A WALK IN THE WOODS - University at Buffalo

A WALK IN THE WOODS - University at Buffalo

A WALK IN THE WOODS - University at Buffalo


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Adamski, BA 1984, has been aclinical psychologist in priv<strong>at</strong>epractice in the Washington,D.C., area for the past 25 years.He tre<strong>at</strong>s individuals, groupsand couples with a combin<strong>at</strong>ionof insight-oriented andbehavioral psychotherapyfocused on real-life outcomes.Adamski resides in WashingtonD.C. Andrew Anderson, BS 1984,joined the lawfirm of HarterSecrest &Emery LLP ascounsel in theANDERSON Rochester,N.Y., office. He has more than20 years of intellectual propertypractice experience, andhe is concerned with variousdomestic and foreign p<strong>at</strong>entlaws and practices. Heresides in Penfield, N.Y. SandraAnzalone, BA 1984, was namedsuperintendent of Eden (N.Y.)Central Schools. In additionto being the principal<strong>at</strong> Grand Island High Schoolfor seven years, Anzalonewas named 2009 WomanAdministr<strong>at</strong>or of the Year byWestern New York Women inEduc<strong>at</strong>ion Leadership. Shelives in Lawtons, N.Y. P<strong>at</strong>riciaClabeaux, BS 1984, is seniorvice presidentof humanresourcesand organiz<strong>at</strong>ionaldevelopment<strong>at</strong>CLABEAUXIndependent Health. Previouslya senior director of humanresources <strong>at</strong> Kaleida Health,Clabeaux also serves as chairof the board of directors forthe Elizabeth Pierce OlmstedCenter for Sight. She residesin East Amherst, N.Y. RobertPollard, PhD 1984 & MA 1983,was honoredwith the2012 LyonFounder’sAwardPOLLARD from theRochester School for the Deafin recognition of his professionalcontributions to theeduc<strong>at</strong>ion of deaf persons. Inaddition to writing and lecturingon health care topicsaffecting deaf professionals,Pollard has produced 15 filmsin American Sign Languagefor deaf audiences. He livesin Rochester, N.Y. * Chi Sham,PhD 1984 & MA 1980, is recipientof the 2013 W<strong>at</strong>er ResourceSustainability Division’s OASISaward, which recognizes anindividual’s contributions toadvancing sustainable w<strong>at</strong>erresources. Sham lives inNeedham, Mass. * BlackfordMiddleton, MD 1985, was namedassistant vice chancellor forhealth affairs and chief inform<strong>at</strong>icsofficer for health systems<strong>at</strong> Vanderbilt <strong>University</strong>.Previously, Middleton wascorpor<strong>at</strong>e director of clinicalinform<strong>at</strong>ics research <strong>at</strong>Partners Healthcare in Boston.He resides in Nashville, Tenn.* Timothy Lafferty, BS 1986,joined the board of directors ofthe Crisis Services Found<strong>at</strong>ion.An inform<strong>at</strong>ion technologysales and marketing professional,Lafferty is immedi<strong>at</strong>epast president of the UBAlumni Associ<strong>at</strong>ion. He residesin East Aurora, N.Y. RichardFrappa, MA 1987 & BA 1985, hasbeen named senior consultant<strong>at</strong> GEI Consultants Inc., one ofthe n<strong>at</strong>ion’s leading geotechnicaland environmental firms.A published author, Frappais a consultant to numerouselectric power gener<strong>at</strong>ioncompanies throughout NorthAmerica. He lives in OrchardPark, N.Y. Gary Cohn, BA 1988,is director of vendor management<strong>at</strong>IndependentHealth. Hewas previouslyassistantviceCOHNpresident of str<strong>at</strong>egic sourcing<strong>at</strong> M&T Bank. Cohn livesin East Aurora, N.Y. ThomasKnab, JD 1988 & BA 1982, is vicepresident of the board of directorsof Neighborhood LegalServices Inc.Recognizedas one of thetop <strong>at</strong>torneysin theKNABregion, Knabhas worked in New York St<strong>at</strong>eand federal courts for morethan 20 years, handling bothjury and non-jury trials. Helives in Williamsville, N.Y.Barbara “Babs” Reingold, MFA1988, mounted an art install<strong>at</strong>ioncalled “The Last Tree” inMay 2013 in New York’s SohoDistrict under the auspices ofthe New York Found<strong>at</strong>ion forthe Arts. The install<strong>at</strong>ion focuseson environmental indifference.She divides her timebetween New York City and St.Petersburg, Fla. Lisa Foti, BS1989, is chief financial officer<strong>at</strong> SummitEduc<strong>at</strong>ionalResources,where shemanagesFOTIaccounting,budgeting and financial reportingactivities. With more than20 years of accounting experience,Foti was named BusinessFirst’s CFO of the year in 2009.She resides in Williamsville,N.Y. Thomas Ostrowski, BA 1989,an <strong>at</strong>torneyfor Ulmer &Berne LLP,was namedan OhioOSTROWSKI 2013 SuperLawyer. He lives in Strongsville,Ohio. Jennifer Schuster, BA1989, was promoted to partner<strong>at</strong> AppliedManagementSystems, afull-servicehealth careSCHUSTER manage-www.alumni.buffalo.edu UBTODAY Fall 2013 51

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