexcept at base and apex, fore tibia except at base andapex, apical pegs of midtibial and apical pegs of midtarsi, all claws. Gaster black without any metallic lustre,syntergum concolorous with preceding gastralsegments. Ovipositor sheath brown except at apicesyellow.Head : Dorsal margin of scrobal depression notdistinct (Fig. 4); frontovertex strongly reticulate fromscrobal channel to posterior ocelli; frons stronglyreticulate; interantennal region strongly reticulate, withsparse setae; lower parascrobal region with scatteredwhite setae not differentiated from other setae on face;channel and scrobes finely reticulate to transverselyreticulate strigose; vertex and occiput coriaceousreticulatewith short pale white setae; gena posterior tomalar sulcus strongly and longitudinally striatereticulatewith conspicuous white lanceolate scatteredsetae. Eyes with sparse minute pubescence; Antenna(Fig. 5) with scape reticulate- strigose on outer andinner sides; flagellum elongate, slightly increasing widthtowards clava, apical funicular segments not transverse.Mesosoma : Pronotum with a median deep furrow;mesoscutum entirely striate- reticulate, sparsely setose,setae white and lanceolate. Scutellar- axillar complexpunctate- reticulate. Acropleuron anteriorly with sparse

14 Rec. zool. Surv. <strong>India</strong>132|————————————|1 mmFigs. 1-3 :Zaischnopsis mampadicus Narendran and Girish Kumar sp. nov. Female. Fig. 1. Head front view; Fig. 2. Bodypr<strong>of</strong>ile; Fig. 3. Gaster dorsal viewinfuscation slightly lighter at apical part. Legs brownishblack with following yellowish to white : mid and hindtarsi except last tarsal segment and claws brown tobrownish black; mid tibial spur and apical pegs <strong>of</strong> midtibia and tarsi black. Gaster black without any metalliclustre; syntergum pale brown except at base brownishblack; ovipositor sheath pale brown.Head : Scrobal depression with distinct dorsalmargin separated from anterior ocellus by a distanceless than the diameter <strong>of</strong> anterior ocellus (Fig. 1).Frontovertex strongly reticulate from scrobal channelto posterior ocelli; gena posterior to malar sulcusstrongly and longitudinally striate- reticulate withconspicuous white lanceolate scattered setae. channeland scrobes strongly reticulate to transversely reticulatestrigose; frons strongly reticulate; interantennal regionstrongly reticulate, with sparse setae; lower parascrobalregion with scattered white setae not differentiated fromother setae on face. Eyes with minute sparsepubescence; vertex and occiput coriaceous- reticulatewith short pale white setae. Antenna (Fig. 2) with scapereticulate- strigose on outer and inner sides; flagellum

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