Fall-Winter 2012 issue (pdf) - Medical College of Wisconsin

Fall-Winter 2012 issue (pdf) - Medical College of Wisconsin

Fall-Winter 2012 issue (pdf) - Medical College of Wisconsin


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ALUMNINEWSA MOME N T ’ S N O T I C EProviding a brief look inside this <strong>issue</strong> <strong>of</strong> ALUMNI NEWSA magazine publishedfor all <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>/Marquettemedical, graduate,resident and fellowalumni.Alumni AssociationExecutive CommitteeKathleen S. Stokes,MD ’87, GME ’91PresidentJohn T. Bjork,MD ’71, Fel ’76Past PresidentPaul E. Hankwitz,MD ’74, GME ’78President-electTimothy A. Crummy,MD ’97Secretary/TreasurerAlexander J. MacGillis,MD ’56David C. Olson, MD ’86Executive Director <strong>of</strong>Alumni RelationsWilliam A. Schultz, MSEditorJeremy A. Podolskijpodolsk@mcw.eduCONTACT USPhone(414) 955-4781Fax(414) 955-6699E-mailalumni@mcw.eduInternetwww.mcw.edu/alumni<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>,Office <strong>of</strong> Alumni Relations,8701 Watertown Plank Road,Milwaukee, WI 53226Peter LaViolette, PhD, Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong>Radiology (left), discusses images <strong>of</strong> the brain withMitchell Daun, an M2 who participated in the<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>’s <strong>Medical</strong> StudentSummer Research Program.Stat 4News & announcementsClass reunion giving 10Getting Out Alive 12Alumni Notes 15In Memoriam 17Alumni Honor Roll 19Fiscal year 2011-<strong>2012</strong>On the radar 35ON THE COVERJulian Lombard, PhD ’75, hasmentored many students overthe years in MCW’s <strong>Medical</strong>Student Summer ResearchProgram. M2 Allison Dahlgrenjoined his lab this summerto study the effects <strong>of</strong> dietarysalt consumption on vascularfunction and hypertension. Morestudents and faculty discusstheir experience on page 6.Seasoned for science 6A record number <strong>of</strong> students participated thisyear in the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong>’s <strong>Medical</strong> StudentSummer Research Program, which pairs firstandsecond-year students with a faculty mentorfor a laboratory-based research experience. Theprogram gives future doctors perspective on hownew discoveries are translated into the tools andtreatments <strong>of</strong> tomorrow.Classes represented in this story:’75, ’76, ’83, ’01, ’15Going the distance 8Gaining access to appropriate medical care canbe difficult for patients limited by geography,disability or specialist availability. Alumni areengaging telemedicine in a number <strong>of</strong> creativeways to serve patients in the U.S. andinternationally through distance technologiesthat allow for video conferencing, remote exams,diagnostics and follow-up care.Classes represented in this story:’73, ’83, ’88, ’90Attention to history 11In becoming the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>’sarchivist, Dr. Walter Gager combines his interestin historical research, his writing and his alumniroots. His volunteer efforts are helping preservethe unique heritage <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> andits faculty, staff and students.Classes represented in this story:’51, ’58, ’63Personal stories <strong>of</strong> paralysis 12A guest <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Medical</strong> Humanities Program,alumnus Dr. Jon Mukand returned to the <strong>College</strong>to read from his latest book, which features hisrehabilitation research and individual victoriesover paralysis.Classes represented in this story:’85Supporting women researchers 13A pioneer and an advocate for womenpr<strong>of</strong>essionals, child psychiatrist Dr. LucilleRosenberg was instrumental in providing amodel for the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>’spopular Women in Science initiative.Classes represented in this story:’69ALUMNI NEWS <strong>Fall</strong>-<strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2012</strong> 3

<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong>, Mount Maryto <strong>of</strong>fer dual degree programMount Mary <strong>College</strong> in Milwaukeeand the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>have signed a collaborative agreement toprovide a dual degree program thatincludes a four-year baccalaureate degreefrom Mount Mary and a one-year Master<strong>of</strong> Public Health degree from MCW. It isthe first 4:1 program <strong>of</strong> its kind to be<strong>of</strong>fered by the two institutions and will bejointly administered.The dual degree program was createdto prepare graduates for pr<strong>of</strong>essions in arapidly changing health care environment.The 4:1 model also facilitates the completion<strong>of</strong> a graduate degree in an affordableand efficient manner for academicallystrong and motivated students.Mount Mary <strong>of</strong>fers more than 30undergraduate majors including severalprograms in health and behavioral sciences.The <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>has been <strong>of</strong>fering the Master <strong>of</strong> PublicHealth program since 1991.Froedtert Hospital plansexpansion to address growthFacing significant capacity constraintsin surgical, outpatient and inpatientcare areas, Froedtert Hospital willmove forward with plans to construct anew building and renovate existing spaceon the Milwaukee Regional <strong>Medical</strong> Centercampus.The proposed site for the 480,000-square-foot building is on Doyne Avenueimmediately west <strong>of</strong> Froedtert & The<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> Cancer Center. The completeproject cost is approximately $117million.The expansion will address short- andlong-term needs in surgical, outpatient andinpatient services. The building will houseFroedtert & The <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> Heartand Vascular Center and Froedtert & The<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> Transplant Center. Aspart <strong>of</strong> the project, the hospital will alsoexpand and relocate its 30-year-old cardiovascularintensive care unit. The buildingdesign will allow for the option to addinpatient floors if needed in the future.Pending approvals, the project has a targetcompletion date in 2014. More details areavailable at froedtert.com.Selenium found effective forkilling certain cancer cellsResearchers at the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong> and Children’s Hospital <strong>of</strong><strong>Wisconsin</strong> Research Institute have foundthat extremely small particles <strong>of</strong> elementalselenium are highly toxic to leukemia andcertain solid tumor cells but well-toleratedby normal cells. The small particles aregenerated when certain selenium-containingdyes are exposed to light, and thissmall size appears to be essential for theanti-cancer effect.The findings are published in theMarch/April <strong>2012</strong> edition <strong>of</strong> the peerreviewedjournal, Photochemistry andPhotobiology. The research is led by FritzSieber, PhD, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Pediatrics andMedicine at MCW with joint appointmentsin Cell Biology, Neurobiology andAnatomy, and Microbiology and MolecularGenetics, and a researcher with Children’sResearch Institute.Notably, the novel selenium-basedanti-cancer agent is effective against cancercells that have become resistant toconventional chemotherapy, however, thedyes used in these experiments are expensive,and a more cost-effective alternativewill be necessary to develop this technologyinto a drug suitable for clinical use.Sleep loss affects boneformation, blood productionScientists at the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> havediscovered a link between chronic sleeploss and bone and blood production.Results <strong>of</strong> a new animal-model study showchronic sleep restriction leads to an arrestin bone remodeling that could potentiallyaffect healing, along with significantchanges in cells produced in bone marrow.The findings were published as thefeature article <strong>of</strong> the September <strong>issue</strong> <strong>of</strong>Experimental Biology and Medicine. Thelead author is Carol A. Everson, PhD, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor<strong>of</strong> Neurology and <strong>of</strong> Cell Biology,Neurobiology and Anatomy. Dr. Everson’steam discovered abnormalities in markers<strong>of</strong> bone metabolism in sleep-restrictedrats, which led them to conduct directmeasurements <strong>of</strong> bone parameters in ratsthat experienced sleep loss during a largeportion <strong>of</strong> young adulthood. In addition tohalted bone formation, the team noted afat decrease in the red marrow whileplatelet-generating cells doubled.Researchers seek improvedtests to predict heart diseaseThe <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> received a fouryear,$2.5 million award from the NationalHeart, Lung and Blood Institute todevelop a more precise clinical test forpredicting a patient’s risk <strong>of</strong> developingheart disease.Kirkwood A. Pritchard, PhD, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor<strong>of</strong> Surgery, Pharmacology and Toxicologyand Director <strong>of</strong> the TranslationalVascular Biology Program at MCW and amember <strong>of</strong> the Children’s HospitalResearch Institute, is principal investigatorfor the grant. He is collaborating withresearchers at Wake Forest UniversitySchool <strong>of</strong> Medicine.Recent studies have shown that measuringthe function <strong>of</strong> high-density lipoprotein(HDL) cholesterol, is more accuratethan traditional tests, which measure HDLlevels, at predicting which patients willdevelop heart disease. The research teamintends to develop novel tests for HDLfunctionality that are simpler and lesstime-consuming for practitioners in a clinicalsetting.ALUMNI NEWS <strong>Fall</strong>-<strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2012</strong> 5

Second-year medical student Lauren Plesh helps conduct an experiment in the laboratory <strong>of</strong> Kevin Regner, MD ’01, MS ’11, Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Medicine(Nephrology). Dr. Regner was Plesh’s mentor this year in the <strong>Medical</strong> Student Summer Research Program at the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>.Seasonedfor SCIENCE Manymedical studentsuse summer months towet feet in researchMore than 100 <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Wisconsin</strong> medical studentsspanned the bridge between clinical medicineand academic research thissummer, spending 8-12 weeks workingwith faculty mentors in laboratory settings.The experience occurs every yearas part <strong>of</strong> the <strong>College</strong>’s <strong>Medical</strong> StudentSummer Research Program, which givesfirst- and second-year medical studentsthe opportunity to participate in intensiveprojects in biomedical, translational orclinical research.The program, directed by David R.Harder, PhD ’76, the Kohler Co. Pr<strong>of</strong>essorin Cardiovascular Research and AssociateDean for Research Mentoring, isfunded by inside sources, including theDr. Michael J. Dunn Summer ResearchFellowship Awards and Friends <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>, and outsidesources, including grants from theNational Institutes <strong>of</strong> Health.“We have one <strong>of</strong> the most successfulmedical student summer research programsin the country,” Dr. Harder said.“We achieve funding for all <strong>of</strong> our students,primarily through external grantsand donors. Many MCW departmentsalso provide financial support becausethey know that students get results andcontinue with their research even afterthe project is over.”Lauren Plesh, Class <strong>of</strong> 2015, an M2from Pennsylvania who received herundergraduate degree from the University<strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>, spent eight weeks in thelaboratory <strong>of</strong> Kevin Regner, MD ’01,MS ’11, Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Medicine(Nephrology). With his guidance, sheconducted hands-on research involvingacute kidney injury (AKI), which hasbeen shown to significantly increase morbidityand mortality in settings rangingfrom cardiovascular surgery to renaltransplantation. Currently there are noeffective pharmacologic therapies forAKI. Plesh worked on a sub-project6 ALUMNI NEWS <strong>Fall</strong>-<strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

studying damaged kidney t<strong>issue</strong> to determinethe role <strong>of</strong> a specific protein in kidneyrepair.“I have always enjoyed research andam grateful for the opportunity to learnmore about nephrology, which is a possiblefield <strong>of</strong> study for me,” Plesh said.“This project has allowed me to see somereal results, and I hope what I’ve learnedwill help me in my clinical rotations.”Dr. Regner said she will certainlyfind this to be the case.“The kind <strong>of</strong> laboratory experiencewe <strong>of</strong>fer, which provides a high level <strong>of</strong>detail on the cellular and t<strong>issue</strong> level,helps students in applications for residenciesand fellowships going forward,” Dr.Regner said.Most medical students who take partin the summer research program extendtheir projects as part <strong>of</strong> ongoing academicwork, choosing to continue theirprogress on nights and weekends, to helpfulfill Scholarly Pathways curriculumrequirements.“Once we get students excited aboutthe lab, they can’t wait to further theirresearch, even after the paid fellowship isover,” Dr. Harder said. “This is hands-onexperience they don’t get during regularcoursework.”Allison Dahlgren, Class <strong>of</strong> 2015,worked for 12 weeks under the direction<strong>of</strong> Julian Lombard, PhD ’75, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor<strong>of</strong> Physiology. Dahlgren furtheredprogress on another researcher’s workduring her time in the lab, which investigatesendothelial dysfunction caused byhypertension as a result <strong>of</strong> high dietarysalt consumption. Salt-inducted hypertensionis a leading preventable cause <strong>of</strong> cardiovascularevents like ischemic heartdisease and stroke. Dahlgren’s summerproject focused on measuring resultsfrom a low-salt diet, a high-salt diet and ahigh-salt diet with low-dose angiotensinII, which has been shown to protectagainst the damage caused by a high-saltdiet.Dr. Lombard, who has mentoredmedical students in the summer researchproject for many years, says all <strong>of</strong> themhave left the lab with a better understanding<strong>of</strong> biomedical research and scientificwriting. Dahlgren is a case in point.“I plan to pursue the honors inresearch program under the direction <strong>of</strong>Dr. Lombard and complete an honorsthesis loosely related to my project,” saidthe Brookfield, Wis., native who graduatedfrom the University <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>.Publishing and presenting are goalsfor students upon completion <strong>of</strong> the program.Mitchell Daun, Class <strong>of</strong> 2015, whostudied for 10 weeks with Peter LaViolette,PhD, Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Radiology,will see the results <strong>of</strong> his research inat least three publications. He will be thelead author <strong>of</strong> one study and co-author <strong>of</strong>two.“This has been an amazing experience,”said Daun, a native <strong>of</strong> Waupun,Wis., and a University <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>graduate, “not only for the research trainingI’ve received, but also to have myname on publications in prominentresearch journals.”Dr. LaViolette’s lab focuses ondeveloping new magnetic resonanceimaging (MRI) techniques to better characterizebrain tumors. Daun’s researchfocused on determining the repeatability<strong>of</strong> MRI data processing methods.“It would take a year for me to finishwhat he’s been able to do in a summer,”Dr. LaViolette said. “Mitch continues tocome into the lab during his Pathwaytime to continue his progress.”It is not uncommon for medical studentsto choose a career in research aftertheir experience in the summer program.According to Dr. Harder, two former participantsdecided to enroll in the MCW<strong>Medical</strong> Scientist Training Program(MSTP), which leads to a combined MD-PhD degree in conjunction with theGraduate School <strong>of</strong> Biomedical Sciences.Partially supported by a grant from theNational Institutes <strong>of</strong> Health, the MSTPtrains students to bridge the gap betweenbasic science and clinical research.Although the MSTP may not end upbeing the path for Amy Peebles, Class <strong>of</strong>2015, an M2 who studied the role thatcannabinoids such as THC, the activecomponent in marijuana, play in anxiety,Peebles says she has definitely been captivatedby research.“I plan to stay involved in academics,although I’m still undecided aboutwhat field I will pursue as a clinician,”said the native <strong>of</strong> North Palm Beach, Fla.,who received her undergraduate degreefrom Wilkes Honors <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> FloridaAtlantic University. “I look forward tocontinuing my research with my advisorDr. Hillard, and hopefully finding evenmore scientific opportunities in other laboratories.”That is something that CeciliaHillard, PhD ’83, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Pharmacologyand Toxicology and Director <strong>of</strong>the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong>’s NeuroscienceResearcher Center—and all faculty mentorsinvolved in the summer research program—liketo hear.“Students get an appreciation forhow biomedical discoveries are made andwhat it takes to create data. They need toknow how to use the results <strong>of</strong> basic scienceas physicians,” Dr. Hillard said.M2 Allison Dahlgren works in the Physiology lab <strong>of</strong>Julian Lombard, PhD ’75, this summer.A record 130 medical students participatedin the research program thissummer. Dr. Harder expects that numberto rise to 150 next year.“We are so grateful to our departments,donors and alumni,” Dr. Hardersaid. “This program allows students toobserve how new discoveries translateinto the development <strong>of</strong> new drugs,devices and treatment possibilities. Wewant all <strong>of</strong> them to have this opportunity.”ALUMNI NEWS <strong>Fall</strong>-<strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2012</strong> 7

thedistanceAccess to health care expands when telemedicine is deployedGoingGeography can be an unwittingantagonist to a patient seekingquality health services. Whenaccess to medical expertise is limited bymiles or by physician scarcity in a region,patients may face a choice between burdensometravel and forgoing care.As the technologies and methodologiesnecessary to accommodate it haveadvanced, telemedicine has emerged as aviable and growing solution to some <strong>of</strong>the obstacles that hinder or prevent thetraditional clinic visit. Telemedicine canencompass high-quality, two-way videoand audio as well as specialized instrumentation,electronic note-taking andrecoding capabilities. <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Wisconsin</strong> alumni engaged in telehealthpractices are using the approach todirectly provide or facilitate health careto remote areas in the U.S. and abroad aswell as develop new tools that are bothpatient- and physician-friendly.A year spent in rural Appalachiademonstrated to Bettina Cuneo, MD’83, the discrepancies in health carebased on location, and she has begunapplying some <strong>of</strong> the lessons learned toher urban subspecialty practice in theChicago area. Dr. Cuneo is Director <strong>of</strong>Perinatal Cardiology at the Heart Institutefor Children, affiliated with AdvocateHope Children’s Hospital, andPr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Pediatrics and Obstetrics atthe Rosalind Franklin School <strong>of</strong> Medicineand Science in Chicago.Through a sophisticated, real-timetelemedicine system, Dr. Cuneo servespregnant women whose fetuses are at riskfor cardiac structural defects, arrhythmias8 ALUMNI NEWS <strong>Fall</strong>-<strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2012</strong>or heart failure. Technology bridges thedistance, but success is dependent on the“human s<strong>of</strong>tware” at both the transmittingand receiving end <strong>of</strong> the visit. Whilea sonographer conducts a fetal echocardiogramat theremote location, Dr.Cuneo can see boththe patient and thestudy as it is beingdone and interactaccordingly.“I can instructthe sonographer if Istill have questionsBettina Cuneo,MD ’83when she is doing the scan and then tellthe patient if everything is normal or if Isuspect a problem,” she said. “If there isa problem, I scan the patient in personthat same day. You can’t give bad newsover a DSL line.”Diagnosing fetal cardiac disease isimportant because it may dictate how apregnancy is managed. For example,some babies will be so critically ill thatthey need to be delivered in the catheterizationsuite to have a life-saving procedurein the first 15 minutes after birth.Through telemedicine, Dr. Cuneo canprovide such crucial diagnoses to morewomen, who might otherwise have totravel great distance or not receive theservice at all.“I can care for many more pregnantmoms and fetuses with suspected or confirmedcardiac anomalies, and their carecan be triaged,” she said. “A secondarybenefit is empowerment <strong>of</strong> the localobstetrician or maternal fetal medicinespecialist because suspected cardiacdefects can be confirmed or shown to benormal, thus not all moms will need to betransferred.”The capability <strong>of</strong> reaching morewomen via telemedicine also dovetailswith Dr. Cuneo’s research to improvefetal cardiac disease outcomes.“The problem with a lot <strong>of</strong> theresearch in perinatal cardiology is thatthe conditions are rare, so with the number<strong>of</strong> affected patients being small, it isdifficult to use evidence-based medicineto recommend care,” Dr. Cuneo said.“The more I see, the more I know, themore I can contribute to the literature toadvance understanding <strong>of</strong> disease.”Helping disabled vetsIn Milwaukee, <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Wisconsin</strong> physicians at the Clement J.Zablocki VA <strong>Medical</strong> Center are seasonedpractitioners <strong>of</strong> telemedicine inmany different specialties, includingnephrology, infectious diseases, pre- andpost-operative general surgery, rheumatology,physical medicine & rehabilitationand pulmonology. TelehealthCoordinator Scot Kueper, RN, BSN, saidpatient satisfaction is very high, and thenumber <strong>of</strong> telehealth clinics is growing.VA physicians can connect with patientsat four community-based outpatient clinicsin <strong>Wisconsin</strong>, as well as units <strong>of</strong> VAhospitals in Madison, Wis.; Tomah, Wis.;Iron Mountain, Mich.; and Chicago, Ill.Judith B. Kosasih, MD ’88, GME’92, is an early adopter <strong>of</strong> telemedicineand established the Telemedicine ProstheticClinic in conjunction with the IronMountain VA in 1998. She is AssociatePr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Physical Medicine and

Rehabilitation at the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> and<strong>Medical</strong> Director <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> Rehabilitation,Director <strong>of</strong> the Polytrauma SupportClinic Team and Director <strong>of</strong> the AmputationClinic Team at the VAMC.When she began the program, shesaid the monitor was as big as a bookcaseand the delay in the audio relay requiredlong, deliberate pauses in conversation.The speed and digital clarity haveadvanced greatly, but like Dr. Cuneo, sheattributes success to the quality <strong>of</strong> theteams controlling the experience.“Behind this valuable technology asa clinical tool, the real driving force foreffective application in our telemedicineprosthetic clinic is the dedicated teamwork,communication and care coordinationbetween the local and remote clinicsite providers,” Dr. Kosasih said.Telemedicine enables Dr. Kosasih’steam to provide equal access and timelyintervention to veterans who live inremote areas. The majority <strong>of</strong> clinicpatients have either transtibial or transfemoralamputation, though some havebilateral lower limb amputation or upperlimb amputation.Telehealth visits primarily facilitateevaluation and prescription <strong>of</strong> permanentprosthesis, modification or parts replacementfor new or established patients. Followup for discharged inpatient rehabpatients and even initial consults can beperformed, due to the videoconferencingabilities. The patient is supported at theremote clinic site by a physical therapistand prosthetist while Dr. Kosasih leadsthe visit from Milwaukee with her rehabilitationteam.“The veterans clearly benefit fromthis unique access <strong>of</strong> prosthetic clinicservices, especially those who live inremote areas and can’t tolerate long distancetravel,” she said.International applicationsIn nations where paucity <strong>of</strong> medicalresources impedes access to care,telemedicine can improve health andeven create jobs. Ronald G. Landes,MD ’73, is on the International Virtual e-Hospital Foundation (IVeH) Board <strong>of</strong>Directors, where he helps unite globalJudith B. Kosasih, MD ’88, GME ’92, demonstrates the telemedicine interface for the VA TelemedicineProsthetic Clinic with team members Sue Novak, physical therapist, and Joshua Dezek, certified prosthetist.experts to propel new technology applicationsto health care in the developingworld. The IVeH is growing an ambitioustelemedicine platform in the Balkans.The political and ethnic conflict thatengulfed Kosovo in the 1990s displacedthousands <strong>of</strong> medicaland health carepr<strong>of</strong>essionals as wellas nearly 75 percent<strong>of</strong> the population.From a personneland resources standpoint,the medicalsystem was decimated.Beginning inRonald G. Landes,MD ’732000, through what became IVeH , internationalpartners and sponsors developeda program that now includes six integrated,regional telemedicine centers,extending the reach <strong>of</strong> care in post-conflictKosovo.“This program was designed to provideeducation to physicians throughoutthe country without requiring they leavetheir local area and also enhance healthcare in a variety <strong>of</strong> ways,” Dr. Landessaid. “It serves as an example <strong>of</strong> howsophisticated technology can improvehealth care in the developing world in away that advances the self-worth <strong>of</strong> thepopulation.”Building on its work in Kosovo, theIVeH is establishing a new program inneighboring Albania. Among the initiativesis a retinal imaging program for thediagnosis <strong>of</strong> vision disorders. Localproviders utilize portable technology tocapture images <strong>of</strong> a patient’s eye, andthen are able to send the images for interpretationby a certified expert. This distancetesting technique is also beingALUMNI NEWS <strong>Fall</strong>-<strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2012</strong> 9

introduced for cervical cancer screening,where pap smear images are reviewedvia telemedicine technologies.“We measure success by how muchwe improve health care and how manyjobs we create,” said Dr. Landes, who isPresident <strong>of</strong> Landes Bioscience, anAustin, Texas-based publishing companyhe founded 20 years ago. “I’m prettysure technology within the telemedicineplatform will be an asset. I don’t believewe’ve fully demonstrated that yet, but Ithink we will.”Better tools for tomorrowCreating new technology fortelemedicine activities is a focus <strong>of</strong> EricGreenman, MD ’90, Fel ’95, wh<strong>of</strong>ounded the start-up iTel Companies, Inc.after being frustrated with the optionsavailable for distance patient communication.Dr. Greenman maintains a full-timepsychiatry practice in Scottsdale, Ariz.“Psychiatry is well-suited totelemedicine since we don’t need to layhands on patients,” he said. “Psychiatryis a pr<strong>of</strong>ession where you can talk overthe phone, but if you have secure videoconferencing, it’s a much better way tocommunicate with people.”As Chief <strong>Medical</strong> Officer at iTel, Dr.Greenman is involved with creating asystem that could allow any provider toset up their own telemedicine practicewith the advantages <strong>of</strong> a fully HIPAAcompliantvideo tool and built-in billingengine. They are also developing theability to “co-browse” meaning bothphysician and patient (accessing the platformfrom their respective computers)can simultaneously view and manipulatea Web page, putting test results or linksfor instruction at a patient’s fingertips.The system is still in a pre-launchphase, but Dr. Greenman hopes it willsoon help patients avoid time lost fromwork or spent needlessly commuting tothe clinic.“We’re already doing beta testingwith patients, and they love it,” he said.“They like the convenience to stay athome, and this <strong>of</strong>fers some advantagesfor patients who are homebound or havedifficulties accessing transportation.”Reunion classes supportscholarships and moreAround the time current studentsare preparing to complete their academicyear, groups <strong>of</strong> former medicalstudents return to the <strong>Medical</strong><strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong> for the opportunityto reminisce and reconnectwith their classmates and alma mater.These annual alumni reunions arealso key opportunities for demonstratingsupport <strong>of</strong> the <strong>College</strong>.Alumni who celebrated reunionsin <strong>2012</strong> gave a combined $773,340to the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> in class gifts.In addition, reunion-year alumnihave made planned giving commitments,such as bequests and charitablegift annuities, totaling more than$3 million this year.“As physicians, our medicalschool is the launching point for ourcareers in medicine,” said dermatologistKathleen S. Stokes, MD ’87,GME ’91, President <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Medical</strong><strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>/Marquette<strong>Medical</strong> Alumni Association. “By<strong>of</strong>fering philanthropic support to the<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong>, we can help ensurethe institution’s vitality for successivegenerations <strong>of</strong> students. Classgifts are a great way to accomplishthis.”The Alumni Association sponsorsAlumni Weekend, featuringclass reunions in five-year intervals,plus a 50-year reunion held in conjunctionwith commencement. Thisyear, the classes <strong>of</strong> 1952, 1957,Did you know...1962, 1967, 1972, 1977, 1982, 1987,1992, 1997 and 2002 celebratedreunions. Through their charitablegifts, many alumni supported priorityareas identified by their respectiveclasses.Technology, innovation in medicaleducation, and the studentlounge are just a few <strong>of</strong> the areastoward which these classes havedirected their gifts. By far, however,the most prevalent areas <strong>of</strong> supportfrom the classes are endowed scholarshipfunds.Scholarships figure significantlyinto the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong>’s ability torecruit the most talented medical students.They help these future physiciansby reducing their indebtednessdue to the high cost <strong>of</strong> medical education.The average debt for theClass <strong>of</strong> <strong>2012</strong> upon graduation, forexample, was nearly $172,000.“We persistently are striving toachieve a high level <strong>of</strong> engagementwith our alumni in all areas, includingteaching, service and philanthropy,”said <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong>President and CEO John R. Raymond,Sr., MD. “We are very appreciative<strong>of</strong> the generosity shown bythis year’s reunion classes, and the<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong> willcontinue to depend on support fromthe school’s alumni to maintain ourpursuit <strong>of</strong> excellence across all <strong>of</strong> ourmissions.”...gifts to the Annual Fund for Excellence are an importantresource for the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>’s leadership teamto make strategic investments in the institution?Contact Angela Nelson at annelson@mcw.edu or 414.955.4708 to learn more.10 ALUMNI NEWS <strong>Fall</strong>-<strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

Archives benefit from alumnus’ attention to historyWhen you spend as much time in thestacks as Walter E. Gager, MD ’63,GME ’67, accepting a position at thelibrary seems a logical choice. Dr. Gageris among select company as the <strong>Medical</strong><strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>’s third archivist, acalling that has only ever been answeredby an alumnus.An interest in history and a proclivityfor writing led Dr. Gager to this role.He has been working on both a bookabout the history <strong>of</strong> the development <strong>of</strong>ophthalmology in southeast <strong>Wisconsin</strong> aswell as a lecture for the upcomingAlumni Clinical Conference about thehistory <strong>of</strong> the development <strong>of</strong> medicaleducation in the region. His research hasrequired frequent visits to MCWLibraries, so volunteering as archivist hasbridged his interests and his avocation.“As an archivist, you have access tothe history <strong>of</strong> medicine, dating back twoto three thousand years, and all <strong>of</strong> thatimpinges on the practice <strong>of</strong> medicinetoday,” he said.Dr. Gager practiced ophthalmologyin Waukesha for 30 years while alsomaintaining a referral-based caseload <strong>of</strong>neuro-ophthalmology patients at theFroedtert & The <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>Eye Institute. He jokes that hisgeneral ophthalmology practice supportedhis “habit” <strong>of</strong> neuro-ophthalmology,a field that fascinates him, in partbecause <strong>of</strong> how disparate specialties coalescearound the visual-neurological systems.“Many times, we find neurologicdisease through neuro-ophthalmicmeans,” he said.Pr<strong>of</strong>essionally, Dr. Gager <strong>of</strong>ten participatedas an expert witness in legalcases because <strong>of</strong> the types <strong>of</strong> injuries thattend to occur to the eyes and head. Hewas also active in medical education, particularlyin teaching residents whoA retired ophthalmologist, Walter E. Gager, MD ’63, GME ’67, serves as archivist for the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong>.rotated through the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong>’sneuro-ophthalmology service. He retiredwith the title <strong>of</strong> Clinical Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Emeritus<strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology, but his dedicationto the <strong>College</strong> continues.He said he wrote his first book,Practice Management Life Management,to give residents, as they leave their training,a better idea <strong>of</strong> what to expect intheir careers and in life. The book, whichcovers practice topics such as contracts,leases and the business <strong>of</strong> medicine, aswell as life topics such as wills andtrusts, is provided to all graduating ophthalmologyresidents at the <strong>College</strong>. Healso meets with the graduates to answerquestions about life after training.Dr. Gager has served on the <strong>College</strong>’sAdmissions Committee, and he isDirector Emeritus <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>/Marquette <strong>Medical</strong> AlumniAssociation Board. He still gives periodiclectures today.“If you have a job that you like, andenjoy it, and wonder why people pay youto do it, you want to stay close to it,” hesaid. “The medical school was good tome, and so I wanted to be good back.”Preserving the <strong>College</strong>’s centurylonghistory as archivist is part <strong>of</strong> thatcommitment. He is involved in a number<strong>of</strong> initiatives, including the cataloguing<strong>of</strong> historical documents and visual mediaas well as a revival <strong>of</strong> the Libraries’ oralhistory program, which has recentlyexpanded to include new video <strong>of</strong> individualswho have contributed to the tapestry<strong>of</strong> the <strong>College</strong>’s past.A physician who has been honoredin any number <strong>of</strong> ways—American Academy<strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology Award <strong>of</strong> Merit,MCW Alumni Distinguished ServiceAward, Eye Institute Alumnus <strong>of</strong> the Year(to name a few)—Dr. Gager believes it isimportant to honor the past.“As the field <strong>of</strong> medicine continuesto develop, we don’t live in a vacuum,”he said. “We learn from other people,other entities, and the knowledge is basedupon their needs at the time. If you don’tknow the origins <strong>of</strong> those needs, youcan’t fully understand the context forwhat we do today. That we developedfrom the minds <strong>of</strong> so many great peopleis important for young people to know.”Dr. Gager’s predecessors are formerarchivists Norman Engbring, MD ’51,and James Cerletty, MD ’58, Fel ’64.mcw.edu EXTRADigital Collections – MCW Libraries established a Digital Collections initiative in 2010 to make unique libraryand archival materials available to faculty, students, staff, alumni and the community. The initiative iscoordinated by MCW librarians and the archivist. Access the collections by first visiting mcw.edu/archivist.ALUMNI NEWS <strong>Fall</strong>-<strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2012</strong> 11

Humanities Program invites alumnus to read fromhis new book, The Man with the Bionic BrainOn a recent book tour, author andalumnus Jon Mukand, MD ’85, PhD,visited the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>as a guest <strong>of</strong> the MCW <strong>Medical</strong> HumanitiesProgram to speak to students, facultyand staff about his latest work.In his book, The Man with the BionicBrain and Other Victories over Paralysis,Dr. Mukand tells the story <strong>of</strong> MatthewNagle, a young man with quadriplegiawho made medical history with theimplantation <strong>of</strong> a device that allowed himto use his brain to manipulate a computercursor. Dr. Mukand is a rehabilitationspecialist who served as principal investigatorfor the study <strong>of</strong> the BrainGate neuralinterface system. With BrainGate,Nagle was able to use an environmentalcontrol unit to adjust his television or doother tasks linked to computer controls.Dr. Mukand’s book is also composed<strong>of</strong> interwoven accounts <strong>of</strong> stroke, spinalinjury and brain trauma survivors. Hiscareer has long been dedicated to enhancingquality <strong>of</strong> life for patients with paralysisand other physical medicine andrehabilitative needs. He is <strong>Medical</strong> Director<strong>of</strong> the Southern New England RehabilitationCenter and Clinical AssistantPr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Rehabilitation Medicine atBrown University and Tufts University.Left: Jon Mukand, MD ’85, PhD, speaks to <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> students, faculty and staff about his work withparalysis patients. Right: Dr. Mukand signs copies <strong>of</strong> his new book: The Man with the Bionic Brain and OtherVictories over Paralysis.His presentation on Aug. 22 at the<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> drew a diverse crowd,and he was impressed by the <strong>College</strong>’scommitment to humanities.“Some <strong>of</strong> the best years <strong>of</strong> my lifewere right here at MCW, and I am verygrateful for the training I have received,”he said. “Many things have changed, andone is the addition <strong>of</strong> a great bioethicsand humanities program, thanks to theleadership <strong>of</strong> Dr. Arthur Derse.”The <strong>Medical</strong> Humanities Program,part <strong>of</strong> the Center for Bioethics and <strong>Medical</strong>Humanities in the Institute for Healthand Society, is dedicated to pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism,communication, empathy and reflection,through education in the medicalhumanities, including literature, medicalhistory, the visual and performing artsand the social sciences.SNAPSHOT – The <strong>Medical</strong> Humanities program is directed by Arthur Derse,MD, GME ’83, JD, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Bioethics and <strong>Medical</strong> Humanities, and EmergencyMedicine. Contact the program at medhumanities@mcw.edu or (414) 955-8323.GETTING OUT ALIVEBy Theresa Maatman, MD ’1112 ALUMNI NEWS <strong>Fall</strong>-<strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

ALUMNA PROFILEdon’t retire from something. Youretire to something,” says Lucille B.“YouRosenberg, MD, Fel ’69, whosepost-practice activities illustrate the same depth <strong>of</strong>dedication to community that she demonstratedduring her career. A child psychiatrist who throughthe years served many <strong>of</strong> the most vulnerable populationsin southern <strong>Wisconsin</strong>, Dr. Rosenberg hasmaintained an ambitious schedule, working withyouth-oriented agencies in Milwaukee.Her input also has been particularly valuableto the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Wisconsin</strong> in its development<strong>of</strong> Women in Science, an annual lecture series and supportorganization that benefits from her lifetime <strong>of</strong> experience as anadvocate for women in health care.Since 2007, Women in Science has organized luncheon presentationsfeaturing women faculty members from the <strong>Medical</strong><strong>College</strong> who discuss their work and career paths. Membership isopen to the public, and each lecture is an opportunity for thecommunity to meet outstanding female scientists and physiciansand learn about their research and its impact on health. Womenin Science also provides financial support for women scholars atthe <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> to advance their research.“My philosophy is that we need to mentor and supportwomen,” Dr. Rosenberg said. “I think Women in Science hasdone that and draws attention to women’s many roles. Womenhave a unique perspective in medicine.”A member <strong>of</strong> the Women in Science Advisory Committeesince its inception, she has sought to emphasize the involvement<strong>of</strong> community members, particularly practicing physicians, aswell as showcase the contributions women are making toresearch and medicine. Women in Science also models the value<strong>of</strong> mentoring women medical students so they reach their aspirations.History informs Dr. Rosenberg’s opinion that these areimportant efforts, and her career journey includes moments dedicatedto making a difference.Dr. Rosenberg began medical school at University <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>-Madisonin 1946, a year that saw a noticeably high number<strong>of</strong> women matriculants nationwide. Because <strong>of</strong> this criticalmass, Dr. Rosenberg and her peers were able to reconstitute achapter <strong>of</strong> Alpha Epsilon Iota, the national women’s medicalsorority. It was one <strong>of</strong> her first women’s advocacy efforts, butnot her last.Dr. Rosenberg was already a mother when she finished herpediatrics residency and eventually had five children, so sheknows well the juggling <strong>of</strong> responsibilities required by pr<strong>of</strong>essionalwomen. She became the first woman President <strong>of</strong> theLucille B. Rosenberg, MD, Fel ’69mcw.edu EXTRAAccess more information about Womenin Science at mcw.edu/rosenberg.Milwaukee County <strong>Medical</strong> Society, and then advocated at thestate level for a session just for women physicians, which drewmore than 200 members to its first meeting.The effort led to the creation <strong>of</strong> Women in Medicine, a collaborativeorganization for women physicians in Milwaukeeand Madison that hosted seminars on subjects that resonatedwith women pr<strong>of</strong>essionals, like work-life balance, and helpedraise awareness <strong>of</strong> women’s accomplishments in medicine. Theorganization served as a template for the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong>’sWomen in Science program.“We started Women in Medicine to help communicationamong women in practice and with women medical students sothey felt like they had mentors,” she said.Dr. Rosenberg is a former member <strong>of</strong> the pediatrics andpsychiatry faculty at the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>. Shepracticed at Children’s Hospital <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong> in a psychiatricoutpatient setting and also served as <strong>Medical</strong> Director at CurativeCare Network, working primarily with children with multipledisabilities.In the 1980s, Dr. Rosenberg joined Sinai Samaritan as<strong>Medical</strong> Director <strong>of</strong> the Child and Adolescent OutpatientClinic. She retired in 1997. Throughout her career, she foundthe opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary setting to beamong the most gratifying aspects.“We can always learn something from one other,” she said.“I’ve certainly learned much from my colleagues.”ALUMNI NEWS <strong>Fall</strong>-<strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2012</strong> 13

Alumni golfers have students’ interests at heartAlumni probably understand the burden<strong>of</strong> paying for a medical educationbetter than anyone, which is why theyhave been so supportive <strong>of</strong> scholarshipsthrough the years. Now in its 18th year,the annual Alumni Scholarship GolfClassic is a popular way for former graduatesto assist students with the cost <strong>of</strong>tuition. A total <strong>of</strong> 62 golfers attended thisyear’s event on Aug. 20, which tookplace at Broadlands Golf Club in NorthPrairie, Wis. The Golf Classic, sponsoredby the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>/Marquette <strong>Medical</strong> Alumni Association,raised $14,000 this year for scholarships.Not counting this year, the outinghas provided 145 scholarships to medicalstudents, totaling $262,000. For moreinformation, call (414) 955-4781 ore-mail alumni@mcw.edu.Foursomes included a mix <strong>of</strong> students and alumni, including (L-R) ChristopherAnderson, M4; Christopher Arndt, M4; David Foley, MD ’52; and AnthonyZiebert, MD ’60, GME ’64, Fel ’64.Josh Brown, M3; Michael Brooks, MD ’89, GME ’94; David Brooks, MD ’88; andJerome Brooks, MD ’61, enjoy a day on the links while supporting studentscholarships.Faculty alumnus helps launchcareer-planning tool for scientistsA new, interactive career planning tool has been developedby a <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong> faculty member and alumnus,along with faculty and staff from the Federation <strong>of</strong> AmericanSocieties for Experimental Biology (FASEB), and theUniversity <strong>of</strong> California San Francisco (UCSF).Philip S. Clifford, PhD ’85, Associate Dean <strong>of</strong> the GraduateSchool <strong>of</strong> Biomedical Sciences, and Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Anesthesiologyand Physiology, worked with colleagues at FASEB andUCSF to create myIDP, the first and only online tool to helpscientists prepare an individual development plan. MyIDP helpsgraduate students and postdocs in the sciences develop a stepby-stepplan for reaching their career goals.MyIDP provides trainees with: exercises to guide themthrough the process <strong>of</strong> assessing their career skills, interest, andvalues; an extensive list <strong>of</strong> resources for each <strong>of</strong> 20 commonscientific career paths; and guidance on exploring careeroptions and setting pr<strong>of</strong>essional development goals. The applicationalso allows users to keep track <strong>of</strong> their progress and providesautomated reminders to help trainees meet their careergoals and research project deadlines.Access the tool at myidp.sciencecareers.org.Student-managed free clinicbegins seeing pediatric patientsThe Saturday Clinic for the Uninsured, a joint venture <strong>of</strong>the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong> and Columbia St. Mary’s,has expanded its services to include pediatric patients.The Saturday Clinic for the Uninsured was founded bymedical students from the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> in 1991 and providesfree primary medical care to nearly 1,000 uninsuredpatients every year. The clinic is located at the Columbia St.Mary’s Family Health Center in Milwaukee. Volunteer physiciansand medical students staff the clinic.The Saturday Clinic provides medical students withunique, hands-on learning experiences under supervision.“Our families have been asking us to provide pediatricservices, and we’re glad to be able now to <strong>of</strong>fer that,” said JenniferGomulka, Class <strong>of</strong> 2015 at the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>and a member <strong>of</strong> the free clinic’s board. “It is our hopewe can expand the number <strong>of</strong> appointments available; we arerecruiting any pediatricians who would like to volunteer theirtime and expertise to make that happen.”Alumni physicians, including pediatricians, interested involunteering at the clinic can contact Jennifer Gomulka atjgomulka@mcw.edu.14 ALUMNI NEWS <strong>Fall</strong>-<strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

ALUMNI NOTESALUMNI NEWS wants to publishnews <strong>of</strong> your pr<strong>of</strong>essional andpersonal accomplishments andactivities. Please send updates(including graduation year andcurrent position) to:<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>Office <strong>of</strong> Alumni Relations8701 Watertown Plank RoadMilwaukee, WI 53226,fax at (414) 955-6699 ore-mail alumni@mcw.edu1950sDick Moutvic, MD ’58, is President <strong>of</strong>the Board <strong>of</strong> the Wellgroup <strong>Medical</strong>Clinic and serves on the Board <strong>of</strong> theFranciscan Alliance, St. James Hospitalin Olympia Fields and Chicago Heights,Ill. He also serves as President <strong>of</strong> theBoard <strong>of</strong> Directors <strong>of</strong> the IllinoisPhilharmonic Orchestra.1960sTimothy G. Baumann, MD ’63, is nowretired from emergency medicine. Hepracticed at Miami Valley Hospital inDayton, Ohio, from 1963-76 and atWilson Memorial Hospital in Sidney,Ohio, from 1976-2004.1970sSteven Shelov, MD ’71, has accepted anew position as Associate Dean <strong>of</strong>Undergraduate<strong>Medical</strong> Education atthe Winthrop-University Hospitalcampus <strong>of</strong> StonyBrook UniversitySchool <strong>of</strong> Medicine,and also as Pr<strong>of</strong>essor<strong>of</strong> Pediatrics at StonyBrook in New York.Donato Stinghen, MD ’74, wasappointed <strong>Medical</strong> Director for the newKate Creedon Center for AdvancedWound Care in Alameda, Calif. Dr.Stinghen is board certified in generalsurgery and has practiced at AlamedaHospital for 32 years, most recently aspart <strong>of</strong> the General Vascular Surgery<strong>Medical</strong> Group.Carlyle H. Chan, MD ’75, was invitedto serve as an Accreditation Council forContinuing <strong>Medical</strong> Education (ACCME)representative to the Coalition forPhysician Accountability. The coalitionseeks to advance the quality <strong>of</strong> healthcare and pr<strong>of</strong>essional accountability. Dr.Chan is Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Psychiatry andBehavioral Medicine at the <strong>Medical</strong><strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>.D. Robert Dufour, MD ’75, received the<strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> American Pathologists’ (CAP)Excellence in Education Award at CAP’sannual meeting in September. The awardrecognizes individuals for outstandingcontributions in the development <strong>of</strong>continuing medical education andcontinuing education in support <strong>of</strong> CAPeducation for pathologists and/orlaboratory pr<strong>of</strong>essionals. Dr. Dufour isrecognized for his expertise andsignificant contributions in the planning,development and delivery <strong>of</strong> the CAPLaboratory Accreditation Programcurricula. He is consultant in pathologyand hepatology at the VA <strong>Medical</strong> Centerin Washington, D.C., and an emerituspr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> pathology at GeorgeWashington University.Stephen Hargarten, MD ’75, wasselected to join the Institute <strong>of</strong>Medicine’s Board on Global Health(BGH) and attended the BGH firstbiannual meeting in Washington, D.C., inJuly. The BGH carries out activities andstudies aimed at advancing the health <strong>of</strong>populations worldwide. Dr. Hargartenwas elected to the National Academy <strong>of</strong>Sciences’ Institute <strong>of</strong> Medicine last year.Dr. Hargarten is Chairman and Pr<strong>of</strong>essor<strong>of</strong> Emergency Medicine and AssociateDean for Global Health at the <strong>Medical</strong><strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>.Joseph Zuckerman, MD ’78, wasappointed to the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors <strong>of</strong> theMusculoskeletalTransplantFoundation. Dr.Zuckerman is theWalter A.L.Thompson Pr<strong>of</strong>essor<strong>of</strong> OrthopaedicSurgery at New YorkUniversity (NYU)School <strong>of</strong> Medicine and Chairman <strong>of</strong> theDepartment <strong>of</strong> Orthopaedic Surgery atNYU Hospital for Joint Diseases. Herecently served as President <strong>of</strong> theAmerican Academy <strong>of</strong> OrthopaedicSurgeons.1980sMary Horowitz, MD ’80, GME ’89,MS ’91, was appointed Chief <strong>of</strong> theDivision <strong>of</strong> Hematology/Oncology at the<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>. Dr.Horowitz is the Robert A. Uihlein, Jr.Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Hematologic Research andPr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Medicine at the <strong>Medical</strong><strong>College</strong> and Scientific Director <strong>of</strong> theCenter for International Blood andMarrow Transplant Research. She studiesthe effectiveness <strong>of</strong> transplantation as atreatment for life-threatening diseasessuch as leukemia, non-Hodgkin’slymphoma and other cancers.Janet Lindemann, MD ’80, GME ’83,was appointed to the Liaison Committeeon <strong>Medical</strong> Education, the committee thataccredits medical education programsleading to the MD degree throughout theUnited States and Canada. Dr.Lindemann is Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> FamilyMedicine and Dean <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> StudentEducation at the University <strong>of</strong> SouthDakota Sanford School <strong>of</strong> Medicine. Shewas a faculty member at the <strong>Medical</strong><strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong> from 1989-1997.Janis Orlowski, MD ’82, was promotedto Chief Operating Officer <strong>of</strong> MedStarWashington HospitalCenter. She also willcontinue to serve asChief <strong>Medical</strong>Officer. Dr. Orlowskispent 22 years atRush Presbyterian-St.Luke’s <strong>Medical</strong>Center in Chicagobefore joining MedStar WashingtonHospital Center in Washington, D.C.Board certified in internal medicine andnephrology, she is a Master <strong>of</strong> theAmerican <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> Physicians.Kathy (Sturino) Hartke, MD ’83, waselected President <strong>of</strong> the MilwaukeeGynecological Society. She is ClinicalAssistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Obstetrics andGynecology at the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Wisconsin</strong> and has been anobstetrician/gynecologist in privatepractice for 25 years at WomenCare inWaukesha.Mark L. Harlow, MD ’86, GME ’91,received a <strong>2012</strong> Marvin Wagner, MD,Clinical Preceptor Award from the<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>. Dr.Harlow is an orthopaedic surgeon nowpracticing in South Dakota.ALUMNI NEWS <strong>Fall</strong>-<strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2012</strong> 15

ALUMNI NOTESCraig A. Siverhus, MD ’88, GME ’93,received a <strong>2012</strong> Marvin Wagner, MD,Clinical Preceptor Award from the<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>. Dr.Siverhus practices surgery at ColumbiaSt. Mary’s Hospital in Milwaukee.1990sAnn Schwartz, MD ’96, is AssociatePr<strong>of</strong>essor and Director <strong>of</strong> ResidencyEducation for the general adult trainingprogram in the Department <strong>of</strong> Psychiatryand Behavioral Sciences at EmoryUniversity in Atlanta, Ga. Dr. Schwartzalso is on the consultation/liaison serviceat Grady Memorial Hospital. She isactive with the Academy <strong>of</strong>Psychosomatic Medicine and theAmerican Association <strong>of</strong> Directors <strong>of</strong>Psychiatric Residency Training.Elena Holak, MD, PharmD, GME ’96,served as program chair for the nationalmeeting <strong>of</strong> the Society for Education inAnesthesia held in Milwaukee in June.Dr. Holak is Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Anesthesiologyat the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>. Shewas named to the MCW Society <strong>of</strong>Teaching Scholars in 2009.Erik Stickney, MD ’99, has been named<strong>Medical</strong> Director <strong>of</strong> Radiation Oncologyfor the Enloe Regional Cancer Center inChico, Calif. Dr. Stickney previouslyspent 13 years on active duty as a majorin the U.S. Army, seeing cancer patientsat Tripler <strong>Medical</strong> Center in Honolulu,Hawaii. In 2004, he served an eightmonthtour <strong>of</strong> duty as a brigade surgeonin Afghanistan.2000sJess Fiedorowicz, MD ’01, PhD,received the <strong>2012</strong> Klerman Prize foroutstanding achievement in clinicalmental health research. Dr. Fiedorowiczwas honored for addressing vasculardisease in mood disorders by seeking tounderstand the most relevant mechanismsunderlying the high rate <strong>of</strong> associatedmorbidity, so that novel means tomitigate the risk may be developed. He isAssistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Psychiatry at theUniversity <strong>of</strong> Iowa.Angela M. Bier, MD ’02, received a<strong>2012</strong> Edward J. Lennon EndowedClinical Teaching Award from the<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>. Dr. Bieris Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Pediatrics at the<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> and a pediatrichospitalist at Children’s Hospital <strong>of</strong><strong>Wisconsin</strong>.Ryan Gossett (Huff), MD ’02, GME’04, is <strong>Medical</strong> Director for the “NeverForgotten Honor Flight” honoringveterans from northern <strong>Wisconsin</strong>. Dr.Gossett is a family physician withAspirus in Wausau. He and his wife,Alexia, have a daughter, Ella.Francis Herrbold, MD, GME ’03, is inprivate practice in thoracic andcardiovascular surgery. He operatesCardiovascular Surgical Associates inAlbany, Ga. Dr. Herrbold is boardcertified in general surgery. He and hiswife, Kelly, have three sons.Amitpal Johal, MD ’03, was promotedto Director <strong>of</strong> Endoscopy in the Division<strong>of</strong> Gastroenterology at Geisinger <strong>Medical</strong>Center in Danville, Pa.Douglas Roland Smith, MD ’03, isChief <strong>Medical</strong> Officer at AarchesCommunity Health Care in Salt LakeCity, Utah. Aarches Community HealthCare is a non-pr<strong>of</strong>it corporation thatreceived start-up and solvency fundingunder the Affordable Care Act’sConsumer Operated and Oriented Planprogram, to become a member-ownedhealth plan covering all 29 counties <strong>of</strong>Utah. Dr. Smith is also <strong>Medical</strong> Directorat Ensign Group and a physician atIntermountain Healthcare.Martin Muntz, MD, GME ’04, wasinducted into the MCW Society <strong>of</strong>Teaching Scholars at the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>. Dr. Muntz is AssociatePr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Medicine (General InternalMedicine) at the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong>.John Rhee, MD, MPH ’04, wasappointed to the Applications for ClinicalTrial and Translational Research on theChemical Senses Study Section <strong>of</strong> theNational Institutes <strong>of</strong> Health’s NationalInstitute on Deafness and OtherCommunication Disorders. Dr. Rhee isthe John C. Koss Pr<strong>of</strong>essor and Chairman<strong>of</strong> Otolaryngology and CommunicationSciences at the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Wisconsin</strong>. He is also the Chief <strong>of</strong> theDivision <strong>of</strong> Facial Plastics andReconstructive Surgery at FroedtertHospital. Through his appointment, Dr.Rhee will help review research proposalsthat will advance knowledge <strong>of</strong> the sense<strong>of</strong> taste and smell by evaluating differenttreatment and intervention strategies anddecisions.Susan Pitt, MD ’05, completed thegeneral surgery residency trainingprogram at Washington UniversitySchool <strong>of</strong> Medicine in St. Louis, Mo. Dr.Pitt is now pursuing a fellowship intransplant surgery at the same institution.Jake Veigel, MD ’05, and his wife,Becky, announce the birth <strong>of</strong> their thirdson in August 2011. Dr. Veigel is a sportsmedicine specialist at the Cayuga<strong>Medical</strong> Center and the Center for SportsMedicine & Athletic Performance inIthaca, N.Y. He is team physician forCornell University, SUNY Cortland,Ithaca <strong>College</strong> and Tompkins CortlandCommunity <strong>College</strong>.Valerie Bonne, MD, Fel ’07, has beenappointed Co-<strong>Medical</strong> Director <strong>of</strong>the e-ICU at FroedtertHospital. Dr. Bonneis Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor<strong>of</strong> Medicine(Pulmonary) at the<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Wisconsin</strong>.Carley Sauter, MD ’07, GME ’11, wasappointed Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> PhysicalMedicine and Rehabilitation at the<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>. Dr. Sauteris board certified in physical medicineand rehabilitation and specializes in backpain, neck pain, general musculoskeletalcare, electrodiagnostic medicine and therehabilitation <strong>of</strong> injuries sustained inworkplace and industrial labor settings.Matthew Buelow, MD ’09, received the<strong>2012</strong> Jessica S. Lin Award for ClinicalExcellence by a Resident Physician,presented by the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Wisconsin</strong> Affiliated Hospitals, Inc. Theaward recognizes an individual enteringthe final year <strong>of</strong> residency training for hisor her outstanding clinical and academicperformance. Dr. Buelow is a resident ininternal medicine-pediatrics.Siddhartha Singh, MD, MS ’09, wasappointed Associate Chief <strong>Medical</strong>Officer for <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> Physiciansand Froedtert Hospital. In this role, hewill help oversee clinical research,clinical information technology andclinical quality and resource managementfor the hospital’s outpatient and inpatientfacilities. Dr. Singh is AssociatePr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Medicine at the <strong>Medical</strong><strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong> and an internalmedicine physician at Froedtert Hospital.16 ALUMNI NEWS <strong>Fall</strong>-<strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

IN MEMORIAMALUMNI NEWS accepts andpublishes obituaries <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medical</strong><strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>,Marquette School <strong>of</strong> Medicine,and Marquette UniversitySchool <strong>of</strong> Medicine alumni.Louis Kohn, MD ’42, <strong>of</strong> West Hartford,Conn., died Sept. 5, <strong>2012</strong>. He was 98years old. Dr. Kohn served in the U.S.Army during World War II, after whichhe practiced medicine in Waterford, Wis.Following a surgical residency, he and hiswife, a registered nurse, operated amedical practice in East Troy, Wis., for20 years. They subsequently moved toSan Leandro, Calif., to practice foranother 10 years. Dr. Kohn moved toWest Hartford in 1996. He loved music,dancing, travel and learning foreignlanguages. He was preceded in death byhis wife, Ethel. His survivors include twodaughters and five grandchildren.Dominick A. Kuljis, MD ’42, <strong>of</strong> Denver,Colo., died Oct. 23, 2011. He was 98years old. Dr. Kuljis served as aphysician and surgeon for the U.S. Navyduring World War II. After beinghonorably discharged as a lieutenantcommander he was a general practitionerand surgeon in Two Rivers, Wis., until hisretirement in 1986. Dr. Kuljis traveledextensively throughout the worldfollowing his retirement. He waspreceded in death by his wife, Laura. Hissurvivors include a son and daughter, fivegrandchildren and one great-grandchild.John J. O’Toole, MD ’47, <strong>of</strong> Largo, Fla.,died April 12, <strong>2012</strong>. Dr. O’Toole hadpracticed ophthalmology in Michigan.Palmer A. Peterson, MD ’47, <strong>of</strong>Burnsville, Minn., died May 6, <strong>2012</strong>. Hewas 95 years old. Dr. Peterson taughthigh school science courses beforeserving in the Navy at Philadelphia NavalHospital. He later was assigned to theJacksonville Florida Naval Hospital toestablish the Naval School <strong>of</strong> PhysicalTherapy for Technicians and NavyTrainees. After medical school and asurgical fellowship, Dr. Peterson began asurgical practice in Bloomington, Minn.Over the next 50 years, he worked at theMayo Clinic Physical TherapyDepartment; the University <strong>of</strong> MinnesotaHospital Cancer Detection Center; andNorthwestern, St. Barnabas, Eitel,Lutheran Deaconess and RiversideHospitals. Dr. Peterson retired in 1997and was honored with a 50 Year <strong>Medical</strong>Practice Award by the State <strong>of</strong>Minnesota. He enjoyed travel and waspassionate about the environment, energyconservation and saving wildlife. In2006, he established a 20-acre naturepreserve on land that was part <strong>of</strong> hisparents’ and grandparents’ pioneer farmfounded in <strong>Wisconsin</strong> in 1866. Hissurvivors include his wife <strong>of</strong> 46 years,Lois; four children; five grandchildren;and four great-grandchildren.Donald F. Mauritson, MD ’48, <strong>of</strong> Tulsa,Okla., died Dec. 26, 2010. He was 87years old. Dr. Mauritson practicedradiology for more than 30 years at St.John Hospital in Tulsa. A passionateaviator, he was a charter member <strong>of</strong> theFlying Physicians Association. Dr.Mauritson’s survivors include his wife,Olivia; two sons; one daughter; and hisfive step-children. A daughter precededhim in death.William B. Rudemiller, MD ’48, <strong>of</strong>Cincinnati, Ohio, died May 30, 2011. Hewas 87 years old. Dr. Rudemiller was afamily physician for more than 40 years.He was preceded in death by a daughter.His survivors include his wife, Elizabeth,six children and 13 grandchildren.Frank Gar<strong>of</strong>alo, MD ’49, <strong>of</strong>Wappingers <strong>Fall</strong>s, N.Y., died Jan. 10,<strong>2012</strong>, after a long illness. He was 89years old. Dr. Gar<strong>of</strong>alo practicedradiology in the Bronx borough <strong>of</strong> NewYork City for more than 40 years andserved on the staff <strong>of</strong> four nursing homes.An avid horseman, Dr. Gar<strong>of</strong>alo and hiswife, Juliana, bred, trained and racedthoroughbreds in Wappingers <strong>Fall</strong>s. Hissurvivors include his wife, eight children,19 grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren.Norbert J. Lochowitz, MD ’52, <strong>of</strong>Milwaukee, died July 9, <strong>2012</strong>. He was 93years old. Dr. Lochowitz graduated frommedical school after serving in the U.S.Navy. He practiced medicine and surgeryuntil his retirement in 1988. Dr.Lochowitz was a volunteer for theVisiting Nurse Association HospiceProgram and an avid musky fisherman,trap shooter and woodworker. Hissurvivors include his wife, Rosemary;five children; eight grandchildren andfour great-grandchildren.Gilbert R. Gutierrez, MD ’53, <strong>of</strong> LosLunas, N.M., died Oct. 24, 2011. He was84 years old. Dr. Gutierrez spent one yearin the U.S. Navy before entering collegethen medical school. Followinggraduation, he opened a successful familymedical practice in the mining town <strong>of</strong>Grants, N.M. Dr. Gutierrez wasinstrumental in organizing the communityto build Cibola General Hospital in 1959and the Gutierrez <strong>Medical</strong> Building in1960. He retired to his family ranch in2000 after more than 50 years in practice.His survivors include his wife, Margaret;12 children; 34 grandchildren and 22great-grandchildren.Eugene N. Mitchell, MD, GME ’61, <strong>of</strong>St. Louis, Mo., died June 22, <strong>2012</strong>,following complications from a stroke.He was 78 years old. Dr. Mitchell wasthe first African American to be admittedto the University <strong>of</strong> Missouri-Columbia<strong>Medical</strong> School. Following an internshipat the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>, hecompleted a residency at Homer G.Phillips Hospital in St. Louis. A surgeonand private practitioner, Dr. Mitchell laterserved as the hospital’s medical directorin the late 1960s and early 1970s. Duringthat time he also took over as publisher<strong>of</strong> The St. Louis Argus, a newspaperfounded by his grandfather in 1912. Dr.Mitchell’s survivors include his wife,Betty; two children; six grandchildrenand one great-grandchild.Gregory J. Topetzes, MD ’61, GME’65, <strong>of</strong> Milwaukee, died May 20, <strong>2012</strong>.He was 84 years old. Dr. Topetzespracticed internal medicine for more than40 years, was Assistant Clinical Pr<strong>of</strong>essor<strong>of</strong> Medicine at the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Wisconsin</strong> and served as Chairman <strong>of</strong> theDepartment <strong>of</strong> Medicine at St. Joseph’sHospital. Following his retirement fromprivate practice, Dr. Topetzes worked atthe <strong>Wisconsin</strong> Health Fund and theGreater Milwaukee Free Clinic. Hissurvivors include his wife, Audrey, threechildren and five grandchildren.Robert S. Viel, MD ’64, <strong>of</strong> Brookfield,died June 25, <strong>2012</strong>, following a severalyearbattle with Alzheimer’s disease. Hewas 82 years old. Dr. Viel practicedmedicine as a family physician. Hissurvivors include three children and threegrandchildren.Richard H. Koop, MD ’64, <strong>of</strong> Toledo,Ohio, died Jan. 9, <strong>2012</strong>, after a briefbattle with cancer. He was 73 years old.Dr. Koop served as a lieutenant colonel inthe U.S. Navy before settling in ToledoALUMNI NEWS <strong>Fall</strong>-<strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2012</strong> 17

IN MEMORIAMand practicing ophthalmology for morethan 40 years. He served as President <strong>of</strong>the Ohio Ophthalmology Society andalso held leadership roles with theAcademy <strong>of</strong> Medicine <strong>of</strong> Toledo andLucas County. Dr. Koop provided eyecare in the Dominican Republicanthrough Midwest <strong>Medical</strong> Missions anddomestically at the St. Vincent <strong>Medical</strong>Center clinic and through MissionCataract. He enjoyed golf, tennis,rollerblading and speed skating. Dr.Koop’s survivors include his wife, Kathy,four children and nine grandchildren.William J. Schulte, MD, GME ’64, <strong>of</strong>Wauwatosa, Wis., died June 19, <strong>2012</strong>. Hewas 83 years old. Dr. Schulte was a<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essor<strong>of</strong> Surgery for nearly 40 years. Heestablished the bariatric surgery programat Froedtert Hospital and served as Chief<strong>of</strong> Surgery at the Clement J. Zablocki VA<strong>Medical</strong> Center. He held numerousleadership positions during his career,including President <strong>of</strong> the Association <strong>of</strong>VA Surgeons and the <strong>Wisconsin</strong> SurgicalSociety. He also served as a Captain inthe U.S. Army. Dr. Schulte enjoyedgardening, fishing and Civil War history.His survivors include his wife, Helen,seven children and 13 grandchildren.Gene J. Pawlowski, MD ’65, GME ’71,<strong>of</strong> Los Angeles, died Aug. 2, <strong>2012</strong>. Hewas 75 years old. An ophthalmologist,Dr. Pawlowski joined Southern CaliforniaPermanente Group – Panorama City in1971 and served as Chief <strong>of</strong> Service therefrom 1981 until his retirement in 2002.He was also an assistant clinicalpr<strong>of</strong>essor at Jules Stein Institute. Hissurvivors include his wife <strong>of</strong> 46 years,Patricia.Fred Bedford, MD, GME ’66, <strong>of</strong>Sequim, Wash., died Feb. 29, <strong>2012</strong>. Hewas 88 years old. Dr. Bedford served as asecond lieutenant flight control <strong>of</strong>ficer inthe U.S. Air Force during World War II,helping planes to take <strong>of</strong>f and land inhazardous weather conditions. Hepracticed medicine as a generalpractitioner for 10 years before trainingat the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong> tobecome an anesthesiologist. Dr. Bedfordwent on several mission trips around theworld, helped make parts for personalenergy transportation bicycles foramputees and was an avid sailor. He waspreceded in death by his wife, NancyAnn. His survivors include his threechildren and nine grandchildren.Paul N. Berglund, MD ’66, <strong>of</strong>Carmichael, Calif., died Oct. 13, 2011.He was 80 years old. Dr. Berglund servedin the U.S. Army <strong>Medical</strong> Company187th Airborne in Korea, where hereceived several medals including combatinfantry and parachute badges. He wasalso an Army National Guardsman. Afterhe was discharged, Dr. Berglund workedas a research engineer for several yearsbefore attending medical school. Hepracticed emergency medicine in severalSacramento-area hospitals before beingnamed Chief <strong>of</strong> Surgery with the U.S.Public Health Service in Galveston,Texas. He returned to California to begina private practice and helped foundEmergency Physicians <strong>Medical</strong> Group inSacramento, where he worked until hisretirement in 1999. Dr. Berglund enjoyedmilitary history, hunting, fishing andtravel, and he played violin. His survivorsinclude his wife, Carole.Gregory A. Peters, MD ’67, <strong>of</strong> EastGrand Rapids, Mich., died July 20, <strong>2012</strong>.He was 71 years old. Dr. Peters spent oneyear in Vietnam with the U.S. Air Forceand received an honor medal. Hepracticed orthopaedic surgery in GrandRapids and was a member <strong>of</strong> theAmerican Orthopaedic Society for SportsMedicine and the ArthroscopyAssociation <strong>of</strong> North America. Dr. Petersenjoyed fly fishing, hunting and spendingtime at his cottage. His survivors includehis wife, Virginia, three children andeight grandchildren.Paul S. Fox, MD ’68, GME ’73, <strong>of</strong>Waukesha, Wis., died June 29, <strong>2012</strong>. Hewas 70 years old. Dr.Fox served in theDepartment <strong>of</strong>Transplant Surgery atthe <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong> andparticipated in many<strong>of</strong> the earliest kidneytransplantsperformed in thestate. He later spent two years inWashington, D.C., as a major at AndrewsAir Force Base in Maryland. Afterreturning to <strong>Wisconsin</strong>, Dr. Fox practicedgeneral and vascular surgery for morethan 30 years and served as Chief <strong>of</strong> Staffat Waukesha Memorial Hospital. Heserved on the board <strong>of</strong> governors for theAmerican <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> Surgeons and wasPresident <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Wisconsin</strong> SurgicalSociety. Dedicated to the <strong>Medical</strong><strong>College</strong> as an alumnus and educator, Dr.Fox served on the Alumni AssociationBoard, including as President. He was avolunteer clinical faculty memberactively involved in teaching medicalstudents and surgical residents. Twice, hewas named “Teacher <strong>of</strong> the Year” by theMilwaukee Academy <strong>of</strong> Medicine, and hewas a recipient <strong>of</strong> the Marvin WagnerClinical Preceptor Award from the<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong>. In the community, he<strong>of</strong>fered medical services to the uninsuredthrough St. Joe’s Clinic and was alsoinvolved in medical missionary work. Dr.Fox was an accomplished fisherman,craftsman and woodworker and a lover <strong>of</strong>sports and animals. For two decades, hewas team physician for CatholicMemorial High School. He was precededin death by an infant son. He is survivedby his wife, Susan; six children(including sons Paul F. Fox, II, MD’94—who is married to Mary C. Fox,MD ’95, GME ’00—and Christopher J.Fox, MD ’98, GME ’04); and 13grandchildren.Jud Gurney, MD, GME ’86, <strong>of</strong> Omaha,Neb., died March 18, 2010, after a yearlongbattle with cancer. He was 56 yearsold. At the time <strong>of</strong> his death, Dr. Gurneywas the Charles A. Dobry Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong>Diagnostic Radiology and Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong>Internal Medicine at the University <strong>of</strong>Nebraska. He also spent time on staff atthe University <strong>of</strong> Nebraska <strong>Medical</strong>Center, Creighton University <strong>Medical</strong>Center in Omaha and the Mayo Clinic inRochester, Minn. He was a visitingpr<strong>of</strong>essor at 54 institutions, bothdomestic and international, and tookgreat joy in teaching. Dr. Gurney was theauthor <strong>of</strong> 60 peer-reviewed articles and10 textbooks. He served on the editorialboards <strong>of</strong> numerous pr<strong>of</strong>essional journalsand was a prolific reviewer. He was anactive member <strong>of</strong> the American Board <strong>of</strong>Radiology and the American <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong>Radiology, and he was President <strong>of</strong> theSociety <strong>of</strong> Thoracic Radiology. Dr.Gurney was an avid reader andfisherman. His survivors include his wife,Mary, and two children.John C. Borkovec, MD ’87, GME ’89,<strong>of</strong> Franklin, Wis., died unexpectedly onAug. 22, <strong>2012</strong>. He was 51 years old. Dr.Borkovec was a family practice physicianwith Wheaton Franciscan in Milwaukee.His survivors include his wife, Susan,and three daughters.18 ALUMNI NEWS <strong>Fall</strong>-<strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>2012</strong>ALUMNI HONOR ROLLThis Honor Roll recognizes alumniwho provided financial contributionsto The <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>during fiscal year 2011-<strong>2012</strong>(July 1, 2011-June 30, <strong>2012</strong>).To make a new gift to the <strong>Medical</strong><strong>College</strong> program <strong>of</strong> your choiceusing our secure online giving tool,visit mcw.edu/giving or call the Office<strong>of</strong> Development at (414) 955-4700.WALTER ZEIT FELLOWSSince its inception in 1980, the Walter Zeit Fellowship hascontributed significantly to the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong>’s Annual Fund forExcellence as well as specific <strong>College</strong> programs. Zeit Fellows makea minimum commitment <strong>of</strong> either $25,000 payable over five yearsor $10,000 payable over five years combined with a deferred giftcommitment. The Walter Zeit Fellowship currently totals 985members, including 477 alumni.✝ Deceased❊ Continuing Donors❊ Anonymous✝ Mark B. Adams, MD, MS '77❊ Dr. Mathew T. Alexander '04Dr. James L. ('53) andDorothy E. Algiers✝ Dr. and Mrs.James C. Allen ('59)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Kenneth G. Amend ('68)Joseph A. Anderson, MD '58✝ Paul J. Andrews, MD '52Dr. and Mrs. Byron C. Arndt ('75)❊ Sara Arnold, MD '88 andWalter Brummund, MD, PhD '85✝ Donald C. Ausman, MD '30✝ Dr. and Mrs.Robert K. Ausman ('57)Dr. and Mrs.Steven A. Azuma ('75)Katherine J. Babbitt, PhD and✝ Donald P. Babbitt, MD '46❊ Sandra L. Abler, MD '89 andPaul N. Baek, MD '88❊ Dr. and Mrs.Edmund M. Barbour ('66)✝ Dr. and Mrs.Ivan D. Baron<strong>of</strong>sky ('43)Dr. Michael J. ('81) andDr. Joanie M. Barrett✝ James J. Barrock, MD '32❊ Richard P. Barthel, MD '70 andDiana BarthelPatricia A. Barwig, MD '81❊ Drs. Brian ('84) andLaurel Bear ('84)❊ Dr. and Mrs.John H. Beaumier ('57)Dr. and Mrs. James P. Beck ('67)✝ Michael J. Belson, MD '60Dr. and Mrs.Thomas P. Belson ('63)✝ Dr. and ✝ Mrs.Edwin L. Bemis ('50)✝ Kathryn C. Bemmann, MD '56Dr. and Mrs. Ronald T. Benz ('68)❊ Steve ('74) and Sue BerginMr. ('01 Honorary Alum) andMrs. John F. BergstromDr. and Mrs. Richard A. Berk ('56)❊ Drs. Mukesh ('80) andGitu BhatiaDr. and Mrs.James T. Bianchin ('67)Chester A. Blank, MD '37❊ Dr. and Mrs.Donald S. Blatnik ('61)Peter H. Blitzer, MD '76 andEleanor C. Blitzer, MD '76❊ Dr. Crain ('75) andMargaret Bliwas✝ Mrs. Marion E. Blount('92 Honorary Alum)❊ Dr. Linda S. Blust '98 andMr. Robert G. Blust❊ Ginny ('10 Honorary Alum)and Mike Bolger('95 Honorary Alum)✝ Dr. and Mrs.Theodore P. Borowski ('50)Dr. and ✝ Mrs.Wayne J. Boulanger ('52)❊ Dr. and Mrs.M. Joseph Bowler ('63)❊ Drs. Diane W. ('87) andEdward A. Braza ('86)❊ Dr. and Mrs.W. Stanford Brechbuhler ('75)Dr. and Mrs.Michael J. Brennan ('79)✝ Bruce J. Brewer, MD '40 and✝ Mrs. Kathryn T. Brewer❊ Dr. Kellie R. Brown ('93)✝ Alvin H. Brusky, MD '31 and✝ Mrs. Helen Brusky❊ Dr. and Mrs.John D. Brusky ('63)✝ Dr. and ✝ Mrs.Roland A. Buckley ('31)❊ Joseph J. Budovec, MD '07 andAnn K. Helms, MDDr. and Mrs. Philip S. Burchill ('42)Dr. Evelyn E. Burdick ('84) andMr. John E. Mahony❊ Dr. and Mrs.Robert O. Buss ('66)The <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>has made every effort to ensurethe accuracy <strong>of</strong> the informationand names in the Honor Roll.If you notice an error, please callthe Office <strong>of</strong> Development at(414) 955-4700. Thank you.ALUMNI HONOR ROLL <strong>2012</strong> 19

❊ Dr. Jeffrey J. Butler ('86) andMrs. Babette M. Larson Butler❊ Dr. and Mrs. LeRoy J. Byrd ('64)❊ Bruce ('85) andKathi CampbellDr. and Mrs.Marc W. Campbell ('82)✝ Randy V. Campo, MD '82 andMrs. Cathy Campo❊ Dr. A. John ('78) andJulie Capelli✝ Joseph M. Caputo, MD '35 andMrs. Lillian M. Caputo✝ Dr. and Mrs.James H. Casey ('51)❊ Dr. and Mrs.James T. Casper ('70)✝ Louis J. Cella, Jr., MD '48❊ Dr. and Mrs.John O. Chamberlain ('52)❊ Carlyle H. Chan, MD '75 andPatricia Meyer Chan, PhD❊ Dr. Joseph ('94) andRebecca ChengDr. and Mrs.Donald E. Chisholm ('56)❊ Asriani M. Chiu, MD '92 andEric U. Luy, MD '92❊ Clarence P. Chou, MD '77❊ Dr. Lois A. Connolly ('84) andMr. Patrick J. Connolly❊ Dr. and Mrs.Thomas B. Connor, Jr. ('93)Dr. and Mrs. Francis V. Cook ('70)✝ Harold E. Cook, MD '28 andMrs. Helene CookRichard Cooper('06 Honorary Alum)❊ Mr. Jeffrey andDr. Deborah Costakos ('98)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Michael F. Crist<strong>of</strong>oro ('62)✝ Leonard W. Cronkhite, Jr., MD('84 Honorary Alum) andLinda Cronkhite, PhDMr. ('97 Honorary Alum) andMrs. Michael J. CudahyDr. and Mrs.William P. Curran, Jr. ('66)✝ Dr. and Mrs.William C. Curtis ('47)❊ Dr. and Mrs.John J. Czajka ('56)✝ Alfred J. Dainko, MD '36Dr. and ✝ Mrs. Alfred D. Dally ('60)Senator Alberta Darling andDr. William A. Darling ('69)❊ Victor DaSilva, MD, FACS '03✝ Dr. and ✝ Mrs.Donald P. Davis ('48)Dr. and Mrs.David G. DeCock ('71)❊ Stephen P. Delahunt, MD '72❊ Dr. and Mrs. Gary J. Delorit ('68)✝ Donald J. Destache, MD '59✝ Dr. and ✝ Mrs.Norbert F. Dettmann ('31)✝ Dr. and ✝ Mrs.Anthony DiStefano ('45)Dr. Deborah R. DiStefano ('76) andMr. Preston H. Millet✝ Dr. and Mrs.Elmer M. Doherty ('44)✝ Dr. Mary Anne Zubler Doherty('71) and Mr. Frank Doherty❊ Dr. and Mrs.Howard A. Doyle, Jr. ('69)Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Doyle ('67)✝ Dr. and Mrs.Joseph A. Drazek ('44)❊ Cathy Drexler '95 andWade Mueller '90❊ Dr. and Mrs.Michael J. Dunn ('62)✝ Dr. and Mrs.William J. Dunn ('57)Dr. Joseph B. Durst ('51)Dr. and Mrs.William Dzwierzynski ('92)Dr. and Mrs. C. Eric Eckman ('78)❊ David A. Eggert, MD '86 andKay S. Eggert, DDS✝ Dr. and ✝ Mrs. T. D. Elbe ('37)Drs. Chris Ellison ('76) andMary Pat BorgessDr. and Mrs.Norman H. Engbring ('51)Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Entress ('82)❊ Dr. Scott J. Erickson '83❊ Isabel V. Estrada, MD '42Dr. and Mrs.George J. Ferguson ('67)Dr. and Mrs.Thomas R. Feroah ('01)❊ Dr. and Mrs.William A. Finger ('56)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Timothy T. Flaherty ('59)❊ Valerie A. Flanary, MD '94 andCasey J. Flanary, MD '92Dr. and Mrs.Thomas J. Flatley ('59)✝ George M. A. Fortier III, MD '63and Mrs. Patricia Fortier❊✝ Paul S. ('68) andSusan P. Fox❊ Dr. and ✝ Mrs.John J. Frederick ('51)❊ John R. Freeberg, MD '79✝ Dr. and Mrs.Lawrence M. Freeman ('62)❊ Dr. William B. ('46) andAnnette M. Frymark❊ Dr. and Mrs.Walter E. Gager ('63)Dr. Shantilal K. Gandhi ('69)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Mark A. Gardon ('90)✝ Walter H. Gebert, Sr., MD '34Dr. and Mrs.Daniel J. Geenen ('89)Dr. and Mrs.Joseph E. Geenen ('60)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Morton L. Glaser ('76)✝ James E. Gmeiner, MD '42 andMrs. Beatrice Gmeiner❊ Drs. Joan ('76) andGregory Gnadt ('74)❊ Dr. Henry M. Goldberg '62❊ Dr. Matthew ('97) andMs. Maureen GoldblattDr. Patrick F. Golden ('64)Dr. and Mrs.Robert C. Gomez ('69)❊ Dr. and ✝ Mrs.James E. Gonyo ('56)❊ Dr. Mary Beth Gonyo ('93)Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Gore ('68)✝ Dr. and ✝ Mrs.Max V. Grabiec ('43)❊ Drs. Roger '86 andLori Ann Gray '86❊ William W. Greaves, MD andKathleen S. Stokes, MD '87❊ Dr. Cristina A. E. Grieben '84and Dr. Paul R. Sandford '84Dr. and Mrs. Frank C. Griffin ('63)❊ Josette B. Grossberg, MD '69and Sidney E. Grossberg, MD❊ Dr. and Mrs.Thomas W. Grossman ('58)❊ Richard J. Grunke, MD '77❊ Dr. Daniel Guehlstorf ('93)✝ Dr. and ✝ Mrs.Milton F. Gutglass ('50)❊ Dr. Michael H. Haak ('84)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Donald Hackbarth ('77)Tamara S. Hagen, MD '81❊ Gloria M. Halverson, MD '73and Paul B. Halverson, MD '73❊ Dr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Han ('87)❊ Paul E. Hankwitz, MD '74Dr. Peter T. ('67) andMary Lou Hansen✝ Dr. and ✝ Mrs.Ervin Hansher ('37)❊✝ Mr. Jack F. Hanus('96 Honorary Alum)Steve Hargarten ('75) andJanis Cohn❊ Charles ('88) andMary HarkinsDr. and Mrs.Donald J. Harvey ('76)Dr. and Mrs.William D. Harvey ('74)❊ David S. Haskell, MD '67Dr. and Mrs.Robert G. Hathaway ('51)✝ Dr. John J. Haugh ('47) -Sponsored byMary Haugh Linn❊ Dr. and Mrs.Kurt T. Hegmann ('87)❊✝ Mr. Joseph F. Heil, Jr. and✝ Mrs. Ann E. Heil('99 Honorary Alum)❊ Drs. Amy M. ('02) andPeter A. Henry ('02)❊ Dale ('82) and Jeanine HeuerDr. Donald Heyrman ('56) andMs. Patricia Treiber-Heyrman❊ Cecilia J. Hillard, PhD '83✝ Dr. and ✝ Mrs.Nathan M. Hilrich ('55)❊ Dr. Joseph J. Hine '05❊ Dr. Anne Z. Hoch '96 andMr. Stephen D. Hoch✝ William C.P. H<strong>of</strong>fmann, MD '47and Mrs. Jane L. H<strong>of</strong>fman✝ Dr. and ✝ Mrs.Frederick J. H<strong>of</strong>meister ('35)✝ M. Rosalie Hogan, MD '59 andWalter J. Hogan, MD '58❊ Eric J. Hohenwalter, MD '98and Mrs. Jennifer Blahnik❊ Dr. and Mrs.Mark D. Hohenwalter ('99)Stanley Hom, MD '82 andTheresa M. Palabrica, MD '82Dr. and Mrs.G. Bruce Hopkins ('66)Dr. and Mrs. Lee H. Huberty ('66)Dr. and Mrs. Brett P. Hunter ('81)✝ Clara V. Hussey, MD '61❊ Dr. and Mrs.Thomas J. Imray ('65)❊ Dr. Avery M. Jackson III '00Dr. and Mrs.James D. Jacobitz ('62)✝ Dr. and ✝ Mrs.Arthur J. Jacobsen ('52)Dr. and Mrs.John R. Jacobson ('66)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Michael T. Jaekels ('55)John F. Janis, MD '59 andJoan M. Janis❊ Dr. and Mrs.Michael C. Janowak ('77)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Steven A. Jayich ('79)Sarah Geenen Joerres, MD '87and Mr. Jeffrey A. Joerres❊ Drs. Amy L. Johnson ('82) andDavid M. Johnson ('82)❊ Dr. David P. Johnson ('96)Drs. Bryon D. andGwen Johnson ('91)Dr. Roger ('67) andMrs. Janice JohnsonDr. and Mrs.Wm. David Jones ('65)20 ALUMNI HONOR ROLL <strong>2012</strong>

❊ Mr. Stavri G. Joseph('79 Honorary Alum)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Arthur W. Kaemmer ('70)❊ Dr. John M. ('87) andStephanie KampineDr. and Mrs.John P. Kampine ('60)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Hideo Karatsu ('62)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Bruce D. Kaufman ('80)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Roman R. Kaunas ('70)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Michael H. Keelan, Jr ('60)❊ Ted ('11 Honorary Alum) andMary Kellner ('11 HonoraryAlum)Dr. and Mrs. Edward G. Kelly ('67)Dr. Christine M. Walsh-Kelly ('80)and Dr. Kevin J. Kelly ('92)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Thomas G. Kempken ('65)❊ Dr. Robert D.('09 Honorary Alum) andDr. Patricia E. Kern('09 Honorary Alum)❊ Dr. Joseph E. Kerschner ('79)and Mrs. Jane C. Kerschner❊ Dr. and Mrs.Robert E. Kettler ('79)❊ Thomas M. Kidder, MD '68❊ Dr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Kim ('95)❊ Drs. Judy Kim ('96) andJohn Hur❊ Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kitz ('54)Dr. and Mrs. William C. Klein ('65)✝ Jack A. Klieger, MD '41 and✝ Mrs. Elaine D. Klieger❊ Allan ('62) and Jean Knudson❊ Arvind K. Kochar, MD andMahendr S. Kochar, MD '72Gerard G. Koehn, MD '67✝ Charles E. Koepp, MD '39❊ Karen S. Kolba, MD '77❊ Dr. and Mrs. |Gary L. Kolesari ('77)❊ Dr. and Mrs.John K. Konkel ('77)Dr. and Mrs. Philip D. Konkel ('82)❊ Dr. and Mrs.George J. Korkos ('59)Dr. and Mrs.James G. Korkos ('86)❊ Ann M. Kosloske, MD, MPH '63Douglas R. Koth, MD '52 and✝ Kathryn R. Lewis-Koth, MD '52❊ Dr. and Mrs.Patrick G. Kraft ('77)❊ Dr. John ('82) andJeanne Kroner❊ Dr. and Mrs.Michael C. Kubly ('63)✝ Leonard W. Kuehnle, MD '46❊ Dr. and Mrs.Ervin F. Kuglitsch ('52)❊ Dr. and Mrs.John F. Kuglitsch ('69)❊ Shekar N.Kurpad, MD, PhD ('01)❊ Kesavan ('79) andClaire Kutty✝ Joseph F. Kuzma, MD '45 and✝ Mrs. Bernardine L. Kuzma❊ George M. Lange, MD '75 andMarlene Melzer-Lange, MD '75✝ Mark G. Langenfeld, MD '70and Mrs. Jane Langenfeld❊ Dr. and Mrs.Peter Langenstroer ('92)❊ Dr. and Mrs.James A. Larson ('58)❊ Mr. Robert andDr. Kathryn Lauer ('84)Dr. Frederick ('69) andLisa Laun❊ Dr. Colleen A. Lawton ('83) andMr. Patrick S. LawtonDr. Anna M. Ledgerwood ('67)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Ernest K. H. Lee ('62)❊ Robert P. Lehmann, MD '73✝ Dr. Jacob Lemann, Jr.('88 Honorary Alum) andMrs. Mary M. Lemann❊ ✝ Dr. and Mrs.William E. Lenahan ('51)❊ Jan Lennon('04 Honorary Alum)✝ Derward Lepley, Jr., MD '49❊ Dr. and Mrs.Michael S. Liebner ('74)❊ Dr. William J. ('68) andMrs. Marlene F. Listwan✝ Dr. and ✝ Mrs.John R. Litzow ('59)❊ Dr. John A. Lo Giudice, Jr. ('07)❊ Dr. and Mrs. Todd A. Loehrl ('91)Mr. ('10 Honorary Alum) andMrs. Sheldon B. Lubar('10 Honorary Alum)❊ Dr. and Mrs. Philip R. Lucas ('73)Dr. and Mrs.Thomas A. Lyons ('67)Dr. and Mrs. Gordon T. Ma ('58)Melissa Y. Macias, MD, PhD '02✝ Dr. William J. Madden ('46)Dr. and Mrs.John M. Maggiano ('78)Dr. and Mrs.George J. Magovern ('47)❊ Laurie and P. MichaelMahoney ('02 Honorary Alum)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Dennis J. Maiman ('77)❊ Dr. and Mrs.John J. Mallary (‘66)Dr. and Mrs.James P. Maney, Jr. ('82)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Orlando L. Manfredi ('52)❊ Dr. Tyshunda L. ('05) andMr. Robert Manning andFamily❊ Karen J. Marcdante, MD '80and Anthony Marcdante❊ Mr. and Mrs.Stephen H. Marcus('04 Honorary Alum)❊ Dr. Rita Marino '58❊ John B. Marta ('57)Dr. and Mrs.Dean L. Martinelli ('76)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Eugene W. Mauch ('52)❊ Dr. Alan P. Mautz ('09)Judith A. May, MD '85 andPaul S. Pagel, MD, PhD '86Jack K. Mayfield, MD '75✝ Dr. and Mrs.John P. McCann ('49)Daniel J. McCarty, MD '90Dr. and Mrs.Thomas J. McDevitt ('61)✝ Dr. and Mrs.Donald H. McDonald ('51)❊ Dr. Donald ('83) andSylvia McDonaldDr. Mary F. McDonald '85Dr. Meghan C. McDonald ('86)and Mr. David J. HarshmanDrs. Robert S. McDonald ('84) andCaroline C. McDonald✝ John andMarilyn McKenzie ('55)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Patrick J. McKenzie ('83)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Richard K. McNutt ('85)❊ Robert E. McWhirter, MD '72❊ Dr. and Mrs.Peter M. Medved ('86)❊✝ Carol M. Meils, MD '83❊ Mr. and Mrs. ('02 HonoraryAlum) John A. MellowesDr. and Mrs. Hrair-GeorgeOhannes Mesrobian ('06)William F. Mieler, MD '84Dr. and Mrs. Steven J. Millen ('73)❊✝ Dr. Charles O. Miller ('51) andMrs. Ruth Miller✝ Dr. Gerald ('65) andMarie MillerDr. and Mrs. James E. Minikel ('77)Dr. and Mrs. Bruce F. Mize ('68)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Stanley R. Mogelnicki ('75)❊ Alex E. Molchan, MD '53Dr. and Mrs.Richard L. Morgan ('64)❊ D. King Aymond, MD andCynthiane J. Morgenweck,MD, MA '77✝ Dr. and ✝ Mrs.Donald W. Mulder ('43)Dr. and Mrs. Tito Musacchio ('55)✝ Delbert P. Nachazel, Jr., MD '58✝ Dr. and ✝ Mrs.Glenn E. Nelson ('43)❊ Sherry L. Ness-Wenum, MD '77and Mr. John V. WenumDr. Minh N. Nguyen '85Dr. and Mrs.Joseph F. Nicastro ('69)William R. Niedermeier, MD '80✝ Claude E. Oberdorfer, MD '54and Mrs. Gloria Oberdorfer❊ Dr. Joseph ('82) andTeryl O'Grady❊✝ Mrs. Melodie WilsonOldenburg ('00 Honorary Alum)and Mr. Wayne C. Oldenburg❊✝ Dr. and ✝ Mrs.Robert C. Olson ('53)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Mark T. O'Meara ('77)Dr. and Mrs.Thomas J. O'Regan ('66)❊ Dr. Janis M. Orlowski ('82) andMr. William J. McNulty❊ Mary F. Otterson, MD '84 , MS,FACS and Mr. Andrew J. Selep✝ Mr. ('98 Honorary Alum) and✝ Mrs. Philip W. Orth✝ Dr. and Mrs.Richard C. Oudenhoven ('52)Dr. and Mrs. Howard J. Palay ('65)Ashwini W. Pandit, MD '02Dr. and Mrs. Leo Parnagian ('61)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Robert S. Pavlic ('54)❊ ✝ Dr. Gene ('65) andPatti Pawlowski✝ Dr. Joseph M. Pawlowski ('53)❊ Dr. and Mrs.William T. Pennington ('94)❊ Dr. and Mrs.James B. Perry ('56)❊ ✝ Dr. and Mrs.Greg A. Peters ('67)Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Peters ('79)✝ Dr. and Mrs. John T. Phelan ('47)Dr. and Mrs. Michael Phillips ('76)❊ Dr. and Mrs. Frank T. Pilney ('59)❊ Robert B. Pittelkow, MD '52Dr. and Mrs.James D. Pollock ('68)❊ Carol M. Porth, PhD '80Dr. and Mrs. Rolf F. Poser ('78)❊ Jon W. Potter, DO ('04)❊ Dr. and Mrs.William F. Prudlow ('70)❊ Dr. and Mrs.John A. Puk ('58)ALUMNI HONOR ROLL <strong>2012</strong> 21

Robert V.Purtock, MD '80, PhD '77Dr. and Mrs. Eli A. Ramirez ('42)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Humberto R. Ravelo ('72)❊ Nanjappareddy M. Reddy,MD '79 andNagaveni M. Reddy, DDS✝ Dr. and ✝ Mrs.James R. Regan ('29)✝ Dr. and Mrs.Michael J. Regan ('59)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Kenneth W. Reichert, II ('86)Richard J. Reid, MD '81Dr. and Mrs.Charles F. Reuben ('72)❊ Dr. and Mrs.George J. Reul ('62)❊ Dr. John ('04) andAngela RheeDr. Stuart G. Rice '87✝ John S. Rienzo, MD '45❊ William S. Rilling, MD '95 andKathryn A. PerelliDr. and Mrs.James M. Roach ('67)✝ James A. Roberts, MD '73 and✝ Mrs. Rosemary FrankowRoberts❊ Nathaniel M. Robinson, MD '54Dr. and Mrs. Gary L. Rose ('77)❊ Dr. Lucille B. Rosenberg ('69)and ✝ Mr. Jack Rosenberg❊ Dr. and Mrs.Kenneth A. Ross ('62)✝ Dr. and Mrs.Daniel L. Rousseau ('47)Dr. and Mrs.Mark S. Ruttum ('81)❊ Dr. James ('67) andJanet Rydlewicz❊ Dr. and ✝ Mrs.Sanbo S. Sakaguchi ('43)❊ Dr. Michael ('76) andErica SanDrettoEdward A. Sanders, MD '57Dr. and Mrs.Peter M. Sanfelippo ('65)✝ Dominick J. Savino, MD '52 andMrs. Dorothy Savino✝ James A. Schelble, MD '49✝ Dr. Mary B. Scheurich-Maney('51) and Mr. James P. ManeyDr. and Mrs.David L. Schiedermayer ('81)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Donald P. Schlueter ('59)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Gregory J. Schmeling ('89)❊ Meic ('94) andWendy Schmidt❊ Dr. and Mrs.Thomas D. Schmitz ('62)Dr. and Mrs.William F. Schneider ('60)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Christopher J. Schultz ('85)Karen Schultz Shimshak, MD '85Dr. Richard O. Schultz('89 Honorary Alum) andMrs. Diane Haldane✝ Dr. and ✝ Mrs.Myron Schuster ('41)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Jeffrey P. Schwab ('78)Gary (‘89) and Nancy Seabrook❊ Dr. and Mrs.Donald G. Seitz ('67)❊ Linda L. Sell, MD '80❊ Dr. Robert L. ('76) andKimberly A. SendeleReza Shaker, MD '88❊ Dr. and Mrs.Mark W. Sharon ('79)❊ William W. ('64) andCarol A. Sheehan❊ Bhavna P. Sheth, MD '92❊ Dr. and Mrs.Kaup R. Shetty ('72)✝ Richard T. Shore, MD '62Dr. and Mrs. Peter K. Sien ('75)Dr. Paul J. Sienkiewicz ('84) and✝ Mrs. Christine L. SienkiewiczDr. and Mrs.Eugene P. Sinclair ('61)Dr. and Mrs.Thomas E. Singlevich ('75)❊ Sam ('55) and Jean Skemp✝ Joseph P. Skibba, Sr., MD '31and ✝ Mrs. Carol SkibbaDr. and Mrs.Stanley J. Sliwinski ('75)✝ Robert F. Sly, MD '46Dr. and Mrs.Dennis R. Smith ('81)✝ Mr. ('01 Honorary Alum) and✝ Mrs. Lloyd B. SmithDr. and Mrs.Michael J. Smullen ('73)Monica B. Spaulding, MD '66Diane M. Spieker, MD '61✝ Dr. William C. Sroka ('46) and✝ Mrs. Helen Sroka❊ Dr. and Mrs.James A. Stadler, II ('73)✝ William F. Stapp, MD '51John S. Stehlin, Jr., MD '47❊ Dr. Thomas J. Stengel ('91)❊ Dr. Tom ('65) and Polly StilpDr. and Mrs.Thomas J. St<strong>of</strong>fel ('69)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Michael A. Strigenz ('83)❊ Dr. Shigeo Sumida ('57)John D. Suson, MD '92❊ Dr. Judy P. Suson-Hoggatt ('95)and Mr. Scott HoggattDr. and Mrs. L. Cass Terry ('69)❊ Dr. Larry L. Teuber '91❊ Dr. Frank andMrs. Pat Thornton ('65)❊ Dr. and Mrs.David A. Toivonen ('89)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Mark A. Tomski ('84)❊ Dr. Steven M. ('86) andMichelle Tomski❊ Dr. and Mrs.Robert J. Toohill ('60)❊ Elise Torczynski, MD '69Dr. and Mrs.Joseph E. Trader ('71)✝ Donald D. Tresch, MD '71 andMrs. Connie Tresch❊ Denise M. Trinkl, MD '91 andSteven R. Trinkl, MD '89Dr. Katherine E. Trudnowski ('64)andMr. Roderick J. Minogue❊ Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Turley ('72)❊ Dr. James E. ('91) andDeborah A. Tylke❊ Julia A. Uihlein, MA '99 andMr. David V. Uihlein✝ Mrs. Robert A.Uihlein, Jr. ('02 Honorary Alum)Dr. and Mrs.John H. Van Gilder ('55)Dr. and Mrs.Waldo R. Varberg ('65)Drs. ✝ Elieser and✝ Eufrocina C. ('55)Vasquez-Suson❊ Dr. and Mrs.Rama P. Venu ('80)✝ Edward W. Vetter, MD '38 and✝ Mrs. Myrtle G. Vetter❊ Brian andKristen ('01) VolkmanChristopher VollrathSchumacher, MD '11Dr. Victoria A. Vollrath ('77) andMr. Stephen J. Schumacher❊ Dr. and Mrs.Gilbert S. Wadina ('61)✝ Dr. and Mrs.Gerald W. Wadina ('65)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Richard O. Wagner ('74)Dr. and Mrs.Richard J. Wakefield ('77)Dr. and Mrs. John A. Walker ('56)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Joel A. Wallskog ('01)❊ Dr. Brian P. Walsh ('96)Dr. and Mrs. F. Michael Walsh ('71)Susan E. Waraczynski, MD '79and Bharat Y. Pathakjee, MD❊ David C. Warltier, MD, PhD '82❊ Dr. and Mrs.William G. Weber ('60)Dr. and Mrs. John A. Weigelt ('74)❊ Dr. Melissa M. Wein '05Dr. and Mrs.Frederick J. Weisbrot ('73)❊ Jason S. Weisfeld,MD '72, MPH❊ Dr. and Mrs.Robert J. Werra ('57)Dr. and Mrs.George E. Whalen ('59)James Q. Whitaker, MD '69❊ Mr. ('05 Honorary Alum) andMrs. James B. Wigdale❊ Herbert ('73) andCatherine ('73) Wigder✝ Earl B. Williams, MD '31❊ Dr. ('11 Honorary Alum) andMrs. J. Frank Wilson('05 Honorary Alum)❊ Dr. Stuart D. Wilson ('65)❊ Dr. and Mrs.William J. Wirostko ('99)❊ Beth EricksonWittmann, MD '84 andThomas Wittmann, MD '84Dr. John W. Wolf ('81) andJulie K. Wolf❊ Dr. and Mrs. Steven J. Wolf ('76)✝ Donald G. Wong, MD '63 andMrs. Victoria WongDr. and Mrs.A. Stephen Woo, Jr. ('64)Dr. and Mrs.James H. Woods ('75)❊ Michael ('79) andSusan Woods✝ Dr. and Mrs.William C. Woods ('52)Dr. and Mrs.James A. Wright ('86)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Robert C. Wubben ('80)Dr. William ('81) andMrs. Carolyn YankeElsie J. Yarbrough, MD '41❊ James ('08) and Sally Youker❊ Dr. and Mrs.Raymond C. Zastrow ('55)✝ Dr. F. F. Zboralske ('30)✝ Dr. and ✝ Mrs. Walter Zeit ('39)❊ Dr. Anthony P. Ziebert ('60)Drs. Janet andJoseph Zuckerman ('78)22 ALUMNI HONOR ROLL <strong>2012</strong>

PRESIDENTS’CIRCLELeadership and visionare hallmarks <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> President.The Presidents’ Circlecommemorates our currentand past presidents inadvancing the <strong>Medical</strong><strong>College</strong> toward nationallyrecognized, innovativeexcellence. Circle membersmake a minimumcommitment <strong>of</strong> $10,000,payable at $2,000 annuallyfor five years. The 357members <strong>of</strong> the Presidents’Circle include 164 alumni.✝ Deceased❊ Continuing Donors❊ AnonymousAnonymous❊✝ Dr. and Mrs.E. James Aiman (‘69)Dr. and Mrs.Richard W. Baehler ('69)Anthony H. Balcom, MD '84✝ Dr. and Mrs.Antoine Barrette ('53)Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Bartos ('57)Dr. Gita R. Baruah ('82) andDr. Jitendra K. Baruah❊ Dr. Dale E. Bauwens ('84)❊ Dr. Keith E. Baynes ('07)Dr. and Mrs.Alphonso A. Belsito ('59)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Ramon H. Bermudez ('61)Dr. Andrew V. Beykovsky ('06)❊ Gary S. Bochna, MD '82❊ Dr. and Mrs.Zeljko J. Bosnjak ('79)✝ Dr. and Mrs.Herman R. Brukardt ('41)❊ Sheldon Burchman, MD '55❊ Dr. Lourdes G. ('73) andDr. Rodolfo G. Burgos❊ Dr. María del CarmenBustillo ('75)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Joseph J. Carroll ('02)Drs. John M. ('66) andMaureen A. Casamiquela❊ Dr. Roberta M. Case ('73)Dr. and Mrs. |James M. Cerletty ('58)Dr. and Mrs.Allen E. Chantelois ('84)David Cheng '85William R. Clarke, MD '05Dr. John A. Coats ('87)❊ Drs. Jennifer M. ('03) andJames F. Connelly ('02)❊ Francisco Correa-Paz, MD '77✝ Polly Harding Craft, MD '76❊ William J. Crowley, MD '53Dr. and Mrs. Brian G. Cuddy ('94)❊ Richard J.Declusin, MD, PhD '78❊ Yolanda P. Dela Cruz '92Margaret A. Dhamee, MD '74and Mohammed S.Dhamee, MD '74❊ William V. Dolan, MD '74❊ Dr. Rachel A. English ('89) andMr. Patrick J. English❊ Dr. and Mrs.Christopher J. Evanich ('90)Dr. and Mrs.John J. Eversman ('61)❊ Dr. and Mrs.David B. Fagan ('93)❊ Mary Fernandez-Clowry,MD '70 andLawrence J. Clowry, Jr, MD❊ Dr. Joan M. Bedinghaus andDr. Seth L. Foldy ('05)❊ Dr. and Mrs. Martin J. Fox ('78)❊ Rose A. Franco, MD '91 andJose Franco, MD '90❊ Dr. and Mrs.Travis E. Fromwiller ('01)❊ Dr. and Mrs. Adam Fueredi ('61)Maria Gaddi-Herrera, MD '80and Zosimo R. Herrera, MD❊ Richard A. Gallo, MD '78❊ Dr. and Mrs.James D. Gardner ('75)❊ Kevin J. Goniu, MD '80❊ Dr. and Mrs.Kandavar M. Gopal ('79)❊ Drs. Helen V. ('56) andFrancis A. Goswitz ('56)❊ Emily Johnson Grade, MD '87❊ Caren andDavid Gregg, MD '82Dr. Jean A. Grueter ('80) andDr. Thomas A. Niccolai ('80)Neil Guenther, MD '83❊ Dr. and Mrs. Alex C. Guira ('62)❊ Dr. James W. Hainer ('66) andMrs. Hanna Zyruk❊ Drs. Karen J. ('95) andDavid A. Halle ('94)❊ Tom ('80) and Linda HalloinDr. and Mrs. John A. Harding ('81)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Robert A. Hieb ('98)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Tom R. Hodges ('52)Dr. and Mrs.Terry A. Hollenbeck ('71)❊ Eric A. Holley ('02)❊ Betty andJoseph ('43) JauquetDr. Subbanna Jayaprakash ('88)❊ Shailesh G. Joshi, MD '81 andRajeshri S. Joshi❊ Scott ('81) andLinda Karempelis✝ Dr. and Mrs.Anthony F. Karich '54Dr. Firas R. Karmo ('03)Dr. and Mrs. Karl J. Kassity ('58)❊ Thomas A. Kegel, MD ('60) andCamille KegelDr. and Mrs.William R. Kennedy ('58)Charles A. Klein, MD '81 andSusan E. Freundl, DDS❊ Drs. Gerda ('79) andRobert Klingbeil ('62)Alka Kohli, MD '82Dr. and Mrs. John A. Kole ('91)❊ Kan Kondo, MD, PhD '93❊ Dr. and Mrs.Dennis J. Kontra ('70)❊ Ann M. Kools, MD '82❊ Dr. Kathleen M.Schneider-Kowalski ('84) andDr. Jacek M. Kowalski ('84)❊ Drs. Beth ('93) andBob Krippendorf ('90)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Randall S. Kuhlmann ('84)Dr. and Mrs. John B. Kurtin ('68)❊ Scott Kurzer ('96) andShu-Hua Wang ('96)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Mitchell F. Kwaterski ('64)Dr. and Mrs.Alexander R. Lampone ('72)❊ Lawrence ('63) andJean Larson❊ Dr. and Mrs.Paul A. Larson ('87)Dr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Lassa II ('72)❊ Dr. and Mrs. Paul Lemen ('97)❊ Dr. Michael R. Lund ('00) andDr. Jill C. Costello ('04)❊ Dr. Shalini Sharma andDr. Mohit Maheshwari ('09)❊ Suzanne J. Martens,MD, MPH '95❊ Anne T. Martinelli, MD '01Daniel J. McDermott, PhD '69 andMrs. Janet D. McDermott❊ Drs. Daryl Melzer ('77) andRita HansonDrs. Jan Merfeld ('92) andKevin Murray ('82)Dr. and Mrs.Myron D. Mikaelian ('83)Dr. Greg ('96) andMolly MillerPaul S. Mintz, MD '82❊ David C. Moe, MD '00❊ Dr. and Mrs.Edwin G. Montgomery ('61)✝ Wallace Morton, MD '34❊ Dr. Anne M. Nachazel Toal ('84)and Mr. Robert E. Toal❊ Dr. Julianne R. Newcomer ('87)✝ Dr. Boyd F. Nirschl ('53) andMrs. Nancy B. Nirschl❊ Robert P. Nirschl, MD '58, MSDr. and Mrs.Patrick J. Noonan ('57)❊ Drs. Christine M. ('97) andOlaf B. Nordling ('00)❊ Dr. and Mrs.William J. O'Leary ('62)Mark T. O'Meara, MD '42Janet Osborne, MD '91 andMelissa BeastromDr. Smita N. Patel ('84) andMr. Narendra C. Patel❊ Margaret M.F.Pawlowski, MD '54❊ Dr. Mabel M. Perez ('84) andMr. Alfredo PerezDr. and Mrs.Randle E. Pollard ('58)❊ Bill ('99 Honorary Alum) andWendy Randall❊ Morris T. Reagan, MD '76❊ Dr. Larry Reif ('80)❊ Dr. and Mrs. Robert Rilling ('01)Syed MuhammadAzfar Rizvi, MD '09❊ Nathaniel M. Robinson, MD '54❊ Dr. Irwin I. Rosenfeld ('76)❊ Drs. Lawrence ('75) andPolly Ryan❊ Robert P. Saichek, MD '46Martin E. Samuel, MD '75, DDS❊ Dr. and Mrs.Michael J. Schmalz ('83)❊ James E. Schneider, MD '82❊ Dr. and Mrs.Timothy K. Schultz ('90)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Timothy R. Schum ('77)Joseph C. Serletti, MD '51❊ Drs. Lori Siegel ('87) andSteve Koppel ('87)✝ James R. Slamer, MD '50❊ Dr. Maureen Arendt Smithers('87) and Mr. Charlie Smithers❊ Dr. and Mrs.Joseph J. Souza ('90)❊ Dr. and Mrs. Brett M. Sprtel ('01)ALUMNI HONOR ROLL <strong>2012</strong> 23

❊ Dr. and Mrs.James R. Stabenau ('55)Robert J. Starshak, MD '68Jeff ('95) and Lynda Stephany❊ Gary ('87) and Rene Steven❊ Dr. and Mrs.Robert J. Stevens ('84)❊ Dr. Philip E. Stieg ('83)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Charles Stillerman ('89) andFamily❊ Dr. Grace S. Tay ('99)❊ Dr. and Mrs. Brent G. Thiel ('93)❊ Dr. Timothy N. Thompson ('87)and Ms. Lynn R. Yamanaka❊ Drs. Jill ('01) andTim ('01) Vollbrecht❊ John W. Walsh, MD '64❊ Dr. Alan A. ('72) andCarol A. Wartenberg❊ Dr. Dan ('77) andBetty Wartinbee❊ Ellen J. Westdorp ('87)Dr. and Mrs.Richard A. Williams ('79)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Stephen B. Wilson ('84)Dr. and Mrs.Daniel J. Worman ('92)❊ Dr. Wallace C. Wu ('74)❊ Shye-Ren Yeh, MD '91LEGACY SOCIETYThe Legacy Societyrecognizes donors whomake the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> abeneficiary <strong>of</strong> a will, livingtrust, charitable remaindertrust, charitable lead trust orlife insurance policy. It alsorecognizes donors whopurchase a <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong>gift annuity.The list below includesalumni members only. The200 total members <strong>of</strong> theLegacy Society include 102alumni.✝ Deceased❊ Continuing DonorsAnonymous✝ Dr. and Mrs.Thomas O. Affeldt ('53)Dr. James L. ('53) andDorothy E. Algiers✝ William J. Allison, MD '43❊ Caridad B. Asiddao, MD '73✝ Dr. and Mrs.Robert K. Ausman ('57)✝ Edward J. Beil, MD '52✝ Mack J. Bellaire, MD '30✝ Kathryn C. Bemmann, MD '56❊ Steve ('74) and Sue BerginMr. and Mrs. John F. Bergstrom('01 Honorary Alum)❊ Dr. Harvey M. Bernstein ('56)and Mrs. PhyllisR. Holzman-Bernstein❊ Dr. Crain ('75) andMargaret Bliwas❊ Ginny ('10 Honorary Alum) andMike Bolger('95 Honorary Alum)✝ Dr. and ✝ Mrs.Carl W. Bradford ('28)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Stephen L. Brenneke ('77)✝ Alvin H. Brusky, MD '31 and✝ Mrs. Helen BruskyRoger W. Byhardt, MD '68, FACR❊ Dr. and Mrs. LeRoy J. Byrd ('64)❊ Dr. and Mrs.John O. Chamberlain ('52)Dr. and Mrs.Donald E. Chisholm ('56)✝ Dr. Donald J. Chrzan ('57)❊ Catherine J. Condon, MD '63❊ Dr. Lois A. Connolly ('84) andMr. Patrick J. ConnollyDr. and Mrs.William P. Curran, Jr. ('66)✝ Dr. and ✝ Mrs.Donald P. Davis ('48)✝ Dr. and Mrs.Elmer M. Doherty ('44)Drs. William ('62) andPatricia Donovan✝ Dr. and Mrs.Robert J. Francis ('60)Drs. Janis and David Frisch ('72)❊ Dr. William B. ('46) andAnnette M. FrymarkRobert G. Godersky, MD '60Dr. Patrick F. Golden ('64)Dr. Joseph ('46) andKathryn Hamel✝ Mr. Jack F. Hanus('96 Honorary Alum)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Mark L. Harlow ('86)Dr. and Mrs.G. Bruce Hopkins ('66)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Thomas J. Imray ('65)✝ Dr. and ✝ Mrs.Arthur J. Jacobsen ('52)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Michael T. Jaekels ('55)John F. Janis, MD '59 andJoan M. Janis✝ Aran S. Johnson, MD '49Dr. and Mrs.Charles L. Junkerman ('47)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Arthur W. Kaemmer ('70)Dr. and Mrs. Karl J. Kassity ('58)Dr. Marita D. Kenna ('51)Dr. and Mrs.Leonard L. Kishner ('46)Dr. and Mrs. William C. Klein ('65)❊ Arvind K. Kochar, MD andMahendr S. Kochar, MD, '72✝ Charles E. Koepp, MD '39❊ Karen S. Kolba, MD '77Mr. ('07 Honorary Alum) andMrs. John C. Koss, Sr.Douglas R. Koth, MD '52 and✝ Kathryn R. Lewis-Koth, MD '52❊ Kesavan ('79) andClaire Kutty❊ Dr. Louis F. Lawrence ('48)Dr. and Mrs. David J. Licht ('80)Dr. and Mrs. R. Scott Liebl ('73)❊ Dr. William J. ('68) andMrs. Marlene F. ListwanDr. Charlie ('77) andEileen Lonsdorf✝ Dr. and Mrs.Lloyd P. Maasch ('53)Dr. Thomas J. McNaughton ('62)❊ Robert E. McWhirter, MD '72✝ Carol M. Meils, MD '83❊ Dr. and Mrs.G. Daniel Miller ('54)❊ Marlene M. Mirassou, MD '76✝ Dr. and Mrs.Howard V. Morter ('42)✝ Dr. and ✝ Mrs.Glenn E. Nelson ('43)❊ Sherry L. Ness-Wenum, MD '77and John V. WenumNancy E. Noel, MD '85Dr. and Mrs.Walter A. Offenhartz ('79)❊ ✝ Dr. and ✝ Mrs.Robert C. Olson ('53)✝ Mr. ('98 Honorary Alum) and✝ Mrs. Philip W. Orth❊✝ Dr. Gene ('65) andPatti Pawlowski❊ Robert B. Pittelkow, MD '52❊ Bill ('99 Honorary Alum) andWendy RandallDr. and Mrs. Gary L. Rose ('77)Kenneth R. Roth ('63)✝ Dr. and Mrs.Daniel L. Rousseau ('47)❊ Dr. David V. Rousseau ('65)Dr. Donald ('51) andMrs. Nathalie RoweDr. Elissa G. Rusher ('83)Dr. and ✝ Mrs.Thomas J. Russell ('62)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Edward A. Ryan ('57)❊ Dr. and ✝ Mrs.Sanbo S. Sakaguchi ('43)Claire L. Scheele, MD '73, FACSandMelanie S. Collins, RN, MSN❊ Dr. and Mrs.Donald P. Schlueter ('59)❊ Dr. Robert D. ('62) andPatricia A. Schmidt✝ Gerald L. Schmitz, MD '64❊ Samuel G. Scime, MD '62William J. Scott, MD '78❊ William W. ('64) andCarol A. SheehanDr. and Mrs.Thomas E. Singlevich ('75)✝ Robert F. Sly, MD '46Monica B. Spaulding, MD '66Benjamin F. Storer, MD '47John D. Suson, MD '92❊✝ Dr. Ernest D. Szabados ('46)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Robert J. Toohill ('60)✝ Mrs. Robert A. Uihlein, Jr.('03 Honorary Alum)Dr. Donald ('51) andCarmilla Ullrich24 ALUMNI HONOR ROLL <strong>2012</strong>

Dr. Victoria A. Vollrath ('77) andMr. Stephen J. Schumacher❊ Dr. and Mrs.Richard O. Wagner ('74)Dr. and Mrs. John A. Walker ('56)Dr. and Mrs. F. Michael Walsh ('71)❊ Dr. Alan A. ('72) andCarol A. Wartenberg❊ Jason Weisfeld, MD, MPH '72❊ Elizabeth L. Wimberg, MD '58Dr. and Mrs.James H. Woods ('75)❊ Dr. and Mrs.Raymond C. Zastrow ('55)Thomas Ziolkowski MD '82❊ Dr. Joseph J. ('54) andMrs. Mary Ann ZoreGOLDEN CIRCLEWe extend a special thankyou to our Golden CircleDonors: alumni whograduated 50 or more yearsago. Alumni are listed byclass year.✝ Deceased✪ Walter Zeit Fellows★ Presidents’ CircleLegacy DonorsFrancis B. Landis, MD '41✪ Isabel V. Estrada, MD '42★ Joseph M. Jauquet, MD '43✪ Sanbo S. Sakaguchi, MD '43James N. Yamazaki, MD '43Jonathan Slomowitz, MD '44Marvin Wagner, MD '44Foster J. Jacobson, MD '45John J. Brennan, MD '46Robert C. Fenzl, MD '46✪ William B. Frymark, MD '46John T. Hotter, MDKiesl K. Kaufman, MDJay A. Larkey, MDGlen E. McCormick, MD '46Joseph T. Sadzikowski, MD '46★ Robert P. Saichek, MD '46Raymond P. Salamone, MD '46John E. Sinsky, MD '46✝ Ernest D. Szabados, MD '46Ralph S. Gage, MD '47William K. H<strong>of</strong>fman, MD '47Harry J. Kanin, MD '47Philip E. Podruch, MD '47Seymour Solomon, MD '47Kenneth J. Stollenwerk, MD '47Robert E. Bolinske, MD '48Richard K. Crissman, MD '48Louis F. Lawrence, MD '48Dorothy RayburnMcVann, MD '48Milton J. Fox, MD '49James A. Groh, MD '49Stanley A. Korducki, MD '49Stephen P. Sedlak, MD '49Roland M. Thurow, MD '49James E. Banta, MD, MPH '50Louis J. Sanfilippo, MD '50✪ John J. Frederick, MD '51Marita D. Kenna, MD '51✪✝ William E. Lenahan, MD '51William G. Longe, MD '51✪✝ Charles O. Miller, MD '51Robert L. Smith, MD '51Edgar W. Webb, MD '51Russell N. Worobec, MD '51Gerald R. Zupnik, MD '51✪ John O. Chamberlain, MD '52Nicholas C. DeLeo, MD '52Raymond F. Doyle, MD '52David V. Foley, MD '52★ Thomas R. Hodges, MD '52✪ Ervin F. Kuglitsch, MD '52✪ Orlando L. Manfredi, MD '52Stanton A. Marks, MD '52✪ Eugene W. Mauch, MD '52T. F. McCormick, MD '52Bruce L. Meyers, MD '52✪ Robert B. Pittelkow, MD '52★ William J. Crowley, MD '53Thomas J. Gerend, MD '53Robert F. Madden, MD '53James L. McKenna, MD '53✪ Alex E. Molchan, MD '53✪✝ Robert C. Olson, MD '53Stuart G. Weisfeldt, MD '53H. Allan Bloomer, MD, FACP '54John J. Burroughs, MD '54Robert J. Hanlon, MD '54William C. Harris, MD '54✪ Richard J. Kitz, MD '54Frank J. Krhovsky, MD '54William M. Lavette, MD '54G. Daniel Miller, MD '54James D. O'Brien, MD '54✪ Robert S. Pavlic, MD '54★ Margaret M.F.Pawlowski, MD '54✪ Nathaniel M. Robinson, MD '54Bernhard J. Schumacher, MD '54Thomas R. Walters, MD '54Joseph J. Zore, MD '54Daniel H. Anderson, MD '55Donna M. Barras, MD '55★ Sheldon L. Burchman, MD '55D. Roger Burschinger, MD '55Joseph P. Cillo, Sr., MD '55Donald J. Conlon, MD '55Gloria D. Eng, MD '55Carol M. Franklin, MD '55✪ Wayne L. Hellman, MD '55Robert M. Hermann,MD '55, FACSPhilip C. Hessburg, MD '55✪ Michael T. Jaekels, MD '55Richard H. Mabie, MD '55James R. Nellen, MD '55Newton D. Scherl, MD '55✪ Samuel J. Skemp, Sr., MD '55★ James R. Stabenau, MD '55James C. Starke, MD '55John A. Tribbey, MD '55✪ Raymond C. Zastrow, MD '55Robert C. Zuege, MD '55Harvey H. Bernstein, MD '56Domenick S. Bruno, MD '56✪John J. Czajka, MD '56Stuart A. Davis, MD '56✪ William A. Finger, MD '56John Q. Gallagher, MD '56✪ James E. Gonyo, MD '56★ Francis A. Goswitz, MD '56★ Helen V. Goswitz, MD '56Thomas A. H<strong>of</strong>bauer, MD '56Anthony M. Kowalski, MD '56Howard L. Kuhl, MD '56James M. Lee, MD '56Alexander J. MacGillis, MD '56Bertram I. Milson, MD '56Richard H. Patterson, MD '56✪ James B. Perry, MD '56Augustus Reid, MD '56James T. Schulz, MD '56John A. Spalding, MD '56Frank J. Stergiades, MD '56✪ John H. Beaumier, MD '57John C. Budicin, MD '57John M. C<strong>of</strong>fey, MD '57Gerald R. Druckrey, MD '57Paul R. Glunz, MD '57Thomas J. Krizek, MD '57Francis P. Kwan, MD '57Richard L. Leverenz, MD '57✪ John B. Marta, MD '57Alfred Meyers, MD '57Richard C. Murray, MD '57Joseph S. Myers, MD '57Edward A. Ryan, MD '57Charles A. Skemp, MD '57✪ Shigeo Sumida, MD '57John C. Teich, MD '57✪ Robert J. Werra, MD '57Edward J. <strong>Winter</strong>, MD '57Robert T. Adlam, MD '58Manuel L. Carbonell, MD '58Michael F. Conmy, MD '58Donald A. Daugherty, MD '58James M. Glick, MD '58John P. Grimaldi, MD '58✪ Thomas W.Grossman, Sr., MD '58James M. Killian, MD '58Ralph A. Kloehn, MD '58✝ Eugene F. Kralicek, MD '58✪ James A. Larson, MD '58E. Gerald Lathers, MD '58Robert F. Lipo, MD '58✪ Rita M. Marino, MD '58Richard G. Moutvic, MD '58★ Robert P. Nirschl, MD, MS '58✪John A. Puk, MD '58Rudolph J. Scrimenti, MD '58Elizabeth L. Wimberg, MD '58Willard J. Wyman, MD '58Thomas E. Zabors, MD '58F. Frank Zboralske, MD '58James S. Ziolkowski, MD '58Anonymous '59Ralph J. Alfidi, MD '59John F. Altstadt, MD '59Harold B. Biller, MD '59George C. Bonertz, MD '59William M. Brennan, MD '59Thomas P. Chisholm, MD '59J. Paul Dittrich, MD '59✪ Timothy T. Flaherty, MD '59Robert P. Gannon, MD '59Michael S. Garrity, MD, ABFP '59John M. Haas, Jr., MD '59Stanley G. Hall, MD '59✪ George J. Korkos, MD '59Henry F. Lenartz, MD '59Thomas M. McCarthy, MD '59John E. McMahon, MD '59Ralph P. Miech, MD, PhD '59✪ Frank T. Pilney, MD '59John S. Sauer, MD '59✪ Donald P. Schlueter, MD '59John W. Utrie, MD '59James W. Voell, MD '59John R. Beck, MD '60Kenneth J. Cichosz, MD '60Clayton A. Feldman, MD '60Edward J. Gallagher, MD '60✪ Michael H. Keelan, Jr., MD '60★ Thomas A. Kegel, MD '60Erwin F. Koenig, MD '60Kim H. Lull<strong>of</strong>f, MD '60Wilfred G. Man, MD '60Frederick W. McLean, MD '60John T. McManus, MD '60John R. Rogers, MD '60Arthur J. Sugiyama, MD '60Col. H. Robert Thering, MD '60✪ Robert J. Toohill, MD '60✪ William G. Weber, MD '60✪ Anthony P. Ziebert, MD '60★ Ramon H. Bermudez, MD '61Milan E. Blaskovics, MD '61✪ Donald S. Blatnik, MD '61✝ John W. Curtin, MD '61Salvatore J. DeFrancesco, MD '61Mary Ann Dietz-Lowe, MD '61Michael A. Donlan, MD '61ALUMNI HONOR ROLL <strong>2012</strong> 25

★ Adam Fueredi, MD '61Joseph E. Gutierrez, MD '61Robert G. Isom, MD '61Gene T. Izuno, MD '61F. Fuller McBride, MD '61✝ Abdallah G. Melkonian, MD '61★ Edwin G. Montgomery, MD '61Kenneth R. Peters, MD '61Thomas F. Roe, MD '61Walter R. Schwartz, MD '61✪ Gilbert S. Wadina, MD '61HONORARY ALUMNIALUMNI DONORS BY CLASSThe <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> extends its deepest appreciation to our medical, resident, graduate and fellowalumni for their financial support. Alumni gifts for unrestricted program support, studentscholarships/financial aid and other programs are critical to the <strong>College</strong>’s continued prosperity.The following names are divided by type <strong>of</strong> alumni (medical, resident, graduate, fellow) and either year<strong>of</strong> graduation (for medical alumni) or area <strong>of</strong> study (for resident and graduate alumni). The <strong>Medical</strong><strong>College</strong>’s <strong>2012</strong> Annual Report & Honor Roll, published earlier, lists donors (alumni and non-alumni) byamount given.✝ Deceased★ Presidents’ Circle✪ Walter Zeit FellowsLegacy Donors✝ Deceased❊ Continuing Donors✪❊ Ginny ('10) andMike Bolger, JD ('95)❊ Mr. Thomas R. Hefty ('06)✪❊ Mr. Stavri G. Joseph ('79)✪❊ Ted ('11) andMary Kellner ('11)✪❊ Dr. Robert D. ('09) andDr. Patricia E. Kern ('09)✪❊ Jan Lennon ('04)✪❊ Mr. P. Michael Mahoney ('02)✪❊ Mr. Stephen H. Marcus ('04)❊ Mr. Jon P. McGlocklin ('87)✪❊ Mrs. Linda T. Mellowes ('02)✪✝ Mrs. Melodie WilsonOldenburg ('00)★❊ Mr. William L. Randall ('99)❊ Allan H. Selig ('11)✪❊ Mr. James B. Wigdale ('05)✪❊ J. Frank Wilson, MD ('11) andMrs. Vera B. Wilson ('05)✪❊ James E. Youker, MD ('08)MEDICAL ALUMNI DONORSCLASS OF 196255% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 4✪ AnonymousRichard A. Collins, MD✪ Michael F. Crist<strong>of</strong>oro, MDGholi G. Darien, MD, FACPErnest C. Deeds, MDLee R. Duffner, MD✪ Michael J. Dunn, MDTerrance N. Fisher, MDWilliam E. Frank, MDJohn F. Fraser, MD✪ Henry M. Goldberg, MDMaury D. Graves, MDPatrick D. Guinan, MD★ Alex C. Guira, MDRichard F. Hearn, MDLee A. Hebert, MDR. David Helling, MD✪ Hideo Karatsu, MD✪ Allan A. Knudson, MD✪ Ernest K.H. Lee, MDJohn M. Macksood, MDMichael J. Mally, MDCarl J. Mani, MDJ. W. Meighan, MDJoseph A. Ogonek, MD★ William J. O'Leary, MD✪ George J. Reul, MD✪ Kenneth A. Ross, MD✪ Thomas D. Schmitz, MDSamuel G. Scime, MDRichard B. Sheridan, MDSalvatore A. Spicuzza, MDWilliam C. Stewart, MDThomas P. Straub, MDFrank R. Villalobos, MDRichard E. Wood, MDCLASS OF 196325% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 2✪ M. Joseph Bowler, MD✪ John D. Brusky, MDCatherine J. Condon, MD✪ Walter E. Gager, MDRichard A. Kessler, MD✪ Ann M. Kosloske, MD, MPH✪ Michael C. Kubly, MD★ Lawrence S. Larson, MDPatrick F. Limoni, MDGeorge M. Miks, MDMichael O. Murphy, MDFerdinand J. Niehaus, Jr., MDFrederick M. Osborne, MDRichard J. Paulus, MDRichard A. Rock, MDRalph F. Sett, MDWilliam M. Shanks, MDJohn J. Vondrell, MDCLASS OF 196424% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 4Stuart E. Adair, MDJohn S. Blackwood, MD✪ LeRoy J. Byrd, MDManuel M. de Ycaza, MDRussell E. Dieter, MDGerald J. Dorff, MDEdward S. Gallagher, MDJames W. Keller, MD★ Mitchell F. Kwaterski, MDMichael J. Logan, MDHector G. Martinez, MDDavid B. Moga, MDThomas A. Quetel, MDThomas H. Roberts, MDKent C. Schaefer, MDWendelin W. Schaefer, MD✪ William W. Sheehan, MDWilliam A. Smullen, MD★ John W. Walsh, MDEdward J. Wilkinson, MDCLASS OF 196525% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 4AnonymousMichael O. Anderson, MDRichard C. Baumann, MDA. James Buttles, MDRobert A. Hershberg, MD✪ Thomas J. Imray, MDPeter R. Jochimsen, MDWilliam D. Kaehny, MD✪ Thomas G. Kempken, MDLarry L. Lawrence, MDCapt. Francis G.Mannarino, MD, USNTheron W. Ovitt, MD✪✝ Gene J. Pawlowski, MDLeonard J. Quadracci, MDDavid V. Rousseau, MDRobert P. Sawyer, MDDonald K. Shaw, MD✪ Thomas J. Stilp, MD, FACSCLASS OF 196624% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 3✪ AnonymousRobert J. Agostinelli, MD✪ Edmund M. Barbour, MD✪ Robert O. Buss, MDKathleen E. Carpenter, MDRaymond C. Fellows, MDJ. Greg Fleming, MDWilliam R. Grandolfo, MD★ James W. Hainer, MDWilliam J. Lyons, MD✪ John J. Mallary, MDJohn J. McDevitt, MDJohn W. McGrail, MDMichael W. Mikkelson, MDRichard H. Sieve, MDThomas J. Smith, MDDon R. Spiegelh<strong>of</strong>f, MDCLASS OF 196725% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 0Richard M. Bergen, MDRobert A. Bonneau, MDJ. Thomas Breyer, MDKenneth S. Fabric, MD✪ David S. Haskell, MDRobert A. Haushalter, MDRichard A. Komorowski, MDPeter P. LaTorre, Jr., MD✪✝ Gregory A. Peters, MDHans W. Peters, MDKenneth F. Preimesberger, MD26 ALUMNI HONOR ROLL <strong>2012</strong>

Patrick R. Robins, MD✪ James A. Rydlewicz, MDVincent P. Savaglio, MD✝ Philip J. Schleifer, MDPaul E. Schweisthal, MD✪ Donald G. Seitz, MDJohn B. Stanchfield, MDGerald R. Sylvain, MDWilliam G. Wagner, MDJ. Patrick Walsh, MDCLASS OF 196833% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 2✪ Kenneth G. Amend, MDJames J. Ansfield, MDJames J. Brill, MDJohn E. Buerkert, MD✪ Gary J. Delorit, MDKevin Farrell, MD✪✝ Paul S. Fox, MDDelbert H. Hahn, Jr., MDThomas H. Halgren, MDEdeltraud A. Hondl, MDJ. Paul Keenan, MD✪ Thomas M. Kidder, MDRichard M. Lampe, MDClyde C. Lawnicki, MDRichard H. Lee, MD✪ William J. Listwan, MDDaniel W. Ochsenschlager, MDJacob J. Piazza, MDGary G. Poehling, MDJames J. Regali, MDJohn M. Rennick, MDRonald J. Ruszkowski, MDGay D. Trepanier, MDFrancis J. Von Feldt, MDRobert L. Warth, MDCLASS OF 196922% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 0Anonymous★✝ E. James Aiman, MDCharles R. Buck, MDCalvert R. Busch, MDMarshall E. Cusic, Jr., MDS. Thomas Donovan, MD✪ Howard A. Doyle, Jr., MDSheldon R. Forman, MDWilliam M. Kaczrowski, MDMartin W. Kern, MDThomas E. Knuff, MD✪ John F. Kuglitsch, MD, FACPPaul A. Lucca, MDPhilip J. Middleton, MDPeter T. Nigri, MDJohn A. Picconatto, MDJohn R. Rasmussen, MDArthur J. Sytkowski, MD✪ Elise Torczynski, MDJohn R. Ujda, MDCLASS OF 197029% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 1John M. Amatruda, MD✪ Richard P. Barthel, MDJohn J. Brush, MD✪ James T. Casper, MDLawrence M. Condon, MDEdmund R. Donoghue, MD★ Mary Fernandez-Clowry, MDGeorge T. Frommell, MDMichael A. Giuliano, MDVincent J. Guzzetta, MD✪ Arthur W. Kaemmer, MD✪ Roman R. Kaunas, MDSamuel O. Mayeda, MDRobert McVie, MDJane L. Neumann, MDRobert A. Nordland, MDJoseph L. Petrusek, MD✪ William F. Prudlow, MDRobert T. Schmidt, Jr., MDPaul R. Schneider, MDJames R. Schwade, MDJohn H. Stasiewicz, MDSister Marilu Townsend, MM, MDMichael B. Weinstein, MDCLASS OF 197123% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 1Bruce D. Bellin, MDJohn T. Bjork, MDMel I. Blaustein, MDFrederick L. Bloom, MDSamuel Frumkin, MDDouglas W. Hacking, MDGerald A. Hanson, MDJames L. Holden, MDDavid R. Holmes, Jr., MDSuzanne M. Hoodecheck, MDJohn T. Horney, MDLeon J. Jackson, MDRichard A. Janson, MDRaymond J. McDonald, MDAlex K. Mihali, MDRichard A. Patt, MDJames M. Raveret, MDSteven P. Shelov, MDLewis H. Stocks II, MD, PhDThomas J. Wilson, MDDavid J. Zeps, MDCLASS OF 197228% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 4✪ Stephen P. Delahunt, MDJeffrey J. Freitag, MDRichard S. Gluckman, MDS. Leonard Gutkowski, MDWilliam H. Hass, MDCharles D. Jacobson, MDHelmut J. Kraemer, MDMarvin E. Lauwasser, MDC. Bruce Ledig, MD✪ Robert E. McWhirter, MDGail K. Mynard, MDH. Michael Mynatt, MDF. A. Nakamura, MDMarc J. Novom, MDPhilip M. W. Pailey, MD✪ Humberto R. Ravelo, MD, FACSDolph D. Shapiro, MDJeffrey A. Sharp, MDKent T. Shoji, MDPaul H. Steingraeber, MDCol. Robert L. Tramaloni, MD✪ Kevin Turley, MDWilliam M. Valenti, MDRonald J. Van Yserloo, MD★ Alan A. Wartenberg, MD✪ Jason S. Weisfeld, MD, MPHStephen C. Werner, MDCLASS OF 197326% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 2AnonymousMark A. Bauer, MDJames P. Blitz, MDSanford J. Brown, MD★ Roberta M. Case, MDJames A. Chermak, MDJanet S. Cudahy, MDFrederick J. Gahl, MDJack D. Glasser, MD✪ Gloria M. Halverson, MD✪ Paul B. Halverson, MDTimothy J. Helz, MDSamuel A. Kocoshis, MDThomas J. K<strong>of</strong>ler, MDAlvin K. Krug, MDSusan D. Lambert, MD✪ Robert P. Lehmann, MD✪ Philip R. Lucas, MDDavid L. Nelson, MDPaul P. Priebe, MDMichael R. Sandberg, MD✪ James A. Stadler II, MDJoseph A. Thomasino,MD, FACPM✪ Catherine M. Wigder, MD✪ Herbert N. Wigder, MDCLASS OF 197421% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 2Cynthia A. Bauer, MD✪ Steven C. Bergin, MDLandy E. Bonelli, MDJames R. Demicco, MDMartin J. Dolan III, MD★ William V. Dolan, MDStuart J. Eisendrath, MD✪ Gregory J. Gnadt, MD✪ Paul E. Hankwitz, MD, FACPDavid J. Kiener, MD✪ Michael S. Liebner, MDWillard J. Michalski, MDAnn L. Quinn Bogard, MDGarren C. Ruggaber, MDGerald J. Sampica, MDDavid J. Schoetz, Jr., MDJerald F. Sigala, MDDale E. Slagel, MDDonato J. Stinghen, MD✪ Richard O. Wagner, MDRonald H. Witkin, MDCLASS OF 197526% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 2Stephen R. Bachhuber, MDEdward C. Benzel, MD✪ Crain H. Bliwas, MDTerrence D. Bogard, MD★ María C. Bustillo, MDMark Cannon, MD✪ Carlyle H. Chan, MDJames A. Duncavage, MDKaren A. Fischer, MDStephen J. Fischer, MD★ James D. Gardner, MDPhilip M. Girard, MDRobert M. Jaffee, MD✪ George M. Lange, MDJeffrey A. Levine, MDRodney W. Malinowski, MD✪ Marlene D. Melzer-Lange, MDMichael P. Miller, MDMarshal J. Mirviss, MD✪ Stanley R. Mogelnicki, MD, PhDDavid L. Norene, MDLarry C. Pearson, MDLawrence J. Routenberg, MDKathryn L. Safford, MDStuart J. Schneller, MDJeffrey C. Shepard, MDMichael A. Spector, MDJames P. Sweeney, MDCLASS OF 197624% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 1AnonymousStephen A. Atlas, MDDonald A. Daeke, MDAlan M. Geringer, MDJoan Cox Gill, MDRoger H. Giller, MD✪ Morton L. Glaser, MD★ Thomas J. Grade, MDRoger A. Gremminger, MDDavid A. Guss, MD✪ Joan Harney Gnadt, MDRobert J. Holly, MDJames R. Krueger, MDDaniel L. Leviten, MDThomas V. Mack, MDMarlene M. Mirassou, MDCharles V. Palilla, MD★ Morris T. Reagan, MDALUMNI HONOR ROLL <strong>2012</strong> 27

Marvin Rosen, MD★ Irwin I. Rosenfeld, MDMichael Rosenfeld, MD✪ Michael A. SanDretto,MD, FACRHoward B. Segal, MD✪ Robert L. Sendele, MDAaron L. Spital, MDJean M. Switala, MDEric M. Wilner, MD✪ Steven J. Wolf, MDCLASS OF 197733% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 5Harold F. Anschuetz, Jr., MDDavid L. Arkin, MDAnn M. Babbitt, MDMark Benjamin, MDJames D. Borel, MDWilliam Boyd, MDBrian P. Buggy, MDS. Ming M. Chang, MD✪ Clarence P. Chou, MDRichard W. Clark, MDLawrence H. Dall, MDMichael G. Deeken, MDWilliam J. Durant, MDDeborah Erdman, MDGiacinto Grieco, MD✪ Richard J. Grunke, MD✪ Donald A. Hackbarth, Jr., MDGlen J. Heinzl, MD✪ Karen S. Kolba, MD✪ Gary L. Kolesari, MD, PhD✪ John K. Konkel, MD✪ Patrick G. Kraft, MDEdward J. Krall, MD✪ Dennis J. Maiman, MD, PhD★ Daryl J. Melzer, MD✪ Cynthiane J.Morgenweck, MD, MA✪ Sherry L. Ness-Wenum, MDRuth Wynstra O'Connor, MD✪ Mark T. O'Meara, MDJ. R. Percy, MDAnne M. Riendl, MD, MSPhyllis B. Sandell, MDRenee Schickler, MD★ Timothy R. Schum, MDRichard A. Smith, MDNina Chavin Templeton, MDThomas W. Templeton, MDJames M. Thornbery, Jr., MD★ Daniel R. Wartinbee, MDCLASS OF 197831% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 1AnonymousRichard P. Blaber, MDJohn A. Bradford, MDPatrick J. Brody, MD✪ A. John Capelli, MD, SMJoel P. Carroll, MDAnthony R. Carter, MDPaul A. Caviale, MDJames G. Caya, MDMargaret T. Chen, MD★ Richard J. Declusin, MD, PhDAlison M. Dowse, MDThomas H. Dunigan, MDDennis E. Feider, MDEric M. Feldman, MD★ Martin J. Fox, MDCharles A. Fracchia, MDClaire M. Fritsche, MD★ Richard A. Gallo, MDHoward E. Gilman, MDMichael J. Greenberg, MDPatrick M. Kane, MDJames P. Ketterhagen, MDLaurence H. Klein, MDRobert H. Lehner II, MDPriscilla J. Metcalf, MDKristine E. Miller-Pinti, MDF. Gervan Mlynarski, MDMarc L. Nierman, MDWilliam J. Parker, MDSarah J. Pratt, MDJeffrey M. Rothschild, MDJerome L. Sinsky, MDRon H. Stark, MDGary A. Stromberg, MDGilbert D. Walton, MDJeffrey M. Warhit, MDCLASS OF 197922% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 1Lawrence L. Bauer, MDRobert G. Brucker, MDMichael R. Crosser, MDRobert J. Donahue, MDCynthia A. Egan, MDJohn P. Erickson, MD✪ John R. Freeberg, MDMichael D. Gabe, MDReuel T. Gaskins, MDGary S. Hauke, MDKurt A. Heyrman, MD✪ Steven A. Jayich, MDJohn R. Jeanmaire, MD✪ Robert E. Kettler, MDEsaias F. Lee, Jr., MDCharles E. Linden, MDHoward S. Mahler, MDH. Berit Midelfort, MDAnthony G. Montag, MDKim D. Reed, MDJohn R. Schulte, MD✪ Mark W. Sharon, MDNaomi F. Sugar, MDRoy M. Troutman, MD✪ Michael P. Woods, MDCLASS OF 198025% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 1AnonymousWerner K. Baumgartner, MD✪ Mukesh Bhatia, MDDavid P. Cattau, MDLeon A. Driss, MDAlbert L. Fisher, MDLawrence S. Garcia, MDDean J. Gmoser, MD★ Kevin J. Goniu, MDErik A. Hagen, MD★ Thomas J. Halloin, MDDaniel R. Herdeman, MDMary M. Horowitz, MD, MSKenneth J. Hujet, MD✪ Bruce D. Kaufman, MDRandy M. Kerswill, MDDavid W. Kimmel, MDDean E. Klinger, MDA. George Kudirka, MDRonald H. Lange, MDJanet C. Lindemann, MDJames G. Linn, MD✪ Karen J. Marcdante, MDDavid P. Martinez, MDPhillip M. Moeser, MDRobert L. Moss, MDJames F. Porter, MD★ Lawrence J. Reif, MDWilliam M. Reynders, MDTimothy J. Robertson, MDJames E. Rollman, MDSusan K. Rowe, MD✪ Linda L. Sell, MDThomas C. Snyder, MD✪ Robert C. Wubben, MDCLASS OF 19814% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 0★ D. Scott Karempelis, MDSteven R. Levine, MDJoel H. Lundberg, MDLynn C. Moscinski, MDStephen R. Thompson, MDCLASS OF 198219% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 1AnonymousFikret I. Atamdede, MDMartin J. Bergman, MD★ Gary S. Bochna, MD, FACPRobert A. Calder, MDRoss A. Christensen, MDMary A. Cramer-Middleton, MDCharles C. Dunn, MDJames R. Fasbender, MDThomas E. Gamsky, MD★ David C. Gregg, MDAndrew R. Hamilton, MDKathleen M. Hargarten, MDHeidi V. Jache, MD✪ Amy L. Johnson, MD✪ David M. Johnson, MDRalph J. Kehl, MDJerome C. Kitowski, MD★ Ann M. Kools, MD✪ John T. Kroner, MDJoshua M. Lieberman, MDJose L. Loera, MDBeth A. Lux, MDAvis Meeks Day, MDJames A. Meyer, MDGary F. Neitzel, MD✪ Janis M. Orlowski, MDDavid J. Pikna, MDRobert J. Rushak<strong>of</strong>f, MDCarrie L. Schallock, MDScott P. Schemmel, MD★ James E. Schneider, MDBarbara L. Schulz, MDJohn J. Seidl, MDMichael J. Smigielski, MD✪ David C. Warltier, MD, PhDScott H. Warren, MDJoel T. Yerby, MD, MSCLASS OF 198324% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 1AnonymousMichael J. Balsan, MDBeth A. Bonner Gall, MDJohn C. Christianson, MDDonald G. Chrzan, MDJulie Comerford O'Reilly, MDBrian W. Covey, MDDavid J. Czarnecki, MDSteven D. Dahm, MD✪ Scott J. Erickson, MDMark I. Freedman, MDLawrence A. Golopol, MDBrinders Jones, MDScott A. Krasner, MD✪ Colleen A. Lawton, MDMargaret Mary H. Leonhardt, MDJames R. Lippincott, MDFranklin B. Longo, MDGregory A. Maggass, MD✪ Donald J. McDonald, MD✪ Patrick J. McKenzie, MD✪✝ Carol M. Meils, MDJulie A. Newburg, MDBradford L. Olson, MDWilliam J. Pao, MDSteven B. Pearson, MDRichard L. Rusch, MDIvan B. Schatz, MD★ Michael J. Schmalz, MD★ Philip E. Stieg, MD, PhD✪ Michael A. Strigenz, MDJames W. Taira, MDMichael G. Tresp, MD28 ALUMNI HONOR ROLL <strong>2012</strong>

Patrick G. Watson, MDSteven S. Weinshel, MDSteven J. Weinstein, MDSteven Weisblatt, MDDaniel S. Wyzan, MDRaymond J. Zastrow, MDJohn E. Zeinemann, MDThomas W. Zoch, MDCLASS OF 198424% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 2AnonymousLloyd H. Arnold, MDStephen M. Asma, MD✪ Brian J. Bear, MD✪ Laurel M. Bear, MDMatthew C. Brouns, MDRichard P. Cattey, MDJohn W. Cochran, MD✪ Lois A. Connolly, MDMargaret M. Grenisen, MD✪ Cristina A. E. Grieben, MDPatrick J. Gries, MD✪ Maj. Michael H. Haak, MDAnne M. Hanneken, MDStanley C. Henjum II, MDMark G. Hermans, MDMichael K. Hooper, MDAntonino Iorfino, MDMark L. Kadden, MDPhilip J. Kapsos, MDMichele M. Klasinsik-Wimme, MD★ Jacek M. Kowalski, MD★ Randall S. Kuhlmann, MD, PhD✪ Kathryn K. Lauer, MDRobert B. Lester III, MDCindi L. Marquette, MD, MSLarry A. Meyer, MD★ Anne M. Nachazel Toal, MDGlenn G. Nemec, MDStephen F. Nichols, MDMichael J. J. O'Brien, MDSylvia V. O'Brien, MD✪ Mary F. Otterson, MD, MS, FACS★ Mabel M. Perez, MDThomas C. Puchner, Jr., MD✪ Paul R. Sandford, MD★ Kathleen M.Schneider-Kowalski, MD★ Robert J. Stevens, MDMichael J. Styler, MD✪ Mark A. Tomski, MDRobert R. Weber, MDMark S. Wenzel, MD★ Stephen B. Wilson, MD✪ Beth Erickson Wittmann, MD✪ Thomas G. Wittmann, MDCLASS OF 198515% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 0AnonymousMark S. Avila, MDGlen A. Bordak, MDGiselle A. Corre, MDNatalio Damien, Jr., MDJeffrey A. Derus, MDMary C. Donovan, MDThomas M. Grist, MDDaniel B. Jankins, MDDavid G. Kitts, MDJulia A. La Joie, MDDavid H. Lang, MDToula Lazarides, MDHolly M. Maes, MD✪ Richard K. McNutt, MDMargaret L. Miller, MDJon A. Mukand, MDAlexander B. Najera, MDStephen W. Noltner, MDPaul A. Peterson, MD, FACCDavid E. Pittenger, MDRobert T. Plouff, MDRobert J. Ruskiewicz, MDJoy A. Rynda, MD✪ Christopher J. Schultz, MDDouglas R. Toler, MDLee Ann Weitekamp, MDCLASS OF 198616% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 1Anonymous✪ Edward A. Braza, MDGreg A. Burnett, MDDavid A. Cleveland, MD, FACPSteven B. Curtis, MD✪ Lori A. Gray, MD✪ Roger S. Gray, Jr., MDPerry P. Guaglianone, MDLinda S. Hankel, MDMark L. Harlow, MDJennifer H. Johnson, MDScott A. Jorgensen, MDKent A. Karren, MDJeffrey J. Kovalic, MDDaniel P. Lochmann, MDJill Marten (Hanna), MDDavid C. Olson, MDJohn M. Ostergaard, MDKenneth J. Phillips, Jr., MD✪ Kenneth W. Reichert II, MDMarion A. Reynolds, MDGregory D. Rypel, MDW. Bret Smith, MD✪ Steven M. Tomski, MDElizabeth A. (Strain) Tracy, MDCLASS OF 198722% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 0★ AnonymousSara Amsterdam Berg, MDSteven R. Bergquist, MD✪ Diane W. Braza, MDBetsy Boehm Bronson, MDLauran A. Bryan, MDPamela Cartland, MDManfred C. Chiang, MDKathleen P. Dallen, MDJanice L. DaVolio, MDMartin G. Duffey, MDDavid E. Engelhardt, MDKeith A. Fabisiak, MDJack W. Finch, MDSheila M. Finch, MDElizabeth J. Goldsmith, MD★ Emily J. Grade, MDRichard K. Haile, MD✪ Kurt T. Hegmann, MD, MPH✪ John M. Kampine, MDJeffrey K. Kobs, MD★ Steven M. Koppel, MDCecilia (Multhauf) Lang, MDDavid R. Lawrence, MDJanet E. Muhich, MDNinette A. Nassif, MD★ Julianne R. Newcomer, MDDonald D. Nimmer, MDRobert J. Roenius, MD★ Lori B. Siegel, MD★ Maj. MaureenArendt Smithers, MDDebora J. Sportiello, MD★ Gary C. Steven, MD, PhD✪ Kathleen S. Stokes, MDAndrew T. Strigenz, MDSchuman Tam, MD, FACP★ Timothy N. Thompson, MDBruce E. Walker, MDSheldon A. Wasserman, MD★ Ellen J. Westdorp, MDCLASS OF 198813% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 0Anonymous✪ Paul N. Baek, MDGregory S. Blaschke, MD, MPHVeronica G. Carver, MDJohn P. Dobson, MDGe<strong>of</strong>frey P. Fletcher, MDWarren S. Inouye, MDPatrick V. Jolin, MDAndrew C. Krueger, MDSteven K. Kulick, MDJasmine K. Leong, MDLesley A. MacArthur, MDKevin M. Man, MDVincent A. Mangili, MDDavid W. Metzler, MD, MSDaniel P. O'Hair, MDAngeline M. Prado, MDGail N. Sanson-Malensek, MDAndrew T. Saterbak, MDMargaret M. Spoerl, MDGregory R. Wein, MDCLASS OF 198919% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 0Anonymous✪ Sandra L. Abler, MDBradley D. Ahlgren, MDMarc H. Applebaum, MDSharon A. Bremer, MDRuth E. Burstrom, MD★ Rachel A. English, MDScott A. Eskuri, MDMary K. Gingrass, MDMarie P. Gogin, MDLaurie A. Grunske, MDRoseann Gumina, MDRichard D. Hanna, MDHassan M. Hussain, MDAndrew C. Kim, MDMaj. John P. Lacey, Jr., MDRoger F. Levac, MDLavonne L. Michaud, MDEdnan Mushtaq, MDJane K. Pearson, MDJeffery S. Postles, MDThomas Rosenzweig, MDJoseph P. Schuette, MDChristopher T. Stark, MDAnthony K. Strigenz, MDRobert J. Tait, MDBert G. Tardieu, MDJudene M. Thome, MD✪ David A. Toivonen, MDJohn S. Traxler, MD, MS✪ Steven R. Trinkl, MDMartin H. Weinrauch, MDMichael O. Wendt, MDCraig A. Zeman, MDCLASS OF 199016% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 0AnonymousPhillip M. Bouterse, MDSusan E. Bouterse, MDThomas A. de Hoop, MDJohn M. Dunn, MD★ Christopher J. Evanich, MDRandall S. Fong, MD★ Jose Franco, MD✪ Mark A. Gardon, MDKaren L. Hick, MDGregory J. Hunter, MDWilliam D. Jeruc, MD✪ Joseph E. Kerschner, MD★ Robert L. Krippendorf, MDJon A. Lehrmann, MDMary C. Lehrmann, MDJesus Lua, MDTony M. Masuck, MDAlan S. Miller, MDClifford C. Muneses, MDEric M. Rudnick, MD★ Joseph J. Souza, MDALUMNI HONOR ROLL <strong>2012</strong> 29

Anna M. Staudt, MDKatherine H. Thompson, MDKathleen M. Trebian, MDMark S. Wadina, MDShelley K. Watters, MDChristopher J. Zellmer, MDCLASS OF 199115% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 2Helen M. Arkema, MDPeter J. Baye, MDSuzanne M. Blauser, MDDiane S. Book, MDJohn R. Brill, MDDonna R. Daufenbach, MDPatrick A. Dowling, MDFrancis X. Figueroa, MD★ Rose A. Franco, MDRonald J. Hauptman, MDSteven J. Jacobsen, MD, PhDHenry L. Kano, MD✪ Todd A. Loehrl, MDSunmin Park, MDRicardo Puertas, MDPhilip I. T. Regala, MDConnie L. Richter, MDKristine A. J. Romine, MDMalcolm S. Sanders, MDJohn D. Steiner, MD✪ Thomas J. Stengel, MDJames D. Thomas, MDJames P. Thomas, MD✪ Denise M. Trinkl, MD✪ James E. Tylke, MD★ Shye-Ren Yeh, MDCLASS OF 199212% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 1Terry L. Bagley, MDChristopher J. Canitz, MD✪ Asriani M. Chiu, MDConstance R. DiAngelo, MDSusan D. Gedanke, MDKarl R. Hamson, MDDavid Hepner, MDDaniel P. Holub, MDJeanne E. Hryciuk, MDM. Zuhdi Jasser, MDBradley H. Kranendonk, MDTerry Kuo, MD✪ Peter Langenstroer, MD, MSAmy L. Lemke, MD✪ Eric U. Luy, MDMark W. Niedfeldt, MDPatricia A. Ryan, MDThomas R. Schlueter, MD✪ Bhavna P. Sheth, MDThomas Shieh, MDHomayoun Shojamanesh, MDMichael T. Von Rueden, MDJulie A. Webb, MDCLASS OF 199311% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 0AnonymousMichael J. Antonini, MDKaren A. Blindauer, MD✪ Kellie R. Brown, MDLenore L. Day, MDStephen M. Day, MDShannon E. Doyle, MDLara B. Eisenberg, MD✪ Mary Beth Gonyo, MD✪ Daniel W. Guehlstorf, MD★ Kan Kondo, MD, PhDBeth M. Lalande, MDGerald P. Loushin, MDSarah W. Macdonald, MDJennifer W. Niedfeldt, MDDavid Niemann, MDThomas B. Osgood, MDMiya M. Shanahan, MDBrian B. Skaletski, MD★ Brent G. Thiel, MDScott E. Van Valin, MDSteven M. Walkotte, MDEdward H. Wang, MDGuy R. Winzenried, MDBeth J. Yount, MDCLASS OF 19948% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 0Anonymous✪ Joseph S. Cheng, MD★ David A. Halle, MDKimberly A. Hogan, MDMargaret A. Hovey, MDSteven F. Krah, MDJoseph P. Lattanzi, MDKeith R. Loeb, MD, PhDJeffrey S. Mayer, MD✪ William T. Pennington, MDJodi H. Ritsch, MDKathryn Schmidt Elliott, MD✪ Meic H. Schmidt, MDUhng-Kyu R. Shim, MDTodd R. Smith, MDCLASS OF 199512% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 0Jolene E. Andryk, MDMichael J. Cruz, MDClement J. Cunneen, MDLora Ann Thomas Darrisaw, MDWilliam E. Decker, MDCarl A. DiRaimondo, MDDaniel W. Dobler, MD✪ Catherine M. Drexler, MDLauri T. Green, MD★ Karen J. Halle, MDDavid B. Honari, MDSheila Jhansale, MD✪ Joseph P. Kim, MDSandra Kitson, MDLyle C. Lawnicki, MDDaniel R. Lenselink, MDRobert R. Leschke, MDMark A. Madsen, MDSonali P. Majmudar, MD★ Suzanne J. Martens, MD, MPHSanjay K. Patari, MDDaniel T. Yang, MDCLASS OF 199614% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 0AnonymousJeffrey F. Bray, MDBrian E. Bunch, MDGerald G. Cherayil, MDJames B. Connors, MDJill M. DeVries, MDCarol J. Estill, MDTina L. Fischer-Carne, MDPatricia J. Fredette-Huffman, MDJoseph G. Harman, MDSean A. Jochims, MD✪ David P. Johnson, MDCynthia J. Konz, MDShauna K. Kranendonk, MD★ Scott A. Kurzer, MDMona S. Li, MDJennifer B. Lynch, MDMary C. McKeown, MDKristi A. Rice, MDKelly D. Robinson, MDKimberly J. Seeger Langlais, MDTroy D. Sennholz, MDLynn S. Telford, MD✪ Brian P. Walsh, MD★ Shu-Hua Wang, MDJack R. Watson, MDCLASS OF 199710% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 0Charles E. Cady, Jr., MDTimothy A. Crummy, MDDouglas E. Elliott, MDMichelle D. Fleischmann, MD✪ Matthew I. Goldblatt, MDDavid M. Gourlay, MDMichael S. Hobbs, MDJoseph P. McCormick, MDKaren A. Moeller, MDSailendra Naidu, MDChristopher J. Ott, MDMichael J. Schatzman, MDChristopher P. Sobczak, MDKarrin L. Stoehr, MDKyja K. Stygar, MDNeelesh A. Tipnis, MDSajani Tipnis, MDMatthew J. VonFeldt, MDJill M. Wagner, MDCLASS OF 199817% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 0AnonymousDavid E. Andrus, MDJeffrey K. Bahr, MDPeter P. Balingit, MDHeather A.BenAhmed Stanko, MD✪ Linda S. Blust, MDSusan K. Chu, MD✪ Deborah CostakosBrian J. Green, MDKathryn M. Hoch, MD✪ Eric J. Hohenwalter, MDMatthew C. Hull, MDGenevieve M. Jones, MDC. Scott Kammer, MDJulie A. Kammer, MDJennifer E. Kleven, MDScott A. Koss, MDJanine K. Kruger, MDKarie A. Mantey, MDStephen C. Martinez, MDSuzanne L. Migchelbrink, MDMark E. Nordness, MDRichard A. Paulsen, MDDavid J. Robertson, MDJean L. Robertson, MDSara J. Sch<strong>of</strong>ield, MDAjay K. Seth, MDPeter M. Stanko, MDJean B. Watson, MDMichael P. Wenzel, MDFaith A. Wilfley, MDMark S. Wilson, MDCLASS OF 199913% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 0AnonymousDavid M. Allen, MDScott A. Bangs, MDMarshall A. Beckman, MDBenjamin L. Brody, MDJennifer M. Chevalier, MDSonji J. Chinagozi, MDAllison M. Duncan, MDPhelps B. Johnson, MDJames G. Kleven, MDLeilani E. La Bianco, MDAkemi L. Nakanishi, MDJames E. Navratil, MDScott P. Olvey, MDKurt J. Pfeifer, MDTiffany L. Pifel, MDMaysa L. Sameh, MDAndrew D. Simon, MDNathan E. Slinde, MDDuane D. Stich, MDCynthia N. Tarkanian, MD★ Grace S. Tay, MD30 ALUMNI HONOR ROLL <strong>2012</strong>

N. Jack Vo, MDJennifer A. Weisgerber, MDMichael C. Weisgerber, MDCLASS OF 200012% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 0AnonymousNicole A. Brady, MDBrian E. Chavez, MDAmy S. Emmer-Sheldon, MDDavid P. Ghilarducci, MDDanielle M. Gleason, MDHooman Golshan, MDShannon J. Graewin, MDDana A. Gray, MDBecky Massey, MD★ David C. Moe, MDHeather I. Osborn, MDAnthony A. Rieder, MDCarlos J. Rodriguez, MDStacy A. Sjoberg, MD, PhDRobert E. Sonnenburg, Jr., MDJennifer M. Soroos, MDJason J. Stacy, MDVictoria L. Vande Zande, MDMarc Y. Wasserman, MDMichelle T. Weckmann, MDMichael E. Welling, MDKimberly A. Yeung-Yue, MDCLASS OF 200115% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 0AnonymousMaryam A. Abdelnaby, MDAngela L. Baker-Franckowiak, MDJonathan M. Bock, MDSarah C. Campbell, MDLori L. Clark, MDGina M. Everson, MDGary L. Fillmore, MD★ Travis E. Fromwiller, MDDeborah S. Haas, MDAmber E. Hildebrandt, MDPaul M. Jaklitsch, MDMark A. Johnson, MD★ Anne T. Martinelli, MDAmy L. Miller, MDJoseph P. Nemanich, MDDarren P. O'Neill, MDBarbara J.Patterson-Gonzales, MDJames P. Russell, MDKelly L. Siudzinski, MD★ Brett M. Sprtel, MDBrian D. Steffin, MDRajendra M. Vazirani, MDBrian T. Veit, MD✪ Kristen K. Volkman, MD★ Jill Young Vollbrecht, MD★ Timothy J. Vollbrecht, MDCLASS OF 200213% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 0AnonymousSwaranjit S. Bhasin, MDAndy J. Blint, MDBrian W. Carlson, MDTy B. Carroll, MD★ James F. Connelly, MDCarley M. Davis, MDMaxwell B. Davis, MDJames D. Erickson, MDBarbra M. Fisher, MDVincent A. Graffeo, MD✪ Amy M. Henry, MD✪ Peter A. Henry, MD★ Eric A. Holley, MDJennifer M. Johnson-Patel, MDChristopher A. Kahn, MDChristopher J. Leichliter, MDLinda T. Le-Wendling, MDTimothy J. Martin, MDAnne K. Nagler, MDIrene S. O'Farrell, MDChristopher C. Severson, MDBenny Y. Wang, MDGilman T. Wolsey, MDCLASS OF 200311% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 0AnonymousLaurie A. Bailey, MDThomas L. Carter, MDWenlan Cheng, MDHoward K. Chey, MD, MPH★ Jennifer M. Connelly, MDErin M. Dawson, MDWilliam A. Golgert, MDAmitpal S. Johal, MDMary N. Kirsch, MDJohn J. Laur, MDJames G. Modir, MDDuyen T. Pham, MDL. Shay Richardson, MDBrian R. Stafeil, MDHeather M. Stefaniak, MDNathan N. Svingen, MDLance T. Taylor, MDMichael T. Werner, MDOscar C. Wille, MDEric C. Young, MDAmy E. Zosel, MDCLASS OF 200411% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 0AnonymousCurtis L. Black, MDBrian J. Blonigen, MDN. Christian Busk, MDPeter M. Cham, MDSusan L. Goldsmith, MDAlexandra M. Harrington, MDJohnny L. Hu, MDKristine A. Kalbfleisch, MDLarissa Malmstadt, MDSean M. Marks, MDBessie McCann, MDTimothy I. Mullin, MDVu D. Phan, MDVirginia M. Possell, MDErika L. Schwilk, MDMark J. Sytsma, MDChristopher C. Thompson, MDM. Colin Turner, MDChad E. Voskuil, MDCLASS OF 200510% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 0AnonymousAdam Currey, MDJonathan E. Cutlan, MDKristin M. Cutlan, MDWyatt C. Ehrlander, MDAnne C. Hsii, MDMax E. Liebl, MDBenjamin R. MacQueen, MDJamie K. Mullin, MDHeidi G. Olson, MDAnand R. Shah, MDSeema Shah, MDWilliam C. Thompson IV, MDVivian N. Tran, MDElizabeth A. Tumpach, MDJake D. Veigel, MDJessica L. Wagner, MDSuzanne N. Walczak, MDEsther J. Yu, MDCLASS OF 200610% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 0Hermelinda G. Abcede, MDOwen A. Anderson, MDKristina M. Black, MDElyn V. Bowers, MDMark R. Bowers, MDErica W. Chan, MDMichael R. Clark, MDPatrick T. Gartland, MDJennifer F. Gerardin, MDMark A. Jonker, MDTabessa I. Lee, MDMatthew F. Messoline, MDElizabeth A. Nietert, MDEmily B. Porter, MDKatherine A. Recka, MDMatthew J. Scheidt, MDJ. Ryan Shackelford, MDTonia E. Thompson, MDJessica K. Yearwood, MDCLASS OF 20076% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 0AnonymousJames O. Chang, MDNicole M. Chase, MDDouglas B. Hanneman, MDMichael L. Knudson, MDJared R. Lake, MDKathryn P. Lambourne, MDDavid J. Prybilla, MDAaron V. Riley, MDMichelle L. Vasquez, MDJohnny Yi, MDCLASS OF 20083% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 0Molly K. Cousin, MDMichael J. Durkin, MDNicholas A. Flugstad, MDSherrill D. Gutierrez, MDPaul E. Morrison, MDCLASS OF 20093% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 0AnonymousLindsay L. Deuster, MDRachel E. Kaplan, MDBJ Lanser, MDMichael P. O'Connell, MDBonnie Tse, MDKatie C. Tuler, MDCLASS OF 20104% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 0AnonymousKatherine G. Hayes, MDJessica S. Lelinski, MDClarence C. Monteclaro, MDSteven M. Schuckit, MDElizabeth C. Thompson, MDCLASS OF 201116% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 0AnonymousShelley L. Amen, MD, PhDLeesa C. Bahrt, MDBrittany A. Bettendorf, MDAdam E. Blackwell, MDMegan M. Doty, MDElizabeth A. Fleming, MDTiama E. Friend, MDJonathan E. Klinger, MDLisa M. Kodadek, MDNicholas A. Kuehnel, MDTheresa C. Maatman, MDTerence N. Mukonje, MDBerthrand C. Onuoha, MDLaura A. Paulson, MDLance M. F. Relland, MD, PhDALUMNI HONOR ROLL <strong>2012</strong> 31

Karina A. Sater, MDJohn S. Symanski, MDAn Hong Tran, MDShivani V. Tripathi, MDMolly Trowbridge, MDMichael N. Truong, MDJessica L. Weaver, MDRebecca R. Witt, MDCLASS OF <strong>2012</strong>17% PARTICIPATIONLEGACY DONORS: 0AnonymousBradley J. Anderson, MDMatthew A. Armfield, MDCatherine Chu, MDAdrian Coon, MDMelanie A. Delaney, MDKatherine J. Gavin, MDSimon B. Griesbach, MDWilliam L. Gross, MD, PhDElizabeth E. Hopp, MDFrederick G. Joachim III, MDLauren K. Lietzau, MDOlubunmi O. Olude, MDJessica Corliss Oswald, MDAmy C. Pearson, MDErin M. Preloger, MDJamie R. Privratsky, MD, PhDBradley P. Schow, MDKathryn R. Sobczak, MDKarl H. Takabayashi, MDJustinn M. Tanem, MDVinay D. Yagnik, MDKyna J. Zacharias, MDRESIDENT ALUMNI DONORSANESTHESIOLOGYChinedu E. Abara, MDCaridad B. Asiddao, MDAneeta R. Bhatia, MD★ Lourdes G. Burgos, MDDaniel A. Dahl, MD★ Yolanda P. Dela Cruz, MDHerodotos Ellinas, MDSuneeta Gollapudy, MD✪ Josette B. Grossberg, MDRebecca Haefner, MDJoseph Himes, MDJohn Joseph, MD★ Shailesh Joshi, MD★ Robert E. Klingbeil, MDTong-Chui Koh, MDKarin E. Madsen Drescher, MDTimothy J. Maiers, MDAnthony P. Maresca, MDEdwin L. Mathews, Jr., MDAmanda M. McQueen-Klein, MDRobert R. Montgomery, MDGordon L. Mortensen, MDCharul A. Munshi, MDKarl F. Newman, MDThomas A. Notides, MDTimothy J. Olund, MDGregory G. Pacentine, DOMohini S. Rao, MDDinesh Shah, MDHariharan Shankar, MDNeil B. Sjulson, MDRamesh Sogal, MDJoseph Stoeckl, MDKai Sun, MD, PhDMislav Tonkovic-Capin, MDRonggang Wang, MD, PhDJeffrey C. Yue, MDChenyang Zhang, MD, PhDLu Zhang, MDDERMATOLOGYAnonymousVernon D. Casterline, MDYvonne E. Chiu, MDSheila S. Galbraith, MDMohammad Ghaemi, MDRichard E. Neils, MDEdit B. Olasz, MDAmber C. Robbins, MDYan Wang, MDDIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGYAnonymous✪ Sara Arnold, MD, PhD★ Keith E. Baynes, MDRobert A. Beres, MD✪ Joseph J. Budovec, MDPeter Drescher, MDDavid S. Gierada, MDSonia B. Gill, MDAlphonse H. Harding, MD★ Robert A. Hieb, MD✪ Mark D. Hohenwalter, MDAnne M. Hubbard, MDAndrew P. Klein, MDMario A. Laguna, MDCesar A. Lam, MD★ Paul A. Larson, MD★ Mohit Maheshwari, MD✪ Alan P. Mautz, MDAjit Nair, MDMelissa J. Neisen, MD★ Olaf B. Nordling, MDSteven J. Perlman, MD★ Robert J. Rilling, MD✪ William S. Rilling, MDJeffrey W. Ross, MDKurt Stedje, MDMichael Timins, MDParag P. Tolat, MDChristopher P. Vittore, MD✪ Melissa M. Wein, MDJonathan W. Weiss, MDEMERGENCY MEDICINETom P. Aufderheide, MDCindy C. Bitter, MD, MAWalter J. Bradley,MD, MBA, FACEPWilliam C. Haselow, MDValentina Jindal, MDEugene Kastenson, MDMelissa L. Leib, MDAndrew L. Makowski, MDJames R. Mateer, MDDebra J. Paulson, MDHarlan A. Stueven, MDPhilip F. Troiano, MDWynn T. Wakuzawa, MDENDOCRINOLOGYNicholas F. Geimer, MDFAMILY MEDICINEAnonymousRenu R. Ahuja, MDAlice C. Bustos, MDPedro Cajator, MDDavid A. Calderwood, MDJanet T. Chua, MDThomas Cunningham, MDChristina E. Eldredge, MDBolanle O. Gbadebo, MDHarlan D. Halma, MDKatherine E. Lee, MD, FAAFPTracy M. Lewis, MDLarisa I. Mazur, MDMichael L. Nelson, MD★ Christine M. Nordling, MDDawn P. Owens-Watterson, MDJames R. Pawlak, MDSrinivas Reddy, MDRhena Ruiz, MDDarin S. Rutherford, MDJerrel L. Stanley, MDGENERAL SURGERYDavid A. Appel, MDJames W. Burhop, MDMark I. Congress, MDChristopher C. Glaser, MDA. N. Gunn II, MDJoseph P. Hart, MDJon R. Hillegas, MDJames L. Jolin, MDJohn F. Just, MDSteven K. Kappes, MDKirk A. Ludwig, MDLarry L. Morris, MDRoger T. Pacanowski, MDKevin S. Packman, MDJose R. Parra, MDMichael L. Rainiero, MDChristina Gail Richards, MDSteven C. Scherping, MD✝ William J. Schulte, MDRobert F. Siegert, MD✪ Stuart D. Wilson, MDINTERNAL MEDICINEAnonymousBarbara A. Bresnahan, MDLaurel M. Brooks, MDGregory B. Buck, MDMicah R. Chan, MDIvan J. Chavez, MDMary E. Cohan, MDBobb G. Cucher, MD, FACPMohammad N. Fareed, MDPeter J. Furey, MDRobert D. Gibson, MDPatrick J. Hughes, MDMaritza Laguna, MDWilliam J. Maierh<strong>of</strong>er, MDFrank J. Malensek, MDDennis O. Mayer, MDMichael P. Mehr, MDRobert M. Molloy, MDGregory H. Motl, MDTimothy J. Moynihan, MDJames A. Murphy, MDJule W. Nelson, MDHarrison W. Parker, MDChristopher C. Pinn, MDNancy C. Rainiero, MDLarry F. Rawsthorne, MD★ Lawrence M. Ryan, MDHenry J. C. Schwartz, MDFrancis D. Sheski, MDAndrew H. Singh, MDJohn E. Stone, MDDai Takahashi, DOClifton P. Titcomb, Jr., MDMonica Vasudev, MDAnnette Von Drygalski, MDJames D. Webster, MDMEDICINEAnonymousJames W. Findling, MDTerrence N. Hart, MDGerald W. Shay, MD✪ Kaup R. Shetty, MDMEDICINE/PEDIATRICS COMBINEDSusan J. Madsen, MDChinwe N. Oraka, MDNEUROLOGYRukmaiah C. Bhupalam, MDJudith A. Carlson, MDJung-Ki Cho, MDShaik O. Sayeed, MDNEUROSURGERY✪ Mathew T. Alexander, MD✪ Victor DaSilva, MD, FACSMichael R. Gallagher, MD✪ Avery M. Jackson III, MDPaul C. McCormick, MD✪ Wade M. Mueller, MD★ Charles B. Stillerman, MD✪ Larry L. Teuber, MDOBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGYRobert J. Jaeger, MD32 ALUMNI HONOR ROLL <strong>2012</strong>

Thomas M. Jenkins, MDMatthew B. Lee, MD★ Paul M. Lemen, MD★ Michael R. Lund, MD✪ Tyshunda L. Manning, MDStephen A. Massick, MDRoland A. Pattillo, MDJames G. Russell, MDRobert D. Schmidt, MDThomas A. Schroeder, MDMichael L. Stevens, MDOPHTHALMOLOGYAnonymousThomas V. P. Alpren, MDRichard E. Braley, MD✪ Thomas B. Connor, Jr.James R. Ferwerda, MDJames D. Furnary, MDKathryn A. Green, MD✪ Dennis P. Han, MD✪ Dale K. Heuer, MD✪ Judy E. Kim, MD★ Dennis J. Kontra, MDMichael G. Richie, MD✪ Judy P. Suson-Hoggatt, MDTimothy S. Wells, MDJames K. Williams, MD✪ William J. Wirostko, MDORAL MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERYRandy L. Bisping, DDS, MSMary A. Grote, MD, DDSORTHOPAEDIC SURGERYAnonymousMarc H. Anderson, MD★ Dale E. Bauwens, MD✪ W. Stanford Brechbuhler, MDStephen L. Brenneke, MD✪ Jeffrey J. Butler, MDGeorge W. Cox, MDWilliam T. Dicus, MD✪ David A. Eggert, MD★ David B. Fagan, MDJohn M. Gossard, MDGary N. Guten, MDKristen L. Maskala, MDWilliam P. McDevitt, MDDonald K. Middleton, MDEric B. Pifel, MD✪ Gregory J. Schmeling, MD★ Timothy K. Schultz, MD✪ Jeffrey P. Schwab, MDJoel C. Shobe, MDWilliam B. Smith, MD✪ Francis J. Thornton, MD, FACS✪ Joel A. Wallskog, MDOTOLARYNGOLOGYArunkumar N. Badi, MDJames R. Barton, MDDavid T. Book, MD✪ Bruce H. Campbell, MD✪ Casey J. Flanary, MD✪ Valerie A. Flanary, MDJames L. Frisk, MDRebecca L. Golgert, MD✪ Charles J. Harkins, MDSteven A. Harvey, MD✪ Michael C. Janowak, MDJay Jindal, MDSandra Y. Lin, MD✪ Peter M. Medved, MDDavid M. Poetker, MDKristen B. Pytynia, MDRoger M. Traxel, MDPATHOLOGYAnne M. Dayer, MDMukund P. Deoras, MDCamellia Eshoa, MDPetio V. Kotov, MDHerbert W. Oechler, MDAnnette D. Segura, MDPEDIATRICSAnonymousSheryn Abraham, MDAmy J. Attwell, MDMark E. Blaedel, MDEllen L. Blank, MDJason J. Chan, MDJ. Carl Craft, MDKevin J. Dahlman, MDSarah L. Godbert Gaethke, MDMargarita Guarin, MDMichael F. Gutzeit, MDEllen Hing, MDAnne-Mare Ice, MDMary C. Lytle, MDAlfredo F. Mendoza, MDB. Ramachandran Nair, MD✪ Joseph P. O'Grady, Jr., MDDavid M. Rosenberg, DORamlah M. Vahanvaty, MDKevin D. Walter, MDPHYSICAL MEDICINE& REHABILITATIONAnonymousDavid R. Del Toro, MD★ Kandavar M. Gopal, MD✪ Anne Z. Hoch, DO★ Gerda E. Klingbeil, MDBradley R. Melville, MD✪ Nanjappareddy M. Reddy, MDJunlong Ren, MDWalter H. Wade, MD, MPHHong Wu, MDPLASTIC SURGERY✪ John A. Lo Giudice, Jr., MDGregory Tobin, MDPREVENTIVE MEDICINEFarajollah Afrasiabi, MDWilliam G. Meyer, MDPSYCHIATRY &BEHAVIORAL MEDICINEDavid B. Bresnahan, MDWilliam R. Buikus, DOEdmundo F. Centena, MDNancy L. Debbink, MDMaria I. Mas, MDCarol I. Ping Tsao, MD, JDRADIATION ONCOLOGYAnonymousSamuel R. Faught, MDRitsuko Komaki-Cox, MDRADIOLOGYAnonymousLincoln L. Berland, MDHenry J. Bradley, MDHoward E. Cohen, MD★ Francisco Correa-Paz, MDJoseph E. Godard, MDRoger K. Harned, MDIvan D. Knezevic, MDGregory J. Knudson, MDWilliam D. Middleton, MDMary E. Peters, MDFrancisco A. Quiroz, MDWilliam C. Wells, MDEric B. Wilson, MDUROLOGYAnonymousDennis M. Corcoran, MDS. Henry Dimlich, MDGRADUATE ALUMNI DONORSBIOCHEMISTYSantanu Bose, PhDWesley H. Brooks, PhD★ Richard V. Case, PhDMary L. Faber, PhDAshwini Kamath-Loeb, PhDFubao Lin, PhDPatricia G. Marron-Terada, PhDKarla J. Matteson, PhDTara Sander, PhDBIOETHICSSara E. Aster, MAMary Pat Compton, MAPhyllis M. Gallagher, JD, MAMichael P. Heid, DO, MASandra L. Matson, MARobert N. Mucciola,MD, MA, FACOGKristen A. Tym, MA✪ Julia A. Uihlein, MABIOINFORMATICSJohn C. Littrell, MSBIOPHYSICSPeter A. Bandettini, PhDBarry F. Belanger, PhDDonald R. Jacobson, PhDCandice S. Klug, PhDXiping Liu, PhDMahadevappa Mahesh, PhD, MSKent M. Ogden, PhDMelvin P. Siedband, PhD, PERongyan Zhang, PhDXiaoli Zhao, PhDBIOSTATISTICSThomas H. Chelius, MSJeffery L. Gudmundson, Jr., MSEvelyn M. Kuhn, PhDYouyi Shu, PhD, MSKathleen A. Sobocinski, MSJingtao Wu, PhDCELL BIOLOGY, NEUROBIOLOGYAND ANATOMYDiane M. Bishop, PhD★ Joseph J. Carroll, PhD★ Beth B. Krippendorf, PhDMichael R. Kuettel, PhDPeter M. Muehleis,MS, DDS, FAGDDaniel K. Roberson, PhDTieming Zhao, PhDMinhong Zhuang, MSEPIDEMIOLOGYRania L. Dempsey, MD, MSJ. Douglas Rizzo, MD, MSLinus J.H. Santo Tomas, MD, MSMEDICAL INFORMATICSAnonymousKent C. Brodie, MSMICROBIOLOGY &MOLECULAR GENETICSCheryl Bula Norman, PhDGeorge R. Duncombe, PhDW. Michael Dunne, Jr., PhDSteven W. Faber, PhDThomas G. Guilliams, PhDLisa M. H<strong>of</strong>fman, PhDAndrew K. Hovey, PhDRaxit Jariwalla, PhDKathleen M. Krueger, PhDPage S. Morahan, PhDPhilip N. Redlich, MD, PhDWilliam J. Richtsmeier, MD, PhDChristine L. Schneider, PhDElizabeth N. Shinners, PhDStephen J. Sramek, MD, PhDJoyce M. Teng, PhDMing Teng, PhDBrian L. Wigdahl, PhDYiru Xu, PhDPATHOLOGYMargaret R. McLean, PhDThomas J. Milson, Jr., PhDD. Michael Strong, PhDALUMNI HONOR ROLL <strong>2012</strong> 33

Donald E. Yorde, PhDLinda D. Yorde, MSPHARMACOLOGY & TOXICOLOGYAnonymous✪ Cecilia J. Hillard, PhD✪ Mahendr S. Kochar, MD, MSHemal H. Patel, PhDWenqi Yang, MD, PhdPHYSIOLOGYAnonymous★ Zeljko J. Bosnjak, PhDKelly J. Duffy, PhDKathryn J. Gaspard, PhDKathryn M. Gauthier, PhDDiane L. Hatchell, PhDFrank P. Killey, PhDJulian H. Lombard, PhDJoan M. MacDonald, PhDEileen Masterson, PhDDiane H. Munzenmaier, PhD✪ Carol M. Porth, PhDMark J. Rieder, PhDNancy E. Schlick, PhDJeanne L. Seagard, PhDRobert Wondergem, PhDPOPULATION HEALTHThomas R. Flygt, MD, MAAmanda L. Kong, MD, MSAndrew E. Petroll, MD, MSRichard L. Wolman, MD, MAPUBLIC HEALTHAnonymousSolomon Adu-Beniako, MD, MPHTariq Ahmed, MD, MPHJames D. Bash, DO, MPHCatherine M. Bodnar, MD, MPHCraig B. Cairns, MD, MPHRobert E. Dedmon, MD, MPHRichard D. Donze, DO, MPHManuel H. Enriquez, MD, MPH★ Seth L. Foldy, MD, MPHDiane D. Harrison, MD, MPHJeffrey E. Hawke, MD, MPHTerresa L. Hawthorne, MD, MPHElizabeth J. Kailath, MD, MPHRichard L. Klassen, MD, MPHMarlene K. Lambiaso, MD, MPHRonda BrewerMcCarthy, MD MPH✪ John S. Rhee, MD, MPHDavid M. Rosenberg, MD, MPHFrancis J. Samperisi,MD, MPH, MBA, FACPSushil M. Sethi, MD, MPHTamara Sheffield, MD, MPHPamela Wartian Smith, MD, MPHFrank D. Sparandero, MD, MPHTim C. Taylor, MD, MPHLawrence S. Tolson, MD, MPHFELLOW ALUMNI DONORSALLERGY & IMMUNOLOGYJohn E. Basich, MD✪ Walter Brummund, MD, PhDSteven H. Cohen, MDBLOOD BANKINGRowena C. Punzalan, MDCARDIOLOGYAnonymousJeffrey L. Christie, MDRussell C. Dabrowski, MDGeorge R. Hughes, MDPierre P. Leimgruber, MDMartin F. McGough, MDKenneth D. Owen, Jr., MDHoward W. Short, MDJennifer L. Strande, MDMichael W. Wingo, MDCHILD PSYCHIATRYRobert Chayer, MDJoseph M. Drinka, MD✪ Lucille B. Rosenberg, MDJaime G. Ruvalcaba, MDMark B. Smuckler, MDENDOCRINOLOGYLori D. Book, MDPennapa S. Chan, MDPriya Dayamani, MDIrene O'Shaughnessy, MDGASTROENTEROLOGYSimon Bar-Meir, MDKrisna P. Chai, MDGary L. Gerstner, MDAdeyemi A. Lawal, MD✪ Jon W. Potter, DORajiv R. Varma, MD✪ Rama P. Venu, MD★ Wallace C. Wu, MDGERIATRICSEdith A. Burns, MDLester R. Sauvage, Jr., MDHEMATOLOGY/ONCOLOGYSara B. Arnaud, MDLawrence B. Burkert, MDDouglas E. Puffer, MDINFECTIOUS DISEASESAnonymousMark A. Beilke, MDTimothy S. Bisch<strong>of</strong>, MDNEONATOLOGYSudarshan R. Jadcherla, MDNEPHROLOGYManohar Ahuja, MDSudha Pidikiti, MDWalter F. Piering, MDBrahm S. Vasudev, MDGIVING BY PARTICIPATION RATEOPHTHALMOLOGYKamal F. Nassif, MDPEDIATRIC UROLOGYTravis W. Groth, MDPEDIATRIC HEMATOLOGY/ONCOLOGYDavid A. Margolis, MDPULMONARY & CRITICAL CAREAnonymousRula M. Al-Saghir, MDBruce F. Corsello, MDSylvia Y. Dolinski, MDAmandeep S. Gill, MDAMONG MEDICAL SCHOOL CLASSESClass <strong>of</strong> 1962 55%Class <strong>of</strong> 1968 33%Class <strong>of</strong> 1977 33%Class <strong>of</strong> 1978 31%Class <strong>of</strong> 1970 29%Class <strong>of</strong> 1972 28%Class <strong>of</strong> 1973 26%Class <strong>of</strong> 1975 26%Class <strong>of</strong> 1963 25%Class <strong>of</strong> 1965 25%Class <strong>of</strong> 1967 25%Class <strong>of</strong> 1980 25%Class <strong>of</strong> 1964 24%Class <strong>of</strong> 1966 24%Class <strong>of</strong> 1976 24%Class <strong>of</strong> 1983 24%Class <strong>of</strong> 1984 24%Class <strong>of</strong> 1971 23%Class <strong>of</strong> 1969 22%Class <strong>of</strong> 1979 22%Class <strong>of</strong> 1987 22%Class <strong>of</strong> 1974 21%Class <strong>of</strong> 1982 19%Class <strong>of</strong> 1989 19%Class <strong>of</strong> 1998 17%Class <strong>of</strong> <strong>2012</strong> 17%Class <strong>of</strong> 1986 16%Class <strong>of</strong> 1990 16%Class <strong>of</strong> 2011 16%Class <strong>of</strong> 1985 15%Class <strong>of</strong> 1991 15%Class <strong>of</strong> 2001 15%Class <strong>of</strong> 1996 14%Class <strong>of</strong> 1988 13%Class <strong>of</strong> 1999 13%Class <strong>of</strong> 2002 13%Class <strong>of</strong> 1992 12%Class <strong>of</strong> 1995 12%Class <strong>of</strong> 2000 12%Class <strong>of</strong> 1993 11%Class <strong>of</strong> 2003 11%Class <strong>of</strong> 2004 11%Class <strong>of</strong> 1997 10%Class <strong>of</strong> 2005 10%Class <strong>of</strong> 2006 10%Class <strong>of</strong> 1994 8%Class <strong>of</strong> 2007 6%Class <strong>of</strong> 1981 4%Class <strong>of</strong> 2010 4%Class <strong>of</strong> 2008 3%Class <strong>of</strong> 2009 3%✪ Joseph J. Hine, MDFouad J. Husnain, MD✪ Kesavan Kutty, MDRHEUMATOLOGY★ Jill C. Costello, MDSPINE SURGERY✪ Shekar N. Kurpad, MD, PhDVASCULAR SURGERYTom M. Bergamini, MDBrian D. Lewis, MDJohn A. Strom, MD34 ALUMNI HONOR ROLL <strong>2012</strong>

ON THE RADARC ONTINUING M EDICALE DUCATION EVENTSMidwinter RetinaSymposium: Current andEmerging Treatments<strong>of</strong> Retinal Disease4.0 Category 1 AMA/PRA Credits TMJan. 19, 2013Wauwatosa, Wis.Contact: Kelli Torisianktorosian@mcw.edu(414) 955-7875Anesthesia Topicsin the Tropics18.0 Category 1 AMA/PRA Credits TMJan. 26 – Feb. 2, 2013Port <strong>of</strong> Call: New Orleans, La.Royal Caribbean Cruise Line –Navigator <strong>of</strong> the SeasContact: David Stowe, MDdfstowe@mcw.edu(414) 955-5722www.mcw.edu/cme orcall (414) 955-4900CME RESOURCESRequesting transcriptsTo obtain a transcript <strong>of</strong>credits earned through theOffice <strong>of</strong> Continuing andPr<strong>of</strong>essional Education atthe <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Wisconsin</strong>, please call thetranscript request line at(414) 955-4896 or use thetranscript request form.The form is available onlineat www.mcw.edu/cme underthe “Transcripts” tab and canbe faxed to (414) 955-6623.Alumni receive one transcriptper year free <strong>of</strong> charge.For all subsequent transcriptrequests, the charge is $5 perrequest.ALUMNI EVENTSFriends/Alumni receptionPhoenix areaFeb. 27, 2013Alumni dinnerTucson areaMarch 1, 2013Specialty receptionsAmerican Academy <strong>of</strong> DermatologyMiami Beach, Fla.March 2, 2013American Academy <strong>of</strong>Orthopaedic SurgeonsChicago, Ill.March 22, 2013American <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> PhysiciansSan Francisco, Calif.April 11, 2013Alumni AssociationBoard meetingsJan. 30, 2013May 3, 2013Symposium forSenior PhysiciansMay 2013 (date to be determined)2013 REUNIONSALUMNI WEEKENDMay 3-4, 2013Reunion classes will be 1948,1953, 1958, 1968, 1973, 1978,1983, 1988, 1993, 1998 and 2003.Events will include the AlumniBanquet at the Pfister Hotel,presentation <strong>of</strong> awards, tours,CME and special class dinners.50-YEAR REUNIONMay 17-18, 2013Class <strong>of</strong> 1963 reunion will be held inconjunction with the The <strong>Medical</strong><strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>’s 2013Commencement weekend.CLINICAL CONFERENCE ’13Feb. 25-March 1, 2013The Alumni Association is sponsoring its 2013Clinical Conference at the Westward LookWyndham Grand Resort & Spa in Tucson, Ariz.Educational sessions for CME credit arescheduled, and a variety <strong>of</strong> recreational activities,including golf, hiking, horseback riding, swimming,tennis and biking are available. Social receptionsare also planned. Register now.Call: (414) 955-4781NOMINATIONS SOUGHT<strong>Medical</strong> School Alumnus <strong>of</strong> the YearThe person selected for the 2013 award will haveachieved pr<strong>of</strong>essional success leading to peerrecognition. Areas may include, but are not limitedto, clinical teaching, academic medicine, researchor leadership in pr<strong>of</strong>essional societies.Graduate School Alumnus <strong>of</strong> the YearThe person selected for the 2013 award will berecognized for their career achievements inscience, industry, medicine or health. Areas mayinclude, but are not limited to, research, education,academia, leadership, policy or public health.2013 Humanitarian AwardEligible for nomination are alumni who have,throughout their careers, demonstrated a significanthumanitarian commitment in their medical practiceor volunteer activities.Fax or E-mail your nominations to:(414) 955-6699 alumni@mcw.eduVolunteer and financial support <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Medical</strong><strong>College</strong> are not criteria for these awards.For more information aboutalumni events, contact theOffice <strong>of</strong> Alumni Relations by:Phone: (414) 955-4781E-mail: alumni@mcw.eduInternet: www.mcw.edu/alumniE-mail: alumni@mcw.eduALUMNI NEWS <strong>Fall</strong>-<strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2012</strong> 35

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