View Tender Document - e-Tendering

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2DETAILS REGARDING TENDERNAME OF WORK :CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE IN DAM SUBMERGENCEACROSS THE NALLA AT P.T. BODNA.TAH :MORSHIDISTI : AMRAVATI1. Estimated Cost (Approximately) : Rs 14,03,889/-2. Earnest Money : Rs. 14,000/-3. Security Deposit : Rs. 57,000/-4. Time Limit : 09Calendar MonthsSignature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

3WATER CONSERVATION CORPORATION, AURANGABADSUPERINTENDING ENGINEER MINOR IRRIGATION (L.S.), CIRCLE, AMRAVATIEXECUTIVE ENGINEER MINOR IRRIGATION (L.S.) DIVISION, AMRAVATIDETAILED e- TENDER NOTICEe-TENDER NOTICE NO. 1 / 2013 -14System e-TENDER NOTICE NO.(System Generated no ) FOR 2012-13.1. e-<strong>Tender</strong>s on Percentage basis in B-1 form in two “envelope” system areinvited on line on web-site of Government of Maharashtrawebsite through Sub-Portalof by the Executive Engineer,MinorIrrigation (Local-Sector) Division, Amravati (Phone 0721-2661921) forthefollowing works from the capable and registered contractors inappropriateclass for the works funded by the corporation, blank tenderform shall be issued to only those contractors who have been registeredwith Jalsandharan Mahamandal, Aurangabad..Bid (<strong>Tender</strong>) documents for these works shall be made available on thesaidweb-site. Contractors are required to get enrolled on thePortal and get empanelled in relevant sub portal.Theregistered contractor has to obtain the Digital Certificate. For theinformationrequired to issuance of Digital Certificate he may contact ETMSHelp Desk inthe office of Superintending Engineer, MINOR IRRIGATION(L.S.), CIRCLE, AMRAVATIContact on _Pune Help Desk 020-25315555Contractor shall download, fill in Bid (<strong>Tender</strong>) documents and upload thesameon the said web-site. Demand Drafts drawn on nationalized / scheduledbank inname of Executive Engineer, Minor Irrigation (Local-Sector) Division,Amravati foramount equivalent for cost of Bid (<strong>Tender</strong>) documents (for thisD.D. for EMDalso) must physically reach to the offices of SuperintendingEngineer, withintime and date prescribed as below. However, scanned copiesof respective D.D’s.shall be uploaded on the web-site at the time submissionof Bid (<strong>Tender</strong>) documents. Volumes of Bid <strong>Document</strong>s shall not be soldphysically by the department.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

5* Drawing copies & POL factors can be seen in the office of the ExecutiveEngineer, Minor Irrigation (L.S.) Division Amravati with a written request, &<strong>Tender</strong> award process will bedone manually done by department.1. e tendering Instructions to Applicants Detail tender notice can be seen on the noticeboard in the Executive Engineers office. (Copy can be obtained free of cost fromExecutive Engineer on request). Blank tender booklets are available on theGovernment of Maharashtra website ( through SubPortal of The competent authority reserves allrights of rejecting tender without assigning any reason.2. <strong>Tender</strong> documents will be available on Government of Maharashtrawebsite( Portalofhttp://wsd.maharashtra.etenders.infrom dt 30/04/2013 10.00 Hrs to dt15/05/2013 up to 17.00 Hrs.The bidder has to submit the documents online asper key dates mentioned below.3. The cost of Bid tender form is Rs. 1500/- and E.M.D. of Rs. 14000/-Only it isnecessary to draw the Demand Draft of Rs. 1500/- & E.M.D. of Rs. 14000/- in favourof " EXECUTIVEENGINEER MINOR IRRIGATION (L.S.) DIVISION, “AMRAVATI''And submit to the office of EXECUTIVE ENGINEER MINOR IRRIGATION (L.S.)DIVISION, AMRAVATI before submission date, otherwise the documents loaded onsite can not be considered for evaluation. ,mention of MR/ DD number and date inpayment stage of purchase document is must.4. The activities of <strong>Tender</strong> purchase/Download, Preparation of Bid (Submit Bid Hashonline), Submission of Bids, Submission of EMD and other <strong>Document</strong>s will begoverned by the time schedules given under “Key Dates”.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

65. KEY DATESName of Work:Construction of Bridge in Dam Submergence across the Nalla At P.T.Bodna Tal: Morshi Distt:Amravati<strong>Tender</strong> Amount:Rs. 1403889/-S.No. Stage Start ExpiryDate Time (hrs) Date Time (hrs)1 Release of <strong>Tender</strong> 26/04/2013 11.00 29/04/2013 17.002 <strong>Tender</strong> <strong>Document</strong>sale/ Download30/04/2013 10.00 15/05/2013 17.003 <strong>Tender</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Preparation30/04/2013 10.00 20/05/2013 17.004 Close For TechnicalBid21/05/2013 10.00 21/05/2013 17.005 Close For Price Bid 21/05/2013 10.00 21/05/2013 17.006 <strong>Tender</strong> <strong>Document</strong>Resubmission (Reencryption21/05/2013 17.01 22/05/2013 17.007 Technical BidOpening23/05/2013 11.00 24/05/2013 17.008 Price Bid Opening 23/05/2013 11.00 24/05/2013 17.00Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

7Guidelines to Vendors on the operations of Electronic <strong>Tender</strong> ManagementSystem of Government of Maharashtra on http://maharashtra.etenders.in1. These conditions will overrule the conditions stated in the Bidding<strong>Document</strong>s, wherever relevant and applicable.2. Registration of Vendors:The Vendors interested in doing business with any Department / Agency ofGovernment of Maharashtra that have migrated their process onto the Electronic<strong>Tender</strong> Management System platform shall be required to enrol on the System.Inorder to participate in the Open <strong>Tender</strong>s processed using the System by anyDepartment /Agency, the Vendors are required have a valid enrolment on theSystem. In order to participate in the Limited <strong>Tender</strong>s processed using the Systemby any Department /Agency, the Vendors are required have a valid enrolment on theSystem.In order to participate in the Restricted <strong>Tender</strong>s processed using theSystem by any Department /Agency, in addition to having a valid enrolment on theSystem, the Vendors are also required have avalid empanelment in appropriatecategory on the Sub – Portal assigned to the respectiveDepartment / Agency.TheBidder may obtain the necessary information on the process of enrolment andempanelmenteither from Helpdesk Support Team or may visit the informationpublished under the link ‘How toenrol?’ on the Home Page of the System.Aftersubmission of application for enrolment on the System, the application informationshall beverified by the Authorized Representative of the Service Provider. If theinformation is found to becomplete, the enrolment submitted by the Vendor shall beapproved.After the approval of enrolment, the Vendor shall have to apply forempanelment on the respectiveDepartment / Agency Sub – Portal (if the process ofempanelment is followed in a particularDepartment / Agency). The application forempanelment shall be approved by the CompetentAuthority of the respectiveDepartment / Agency.After the application for enrolment of the Vendor is approved,the Vendor shall be able toparticipate in Open and after the application forempanelment of the Vendor is approved, theVendor shall be able to participate inrestricted <strong>Tender</strong>s.3. Obtaining a Digital Certificate:The Bid Data that is prepared online is required to be encrypted and the hash of theBid Data isrequired to be signed electronically using a Digital Certificate (Class – II orClass – III) to maintain thesecurity of the Bid Data and also to establish the identity ofthe Vendor transacting on the System.The Digital Certificates are issued by anapproved Certifying Authority authorized by the Page 2 of 4Controller of CertifyingAuthorities of Government of India throughtheirAuthorizedRepresentatives uponreceipt of documents required to obtain a Digital Certificate.Bid data / information fora particular <strong>Tender</strong> may be submitted only using the Digital Certificatewhich is usedto encrypt the data / information and sign the hash during the Bid Preparation andHash Submission stage. In case, during the process of preparing and submitting aBid for a particular<strong>Tender</strong>, the Vendor User loses his / her Digital SignatureCertificate (i.e. due to virus attack,hardware problem, operating system problem); he/ she may not be able to submit the Bid online.Hence, the Users are advised to storehis / her Digital Certificate securely and if possible, keep abackup at safe place underadequate security to be used in case of need.In case of online tendering, if the DigitalCertificate issued to an Authorised User of a Firm is used forsigning and submitting aBid, it will be considered equivalent to a no objection certificate / power ofattorney toSignature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

99. Decryption and re-encryption of online Bids (submitting the Bids online):After the generation of Super Hash, the Vendors have to decrypt their Bids usingtheir DigitalCertificate and immediately re-encrypt their Bids using the Public Key ofthe Competent Authority ofthe Department / Agency. At this time, the Vendors arealso required to upload the files for whichthey generated the Hash values during theBid Preparation and Hash Submission stage.The Bid data / information of only those Vendors who have submitted their BidHashes (Seals)within the stipulated time (as per the <strong>Tender</strong> Time Schedule), will beavailable for decryption and re-encryptionand to upload the relevant files. A Vendorwho has not submitted his Bid Hashes (Seals)within the stipulated time will not beallowed to decrypt / re-encrypt the Bid data / information.For submitting the Bidsonline, the Vendors are required to make a payment using the ElectronicPaymentsGateway Service of Rs. 1,038/- (Rupees One Thousand Thirty Eight only) towardsthe feesof the Service Provider. The various options of making online payments areavailable on the HomePage of the System.10. Submission of Earnest Money Deposit:The Vendors are required to submit the Earnest Money Deposit and cost of <strong>Tender</strong><strong>Document</strong>s in aSealed Physical Envelope and the same should reach the concernedCompetent Authority before thelast date and time as specified in the <strong>Tender</strong><strong>Document</strong>s. Vendors are required to keep theinstruments for submission of EarnestMoney Deposit and the cost of <strong>Tender</strong> <strong>Document</strong>s ready asthe details of theseinstruments are required to be entered in the System during the Bid PreparationandHash Submission stage. The details of the Earnest Money Deposit and cost of<strong>Tender</strong><strong>Document</strong>s instruments shall be verified and matched during the <strong>Tender</strong>Opening event.11. Opening of Electronic Bids: The Competent Authority receiving the Bids shall firstopen themanual Earnest Money Deposit and cost of <strong>Tender</strong> <strong>Document</strong>s and verifywith the details submittedonline.The Competent Authority shall then open the onlineenvelope(s) (decrypt the Bid Data) through theSystem. The Authority shall generatethe Hash value of each envelope of each Vendor and match itwith the original Hashvalue of the envelope generated and submitted by the Bidder during theBidPreparation and Hash Submission stage.12. <strong>Tender</strong> Schedule (Key Dates):The Vendors are strictly advised to follow the Dates and Times allocated to eachstage as indicatedin the Time Schedule in the Notice Inviting <strong>Tender</strong> for each<strong>Tender</strong>. All the online activities are timetracked and the Electronic <strong>Tender</strong>Management System enforces time-locks that ensure that noactivity or transactioncan take place outside the Start and End Dates and Time of the stage asdefined inthe <strong>Tender</strong> Schedule.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

10DETAILED TENDER NOTICE1.0. Sealed Percentage rate <strong>Tender</strong>s in B-1 form are invited from the contractorsregistered with in appropriare class of the Government of Maharashtra only for thework of Construction of Bridge in Dam Submergence across the Nalla @ P.T. BodnaSite, Tq: Morshi, Dist: Amravati.1. Estimated Cost (Approximately : Rs. 14.04 Lakhs2. Earnest Money :Rs.14,,000 /-3. Security Deposit :Rs. 56,000 /-4. Time Limit :09 Calendar Months5. Date of issue of Blank <strong>Tender</strong> Form : From 30/04/2013 To 15/5/20136. Last date & time of receipt of tenders : UPto 20/05/2013 hours on 17.00 Hrs2.00 A Pretender Conference will be held on ---at 16.00 Hrs in the office of theSuperintending Engineer, Minor Irrigation (L.S.) Circle, Amravati The contractor whohave purchased the tender will be allowed to participate in the pre tender conference3.0 Each <strong>Tender</strong> shall be accompanied by earnest money in the form of a Term DepositReceiptfor09 Months issued by a Scheduled Bank in the Prescribed form in favour ofthe ExecutiveEngineer, Minor Irrigation (L.S.) Dn., AmravatiThe Contractors who have for purpose of earning exemption deposited the necessarylumpsumamount at the time of registration, should enclose photo state copy of thecertificate authorizing exemption from payment of earnest money without which thetender will not beconsidered. Neither cheque nor cash nor bank guarantee will beaccepted towards payment ofearnest money.4.0 <strong>Tender</strong>s will be received on line on web site http://maharashtra.etenders.inup to17.00 hours on 20/05/2013and will be opened on 24/05/2013 10.00 Hrs to 15.00 Hrs.if possible. The offer will remain valid for a period of 90 days, fromthe date ofopening of tender.5.0 Right is reserved to reject any item of the tender or a tender or all the tenderswithoutassigning any reason therefore. Decision for acceptance or rejection will restwith theExecutive Engineer, Minor Irrigation (L.S.) Division, Amravati6.0 The site or work is approachable as under.The Project site Construction of Bridge in Dam Submergence across the Nala @ P.T.Bodna Site, Tq: Morshi, Dist: Amravati. is situated about 60km from district placeAmravati and 15 Km from MorshiTahasil place7.0 Conditional <strong>Tender</strong> will not be accepted.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

11INSTRUCTION AND NOTES FOR THE GUIDANCE OF TENDERER8.1. The <strong>Tender</strong>ers shall be presumed to have carefully examined all documents,forms,statements, special conditions, schedules, drawings, general conditions andspecifications ofcontract and to have fully acquainted themselves with all the detailsof site, labour conditionsand in general, will all necessary information and data etc.pertaining to and needed for thework.8.2. The <strong>Tender</strong>ers should see in particular see the quarry sites and satisfy themselvesabout thequality and quantities of materials available as the rates quoted will beinclusive of all leadsand lifts involved in bringing the materials from the quarry areasas shown in the quarry chartattached to the tender.9. Preference :Preference will be given to those contractors who have previous experience of suchtype ofworks and who have necessary machinery with them.10. Time Limit :The work is to be completed within Eighteen calendar months including monsoonfrom thedate of written order to commence the work.11. Conditional <strong>Tender</strong>s :i) Conditional tenders will not be accepted.ii)iii)The tenderers are requested to read carefully all the instructions mentioned inPara(14) on page 11 to 12 while submitting their tenders in 2 envelop system.Theyshould also be very careful regarding the documents to be submitted in theenvelopes.Non-observance of these things may result in rejecting the tender.<strong>Tender</strong>s which do not ful-fill any of the conditions of the notification and generalrules anddirections he guidance of the contractors on Page 1 of the agreement form(printed B-1Form) or are incomplete in any respect, are liable to be rejected withoutassignment anyreason thereof.12. a) The tenderer should quote percentage below or above, both in words and figures.No alteration in the form of the tender and in the Schedule of quantities and noaddition in the form of special stipulation will be permitted. No charge in the unitsshall be allowed. The rates quoted in the tender shall be taken as applying to allconditions of whether and the rates quoted will be inclusive of all taxes if any.b) <strong>Tender</strong>ed percentage below of above shall be written at the appropriate place inEnglish or in Marathi in ink both words and figures. In case the percentageexpressed in words differs from that expressed in figures, the lowest of the two willbe taken as correct.c) Neither erasures nor over writing shall be made in the price schedule and ingeneral in the tender documents. Every correction shall be made by crossing thepen acrossthe incorrect or un-required portion and writing the correct or required portion above.All corrections shall bear the date initials of the tenders.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

12d) All pages of tender documents, condition, specifications and drawings etc. shallbe signed bythe tenderer with his full dated signature at the lower left handcorner.The tender shall contain the name, residence and place of business ofperson/ persons submitting the tender and each page of the tender documentsincluding drawings shall besigned by the tenderer with his full dated signature.<strong>Tender</strong> by partnership firm shall furnishthe full names of all authorizedrepresentative on behalf of each partner followed by the nameand designation ofthe person signing. An attested copy of the partnership deed shall befurnishedalong with the tender. <strong>Tender</strong> by companies shall be signed with legal name ofthecompany and signed by the person authorized to bind it in the matter.Whenever,whether in the submission of the tender or later in other matters, the signaturesaremade by one person on behalf of a company or partnership the tenderer shallsupply anattested copy of the power of attorney.Witness and sureties shall be thepersons of status and probity and their names, occupationsand address shall bestated below their signatures. All signature shall be dated.13. <strong>Tender</strong>ing ProcedureA) Blank tender forms: Blank tender forms can be purchased from the office asstipulated in thetender notice.ii)The prospective tenderers are free to ask for any additional information orclarification eitherin writing or orally and the reply to the same will be given by theExecutive Engineer Amravati. inwriting and this clarification referred to as commonset of conditions shall form part of tenderdocuments and which will also be commonand applicable to all tenderers.iii) The tender submitted by tenderer shall be based on the clarification, additionalfacility issued(if any) by the Department, and this tender shall be unconditional.Conditional tenders will be summarily rejected.iv) All tenderers are cautioned that the tenders containing any deviation from thecontractualterms and conditions, specification or other requirements and conditionaltenders will berejected. As nonresponsive.C) Manner of Submission of <strong>Tender</strong> and its Accompaniments:<strong>Tender</strong> to be submitted in three separate sealed Envelopes :The <strong>Tender</strong>er shall submit the tender and documents in two sealed envelop asbelow :A) Envelope No. 1 (Technical Envelop T1)The first envelope clearly marked as “Envelope No.1” shall contain the followingdocuments.i) Earnest Money in the form a Term Deposit receipt for a period of one& half yearissued by a schedule Bank and duly endorsed in the name of theExecutive Engineer Minor Irrigation (LS.) Dn., Amravati, or Certificate of exemptionfor payment of earnest money, if applicable.\ii) Certificate as a registered contractor with the Government of Maharashtra asmay be applicable..iii) An upto-date copy of income tax return Or copy of P.A.N. allotted by Income taxDepartmentSignature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

13iv) List of Machinery and plants immediately available with the tenderer of for use onthis workand list of machinery proposed to be utilized on this work, but notimmediately available andthe manner in which it is proposed to be procured.v) Details of works of similar type and magnitude carried out by the Details of technical personnel on the rolls of the tender.vii) Details of other works tendered for and in hand with the value of work unfinishedon the lastdate of submission of tender. The certificates from the Heads of theoffices under whom theworks are in progress should be enclosed.viii) Attested copy of Certificate of Registration from Assistant Registrar of firms.ix) Attested copy of Certificate of Registration under V.A.T. from Sales Tax Officer.x) Professional Tax clearance certificate.xi) Certificate of Enrolment under Profession Tax Officer.xii) Attested copy of the partnership deed/memorandum and articles of associationas the casemay be if the tendered is a partnership firm or joint stock company.xiii) Appendix-E declaration of the contractor duly signed on a stamp paper of Rs.100 /- shall be enclosed otherwise envelope No.2 will not be opened.b) Envelope No. 2 : <strong>Tender</strong> : (Commercial Envelop C1)The second envelop clearly marked as ‘Envelop No. 2’ shall contain only the maintenderincluding the common/ stipulations issued by the Department after the pretender conference.A tender submitted without this would be considered asinvalid.The tenderer should quote his offer on Schedule ‘B’ of the tender aspercentage of estimatedrates at the appropriate place of tender documents to besubmitted only in Envelop No. 2. Heshould not quote this offer anywhere directly orindirectly in Envelop No. 1. The contractorshall quote for the work as per detailsgiven in this main tender and also based on the detailsset of conditionsissued/additional stipulations made by the department as informed to him bya letterfrom Executive Engineer after pre-tender conference. This tender shallbeunconditional.c) Submission of <strong>Tender</strong> :The two sealed Envelop No. 1 and 2 shall be again put together in one commoncover andsealed. This sealed cover shall be marked on the left hand top corner<strong>Tender</strong> for theConstruction of Bridge in Dam Submergence across the Nala @ P.T.Bodna Site, Tq: Morshi, Dist: Amravati. The full name and address of the tendererand the name of the authorized agent delivering the sealed cover containing thetender shall be written on the bottom left hand corner. If submitted by post, thesealed envelope marked a above, shall be enclosed in another cover properlyaddressed and shall be sent by Registered Post Acknowledgement Due. Thedateand time for receipt of Envelope containing tender shall strictly apply in allcases. The tenderer should insure their tender received by theExecutive Engineer,M.I. (L.S.) Division Amravat. The before the expiry of date and time. No delay onaccount of anycause will be entertained for the late receipt of the <strong>Tender</strong>. <strong>Tender</strong>offered or received afterthe date and time is over, will either not be accepted or ifinadvertently accepted, will not beopened and shall be returned to the tendererunopened.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

14d) Opening of the <strong>Tender</strong> :On the date specified in the tender notice, following procedure will be adopted foropening ofthe tender.Envelope No. 1 :First of all, Envelop No. 1 of the tender will be opened to verify its contents asperrequirement. If the various documents contained, in this envelope do not meettherequirement of the Department, a Note will be recorded accordingly by the tenderopeningauthority and the said tender’s Envelop No.2 will not be considered for furtheraction, but thesame will be recorded.Envelope No. 2 :This envelop shall be opened immediately after opening of Envelop No.1 only. Ifcontents ofEnvelop No. 1 are found to be acceptable to the Department. Thepercentage above/belowthe estimated rates shall then be read out.14. The tenders will be opened on 23/05/2013 at 15.00 hrs to 24/05/2013 15.00 Hrs ifpossible in presence of thetenders or their authorized agents who may choose to bepresent.15. The tender will be liable to be rejected out right if while submitting it.1) The tenderer proposes any alteration in the work specific., in the tender or in the timeallowedfor carrying out the work or any other condition.2) Any of the pages of the tender are removed or replaced3) The percentage above or below are not clearly mentioned both in figures and wordsin ink onpage ______________ of the tender documents.4) The tenderer or in the case of a partnership firm each partner thereof does not signor thesignature/s is/are not attested by a witness on page No. ________ of thetender in the spaceprovided for the purpose (or provisions of paragraph 14 (d) arenot complied with). In case oftender by companies, it should be signed by the legalname of the company and signed by the person authorized to bind it in matter.5) Any erasures are made by him in the tender.6) All corrections and additions or pasted slips are not signed by the tenderer.16. Earnest Money /Security Deposit :i) (a) A sum of Rs. 14000/- on account of earnest money should be pain in the form of“TermDeposit Receipt” for 09 months issued by a Scheduled Bank duly endorsed infavour ofExecutive Engineer Minor Irrigation (L.S.) Division, Amravati the specimenform given in thetender documents will be accepted.(b ) Earnest money in the form of cash or cheque will not be accepted.(c) Contractors who have paid the required sum as deposit and executed thenecessarybond as per the rules of registration with Govt. of Maharashtra areexempted from thepayment of earnest money. Such contractors shall attach to theirtender a Photostat copy ofthe certificate authorizing exemption from earnest moneypayment. The contractors, whohave not lodged the necessary lump-sum deposit asabove shall pay earnest money asprescribed in the foregoing Para (a).Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

15ii)iii)The earnest money paid “Term Deposit Receipt” for 12 Months will, in the case oftendererswhose tenders are not accepted, be refunded and will, in the case of thesuccessfultenderer be refunded after payment of cash security deposit and thebalance amount ofsecurity augmented by deduction from bills towards securitydeposit as stipulated in theprinted B-1 form. In case of the successful tenderer whois exempted from payment ofearnest money as in Para (c) above. The payment ofsecurity deposit shall be as stipulated inthe sub-para below.The successful tendererwho is exempted from payment of earnest money shall have to paysecurity depositRs. 28000/- in cash within the period of stipulated in para 18 below of thetimesignifying of the agreement.In lieu of cash deposit mentioned above in para 14 (ii) Government securities, gold,goldbonds, guarantee bond of Scheduled Bank in the form acceptable toGovernment. NationalSavings Certificate, National Defence Saving Certificate, forthe value for the which they canbe in cashed at the time of presentation as securitydeposit, Port trust bonds, MunicipalDebentures, scripts of rural debentures issuedby the Bombay State Co-operative LandMortgage Bank Limited. Standing in thename of the tenderer shall be accepted, if pledged assecurity deposit in the name ofthe Executive Engineer. Minor Irrigation (L.S.) Division,AmravatiGuarantee Bonds ofSchedule Banks in the form acceptable to Govt. shall be accepted. Theremainingamount of security deposit of Rs. 28000/- shall be recovered by 2 % deductionfromrunning account bills.17. Acceptance of the <strong>Tender</strong> :Acceptance of the tender will rest with the Superintending Engineer, Minor Irrigation(L.S.)Circle, Amravati who reserves the right to reject any item of the tender or atender or alltenders without assigning any reason thereof. The person/person whosetender may beaccepted shall have to pay the cash security deposit and enter intoregular B-1 agreementwithin ten days of being notified to do so (which period maybe extended to up to 15 days if he thinks it fit to do so) and shall abide by all therules and regulations embodied therein. In the event of the failure of the tenderertosign theagreement within the stipulated time, the earnest money paid by him shallstand forfeited toGovernment and the acceptance of the tender shall be consideredas withdrawn. In the caseof contractors who are exempted from paying the earnestmoney and who fail to deposited bythem as per rule 11 of the registration ofcontractors shall stand forfeited to Government. Thefacility of not paying earnestmoney extended to such contractors shall also stand withdrawnfrom the date onwhich they fall to comply with the requirements and their registration is alsoliable tobe cancelled.The offer shall remain open for acceptance for a minimum period of 90 days fromthedate fixed for opening the same period of and thereafter until it is withdrawn bythe contractorby notice in writing duly addressed to the authority opening the tendersent by registered postacknowledgement due or otherwise delivered at the office ofsuch authority and also subjectto other conditions shown in Memorandum ofagreement printed.18. The right is reserved to revise or amend the tender documents prior to the datenotified forthe issue of tenders. Such revisions or amendments or extensions shallbe communicated toall concerned in the form of addenda or by notice in the pressas may be considered suitable.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

1619. Some items of work are being executed departmentally. The quantities that wouldbeexecuted during the period between the issue of tender notice and fixation ofagency will bededucted from the quantities in the tender. The tenderer should takecognizance of this factand no claims would be tenable on account of such reductionin the quantities. (Vide Govt.Letter No. 1076/1181/666(E) 17 dated 08/06/76)20. The successful tenderer should produce to the satisfaction of the competentauthorityaccepting the tender and valid and concurrent licence issued in his favourunder theprovisions of the contract labour (Regulation and Abolition Act, 1970 andthe MaharashtraContract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Rule 1971 beforestarting the work on failure todo so the acceptance of the tender will be liable to bewithdrawn and also the ernest money will be forfeited to Government.21. The rates are inclusive of leads and lifts charges etc. Of the construction materialand no claim in this regard will be entertained by the department. The contractorwill have to furnished necessary under taking in this regard before issue of the workorder.22. Contractor is bonded to submit the work programme regarding item wise quantitiesamount and other details regarding if month wise which will be finalised by theExecutive Engineer before of work order and same will be revised at the beginningof the financial year as per availability if it mutually .Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

1. Outline of work :17SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT(These will apply to all items of work etc. as relevant)1.1. The work will be on the lines of the set of plans attached to the tender documents.The plansare however liable to be change and strata shown are approximate.1.2 The items of work and their approximate quantities are given in schedule ‘B’ of thetender.1.3 The specification of work shall be as per detailed general specifications attached tothistender.1.4 All levels shown in the drawing are approximate and depths of excavation are likelyto beincreased or decreased depending upon the strata met with during actualexcavation. Noclaim on account of change in depth of strata or change of slopes willbe entertained. Thedesigned layout shown on the tender drawings is tentative and issubject to modifications.Such modifications shall not be reason for any claim.2. Unit of quoting rates :2.1 The percentage above or below shall be quoted with respect to the estimated rates intheschedule ‘B’.3 Site Conditions :3.1 It shall be presumed that the contractor has satisfied himself as to the nature andlocation ofthe work, general and local conditions, particularly those bearing ontransport, handing andstorage of materials, disposal of spoils availability of labour,weather conditions, source ofwater and has estimated the cost accordingly,Government will bear no responsibility for anylack of such acquaintance with siteconditions and the consequences thereof to thecontractor.3.2 Housing :No local housing is available and the contractor should arrange for suitable housingfor hisstaff and labour, offices, etc. at his own cost within the area of work as directedby theExecutive Engineer. Land for the same will be made available free of chargefor temporaryuse during the course of execution.3.3 Water Supply & Drainage :3.3.1 The contractor shall make his own arrangements at his cost for the water supply tohis colony and to the work site required for the work. The details of proposal shall begot approved from the Engineer-in-charge. Fresh and potable drinking water shall bemade available by thecontractor to all persons working at work spot in clean andhygienic earthen of other post atall working places and in sufficient quantities.3.3.2 Similarly the disposal of water and drainage arrangements will have to be made bythecontractor at his own cost to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

183.4 Camp Regulation :The contractor shall be responsible for maintaining order in his camp and on his workand tothat end shall employ such officers, watchmen or other persons as required athis cost. Unauthorized or undesirable persons shall be excluded from the camp andfrom the works. If, in the opinion of the Executive Engineer, any employee or agent ofthe contractormisbehaves or causes obstructions in the proper execution of the workor otherwise makeshimself undesirable, the contractor shall on receipt of theinstruction to do so, remove himfrom the premises. Employees of the contractor shallmean any person employed by him orhis sub-contractors, if subletting is permitted bythe Engineer-in-charge or any personemployed on the work contracted for on behalfof the contractor.3.5 Medical Aid :Medical aid for the contractor’s men shall be arranged by the contractor at his owncost. Thecontractor shall provide first aid boxes on the work site. These boxes shallalways be filled inwith all required medicines.3.6 Roads :3.6.1 The contractor shall construct and maintain suitable inspection paths in the workslimits. Anyhaul or approach roads necessary for the contractor’s work shall beconstructed at his owncost and they shall be permitted to be used by the Departmentand such other personnel asauthorized by the Executive Engineer, free of charge.There will however be no charge forany reasonable use by the contractor of any roadconstructed by the Government. AsGovernment machinery will be moving on thehaul roads if any accident occurs the contractorwill have no claim on that accountand will have to pay the compensation etc. for suchaccident as per the rules,regulation, laws etc. pertaining to these matter.3.6.2 All quarry roads and paths for conveyance of materials from quarry to the site of workand forall other operations required for the contract, shall be constructed andmaintained by thecontractor at his own cost. However, if any land has to be acquiredfor this purpose, the sameshall be acquired by the Department permanently ortemporarily at his cost and handed overfree to contractor. The decision regardingreasonableness of the requirement of such landshall however rest with the ExecutiveEngineer.3.7 Electrical Power :3.7.1 The contractor will have to make his own arrangement for electric power at his costand thisshall not constitute any reason for any claims in this behalf. The contractorwill have to makehis own arrangements to lay and maintain the necessarydistribution lines and writing for theworks at his cost. All writing and methods ofconstruction for overhead distribution lines andother lines should be in accordancewith the Indian Electricity Act, 1910 & Indian ElectricityRules 1956.3.7.2 The layout & method of laying the lines & writing and the nature of connected loadsshallhave the prior approval of Engineer-in-Charge.3.7.3 In case electrical power is made available it will be supplied to the contractor at theratesprevailing at that time in addition to the duties & taxes applicable from time totime as perM.S.E.B. tariff. The contractor shall however have no claim, for nayinconvenient and losscaused do to non-availably of power or any interruption ofbreak down in supply.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

193.7.4 The contractor shall be & remain answerable & liable for any loss or damage or injuryto anyperson or any property of Govt. or others caused by or arising for the failure ofobservance ofIndian Electricity Act. 1910 & Indian Electricity Rules 1956.4.0 Errors, Omissions and discrepancies :4.1 In all cases of omissions, doubts or discrepancies in the dimensions or descriptionindrawings and items of work, a reference shall be made to the Executive Engineer,whoseelucidation and elaboration shall be considered as authoritative subject toprovisions a clauseNo. 30 of the B-1 form. The Contractor shall be held responsiblefor any error that may occurin the work through lack of such reference andprecautions.Condition of contract:The Contractor shall be held responsible for any error that may occur in thework through lack of such reference and precautions.5. SUPPLY OF MATERIALS BY AGENCY:5.1 (A) CEMENT:5.1.1 All cement required for the work under this Contract shall be procured well in advance by theContractor from the nearest cement factory(s). Ordinary Portland cement conforming to I.S.8112, of 1989 and subsequent revisions thereof, if any, packed in 50 kg woven HDPE bagsconforming to I.S. 11652 of 1986, shall be supplied.5.1.2 The Contractor shall produce proof of purchase of cement from the cement factory(s). Thepurchase bill supported by a Delivery Challan and ExciseGatePass shall constitute adequateproof of purchase. Cement shall be stored in such a way as to allow its removal and use inchronological order of receipt i.e. first received being first used.5.1.3 Cement shall be kept in a weather-proof store under a double locking arrangement (one lockto be operated by Contractor and second lock to be operated by the authorised person ofDepartment) so that it can be taken out or fresh stock admitted with the knowledge ofsupervising staff of the Government. The watch and ward of the cement stores shall be theresponsibility of the Contractor.5.1.4 If godown facilities are available with the Department, the same may be utilised by theContractor as per the terms and conditions as decided by the Engineer-in-charge.5.1.5 Cement shall be tested by a Government approved laboratory at Contractor’s own cost andresults submitted to Department. Cement shall be provided free of cost by the Contractor tothe Engineer-in-charge, as and when desired, for testing purposes.5.1.6 The Engineer-in-charge or his representative shall at all times have access to the storage andwork sites of the Contractor and shall have authority to check and examine security records,storage records and records of on-site usage, which are to be maintained up-to-date andprovided by the Contractor. The Contractor shall comply with instructions that may be givenby the Engineer-in-charge.5.1.7 Any damage to the cement stored in the Contractor's godown shall be solely hisresponsibility. The Contractor shall not be allowed to use damaged cement on the work. Theend disposal of such cement shall be approved by Engineer-in-charge.5.1.8 Executive Engineer or his authorised representative is authorised to inspect lorries of cementand all other materials of the Contractor before allowing them to proceed out of the worksarea.5.1.9 Whenever the cement is used on a weight basis, the excess or shortage from the actual weightof the bags of cement as received from the market shall be corrected and recorded, and signedby the Engineer-in-charge of work operation and the Contractor or his representative. Anyextra cost of cementwill be borne by the Contractor. Weighing equipment is to be supplied bythe Contractor at his cost.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

205.2 (B ) STEEL :The Contractor shall procure steel from the market. The Contractor shall make necessaryarrangement at his own cost for samples from the available stock and shall conforms withthe specifications laid down by the Bureau of Indian Standards (vide their specificationNos. I.S. 432 (part-1) of 1966, 1139-1966, 1786-1979) and subsequent revisions.a) The Contractor should store the steel of 60 days requirement at least one month in advance.b) The Contractor will have to construct sheds for storing steel having capacity not less thanthe steel required for 90 days use at works site. The Engineer-in-charge or his representativeshall have free access to inspect such stores and storage arrangement and to suggestmodification and improvement if any and the contractor shall comply with the same. Thestoring arrangement shall be such asto afford convenience of the inspection and check of materials. Bars of the same size,length, shape and grade shall be assembled in stock and marked distinctly.. c) The Contractor shall further, at all times, satisfy the Engineer-in-charge with the productionof records and books or by submission of returns, and other proof, that the steel being usedis as tested and approved by the Engineer-in-charge for the purpose. The Contractor shall atall times keep his records up-to-date and be open for inspection by the Engineer-in-charge.d) The Contractor shall procure the steel from major producers such as SAILS. Rolled steelwill not be acceptable. Test certificates of steel procured by the Contractor shall be obtainedfrom the manufacturer and presented to Engineer-in-charge for inspection..e) Thesteel procured should conform to the standard specification of Bureau of IndianStandards I.S. No. 1986 of 1979 for Tor Steel and I.S. 432 of 1966 for mild steel.f) Steel samples required for testing shall be supplied by the Contractor free of cost. Howeverthe testing charge for steel will be borne by the Contractor.g) The steel bars shall be brought by the contractor on the basis of weight of steels. Theweight shall be arrived at by measuring the length of the bars and multiplying the same bythe standard weight as per unit length given in the specifications , for any other sizes notincluded in the table standard weight as per the manufacturer’s catalogue shall be used.The length shall be measured to the nearest 10 cms. Any fractions of less than 5 cms beneglected and fractions of 5cms above taken as 10 cms.5.3 (C) EXCAVATED MATERIALS :,5.3.1 All materials available from excavation will be the property of Government and shall bedisposed off as directed by the Engineer In Charge .The materials of approved quality maybe used by the Contractor in the items of work included in the schedule prices for ancillaryor preparatory work at he rate of prevailing royalty chargesThe Contractor shall make proper arrangements for sorting and stacking the materials thathe proposes to use. The Government will be free to make use of the materials not requiredfor use by the Contractor, as determined and agreed with the Engineer-in-charge. Theexcavated materials not to be used by the Contractor or stacked for his use but remainingunused at site after completion of works shall be disposed of by the Contractor at his cost ina manner and places as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.All unused and rejectedmaterials shall be spread evenly across the designated disposal areasso as to leave the siteclear of any heaps of deposited spoil.(As per Govt. Of Maharashtra Irrigation Department Circular No. JAY 1080/105543 (1290)MAJ 6 dated 19-9-81). The separable spoils available from adjacent reaches /canal works,etc. other than those in the <strong>Tender</strong> under consideration shall be permitted to be used by theContractor free of cost provided these materials are used solely for the specific Contractwork in question, with the prior approval of the Engineer- in-charge. However no claim onaccount of non-availability of the separable spoils will be entertained by the Department.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

215.3.2 The Contractor shall use the extracted materials such as rubble, stone and quarry spauls, as theEngineer-in-charge may direct and approve either directly from excavation or from dumps asthe Executive Engineer may stipulate the selection, sorting and stacking shall be doneaccording to the directions of the Executive Engineer free of charge by the Contractor.5.3.3 The Contractor shall supply free of cost the necessary quantities of sand, stone and aggregateetc to the government for carrying out tests as required by the Engineer-in-charge. This shallbe done well in advance of the construction operation so as to get approved the quality of thematerials. The cost of opening quarries and operating them shall be borne by the Contractor.5.4 EXPLOSIVES PROCUREMENT5.4.1 Explosives, petrol,oils, fuels and other inflammable materials shall be stored strictlyin accordance with the rules of the Explosives Department.5.4.2 The Contractor shall, at his own expense and or licence construct and maintain, propermagazine which are required for the storage of explosives and proper storage facilities for oil,fuel, etc. for use in connection with the work without any extra cost.5.4.3 The Contractor shall, at his own expense, obtain such licenses as may be necessaryfor storing and using explosive, oils, fuels, etc. The Department shall not incur anyresponsibility whatsoever in connection with the storage or use of explosives on the site or anyaccident utterance whatsoever in connection therewith. All operations of the Contractor inwhich or for which explosives are employed being at risk of the Contractor,5.4.4 If the Contractor fails to satisfy and provide safety precautions and fails to maintainsatisfactory accounts of explosives, he shall be liable to the penalties under the rules. Skilledperson shall be kept available on the work site for all blasting operation for full time.5.5 STONE :5.5.1 Lead of stone :The Contractor shall visit various stone quarries operating in the nearby region and ascertainthe levels and areas in which stone of good and acceptable quality is likely to be available. Itis for the Contractor to investigate the quarries which will yield stone in sufficient quantitiesand of required quality for the works. However, if a quarry location approved by the Engineerin-chargedoes not yield adequate and suitable stone, no claim in that case will be entertained.Other quarry locations will have to be established by the Contractor at his own cost and risk.The stone from quarries should got approved from the department for its quality beforeusing it in the work.5.5.2 The locations of quarries have to be such that they do not affect permanent structures as wellas should not be near existing or proposed habitation The locations and sizes of quarries shallbe subject to approval of the Engineer-in-charge. However, if a quarry location approved bythe Engineer-in-charge, on its opening, does not yield adequate and / or suitable stones, noclaim can be raised against the Department. In the case other quarries will have to beestablished by the Contractor at his own cost and risk and the stone got approved from theDepartment for its quality before using it in the work. The Contractor is responsible forconstructing and maintaining all roads from the quarries to the site, at his cost.5.5.3 If the stone quarries are located in the lands acquired by the Department, the Contractor wouldbe allowed to quarry the rubble from these areas. If the quarries are located in privateproperties, the Contractor has to make his own arrangements to the legal rights and attend topayment etc. to the concerned parties for operation of these quarries at his own cost. Similarlyhe shall make arrangement from roads leading to and from the stone quarries to work site athis own cost.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

225.5.4 In the stone quarries at critical excavation weak rocks like volcanic breccias etc. are likely tobe met with, such rocks will be rejected and not allowed for use in the masonry. The quarryingwill have to be adjusted to avoid these and other types of weak rocks.5.6 SAND : Sand will be obtained from the market5.6.1 The Contractor shall make all arrangement for procurement of sand of approved quality andthe same should be got approved from the Engineer- in-charge before it is used on the work.However, if the quarry location approved by the Engineer-in-charge does not yield adequatesuitable sand, no claims can be raised against the Department. In the case, other quarrylocation will have to be established by the Contractor at his own cost and risk. The sand fromsuch quarries should be got approved from the Department before using it on the work.The Contractor shall have to make arrangement at his cost for construction and maintenanceof all roads leading to and for sand quarries to the work site as required by him.5.7 CASING & HEARTING MATERIAL :Estimates of the casing and hearting materials expected to be available from materialexcavated on site during execution of the work are made, with additional quantities(ifrequired) to be brought from quarries. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to identify theareas from which sufficient quantities of hearting and casing materials can be borrowed andquote rates accordingly, including all leads and lifts. No claims for additional lead and liftswill be entertained.5.7.1 The Contractor shall have to make arrangement at his own cost for construction andmaintenance of all roads leading to and from quarries to the works site required by him.5.8 PETROL, OIL AND OTHER LUBRICANTS :5.8.1 The Contractor shall have to make his own arrangement for procurement of petrol, diesel, oiland other lubricants.6.0 EXPLOSIVES PROCUREMENT AND STORAGE :6.1 Explosives, petrol,oils, fuels and other inflammable materials shall be stored strictlyin accordance with the rules of the Explosives Department.6.2 The Contractor shall, at his own expense, construct and maintain, at the site of worksa proper magazine for storage of explosives and proper storage facilities for oil, fuel, etc. foruse in connection with the work.6.3 The Contractor shall, at his own expense, obtain such licenses as may be necessaryfor storing and using explosive, oils, fuels, etc. The Department shall not incur anyresponsibility whatever in connection with the storage or use of explosives on the site or anyaccident or occurrence whatsoever in connection therewith. All operations of the Contractor inwhich or for which explosives are employed shall be at the risk of the Contractor and upon hissole responsibility.6.4 The Contractor shall arrange for the procurement of all the explosives at his costand risk.6.5 If the Contractor fails to satisfy and provide safety precautions and fails to maintainsatisfactory accounts of explosives, he shall be liable to the penalties under the rules. Skilledperson shall be kept available on the work site to undertake all blasting operations..Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

237.0 DATA TO BE FURNISHED BY THE CONTRACTOR :7.1 The Contractor shall submit to the Executive Engineer within fortnight of the awardof Contract, a list of the construction plant and equipment for the execution of work which thecontractor proposes to adopt.7.2 Immediately after receipt of the Work Order to commence the work, the Contractor shallsubmit to the Executive Engineer for approval, the plans in triplicate showing the location ofhis work- shop and storage building, storage yards, offices, Contractor’s colony (including itsservices) and housing facilities which he proposes to put up at site. Suitable housingarrangements for the labours employed by the Contractor or his piece workers will be theContractor's responsibility and the location of labour’s huts shall be in the prescribed areaonly, which shall be got approved from the Executive Engineer.7.3 No change in the approved layout should be carried out without specific written approval ofthe Executive Engineer.8. USE OF SITE :8.1 The Contractor shall be permitted to use the following for the bonafide purpose of theexecution of this Contract, free of charge.i) The site required for construction of the workii) The approach and haul roads constructed by Government subject to para3.6.1.iii) The quarries for stones, sand and surkhi and the Government land required forContractor’s buildings and storage yards.Use of quarries will be subject to para 21 as mentioned as below.The extent of land required by the Contractor shall be decided by the Executive Engineer athis sole discretion.8.2 All areaof operation including those for his staff and labour colonies, handed over to theContractor shall be cleared and handed back in good condition to the Executive Engineerexcept areas under works constructed in accordance with this Contract or those for whichspecific approval has been obtained from the Executive Engineer .8.3 Wherever possible and desirable, the Contractor shall preserve all existing vegetationadjacent to the site, which does not interfere with the construction, as determined by theExecutive Engineer8.4 The land shall, as herein before mentioned, be handed over back to the ExecutiveEngineer within six months after the completion of the work under this Contract. Also no landshall be held by the Contractor longe than the Executive Engineer shall deem necessary andthe Contractor shall on due notice by the Executive Engineer , vacate and return the landwhich the Executive Engineer may certify as no longer being required by the Contractor forthe purpose of the work, failing which the Contractor shall be liable to pay rent for the land sooccupied, at the rate prescribed by the Executive Engineer9. CERTIFICATE :The contractor should certify. After careful study and with due diligence, I hereby certify thatall the lead charges , lift charges for various construction materials are included in the rate ofthe items and no claim will be put forth by me on this account.10. ROYALTIES :As per Govt. Revenue And Forest Department Mantralaya Mumbai (Marathi) Circular No÷ÖÖîÖ×−Ö/10/1009/¯ÖÏÎú 309/Ö/´ÖÓ¡ÖÖ»ÖµÖ ´Öã²ÖÓ‡Ô /פü.11-02-2010 The cost of royalty chargeswill be reimbursed to the contractor after producing the receipt of amountdeposited with the Revenue authorities at the rate of Rs. 70.68per cubic meter.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

2411. FOREIGN EXCHANGE :No foreign exchange concessions, guarantees or releases by the Department for the purpose ofplant and machinery required for the execution of the work contracted for, are applicableunder this Contract.12.0 PROGRAMME TO BE FURNISHED :12.1 As soon as practicable after the acceptance of <strong>Tender</strong>, but not later than 15 days, theContractor shall submit to the Executive Engineer for his approval, a programme showing theprocedureand method in which he proposes to carry out the works, and shall wheneverrequired by the Executive Engineer , furnishfor his information particulars in writing of hisarrangements for carrying out works and the construction plant, temporary works,he intends touse or construct as the case may be. No extra claims shall be admissible except as per theconditions under this <strong>Tender</strong> provided for.12.2 For guidance in preparing the programme for dates by which the various items shall beexecuted are given below.Sr.No.ItemSeparately AttachedCumulative % of work quantity period wise... to ... ... to ... ... to ... ... to ... Remarks/monthsmonthsmonthsmonthsTotalTOTAL (AVERAGE)PERCENTAGEThe programme for other items which are not quoted herewith should be matching with theprogress of items given above.12.3 The submission to and approval by the Executive Engineer of such a programme shall notrelieve the Contractor of any of his duties or responsibilities under this Contract.13. SETTING OUT:13.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for the true and proper setting out of the works and for thecorrectness of the position, levels, dimensions and alignment of all parts of works and for theprovision of all necessary instruments, appliances and labour in connection therewith. If at anytime during the progress of works, any error shall appear or arise in the position, leveldimensions or alignment of any parts of the works, the Contractor shall rectify such error to thesatisfaction of the Executive Engineer without any extra cost to the Government.13.2 For the purpose of setting out, two end bench marks of which values shall be furnished by theExecutive Engineer shall be provided by the Department near the site of work. The locations ofsuch bench marks shall be apexes or the central line shall also be provided by the department atlocations specified by the Executive Engineer. All setting out shall be with reference to thesebench marks and reference points and errors for the purpose of para 13.1 and 13.3, shall be withreference to this..13.3 The checking of any setting out or of any line or level by the Executive Engineer or his agentshall not in any way, relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities for the correctness thereofand the Contractor shall carefully protect and preserve all bench marks, site rails and otherthings used in setting out of the works.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

13.4 Signing field books, longitudinal sections and cross sections :25Before starting the work and at the end before the work is covered, levels for plotting thelongitudinal section and cross sections of the portions of the work shall be taken by theEngineer-in-charge or his authorised representative in the presence of the Contractor or hisauthorised agent, who shall have to sign the field books on the same day and plans showing thel-section and cross-sectionsof the portion of the work , in token of acceptance. If the Contractorfails to sign them , the levels recorded by the Engineer or his representative shall be final andbinding on the Contractor. For this purpose of taking levels a suitable date shall be fixed by theEngineer -in-charge and intimated to the Contractor at least three days in advance. If theContractor or his duly authorised agent fails to attend on the appointed date or dates, the levelsshall be taken in his absence and such levels and longitudinal sectionand cross sections basedthereon, shall be final and binding on the Contractor.14. FOSSILS, ETC. :14.1 All gold, silver, oil or other minerals of any description and all precious stones, relics, fossils,coins, articles of value, articles of antiquitiesand other similar things and structure and otherremains or things of geological or archaeological interest discovered found in or upon the siteof work shall be the absolute property of the Government and all measures shall be taken by theContractor to protect the same from any damage or removal, and immediately upon discovery,the Contractor shall acquaint the Executive Engineer.15 PATENT RIGHTS :15.1 The Contractor shall indemnify the Executive Engineer, from and against all claims andproceedings for or on account of, infringement of any patent right, design, trade marks, or otherprotected rights in respect of any constructional plant, machine work or materials used, for orin connection with the works of temporary or permanent nature and from and against all claimsdemands proceedings, damages, cost charges and expenses whatsoever incurred in relationthereto.16. NIGHT WORK :16.1 When work has to be carried out at night, the Contractor shall obtain written permission of theExecutive Engineer. In the event of such sanction being granted, proper arrangements forsupervision, lights, etc. shall be made to the satisfaction of the Executive Engineer17. PROTECTION OF MATERIALS :17.1 Materials shall be transported, handled and stored on the site in such a manner asto prevent, damage, deterioration or contamination.18. PRECAUTION DURING FLOODS AND RAINS :18.1 It is the responsibility of the Contractor to preserve and maintain in safe condition all work,materials, machinery and tools from floods and rain and no compensation will be paid on anyaccount.19. PASSING OF FOUNDATIONS :19.1 After the completion of excavation work the same will be checked and passed by the ExecutiveEngineer. No masonry or concrete should be laid unless the foundation is passed by theExecutive Engineer.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

2620. HIRE OF CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT :20.1 If Government machinery is available and the Contractor desires to hire it for this workon hire,,it may be hired to him subject to conditions and hire charges laid down by Government fromtime to time during the currency of <strong>Tender</strong> and as per rules and conditions prescribed byGovernment from time to time. The Contractor will have to sign an agreement in theprescribed form laying down the terms and conditions and rates of hire, before the machinery ishanded over to him. Such hire charges shall be recovered from the Contractor’s runningaccount bills and final bill. The Contractor shall also pay a security deposit at 4% of the bookvalue of class 1 and 2(a) equipment and as prescribed by Government from time to time out ofthe this 1 % shall be recovered immediately in cash and remaining 3% by deduction from R.A.bills at the rate of 1% in each successive bill. Similarly in case of class 2(b) and III equipment,the security deposit will be at 10% of their book value. Out of which 3 % shall be recoveredimmediately in cash and the remaining in 7% by deduction from R.A. Bills, at the rate of 1% incash successive bill.20.2 log book shall be maintained by the Executive Engineer or his authorised representative foreach piece of equipment in the form laid down by Executive Engineer. The Contractor or hisduly authorised agent shall verify and sign the log book daily in token of correctness of theentries therein. Even if the Contractor or his duly authorised representative fails to sign thebook the entries made by the Executive Engineer or his authorized representative shall bebinding upon the Contractor. Any complaint or representation regarding the recorded planthours must be submitted in writing within 24 hours from the close of the shift. The ExecutiveEngineer decision regarding such dispute pertaining to working hours shall be final and bindingupon the Contractor. Complaint or representation made after the lapse of 24 hours limit shallnot be considered. The log books shall form the basis of the recoveries to be effected from theContractor.20.3 All minor and reasonably major repairs shall be carried out by the Department to keep theequipment in working condition. However any breakage, damage etc. which may occur due tonegligence of Contractor’s labour or any staff or other reason for which Department personnelare not responsible, cost of such damages shall be recovered from the Contractor’s bill. Thepowers of decision regarding fixing the responsibility of any damages on the Contractor shallbe with the Executive Engineer and the decision given by him shall be binding on thecontractor.21. QUARRIES :21.1 It is for the contractor to investigate quarries which would yield stone and other material suchas sand, surkhi, murum, soil etc. And satisfy himself of the availability in desired quantities andquality. All the necessary test of material should be carried out by the contractor at his own costbefore using the material.21.2 The tenderer should in particular see the quarry site and satisfy themselves about the quality andquantities f the material available as the rates quoted will be inclusive of all this lead and liftsinvolved in bringing the materials from the quarry. No claim in respect shall be entertained.21.3 He shall supply free of cost necessary quantities of sand, stone and aggregate to governmentfor carrying out test as desired by the Engineer in-charge as well in advance of the constructionoperation so as to get approved the quality of materials. The cost of opening quarries andoperating them shall be borne by the contractor.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

2722. Work Order Book :22.1 The contractor shall supply and maintain bound work orders books at such work sitesas the Executive Engineer may direct and shall make them available to the ExecutiveEngineer or his representative, whenever called for. The work order books shouldhave pages in triplicate and replicating carbon papers should be provided with them.Executive Engineer or his representative may record order about works in this book,leaving the original copy in thebook and removing the second and third copy withhim.All orders recorded in these workorder books shall be deemed to have been servedon the contractor. On completion of thework all the work order books may be handedover to the Executive Engineer.23. No claims on Account of Delay due to Departmental or other Contractor Work :23.1 Delay on account of holding up of contract work due to execution of the work likedrilling andgrounding, laying of pipes for construction sluice and penstock, erection ofgates for theirrigation and power outlets and other works being carried outsimultaneously either by theDepartment or any other contractor shall not from reasonfor any claims by the contractor.24. Embedded Parts :24.1 Installation of all embedded parts of gates for penstock, irrigation outlets, pipes forpenstockand construction sluice or any other metal work (supplied free of cost by thedepartments)stands included in the relevant item of Schedule ‘B’ No. extra paymentwill be made for theinstallations of this embedded metal work or for delays or forinterruptions arising there from.25. Co-ordination with Other Contractors :25.1 The contractor should note that there will be other agencies including the departmentworkingin the same area for works other than that included in this contract.Thecontractor shall co-operate with these agencies to the fullest extent and shall allowthenreasonable facilities and co-ordination for execution for their workssimultaneously andsatisfactorily as intended in the contract conditions specificationsand drawings.Should there be a dispute or disagreement between the contractor andthe order agencies forany cause whatsoever the same shall be referred to theEngineer-in-charge whose decisionregarding the co-ordination, co-operation andfacilities to be provided by all the contractingagencies to the others shall be final andbinding on all parties and such a decision shall notVitiated any contract nor absolvethe contractor of his responsibilities under the contract norform the ground for anyclaim or compensation.26. Definition of the Term Engineer-in-charge.26..1 The Engineer-in-charge means the Executive Engineer, directly in charge of the workor anyother officer duly authorized in this behalf.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

2827. Sub-Surface Condition :27.1 The probable rock line as roughly assessed from logs of the various bores and trailpits takenalong & in the region of the various elements of works are shown on thedrawings. The coresof these logs are available for inspection at site. The contractormay study the actual coresand must draw his own conclusions. The contractor mustacquaint himself with the regional geology including the intertrappean, layers,brecciaed rocks and water bearing possibilities ofthe softer strata in the variousregions. The contractor shall bear full responsibility fordeductions and conclusions asto the nature and conditions of the rock and other materials tobe excavated, and thedifficulties of maintaining the required excavations and of doing otherworks affectedby the geology of the site of works.28. Death, Bankruptcy etc. :28.1 If the contractor shall die and commit any act of bankruptcy or being a corporation,commences winding up except for reconstruction purposes or carry on its businessunder receiver, the executors, successors or other representative in liquidator or anyperson in whom the contract may become vested, shall forthwith give notice there ofin writing to Govt. and shall for one months, during which shall take all reasonablesteps to prevent a stoppage of work have the option of carrying out this contractsubject to his or their providing such guarantee as may be required by Governmentbut not exceeding value of work for the timebeing remaining unexecuted. In the eventof stoppage of work, the period of option under thisclause shall be fourteen daysonly. Should beabove option be not exercised, the contractmay be terminated byGovernment by notice in writing to the contractor. The power andprovisions reservedto Government in this contract of taking of the work out of contractor’shand shallimmediately become operative.29. Reference to Standard Specifications :29.1 The specifications of the work as attached to this contract are drawn with a specificreference to site conditions and do not everywhere include the details of standardtest and procedures, which are already laid down and available in the current IndianStandard Specifications Whenever such details are not specified in this contract,provisions under the current Indian Standard specifications and for the standardspecifications (1965 and as amended from time to time) of Govt. of Maharashtra shallbe deemed to be applicable.30. Payment of the Running Account Bill :30.1 With reference to clause 10 of B-1 Form the payment of the bills will be mademonthly.31. Income Tax :31.1 Deduction for income tax at the rate of 2% (two percent) plus surcharge onsuchdeduction will be made on the gross payment of each bill due to contractorwithoutexcluding any adjustment on account of cost of material, hire charges ofmachinery or anyservices rendered by the department.32. Engagement of Apprenticeship :32.1 It is obligatory on the part of the contractor to engage requisite number of apprenticesby theState Apprenticeship Advisor and train them in the Bldg trade (such as (i)Bricklayer / BldgConstruction (ii) Carpenters and (iii) Plumbers as well as blacksmith) which have beenspecified designated trades under the Apprenticeship Act.1951Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

2933. Department’s Assistance :33.1 Though there is difficulty in procuring explosives, tubes, tyres, food grains & othersuchmaterials and commodities the Department cannot and does not undertake anyresponsibilityfor assured supplies thereof. However the Department will assist thecontractor in forwardingrecommending his requirements for the work to properauthorities for all these articles withoutany commitment on the part of the department.34. Attribution :34.1 In case of any disputes between the contractor & the Government in the matterwhatsoever,those shall have to be resolved as per provisions of Clause 30 of the B-1form and in notcircumstances the reference to Arbitration Act will be entertained.35. Price Variation Clause (Price Escalation) :If during the operative period of the contract as defined in condition (i) below thereshall beany variation in the Consumer Prices Index (New Series) for IndustrialWorkers of Nagpurcentre as per the Labour Gazette published by the Commissionerof Labour Government ofMaharashtra and / or in the Wholesale Price Index for allcommodities prepared by the Officeof Economics Adviser, Ministry of Industry,Government of India, or in the price of petrol / oil and lubricants and majorconstruction materials like bitumen, cement, steel, various types of metal pipes, etc.Then subject to the other conditions mentioned below, price adjustment on accountof1. Labour component2. Material component3. Petrol, Oil and Lubricants component4. Bitumen component5. HYSD & Mild Steel component6. Cement component7. C.I. and D. I. Pipes componentCalculated as per formula here in after appearing, shall be made. Apart from these,no other adjustment shall be made to the contract price for any reasons whatsoever.Component percentage as given below are as of total cost of work put to tender.Total of labour, material & POL component shall be 100 and other component shallbe as per actual.a) Labour component K1 -- 24.71%b) Material component K2 -- 67.31%c) POL component K3 -- 7.98 %d) HYSD and mild steel component asRs. --- / M.T(ACTUAL)e) Cement components as Rs. ----- per M. T (ACTUAL.)A) Formula for Labour Component :--K 1 (L 1 -L 0 )V1 = 0.85 P [x --------- x ---------------]100 L0WhereV1 = Amount of price variation in rupees to be allowed for labour components.P = Cost of work done during the quarter under consideration with minus. The costofcement HYSD and mild steel, Bitumen, C.l. and D.l. pipes calculated at the basicstarrate applicable for the <strong>Tender</strong> consume during the quarter under consideration.Star rateof cement Rs 241 per bag for Part .. Star rate ofHYSD mild steel Rs. 33478per M.T.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

30K1 = Percentage of Labour component as indicated above.L0 = Basic consumer price index for Nagpur Centre shall be average consumer priceindexfor the quarter preceding the last prescribed for receipt of tender.L1 = Average Consumer Price Index for Nagpur Centre ascertained as above duringtheperiod under consideration.B) Formula for Materials Component :K 2 (I 1 – I 0 )V2 = 0.85 x (P) [--------- x -------------- ]100 I 0WhereV2 = Amount of Price Variation in rupees to be allowed for material component.P = Cost of work done during the period under consideration (same as work out forlabourcomponent.K2 = Percentage of materials component as indicated above.L0 = Basic Wholesale Price Index ascertained as above shall be average wholesalepriceindex for the quarter proceeding the last date prescribed for receipt of tender.I1 = Average wholesale price index ascertained as above during the periodunderconsideration.P1 = Average Price of H.S.D. for Mumbai during the period under consideration.C) = Formula for Petrol, Oil and Lubricant Component :K 3 (P 1 – P 0 )V3 = 0.85 x (P) [ ------------- x ----------------]100 P 0WhereV3 = Amount of Price Variation in rupees to be allowed for POL, components.P = Cost of work done during the period under consideration. (Same as work out forlabourcomponent)K3 = Percentage of Petrol / Oil / Lubricant component as indicated above.P1 = Average Price of H.S.D. for Mumbai during the period under consideration.P0 = Average Price of H.S.D. for Mumbai during the quarter preceding the lastdateprescribed for receipt of tender.D) = Formula for H.Y.S.D. and Mild steel Component :SI 1 -Sl 0V 4 = S 0 [ -----------------] x TSl 1WhereV 4 = Amount of Price Variation in rupees to be allowed for H.Y.S.D./Mild steelcomponent.S 0 = Basic rate of H.Y.S.D./Mild steel in Rs./Metric ton as consider for working outvalue of P.Sl 0 = Average of steel index as per RBI bulletin during the period underconsideration.Sl 1 = Average of the steel index as per RBI bulletin for the quarter proceeding themonth inwhich the last date prescribed for receipt of tender.T = Tonnage of steel used in permanent work for the period under consideration.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

31E) = Formula for Cement Component :C 1 -Cl0V 5 = C 0 [ --------------------] x TSl 0WhereV 5 = Amount of price variation in rupees to be allowed for Cement component.C 0 = Basic rate of Cement in Rs./Metric ton as consider for working out value of P.Cl 1 = Average of Cement index as per RBI bulletin during the period underconsideration.Cl 0 = Average of Cement index publish in the RBI bulletin for the quarter proceedingthemonth in which the last date prescribed for receipt of tender.T = Tonnage of steel used in permanent work for the period under consideration.2. Conditions referred to in Paragraph -1:i) The operative period of contract shall mean the period commencing from the dateof workorder issued to the contractor and ending on the date when the time allowedfor the workspecified in the memorandum under tender for work expires, taking intoconsideration theextension of the time, if any, for completion of the work granted byEngineer-in-charge underthe relevant clause of the conditions of contract in casesother than those where suchextension is necessitated on account of default of thecontractor. The decision of theEngineer-in-charge as regards the compensation shallfor liquidates damages is levied on thecontractor on amount of delay in amount forthe balance work from the date of levy of suchcompensation shall be worked out bythe pegging the indices C-1, 1-1 and P-1 to levelscorresponding to the date fromwhich such compensation is levied.ii) This price variation clause shall be applicable to all contracts in B-1, B-2 and Cforms butshall not apply for price works.iii) Price variation shall be calculated in accordance with the formula mentionedaboveseparately for Labour, Material and POL components.iv) The price variation under this clause shall not be payable for the extra itemsrequired to beexecuted during the completion of the work and also on the excessquantities payable underthe provisions of Clause 38 of the contract form B-1, sincethe rates payable for the extraitems or the extra quantities under clause 38 are to befixed as per the current DSR or asmutually agreed, to yearly revision till completion ofsuch work. In order works, when thecompletion / execution of extra items as well asextra quantities under clause 38 the contractform B-1 extends beyond the operativedate of then DSR the rate payable for the samebeyond that date shall be revised withreference to next current DSR prevalent at that time onyear basis or revised inaccordance with mutual agreement thereon as provided for thecontract, whichever isless.v) This clause in operative both ways, i.e. if the price variation in the said wholesalePrice Indexfor all commodities, Consumer Price Index (New Series) or price of HSDfor Bombay is onthe plus side, payment on account of the price variation shall beallowed to the contractor andif it is on the negative side, the Government shall beentitled to recover the same from thecontractor and the amount shall be deductablefrom the contractor’s bill for the respectiveperiod in which there are fluctuations.(Accompaniment of the Government Resolution, PublicWorks Department NO CAT06/04/148/Building-2, dated 16/05/2005)Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

3236. MODE OF PAYMENT OF THE QUANTITIES OF EXCAVATION,MASONARY AND CONCRETE ITEMS EXECUTED IN EXCESS OF 125% :Clause No. 38 of B-1 <strong>Tender</strong> form pertains to payment of quantities of different items ofschedule 'B' in excess of 125% of the <strong>Tender</strong>ed quantities. It is to be clarified that in case ofitems of excavation in soft strata and hard strata in the present <strong>Tender</strong>, this clause will becomeapplicable only if the total quantity of excavation (i.e. quantity given for excavation in Part-I orPart-II. excavation in soft strata and quantity given for excavation in hard strata) exceeds by125% during execution. Quantity of excavation in Part-I (soft and hard strata) and in Part-II(soft and hard strata) will be considered separately for this purpose. For payment of quantityexecuted in excess of 125% of total quantity of excavation, the following procedure will apply.CASE 1: Where the quantity of excavation executed, exceeds 125% of total of <strong>Tender</strong>edquantity of items of excavation in soft strata and hard strata, but quantity executed of anyone ofthe individual items is less than or equal to the <strong>Tender</strong>ed quantity for that item all the excessquantity beyond 125 % of total <strong>Tender</strong>ed quantity in items of excavation in soft strata & hardstrata, will be paid by revising the rate of only that item where excess has occurred.CASE 2 :Where total quantity of excavation executed for both items (excavation in soft strataand hard strata) exceeds 125% of the total <strong>Tender</strong>ed quantity will be distributed in the ratioExecuted quantity of individual item of excavationexcavationexecuted quantity of individual item oftotal executed quantity of item of execution in soft and hard strataTotal executed quantity of items of excavation in soft strata and will be paid by revising the rateof individual items as per clause 38 (2) subject to the provision that the revision of rate will beapplicable only for the quantity of individual item executed beyond the <strong>Tender</strong>ed quantity.Incase if executed quantity is less than 75% of the total quantity of excavation in soft strataandhard strata, these will be treated of similar lines as (1) and (2) above.EXECUTED QUANTITY OF INDIVIDUAL ITEM EXCAVATION :Total executed quantity of items of excavation in soft strata and hard strata and will be paid byrevising the rate of individual items as per clause 38, (2) subject to the provision that therevision of rate will be applicable only for the quantity of individual item executed beyond the<strong>Tender</strong>ed quantity.In case if executed quantity less than 75% of the total quantity of excavation in soft strata andhard strata these will be treated of similar lines as (1) and (2) above.CASE 3: Where total quantity of all masonry items taken together exceeds 125% of the total<strong>Tender</strong>ed quantities of all masonry items, quantity in excess of 125% of total <strong>Tender</strong>edquantity will be distributed in the ratio of.executed quantity of individual item of masonrytotal executed quantity of item of all masonryExecuted quantity of individual item of masonryitemsTotal Executed quantity of all masonry items taken together and will be paid by revising therate of individual items as per clause 38 (2) subject to the provision that the revision of ratewill be applicable only for the quantity of individual item executed beyond the <strong>Tender</strong>edquantity.In case of executed quantity is less than 75% of the total quantity of all masonry itemstaken together, these will be treated on similar lines as in case (1) and (2) above.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

33CASE 4: Where total quantity of all concrete items taken together exceeds 125% of the total<strong>Tender</strong>ed quantities of all concrete items, quantity in excess of 125% of total <strong>Tender</strong>ed quantitywill be distributed in the ratio of.executed quantity of individual item of concretetotal executed quantity of item of all concrete itemsExecuted quantity of individual item of concrete:Total executed quantity of all concrete items taken together and will be paid by revisingtherate of individual item as per clause 38(2) subject to the provision that the revision of rate willbe applicable only of the quantity of individual item executed beyond the <strong>Tender</strong>ed quantity.In case of executed quantity is less than 75% of the total quantity of all concrete items takentogether, these will be treated on similar lines as in case (1) and (2) above.For payment of quantities in excess of 125% of <strong>Tender</strong>ed quantity for items other thanexcavation masonry and concrete items provision clause 38(2) of B-1 <strong>Tender</strong> Form will beapplicable.37. Formation of water users co-operative Society/Association(WUA)The contractor shall assist for the formation of water user co-operative/ Association (WUA)of the farmers under command. The contractor should completed all the formalities for theformation of WUA for registration for the UA with the Competent Authority. T he contractorshall also make all the measurement for the all size visits and study tours including allnecessary expenses required for transportation, lodging and boarding of the representative teamof the WUA to the near by successful Water User Co-operative Society/Association in theregion or adjacent region and WALMI Aurangabad. He should also make necessaryarrangement for imparting the required training tothe member of the WUA. All the theseactivity are to be carried out under the supervision of Engineer in –charge and in full cooperationof the beneficiaries team of the WUA to the near by successful Water Users CooperativeSociety/Association in the region or adjacent region and WALMI Aurangabad.38 INSURANCE CLAUSE :As per the guide lines by the Government of Maharashtra vide (Marathi) G.R. No.Vimasan/1098/P.K. 28 /98 Shasan Hami Mantralaya Mumbai dated 19-08-1998 thecontractor had to submit the “ Policy Certificate” for the labours those will be employed on thework insured by the Director of Insurance Bandra only before the commencement of works,failing which an amount equivalent 1% of the contract value amount towards the insuranceof the labour working on the site of work will be deducted from running bills of every workdone that may be due to the contractor which will not be refundable to the contractor.39 LEADS:The leads and availability of all construction materials of good quality are verified 100 % by theengineer in-charge / Executive Engineer and got satisfied. No claims on this account will beentertained.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

34APPENDIX ‘A’DETAILS OF WORK OF SIMILAR TYPE AND MAGNITUDECARRIED OUT BYTHE TENDERERSr.NoNameof workPlace<strong>Tender</strong>edcost lakhsTime inMonths bywhichcompletedStipulateddateofcompletion/ActualdateofcompletionWithreasonsPrinciplefeatures1 2 3 4 5 6 7.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

35APPENDIX ‘B’DETAILS OF OTHER WORKS TENDERED FOR AND IN HAND ON THE DATEOFSUBMISSION OF TENDERSr.NoNameofworkPlac Works in hand Works tendered for Remark<strong>Tender</strong>edcostRs. inlakhsCost ofRemainingwork lakhsAnticipated date ofcompletioEstimated costRs. inlakhsDate bywhichdecisionisexpectedStipulateddate orperiod ofcompletionSignature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

36APPENDIX 'C'DETAILS OF PLANTS & MACHINERY IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE WITH THETENDERER FOR USE ON THIS WORK.Sr.NoName ofequipmentNo. ofunitsKindandmakeCapacityAge andconditionPresentLocationRemarks1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Note: If no machinery is available with the firm, please give details (inremark column) how your firm will manage the sameSignature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

37APPENDIX 'D'DETAILS OF TECHNICAL PERSONNEL WITH THE CONTRACTORSr.NoDescription Name Length ofServiceinthe firmQualifications Professionalexperienceand detailsofworkscarried outRemarks1 2 3 4 5 6 71 ProjectManager2 WorksManager(SeniorCivil3 Engineers(Civil)4 SupervisorsNote: If there is no technical personnel with your firm please give details (inremarkcolumn) as to how your firm can manage the construction work?Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

38APPENDIX ‘E’DECLARATION OF THE CONTRACTOR1. I/We underscore the importance of a free, fair and competitive procurement process thatprecludes fraudulent use. In this respect we have neither offered nor granted, directly orindirectly, any inadmissible advantages to any public servants or other persons in connectionwith our bid, nor will we offer or grant any such incentives or conditions in the presentprocurement process or, in the event that we are awarded the contract, in the subsequentexecution of the contract.2. I/We ___________________________________________________________ Contractor (s)hereby undertake that I / We shall pay the labourers engaged on the work under this Contract,their wages as per Minimum Wages Act. 1948 and amendments thereto, applicable to the zonein which the work lies and act accordingly. I/ We also undertake to abide by the various laws inforce and extend necessary facilities and amenities to the staff and workers employed by me/us.3. I/We hereby declare that I/We have made my self/ourselves/thoroughly conversant with thelocal conditions regarding all construction materials such as stone, sand, surkhi, soil, murum,etc. and labour on which I/We have bid my/our rates for this work. The specifications of thiswork have been carefully studied and understood by me/us before submitting this <strong>Tender</strong>. Iundertake to use only the best materials approved by the Engineer-in-charge or his dulyauthorised assistant before starting the work and abide by his decisions.4. I/We hereby undertake to indemnify and hereby indemnify the Government. against allliabilities arising out of application of all labour laws viz. the minimum wages act, ESIS and PFAct etc. with reference to labour engaged on subject work.5. All leads and lifts charges for the procurement, excavation, utilisation and disposal of thevarious construction materials required are included in the rates of items under the Contract,and it is clear to me/us unconditionally, that no claim for lead and lift will be admissible byme/us and I/we give an undertaking that no claim will be submitted by me/us in this regard.6. I/We will inform our staff about their respective obligations and in particular about theirobligations to fulfil this Declaration and to obey the laws of India and State of Maharashtra..SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTORSignature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

39APPENDIX ‘F’FORM OF TERM DEPOSIT RECEIPT FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEARNo. _____________________________________________________________________________(Name of Bank)TERM DEPOSIT RECEIPT FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEARNo. __________________________Received from executive Engineer ___________________________________________thesum of Rupees ____________________________________________________________which is placed to his credit with the __________________________________________________________________________ (Name of Bank) as Term Deposit for the one year.Signature of theExecutive Engineer For(Name of Bank)AgentSignature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

40APPENDIX ‘G’BANK GUARANTEESecurity for Performance1) In consideration of the Governor of Maharashtra (hereinafter called the Government)havingagreed toexempt__________________________________________________________________(hereinafter called the said Contractor) from the demand, under the terms andconditions ofAgreement dated____________________________________________________________madebetween______________________________________________________________And___________________________________________________________(hereinaftercalled the said Agreement) of security deposit for the due fulfilment by the saidcontractor ofthe terms and conditions contained in the said agreement on productionof a bank guaranteefor Rs. ________________ (Rs.___________________________________________ only)we,_________________________________________________________________(hereinafter referred to as the Bank) at the request of________________________________________________ contractor do hereby under take to pay the Government anamount notexceeding Rs. ________________ against any loss or damage caused to or sufferedorwould be caused to or suffered by the Government by reason of any breach by thesaidcontractor of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement.2) We_______________________________________________________________________do hereby undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guaranteewithout anydemur, merely on a demand from the Government stating that the amountclaimed is due byway of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or sufferedby the Government byreason of breach by the said contractor of any of the terms orconditions contained in the saidAgreement or by reason of the Contractor’s failure toperform the said Agreement. Any suchdemand made on the bank shall be conclusiveas regards the amount due and payable bythe Bank under this guarantee. Howeverour liability under this guarantee shall be restrictedto an amount not exceeding Rs._________________.3) We undertake to pay to the Government any money so demanded notwithstandinganydispute or disputes raised by the Contractor in any suit or proceeding pendingbefore anycourt of Tribunal relating thereto, our liability under this present beingabsolute andunequivocal.The payment so made by us under this bond shall be avalid discharge of our liability forpayment thereunder and the Contractor shall haveno claim against us for making suchpayment.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

414) We_______________________________________________________________________further agree that the guarantee therein contained shall remain in full force and affectduringthe period that would be taken for the performance of the said Agreement andthat it shallcontinue to be enforceable till dues of the Government under or by virtueof the saidAgreements have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged ortill _______________________________________________________________________________________(Office Department Ministry of__________________________________________________certifies that terms and conditions of the said Agreement have been fully andproperly cardedout by the Contractor and accordingly discharges this guarantee.Unless a demand or claimunder this guarantee is made on us in writing on or beforethe _______________________________________________________________________________ we shall bedischargedfrom all liability under this guarantee thereafter.5) We __________________________________________________________further agree with the Government that the Government shall have the fullest libertywithoutour consent and without affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder tovery any of theterms and conditions of the said agreement or to extend time ofperformance by the saidContractor from time to time or postpone for any time or fromtime to time any of the powersexercisable by the Government against the saidContractor and to for bear or enforce any ofthe terms and conditions relating to thesaid Agreement and we shall not be relieved from ourliability by reason of any suchvariation or extension being granted to the said Contractor orfor any forbearance act.or omission on the part of the Government or any indulgence by theGovernment tothe said Contractor or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which underthe lawretaining to sureties would. But for this provision, have effect of so relieving us.6) This guarantee will not be discharged due to the charge in the constitution of theBank or theContractor.7) We, __________________________________________________________lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with thepreviousconsent of the Government in writing.Date the ________________________ day of_________________________________ 199for_________________________________________________________________________________________________ (indicate the name ofbank)_________________________Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

42APPENDIX ‘H’BANK GUARANTEE FOR MOBILISATION ADVANCEIn consideration of THE GOVERNER OF MAHARASHTRA exercising the executivepower ofthe Government of the state of Maharashtra (hereinafter referred to as “TheGovernment)” having atthe request of____________________________________________________________________Company Limited a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 and havingit registeredoffice at________________________________________________________________a) Shri _and_____________________________________________________________b)Shri _________________________________________________________etc. carrying on business in partnership in the firm name and type of Messrs______________________________________________________________________at____________________________(hereinafter referred to as the ternderer/s agreed to land and advance to the<strong>Tender</strong>/s theMobilization Advance for the work of___________________________________________________(hereinafter referred to as the said works the sum of Rs.______________________________ on theterms and conditions, interalis, that thetenderer/s furnish to the Government a guarantee from theschedule Bank in India inthe sum of Rs. ____________ (Rupees _____________________________________________________________ together with interest thereon at_____________ percentper annum guaranteeing due repayment there of by thetenderer/s to the Government with interestthereon at the time and in the manner asprovided in the Condition No. ___________________ of thespecial /Generalcondition of Agreement annexed to the <strong>Tender</strong> Agreement dated the ________dueof _________________________ and made between the Government of the onepart and thetenderer/s the other part (hereinafter referred to as the said Agreement)a complete copy there of isannexed hereto.We,______________________________________________________________________incorporated in India under_______________________________________________________ Actand having one of our local offices at_______________________________________ do herebyguarantee to theGovernment due and punctual repayment by the tenderer/s as per the provisionsinthe Condition No. _____________________________ of the Special GeneralConditions of theAgreement appended to the said Agreement to the Government ofthe said sum of Rs. ___________________ (Rupees___________________________________________________________________ only) lent and advanced by the Government to the <strong>Tender</strong>er/s as aforesaidtogether with interestthereon at the rate specified in end at the time and in themanner specified in the Condition No. __________________________ of specialgeneral conditions ofAgreement appended to the saidAgreement AND WE do hereby undertake that weshall pay to the Government forthwith on demandthe said sum Rs. ___________(Rupees _______________________________________________ only) or such lessersum as may be then due and payable by the tenderer/s to theGovernment togetherwith interest there on at the rate of (here higher rate of interest should bespecified)Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

43______________ per annum from the date of payment of the said advance bytheGovernment to the <strong>Tender</strong>er/s till repayment and as may be demanded by theGovernment from usand by way of indemnity on account of any loss damage causedto or suffered the Government byreason of Government being unable to recover thesame from the <strong>Tender</strong>/s provided in the SpecialGeneral Conditions of the <strong>Tender</strong>appended to the said Agreement.AND WE DO HEREBY FURTHER AGREE THAT :a) The guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect and shallcontinue to beenforceable till the whole of the said sum of Rs. ___________ (Rupees _________________________________________________ only) togetherwith interest thereon asaforesaid paid by the Government to the <strong>Tender</strong>er/s and allthe dues of the Governmentunder Special General Condition of the Agreementappended to the said Agreement havebeen fully paid and its claims satisfied ordischarged.b) The guarantee herein contained shall be valid for the entire period during whichthe saidagreement is in operation or till the Mobilization Advance together with theinterest has beenrecovered from the <strong>Tender</strong>er/s which ever is earlier.c) We shall not be released or discharged from the liability under this guarantee byreason of –i) Any change in the constitution of the Bank or of the <strong>Tender</strong>er/s.ii) Any arrangement made between the Government and the <strong>Tender</strong>er/s with orwithout ourconsent.iii) Any variation in the terms, convenants or condition of the Agreement for <strong>Tender</strong>.iv) Any time given to the <strong>Tender</strong>er/s.v) Any forbearance of indulgence shown to the <strong>Tender</strong>er Any other conditions or circumstance under which in law, a surety would bedischarge.d) Our liability hereunder shall be joint and several with that of the <strong>Tender</strong>er/s as ifwe were theprincipal debtors receiving the said sum of Rs.________________(Rupees___________________________________________________________only).e) We shall not revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previousconsent ofthe Government in writing.PROVIDED ALWAYS that notwithstanding any thing herein before contained. Curliabilityunder this guarantee shall be limited to the sum of Rs. __________ (Rupees_________________________________________ only) and interest there on as aforesaid andshall remain in fordue until the (12 Months after due date) day of ______________________________AND if claimsunder the guarantee are not made and communicated to us in writing before the said___________________________________________ (date viz. ( 6 months after duedate) day of_______ 19 _______ all the rights of the Government under thisguarantee shall standforfeited and there upon we shall be released and dischargedform all liabilities hereunder.IN WITNESS HERE OFthe____________________________________________ Bankhas executed thesepresents this ___________________ day of _________________ (Executionclauseof the Bank not finalized)Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

44FORM B-1Percentage Rate <strong>Tender</strong> and Contract for Works PWD 286GENERAL RULES & DIRECTIONSFOR THE GUIDANCE OF CONTRACTORSi) All work proposed to be executed by contract shall be notified in a form of invitationto tenderpasted on a board hung up in the office of the Executive Engineer andsinged by theExecutive Engineer.This form will state the work to be carried out, aswell as the date for submitting and openingtenders and the time allowed for carryingout the work also the amount of earnest money tobe deposed with tender and theamount of the security deposit to be deposited by thesuccessful tenderer and thepercentage, if any, to be deducted from bills. It will also statewhether a refund ofquarry fees, royalties, octroi dues and ground rent will be granted, coplesof thespecification, designs and drawings and estimated rates, scheduled rates andanyother documents required in connection with the work which will be singed by theExecutiveEngineer for the purpose of identification shall also be open for inspectionby contractors atthe office of the Executive Engineer during office hours.Where thework are proposed to be executed according to the specifications recommendedby acontractor and approved by a competent authority on behalf of the GovernmentofMaharashtra such specification with designs and drawings shall part of theaccepted tender.2 In the event of the tender being submitted by a film, it must be signed by eachpartner thereofand in the event of the absence of any partner. It shall be singed onhis behalf by a personholding a power- of attorney authorizing him to do so.2.A. i) The contractor shall pay along with the <strong>Tender</strong> Rs.78000/- (RupeesSeventy_EightThousandonly) as and by way of earnest money. Thecontractor maypay the said amount by forwarding along with the tender a receipted TreasuryChallanfor the said amount Term Deposit Receipt for 12 months for the said amountdrawnon any Scheduled Bank for the like amount in favour of the Executive Engineeror an earnestmoney exemption certificate. The said amount of earnest money shallnot carry any interestwhatsoever.ii) In the event of his <strong>Tender</strong> being accepted, subject to the provisions of the Subclause(iii) below, the said amount of earnest money shall be appropriate towards theamount ofSecurity Deposit payable by him under condition of General Conditions ofContract.iii) If, after submitting the <strong>Tender</strong>, the contractor withdraws his offer or modifies thesame or ifafter, the acceptance of his <strong>Tender</strong> the contractor falls of neglects tofurnish the balance orsecurity Deposit without prejudice to any other rights andpowers of the Governmenthereunder or in law. Government shall be entitled to forfeitthe full amount of the earnestmoney deposited by him.’iv) In the event of his <strong>Tender</strong> not being accepted, the amount of earnest moneydeposited by thecontractor shall, unless it is prior thereto forfeited under theprovisions of Sub-clause(iii) above be refunded to him on his passing receipt therefor.3. Receipts for payments made on account of any work. When executed by a filmshould alsobe signed by all the partners, except where the contractors are describedin their tender as afirm, in which case the receipts shall be signed in the name of thefilm, by one of the partnersor by some other person having authority to give effectualreceipts for the firm.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

454. Any person who submits a tender shall fill up the usual printed from including statingat whathe is willing to undertake the work. <strong>Tender</strong>s which proposed any alteration inthe workspecified in the said form of invitation to tender or in the time allowed forcarrying out the workor which contain any other condition of any sort will be liable torejection. <strong>Tender</strong> shall havethe name and the number of the work to which they referwritten outside the envelope.5. The Executive Engineer Minor Irrigation local sector Division Amravati or his dulyauthorizedassistance will open tenders in the presence of any intending contractorswho may be 1present at the time and will enter the amounts up the several tenders ina comparativestatement in a suitable form. In the event of a tender being accept thecontractor shallthereupon, for the purpose of identification, sign copies of thespecification and otherdocuments mentioned in rule l. In the event of a tender beingrejected the Divisional Officershall refund the amount of the earnest money depositedby the contractor after obtainingreceipt.6. The officer competent to dispose of the tenders shall have the right of rejecting all orany ofthe tenders.7. No receipt for any payment alleged to have been made by a contractor in regard toanymatter relating to this tender or the contract shall be valid and binding on Govt.unless it issigned by the Executive Engineer.8. The memorandum of work to be tendered for and the scheduled of the materials tobesupplied by the Irrigation Department and their rates shall be filled in andcompleted by theofficer of the Executive Engineer before the tender form is issued ifa form issued to anintending tenderer has not been so filled and completed he shallrequest the said office tohave this done before he completes and delivers histenders.9. All work shall be measured net by standard measure and according to the rules andcustomof the Irrigation Department without reference to any local custom.10. Under no circumstances shall any contractors be entitled to claim enhanced rates foranyitems in this contract.11. A certificate of registration as approved contractor in respect of tenders fromregisteredcontractors should be produced with the tender.12. All correction and additions or passed slip should be initialled.13. The measurements of work will be taken according to the usual method in use intheIrrigation Department and no proposal to adopt alternative methods will beaccepted. TheExecutive Engineers decision as to what is “the usual method in use inthe IrrigationDepartment will be final.14. The successful a tenderer should produce to the satisfaction of the competentauthorityaccepting the tender a valid and current license issued in his favour underthe contract labour(Regulation and Abolition) Rule 1970 and Maharashtra ContractLabour (Regulation andAbolition Rule) Rule 1971 before starting the work. On failureto do so the acceptance of thetender will be liable to be withdrawn and also theearnest money will be forfeited toGovernment.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

4615. Every tender shall submit along with the tender information regarding the Income Tax,circleor ward of the district in which he is assessed to Income Tax the reference tothe number ofthe assessment and the assessment year.16. The contractor will have to construct shed her storing controlled and valuablematerialsissued to him under Scheduled ‘A’ of the agreement at work site havingdouble lockingarrangement. The materials will then be taken for use in the presenceof the departmentalperson. No materials will be allowed to be removed from the siteof works..Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

47<strong>Tender</strong> of WorkI / We here by tender for the execution for the Governor of Maharashtra (here- in –before and here- in- after referred to as “Government”) of the work specified in theunder written memorandum within the time specified in such memorandum at ---------------------------------------------------------------(% in words_________________________________________) percent below / above theestimated rates tender in Schedule B (memorandum showing items of work to becarried out) and in accordance in all respect with the specifications, design,drawing, and instructions in writing referred to in rule I here of and in clause 3 of theannexed conditions of contract and agree that when materials for the work areprovided by Government such materials and rates to be paid for them shall be asprovided in the Schedule ‘A’ here to.MEMORANDUMa) General description Construction of Bridge in DamSubmergence across the Nala @ P.T.Bodna Site, Tq: Morshi, Dist: Amravati.b) Estimated Cost Rs. 1403889/-c) Earnest Money Rs. 14,000/-d) Security Deposit Rs. 28,000/-i) Cash (not less than the amountof earnest money)2 % Rs. 14000/-ii) To be deducted from current bill 2 % Rs. 14000/-Total : Rs. 28000/-e) Percentage if any, to be deductedfrom bill so as to make up the totalamount required as security depositby the time half the work as measuredby the cost is done.4%f) Time allowed for the completion ofwork from date fixed in written order tocommenceNineCalendar MonthsShould this tender be accepted, I / We hereby agree to abide by and fulfil all the terms andprovisions of the conditions of contract annexed hereto so far as applicable and in defaultthereof to forfeit and pay to Government in office the sums of money mentioned in the saidcondition.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

48I / we agree that this offer shall remain open for acceptance for a minimum period of 90days from the date fixed for opening the same and thereafter until it is withdraw by me/us bynotice inwriting duly addressed to the authority opening the tenders and sent by registeredpost A.D. orotherwise delivered at office of such authority.TREASURY / BANK CHALLANTerm Deposit Receipt for a period of one & half year.________________________________________ No. __________________________Date____________ Deposit Term Receipt for the 18th month in Treasury / Bank Challanrespect ofthe sum of Rs. _____________ representing the earnest money is herewithforwarded. The amountof earnest money shall not bear interest and shall be liable to beforfeited to the Government should.I / We fall to (l) abide by the stipulation to keep the offer open for the period mentionedabove or (2)sign and complete the contract documents as required by the Engineer andfurnish the securitydeposit as specified in item (d) of the memorandum contained inparagraph I above within the timelimit laid down in clause (l) of the annexed GeneralConditions of Contract. The amount of earnestmoney may be adjusted towards the securitydeposit or refunded to me/us if so desired by me /us inwriting unless the same or any partthereof has been forfeited as aforesaid.I / We have secured exemption from payment of earnest money after executingthenecessary bond in favour of the Government, a true copy of which is enclosed herewith,should anyoccasion for forfeiture of earnest money for this work arise due to failure on my /our part to (1) abideby the stipulation to keep the offer for the period mentioned above or (2)sign and complete thecontract documents and furnish the security deposit as specified initem (d) of the memorandumcontained in paragraph 1 above within the time limit laid down inClause (1) of the annexed GeneralConditions of Contract, the amount payable by me / usmay at the option of the Engineer, berecovered out of the amount deposited in lump-sum ofsecuring exemption in so far the same mayextend in terms of the said bond and in the eventof the deficiency out of any other money which aredue or payable to me / us by theGovernment under any other contract or transaction of any naturewhatsoever or otherwise.Signatureof contractor ContractorBefore submission of tender AddressDated_______ day of ___________Signature of witness (Witness)Contractor’s Signature (Address)(Occupation)The above tender is hereby accepted by me for and on behalf of the Governor ofMaharashtraSignature of theOfficer by whom accepted Executive EngineerDate the ___________ Day of ___________1Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

49CONDITIONS OF CONTRACTClause 1 : Security Deposit :The person / persons whose tender may be accepted (hereinafter called thecontractor.Which expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the contextinclude his heirs,executors, administrators and assigns) shall (A) within 10 days(which may be extended bythe Superintending Engineer concerned up to 15 days ifthe Superintending Engineer thinks fitto do so) of the receipt by him of the notificationof the acceptance of his tender deposit withExecutive Engineer in cash orGovernment securities endorsed to the Executive Engineer (ifdeposited for morethan 12 months) of sum sufficient which will made up the full securitydepositspecified in the tender or (B) Permit Government at the time of making andpaymentto him for work done under the contract to deduct such as time of makingand payment to himfor work done under the contract to deduct such as will amount toRs. 156000/- percent of allmoneys so payable such deductions to be held byGovernment* by way of security deposit)provided always that in the event of thecontractor depositing a lump sum by way of securitydeposit as contemplated at (A)above, then and in such case, if the sum so deposited shallnot amount to @ 2percent of the total estimated cost of the work it shall be lawful forthe Government atthe time of making any payment to the contractor for work done under thecontract tomake up the full amount of @ 2 percent by deducting a sufficient sum fromeverysuch payment as last aforesaid until the full amount of the security deposit is madeup.All compensation or other sums of money payable by the contractor toGovernment under theterms of his contract may be deducted from or paid by the saleof sufficient part of hissecurity deposit or from the interest arising there from, or fromany sums which may be dueor may become due by Government to the contractorunder any other contract or transactionor any nature on any account whatsoever andin the event of his security deposit beingreduced by reason of any such deduction orsale as aforesaid, the contractor shall, within tendays there after, make good in cashor Government securities endorsed as aforesaid anysum or sums which may havebeen deducted from or raised by sale of his security deposit orany part thereof. Thesecurity deposit referred to, when paid in cash may, at the cost of thedepositor, beconverted in to interest bearing securities provided that the depositor hasexpresslydesired this in writing.If the amount of the security deposit to be paid in lump withinthe period specified at (A)above is not paid the tender / contract already acceptedshall be considered as cancelled andlegal steps taken against the contractor forrecovery of the amounts. The amount of thesecurity deposit lodged by a contractorshall be refunded along with the payment of the finalbill, if the date up to which thecontractor has agreed to maintain the work in good order isover. If such date is notover, only 50% amount of security deposit shall be refunded alongwith the paymentof the final bill. The amount of security deposit retained by the Governmentshall bereleased after expiry of period up to which the contractor has agreed to maintainthework in good order is over. In the event of the contractor failing or neglecting tocompleterectification work within the period up to which the contactor has agreed tomaintain the workin good order, then subject to provision of clause 17 and 20 here ofthe amount of securitydeposit retained by Government shall be adjusted towards theexcess cost incurred by theDepartment on rectification work._______________________________________________________*Note : This will be the same percentage as that in the tender at (e)Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

50Clause 2 : Compensation for delay :The time allowed for carrying out the work as entered in the tender shall be strictlyobservedby the contractor and shall be reckoned from the date on which the order tocommence workis given to the contractor. The work shall throughout the stipulatedperiod of the contract beproceeded with, with all due diligence (time being deemed tobe of the essence of thecontract on the part of the contractor) and the contractorshall pay as compensation anamount equal to one percent or such smaller amountas the Superintending Engineer (whosedecision in writing shall be final) may decide,of the amount of the estimated cost of the wholework as shown by the tender forevery day that the work remains uncommented orunfinished, after the proper dates.And further to ensure good progress during the executionof the work, the contractorshall be bound, in all cases in which the time allowed for any workexceeds onemonth to complete.% of the work % of the time1/4 do 1/4 do1/2 do 1/2 do3/4 do 3/4 do100 % 100 %In the event of the contractor failing to comply with these conditions he shall be liableto payas compensation an amount equal to one percent or such smaller amounts astheSuperintending Engineer (whose decision in writing shall be final) may decision ofthe saidestimated cost of the whole work for every day that the due quantity of workremainsincomplete.Provided always that the total amount of compensation to be paidunder the provision of thisclause shall not exceed 10 percent of the estimated cost ofthe work as shown in the tender.Clause 3 : Action when whole of security deposit is forfeited :In any case in which under any clause or clause of this contract, the contractor shallhaverendered himself liable to pay compensation amounting to the whole of hissecurity deposit(whether paid in one sum or deducted by instalments) or in the caseof abandonment of thework owing to serious illness or death of the contractor or anyother cause, the ExecutiveEngineer on behalf of the Governor of Maharashtra shallhave power to adopt any of thefollowing courses, as he may deem best suited to theinterest of Government.a) To rescind the contract (of which rescission notice in writing to the contractorunder thehand of the Executive Engineer, shall be conclusive evidence)/ and in thatcase the securitydeposit of the contractor shall stand forfeited and be absolutely atthe disposal ofGovernment.b) To carry out the work or any part of the work departmentally debiting thecontractor withthe cost of the work, expenditure, incurred on tools and plant andcharges on additionalsupervisory staff including the cost of work chargedestablishment employed for getting theunexecuted part of the work completed andcrediting him with the value of the work donedepartmentally in all respects in thesame manner and at the same rates as if it has beencarried out by the contractorunder the terms of his contract. The certificate of the ExecutiveEngineer as to thecosts and other allied expenses so incurred and as to the value of thework so donedepartmentally shall be final & conclusive against the contractor.c) To order that the work of the contractor be measured up and to take such partthereof asshall be unexecuted out of his hands and to give it to another contractor tocomplete, in whichcase all expenses incurred on advertisement for fixing a newcontacting agency, additionalsupervisory staff including the cost of work chargedestablishment and cost of the workexecuted by the new contract agency will bedebited to the contactor and the value of thework done or executed through the newcontractor shall be credited to the contractor in allrespects and in the same mannerand at the same rates as if it had been carried out by thecontractor under the termsof his contract.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

51The certificate of the Executive Engineer as to allthe cost of the work and otherexpenses incurred as aforesaid for or in getting theunexecuted work done by the newcontractor and as to the value of the work so done shall befinal and conclusiveagainst the contractor.d) In case the contract shall be rescinded under clause (a) above, the contactor shallnotbe entitled to recover or be paid any sum for any work therefore actuallyperformed by himunder this contract unless and until the Executive Engineer, shallhave certified in writing theperformance of the such work and the amount payable tohim in respect thereof and he shallonly be entitled to be paid the amount so certified.In the event of either of the coursesreferred to in clauses (b) or (c) being adopted andthe cost of the work executeddepartmentally or through a new contractor and otherallied expenses exceeding the value ofsuch work credited to the contractors, theamount of excess shall be deducted from anymoney do to the contractor by Govt.under the contract or otherwise howsoever or from hissecurity deposit or the saleproceeds thereof provided, however, that the contractor shallhave no claim againstGovt. even if the certified value of the work done departmentally orthrough a newcontractor exceeds the certified cost of such work and allied expenses,providedalways that whichever of the three courses mentioned in clauses (a), (b) or (c)isadopted by the Executive Engineer, the contractor shall have no claim tocompensation forany loss sustained by him by reason of his having purchased, orprocured any materials orentered into any engagements or made any advance onaccount of or with a view to theexecution of the work or the performance of thecontract.Clause 4 : Action when the progress of any particular portion of the work inunsatisfactory :If the progress of any particular portion of the work is unsatisfactory the ExecutiveEngineershall notwithstanding that the general progress of the work is satisfactory inaccordance withclause 2, be entitled to take action under clause 3 (b) after giving thecontractor 10 daysnotice in writing and the contractor will have no claim forcompensation for any loss sustainedby him owing to such action.Clause 5 : Contractor remains liable to pay compensation if action not taken underClause 3:In any case in which any of the powers conferred upon the Executive Engineer byClause 3and 4 hereof shall have become exercisable and the same shall not havebeen exercised thenon exercise thereof shall not constitute a waiver of any of thecondition hereof and suchpowers shall notwithstanding be exercisable in any futurecase of default by the contractor forwhich by any clause or clauses hereof he isdeclared liable to pay compensation amountingto the whole of his security depositand the liability of the contractor for past and futurecompensation shall remainunaffected.Power to take possession of or require removal of or sell contractor’s plantIn the event of the Executive Engineer taking action under sub-clause (a) or (c) ofclause 3,he may, if he so desires, take possession of all or any tools plant, materialsand stores, in orupon the works or the site thereof or belonging to the contractor orprocured by him andintended to be used for the execution of the work or any part,thereof, paying or allowing forthe same in account at the contract rates or in the caseof contract rates not being applicable,at current market rates, to be certified by theEngineer may, by notice in writing to the contractoror his clerk of the works, foremanor other authorized agent require him to remove such tools,plants. Materials or storesform the premises within a time to be specified in such notice andin the event of thecontractor failing to comply with any such requisition, the Executive Engineer maySignature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

52remove them at the contractor’s expense or sell them by auction or privatesale at therisk and account of the contractor in all respects and the certificate of theExecutiveEngineer as to the expense of any such removal and the amount of the proceedsandexpense of any such sale shall be final and conclusive against the contractor.Clause 6 : Extension of time :If the contractor shall desire an extension of the time for completion of the work onthe groundof his having been unavoidably hindered in its execution on any otherground he shall applyin writing to the Executive Engineer before the expiration of theperiod stipulated in the tenderor before the expiration of 30 days from the date ofwhich he was hindered as aforesaid or onwhich the cause for asking for extensionoccurred, whichever is either and the ExecutiveEngineer may, with prior approval ofthe officer accepting tenders. If in his opinion there arereasonable grounds forgranting an extension grant such extension as he thinks necessary orproper. Thedecision of the Executive Engineer in this matter shall be final.Clause 7 : Final Certificate :On completion of the work the contractor shall be furnished with a certificate by theExecutiveEngineer (hereinafter called the Engineer-in-charge) of such completion butno suchcertificate shall be given nor shall the work be considered to be completeuntil the contractorshall have removed from the premises on which the work shallhave been executed allscaffolding surplus materials and rubbish and shall havecleaned off the dirt from allwoodwork, doors, windows, walls floor or other parts ofany building, in or upon which thework has been executed or of which he may havehad possession for the purpose ofexecuting the work nor until the works shall havebeen measured by the Engineer-in-chargeor where the measurements have beentaken by his subordinates until they have receivedthe approval of the Engineer-incharge,the said measurements being binding and conclusiveagainst the contractor.If the contractor shall fail to comply with the requirements of thisclause as to theremoval of scaffolding, surplus materials and rubbish, and cleaning off dirt onorbefore the date fixed for the completion of the work the Engineer-in-charge, may attheexpenses of the contractor, remove such scaffolding, surplus material and rubbishanddispose of the same as he thinks fit and clean of such dirt as aforesaid and thecontractorshall forthwith pay the amount of all expenses so incurred, but shall haveno claim in respectof any such scaffolding or surplus materials as aforesaid exceptfor any sum actually realizedby the sale thereof.Clause 8 : Payments of intermediate certificate to be regarded as advance :No payment shall be made for any work, estimated to cost less than rupees onthousand, tillafter the whole of the said work shall have been completed and acertificate or completiongiven. But in the case of works estimated to cost more thanrupees one thousand, thecontractor shall, on submitting a monthly bill therefore, beentitled to receive paymentproportionate to the part of the work then approved andpassed by the Executive-in-charge,whose certificate of such approval and passing ofthe sum so payable shall be final andconclusive against the contractor. All suchintermediate payments shall be regarded aspayments by way of advance against thefinal payments only and not as payments for workactually done and completed, andshall not preclude the Engineer-in-charge from requiringbad, unsound imperfectorunskillful work to be removed and taken away and reconstructedor re-erected, norshall any such payment be considered as an admission of the dueperformance of thecontractor or any part thereof in any respect or the accusing of any claim,nor shall itconclude, determine or affect in any way the powers of the Engineer-in-charge astoSignature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

53the final settlement and adjustment of the accounts or otherwise, or in any other wayvaryor affect the contract. The final bill shall be submitted by the contractor within onemonth ofthe date fixed for the completion of the work, otherwise the Engineer-incharge’scertificate ofthe measurement and of the total amount payable for the workshall be final and binding onall parties.Clause 9 : Payment at reduced rates on account of items of work not accepted ascompletedto be at the discretion of the Engineer-in-charge :The rates for the several items of works estimated to cost more than Rs. 1000/-agreed towithin, shall be valid only when the item concerned is accepted as havingbeen completedfully in accordance with the sanctioned specifications. In caseswhere the item of work arenot accepted as so completed the Engineer-in-charge maymake payment on account ofsuch items at such reduced rates as he may considerreasonable in the preparation of final oron account bills.Clause 10 : Bill to be submitted monthly :A bill shall be submitted by the contractor each month on or before the date fixed bytheEngineer-in-charge for all works executed in a previous month and the Engineerin-chargeshalltake or cause to be taken the requisite measurement for the purposeof having thesame verified and the claim, so far as it is admissible, shall be adjusted,if possible within tendays from the presentation of the bill. If the contractor dose notsubmit the bill within the timefixed as aforesaid, the Engineer-in-charge may depute asubordinate to measure up the saidwork in the presence of the contractor or his dulyauthorized agent whose countersignature tothe measurement list shall be sufficientwarrant and the Engineer-in-charge may prepare abill from such list which shall bebinding on the contractor in all respects.Clause 11 : Bill to be submitted on printed forms :The contractor shall submit all bill on the printed forms to be had on application at theofficeof the Engineer-in-charge. The charges to be made in the bills shall always beentered at therates specified in the tender or in the case of any extra work ordered inpursuance of theseconditions and not mentioned or provided for in the tender at therates hereinafter providedfor such work.Clause 12 : Stores supplied by Government :If the specification of estimate of the work provide for the use of any specialdescription ofmaterials to be supplied from the Irrigation Department Store or if it isrequired that thecontractor shall use certain stores to be provided by the Engineer-incharge(such materialand stores and prices to be charged there for as hereinaftermentioned being so far aspracticable for the convenience of the contractor but not soas in any way to control themeaning or effect of this contract specified in theschedule for memorandum here toannexed) the contractor shall be supplied withsuch materials and stores as may be requiredfrom time to time to be used by him forthe purpose of the contract only and the value of thefull quantity of materials andstores so supplied shall be set off or deducted from any sumsthen due or thereafterto become due to the contractor under the contract or otherwise orfrom the securitydeposit or the proceeds of sale thereof ifthe deposit is held in Governmentsecurities, the same or sufficient portion thereofshall in that case be sold for the purpose. Allmaterials supplied to the contractor shallremain the absolute property of Government andshall on no account be removedfrom the site of the work and shall at all times be open toinspection by the Engineerin-charge.Any such materials unused and in perfectly goodcondition at the time ofcompletion or termination of the contract shall be returned to theIrrigation DepartmentSignature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

54Store, if the Engineer-in-charge so required by notice in writing givenunder his hand,but the contractor shall not be entitled to return any such materials exceptwith suchconsent and have no claim for compensation on account of any suchmaterialssupplied to him as aforesaid but remaining unused by him or for anywastage in or damagethereto.Clause 12 A :All stores of controlled materials such as cement, steel etc. supplied by Govt. shall bekept bythe contractor under lock and key and they will be accessible to inspection bythe ExecutiveEngineer or his authorized agent.Clause 13 : Works to be executed in accordance with specifications, drawings ordersetc.:The contractor shall execute the whole and every part of the work in the mostsubstantial andworkmanlike manner and both as regards materials and in every otherrespect in strictaccordance with the specification. The contractor shall also conformexactly, fully andfaithfully to the designs, drawings and instructions in writing relatingto the work, e.g. signedby the Engineer-in-charge and lodged in his office and towhich the contractor shall beentitled to have access for the purpose of inspection such office or on the site of thework during the office hours. The contractor will beentitled to receive 3 sets of contractdrawings and working drawing as well as onecertified copy of the accepted tender along withthe work order free of cost. Furthercopies of the contract drawings and workings drawing, ifrequired by him shall besupplied at the rate of Rs. 1000 per se of contract drawingsRs 500 per workingdrawing except where otherwise specified.Clause 14 : Alterations in specifications and designs not to invalidate contract :The Engineer-in-charge shall have power to make any alterations in or addition to theoriginalspecification, drawings, designs and instructions that may appear to him to benecessary oradvisable during the progress of the work and the contractor shall bebound to carry out thework in accordance with any instructions in this connectionwhich may be given to him in writing signed by the Engineer-in-charge and suchalteration shall not invalidate the contractand any additional work which thecontractor may be directed to do in the manner abovespecified as part of the workshall be carried out by the contractor on the same conditions inall respects on whichhe agreed to do the main work, and at the same rates as the specifiedin the tenderfor the main work for which not rate is specified in this contract, then such classofwork shall be carried out at the rates entered in the Schedule of Rate of the Divisionor atthe rates mutually agreed upon between the Engineer-in-charge and thecontractor,whichever are lower.Rates for works not entered in estimate or schedule of rate of the district :If the additional or altered work, for which no rate is entered in the schedule of ratesof theDivision, is ordered to be carried out before the rates are agreed upon then thecontractorshall. Within seven days of the date of receipt by him of the order to carryout the work,inform the Engineer-in-charge of the rate which it is his intention tocharge for such class ofwork and if the Engineer-in-charge does not agree to this ratehe shall be notice in writing beat liberty to cancel his order to carry out such class ofSignature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

55work and arrange to carry it out in suchmanner as he may consider advisable,provided always that if the contractor shall commencework or incur any expenditurein regard thereto before the rates shall have been determinedas lastly herein beforementioned, then in such case he shall only be entitled to be paid inrespect of thework carried out or expenditure incurred by him prior to the date of thedeterminationof the rate as aforesaid according to such rate or rates as shall be fixed bytheEngineer-in-charge. In the event of a dispute, the decision of the SuperintendingEngineer ofthe Circle will be final.Extension of time in consequence of additions or alteration :The time limit for the completion of the work shall be extended in the proportion thattheincrease in its cost occasioned by alterations or additions bears to the cost of theoriginalcontract work and the certificate of the Engineer-in-charge as to suchproportion shall beconclusive.Clause 15 : No claim to any payment or compensation for alteration in or restrictionsof work :1. If at any time after the execution of the contract documents, the Engineer shall foranyreason whatsoever (other than default on the part of the contractor for whichGovernmentis entitled to rescined the contract) desire that the whole or any partof the work specifiedin the tender should be suspended for any period or that thewhole or part of the workshould not be carried out at all he shall give to thecontractor a notice in writing of such desire and upon the receipt of such noticethe contractor shall forthwith suspend or stopthe work wholly or in part asrequired, after having due regard, to the appropriate stage atwhich the workshould be stopped to suspended so as not to cause any damage or injuryto thework already done or endanger the safely thereof provided that the decision oftheEngineer as to state at which the work or any part of it could be or could havebeen safelystopped or suspended shall be final and conclusive against thecontractor. The contractorshall have no claim to any payment or compensationwhatsoever by reason of or inpursuance of any notice as aforesaid, on account ofany suspension, stoppage orcurtailment except to the extent specifiedhereinafter.2. Where the total suspension of work ordered as aforesaid continued for acontinuousperiod exceeding 90 days the contractor shall be at liberty to withdrawfrom thecontractual obligation under the contract so far as it pertains to theunexecuted par of thework by giving a 10 days prior notice in writing to theEngineer within 30 days of theexpiry of the said period of 90 days or suchintention and requiring the Engineer torecord the final measurement of the workalready done and to pay the final bill. Upongiving such notice the contractor shallbe deemed to have been3. discharged from hisobligation to complete the remaining unexecuted work underthis contract. On receipt ofsuch notice the Executive Engineer shall proceed tocomplete the measurement andmake such payment as may be final due to thecontractor within a period of 90 days fromthe work already done by thecontractor. Such payment shall not in any manner prejudicethe right of thecontractor to any further compensation under the remaining provisions ofthisclause.4. Where the Engineer-in-charge requires the contractor to suspend the work for aperiodin excess of 30 days at any time or 60 days in the agreegate, the contactorshall beentitled to apply to the Engineer-in-charge within 30 days of theresumption of work aftersuch suspension for payment or compensation to theSignature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

56extent of pecuniary loss suffered byhim in respect of working machinery renderedidle on the site or on account of his havinghad to pay the salary or wages oflabour engaged by him during the said period ofsuspension provided always thatthe contractor shall not be entitled to any claim inrespect of any such workingmachinery, salary or wages for the first 30 days whetherconsecutive or in theaggregate of such suspension or in respect of any suspensionwhatsoeveroccasioned by unsatisfactory work or any other default on his part. Thedecisionof the Engineer in this regard shall be final and conclusive against thecontractor.5. In the event of :i) Any total stoppage of work on notice from the Engineer-inchargeunder Sub-Clause (1)inthat behalf.ii) Withdrawal by the contractor fromthe contractual obligation to complete the remainingunexecuted work under subclause(2) on account of continued suspension of work for aperiod exceeding 90days.ORi) Curtailment in the quantity of item originally tendered on account of anyalterationomission or substitutions in the specification, drawing, designs orinstruction under clause14 (1) where such curtailment exceeds 25% in quantity and the value of thequantitycurtailed beyond 25% at the rates for the item specified in the tender is morethanRs. 5000/-. It shall be open to the contractor, within 90 days from the service of(i) thenotice of stoppage of work or (ii) the notice of withdrawal from the contractualobligationsunder the contract on account of the continued suspension of work or (iii)notice undercause 14 (1) resulting in such curtailment to produce to the Engineer-inchargesatisfactorydocumentary evidence that he had purchased or agreed topurchasesmaterial for use in the contracted work, before receipt by him of the noticeof stoppage,suspension or curtailment and require the Government to take over onpayment suchmaterial at the rates determined by the Engineer-in-charge. Providedhowever, suchrates shall in no case exceeds the rates at which the same wererequired by thecontractor. The Government shall thereafter take over the material sooffered, providedthe quantities offered are not in excess of the requirements of theunexecuted work asspecified in the accepted tender and are of quantity andspecification approved by theEngineer.Clause 15 A: No claim to any compensation on account of loss due to delay in supplyofmaterials by Government :The contractor shall not be entitled to claim any compensation from Government fortheloss suffered by him on account of delay by Government in the supply ofmaterialsentered in Schedule A where such delay in caused by.i) Difficulties relating to the supply of railway wagons.ii) Force majeure.iii) Act of God.iv) Act of enemies of the State of any other reasonable cause beyond the controlofGovernment.In the case of such delay in supply of materials Government shallgrant such extension oftime for the completion of the works as shall appear to theExecutive Engineer to bereasonable in accordance with the circumstances of thecase. The decision of theExecutive Engineer as to the extension of time shall beaccepted as final be thecontractor.Clause 16 : Time limit for unforeseen claims :Under no circumstances whatever shall the contractor be entitled to anycompensation fromGovernment on any account unless the contractor shall havesubmitted a claim in writing tothe Engineer-in-charge within one month of the causeof such claim occurring.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

57Clause 17 A: Action and compensation payable in case of bad work :If any time before the security deposit or any part thereof is refunded to thecontractor. It shallappear to the Engineer-in-charge or his subordinate in charge ofthe work, that any work hasbeen executed with unsound, imperfect or unskilledworkmanship or with materials of inferiorquality or that any materials or articlesprovided by him for the execution of the work areunsound, or of a quality inferior tothat contracted for or are otherwise not in accordance withthe contract, it shall belawful for the Engineer-in-charge to intimate this fact in writing to thecontractor andthen notwithstanding the fact that the work, materials or articles complained ofmayhave been inadvertently passed, certified and paid for the contractor shall beboundforthwith to rectify or remove and reconstruct the work so specified in whole orin part, as thecase may require or it so required, shall remove the materials orarticles so specified andprovide other proper and suitable materials or articles at hisown charge and cost and intheevent of his failing to do so within a period to be specified by the Engineer-inchargein thewritten intimation aforesaid, the contractor shall be liable to paycompensation at the rate ofone percent on the amount of the estimate for every daynot exceeding ten days, duringwhich the failure so continues and in the case of anysuch failure the Engineer-in-charge mayrectify or remove and re-execute the work orremove and replace the materials or articlescomplained of as the case may be at therisk and expense in all respects of the contractor.Should the Engineer-in-chargeconsider that any such inferior work or materials as describedabove may beaccepted or made use of it, it shall be within his discretion to accept the sameat suchreduced rates as he may fix therefore.Clause 18 : Work to be open to inspections. Contractor or responsible agent to bepresentAll work under or in course of execution or executed in pursuance of the contractorshall at alltime to be open to the inspection and supervision of the Engineer-in-chargeand hissubordinate, and the contractor shall at all the times during the usual workinghours and at allother times at which reasonable notice of the intention of theEngineer-in-charge or hissubordinate to visit the works shall have been given to thecontractor, either himself bepresent to receive orders and instruction or haveresponsible agent duly accredited in writingpresent for that purpose. Order given tothe contractor’s duly authorized agent shall beconsidered to have the same forceeffect as if they had been given to the contractor himself.Clause 19 : Notice to be given before work is covered up :The contractor shall give not less than five days, notice in writing to the Engineer-inchargeorhis subordinate in charge of the work before covering up or otherwiseplacing beyond thereach of measurement any work in order that the same may bemeasured, and correctdimensions thereof taken before the same is so covered up orplaced beyond the reach ofmeasurement and if any work shall be covered up orplaced beyond the reach ofmeasurement without such notice having been given orconsent obtained, the same shall beuncovered at the contractor’s expense, and indefault thereof no payment of allowance shallbe made for such work or for thematerials with which the same was executed. P.W.HDepartment Bombay’s CircularNo. CAT 1270/2632 Desk-2 dated 09/05/1977.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

Clause 20 : Contractor liable for damage done and for imperfections :58If during the period of 12 month from the date of completion, as certified by Engineerinchargepursuantto Clause 7 of the contract or 30 months / year aftercommissioningthe work, whichever is earlier in the opinion of Executive Engineer, the saidwork isdefective in ay manner whatsoever, the contractor shall forthwith on receipt ofnoticein that behalf from the Executive Engineer, duly commence execution andcompletely carryout at his costs in every respect all the work that may be necessaryfor rectifying and settingright the defects specified therein including dismantling andreconstruction of unsafe portionsstrictly accordance with and in the mannerprescribed and under the supervision of theExecutive Engineer. In the event of thecontractor failing the neglecting to commerceexecution of the said rectification workwithin the Peirce prescribed therefore in the saidnotice and / or to complete the sameas aforesaid as required by the said notice, theExecutive Engineer get the sameexecuted and carried out departmentally or by any otheragency at the risk onaccount and at the cost of the contractor. The contractor shall forthwithon demandpay to the Government the amount of such costs. Charges and expensessustainedor incurred by the Government of which the certificate of the Executive Engineershallbe final and binding on the contractor. Such costs, charges and expenses shallbedeemed to be areas of land revenue and in the event of the contract failing orneglecting topay the same on demand as aforesaid without prejudice to any otherrights and remedies ofthe Government, the same may be recovered from thecontractor as areas of Land Revenue.The Government shall also be entitled todeduct the same from any amount which may thenbe payable or which maythereafter become payable by the Government to the contractoreither in respect ofthe said work or any other work whatsoever or from the amount of theSecurityDeposit retained by Government.Clause 21 : Contractors to supply plant, ladders, scaffoldings etc :The contractor shall supply at his own all materials (except such special materials ifany, asmay be supplied for the Irrigation Department Stores, in accordance with thecontract) plant,tools, appliance, implements, ladders, cordage, tackles, scaffoldingand any temporary workswhich may be required for the proper execution of the work,in the original, altered orsubstituted form and whether included in the specification orother documents forming part ofthe contract or referred to in these conditions or notand which may be necessary for thepurpose of satisfying or complying with therequirements of the Engineer-in-charge as to anymatter on which under theseconditions he is entitled to be satisfied or which he is entitled torequire together withcarriage therefore, to and from the work. The contractor shall alsosupply withoutcharge the requisite number of persons with the means and materialsnecessary forthe purpose of setting of works and counting, weighting an assisting inthemeasurement or examination at any time and from time to time of the work ormaterials.Failing this the same may be provided by the Engineer-in-charge at theexpense of thecontractor and the expense may be deducted from any money due tothe contractor underthe contract of from his security deposit or the proceeds of salethereof or of a sufficientportion thereof. Contractor is liable for damages arising fromnon provisions of lights, fencingetc. The Contractor shall provide all necessaryfencing and lights required to protect thepublic from accident and shall also be boundto bear the expenses of defense of every suit,action or other legal proceeding at law,that may be brought by any person for injurysustained owing to neglect of the aboveprecautions and to pay any damages and costswhich may be awarded in any suchsuit, action in proceedings to any such person or whichmay with the consent of thecontractor be paid in compromising any claim by any suchperson.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

59Clause 21 A: The contractor shall provide suitable scaffolds and working platforms,gangways andstairways and shall comply with the following regulations in connectiontherewith :a) Suitable scaffolds shall be provided for workmen for all work that cannotbe safely donefrom a ladder or by other means.b) A scaffold shall not be constructed, taken down, or substantially altered, excepti) Under the supervision of a competent and responsible person andii) As far as possible by competent workers possessing adequate experience in thiskind ofwork.c) All scaffolds and appliance connected therewith and all ladders shall.i) Be of sound materialii) Be of adequate strength having regard to the loads and strains to which they willbesubjected and.iii) Be maintained in proper condition.d) Scaffolds shall be so constructed that no part thereof can be displaced inconsequenceof normal use.e) Scaffold shall be overloaded and so far as practicable the load shall be evenlydistributed.f) Before installing lifting gear on scaffolds special precautions shall be takes toensure thestrength and stability of the scaffolds.’g) Scaffolds shall be periodically inspected by a competent person.h) Before allowing a scaffold to be used by his workmen the contractor shall, whetherthescaffold has been erected by his workmen or not, take steps to ensure that itcompliesfully with the regulations herein specified.i) Working platforms, gangways and stairways shall :i) Be so constructed that no part thereof can sag unduly or unequally.ii) Be so constructed and maintained, having regard to the prevailing conditions astoreduce as far as practicable risks of persons tripping or slipping and.iii) Be kept free from any unnecessary obstruction.j) In the case of working platforms, gangways, working places and stairway at aheightexceeding (to be specified), 3 meters.i) Every working platform and gangway shall be, closely boarded unless otheradequatemeasures are taken to ensure safety.ii) Every working platform and gangway shall have adequate width, andiii) Every working platform, gangway, working place and stairway shall be suitablyfenced.k) Every opening in the floor of a building or in working platform shall, except for thetimeand to the extent required to allow the access of persons or the transport orshifting ofmaterials be provided with suitable means to prevent the fail of persons ormaterial.i) When persons are employed on a roof where there is a danger of falling from aheightexceeding (to be prescribed) 3 meters, suitable precautions shall be taken toprevent thefall of persons or materials.m) Suitable precautions shall be taken to prevent persons being struck by articleswhichmight fall from scaffolds or other working places.n) Safe means of access shall be provided to all working platforms and otherworkingplaces.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

60Clause 21 B: The contractor shall comply with the following regulations as regards theHousingAppliances to be used by him.a) Housing machines and tackle, including their attachments, anchorages andsupports,shall :i) Be of good mechanical construction, sound material and adequate strength andfree frompatent defect; andii) Be kept in good repair and in good working order.b) Every rope used in hoisting or lowering materials or as a means of suspensionshall beof suitable quantity and adequate strength and fee from patent defect.c) Housing machines and tackle shall be examined and adequately tested aftererection onthe site and before use and be re-examined in position at intervals to beprescribed bythe Government.d) Every claim, ring, hook, shackle, swivel and pulley block used in housing orloweringmaterials or as a mean of suspension shall be periodically examined.e) Every crane driver or hoisting appliance operator shall be properly qualified.f) No person who is below the age of 18 years shall be in control of any hoistingmachine,including any scaffold which or give signals to the operator.g) In the case of every hoisting machine and of every chain, ring, hook, shackle,swivel andpulley block used in hoisting or lowering or as a means of suspension thesafe workingload shall be ascertained by adequate means.h) Every hoisting machine and all gear referred to in the preceding regulation shallbeplainly marked with the safe working load.i) In case of hoisting machine having a variable sate working materials site workingloadand the conditions under which it is applicable shall be clearly indicated.j) No part of any hoisting machine or of any gear referred to in regulation 7 aboveshall beloaded beyond the safe working load except for the purpose of testing.k) Motors, gearing, transmission, electrical wires and other dangerous parts ofhoistingappliances shall be provided with efficient safe guards.l) Hoisting appliances shall be provided with such means as will reduce to a minimumtherisk of the accidental descent of the load.m) Adequate precautions shall be taken to reduce to a minimum the risk of any partof asuspended load becoming accidently displaced.Clause 22 : Measure for prevention of fire :The contractor shall not set fire to any standing jungle, trees, brushwood or grasswithout awritten permit from the Executive Engineer.When such permit is given andalso in all cases when destroying cut or dug up trees,brushwood, grass, etc. by fire,the contractor shall take necessary measures to prevent suchfire spreading to orotherwise damaging surrounding properly.The contractor shall make his ownarrangements for drinking water for the labour employedby him and provide sanitaryand other arrangements.Clause 23 : Liability of contractors for any damage done in or outside work area :Compensation for all damage done intentionally or unintentionally be contractor’slabourswhether in or beyond the limit of Government property including any damagecaused by thespreading of fire mentioned in clause 22 shall be estimated by theEngineer-in-charge orsuch other officer as he may appoint and the estimates of theEngineer-in-charge subject tothe decision of the Superintending Engineer on appeal,shall be final and the contractor shallbe bound to pay the amount of the assessedcompensation on demand failing which thesame will be recovered from thecontractor as damages in the manner prescribed in clause ordeducted by theSignature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

61Engineer-in-charge from any sums that may be due to or become duefromGovernment to contractor under this contract or otherwise.The contractor shallbear expenses of defending any action or other legal proceedings thatmay bebrought by person for injury sustained by him owing to neglect of precautionstoprevent the spread of fire and he shall also pay any damage and cost that may beawardedby the court in consequences.Clause 24 : Employment of Female Labour :The employment of female labourers on works in the neighbourhood of soldiersbarracksshould be avoided as far as possible.Clause 25 : Works on Sundays :No work shall be done on Sunday without the sanction in writing of the Engineer-incharge.Clause 26 : Work not to be sublet :The contract shall not be assigned or subject without the written approval of theEngineer-incharge. Contract may be rescinded and security deposit forfeited ifsubletting is withoutapproval or for bribing a public officer or is contractor becomesinsolvent.And if thecontractor shall assign or sublet his contract or attempt so to do orbecome insolvent orcommence any proceedings to be adjudicated an insolvent ormake any composition with hiscreditors or attempt so to do, the Engineer-in-chargemay, by notice in writing rescind thecontract. Also if any bribe, gratuity, gift, loan,perquisite, reward or advantage, pecuniary orotherwise, shall either directly orindirectly be given, promised or offered by the contractor orany of his servants oragents to any public officer or person in the employ of Government inany wayrelating to his office or employment or if any such officer or person shall becomeinany way directly or indirectly interested in the contract, the Engineer-in-charge mayby noticein writing rescind the contract. In the event of a contract being rescinded,the security depositof the contractor shall thereupon stand forfeited and be absolutelyat the disposal ofGovernment and the same consequences shall ensure as if thecontract had been rescindedunder clause 3 hereof and in addition the contractorshall not be entitled to recover or be paidfor any work therefore actually performedunder the contract.Clause 27 : Sum payable by way of compensation to be considered as reasonablecompensation without reference to actual loss :All sums payable by a contractor by way of compensation under any of theseconditions shallbe considered as a reasonable compensation to be applied to the useof Government withoutreference to the actual loss or damage sustained and whetherany damage has or has notbeen sustained.Clause 28 : Charges in the constitution of firm to be notified :In the case of a tender by partners any charge in the constitution of the firm shall beforthwithnotified by the contractor to the Engineer-in-charge for his information.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

Clause 29 : Work to be direction and control of Superintending Engineer :Clause 30 :62All works to be executed under the contract shall be executed under the direction andcontroland subject to the approval in all respects of the Superintending Engineer ofthe circle for thetime being, who shall be entitled to direct at what point or points andin what points and inwhat manner they are to be commenced and from time to timecarried on.1) Decision of Superintending Engineer to be final :Except where otherwise specified in thecontract and subject to the powers delegatedto him by Government under the code rulesthen in force, the decision of theSuperintending Engineer of the Circle for time being shall befinal, conclusive andbinding on all parties to the contract upon all question relating to themeaning of themeaning of the specifications, designs, drawings and instructions hereinbeforementioned and as to the quality of workmanship or material used on the work or as toany other question, claim, right, matter of thing whatsoever in any arising out of orrelating to the contract, designs, drawings, specifications, estimates, instruction orderor theseconditions or otherwise concerning the works or the execution or failure toexecutive thesame. Whether arising, during the progress of the work or after thecompensation orabandonment thereof.2) The contractor may, within thirty days of receipt by him of any order passed theSuperintending Engineer of the Circle as aforesaid, appeal against it to the ChiefEngineerconcerned with the contract, work or project provided that.a) The accepted value of the contract exceeds Rs. 10 Lakhs (Rupees Ten Lakhs).b) Amount of claim is not less than Rs. 1.00 Lakh (Rupees One Lakh)3) If the contractor is not satisfied with the order passed by the as Chief Engineeraforesaid thecontractor may within thirty days of receipt by him of any such order,appeal against it to theconcerned Secretary Irrigation Department who, if convincedthat prima facia the contractor’sclaim rejected by Superintending Engineer / ChiefEngineer is not frivolous and that there issome substance in the claim of thecontractor as would merit detailed examination anddecision by the StandingCommittee shall put up the same to the Standing Committee at theGovernment levelfor suitable decision.Clause 31 : Stores of European or American manufacture to be obtained fromGovernment:The contractor shall obtain from the Irrigation Department Stores, all stores andarticles ofEducation or American manufacture which may be required for the work orany part of thework or in making up any articles required, therefore or in connectionthere with unless hehas obtained permission in writing from the Engineer-in-chargeto obtain such store andarticles as may be supplied to the contractor by theEngineer-in-charge will be debited to thecontractor in his account at the rates shownin the Schedule in form a attached to the contractand if they are not entered in thesaid schedule, they shall be debited to him at cost pricewhich for the purpose of thiscontract shall include the cost of carriage and all otherexpenses. Whatsoever, whichmay have to be incurred in obtaining delivery of the same atthe stores aforesaid.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

63Clause 32 : Lump-sums in estimates :When the estimate on which a tender is made includes lump-sums in respects ofparts of theworks, the contractor shall be entitled to payment in respect of the itemsof work involved orthe part of the work in question at the same rates as per payableunder this contract for suchitems, or if the part of the work in question is not in theopinion of the Engineer-in-chargecapable of measurement, the Engineer-in-chargemay at his discretion pay the lump-sumamount entered in the estimate and thecertificate in writing of the Engineer-in-charge shallbe final and conclusive against thecontractor with regard to any sum or sums payable to himunder the provision of thisclause.Clause 33 : Action where no specification :In the case of any class of work for which there is no such specification as ismentioned inRule I such work shall be carried out in accordance with the DivisionalSpecification, and in the event of there being no Divisional Specification, then in suchcase the work shall becarried out in all respects with the instructions andrequirements of the Engineer-in-charge.Clause 34 : Definition of Work :The expression “Work” or “Works” where used in these conditions shall unless therebesomething in the subject or context repugnant to such construction be constructedto meanthe work or the works contracted to be executed under or in virtue of thecontract, whethertemporary or permanent and whether original, altered, substitutedor additional.Clause 35 : Contractors percentage where applied to net or gross amounts of bill thepercentagereferred to in the tender shall be deducted from added to the grossamount of the bill beforededucting the value of any stock issued.As per G.R.P.W.D.No. CAT/1080/CR-330 Bldg.2 dt. 10/06/87.Clause 36 : Refund of quarry fees and royalties :All quarry fees, royalties, octroi dues and ground rent for stacking material if anyshould bepaid by the contractor. The contractor shall pay the necessary royaltycharges towardscomponent authority of the Government and shall obtain thenecessary permission forquarrying from the component authority of theGovernment.Valid and authorized document of having paid the royalty charge to thecomponent authorityshall be submitted by the contractor. In the event of failuresubmitting such documents theExecutive Engineer shall recovered the royalty charge payable to the Governmentfrom theamount payable to contractor.Clause 37 : The contractor shall duly comply with the provisions of the “The ApprenticesAct. 1961(III of 1961)” the rules made there under and the order that may be issuedfrom time to timeunder the said act and the said rules and on his failure or neglect todo so he shall be subjectto all the liabilities and penalties provided by the said actand said rules.(Vide Circular No. CAT/6076/3336/(400) Bldg-2 Dated 16-8-85Clause 38 : Claim for quantities of work entered in the tender :1) Quantities in respect of the several items shown in the tender are approximately andnorevision in tendered rate shall be permitted in respect of any of the item so longSignature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

64as,subject to any special provision contained in the specifications prescribing adifferentpercentage of permissible variation, the quantity of item does not exceed thetenderedquantity of more than 25 percent and so long was the value of the excessquantitybeyond this limit, at the rate of the item specified in the tender, is not morethan Rs.5000/-(P.W. & H Department Resolution No. CAT 1268/59382 O dated14/3/1974).2) The contractor shall, if ordered in writing by the Engineer so to do, also carry outanyquantities in excess of limit mentioned in sub-clause (1) hereof on the sameconditions asand in accordance with the specification in the tender and at rates (i)delivered from therates entered in the current schedule of rates and in the absence ofsuch rates (ii) at therate prevailing in the markets, the said rates being increased ordecreased as the casemay be, by percentage which the total, tendered amountbears to the estimated cost ofthe work as put to tender based upon the schedule ofrates applicable to the year inwhich the tenders were invited, for the purpose ofoperation of this clause this cost shallbe taken to Rs14,03,889/- (Rs.Forteen lakhsThree Thousand Eight Hundred Eighty Nine.)3) Claims arising out of reduction in the tendered quantity of any item beyond 25percent willbe governed by the provisions of clause 15 only when the amount of suchreductionbeyond 25 percent at the rate of the item specified in the tender is morethan Rs. 5000/-Clause 39 : Employment of famine or other labour :The contractor shall employ any famine, convict or other labour of a particular kind orclass ifordered in writing to do so by the Engineer-in-charge.Clause 40 : Claim for compensation for delay in starting the work :No compensation shall be allowed for any delay caused in starting of the work onaccount ofany acquisition of land in the case of clearance works, for any delay inaccordance sanctionto estimates.Clause 41 : Claim for compensation for delay in the execution of work :No compensation shall be allowed for any delay execution of the work on account ofwaterstanding in borrow pits or compartment, the rates are inclusive for hard orcracked soil,excavation in mud, sub-soil water or water standing in borrow pits andno claim for an extrarate shall be entertained, unless otherwise expressly specified.Clause 42 : Entering upon or commencing any portion of work :The contractor shall not enter upon or commence any portion of work except with thewrittenauthority and instruction of the Engineer-in-charge or of his subordinate incharge of the work.Falling such authority the contractor shall have no claim to ask formeasurements of orpayment for work.Clause 43 : Minimum age of persons employed, the employment of donkeys and / orotheranimals:i) No contractor shall employ and person who is under the age of 18 years.ii) No contractor shall employ donkeys or other animals with breeching of string orthinrope. The breeching must be at least 7.5 cm. wide and should be of tape (Nawar)iii) No animals suffering from sores, lameness or emaciation or which is immatureshallbe employed on the work.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

65iv) The Engineer-in-charge or his agent is authorized to remove form the workanyperson or animal found working which does not satisfy these conditions andnoresponsibility shall be accepted by Government for any delay caused in thecompletion of the work by such removal.v) The contractor shall provide drinking water facilities to the workers. Similaramenitiesshall be provided to the workers engaged on large work in urban areas.Clause 44 : Method of Payment :Payment to contractors shall be made by cheques drawn on any treasury withintheDivision convenient to them, provided the amount exceeds Rs.10. Amount notexceedingRs. 10 will be paid in cash.Clause 45 : Acceptance of conditions compulsory before tendering for work :Any contractor who does not accept these conditions shall not be allowed to tenderforwork.Clause 46 : Employment of scarcity labour :If Government declares a state of scarcity or famine to exist in any village situatedwithin16 km. of the work, the contractor shall employ upon such parts of the work, asaresuitable for unskilled labour, any person certified to him by the Executive Engineeror byany person to whom the Executive Engineer may have delegated this duty inwriting, tobe in need of relief and shall be bound to pay to such persons wages notbelow theminimum which Government may have fixed in this behalf. Any disputeswhich may arisein connection with implementation of this clause shall be decided bythe ExecutiveEngineer whose decision shall be final and binding on the contractor.Clause 47 : The price quoted by the contractors shall not in any case exceed the contractprice if anyfixed by Government or reasonable price which it is permissible for him tocharge aprivate purchaser for the same class and description of goods under theprovisions ofHoarding of Profiteering Prevention Ordinance, 1948, as amended fromtime to time. Ifthe price quoted exceeds the controlled price or the price permissibleund Hoarding andProfiteering. Prevention, Ordinance the contractor will specificallymention this fact in histender along with the reasons for quoting such higher price.The purchaser at hisdiscretion will in such case exercise the right of revising the priceat any stage so as toconfirm with the controlled price on the permissible under theHoarding the Profiteering prevention Ordinance. The discretion will be exercisedwithout prejudice to any other action that may be taken against the contractor.Clause 48 : The contractor shall employ the unskilled labour to be employed by him on thesaid workonly from locally available labour and shall give preference to thosepersons enrolledUnder Maharashtra Government Employment and Self EmploymentDepartmentScheme.Provided however, that if the required unskilled labour are notavailable locality, thecontractor shall in the first instance employ such number ofpersons as is available andthereafter may with previous permission, in writing of theExecutive Engineer-in-charge ofthe said work obtain the rest of requirement ofunskilled the laobur from outside theabove scheme.Clause 49 : Where workers are required to work near machines etc and are liable toaccident, theyshould not be allowed to wear loose clothes like Dhoti-Jhobba etc.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

66Clause 50 : In case of materials that remain surplus with the contractor from those issuedfor the workcontracted for the date of ascertainment of the materials being surpluswill be taken asthe date of sale for the purpose of sales tax and sales tax will berecovered on such sale.Clause 51 : The contractors are bound to pay the labourers, according to the MinimumWages Act,1948, as amended from time to time, applicable to the zones inaccordance with theorders, Issued in Govt. P.W.D. Circular No. NWS-10 dated5/12/1958. Any differentiationin the types of zones shall not entitle the contractor forany claim.Clause 52 : The contractor/s has/have to furnish income Tax clearance certificate before hitender isaccepted & income tax assessment No. & date on which he/they is/areassessed shouldbe given.Clause 53 : The contractor shall duly comply with all the provisions of the contractlabour(Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970 (37 of 1970) and the Maharashtra ContractLabour(Regulation and Abolition) Rules 1971, as amended from time to time and allotherrelevant statutes and statutory provisions concerning payment of wages,particularly towork-men employed by the contractor and working on the site of thework. In particular,the contractor shall pay wages to each worker employed by him onthe site of the workat the rates prescribed under the Maharashtra Contract Labour(Regulation & Abolition)Rules 1971. If the contractor falls or neglects to pay wages atthe said rates or makesshort payment and the Government makes such payments ofwages in full or partthereof, less paid by the contractor as the case may be, theamount so paid by then Government to such workers shall be deemed to be arrearsof land revenue and theGovernment shall be entitled to recover the same as suchfrom the contractor or deductthe same from the amount payable by the Governmentto the contractor hereunder orfrom any other amounts payable to him by GovernmentGovt. P.W.D. Circular No. Cat1248/120 dated 14/8/85Clause 54 : Dedications of income Tax at 2% of the value of the work done & 15%surcharge onsuch deduction will be made from the contractor’s R.A. Bills.Clause 55 : All amount whatsoever which the contractor is liable to pay the Governmentinconnection with execution of the work, including the amount payable in respect of(1)Materials and / or stores supplied/issued hereunder. (2) charges in respect ofheavyplant, machinery and equipment given on hire by the Government tocontractor, forexecution by him of the work and/or on which advances have beengiven by theGovernment to the Contractor shall be deemed to be arrears of landrevenue and theGovernment without prejudice to any other rights and remedies ofthe Government,recover the same from the contractor as arrears of landrevenue.Vide P.W. & H Dept. No. CAT/1274/40364/DESK-2 dated 7/12/1976)Clause 56 : SALES TAX : VAT :“The tendered are inclusive of all taxes, rates, cesses and are also inclusive ofthelivable tax in respect of sale by transfer of property in goods involved in executionofwork contract under the provision of Rule 58 of Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act2005,for the purpose of levy of Tax.”VAT @ 2% of the gross value of work doneshould be deducted from R.A. bills and 4%shall be deducted, for those who are notregistered under VAT (as G.R.P.W.D. No.B.D.G. -2005/Building 2, Mantralaya,Mumbai dated 3/3//06.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

67Clause 57 : Testing of all construction material shall be carried out as per requiredfrequency andspecification & charges for testing shall be borned by the contractor.Clause 58 : Contractor shall take out necessary Insurance Policy (viz. Contractor’s AllrisksInsurance Policy, Erection All Risks Insurance Policy etc. as deducted by theDirectorateof Insurance) so as to provide adequate insurance cover for execution ofthe awardedcontract work for total contract value and complete contract periodcompulsory form the“Directorate of Insurance Maharashtra State, Mumbai” only. Itspostal address forcorrespondence is “264,MHADA. First Floor, Opp. Kalanagar,Bandra (E), Mumbai –400051” (Telephone Nos.26590403/26590690 and FaxNos,26592461/26590403).Similarly all workmen’s appointed to complete the contractworkare are required toinsure under workmen’s compensation Insurance Policy.Insurance Policy/Policies takenout from any other Company will not be accepted. Ifany contractor has effectedInsurance with any Insurance Company the same will notbe accepted and the amountof premium calculated by the Government InsuranceFund will be recovered directlyfrom the amount payable to the Contractor for theexecuted contract work and paid tothe Directorate of Insurance Fund, MaharashtraState, Mumbai. The Director ofInsurance reserves the right to distance the risks ofinsurance among the otherinsurance.Clause 59 : Welfare Cess @ 1% will be deducted from the bills on the gross value of thework donevide G.R. No. BCA 2007/CR-788/Kamgar-7A, Mantralaya, Mumbai Dated26 Oct. 200Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

68SCHEDULE ‘A’Schedule “A” showing (approximately) the materials to be supplied from theIrrigationDepartment Stores for work contracted to be executed and preliminary and ancillaryworksand the rates at which as they are to be charged.Name of Work : Construction of Bridge in Dam Submergence across the Nala @ P.T. BodnaSite, Tq: Morshi, Dist: Amravati.PARTICULARSRate at which the materials willbe charged to the contractorPlace ofdeliveryUnitRateNil Nil Nil NilNOTES :1) The person or firm submitting the tender should see that the rates in the abovescheduleare filled up by the Executive Engineer-in-charge on the issue of form priorto thesubmission of the tender.2) The rates for the above materials are inclusive of Sales Tax and General Tax.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

693)A)All materials mentioned in the Schedule ‘A’ except explosives required of theworkshall be taken from the Deptt. Outside materials in lieu of those mentioned inSchedule‘A’ will not be allowed partially of fully.B) The materials such as, explosives will be supplied by the department at the ratesasshown Schedule ‘A’ of tender only to the extent as available at Govt. store atProjectsite, for issuing it to the contractor. The contractor shall use this material onlytill the timeit is supplied by the department.In the case of non-availability of thesematerials with the department the contractor willbe permitted to procure the samefrom outside sources on receipt of written requestfrom contractor, as per the rules inforce at the time and the material so procured willhave to be got approved from theEngineer-in-charge before use.Other materials like tamping rods, electric detonators,fuses etc. are to be used by thecontractor of his own.4) Change in quantities shall be charged or deducted at the same rates as perSchedule ‘A’.a) The contractor shall have to furnish the account of all the materials beforeplacingdemand for further materials and furnishing full account of all materials orcompletionof work and returning all surplus materials to the department. Surplusmaterials ingood condition shall only be accepted in return.b) The contractor shall have to construct a shed of approved specification for storingofmaterials as work site having double lock arrangement.c) The excess consumption of material due to negligence on the part of contractorshallbe recovered at twice the rates mentioned in the Schedule ‘A’ or the marketratewhich ever is higher.5) The empty cement bags shall be the property of the contractor.6) The cement will be supplied in standard jute bags at the place of delivery stipulatedinSchedule ‘A’. The cement will be issued on weight basis. The department will notberesponsible for further loss of weight of cement once it is issued from store.7) The changes for loading, unloading, storing and conveyance etc. for the materialsshown above form the place of delivery to the site of work will be borne by thecontractorand deemed to have been included in the unit rate of respective items.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

70CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGE IN DAM SUBMERGENCE ACROSS THE NALLA AT P.T. BODNA.SCHEDULE - "B"“C” WORKSCSR AdoptedP.W.D .C.S.R. 2012-13<strong>Tender</strong> EstimatedItem QuantityNo may bemore orlessItem of workIn FigureRs.Ps.Estimated/<strong>Tender</strong>ed RatesIn WordsUnitTotalAmountaccording toEstimatedQuantity1 2 3 4 5 6 71150.00 Site Cleaning etc complete. 1.15 Rs. One & Ps. Fifteen only. Sqm 1,323.0012 109.50 Excavation for foundation in hard murum and boulders including shoringand strutting as necessary and disposing off excavated stuff within lead of 100mas directed etc. Complete. lift up to 1.5 meter160.00 Rs. One Hundred Sixty&Ps. Zero only.Cum 17,520.003 128.42 Excavation for foundation in Soft rock and including shoring and strutting asnecessary and disposing off excavated stuff within lead of 100m as directed etc.Complete. lift up to 1.5 meter262.00 Rs. Two Hundred Sixty Two& Ps. Zero onlyCum 33,646.004 61.72 Excavation for foundation including shoring and strutting as necessary anddisposing off excavated stuff within lead of 100m as directed in hard rock(blasted) etc. Complete. Above 1.5 to 3.00 meter399.00Rs. Three Hundred NinetyNine & Ps. Zero onlyCum 24,626.005 29.45Providing and laying in situ C.C. of required grade of trap / granite / quartzite /gneiss metal in Foundation including necessary bailing out water, includingplywood/steel form work, and excluding dewatering by pump compaction byvibrating finishing uneven and honeycombed surface with C.M.1:3 of sufficientminimum thickness to give a smooth and even surface or roughening the surfaceif special finish is to be provided, curing etc. complete. .(excluding reinforcementand structural steel, including cover block ) the cement mortar 1:3 plaster isconsidered for rendering uneven and honeycomb surface only newly laidconcrete shall be covered by gunny bag, plastic, tarpaulin etc. (woodencentering will not be allowed) [Spec. No. :BR. 5 Page No.105 /IS456 (2000 ) a]For M-20 Grade.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer3917.10 Rs. Three Thousand NineHundred Seventeen & Ps.Ten Only.Cum 1,15,359.00

71<strong>Tender</strong>ItemNoEstimatedQuantitymay bemore or lessItem of workIn FigureRs.Ps.Estimated/<strong>Tender</strong>ed RatesIn WordsUnitTotalAmountaccordingtoEstimatedQuantity1 2 3 4 5 6 76 139.82 Providing and laying C.C. of required grade of trap/granite/quartzite/gneissmetal for cast in situ piers, abutments, returns, wings etc. including provisionof ‘V’ shaped false joints to from suitable panels on the faces to approved designincluding plywood/steel formwork, finishing uneven and honeycombed surface witC.M.1:3 of sufficient minimum thickness to give smooth and even surface orroughening the surface if special finish is to be provided, curing and bailing outwater. The C.M.1:3 plaster is considered for rendering uneven and honeycombedsurface only. (Excluding reinforcement, including cover block) Newly laidconcrete shall be covered by gunny bag, plastic, tarpaulin etc. (wooden centering/ formwork will not be allowed) (Spec. No.: BR.27 / Page No.127) For C.C.M-154003.45 Rs. Four Thousand Three& Ps. Forty Five Only.Cum 5,59,762.007 84.63 Dewatering including diversion of stream, providing cofferdams, bounds, etc. asmay be necessary for foundation and other parts of the work and bailing out waterduring and after excavation as required. A1] For Abutment ii) For Mediumdewatering115.00 Rs. One Hundred Fifteen& Ps. Zero Only.Cum 9,732.0083.96Providing and laying C.C. of required grade of trap/granite/quartzite/gneissmetal for R.C.C. Caps over piers and abutments including necessaryscaffolding, plywood/steel formwork, steel centring compaction by vibratingfinishing uneven and honeycombed surface wit C.M.1:3 of sufficient minimumthickness to give smooth and even surface or roughening the surface if specialfinish is to be provided, curing etc. complete(Excluding reinforcement, includingcover block) The C.M.1:3 plaster is considered for rendering uneven andhoneycombed surface only. Newly laid concrete shall be covered by gunny bag,plastic, tarpaulin etc. (wooden centring / formwork will not be allowed) (Spec.No.: BR.29 / Page No.129) (a) For C.C. M-20 Grade4312.10 Rs. Four Thousand ThreeHundred Twelve & Ps. TenOnly.Cum 17,076.00Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

72<strong>Tender</strong>ItemNoEstimatedQuantitymay bemore orlessItem of workIn FigureRs.Ps.Estimated/<strong>Tender</strong>ed RatesIn WordsUnitTotalAmountaccordingtoEstimatedQuantity1 2 3 4 5 6 79 17.95Providing and laying in situ cement concrete of required grade oftrap/granite/quartzite/gneiss metal for R.C.C. work in Solid / deck Slabincluding plywood/steel formwork, steel centring compaction. The C.M.1:3 plastersof sufficient minimum thickness toi give a smooth and even surface or rougheningthe surface if special finishis tio be provided curing etc. complete.(Excludingreinforcement, including cover block) Newly laid concrete shall be covered bygunny bag, plastic, tarpaulin etc. (wooden centering / formwork will not beallowed) (Spec. No.: BR.38 / Page No.135) For C.C. M-25 Grade.5172.10 Rs. Five Thousand OneHundred Seventy Two & Ps.Ten Only.10 2.52 Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete of required grade of trap /granite / quartzite / gneiss metal for wearing course 8 cm thick includingplywood/steel formwork, compaction by vibrator, finishing uneven andhoneycombed surface with C.M. 1:3 of sufficient minimum thickness to givesmooth and even surface, filling joints with bitumen, curing etc. complete. laidconcrete shall be covered by gunny bag, plastic, tarpaulin etc. (wooden centering/ formwork will not be allowed) (Spec. No.: BR.47/ Page No.140) (a) For C.C. M-20 Grade4417.10 Rs. Four Thousand FourHundred Seventeen & Ps.Ten Only.Cum 92,839.00Cum 11,131.0011 1.90 Providing and cutting, bending, hooking, laying, in position and tying barreinforcement as per detailed drawing for R.C.C. works etc. complete. a)mild /HYSD steel bar60572.00 Rs. Sixty Thousand FiveHundred Seventy Two &Ps. Zero OnlyM.T. 1,15,087.0012 18.00 Providing and fixing UPVC pipe of 100mm dia. And of required length forweep holes in abutments , riding returns including necessary inverted filteretc. Complete. [Spec. No. As directed by Engineer in charge]115.00Rs. One Hundred Fifteen& Ps. Zero OnlyRmt 2,070.001363.00Providing Tar paper bearing of approved quality in proper size etc. complete.[Spec. No. As directed by Engineer in charge ] 15.00 Rs. Fifteen & Ps. Zero Only. Sqm 945.00Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

<strong>Tender</strong>ItemNoEstimatedQuantitymay bemore orlessItem of work73In FigureRs.Ps.Estimated/<strong>Tender</strong>ed RatesIn WordsUnitTotalAmountaccording toEstimatedQuantity1 2 3 4 5 6 714 5.13 Providing expansion joints with 25mm thick bituminous pad as per detailed 700.00 Rs. Seven Hundred & Ps. Sqm 3,591.00drawingZero Only.15 1162.96 Providing earth work for embankment with approved materials obtained fromexcavation by mechanical means from departmental land or the sources includingall lifts and leads, laying in layers of 20 cm to 30 cm. thickness breaking clodsdressing to the required lines, curves, grades and sections, watering andcompacting etc. complete as directed by engineer in charge. A) Compactionwith power Roller225.55Rs. Two Hundred TwentyFive & Ps. Fifty Five OnlyCum 2,62,306.0016 29.04 Providing 90 cm thick flexible stone mat as per standard drawing includingsupplying all materials at work site spreading and compaction etc. complete.17 22.00 Providing and fixing trap/granite/quartzite/gneiss Guard Stone / Indicator Stoneof standard size (15 x 15 x 15 cm) and shape including fixing in block of standardsize 945 x 45 x 45 cm) of C.C. 1:4:8 with white washing etc. complete.18 72.93 Supplying 80mm trap/granite/quatzite/gniess stone metal at the road sideincluding conveying and stacking complete. By breaking boulders.19 140.05 Supplying Hard moorum at the road side including conveying and stackingcomplete20 33.10 Supplying 40mm trap/granite/quatzite/gniess stone metal at the road sideincluding coneveying and stacking complete. By breaking boulders.( Hand broken21 11.03 Supplying soft moorum at the road side including conveying and stackingcomplete22 72.93 Spreading over size metal layer on road formation to 3% camber ,designedsuper elevation and grade including sectioning complete500.00 Rs. Five Hundred & Ps.Zero Only450.00 Rs. Four Hundred Fifty &Ps. Zero Only.477.67 Rs. Four HundredSeventy Seven & Ps.Sixty Seven Only.308.37 Rs. Three Hundred Eight &Ps. Thirty Seven Only.517.67 Rs. Five Hundred Seventeen& Ps. Sixty Seven Only302.37 Rs. Three Hundred Two &Ps. Thirty Seven Only25.00 Rs. Twenty Five & Ps. ZeroOnly.Sqm 14,520.00No 9,900.00Cum 34,836.00Cum 43,187.00Cum 17,135.00Cum 3,335.00Cum 1,823.00Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

74<strong>Tender</strong>ItemNoEstimatedQuantitymay bemore orlessItem of workIn FigureRs.Ps.Estimated/<strong>Tender</strong>ed RatesIn WordsUnitTotalAmountaccordingtoEstimatedQuantity1 2 3 4 5 6 723 33.10 Spreading 40mm metal layer on road formation to 3% camber, designed super 24.00 Rs. Twenty Four & Ps. Zero Cum 794.00elevation and grade including sectioning completeOnly24 140.05 Spreading hard moorum over oversize metal layer for blindage with uniform 14.00 Rs. Fourteen & Ps. Zero Cum 1,960.00thickness etc. completeOnly25 11.03 Spreading soft moorum over 40mm metal layer for blindage with uniform 14.00 Rs. Fourteen & Ps. Zero Cum 154.00thickness etc. completeOnly.26 364.65 Compacting the subgrade/gravel/oversize metal (200mm loose) layers for allwidths with Statick roller including necessary labour, materials and artificialwatering complete9.00 Rs. Nine & Ps. Zero Only. Sqm 3,282.0027 364.65 Compacting the subgrade/gravel/oversize metal (100mm loose ) layers for allwidths with Statick roller including necessary labour, materials and artificialwatering complete28 497.25 Compacting the hard moorum/kankar for all widths for required compactedthickness with Statick roller including necessary labour, materials and articlewatering complete.9.50 Rs. Nine & Ps. Fifty Only. Sqm 3,464.005.00 Rs. Five & Ps. Zero Only Sqm 2,486.00Total of Rs. 14,03,889.00Rupees Fourteen Lakh (s) Three Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty Nine OnlyABBREVIATIONS:- Cum-Cubic Meter, Sqm- Square Meter, Rmt-Running Meter, Qtl- Quintal, Kg-Kilogram, No-umbersNote :- All the Items Covered Under Schedule - B are inclusive of Royalty Charges.An amount of Rs. 70.68 per Cum will be Recovered from the Bills onaccountof Royalty charges and the same will be reimbursed to the Contractor on submission of<strong>Document</strong>ary evidence for payment of Royalty.Sub Divisional Engineer Executive EngineerMinor Irrigation (L.S.) Sub Division Minor Irrigation (L.S.) DivisionMorshi AmravatiSignature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

75GENERAL SPECIFICATIONSECTION 1 : STRIPPINGED-S-0 Scope :Stripping and benching the seat of the dam and disposing the material as andwheredirected.ED-S-1 Scope :The item of stripping includes furnishing of all tools, plant, labour and materialrequired,carrying out excavation in all strata including site clearance conveyance anddisposal in amanner approved by the Engineer-in-charge with all leads and lifts andall items coveredwithin the intent and purpose of the item.ED-S-2 Site clearance :All areas required for the seat of the dam and on meter on u/s and d/s beyond theseat on thedam shall be cleared of all trees, stumps, business, roots, rubbish and allother objectionablematerials. All such materials shall be removed from the site so asnot to interfere withconstruction and maintenance operations of the project and shallbe disposed of as directedby the Engineer-in-charge to such disposal area asdirected. All trees cut and all materialsfrom dismantled structures shall be theproperty of Government and shall be stacked atsuitable places as directed by theEngineer-in-charge or his representative.ED-S-3 Stripping :The entire area of seat of dam shall be stripped to a sufficient depth, to remove alltope soil,loose soil and vegetable matter and soil in the root zone or soil not suitablefor the foundationof the dam embankment as determined by the Engineer-in-charge.The stripping should becarried out down to a firm natural soil as directed.However,the rate of the item shall include stripping maximum upto 0.30 meter depth.Anystripping required to be done below 0.30 meter depth will be paid under the itemofexcavation. The rate also includes benching and keying which shall be formedwheneverdirected to ensure proper junction and bonding. In case of trees with deeproots the rootsmust be removed at least upto one meter depth below ground level.ED-S-4 Disposal of Materials :The stripped materials shall be transported and dumped or stacked at the disposalsitesapproved by the Engineer-in-charge. In no case shall this stripped materialcontaminate withthe embankment materials.ED-S-5 Lead and Lift :The item includes all leads and lifts involved in the operation.ED-S-6 Mode of Measurement :The measurement shall be the measurements of the volume of the stripped quantityin CubicMeter. The quantity will be computed by taking cross sections at every 15meters at closerintervals for the area tripped as per specifications.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

76SECTION 2 : EXCAVATIONED-E-01 Scope :Excavation in mainly classified to its purpose as under :1) Excavation for seat of dam & drain.2) Excavation for waste weir, approach and tail channels, flank walls, guide walls,key wallsand head regulators etc.The item includes furnishing of all tools and plantlabour and materials required for carryingout excavation in all strata including siteclearance,conveyance and disposal in a mannerhereinafter specified and alloperations within the intent and purpose of the item.The item excavation for otherpurposes shall include furnishing of all tools, plant labour andmaterial required forcarrying out excavation in different strata for the various parts asdenoted in thedrawings and removing and disposal in a manner hereafter specified, with allleadsand lifts, maintaining the excavated slopes and trenches and all operationscoveredwithin the intent and purpose of the item. The rate also includes excavation inwet and moistconditions occurred in.ED-E-2 Clearance of site of work :All areas required for the construction for the dam and appurtenant works and thesurface ofall borrow pits shall be cleared of all trees, stumps, roots, vegetation andthe otherobjectionable matter, which should be the property of Government. All suchmaterials shall beremoved and disposed off as directed by the Engineer-in-charge,from site of work so as notto interfere with the construction and operation of theproject.ED-E-3 Base lines and grades :Before start of the work, one reference line and two Bench Marks will be establishedby theDepartment / Permanent base lines and cross shall be established by thecontractor atsufficiently close intervals with Bench Marks at all end points to serve as“Reference Grid”.The contractor shall provide at his expense all templates, pillarsand stakes, equipments,materials and labour for establishing the Grid lines and thepillars and shall be responsible fortheir maintenance during the whole period ofconstruction. These shall be laid out with theprior approval of the Engineer-in-charge.No base line or bench mark or reference mark shallbe used reference line mark orlevel for the work, without prior approval of the Engineer-incharge.The contractorshall maintain a certified copy such approved reference line, marksand levels andshall not remove any of them without the prior approval of the Engineer-incharge.Thereference points and pillars, already established by the department in the worksareashall be fully protected and maintained by the contractor. He shall repair andrefuild the samein case of any damage, intentional or otherwise.The contractor shalllayout the work from these reference base lines in consultation with theEngineer-inchargeand shall be responsible for the correctness of all measurements andlevels inconnection therewith notwithstanding the fact that same might have been checkedbythe staff of the Engineer-in-chargeThe contractor shall be responsible for the properexecution of the work to such lines andgrades as may be specified in the drawings orestablished or indicated by the Engineer-inchargefrom time to time.ED-E-4 Classification of strata :The strata of excavation shall be classified as under :i) Hard Strata / Rockii) Soft RockSignature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

77ANNEXURE “A” DEFINITIONS OF STRATAHard Strata :This shall include all rock occurring in masses which normally needs regular blastingwheresuch blasting is permissible. It shall also include rock which owing to theproximity ofbuildings or for any other reason has to be cut out by means of chisels ofwedges. It shallalso include boulders in mass and isolated boulders in mass andisolated boulder over 0.1cubic meter each, which normally require blasting orwedging and breaking for easy removal.Soft Strata :This shall include all kinds of rock or shale indurate clay, soil, salt, sand and gravel,softaverage and hard murum and any other material which can best be removed witha shovelafter loosening with a pick and /or bar. It shall also include isolated boulderupto 0.1 cubicmeter each which levels not need blasting and could be removed witha pick bar and shovel.At the change of the strata the contractor shall inform thedepartment in writing beforeproceeding with the excavation in the hard strata. TheEngineer-in-charge, may thereuponcause to take levels of the finished excavation inthe soft strata.The decision on the Engineer-in-charge regarding classification ofstrata shall be conclusiveand binding on the contractor. No distinction shall be madewhether the material is dry or wet.ED-E-5 Safety of excavation :Before any work of excavation of foundation is taken up, all loose rock, semidetachedrock inor close to the area to be excavated, that is liable to fall or otherwise endangerthe workmenon the project shall be stripped. The methods employed shall be suchas will not shatter anyrock that was originally sound or safe. Any material notrequiring removal as contemplatedtherein, but which may later become loosened orunstable shall be promptly and satisfactorilyremoved. The cost of such clearing shallbe deemed to have been included in the until ratesaccepted under the different termsof excavation and upto pay lines.ED-E-6 Shoring and strutting :Maintenance of excavation slopes :Any shorting and strutting required during construction shall be deemed to becovered by therates quoted for the items. The contractor shall be responsible for theadequacy for theexcavated slopes. If at any particular locations the contractorconsider it necessary in theinterest of safely to provide berms, shall forthwith bringthe same to the notice of theEngineer-in-charge and obtain orders thereon. Suchadditional excavation shall be paid for atthe rates accepted for the particular class ofmaterial.Before excavating the trenches to the final slope it is necessary that thecontractor shall firstascertain the strata classification by excavating a pilot sectionand only after the strata isclassified, adjust the said slopes to final designed section.The contractor is not entitled forany extra payment in this account and the tenderedrate is deemed to be inclusive of it.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

Slips :78Every precaution shall be taken to prevent slips. But should slips occur, the slippedmaterialshall be removed to slopes as directed. Removal of such slipped materialshall not pay for.No. compensation shall be paid to the contractor because ofmishaps arising out slipsED-E-7 Blasting :Observing rules regarding blasting :In conducting blasting operations proper precautions shall be taken for the protectionofpersons, the work and property. All Government laws relating to the design andlocation ofpower magazines, transport and handling of explosives and othermeasures enacted for theprevention of accidents shall be strictly observed, warningsignals shall be given for eachblast of accidents shall be strictly observed, warningsignals shall be given for each blast.Specifications for blasting given under separatesection shall be carefully and rigidlyobserved.Storing of explosives :Explosives shall be stored in the magazine building to be provided by the contractorunderthe special care of a watchmen, so that in case of accidents, no damage occursto other partsof the work. Explosives, detonators and fuses shall each be separatelystored.Restrictions of blasting :a) No blasting which may disturb or endanger the stability, safety or quality of thefoundation will be permitted.b) Blasting within 3o meters of main work in progress or of a permanent structureshall notbe permitted.c) Progressive blasting shall be limited to two thirds of the total remaining depthofexcavation.d) No large scale blasting operations will be resorted to when the foundationexcavationreaches the last one meter, and only small charges preferably blackpowder may beallowed so as not to shatter the foundation.e) The last blast shall not be more than ½ meter in depth. Thereafter for finishingtheexcavation work and in special locations (only in rock) where specifically indicatedorordered in writing by the Engineer-in-charge use of explosives shall bediscontinued andexcavation completed by barring. Wedging, chiseling or othersuitable methods approvedor directed by Engineer-in-charge and cost of such workwill be deemed to have beenincluded in the tendered rate.ED-E-8 Excavation outlines and pay lines for other than foundation of structures :All excavation shall be performed in accordance with lines, grades, levels anddimensionshown in the drawing or establishing by the Engineer-in-charge. Thedimensions shown inthe drawing are tentative. During the progress of work it may befound necessary or desirableto vary the slopes or the dimensions of excavation fromthose specified in the drawings.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

79The side slopes of the excavations shall be as step shall would stand with safety asdecided bythe Engineer-in-charge. Afterwards Engineer-in-charge appearing the topmost line andfollowing side slope would be normally as per table given below or lesssubject to safely.Table Slope Table Slope Table Slopesand 1 : 1 HM HMB 1/4 : 1 S.R. abovedepth 3 m1/4 : 1Soil & SM 1/2 : 1 SR & HR upto 3 mVerticalH.R. abovedepth 3 m1/8 : 1If the slope established are found to be steeper and likely to slip, they shall be madeflatterremoving the additional material and introducing suitable berms if possible andstable facesestablished as decided by the Engineer-in-charge. The additionalexcavation when orderedby the Engineer-in-charge will be paid at the rates acceptedfor excavation for the particularclass of material.Pay lines & excess excavation in case of foundation of structures :No payment shall be made for the work done beyond the specified pay lines.Payment linesfor different strata for all excavation is defined as the lines starting fromthe outer dimensionsof masonry or concrete foundation levels and sloping up asspecified in the table above.Notwithstanding standards given hereinbefore for theexcavation outlines. The Contractorshall take care to see that no slips or accidentsoccur and that the slopes are stable. Ifnecessary he shall carry out necessaryshorting and strutting at his own cost.Any or all pay excess excavation carried out bythe contractor for any purpose or reasons,shall, unless ordered in writing by theEngineer-in-charge, be at the expense of the contractorand if the unauthorizedexcavation has to be filled with concrete or masonry or with materialsas specified bythe Engineer-in-charge, filling so needed shall be carried out by the contractoras perthe specifications of the respective item of works at his own expense.ED-E-9 Disposal of excavated materials :Deposition of excavated stuff clear or traffic lines etc. :Before any exaction is started, the deposition of spoil shall be carefully planned so asnot toobstruct traffic the required for transport of the construction materials.Theexcavated material shall be dumped sufficiently clear of the edge of excavation so asnotto endanger stability of the excavation and also permit ample space for tramways,lorry paths,installation of lifting and pumping devices, stacking construction materialsetc.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

80Sorting on excavated materials :The excavated materials shall be carefully sorted for use in the dam as directed bytheEngineer-in-charge and shall be hauled directly to the place of use in possible.Theexcavated material which is not considered fit for use in the embankment, shallbeimmediately removed and deposited at such place and in such manner as will bedirected bythe Engineer-in-charge. The material found unusable should be gotapproved from theEngineer-in-charge before actually disposing it off. The usefulmaterial obtained fromexcavation shall be used directly or heaped separately as perrequirement for Earth Dam andMasonry Spillway. The material for earth dam shall beheaped for different zones namely.i) Earth material required for hearing.ii) For casing zone.iii) Rubble required for rock toe, Pitching and quarry spatulas.The rubble suitable for masonry etc. should be stacked separate for followingpurposes :i) Large size rubble for masonry.ii) Small size rubble for crushing.iii) Long headers for masonry etc.iv) Chips for back filling etc.Conveyance of material :All the excavated materials from excavation shall be selected by removing roots,grass,organic matter and other objectionable matter and be stored out into differenttypes ofmaterials for use in different zones of the dam as directed by the Engineer-incharge.Thesame shall be loaded in the vehicles proceeding directly to the place ofuse except suchmaterials as is required to be stockpiled.Mode of heaping other useful material :The useful material that cannot be used directly shall be heaped in separate areawithreference to the nature of the materials. Stockpiles shall be of a regular size aspossibleallowing of easy measurements. The material once heaped shall be utilizedas and whenwhere required and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. The cost ofcomplete item ofexcavation includes the cost of rehandling of the materials sotemporary heaped and reused.The free use of useable excavated spoll :All useable spoils of excavation whether done by the contractor or departmentally orthroughother agencies fixed by the department will be available free of cost for useby the contractorin the construction of the dam only when it is not required by thedepartment for their use.Mode of wasting materials :The waste materials shall be heaped in spoil banks in regular shapes with suitableslopes asdirected and properly trimmed so as to present a neat appearance or theymay be wasted inother approved locations. The spoil banks shall be located in sucha way that they will notinterfere with the natural flow of the river.No material shall bewasted where it will detract from the appearance or interfere with theaccessibility ofthe completed structures. Excavated materials shall not be carelessly thrownover thepremises shall be deposited directly in permanent position consistent withproperexecution of work.Leads and lifts :The unit price shall include all leads and lifts involved in the above operations.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

81ED-E-10 Measurements and payments :The measurements of excavation shall be the measurement of cust as worked outfrom thearea of cross sections of original ground and the finally excavated line withinthe payableexcavation lines. The cross section shall be taken at every 15 meter orsuch shorter intervalsas the Engineer-in-charge may decide.The quantity of item shall be computed from cross sectional areas by the trapezoidalformulaonly.Only in the case of boulders satisfying the conditions as noted in thedefinition of hard stratain the stack basis permitted with conversion factor of 1:7 (cutmeasurement : loosemeasurement).ED-E-11 Preparing and Testing of Foundation :Scaling, trimming of foundation :After rough excavation to the required depth in completed, scaling and trimmingoperationsfor the removal of all pieces loosened during excavation of partlyseparated from main rockmass by seams or cracks shall be carried out to thesatisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge.Treatment of weak local spots :All weathered or partly decomposed places of rock shall be removed so as not toleave onthe foundation any rock other than that which is an integral part of the rockmass. Areas oflow bearing capacity, steep inclined seams, faults and crushed zonesin an otherwise goodfoundations. If permitted to be kept shall be cleared out to asufficient depth and refilled andplugged with masonry or concrete as directed by theEngineer-in-charge.Final finished surface of foundation :The finally prepared foundation shall present a rough surface in cross section to giveaddedresistance to sliding. All polished surface shall be roughened artificially to givea good bond.The surface shall be free steep, angles and the edges of benches shallbe chamferedapproximately to 45 pinnacles or sharp projections shall be knocked offand prominent knobsflattened. Neither along the length of the dam nor across it, shallthe foundation normallyhave a slop steeper than 1 vertical : 1 Horizontal and 1Vertical : 4 Horizontal respectivelyunless otherwise permitted by the Engineer-incharge.Testing for Soundness :The finally finished foundation rock shall be tested by striking with a heavy hammerand if anyloose portion of foundation rock is revealed by a hollow sound, It shall beexcavated further(without blasting) till a clear ringing sound is obtained.Foundation to be kept completely dry during construction :The foundation shall be kept completely dewatered till such time as would berequired for the Foundation to be kept completely dry during construction :The foundation shall be kept completely dewatered till such time as would berequired for themasonry or concrete to set. The dewatering required for this purposeshall be included in theseparate item of diversion and dewatering.Cost of preparationof foundation as specified hereinbefore shall be included in the separateitem ofPreparing foundationmasonry or concrete to set. The dewatering required for thispurpose shall be included in theseparate item of diversion and dewatering.Cost ofpreparation of foundation as specified hereinbefore shall be included in theseparateitem of Preparing foundationSignature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

82ED-E-12 Preparation of Foundation Surface :Scope :The item includes furnishing of all tools and plants, labour and material requiredforpreparation of foundation i.e. cleaning, scaling and trimming operation for removalof all looseplaces found at the top of the foundation level. It also includes dry airjetting and ten cleaningwith air and water jet under pressure. The rate also includesapplying cement slurry andcement morter 1:3 before laying masonry or concrete onfinally finished surface.Sealing and Trimming of Foundation :Rough excavation completed to the required depth is to be further cleaned andfinished asbelow. The scaling and trimming operation for the removal of all placesloosened duringexcavation or partly separated from main rock mass, by seams orcracks, shall be carried outto the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge.Preparation of surfaces Prior to laying :Immediately before laying masonry or concrete, the foundation shall be thoroughlyclearedoff, all loose materials like chips, sand, dirt and even a slightest film of oil orgrease. Thisshall be done by pick, hammers, stiff forms jets of water and jets of air athigh pressuresand/or wet sand blasting followed by thorough washing. The wholesurface and particularly allcorner, crevices and joints shall be cleared of all dirtclinging to them by holding the tip of thewater hose close to it. The pressure for jetsof water or oil shall not be less than 15 meter ofwater and 5 kg/cm2 for it. Thefinished surface shall be thoroughly scrubbed with stiff wirebrushes. The washingand scrubbing shall be continued until all deleterious material. Clingingto the surfaceis removed. This indicated by the wash water in the trenches becoming cleanandfrom dirt. In the final cleaning all water shall be removed by using sponge so that nottheslightest pool of water remainsMortor on Prepared Surface :Before laying masonry of concrete over the finally prepared surface of the foundationslurry orwater cement ratio (060) by weight shall be applied on rock surface. Overthis slurry layer ofcement mortar 1:3 as directed with water cement ratio as low aspracticable, should be laid toa depth of 50 mm. to 70 mm. The mortar shall be rubbedby a trowel, to ensure goodadhesion.Mode of Measurement and Payment :The measurement of this item shall be the surface area to be covered by masonryonconcrete on the foundation bed as per drawing in sq.m. The rates inclusive of allleads andlifts.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

83SECTION 3 :PROVIDING EMBAKMENTS(With materials either Borrow areas of useful approved materials fromcompulsory excavation)ED-B-1 Scope :The item of embankment shall include furnishing all tools, plant, labour andmaterialsrequired, striping of the borrow area, excavating the material from theborrow areas,conveying the same and placing the same or the useful materials fromcompulsoryexcavation for C.O.T. masonry dam foundation, drains, etc. in specifiedlayers forembankment including watering and mixing (or drying as the case may be)and mechanicalcompaction to specified density and moisture content for each type ofmaterial andperforming all operations necessary and ancillary theretoED-B-2 Borrow areas :GeneralAll material required for construction of embankment or backfill, which are notavailable fromthe compulsory excavation (for cut off trench, masonry damfoundations, drains etc.) shall beobtained from the prescribed borrow areas. Borrowpits shall be opened at the location and tothe limits, indicated on the quarry mapattached and per directions of the Engineer-in-charge.As far as practicable, theborrow area going under submergence on up stream side shall betackled first. Forthe guidance of the contractor a quarry map showing quarries is attached.The datapresented therein are to be taken only as a guidance and no claims shallbeentertained in future due to lack of conformity between the nature and quantity ofmaterialsactually met with during construction and that indicated in the borrow areaplan. Thecontractor is expected to have his own prospecting carried out beforetendering for the works.Prior approval to borrow area before start of work :Before any borrow area is opened the material from the borrow area to be used forparticularZone in the earth dam should be got approved from the Engineer-in-charge.Stripping of borrow areas :Before opening of a borrow area, from where the material is to be obtained, the areashall becleared of all trees, stumps, bushes, etc. and stripped to remove the top soil,humusvegetable matter, organic matter, roots, rubbish and all other objectionablematerial which isunsuited for the purpose for which the borrow pit is to be excavated.All such materials shallbe removed to such disposal areas as directed by theEngineer-in-charge. In no case shallthe stripped material be allowed to contaminatethe material going into the embankment. Alltrees cut shall be the property ofGovernment and shall be stacked at a suitable place asdirected by the Engineer-incharge.The rate for embankment including use of materials frombarrow areasincludes the clearing and stripping the borrow area and disposing the wastematerialas directed. The cleared and stripped areas shall be maintained free fromvegetablegrowth and adequately drained during the progress of work, without anyextra cost.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

84Exploitation of borrow area :a) Where the borrow pits are opened adjacent to the dam, the edge of excavationshall beat a distance of five times of the height of the dam, opposite as measuredabove the toplevel of edge of excavation to the top of the dam, subject to theminimum distance of 100metres from the toes of the dam.b) Where no positive cut off is provided, to care shall be taken see that no previousstrataare uncovered by excavation of borrow pits on the water side of the dam withinadistance of ten times the height of the dam as measured from the upstream toe ofthedam.c) Borrow pits shall be worked that selected materials will be furnished as requiredasclose as practicable to the point of utilization so that they will not interfere withthelocation of permanent structure nor, mar the usefulness or appearance of any ofthework.d) The formation of pools shall be avoided to avoid spoiling of useful material andalso badappearance and all borrow pits shall be drained as necessary by ditches tothe nearestcut falls. All borrow pits except those that would be submerged in thereservoir shall beconnected to each other and the last borrow pits to the nearestdrainage channel so as toavoid stagnation of water. The bottom of the pits shall beso fixed that the pits drain intosome natural course.e) No borrow areas should be taken on roads, village tracks, canal etc. occurring intheborrow areas.f) All borrow areas shall be arranged with certain amount of the regularity havingregard tothe convenience of the work during excavation and to its safely andappearance of finishafter its completion.Quarry Roads :a) Temporary paths leading to and from respective borrow areas including temporaryriverand nails crossing to the site of embankment where the materials are required tobedeposited shall be constructed and maintained by the contractor at his own cost.Materials from area other than prescribed borrow areas or from thecompulsoryexcavation in soft strata:During the construction the contractor may after careful prospecting and with thespecificwritten approval of the Executive Engineer bring suitable material from areaother than thoseindicated in the borrow areas plan, in spite of the fact that the borrowareas indicated in theborrow area plan can yield sufficient quantities of the requiredmaterials. In such case noextra payment for increased lead or any other reasonwould be admissible on this account.ED-B-3 Section or materials :1) The borrow pit material or the material from compulsory excavation shall begotclassified from the Engineer-in-charge with regard to its suitability for the particularzonein the dam. The standard of material required for various zones in the dam i.e.filling ofthe cut of trench, hearting, casing zone shall be as directed by the Engineerin-charge.Theclassification by the Engineer-in-charge shall be final and binding onthe contractor.2) The requirement of the material shall be generally as under :a) Hearting and filling of C.O.T. :The material shall be uniform impervious material not containing boulders or anyotherhard materials of more than 75 cms. Maximum dimensions and not containinganyorganic matter.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

85b) Casing :All materials shall be free from organic material and should contain coarsegrainedmaterial, the suitability being confirmed by laboratory tests. Normally thematerial shouldnot contain boulders or stone large than 3/4th the size of thickness ofthe compactedlayer. When compacted the materials should be fairly pervious. Thepermeability of thecompacted casing zone determined by the methods deemed fit bythe Engineer-inchargeshould be about 100 feet per year or as specified by theEngineer-incharge.ED-B-4 Placing of Materials :General :The embankment shall be constructed to the lines and grades shown on thedrawings. Theslopes of the division lines between zones or portions of embankmentare tentative and shallbe subject to variation at any time prior to or duringconstruction and on account of this thecontractor shall be entitled to no additionalallowance above the unit prices accepted. Noroots vegetable matter, humus or otherunsuitable materials shall be placed in theembankment. The contractor shall maintainthe embankment in an approved manner until thefinal completion and acceptance ofall of the work under the contractor. Care shall be taken todrain all rain water failingon the rolled surface away beyond the dam toe lines. Theembankment for eachportion shall be maintained approximately level. But if it is necessary tohave slope,the slope should not be steeper than 1:20 (vertical to horizontal). All openings orgapsthrough the embankment required for construction purpose shall be subject toapprovaland such openings or gaps if approved shall be constructed so that theslope of the bondingsurface between embankment in place and embankment to theplaced is not steeper than 1:4(vertical to horizontal). The suitability of each part of thefoundation for placing embankmentmaterials thereon and of all the materials for usein embankment construction will bedetermined by the Engineer-in-charge. Thematerial shall be placed in lawyers andcompacted. If the rolled surface is veryuneven containing hollows and humps, the hollowsshall be filled up and surfacerolled before any fresh layer is taken.Reference point :Before commencing the placement of embankment, all lines marking the extremitiesof berm,hearing casing zone, filter etc. of the embankment shall be marked withreference toreference pillars. The reference pillars shall be of concrete or masonryand the informationindicating charges, levels etc. Shall be properly inscribed orwritten on them as directed bythe Engineer-in-charge. The contractor shall constructand maintain all reference pillars. Noextra payment is admissible to the contractor onthis account.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

86Preparation of Foundation of preparation of Surface of Earth Work Previously Lands :a) General :No material shall placed in any section of the dam until the foundation for the sectionhasbeen dewatered and suitably prepared and has been approved by the Engineerincharge.Itis necessary to ensure the surface material of the foundation will beascompact and well bonded with the first layer of the embankment as hereinafterspecifiedfor subsequent layers of the earth fill. All portion of excavation made for testpits or trailand all other existing cavities found within the area to be covered by earthfill whichextend below the established lines of excavation for dam embankmentfoundation shallbe filled with compaction earth fill materials as herein specified forearth fill inembankment and payment therefore will be made as provided for hearingor casting zonein which section the pits or cavities are filled.b) Foundation other than rock :The seat of the dam is stripped, shall be cleared of all loose or objectionablematerialbefore placing any layer. The surface shall than be watered and rolled asdirected if thesurface material is not compact enough. The surface shall then bescarified by ploughingor by harrows or by rake or by any suitable method, all clodsbroken and then it shall bemoistened liberally but not more than 2% on wet side ofoptimum, unless the foundationmaterial already contains optimum amount ofmoisture before the first layer is placed.c) Rock Foundations :Any steps of larges depressions or humps caused by abrupt change in levels, shallbeevened out to 1:5 slope and the removal of rock will be paid under item ofexcavation. Ifnecessary the surface shall be roughened by the shallow longitudinaltrenches orcorrugations cut in the rock and the removal of rock will be paid under theitem ofexcavation. The rock surface including all pockets or depressions shall becarefullycleared of soil or rock fragments before placing of the first layer, dykes andseams of softmaterial shall be opened out, cleaned to the depth as directed and filledwith selectedimpervious material or lean concrete as directed by the Engineer-incharge.Thefoundation surface shall be moistened but no standing water shall bepermitted when thefirst layer is placed. The rock surface after moistening shall begiven a slurry wash andimmediately after the wash (so as not allowing it to dry) firstlayer of soil will be placed.If exposed surface is very rough and uneven, so as topreclude the use of poweroperated rollers and equipment. It shall be brought to aneven surface by filling thehollows and depressions in layers not more than 100 mm.thick with moist well stakedsoil, having moisture content equal to standard proctoroptimum + __________ of dryweight of soil and compacting the same by hand,pneumatic or mechanical tampers.d) Earth work previously laid :The treatment of the surface in this case before a fresh layer is placed will be thesameas for the foundation other than rock. Over compacted portions of embankmentformeddue to constant traffic which are likely to separate from the layers below shallbe entirelyremoved without any extra cost. When smooth rollers are used forcompaction, thesurface of a compacted layer shall be scarified or roughened beforefresh layer is laid onit. When sheepsfoot rollers are used for compaction, fresh layermay be directly laid onthe previously rolled surface. Water shall be sprinkled on theprevious layer unless thematerial in the surface is sufficiently wet. In case it containsmoisture more than O.M.C.due to rain, etc, it shall be allowed to dry to have optimum moisture and rolled again.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

87e) Rock abutments or sides of rock cutting :If should be seen that no hollows side way are left, Also all projections shall betrimmed.Before placing embankment against rock abutments or sides or rock cuttingthe sameshall be trimmed to 1/2 : 1 slope, Preferably 1 : 1 slope and be thoroughlywashed withmud slurry and selected moist soil laid against the same until the mudwash is still wet.The moist soil laid against rock surface shall be compacted by handrammers or airoperated rammers. Soil with moisture content equal to O.M.C. 2% ofdryweight of soil will be used for this portion.f) The cost of operations involved in preparation of foundation surface shall beincluded inthe rates of embankment.Laying and spreading in layers :a) Approved material free from clods and lumps, larger than 50 mm. size shallbeconveyed directly from source of excavation or from stock piles and laid inappropriatezones of embankment as directed by the Engineer-in-charge, on surfaceof thefoundation or previously laid earth work prepared as specified.The materialshall then bespread on the embankment in uniform and continuous layersapproximately horizontalunless earth work in slope has permitted or specified.b) Thethickness of layers will depend on the nature of materials and the type ofcompactingmachinery. The thickness of a layer should be such that desired densityaftercompaction shall be uniformly obtained throughout the depth. For the guidanceof thecontractor it may be started that the thickness of the layer shall be 20 to 23cms. Looseand 15 cms. Compacted for sheep foot roller, 15 to 11 cms. loose and 11cms compactedfor smooth wheeled roller and 8 cms. loose and 5 cms compacted byhand pneumatic ormechanical tampers. The thickness of the compacted layers willbe found out by takinglevels after every three (or less number, if necessary) layerslaid and compacted andfinding out the average. The layers shall be spread in uniformwidth and in stages tofacilitate compaction by rollers. The work in various zones shallas far as possible beraise simultaneously. If, however, any zone or its part ispermitted by the Engineer-inchargeto be raised higher than the part adjacent to, it theloose uncompacted material atthe junction shall be removed or watered andcompacted to specified density withoutextra cost as directed by Engineer-in-charge.A minimum slope of 2:1 should be providedat such junctions & vertical differencebetween such two junctions should not be movethan 15 meters.c) No clods or lumps more than 5 cms. Size shall be allowed in hearing and all lumpandclods shall be broken upto the above size before rolling.d) The distribution and gradation, of materials throughout the impervious coreincluding thebackfill of the cut off trench shall be free from lenses or pockets ofmaterials differingsubstantially in texture or gradation from surrounding material. Theexcavation andplacing operations shall be such that the materials when compactedwill be so blended asto secure the best practicable degree of compaction,impermeability and stability.e) The Engineer-in-charge may designate the location in the earth fill where theindividualloads shall be deposited. The most impervious materials shall be placed inthe centralupstream portion of the earth fill and the more previous materials shall beplaced oneither side of it so that permeability of the fill will be gradually increasedtowards theupstream and downstream edges of the earth fill. When materials differ indry density buthave about the same permanently the material having the greaterdensity should beplaced in the outer sections of the zones of the dam as the casemay be.f) Should cobbles and rock fragments of size larger than permissible be found inotherwiseapproved earth fill material they shall be removed by the contractor either atthe side ofexcavation or after being transported to the earth fill but before thematerials in the earthfill are rolled and compacted.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

88Such cobbles and rock fragments shall be placed in therock toe directly or wasted asapproved and directed by the Engineer-in-charge.g) In order that proper compaction can be done upto the edges of the designedsection, thesection shall be widened by half meter on each side i.e. on downstreamand upstreamside and extra material shall be deposited for this purpose at thesection. The wholesection will then be compacted and then dressed and brought tothe required slopes.Necessary extra quantity required to be handled for this purposeshall not be paid for andis considered to be included in the rate of this item.Moisture content :a) The water content of the earth fill material prior to and during compaction shallbedistributed uniformly throughout each layer of the material. The difference (Wo-W)whereWo is optimum moisture content, as determined by the standard proctorcompaction test,xpressed as percent of dry weight of soil and W is the moisturecontent of theembankment being compacted, expressed as percent of dry weight ofsoil shall be asfollowsi) (W – Wo) to be : - 2 % to + 2 % in case of at least 90% samplesin case heartingand 75% in case of casing, collected in a week.ii) (W-Wo) to be - 3 to + 3% in case of the remaining 10% & 25% samples. Thestandardproctor compaction tests will be made by the Department from time to time.The materialshall be brought to the proper water content by adding necessaryamount of water ofallowing moisture to evaporate either at the borrow pit or on thedam beforecommencing compaction of layers. When water is proposed to be addedat theembankment, the required amount of water to be sprinkled for given quantity ofsoil shallbe first calculated making due allowance for natural moisture content,evaporation, basewatering etc. This calculated quantity of water shall then bethoroughly mixed with soilby means of the disc harrows or any other suitable methodbefore compaction. Allcharges for watering and mixing are included in the item ofembankment includingpumping, transporting, pipe lines etc. as necessary.b) It may be necessary to allow the water to soak into the soil after sprinkling andmaking.If necessary for sufficient time to have uniform moisture throughout the layer.Thecontractor shall not get any extra payment for stoppage of work necessitated forallowingsoaking of the soil.c) Water content in soil to be laid to fill hollows in rock foundation and rock abutmentand near sides rocking cutting will be as specified under thespecifications for preparation of foundation (O.M.C. + 2 percent of dry weight of soil).The samemoisture content shall be adhered to in case of filling at the sides of C.O.T.filling andfilling around masonry structure.Compaction :a) Each layer after it is found to have specified moisture content uniformly distributed,shallbe compacted to give specified density. No fresh layer of soil shall be laid andcompactedunless previous layer is approved by the Engineer-in-charge. If the watercontent of thematerial spread in layer is more or less than specified, compaction shallnot be staredunless the moisture is brought to specified value.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

89b) Compaction of the embankment shall be done by roller specified below except atpartswhich are not accessible to the above rolling equipment. Compaction ofcasing zone shallbe done by smooth wheeled power rollers (8 to 10 tons) or bystandard sheep foot rollers.Compaction of hearting zone and C.O.T. filling shallbe done by standard sheep footroller. The number of passes required by aparticular type of roller to attain specified density shall be decided by actual trialsfor different types of soils to be used & equalnumber of passes should be givento each layer before carrying out the field density test.The final control ofcompaction will, however, be on basis of specified densities and noton thenumber of passes.c) In the parts of dam inaccessible to the specified rolling equipment such as test pitsortrial pits below foundation level, Irregular sides of cut off trench and portionsaround & incontract with the structures where the rolling equipment will not bepermitted to operate,compaction shall be accomplished with either hand ormechanical tampers of approvedtype. Rulers will not be permitted to operate within0.5 meter of concrete or masonrystructures and the filling within this distance shallbe tamped by hand and mechanicaltempers. All material to be tamped shall bespread in layers with thickness as specified.The moisture content of the materialand the degree of compaction shall be equal to thatspecified separately. Specialcare as directed shall be exercised to obtain a goodcontract and good bond withrock surfaces, surfaces of masonry or concrete.d) Field density tests :The degree of compaction will be such as to give dry density as specified below.Thedensity measurements will be conducted by the department from time to time toascertainwhether the compaction attained in as specified. For this purpose off every300 cubicmeter of compacted earth work of one zone or for every layer compacted ofa particularzone at least two field density tests will be taken and the P.D.D. & P.M.C.worked out byover drying method or k-oil method if the correlation is found to existwith the former.Separate tests are to be taken for the various zones of the dam. Asthe over dryingmethod involves a 24 hours period to facilitate work preliminarycontrol as follows shall beexercised. The wet density of compacted layer shall beequal to or above optimum wetdensity (O.W.D.) & placement moisture content(tested by kerosene oil burning method)with + 1% of the permissible either additionalrolling will have to be done without anyextra cost or the layer may have to beremoved at no extra cost. In the event ofadditional, rolling being permitted, if it isfound that original moisture has evaporated, thelayer may be broken up or scarifiedas directed and watered and allowed to soak beforerolling to bring the moisturecontent to specified value.Necessary assistance for carryingout such density andmoisture samples for density measurements will be taken anywhere to ensure thatno weak spots, at location such as junction of sloping filter andhearting or castingturning places of compacting equipment or any doubtful area are left.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

90Degree of compaction :i) This will be based on the dry densities achieved which shall satisfy thefollowingcriteria.ii) Control criteria, subject to (iii) and (iv) below :CRITERIA FOR CONTROL OF COMPACTED DAM EMBANKMENTType ofmaterial% of gravelfraction i.e.bigger than6 mmsize by dryweight of totalmaterialPercentage based on minus 6 mm sizeMinimumacceptabledensityDesirableaverage densityDesired moisturecontent limitswithinHeartingCasting25% by weight0 to 2526 to 505098% of proctor98% of proctor95% of proctor93 % of proctor100% of proctor100% of proctor98% of proctor98% of proctor2% of O.M.C.2% of O.M.C.2% of O.M.C.2% of O.M.C.FilterMaterialSandGravelDd = 70%Dd = 65%Dd = 80%Dd = 70%Dd is therelativedensityiii) In case of material compacted by tampers the dry density of the soil fraction inthecompacted material shall not be less than 96% of the standard proctor optimumdrydensity.iv) In rate cases when a layer with necessary moisture content gives lower densitythanspecified in the above table even rolling large No. or passes of after re-rolling,such alayer may be approved at the Engineer-in-charge provided (a) the placementDryDensity is not less than 90% of the Standard Proctor Dry Density of Design DryDensity,and (b) Number of such samples having P.D.D. less than 95% O.D.D.shouldnot exceed 2% of the total number of samples taken.ED-B-5 Junction with the work of other agency at end chainages :All the editing changes, if the work will be done by other agencies, then at suchjunctionsthe earth work will be done as follows :EITHER (a) If the work of both agencies is at the same level the rolling will be done2, metersbeyond the end of chainage and no extra payment will be paid for thesame.OR (b) If the work of other agency is at lower level, the work will be done withan outer slopeat 1:4 with an extra length of half meter parallel to the dam alignment.The earth work isthis extra length will not be paid for. There will be some reduction inthe quantity of earthwork. No claim by the contractor on this account will beentertained.OR (c) If the work of other agency is at higher level, that agency willconstruct the bank withan outer slope. The contractor will have to do the earth workupto that slope throughbeyond the end chainage stated in the tender. The quantity ofearthwork increased due tothis will be paid for at the same rates quoted by thecontractor and no claims will beentertained for the extra work to be done.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

91ED-B-6 Instrument installation :Some peozometric installation, settlement gauges and stand pipes etc. will beprovided bythe department at predetermined position in the earthen embankment ofdam. The workwill be done by the Department, which will require some time forinstallations anderections. During such installation and erections, the work of layingthe embankment inthe vicinity of installation will be held up for some time. The rate ofearth work shall bedeemed to have been quoted considering such breaks and noclaims by contractor onthe ground of breaks occurred for such installations, will beentertained. The earth workand the traffic of construction equipment in the vicinity ofsuch installation shall be soarranged as not to cause any damage to the instrumentsinstalled or being installed andshall be arranged as directed by the Engineer-incharge.ED-B-7 Mode of measurements :a) The work shall be measured on the basis of cross section. The cross sectionsshallbe taken at an interval of 15 meters or at closer distances as found necessary.Thegross quantity of different zones, hearting, casting, rock toe etc. as the case maybe,will be based on these cross sections. These cross sections will indicateseparatezone of heating, casing, rock, toe etc. for facility of arriving at the correctquantities ofheating, casing rock toe zone that went into the embankment. Quantitiesof cut offtrench shall be computed on the basis of cross section taken at an interval of15meters or at closer distance and shall be the same as for the quantity ofexcavationpaid for under item of excavation of cut off trench, below stripped groundlevels. Anyextra filling of cut off trench due to side slips caused due to negligence ofcontractoror resulting due to delay in filling the C.O.T. will not be paid for.b) The lines demarcating the zones of cross sections shall confirm to therespectivetypical sections except where departure form these are, specially permittedby theExecutive Engineer.c) Final measurements will be recorded on cross sections basis. These will be paidfornot without any percentage deduction for future settlement etc. Foundation plan,withrelevant cross sections of the dam showing dimension and levels shall bepreparedand so signed by the contractors in token of acceptance first, beforecommencementof stripping and again after completion of the stripping of the damseat. The finalmeasurements will be based on the accepted foundation plan andrelevant crosssections and the completed section of the dam at the time of takingfinal crosssections. When the compactions is done by the Mech. roller and underoptimummoisture content and prescribed density the deduction form runningmeasurementsof quantities of bank work from every running bill should be 2% only.This 2%deduction from quantities of bank work should be released in the final billonly. Thefinal measurements shall however be taken only after one rainy season haspassedafter the bank work is finally completed, if the work is completed before therainyseason. Final Measurement should be recorded only after the rainy season isover,so as to account for any settlement of fresh bank work during monsoon.d) The quantities of all the suitable materials available from the items ofexcavationssuch as to drain out off trench etc. that might have been required to beused in theembankment in terms of relevant items and as per specification shall alsobededucted from the gross measurements arrived at a specified above to arrive attheneat quantities payable under the respective items of casing, hearting etc. asthecase may be. The quantities to be so deducted will be arrived at on the basis ofthefollowing conversion table.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

92i) The quantity arrived at on the basis of the following table will be deemed to beutilizedas available stuff in the respective zones of the total embankment from thematerialsavailable from the respective items under excavation. Separatemeasurements of thequantity of embankment of available stuff will be based on theutilization factors givenbelow.Sr.Item ofExcavation% ageofquantitydeemedto beutilizedFactor forutilizablequantity inthere formof cutmeasurementsFactorfor loosemeasure--mentsFactors for utilization in the embankment(compact)HeartinRandom Casing Pitchigng1 2 3 4 5 6RockToeQuarrySpaul1Sand soil Soft murum9011.20.80.8--------2HMB/HM10011.2--0.90.9------3Soft Rock10011.5--1.21.2------4Hard Rock10011.7---- of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

93SECTION 4 : SLOPING FILTERS(WITHIN THE DAM AND BEHIND ROCK TOE)ED-FS-1 Scope :The item of sloping filter shall include furnishing all tools, equipment, materials andlabourrequired for providing and laying approved filter materials including screeningand washingthe material if necessary, watering and compaction.ED-FS-2 Materials :The materials such as sand, metal, gravel shall comply with the requirementsspecified formaterials in Section VII – filter materials. The gravel to be used shall benatural gravel,consisting of clean, hard, durable dense rock particles. It shall be wellgraded to satisfy thefilter criteria prescribed. The percentage of materials below0.074 m.m. size shall be less than2%. The gravel should not contain any organicmatter. The item includes all charges forsupplying and rehandling, includingcollecting, screening and washing, if necessary,transporting, stacking etc. with allleads and lifts involved for supply or grave.ED-FS-3 Laying :The filter materials shall be laid in 0.15 meter thick layers and shall be watered tothemoisture content as directed and compacted by a tamper or light roller or anyapprovedequipment it necessary. The method of laying be such that the filter materialwill not mix upwith soil and will remain as clean as laid. If mixing of filter materialswith embankmentmaterial is observed both the embankment and filter shall beremoved to such depth asdirected by the Engineer-in-charge and such removal andconsequent replacement withapproved materials shall be by and at the expense ofthe contractor. The different filter layersshall be laid in widths and slopes as shownon the drawings or as directed by the Engineerin-charge in writing. The widths andslopes as shown on the drawings are tentative and aresubject to modifications iffound necessary during construction and the contractor is bound tocarry out thesame at the rates quoted, the rates being on the basis of volume of differenttype ofmaterials laid. While laying slant filter It shall be seen that the level of filter zoneandtwo strips of adjacent zone material are higher by 0.3 to 0.6 meters than theadjoining zone.This necessary so as to prevent contamination of filter zone fromadjacent fine materialszone. Traffic over the filter zones shall not be permitted, wherethis is unavoidable, the filterzone at that strip shall be covered with sheets etc., whilestarting fresh work at such locationa top 10 cm. filter material layer will have to beremoved.ED-FS-4 Mode of measurements :The work shall be measured on the basis of cross section. The cross sections will betaken atevery 15 meter or at closer distance as found necessary.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

94SECTION 5 : ROCK TOEED-T-1 Scope :The item shall consist of furnishing of all tools, equipment, materials and labourrequired forproviding and laying rock toe including foundation cleaning and includinghand packing andadjusting the sides to correct slopes and performing all operationsnecessary and ancillarythereto.ED-T-2 Materials :The rock toe shall consist of suitable free draining mixture of rubble, rock fragment,bouldersand cobbles from the compulsory excavation or from quarries as the casemay be. Thematerial shall be fairly well graded, consisting principally of rockfragment ranging in weightfrom 10 kg. to 100 kg. but with sufficient fine materials,about 10% such as rock spauls,cobbles and coarse gravel to fill the voids among thelarger particles. However, the materialsshould not contain silt, clay and sand morethan 1%. The rock fragments shall be of harddense, durable sound rock and shall notcontain any friable or soft material.ED-T-3 Quarries :In case of material from quarries, the rubble quarries shall be got approved fromtheEngineer-in-charge. Approval to the quarries shall not be taken to mean that allthe rubbleavailable from the quarry is also approved. The rubble shall be conveyedonly after it isapproved by the Engineer-in-charge. Soft rock or dust or any unsuitablematerials should bediscarded in the quarry only.ED-T-4 Laying :a) Foundation : The foundation to the rock toe shall be either rock or a compactincompressible soft strata. In case of soft strata filter of transition zone will beprovided asdirected and paid under the item of filter materials. Rock toe will not belaid on any foundationin which the rock fragments will punch in by pressure. All loosematerial shall be removedbefore laying the rock fill.b) Placing : The materials shall be so selected and dumped that in so far aspracticable,the larger fragments shall be placed near the outer slopes and the finermaterials adjacent tothe inside slope of the rock fill zone. The fill shall be dense andwell graded with no largevoids or cavities and surfaces of the outer slope shall befairly uniform with approximately thesame slope shown on the drawings or asdirected. The work should present a dense roughsurface of well keyed rockfragments. The rock fill shall be placed in approximately horizontallayers of about 0.5m. thickness. The stones, shall be hand packed so as to tightly and neatlywedge therock fragments together. Stones of smaller size shall be laid next to thefiltermaterials. The filter materials adjacent to the rock fill shall be laid simultaneouslyin regularlayers to the designed slopes and widths.ED-T-5 Mode of measurements :Measurements shall be of the gross volume of rock toe placed without any deductionofvoids. The volume shall be computed by trapezoidal formula by the cross sectionstakenat every 10 meter intervals or at closer as directed, subject of the provisions ofpara (d)ED-B-7 aboveSignature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

95SECTION 6 : PITCHINGED-P-1 Scope :The item shall consist of furnishing of all tools equipment, materials and labourrequired forquarrying, transporting and laying the pitching with header toe and wavebreaker includingbedding, dressing of embankment to designed slopes and otheroperations necessary andancillary thereto.ED-P-2 Materials :a) Metal / Sand Base :The metal shall conform to the specifications given under the sections of filtermaterials.In addition the metal shall be well graded from 12.7 mm. size to 37.7 mm.maximum size.b) Quarry Spauls :The quarry spauls shall consist of clean, hard, durable dense rock fragments ofsizesvarying from 50 mm. to 150 mm. material below 0.074 mm size shall be lessthan 1%.The item of supply of quarry spauls shall include all charges of supply,rehandling,breaking bigger pieces, transporting, stacking, etc. will all leads and liftsinvolved.c) Rubble for pitching :i) Stones for pitching with header toe and ware breaker shall be of sound, hard,dense anddurable rock and should not break down or disintegrate on long exposureto water andair. The rubble shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-charge.ii) Size : The rock fragments shall be reasonably well graded, containing at least 60%ofstones weighing 35 kg. or more, minimum size shall be weighing 10 kg.d) Header Toe Line :At the bottom of pitching i.e. the bottom level from where the pitching starts a lineofheadets of size 200 mm x 75 mm should run to retain the pitching.e) Wave Breakers :Stones of size 200 mm x 200 mm x 600 mm shall be provided at interval of 6 mC/Chorizontally and 4 m C/C vertical interval between bottom of pitching to H.F.L. instagedways as per drawing or as directed by Engineer-in-charge.ED-P-3 Quarries :The rubble quarries and rock stacks from compulsory excavation shall be gotapproved fromthe Engineer-in-charge, approval to quarry and stacks shall not be tomean that all rubbleavailable form that quarry is also approved by the Engineer-inchargeand only approvedquality of rubble will have to be used.ED-P-4 Laying :a) The base slope shall first be prepared to receive the pitching and the rubblepitchingshall be laid on filter backing. The filter backing shall consist of _________cm.metal/sand base on the earth slope and __________ cm. quarry spauls on themetalbase. The thickness of the rubble pitching shall be __________ cm. Thisthickness ofrubble pitching is exclusive of the thickness of filter backing of metal/sandand quarryspauls.b) The material for filter base shall be laid by spreading without segregation inuniformlayers of specified thickness to the lines and grades of the embankment.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

96c) Laying of rubble pitching :Stones shall be placed on end with broadest side down and length normal to theslope.Larger rock fragments should be uniformly distributed with smaller rockfragments fillingthe spacing between the lager fragments in such a manner as willresult in compactuniform layers of pitching. The pitching could be made in two layersbut stones in eachlayer should be as larger as possible and the stones in top layershould be made tointerlock with the bottom layer.This interstices between largerstones shall be filled with chips of as large size aspossible properly hammered insuch filing shall be carried out simultaneously with placingin position of the largerstones and shall in no case be permitted to fall behind. Thewedging shall be to donethat no chip can be removed by hand. No loose spauls or chipsshould be laid on thetop surface of the pitching. The surface should present reasonablyniform slope asdesigned with a dense but rough face. The guides valid shall form partof thepitching.The wave breaker shall be laid at 6 m centre to centre horizontally and 4 mcentre tocentre vertically in staggered fashion. The heard toe line at the bottom ofpitching tocentre of size 200 mm x 200 mm x 750 mm shall be laid as per drawingand as directedby the Engineer-in-charge.ED-P-5 Mode of measurement :i) The measurements shall be separately taken (a) for filter base and (b) for stonepitchingwith header toe and ware braker and paid for separately.ii) Measurements shall be of the total volume of pitching with header toe and wavebraker orfilter base to the required thickness laid on the area as directed, subject tothe provisionsof the para (b) under ED-B-7 above. No deductions for voides will bemade. The rates areincludes of all leads and lifts.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

97SECTION 7 : FILTER MATERIALED-F-1 Slope :The item shall include furnishing of tool, plant labour and material required forprovidinglaying approved materials in the specified layers including screening andwashing thematerials if necessary, compaction and all operations necessary andancillary thereto.ED-F-2 a) Materials :The materials for filling the drains or drainage mats or slant drains, shall consist ofsand,gravel and crushed metal suitably graded to satisfy criteria (1) The coefficient ofpermeabilityof draining material should be more than 6 times that of basic material(2) The graded filterdrain will confirm to the Vicksburg criterion viz :-D 15 of filtermaterial D 15 (filter)---------------------------- < 4 to 5 < ------------------------------- andD 85of base material D 15 (base)As decided by the Engineer-in-charge. The sizes of thematerials shown on the drawings aretentative and may require modification if theyare not found to satisfy filter criteria. Thecontractor shall be bound to carry out suchmodifications as directed by the Engineer-inchargewithout any extra cost.b) Sand :The sand shall natural sand. It shall be from hard, dense and durable rockformations. Themaximum percentage of materials less than 0.074 mm. size shall be5% by weight and itshould not contain organic materials. The maximum size ofparticle shall be 10 mm. (3/8inch). The specific gravity of particles shall be not lessthan 2.60. The sand shall be wellgraded and it should satisfy the filter criteria withadjoining filter and base materials. Ifnecessary the sand may have to be washed orscreened without any extra cost. The sand isto be supplied by the contractor fromapproved quarries and the item includes all charges ofsupply and rehandlingincluding. Collecting, screening, transporting, washing, stacking etc.with all leads andlifts involved for supply of sand.c) Gravel :When gravel is to be used it shall mean natural gravel consisting of clean hard,durabledense, rock fragments. It shall be well graded subject to clause (a) above.The percentage ofmaterials below 0.074 mm. size shall be less than 2%. The gravelshould not contain anyorganic matter. The items includes all charges of supplyingand rehandling, includingcollecting, screening and washing if necessary,transporting, stacking etc. with all leads andlifts involved for supply of gravel.d) Metal :If nature gravel deposits satisfying filter criteria are not available, the use of metalshall bepermitted as filter material. The maximum size permissible shall be 75 mm.Metal shallconsist of broken of crushed rock, having clean, hard durable, dense rockplaces. It shall bereasonably well graded with sizes as shown on the drawingssubject to clause (a) above. Thepercentage of materials below 0.074 mm. size shallbe less than 1%. The item includes allcharge of supply and rehandling includingbreaking, acreening, transporting, stacking etc.with all leads and lifts involved forsupply of metal. The sizes of the metal shown on thedrawing are tentative andsubject to change as required to satisfy the filter criteria withadjacent material.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

98ED-F-3 Placing of materials :Trench drains and mound drains :a) The excavation for the trench either in natural ground or made up bank work shallbeasper designed cross sections or as directed in writing by the Engineer-in-chargeand iscovered under the item of excavation. The surface of excavation shall becleaned of allloose material so as to prevent contamination with filter materials.Similarly the surfaceon which the mound drain are to be laid is to be cleaned of all loosematerials.b) The filter materials shall then be carefully deposited in different layers to therequiredthickness and slops and grades as shown in the drawings or as directed bythe Engineerin-charge. Thickness of individual layers shown on the drawings aretentative and mayrequire modifications to satisfy filter requirements and thecontractor shall be bound tocarry out such modifications as directed by the Engineerin-chargewithout any extra cost.The coarser materials. The laying of individual layershall proceed in such a way as topreclude as far as possible the mixing of materialsof one size with that of the other.Filter mats or drainage blankets :a) Filter mat on the black soil foundation :After the black soil foundation is stripped or excavated to level designed or asdirected,the foundation shall be cleaned of all loose materials, watered necessaryand lightlyrolled by a flat roller by making 4 to 6 passes immediately after stripping.After rolling thefoundation, surface shall be covered with sand layers or randomembankment ofthickness as shown on the drawings. The stripped foundation surfaceshould be coveredby random earth fill and then a sand layer after rolling, within twodays after striping thatarea, to avoid formation of cracks and loss of moisture in thefoundation soil. The sandlayer shall be watered if necessary and compacted withtampers, rollers or any approvedequipment to give a relative density of 70%. Theother layers of gravel, metal or sandshall then be laid on the first sand layers within aweek after the first sand layer is laid.The filter materials shall be carefully depositedin different layers to the requiredthickness and slopes and grades as shown indrawing or as directed by the Engineer-ncharge.The thickness and grading ofindividual layers shown on the drawings aretentative and may require modificationsto satisfy filter and drainage requirement andcontractor shall be bound to carry outsuch modifications as directed by the Engineer-inchargewithout any extra cost. Thecoarser materials shall form the core of the mat with acover on top and towardsbottom of progressively finer materials. The laying of theindividual layers shallproceed in such a way as to preclude as far as possible the mixingof materials of onesize with that of the other.After the top layer is laid, it will be watered if necessary andcompacted with tampers,rollers or any approved equipment to give a relative densityof less than 70%.b) Filter mat on the black soil foundation and on embankment already laidatintermediate levels :The foundation surface and the surface of embankment shall be cleaned ofloosematerial and should be as far as possible plane having no large hollows orhumps andwith slope as shown on the drawings or as directed. The filter materialsshall then bedeposited in different layers to the required thickness and slopes andgrades as shownon the drawings or as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Thethickness of individuallayers shown on the drawings are tentative and may requireSignature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

99modifications to satisfy filterand drainage requirements and the contractor shall bebound to carry out suchmodifications as directed by the Engineer-in-charge withoutextra cost. The coarsermaterials shall form the core of the mat with a cover on topand bottom of progressivelyfiner material. The laying of the individual layers shallproceed in such a way as topreclude as far as possible the mixing of materials of onesize with that of the other.The layers of sand be watered if necessary and compactedwith tampers, rollers or anyapproved equipment so as to achieve relative density ofmore than 70%.ED-F-4 Mode of measurements :Trench Drains and mound drains :The measurements shall be of the volume of the total quantity of filter materialplaced.The cross sections of drains as finally approved and constructed shall berecorded. Incase of a trench drain the bottom width and bottom levels and sideslopes shall be asrecorded for the item of excavation. Any material filled inexcavation beyond approvedsection will not be paid for. The rates includes all leadsand lifts.a) Filter mat in bank soil zone :The work shall be measured on the basis of cross section taken at every 15 meter oratless distance as directed. The cross section shall be taken before laying thedrainagemat and then after completion. The quantities of sand, gravel or metal will berecordedseparately for different type of materials and paid for accordingly. The rateinclude allleads and lifts.b) Filter mat on embankment already laid :The work shall be measured on the basis of cross-section taken at every 15 meter oratless distance as directed. The cross section shall be taken before and after layingthefilter mat. The quantities of sand, gravel or metal will be recorded separately andwill bepaid for accordingly. The rate includes all leads and lifts.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

100SECTION 8 : DRILLING AND GROUTINGED-DG.0 Drilling and Grouting of Foundation :ED-DG-1 Drilling :Drilling in rock by wagon drills and / or jack hammers including flushing and washingof holesprior to grouting.This item shall include the drilling of holes as directed by theEngineer-in-charge includingflushing of the holes prior to grouting. The works drillingand grouting for high pressurecurtain grouting and drilling for the deep drainageholes through the gallery are excluded fromthis contract.Drilling Pattern :Holes __________ mm. dia 6 m to 10 m deep shall be drilled by wagon drills in rowsnotexceeding four as spaced as shown in drawing or as directed by the Engineer-inchargewithdrill holes in each row spaced at a suitable distance in the mannerdescribed hereinafter.A set of holes called primary holes will be drilled as shown inthe drawing in the above rowsstaggered intermediate to one another or as may bespecified by the Engineer-in-charge.After grouting these holes a further series tointermediate holes called secondary holes shallbe drilled as shown in drawingmidway between the primary holes. If required furtherintermediate holes calledterritory holes shall be drilled as shown in drawing i.e. primary andsecondary holes.The final space of grout holes shall in general be determined by thegroutconsumption in the preceding pattern of the holes as may be required by theEngineer-incharge.After the drilling has been completed the hole shall be temporarilycapped or plugged until itis grouted. Any hole becoming blocked or choked before itis grouted shall be opened to thesatisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge, by and at theexpense of the contractor.Following the drilling of each stage and prior to groutinjection, water shall be pumped underpressure directed by the Engineer-in-chargethrough drill rod or any other pipe to wash thecuttings and the soil from the crevicesin the rock adjacent to the hole to the surface by theupward flow if water dischargingfrom the hole. The washing shall continue until reasonablyclear water emerges fromthe hole but in no case for less than 20 minutes.The washing shall be usually betimed so as just to precede grouting. Final washing shall notbe completed for inadvance of grouting.As a last operation preparatory to grouting, the holes shall beblown to clear the accumulatedmuch at the bottom.Mode of measurement and Payment :The drilling shall be measured and paid for as per actual depth of drilling in rockmeasuredfrom the formation level of the rock along the alignment of holes or upto thedepth directed bythe Engineer-in-charge in writing which ever is less. The rate of itemalso includes the costtowards fixing of anchor bars including cement slurry, steelwedging etc. However thepayment for providing anchor bar will be made under itemof reinforcement.ED-DG-2 Grouting :The grouting of cement or cement white admixtures in holes drilled vide para ED-DG-1 abovein stages of 3 meter from bottom upwards.This item includes grouting of theholes drilled previously specified.Before the grouting of hole is taken Lp, the adjoiningholes shall be kept clean and open incase there is a grout connection between theseSignature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

101holes during grouting.Grout for sealing the foundation shall consist of neat cementand water measured and mixedto exact proportions as directed by the Engineer-incharge.If necessary, suitable admixturesshall be added as specified by theEngineer-in-charge. The admixture will be supplied by thedepartment free of cost.The contractor will not however be paid extra for adding suchadmixturesTheequipment for mixing and grouting shall be capable of effectively mixing the groutincorrect and specified proportions agitating it and it and pumping in to the holes incontinuousflow at the designed pressures. Satisfactory arrangements shall be madefor accuratelymeasuring the quantity of water, cement and other materials to beused. In general twomixing tanks concerned in random shall be used, the grout beingmixed in the first tank calledmixer and kept agitated to the proper consistency in thesecond called agitation tank prior tobeing pumped in to the holes. This latter tankshall feed the grout directly to the pump.The pump shall be of such design as toenable wide rage of pumping speeds to be used andto maintain a constant flow ofgrout intake in the hole at the designed pressure ( 2 kg / cm2)i.e. reciprocatingdouble acting air driven pump. The mixed grout shall be conveyed to thehole bymeans of a suitable pipe or flexible rubber hose designed to the withstandthemaximum pressure required and of internal diameter of not less than 1”. Thecirculatingsystem of returning extra grout to the mixer shall be adopted and the groutshall be keptcirculating continuously at sufficient velocity to prevent undue settlementor clogging at thefitting in the pipe line. Both the pump and pipe line shall be flushedoccasionally and thedeposits of grout in pump and mixer not removed by flushingshall be cleaned out by scrapingupon the completion of any continuous operation allpipes shall be dismantled and thoroughlycleaned.Pressure central valves shall beinstalled at the pumps, or in the injection system foradequate control of the operation.Specially equipped gauges with diaphragm or a short tubefilled with semifluid waterproof grease or oil, to prevent the entry of grout in to them shall beinstalled both atthe pumps and hole so that they will directly read both the hole pressure andpumpingpressure. The mixers and pump shall be placed as close to the hole aspracticableand long pipe line savoide, both in the interest of control and undesirableblockages. Allconnections both at the pumps and at the header into the hole, shall bewell titled and beconsistent with the minimum dia of 25 mm as specified above.Themixer shall be provide with a water meter to measure accurately the quantity ofwaterbeing used. A fine screen capable of being readily removed, cleaned andreplaced shall beprovided between the mixer and pump. Any arrangement ofequipment shall be flexible andcapable and modification on to meet constructionexigencies.Initially, grout shall be applied at specified pressures with thin mixes. Theactual proportion ofcement to water shall be decided upon site, depending upon thestrata met with and theresults of water intake test, but generally shall very between1:10 to 1-1 (Vol of dry cement :Vol of water). Depending upon certain characteristicswhich may reveal themselves in thecourse of injections, pumping speed may beincreased and mixes thickened tocommensurate with resistance to injections. Ifpressures remain relatively low, compared withthe final injection pressure of thestage concerned, despite such a procedure suitableadmixtures shall be added asdirected by the Engineer-in-charge to thicken the mix and thereby localize thetreatment for any particular injection point. Alternately intermitant groutingshall berestored to if directed to do so by the Engineer-in-charge is order to allow time forthegrout set and thus accelerate plugging of the same. As a hole approaches refusalthe groutshall be progressively thinned the pumping shall be carefully regulated andthe groutingcontinued to refusal at the specified maximum pressure and maintainedat this pressure forthe period of not less than 10 mins. If for any reason groutingoperations must be stoppedbefore a hole has been grouted to refusal, clear watershall be kept running into the hole unitgrouting is resumed. After the groutingoperations are completed for the shift or the day, theremaining unused grout mixshall be thrown away.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

102Also a mix not used up completely withinone hour after mixing or that which in theopinion of the Engineer-in-charge has settled orclogged or thrown away. If suchwastage in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge which shallbe final and binding isdue to the negligence of the contractor no payment or rebate shall bemade for thecement and other materials thus wasted.The pressure at the top 3 meter of the holeto be grouted should not exceed 0.34 kg/cm2 perfoot depth of hole, measured overthe centre of the hole to be grouted.The grouting for a particular hole (or a section ofa hole) shall be deemed to have beencompleted if the hole (or the section of the holebeing grouted) refuses to take more than 1cft. of grout mixture in 40 minutes underthe specified grout pressure for the hole (of section)under considerations.Thecontractor shall be responsible for the sealing of any such leakages as may occurduringthe grouting operation and such sealing shall be adequate to enable theinjection of the holeconcerned to be finalized at the specified pressure for theparticular stage depth.No grouting shall be done unless the Engineer-in-charge or hisauthorized representative ispresent to direct the grouting operations and to take themeasurements of the same.Mode of Measurement of Payment :Measurement and payment for grouting shall be made on the basis of cementactually forcedinto the grout holes. All wastage due to any cause shall not be paidfor.Payment shall be made at the unit price per kg. of cement tendered in Schedule Band shallinclude all material, plant labour required for the grouting operation.In casestone dust or other materials supplied by Department has to be mixed with groutthesame shall deemed to be included in the rate of grouting.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

103SECTION 9 : MASONRYM-1 Scope of work :i) The work covered by this item shall consist of furnishing all materials, equipmentand labourfor providing and laying masonry. In foundation or superstructure withcoursed rubblemasonry for U/S facing of the dam, curing and performing all thefunctions necessary andancillary thereto.ii) Pointing shall have to be done to the face work of masonry.The cost of cementpointing to the faces shall be covered by the until rates accepted for therelevant itemof masonry, unless otherwise specified by separate item.iii) Installation of allembedded parts of gates for penstock irrigation outlets, pipes for penstockandconstruction sluice or any other metal work (supplied free of cost by thedepartment)stands included in the item. No extra payment will be made for theinstallation of thisembedded metal work or for delays or for interruptions arisingtherefore.M-2 Preparation of foundation surface :M-2.1 Scope :All work involved in preparation of foundation with air and water jets and spongingpools ofwater stand included in this item. All operation of preparation and cleaningstand includedirrespective of repetitions necessary to ensure the desired standard ofcleaning thefoundation.M-2.2 All weathered or partly decomposed places of rock remaining shall be removed so asnot toleave on the foundations any rock other than that which is an integral part of therock mass.Area of low bearing capacity, sleep inclined seams, faults and crushedzones in an otherwisegood foundation if permitted to be kept, shall be cleared out toa depth and plugged withmasonry or concrete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.M-2.3 Final finished surface of foundation :The final prepared foundation shall present a rough surface section to give addedresistanceto sliding. All smooth surfaces shall be roughened artificially to give goodbond. The surfaceshall be free from steep angles and the edges of benches shall bechamfered atapproximately 45, pinnacles or sharp projection shall be knocked offand prominent knobsflattened out. Neither along the length of the dam nor across itshall be foundations normallyhave slope in excess of the angle of friction betweenthe rock and masonry. The extra gradeand slope to which the foundation will befinished shall be as directed by the Engineer-inchargeafter examining the condition ofthe foundation rock and the design requirements. Ifdirected by the Engineer-inchargemasonry shall be anchored to the foundation rock belowand such after actiontaken, as may be directed by the Engineer-in-charge.M-2.4 Testing for Soundness :The finally finished foundation rock shall be rested by striking with a heavy hammerand if anyloose portion of foundation rock is revealed by a hollow sound, it shall beexcavated further(without blasting) till a clean ringing sound is obtained. The decisionabout the acceptability inthis respect shall rest with the Engineer-in-charge and shallbe binding on the contractor.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

104M-2.5 Treatment of springs :All springs met within the foundation shall be closed by grouting and the groutingoffoundation done, as set out in the specification for grouting, payment for suchgrouting donewill be made under the item of grouting, in the alternative of thediscretions of the Engineerin-charge the springs shall be connected to the drainagegallery in the manner prescribed bythe Engineer-in-charge without any extra cost.M-2.6 Clearing of foundation with air and water jets etc :Immediately before masonry is started the foundation shall be thoroughly cleaned ofall loosematerials including al chips, sand, dirt and slightest firm of oil or grease. Thisshall be donewith the help of steel brooms, hammers, picks, jets of water and jets ofair at high pressuresand / or wet sand blasting followed by through washing. Thewhole surface and particularly allcorners, crevices and joints shall be cleared of alldirt clinging to them by holding the tip of thewater hose close to it. The pressure forjets of water and air shall not be less than 15 meterfor water and 6 kg/ for air.The nozzle shall be of approved design. The process shouldbe accomplished bythrough scrubbing with stiff wire brushes. The washing and scrubbingshall becontinued until all deleterious material clinging to the surface is removed.Thisindicated by the wash water in the trenches becoming clean and free from dirt. Inthe finalcleaning all water shall be removed by using spoing, so that not the slightestpool of waterremains.M-2.7 Foundation to be kept completely dry during construction :The foundation shall be kept completely dewatered till such times as would berequired forthe masonry to set. The dewatering required for this purpose shall beincluded in theseparate item of diversion and dewatering for the entire work.M-2.8 Mode of measurements :This item will not be measured and paid separately. The rate for item is presumed tobecovered in the masonry.M-3 Preparation of foundation concrete or masonry surface prior to layingM-3.1 Laying of masonry over masonry which has not hardened :Before laying of masonry the surface of the masonry in day to day work shall becleaned withair and water jets so that the surface is thoroughly cleaned and wettedbut pool of water shallbe avoided. The cost of such cleaning shall be covered by theunit rate accepted for the itemof masonry.M-3.2 a) Treatment of hardend masonry surface :i) Masonry surface over which the floods have not passed and have remainedexposed fora period such that the new masonry cannot be integrally incorporatedwith the previousone, shall be prepared in the same manner as the surface offoundation rock beforestarting the new layer of masonry over the old one, the mortarshall be scraped fromjoints in the lower layer to a depth of at least one inch cost ofsuch preparations shall becovered under unit rate accepted for masonry.ii) Masonry surface, over which the floods have passed and remained exposed mayrequireremoval of some portion there of the extent of which shall be decided by theEngineer-in-charge.In such case, the contractor shall not be entitled to receive anypayment for thereplaced masonry.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

105The dismantling work involved shall also, not be paid for and deemedto have beencovered under the unit rate accepted for the masonry work. Wheredismantling is notordered the masonry surface shall be prepared in the same manner asindicated inpara (i) above.M-3.2 b) Treatment of hardened concrete surface :Concrete surface, which has hardened shall be roughened by chipping to a depth ofone inchso as to remove top mortar film and get a rough surface for starting masonryin addition topreparation indicated for preparing the rock foundation for layingmasonry. Cost of suchpreparations is covered under the unit rate accepted formasonry.M03.2 c) Cost of cement mortar :Immediately before commencement of laying masonry over the finally preparedrockfoundation or old masonry or concrete surface the foundation shall be kept wetfor at least 24hours. Before commencement of masonry all water pools shall bedrained away and theentire foundation covered with about 300 mm layer of C.C.M.150 with water cement ratio0.60. The masonry stones will be hammered into thisgreen concrete and vibrated orthoroughly worked up by rodding between stones. Themasonry on top shall built onecontinuous process between stones embedding abedding of green concrete. This cost ofproviding this concrete at the base is deemedto be included in the unit rate of masonry orconcrete for the body of the dam in thereach concerned.M-4 Stones :M-4.1 Quality :All stones used on the works under these specifications shall be obtained fromquarriesapproved by the Engineer-in-charge. Approval to the quarry will not meanthat any stone fromthe quarry is approved the stones shall be of sound, hard anddurable quality and shall befree from vain, flaws, cracks and other defects.M-4.2 Size :Stones to be used for masonry should be of as large size as possible. The dimensionof thestone to be used shall not be less than 15 cm. on any face. No stones weighingless than 28kg. shall be allowed to be used in masonry chips however will be used tomake the masonryas dense as possible. The total volume of chips will be 5 to 10% ofthe masonry.M-4.3 Test of good stones :Before any quarry for stones is approved, it shall be seen that besides satisfyingthespecifications mentioned above the stone shall be such be as will not absorbmore than oneand half percent (by weight) of water after keeping it under water for24 hours.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

106M-5 Sand :M-5.1 Source of sizeThe sand used for mortar shall be natural river sand. The maximum size shall belimited to 5mm.M-5.2 Quantity :The sand shall consist of hard, dense, durable uncoated, gritty material, obtainedfrom rockfragments. It shall be free form injurious amounts of dust, lumps, soft andflaky particles, suchas alkali, organic matter, loam mica and other deleterioussubstance. The maximumpercentage of deleterious matter is sand as delivered foruse in morter shall not exceed thefollowing values :-Percentage by weight –Materials passing No. 200 sieve B.S. or(I.S.No. 8, average opening 0.0029) 3%Shale 1%Coal 1%Clay lumps 1%Total of other deleterious substances such as alkali, mica coated grains, soft andflakyparticles 2%. The sum of percentages of all deleterious substance shall notexceed 5% byweight. The sand shall be free from injurious amounts of organicimpurities. Sand producing acolour darker than the standard in the colorimetric testsfor organic impurities shall berejected. If the impurities are beyond the acceptablelimits stated above, the sand shall bewashed or otherwise cleaned to the entiresatisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge at the cost ofthe contractor.M-5.3 Mechanical analysis :The natural sand shall be well graded and the sieve analysis of the sand shallconforms tothe following limits of gradation.ASTM Sieve No . Equivalent ISS No . Cumulative percentageRetained on sieve3/8” 3/8” Nil4 480 0 to 88 240 10 to 2516 120 25 to 4530 60 50 to 7050 30 75 to 90100 15 90 to 97The gradation curve of the natural sand shall be lie within the enveloping curve ofgradationspecified as above.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

107M-5.4 a) Fineness modules :The fineness modules shall be computed by adding cumulative percentages of sandretainedon the 6 standard screens from No.4 to No. 100 inclusive A.S.T.M. standard(or 480, 240,120, 60, 30 and 15 sieve of the I.S.I. specification) and dividing the sumby 100.Anydeviation, from the specified range of gradation and fines modules shallnot be permittedwithout the written permission of the Executive Engineer. Correctivemeasures if any requiredfor improving the fineness module shall be arranged by thecontractor at his own cost asdirected by the Engineer-in-charge.M-5.4 b) Natural Sand.Natural sand shall have a fineness modules ranging from 2.6 to 3.00 without anyadmixtures.M-5.4 c) Allowance for bulkage :If the sand as obtained from quarry or after its washing is found to be moist, bulkagewill bemeasured and allowed, provided sand is stacked at site at least for 48 hoursbefore use.Bulkage of a such a stack will be measured regularly as directed by theEngineer-in-chargeand allowed according to these observations. Observations forbulkage will be made as perIndian Standard Procedure and allowance will be madeas under.Bulkage observed Allowance to be madeBelow 5% Nil5 to 10 5%10 to 15 10%15 to 20 15%20 to 25 20%25 to 30 25%30 to 35 30%The Engineer-in-charge’s decision regarding bulkage and allowances to be made forthesame shall be final and finding on the contractor.M-6 Cement :Cement shall be supplied by the department and shall confirm so the specificationlaid downy the I.S. Institution (vide their Sp. No. I.S. 269-1958) for portland cement.The cost ofcement shall be recovered from the contractor at the rate specified inSchedule ‘A’.M-7 Admixture :M-7.1 The Engineer-in-charge shall have the authority at any time and from time to time toorder theaddition of any air entering agent or other admixtures such as fly ash to anymix of concreteor mortar, in such proportion or quantity or mode as he may specifyand the contractor, shallcomply with the same. The admixture shall be supplied at thework site free of cost. Furtherhandling and mixing etc. shall be done by the contractorat no extra cost to Govt. The cost ofsuch operations shall be deemed to have beenincluded in the unit rate for the item ofmasonry / concrete. If fly ash is used asreplacement of cement to any percentage asdirected by the Engineer-in-charge therate for the item of masonry or concrete would bereduced as per provision containedin the clause 3.2.1 “Mix Variation Clause for Cement”.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

108M-8 Water :M-8.1 Quality :Water used for making mortar shall be reasonably clean and free fromobjectionablequantities of silt, organic matter, alkali, salts and other injuriousmaterials.M-8.2 Turbidity permissible :The turbidity of water for mixing mortar shall not be more than 2000 parts per millionandshall preferably be lower.M.9 Mortar – GeneralM-9.1 Specification for ingredients :It shall be seen that the ingredients going to form the finished product of mortarcomplyindividually with the specification separately laid out for each of them.M-9.2 Time for use :Mortar shall be used in masonry within the time specified for the initial set of cementwhichshall not be more than 30 minutes or as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.M-9.3 Proportion of ingredients :The proportions of ingredients mentioned for each type of mortar are nominalproportionsThe real criterion governing the mix will be strength specified and theactual proportion of theingredient to give the requisite strength shall be determinedby experiments. The mixproportion is liable to be varied at the discretion of theEngineer-in-charge to ensure therequisite strength. If the normal mix fails to give therequisite strength, the mix shall be variedas directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Themix proportions stipulated are by volume. Thevolume of sand will be directlymeasured prior to mixing. Volume of cement shall be reckonedon the basis of 0.035cubic meter of cement per bag. Each bag before use shall be correctedto weight 50kg. (excluding weight of empty bag which will be considered as 1/2 kg.) byaddingextra cement. The cost on account of weighing and adding of extra cement iscoveredunder the unit rate accepted for masonry or concrete. Measured quantity ofwater shall beadded to achieve the workability as specified by the Engineer-incharge.M-10 Stipulated crushing straight :M-10.1 The dam section will be divided into zones as per the strength requirement ofmasonry. Theproportions of mortars for masonry in different zones will varyaccording to the requirementsof strength,The stipulated crushing strengths at 28 days for different mortar proportions shallbeas below.Cement mortar –1 : 5 56 Kg/ : 4.5 73 Kg/ : 4 90 Kg/Sq.cm1 : 3 112 Kg/Sq.cmSignature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

109M-10.2 Preliminary Laboratory Tests :Preliminary tests of cement mortar cubes shall however be carried out in thelaboratory wellin advance of commencement of work. These tests should indicate anadequate margin overthe stipulated crushing strength.M-10.3 Work tests on mortar :Tests for crushing strength shall be made on standard cubes as per relevant IndianStandardSpecifications. For work tests samples shall be taken on the job as andwhen directedgenerally for work tests, samples shall be taken for every 100 cubicmeter of masonry and atleast three times a day. Sample for the work tests is definedas a set of 3 cubes. Thematerials required for carrying out preliminary laboratorytests and work test (cement mortar,sand, water as the case may be) shall besupplied by the contractor free of cost andcollection of samples, casting cubes andcuring and testing shall be carried out by thedepartment at government cost.M-10.4 Standard of acceptance :No set of work tests cubes shall have at 29 days a crushing strength of less thanthestipulated crushing strength. The average of the crushing strength of the threework testcubes shall be taken as the crushing strength of the set. However theindividual crushingstrength of these cubes in the set should be within 15% of theaverage crushing strength ofthe set. The Engineer-in-charge may at his discretionaccept the average crushing strength ofthe set which is 90% of the stipulatedcrushing. However for every set of works test cubeswhich gives a 28 days crushingstrength of less than 90% but equal to or more than 80% ofthe stipulated crushingstrength the volume of masonry laid and represented by the set ofwork test cubesshall be paid at such reduced rates as may be decided by the Engineer-incharge.M-10.5 In addition to the 28 days strength test the Engineer-in-charge may at his directionmake 7days strength tests and/or 3 days (accelerated curing) strength test and fix upthe relationbetween such strengths and 28 days strengths after studying the actualvalues realized. If atany time the tests i.e. 7 days or 3 days (accelerated curing)strength indicate that the strengthmay not be achieved as specified by the Engineerin-chargeshall have authority to suspendthe work of laying masonry until the reasonsfor low strength have been investigated andcorrected. The contractor shall complythere with without such suspension being made areason for any claim. The Engineerin-chargemay at his discretion also order suspension ofwork when the variation inthe strength of the individual work test cubes from average of theset is in his opinionexcessive.The contractor shall comply with such suspension until thereasons for the variationsare investigated and corrected and such suspension shall not beaccepted as reasonfor any claim.M-11 Cement Mortar :M-11.1 Proportion : The mortar shall be obtained by :Through mixing together the ingredients in specified proportions in a mechanicallyoperatedmixer.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

110M-11.2 Mode by mixing :The ingredient of mortar shall be properly mixed in mixers designed so as topositively ensureuniform distribution of all the component material throughout themass at the end of mixingperiod. After all material except for the full amount of waterare in the mixer the mixing ofeach batch shall continue for about 1 to 2 minutesdepending upon the revolutions perminutes of the mixer and experience. Theminimum mixing period specified above assumesproper control of the speed ofrotation of the mixer and of the introduction of the materialsincluding water. Themixing time shall be increased at the discretion of the Engineer-inchargewhen thecharging operation fails to produce the required uniformity of compositionandconsistency within the batch and from batch to batch. The contractor shall not beentitledfor any extra payment for such increase in mixing time. The excessive mixingrequiring theaddition of water to preserve the required mortar consistency shall beavoided. If the mixingand changing operations are such that the required uniformityof mortar is obtained in shortermixing time than the minimum specified withoutsacrifice of needed workability, the mixingtime may be shortened under orders of theEngineer-in-charge. Mixing shall be done bymechanical means only. The sequenceof feeding of the ingredients into the mixer shallgenerally be as under.50% of requirement of water50% of the requirement of sandFull quantity of cementBalance quantity of sandBalance quantity of water.M-12 Mix variation :M-12.1 Variation clause for cement :If the proportion of cement to sand is varied for any reason including replacement ofcementby fly ash, surkhi or any admixture an addition or deduction, shall be made inthe rate ofmasonry at the rate of Rs. ________ per kg. of cement used in excess orshort of thestipulated requirement of cement per cubic meter of masonry. For thispurpose the volume ofmortar in masonry shall be taken as forty five percent (45)% ofvolume of masonry and thevolume of mortar will be taken to be a equal to the volumeof the sand before mixing. As permix variation clause if in case of the rates of cementto total aggregate is modified bychanging the cement content under specific orders ofthe Engineer-in-charge, the contractorshall be paid of incurred decreased rateaccording to the variation in the cost of cement. Thevariation in the cost of cementwill be calculated at the rate of cement specified in Scheduled‘A’ of theagreement.Generally the weight of cement bags is taken as 50 kg. for calculation butactually the weightof bags is found less. Thus this shortage of cement should becorrected by weight volumebatching and may be borne by the depth, if controlledconcrete quantity is to be achieved. Incase of vol. batching also the same procedureis to be used but weighting to be done everyday to correct forms measurement.M-13 Masonry (General) :M-13.1 The clause under this section shall apply to all types of masonry.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

111M-13.2 Stone to be wetted before use :All stones, chips etc. shall be clean and free from dust or mud to ensure a good bondwithmortar and shall be wetted before being laid. For this purpose the stones that theimmediatelyto be used shall be kept sprinkled with good clear water. There shall be agood collection ofstones and spauls within easy reach of mason to enable properselection of stones for theindividual locations while laying and the stone shall be keptcontinuously replenished.M-13.3 Dressing of stones :The stones shall be set in the work as received from quarry, after merely knocking offweakcorners and edges with a moson’s hammer and after cleaning scales of foreignmatter if any.M-13.4 Laying :The stones shall be laid carefully on their natural flat bed so as to break joints asmuch aspossible. They shall be solidly beded in mortar with close joint shall exceed 4cm nor shall itbe less 12 mm. in thickness. Chips of stone and spauls shall bewedged into the work,wherever necessary to avoid thick beds or joints of mortar andto give masonry of maximumdensity.No dry work or hollow space shall be allowed.Every stone, whether large or small, shall beset flush in mortar, shaken andhammered down by a mallet to sink into it and to bring out allexcess water andlocked air in sides and beds. The smaller stones used in the filling shall becarefullyselected to fit simply into the interstices between the large ones.Matter to be addedto fill the interning spaces shall be well worked by trowel and steel bar.Disturbing themortar during the period of setting shall be avoided. If it is necessary to move astonealter it has been placed in position it shall be lifted clear and then placed. Careshallalways be taken to see that the joints in masonry already laid or not disturbedwhile handlingor moving stones. Mortar joints of top and side of layer shall bepressed and brushed over bya coir brush a s soon as masonry is laid so as not toleave any loose mortar. No traffic whichwill disturb the stones will be allowed onfreshly laid masonry.M-13.5 Bonding and bond stones :a) For ensuring good bond, masonry shall be finished uneven at the end of the day’sworkor at the top surface of the work done in each lift. No mortar shall be allowed toremainover the masonry at its top at the close at the day’s work. All mortar on the topshall beremoved.b) A row of vertical headers shall be erected at about 2 meter centre to centre bothwaysso that there is at least one vertical header for every 4 square meter in everylayer. Theheaders shall be at least 0.6 meter long.M-13.6 Precaution to obtain dense masonry :In order to obtain dense masonry the following precautions shall be taken :a) Under pinning shall be avoided after a stone is laid as it tends to lift the stone andcreateair pockets.b) Putting chips in the intervening space before filling with mortar shall be avoided.c) Leveling of masonry on the top of the course by use of chips, shall be avoided. Allchipson end will be driven on one and only, which will help to squeeze and compactmortar inthe joints.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

112M-13.7 Limit on height of masonry to the done in day :The maximum height of masonry layer that will be allowed to be constructed at a timeshallbe 0.6 m. No. fresh masonry shall be laid over masonry previously laid within 24hours of itslaying. In case sufficient working space is not available at higher levels,this condition may berelaxed by the Engineer-in-charge.M-13.8 The work shall be built square, plumb curved battered as may be required by thedesign. Itshall be carried out in a work man like manner with the aid of mouldstemplates, centres etc.which will be provided by the contractor at not extra cost.M-13.9 Quantity of mortar :Every effort shall be made to see that proper quantity of mortar is used in themasonry. Thequantity of mortar will be 40 to 50 percent of the masonry laid.M-13.10 Scaffolding to be done by contractor :All scaffolding required for the work shall be provided within the rates quoted foritems ofmasonry.M-13.11 Providing plank ways :Plank-walk way or other suitable arrangements shall be provided at the contractor’scostpromptly for the use of necessary job traffic over freshly laid masonry of the day.M-13.12 Curing of masonry :All masonry as it progresses shall be kept well watered on the top and side for aperiod of notless than 21 days from the date of building in place. At the close of day’swork or for otherperiod of season of the work the top of all masonry is to be kept wellwatered, watering beingdone carefully, so as not to disturb or washout mortar. Wherewatering is done by manuallabour, night shift, if necessary, shall be arranged forconstant watering. Masonry shall on noaccount be allowed to present a dry surfaceduring curing period. Should the mortar perishi.e. become dry through neglect ofwatering. Such work shall be demolished and rebuilt at noextra cost. If the curingarrangements of the contractor are not satisfactory the Engineer-inchargemay in hisdiscretion engage labour and provide material equipment for curing andrecoverexpenditure thus involved from the contractor.M-13.13 Weak or defective masonry :If any portion of masonry is found to be defective either in materials or inconstruction, it shallbe removed and rebuilt by the contactor without extra cost.In thealternative at the discretion of the Engineer-in-charge, such masonry shallbesufficiently grouted at contractor’s cost in a manner specified by the Engineer-inchargeandto his entire satisfaction.M-13.14 Cleaning after construction :All masonry shall be cleaned after completion. The final exposed faces of masonryshall beplastered with cow-dung or mud-mortar-wash as soon as masonry is laid andpointed toavoid stains during further construction work. This plaster shallsubsequently be thoroughlyremoved by washing and the masonry faces made cleanafter completion of work. The costof these protection and cleaning measures shall bedeemed to be included in the unit rate formasonry.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

113M-13.15 Zoning of mortars :The locations of mortar of various mixes shall be as shown in the drawings or asdirected bythe Engineer-in-charge from time to time.M-13.16 Black outs and slots to be provided by the contractor :Block out and slots necessary for embedding the foundation bolts and otherembedded partsshall be provided by the contactor without any extra cost.M-13.17 Monolith :The dam shall be longitudinally divided into monoliths of suitable sizes as shown inthedrawing or as directed by the Engineer-in-charge smooth joints shall be providedbetweentwo adjacent monoliths. For this purpose the vertical surface of the monolithsconstructed.First shall not have a face projection above 15 mm. and should beprovided with smoothplaster in cement mortar 1:3 of minimum thickness. The unitrate accepted for the relevantmasonry shall cover the cost of such plaster. Themaximum permissible differential heightbetween the adjacent monoliths is 10 m.M-13.18 The masonry in the upstream septum along with the face work and the masonry forhearingwith down stream face work shall be carried out simultaneously ensuringgood bond betweenthe different types of masonry.M-13.19 Damage due to floods not responsible :Any damage done to masonry due to floods passing over work completed in thepreviousworking season or caused due to floods during construction, shall becovered by the ratesquoted for the item. No claim whatsoever shall be entertained forsuch damages. It may benecessary to remove the loose or doubtful masonry and torebuild to the extent as directed bythe Engineer-in-charge before starting freshmasonry. The cost of removal of such defectivemasonry and rebuilding the sameshall be borne by the contractor. Every season before the31st of May, the masonry inthe overflow portion (i.e. the portion over which the water will beallowed to flow in themonsoon immediately ensuring) shall be brought to the shape asdirected by theEngineer-in-charge. No masonry work in the overflow portion will be allowedto bedone after 31st May till monsoon subsides.M-14 Measurements :Payment shall be made on the not quantity of masonry arrived at after deductingquantitiesfor opening and other class of work in dam from the total volume ofmasonry. Suchdeductions shall not apply to the anchor bars, grout holes or weephollers or any otheropening not exceeding 225 cross section. The quantity ofmasonry will be worked outby prismoidal formula only.M-15 Coursed rubble masonry in cement mortar 1:3 :M-15.1 Height of course :The stone shall be laid in horizontal course not less than 200 mm. (8 inches) inheight. Thestones in each course shall be of equal height and all courses of thesame height, unlessother wise specified but no course shall be thicker than anycourse below it. Masonry on theupstream impermeable membrane shall be done incement mortar 1:3 for a thickness asshown in the drawing or as directed by theEngineer-in-charge from time to time.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

114M-15.2 Dressing :The face stones to be squared on all joints and beds. The beds to be hammered orchiseldressed, true and square for atleast 75 mm. (3 inches) back from the face andthe joints foratleast 38 mm. (one and half inches) The face of the stones to behammer dressed andbushing not to project more than 38 mm. (one and half inches)M-15.3 Thickness of joints :No pinning will be allowed on the face. All side joints shall be vertical and bedhorizontal andno joint shall be more than 12 mm. in thickness.M-15.4 Size of stones :No face stone shall be less in breadth, than in height or shall tall into work to a lengthnot lessthan one and half times to height.M-15.5 Bond stones and headers :In walls thicker than 1:2 m. (4 ft.) vertical headers bond stones shall be insertedevery oneand half meter apart in each direction. They shall be atleast 500 inface area and shallhave a tail of atleast 0.6 m. The shall run through the height of twocourses. Their positionshall be staggered in the successive courses, so that any twocourses shall be bonded withsuch vertical bond stones, through stones shall insertedabout every one and half meters inevery course and shall run right through the wallwhen not more than 600 mm thick, when thework is more than 600 mm a line of 2more beaders shall be laid from face of back, whichshall have length of atleast thricethe height of each course and face area not less than Break of joint :Stones shall break joint atleast 1/2 the height of the course.M-15.7 Quoins :The quoins which shall be same height as the course in which they occur shall beformed ofstones atleast 50 cm. long laid stretcher and header alternately. Theyshould be laid squareon their beds which should be fairly dressed to a depth ofatleast 10 cm. and rough dressedbeyond to present neatly square bedding.M-15.8 Hearting :Hearting shall consist of the flat bedded stones carefully laid on their proper beds anysolidlyembedded in mortar, chips and spauls of stone being wedged in wherevernecessary so as toavoid thick beds or joints in mortar, care being token that no drywork or hollow spaces areleft any where in the masonry.The face work and backingshall be brought up evenly but the backing should not be levelled at each course bythe use of chips.M-15.9 Payment :Masonry for the upstream U.C.R masonry in c.m. 1:3 including the C.R. face workwill be paidat the rate quoted for the item. The quantity of masonry will be worked atby prismoidalformula only.M-16 Uncoursed rubble masonry :M-16.1 Stone for face work :The stones shall be selected of uniform size, and not less than 500 on theface andshall be rough dressed to knock off projection and corners. The tall shouldnot be less thanone and a half times the least lateral face dimension and shallapproach 32 cm.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

115M-16.2 Filling :Face stones shall be laid without any pinning on the surface and shall be fitted so asto formnear and close joints. If necessary, the edges shall be hammered to ensureclose jointedwork. Care shall be taken to ensure that face work is bonded well intothe masonry.M-16.3 Bond stones :For good bond, bond stones shall be provided at the rate of one per square meter ofthe facework. They shall be atleast 500 in face and shall have a tail of atleast0.8 m.M-16.4 Quoins :The quoins, which shall be of the same height as the course in which they occur,shall beformed of stones atleast 50 cm. long and shall be laid header and stretcheralternately. Theyshall be laid square on the beds. Which shall be neatly dressed to adepth of at least 10 cm.and rough dressed beyond, to present nearly quare bedding.M-16.5 Joints :The joints in the face work shall not be more than 2 cm. and stones shall be arrangedtobreak joints as much as possible and long vertical lines of joints shall be avoided.M-16.6 Mode of measurement :The face work shall be carried out within the rate quoted for the relevant item ofmasonry.M-17. U.C.R. masonry for hearing :The mix proportion for this work shall be as shown on the drawing or as directed bythe Engineer-in-charge time to time.M-18 Pointing :The pointing shall be flush or pressed pointing as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.M-19.1 Proportion of a manner :All pointing shall be done with cement mortar 1:3 unless otherwise specified. Thecementshall ordinary, Portland cement supplied by the Department at rates specifiedin Schedule ‘A’.The sand to be used shall be fine. It shall pass through No. 16 meshA.S.T.M. (I.S.120). Thesand shall conform in all other respect to specifications underparagraph 3.5.M-19.2 Racking joints :The joints in masonry to be pointed shall be raked square for a minimum depth of 4cm within24 hours of lying of masonry. In special circumstances this period may berelaxed to 48hours. The refilling and pointing shall be done within 3 days of racking ofthe joints so as toensure good adhesion between the two motors. If the raking is notdone within the periodspecified above Engineer-in-charge may engage labour forraking joints and recover the costtheir of from the contractor.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

116M-19.3 Cleaning joints :Before pointing the joints shall be thoroughly cleaned of any dirt or loosely adheringcementof motor and washed out properly and thoroughly wetted.M-19.4 Filling joints :The joints shall then will fitted with cement motor 1:3 unless otherwise specified.Which shallbe thoroughly rammed and caulked into the joints. The pointing mix shallneither be too drynor too wet. The motor shall have just enough water so that it willstick together on beingmoulded into a ball by a slight pressure of the hands but willnot leave out free water when sopressed and will leave the hand dump. Pointing shallbe carried out as rapidly as possibleand not touched again after the mortar has oncebegun to set.M-19.5 Flush pointing :The joint shall be filled with cement mortar which shall be thoroughly rammed andcaulkedinto the joints. No lines shall be pressed on the joint but the joints shallinstead be merelyrubbed smooth with the ‘Nayala’ as soon as the mortar as begun toset. The extra mortar onthe edge shall be carefully scrapped off to give a neatappearance. Pointing shall be carriedout as rapidly as possible and not touchedagain after the mortar has once begun to set.M-19.6 Pressed pointing :The joint shall be pressed with special trowel “Nayala’ as soon as the mortar hasbegun to setand the hollow spaces refilled with fresh, mortar to consolidate in thejoints shall be rubbedwith Nayalas till they are about 5 mm. deep into the masonry.After rubbing the extra mortalof the edges of the joints shall be carefully scraped offwith the nose of the trowel to give aneat finish.M-19.7 Final finish of joints :The joints shall be neat, defined, regular and of a uniform width.M-19.8 The work pointed should be curd for 21 days after pointing is complete.M-19.9 Measurement :The cost of pointing is covered in the unit rate of masonry.Coursed Rubble Masonry 2nd Sort :M-20.0 Coursed rubble masonry 2nd sort in cement mortar / lime mortar of specifiedproportionincluding scaffolding curing etc. complete.The specifications for this itemshall be exactly the same as standard specification B-9 (b) forthe coursed rubblemasonry 1st sort except for the following changes.M-20.1 Two stones may be used for height in one course upto 50% of the face area.M-20.2 The thickness of joints shall not exceed 12 mm (about 1/2").M-20.3 Backing shall be of U.C.R. masonry when exposed or plastered.M-20.4 The quantity of mortar for one cum of thin and massive masonry shall range from0.28 cum to0.33 cum respectively and 0.46 cum to 0.48 cum for work retainingmasonry.M-20.5 The faces quoins shall be rough tooled or provided the same type of dressing askhandkiesas directed by the Engineer. A chisel draft of about 40 mm (about 1.1/2”)shall be provided oneach side of the exposed corner.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

117M-21.0 B-9-(h) Coursed rubble masonry 1st sort :Coursed rubble masonry 1st sort in cement mortar / time mortar of specifiedproportionincluding scaffolding, curing etc. complete.M-21.1 (h) General :Specification No. B-9 for stone masonry (general) shall apply in all pertinentparticulars C.R.masonry 1st sort shall also comply with the following in addition.M-21.2 (h) 2 Materials :Materials shall conform to specification No. B-9-2.M-21-3 (h)3 Dressing And Size : (a) face stones (1) khandkies :The khandki stones received from quarry shall be dressed so as to have the verticalandhorizontal sides perfectly straight parallel and at right angles to adjacent sides.The four sidesof the stone on the face shall be in the plane. Bushing on the face ofthe stones shall notproject more than 4 cm (about 1.1/2”) The beds and tops shall besquare to the face andrough tooled to at least 8 cm. (about 3”) from the face. Theside vertical joints faces shall besquare to the face and rough tooled to at least 4 cm.(about 1.1/2”) from the face have nodepression below the plane of the sides.Allkhandki stones shall be more in breadth than in height and shall run back in tothenecessary for not less than 1.5 times the height 30 percent of the Khandkies shallhave tailingof twice their height 30 percent of these face stones shall not be less than0.02 cm. meter or20 liters (about 2/3 cuft.)The height of Khandki shall not be lessthan 14 cm. (about 6”) or as specified for theparticular item.M-21-4 These khandkies shall be provided for the interior face when it is to remain exposedor sospecifically provided.M-21-5 Heartin and backing stones :When the interior face is to be plastered or their wise permanently remainingcovered,backing stones shall specified for U.C.R. masonry. Hearting and backingand backing stonesshall be as big as possible 30 percent of these stones shall not beless than 0.01 cum or 10liters (about 1/3 cft.) for walls 50 cms. (about 20”) or less inthickness and for walls thickerthan 50 cm. (about 20”) 30 percent of them shall not beless than 0.015 cm. or 15 liters(about 1/2 cft.)M-21-6 Quoins :The quoins shall be if selected stones and shall normally be of the same height asthat of thecourse in which they are to be used. If the plans shown a height of twocourses they shall beprovided accordingly. The facts of quoins shall be rough tooledor hammer dressed directedby the Engineer. A chisel draft of about 40 mm. (about1.1/2”) shall be provided on each sideof the exposed corners.The beds and tops shallbe dressed square to the face and rough tooled to 10cm. (about 4”)from the face thelength from the quoins shall not be less than twice their height or 44 cm.(about 15”)from the face. The length of the quoins shall not be less than twice their length or44cm. (about 15”) whichever is more on the length face or less than their height ontheshorter face. In the embedded portion the length of the side shall not be less thanthat of theexposed side opposite by more 8 cm. (about 6”) for the longer side and 5cm. (about 2”) forthe shorter side.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

118M-21-7 Through Stones :The height of through stones shall be full height of the course and the width shall notbe lessthan the height. The face, beds and joints shall be dressed similar tokhandkies.They shall be about 0.05 sqm. (about 1.1/2 sq.ft) in face area and 0.03sq.m. (about 1/3 sq.ft)in average cross sectional area and shall have a tailing of thefull width of masonry when thewidth is 60 cm. (about 2”) or less. If the masonry beover 60 cm. (about 2”) in width, a line ofheaders overlapping each other by the least15 cm. (about 6”) shall be said right through thewall from the face to the back. Thelength of the interiors shall not be less than 44 cm. (about15”) and their averagecross sectional area shall not be less than 0.03 sq.m. (about 1/3 sq.ft.)face headersshall be directly marked on the face.M-21-8 Vertical Headers :For massive work with a width of a meter (about 3.28”) and more vertical headers 44cms.(about 15”) long or depth of two courses which ever is more shall be provided.The averagesectional area of each should not be less than 0.03 sqm. (1/3 sq.ft.)M-21-9 Item to include :Coursed rubble masonry first sort laid in cement mortar / lime mortar of specifiedproportionbuilt in any position to any height or depth and to lines, levels, curves andbatters shows inthe plans or as ordered by the Engineer including striking jointsraking out joints and curingfor the specified period. Chisel drafting chamfering anddressing the stones to lines, slopesand curves shown on the working drawings,cutting groves etc. for fixing frames and fixturesetc. headers and rough tooled quoinsare also included.M-21-10 Erecting and removing all scaffolding, ladders and use of plant required forexecution of theitem satisfactory including compaction for any injury, damages etc.M-21-11 Inspection facilities.M-21-12 Dewatering unless separately provided for in the tender.M-21-13 Cost of all labour, materials use of tools and equipments and incidental itemsrequired forsatisfactory completion of the item.M-21-14 Cleaning site round the masonry.M-22 Weep holes :Weep holes of suitable sizes as directed by the Engineer-in-charge shall be providedin thewalls as and where directed through the full width of masonry. The sides of theweep holesshall be formed as uniform as possible, by using flat faces of stonesaround holes. The holesshall have the bedding at the specified grade. The openingof each weep hole on the fill sideshall be covered by graded materials laid as areverse filter in order to obviate carrying awayof the fill material by the seeping water.No. deduction will be made for the holes incalculating the volume of masonry forpayment, nor any extra payment be made for providingthe hole or providing andlaying the graded filter material as stated herein.M-23 Laying of masonry : Against vertical face :Whenever masonry is to be laid abutting the vertical or inclined rock face, cementconcrete ofM-150 class or as may be directed by the Engineer-in-charge of aminimum thickness of 300mm. shall be laid between the masonry and rock face. Forthis purpose masonry shall be builtfirst and then concrete shall be poured betweenSignature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

119the masonry and rock face, properly vibratedso as to have proper bond with masonryand rock face. Payment would be made for quantityof concrete on the basis ofadjoining masonry irrespective of the actual thickness laid whichshall not be less than300 mm. thick.M-24 Permeability tests :M-24.1 Permeability test shall be carried out on constructed masonry according to thefollowingprocedure as directed to do so.Test holes shall be drilled through themasonry laid during the previous working seasonbefore the commencement of layingmasonry each working season and leakage through thesame observed. The testholes shall be 40 mm. dia 1.7/8 inches dia (Ax. Bit) drilled withdiamond drillingmachine and shall be such as the holes shall pass through the entiremasonry to betested. Leakage shall be observed as 15 m. intervals using necessary packerswhilecarrying out permeability tests. Holes shall be drilled vertically in the upstream, richc.m.masonry at random but spaced at 12 m. centers paralled to the axis of the dam.In thehearting masonry holes for taking permeability tests shall be at the rate of onehole for every150 sq.m. to area selected at random by the Engineer-in-charge.M-24.2 The standard of permeability to be aimed is a maximum of 0.034 h liters /minute ameter ofhole in upstream masonry diaphragm in rich mortar and 0.068 h liters /minute / meter of holein hearting masonry under a pressure of 1.75 times thehydrostatic head (h meters) at thatelevation, maintained for atleast 10 minutes duringeach test subject to 10 meters being theminimum value of h.M-24.3 Drilling and grouting of masonry :If the total loss during the tests exceeds the value specified above, systematic drillingandgrouting till refusal shall be carried out by the contractor at his own cost, toachieve therequired degree of permeability. In case the contractor fails to take up thedrilling andgrouting as directed, the Engineer-in-charge shall do this work eitherdepartmentally orthrough other contractor after issuing a ten day’s notice to thateffect. The cost of such rillingand grouting which shall be decided by the Engineer-inchargeshall be recovered from thecontractor from any amount due to him.TheEngineer-in-charge’s decision in the matter shall be final and binding on thecontractor.The cost of drilling of test holes conducting permeability tests and drillingand grouting ofmasonry as may be necessary shall be borne by the contractor andshall be deemed to havebeen included in the rate of masonry.M-24.4 Deduction from R. A. bills for permeability tests :Deduction at the rate of Rs. 2/- per m3 of masonry for permeability test shall be madefromthe Running Account work bills and kept under deposit. The amount so deductedshall bereleased progressively as and when permeability tests. In any portion, aresuccessfullycompleted as per provision of contract.M-23 Part rate to be paid in R.A. bills :M-23.1 In running account bills part payments will be made as indicated below :Percentage of masonry completed Percentage rate payable______________________________________________________________________________ Upto 75% 98%Upto 90% 99%Above 90%100%_______________________________________________________________________The above deductions shall be allowed to be converted into fixed depositreceipt of scheduled _bank.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

120SECTION 10 : CEMENT CONCRETEC-1.1 Scope of work :The work covered by this item shall consist of :i) Furnishing all materials equipment and labour for the manufacture, transport,placing andcuring of concrete and performing all the functions necessary andancillary thereto, includingfinishing the concrete to the required shapes as perdrawings.ii) Erection of all embedded parts in the block outs for gates of pen stockand irrigation outlet,pipes for pen stocks, construction sluice and other metal work,instrumentation etc. shall becarried out by other agencies. The contractor shallinitially keep adequate block outsrecesses etc. to house such embedment andsubsequently concrete the block outs orrecesses around the erected steel work withconcrete of grade M-200. This item will not bepaid separately and will be deemed tobe included in the unit rate of concrete of masonrysurrounding the structure”.iii)Providing and removal of all form work comprising, furnishing all materials,equipment andlabour for the manufacture, transport, erection, keeping in place withnecessary fixture andsupport, oiling complete.iv) All concrete involved in the R.C.C work also stands included in this item.C-1.2 The following specifications will apply in general to all types of concrete work CementCement shall be supplied by the department and confirm to the Indian StandardSpecificationfor Portland Cement (I.S. 269-1958 and its subsequent revision). Thecost of cement shall berecovered from the contractor at the rates specified inSchedule ‘A’. The contractor shall notbe entitled for any compensation for shortage ofweight in any cement bag.C-1.4.1 Source and size :The sand used for mortar shall be natural river sand. The maximum size shall belimited to 5mm.C-1.4.2 Quality :The sand shall consist of hard, dense, durable uncoated gritty material, obtainedfrom rockfragment. It shall be free from injurious amount of dust, lumps, soft andflaky particles, shale,alkali, organic matter, loam, mica and other deleterioussubstances. The maximumpercentage of deleterious matter in sand as delivered foruse in mortar shall not exceed thefollowing values.Percentage by weights :Materials passing a No. 200 sieve B.S. or(I.S.No.8 average opening 0.0029) 3%Shale 1%Coal 1%Clay lumps 1%Total of other deleterious substance such as alkali, micaCoated grains fort and flaky particles 2%Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

121The sum percentage of all deleterious substances shall not exceed 5% by weight.The sandshall be free from injurious amounts of organic impurities. Sand predicting acolour darkerthan the standard in the colorimetric tests for organic impurities shall berejected. If theimpurities are beyond the acceptable limits stated above the sand shallbe washed orotherwise cleaned to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge atthe cost of thecontractor.C-1.4.3 Mechanical analysis :The natural sand be well graded and the sieves analysis of the sand shall generallyconfirmto the following limits of gradation.ASTM Sieve No . Equivalent ISS No . Cumulative percentage byweight Retained on sieve3/8” 3/8” Nil4 480 0 to 38 240 10 to 3016 120 25 to 4530 60 65 to 9050 30 90 to 99100 15 99 to 100The gradation curve of the natural sand shall lie within the enveloping curve ofgradationspecified field as above.C-1.4.4 a) Fineness mould :The fineness moulds shall be computed by adding cumulative percentage ofsandretained on the 6 standard from No. 4 to 100 inclusive A.S.T.M. standard (or480, 240,120, 60, 30 and 15 slave of the I.S.I. specification) and dividing the sum by100. Anydeviation from the specified range of gradation and fineness moulds shallnot bepermitted without the written permission of the Executive Engineer. Correctivemeasuresif any required for improving the fineness moulds shall be arranged by thecontractor athis own cost as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.b) Natural sand :Natural sand shall have a fineness moulds ranging from 3.6 to 3.9 withoutanyadmixtures.c) Allowance for bulkage:If the sand as obtained from quarry or after its washing is found to be moist,bulkdagewill be measured and allowed provided sand is stacked at site at least for 48hoursbefore use bulkage of such a stack will be measured regularly as directed bytheEngineer-in-charge and allowed according to these observations.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

122Observations forbulkage will be made as per Indian Standards procedure andallowance will be made as under.Bulkage observed Allowance to be madeBelow 5%Nil5 to 10 5%10 to 15 10%15 to 20 15%20 to 25 20%25 to 30 25%30 to 35 30%C-1.5 Coarse aggregate :Coarse aggregate for concrete shall consist of hard, dense, durable, uncoatedcrushed rockand shall be free from injurious amount of soft, friable, thin, elongated orlaminated pieces,alkali, organic matter or other deleterious substances. Flaky andweathered stones shall notbe used. Aggregate shall be tested in accordance withtests prescribed in I.S. 516-69 and1199-59 or subsequent revision. Use of gravelfraction left behind after slaving river sandshall be permitted in the blending of courseaggregate if asked for after suitable experimentsand without rate variation.C-1.5.2 Impurities :The broken stone shall be free from dust and dirt and shall be washed if necessary toensurethat all faces of the stones are perfectly clean. The maximum individualpercentages byweight of deleterious substances in any size of coarse aggregateshall not exceed thefollowing values.Materials passing through No. 100 screen (ASTM) OneShaleOneCoalOneSoft fragmentsOneClay lumpsOne fourthOther deleterious substancesOneThe sum of the percentages by weight of all the deleterious substances in any sizeshall notexceed five.C-1.5.3 Grading :The appropriate range in grading of course aggregate shall be as under :Maxi. Size Normal Percentage of coarse aggregate fraction (mm)ofaggregaterange mm40 to 80 20 to 40 5 to 20 10 to 20 5 to 1020 mm 10 to 20 -- -- 100 55 to 67 .33 to 4540 mm 20 to 40 -- 40 to 50 50 to 60 23 to 40 13 to 3080 mm 40 to 80 20 to 36 16 to 36 35 to 44 10 to 30 13 to 28Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

123b) The course aggregate shall be of such a size as shall be retained on a mesh 5mm.square.c) The grading between the limits specified above shall be such as shall produce adenseconcrete of the specified proportions and consistency that will work readily intopositionwithout segregation and without the use of an excessive water content.C-1.6 Water :Water used in concrete shall be clean and free from objectionable quantities of silt,organicmatter, alkali, salt and other impurities, which are likely to be injurious. Theturbidity of waterfor mixing shall not be more than 2000 parts per million and shallpreferably be lower.C-1.7 Grading and relative proportion :The grading of sand course aggregate is liable to be modified beyond the limitsspecifiedabove to suit local conditions in order to obtain required strength andworkability. The gradingas well as relative proportion of sand and course aggregateare liable to be change at thediscretion of the Engineer-in-charge in order to producedense concrete of required strengthwhich can be worked readily into position withoutsegregation. In a given ratio of cement andtotal aggregate (sum of volums of sandand of coarse aggregates) no compensation ispayable for adjustment in relativeproportion and grading of aggregates. Air entering agent itconsidered necessary willbe supplied by the Department free cost. This shall be mixed inconcrete in themanner and quantity as may be directed by the Engineer-in-charge withoutany extracost.C-1.8 Mix variation and classification :In case the ratio of cement to total aggregate is modified, by changing the cementcontentunder specific orders of the Engineer-in-charge, the contractor shall be paidat increased orreduced rate according to the variation in the cost of cement aloneresulting from change inmix proportion, calculated as per table given below.Thevariation in cost of cement will be calculated according to the rate for cement atRs.__________ / 50 kg. and the change in the requirement of cement by weight percubic metrevolume of concrete as determined by the following table.Sr.NoNominal mixproportions oftheconcrete byvolumeSize ofaggregateEquivalentI.S.S.MixesAssumed cementconsumption perone cubic meter ofconcrete1 1 : 2 : 4 20 M.S.A. M-150 362 Kgs2 1 : 2 : 4 40 M.S.A M:150 327 Kgs3 1 : 2 --- : 5 - - 255 Kgs4 1 : 3 : 6 - M-100 210 Kgs5 1 : 4 : 8 - - 170 KgsC-1.9 Admixture :Any admixture for concrete supplied by Government free of cost at the departmentalstore atDam site colony shall be transported, handled and mixed by the contractor atno extra cost.Such admixture shall not be considered as amounting to a variation inthe mix and is notcovered by the mix variation clause in this section.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

124C-1.10 Batching :Proportion of concrete items mentioned in Schedule ‘B’ are to be designed on thebasis ofweight volumetric proportion.Cement shall be batched by volume at willpressured that each bag to cement issued by thedepartment weight’s 50 kg.excluding weight of cement bag. After establishing the bulkdensities of the aggregateall aggregate shall be batched by volume by measuring withboxes. The bulkdensities of course aggregate shall be established by observation at suchintervals asmay be directed by the Engineer-in-charge. The bulk density of sand shall beverifiedat least once daily and bulkage allowed by a procedure approved by the Engineerincharge.Measuredquantity of water shall be added.C-1.11 Forms :C-1.11.1 General :Forms to confine the concrete and shape it to the required line shall be usedwhenevernecessary. The form shall have sufficient strength and rigidity to holdconcrete and towithstand the pressure of ramming and vibration without excessivedeflection from theprescribed lines, the more so when the concrete is vibrated. Thecontractor shall have to getthe design and drawing of the centering approved fromthe Engineer-in-charge beforeerection. From work shall be of any of the followingtypes :a) Wooden shuttering with steel plate lining.b) Steel shuttering.Woodenshuttering will be allowed only if it is free from warping and is fabricated true tolineand shape. The decision of the Engineer-in-charge as to the suitability of woodenshutteringas per (a) above to be used by the contractor, will be final and binding onthe contractor. Thesurface of all forms in contract with concrete be clean, rigid,watertight and smooth. Suitabledevices shall be used to hold corners. Adjacent endsand edges of panels of other formtogether in accurate alignment.C-1.11.2 Reuse of forms etc :Forms required to be used more than once shall be maintained in serviceablecondition andshall be thoroughly cleaned and smoothened before reuse. Wheremetal sheets are used forlining forms, the sheet shall be placed and maintained onthe forms with minimum amount ofwrinkles, lumps or other imperfections. All formsshall be checked for shape for shape andstrength before reuse.C-1.11.3 Erection and removal of forms :i) Before placing concrete the surface of all forms shall be oiled with a suitablenonstainingoil such as raw linseed oil so as to prevent sticking of concreteand tofacilitate the removed of form.ii) The oil shall cover the form fully and evenly without excess over drip. Care shallbetaken to prevent oil from getting on the surface of the construction joints andonreinforcement bars. Special care shall be taken to oil thoroughly the formstrips fornarrow greaves, so as to prevent / swelling of the forms and theconsequent damageto concrete prior to or during removal of swelling of the forms. Immediately beforeconcrete is placed, care shall be taken to see that allforms are in proper alignmentand the supports and fixtures are thoroughly secured and tightened.iii) Where forms for continuous surface are placed in successive units, the formsshallfit tightly over the completed surface so as to prevent leakage of mortarfrom theconcrete and to maintain accurate alignment of the surface.iv) From shall be left in place until their removal is authorized and shall thenberemoved with care so as to avoid injury to concrete.v) Removal of form shall never be started until the concrete is thoroughly setandhardened adequately to carry its own weight, besides the live lead which islikelyto come on the work, during constructions. The length of time for which theformshall remain in place shall be decided by the Engineer-in-charge, withreferenceto weather conditions, shape and position of the surface or structuralSignature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

125memberand the nature and amount of dead and live load, in normalcircumstancesforms shall be struck after the expiry of the following periods.a) Beam sides, walls, column (unloaded) 72 hoursb) Slabs and arches (props left under) 4 daysc) Props to slabe and arches 10 daysd) Beams soffit (props left under) 1 dayse) Props to beams 21 daysf) Lean concrete (side) 2 daysg) Tunnel lining 24 hoursIn no case shall forms be removed until there is assurance that removal can beaccomplishedwithout damaging the concrete surface. No loads will be allowed todamage the concretesurface. Heavy load shall not be permitted until after theconcrete has reached its designedstrength. The forms shall be removed with greatcaution and without harming the structure orthrowing heavy forms upon the floor.C-1.12 Mixing :The ingredient of concrete shall be batched as mentioned in para 1.10 and properlymixed inmixers, designed so as to positively ensure, uniform distribution of all thecomponent materialthroughout the mass, at the end of the mixing period. The mixingof each batch shall continuefor about one and half to two minutes depending uponthe revolutions per minutes of themixer and experience, after all materials except forthe full amount of water, are in the mixer,the minimum mixing period specified aboveassumes proper control of the speed of therotation of the mixer and of theintroduction of the materials, including water. The mixing timeshall be increased atthe discretion of the Engineer-in-charge when the charging operationfail to produceconcrete of the required uniformity of composition and consistency within thebatchand form batch to batch. Contractor shall not be entitled for any extra payment forsuchincrease in mixing time. Excessive mixing requiring the addition of the water topreserve therequired concrete consistency shall be avoided if the mixing andcharging operations aresuch that the required uniformity of the concrete is obtainedin shorter mixing time than theminimum specified without sacrifice of neededworkability. And the mixing time may beshortened under of the Engineer-in-charge.Mixing shall be done by mechanical means only.Materials corresponding to one bagmix or half mix (depending upon the mixer capacity shallbe placed in the skip insequence of metal, cement and sand. The skip shall then be emptiedinto the drumand specified quantity of water added to material in drum.C-1.13 Tests for cement concrete :C-1.13.1 Stipulated crushing strength :The crushing strength in kg. per square cm. on works cubes, at 28 days, for eachnominalmix shall be as under.Sr.NoNominal mix Maximum Sizeof aggregateEquivalentI.S.S.1 1 : 2 : 4 20 M-150 2002 1 : 2 : 4 20 & 40 M:150 1603 1 : 2/5 : 5 - - 1404 1 : 3 : 6 - M-100 1055 1 : 4 : 8 - - 70Stipulated crushingstrength Kg/cm sqSignature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

126C-1.13.2 Preliminary laboratory test :Preliminary test of cubes shall be carried out in the laboratory well in advanceofcommencement of work. These tests should indicate an adequate margin over thestipulatedstrength specified in para C-1.13.1.C-1.13.3 Work test on concrete :Tests for crushing strength shall be made on standards cubes as per the relevantIndianStandard specifications. For works tests samples shall be taken on the job asand whendirected. For work tests, samples shall be taken once for every 30 cubicmeter of each typeof concrete laid at least three times a day. The sample for worktest is defined as a set ofthree cubes. The materials required for the samples(concrete, cement, sand and coarseaggregate) shall be supplied by the contractorfree of cost and collection of samples costingof cubes and curing and testing shall becarried out by the department at Government cost.C-1.13.4 Standard of acceptance :Not test of “work test” cubes shall have at 28 days, a crushing strength below 80% ofthestipulated crushing strength. The average of the crushing strengths of the threework testcubes shall be taken as the crushing strength of the set.For every set “worktest” cubes which gives a 28 days crushing strength of less than 80% ofthe stipulatedcrushing strength a volume of 30 cubic meter of concete shall be paid atsuchreduced rate as may be decided by the Engineer-in-charge.In addition to the 28days strength test, Engineer-in-charge may at his discretion makes 7days strengthstests and / or 3 days (accelerated curing) strength tests and fix up the exactrelationbetween such strength and 28 days strength after studying the actual valuesrealized.If at any time the tests indicate that the strength may not be achieved asspecified, theEngineer-in-charge shall have authority to suspend the work of layingconcrete until thereason for low strength have been investigated and corrected. Thecontractor shall complytherewith without such suspension being made a reason forany claims. The Engineer-incharge may at his discretion also order suspension ofwork when the variation in the strengthof individual work test cubes from the averageof the set is excessive. The contractor shallcomply with such suspension until thereasons for the variations are investigated andcorrected and such suspension shallnot be accepted as reason for any claim.C-1.13.5 Slump tests :In order to test the consistency of the mixed concrete, slump test shall have to bemade bythe contractor when and where required by the Engineer-in-change and asper the IndianStandard specifications. The allowable slumps shall be decided byEngineer-in-charge,depending upon the location of the concrete.C-1.14 Placing concrete :C-1.14.1 Concrete shall be placed only in locations where authorized and no concrete ormortar shallbe placed until form work, installation of embedded parts, preparation ofsurfaces ornecessary clean up had been done and approved.C-1.14.2 Rock surface :Rock surface upon or against which concrete is to be placed, shall be prepared asspecifiedin section 3 ED-a.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

127C-1.14.3 Masonry surface :i) Masonry surfaces on which or against which concrete is to be placed shallbeprepared as described in relevant paras of section M. The Unit rate formasonryshall cover the cost of such preparation.ii) If the old layer of masonry whichhas been paid for is required to be removed asmentioned in relevant paras of section9-M. It shall be back filled with concretealong with the upper concrete layer at noextra cost.C-1.14.4 Concrete surface :Before laying of concrete, the surface of the concrete in day to day work, shall becleaned bywire brush and jets or water so that surface is thoroughly cleaned andwetted but pools ofwater are avoided. If the old concrete surface has remainedexposed for more than twoweeks. It shall be prepared in the same manner asindicated in para 3.4 of section 3.2 androughened by chipping to a depth of one inchand the surface coated or covered with a layerof cement 1 : 2 for a depth of one inchand the surface coated or covered with a layer ofcement 1 : 2 for a depth of 5 .10 –7.60 cm. The unit rate of concrete (old) shall cover the costof all such preparationand also of the cost of cement mortar. The concrete removed forroughening shall notbe paid for.C-1.14.5 All surfaces :h) The cleaned rock masonry or concrete surface shall be applied with cen slurry andthencement mortar cost as described in relevant para of Section 9-M.ii) The first few batches of concrete may, if so required contain half the regular sizeofcoarse aggregate, without any extra claims.iii) The cost of such preparation work stands included in the unit rate ofcementconcrete.C-1.14.6 Time for use :A concrete shall be placed directly in its final position within 30 minutes of mixing.Anyconcrete which has become so stiff that proper placing cannot be assuredwithoutretempering shall be wasted and shall not be paid for. All surface of forms andmetal workincluding reinforcement bars that have become incrusted with dried mortaror grout concretepreviously placed, shall be cleaned of all such mortar or groutbefore surrounding or adjacentconcrete is placed.C-1.14.7 Method of placement :Before starting placing of concrete it should be made certain that the transporting andplacingequipment is clean and in proper repair and that equipment along with theoperating staff isarranged to deliver the final concrete in the positions without unduedelays and objectionablesegregation. The methods and the equipment used fortransport and placing of concrete shallbe such as will permit the delivery of theconcrete of the required consistency into the workwithout objectionable segregationporosity or excessive loss of the workability excessivesegregation from whatevercause shall be prevented in handling and placing operation byavoiding or controllinglater movement of the concrete as in dumping at an angle ordepositing continuouslyat once at one point and allowing the concrete to flow. Concrete shallnot be droppedfrom excessive heights and the free should be kept to a minimum concreteshall bedeposited in continuous horizontal layers in a thickness of approximately 30 cm.Innormal work to 45 cm. (eighteen inches) for mass concrete except that nothingherein shallbe construed to permit placement of the additional horizontal layers ofmass concrete beforethe entire area to be concreted is covered by previous layers.On flat, horizontal surfaces,where conjunction of steel near the forms makes placingof concrete difficult, a mortar of thesame cement, sand ratio as used in the concreteshall be first deposited to cover the formsand shall stand, included in the unit rate ofconcrete before the entire area to be concreted iscovered by previous layers.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

128C-1.14.8 Rate of placing :Concreting should continue without avoidable interruption until the structure ofsection iscompleted or until satisfactory construction joints can be made. Location ofconstruction jointsshall be as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Concrete shall notbe placed faster than theplacing crew can compact it properly. In placing thinmembers and columns, precaution shallbe taken against to rapid placement whichmay result in movements, or failure of the formsdue to excessive lateral pressure. Aninterval of at least 12 hours and preferably 24 hoursshould elapse between thecompletion of column and walls and the placing of slabs, beamsor girders supportedby them in order to avoid cracking due to settlement. All concrete shallbe placed inapproximately horizontal lifts not exceeding 1.25 meter in thickness per day.Concretein arches should be done in strips extending from one pier to another. Nothroughjoint shall be kept in the span.C-1.14.9 Concreting at night time :If concrete is to be placed at night adequate lighting arrangement shall be made asdirectedby the Engineer-in-charge.C-1.14.10 Concreting during rains :When concreting is required to be done or continued while it is raining, it shall beseen thatthe concrete is not damaged due rain while it is being transported andplaced. After placingthe green concrete shall be adequately covered for a period of24 hours when it will becapable of being cured by splash of water. The surface offresh concrete should bemaintained on a slope sufficiently to result in the selfdrainage of the rain water. The workshall however be discontinued when the rain isso severe that water collects in to pools orwashes the surface of the fresh concreteand it is not possible to provide adequate shelter.C-1.15 Compaction :C-1.15.1 All concrete shall be vibrated by mechanical vibrator of approved type so as toensuredense concrete. Hand temping and ridding, shall not be used for compactionof concreteexcept in special circumstances with the express permission of theEngineer-in-charge.When immersion type vibrators are used, they shall be usedvertically and at about 50 cm.apart. The vibrator shall be inserted to the full depth ofthe newly laid concrete layer. Thevibrator shall however, not revibrate a concretewhich has commenced it’s final set. Specialcare shall be taken to see that thevibrator touching the reinforcement of embedded part doesnot disturb the concretebelow, which has commenced its final set. The concrete shall not bevibratedexcessively, so as to cause segregation.C-1.15.2 Each layer of concrete, for surface which are required to be smooth and for allsurfaceswhich will be permanently exposed to the weather, and for all surfaces nextto embeddedmetal work, shall be worked and vibrated by mechanical vibrators ofapproved type only soas to obtain a concrete of maximum density andimperviousness and to assume closecontract of the concrete with forms,reinforcement bars and other embedded parts.If the methods of transporting andplacement have been conductive to air entrainment,segregation of stiffening the workof compaction should receive special attention.C-1.15.3 For concrete surfaces exposed to flow of water special precaution shall be takentominimize and to prevent surface pitting and protrusions without resorting to overmanipulationof the concrete mix to the forms. No plastering for getting a smoothfinish shall be permittedto these locations. Any protrusions shall be ground smooth.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

129C-1.16 Curing and protection :All concrete shall be protected against injury until final acceptance. Exposed finishedsurfaceof concrete shall be protected from the direct rays of sun for at least 72 hoursafter placementConcrete shall be dept continuously moist for not less than 21 days.Construction joints shallbe cured in the same way as other concrete and shall also bekept moist for at least 72 hoursprior to the placing of additional concrete upon thejoints. Approximately horizontal surfacesshall be cured by sprinkling, ponding or bycovering by damp sand or may be cured by theuse of wet quits or mats. Verticalsurfaces shall be cured by covering with wet jute bags. Ifdamp sand or quilting isused for curing it shall be removed completely later. Should theconcrete perish that isbecome dry or powdery through neglect of watering such work shall bedemolishedand rebuilt at no extra cost. If the curing arrangement of the contractor arenotsatisfactory the Engineer-in-charge may in his discretion engage laobur andprovide materialsand equipment for curing and recover expenditure thus involvedfrom the contractor.C-1.17 Finishing :C-1.17.2 General :Finishing of formed and uniformed surface shall be performed only by skilledworkmen. Allexposed concrete surface shall be cleaned of all incrustations of cementmortar or grout andunsightly stains shall be removed.C-1.17.2 Formed Surfaces :Surface of concrete finished against forms shall be smooth, free from projections andfilledthoroughly with mortar immediately upon removal of form, all unsightly ridges orfines shall beremoved and any local building on exposed surfaces shall be remediedby tooling andrubbing. All holes left by the removal of fastener, shall after beingreamed with toothedreamer, be neatly filled with dry patching mortar. All porous andfractured concrete andsurface concrete to which additions are required to bring it tothe prescribed lines shall besharp edged and keyed and shall be filled to requiredlines with fresh concrete or drypatching mortar. Where concrete is used for filling thechipped openings, these shall not beless than 8 cm. in depth and the concrete fillingshall be reinforced and dowelled to thesurface of the opening. Honey combedsurfaces and surfaces which give a hollow soundshall be rectified by gunting at thecontractor’s cost, within the unit rate accepted for concrete.C-1.17.3 Dry patching :Dry patching mortar shall consist of one part of cement to 2 parts of sand by volumeand justenough water, so that the mortar as used, will stick together on being moldedinto a ball by aslight pressure of the hands and will not exclude water when pressedbut will leave the handsdamp. The mortar shall be placed in layers of not more than25 mm. thickness. After beingcompacted each layer shall be roughened by beingscratched to provide an effective bondwith the succeeding layers. The last orfinishing layer shall be smooth to form a surfacecontinuous with the surroundingconcrete. All patches shall be bonded thoroughly to thesurface of the chippedopening and shall be sound and free from shrinkage cracks.C-1.17.4 a) Finishing permanently exposed surface :Except as otherwise specified or directed all permanently exposed concrete surfaceandother waterway surface requiring durability under water (except the outlet) shallbe finished inthe following manner. Immediately upon the removal of the forms, thesurface shall be wettedand all surface pits and air bubbles filled by rubbing mortarcomposed of cement and finesand in proportion (1:2) into the pits with burlap so as tosecure a uniformly dense smoothface. The rubbing shall be performed in such aSignature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

130manner as to leave the surface free frommortar not used for filling the pits should thefilling operations be unduly delayed and thesurface of the pits become coated withdirt or other contaminating material, they shall bethoroughly cleaned and washed andshall be maintained in a moist condition, until the mortarfilling is placed. Surfacecleanings shall be done by means of air and water jets and chippingor brushing orother satisfactory means without damaging the surrounding concrete. Alloperations inconnection with the filling of surface pits shall be handled as quickly aspracticable tominimize the period during which the concrete and mortar filling are exposedtodrying. When the treatment of a surface has been completed the surface shall beneat and ofthe same colour and texture as the adjoining concrete.C-1.17.4 b) Finishing of concrete surface in outlets :Special finish as hereafter specified shall be done for the concrete surfaces inoutlets. Themaximum allowable deviations for this finish are listed below.Type of IrregularityDepressionGradualAbruptAllowance in mm.Nil66 parallel to flow and3 not parallel to flowAbrupt irregularities are defined as offsets and fins caused by displaced or misplacedfromshetting, lining or form sections, by loose knots in forms or otherwise defective orlumber. Allothers (except depressions) are classed as gradual irregularities. GradualIrregularities shallbe measured with a five feet template consisting of a straight edgefor plane surfaces or itsequivalent for curved surfaces. Grinding or storing shall bedone as required to bring theirregularities within the specified limits as above.C-1.17.5 b) Finishing of concealed surface :For exterior concealed surfaces below ground or backfill level or like surfaces nototherwisespecified no finish is necessary except that sand streaks, metal pockets,honey combing orother imperfections which are of consequence affecting strengthwater tightness or protectionof reinforcing steel from corrosion, shall be correctedand repaired as prescribed for formedsurface.C-1.17.6 Finishing informed surface :Unformed surfaces shall be finished by one or more of the operations of screeding,floating,and trowelling. Working of the surfaces should be done at proper timeemploying experiencedmen and should be just sufficient to produce the desiredfinish. Screeding which gives thesurfaces its approximate shape by striking of surplusconcrete immediately after compactionshall be accomplished by moving a straightedge or tamplate with a saving motion acrosswood or metal stips that have beenestablished as guides. Where the surfaces is curved asspecial acereed should bebrought true to form and grade by working it sparingly with awooden float, if a coarsetextured finish is desired or if the surface is to be steel trowelled assecond or finalfloating should be performed after some stiffening has occurred and thesurfacemoisture film or shine has disappeared. Where a smooth dense finish isdesiredfloating shall be followed by steel trowelling some time after moisture film orshine hasdisappeared from the fabated surface and when the concrete has hardenedsufficiently toprevent fine material and water from being worked out to the surface.Executive trowellingparticularly at an early time shall be avoided.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

131C-1.17.7 Damage due to floods, Govt. not responsible :In case of damage of any of the concrete works due to floods, Govt. will not beresponsibleand whatever corrective measures are required to be adopted shall bedone by contractor athis cost. Provision of paragraph 1,12,19 of masonry sectionshall apply.C-1.18 Payment :C-1.18.1 Payment shall be on the net quantity of concrete after deducting quantities foropenings andother class of work. No deduction shall be made for anchor bars,reinforcement grout holes,and bore or weep holes or any opening not exceeding 100cm2 in cross section. Rate shallbe subject to paragraph C-1.13.4 above.Measurement of concrete shall be taken within thespecified paylines for the structureor as indicated on the drawings. Anyconcrete placed in the excavation beyond theline of structures to avoid use of forms shall notbe paid for. The quantity of itemsshall be computed by using prismoldal formula onlyBlock outs and slots necessaryfor embedding the foundation bolt and other embedded partsshall be provided by thecontractor without any extra cost. The payment for form workrequired for concrete ifany shall be presumed to be included in the payment of concrete item.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

132SECTION 11 : REINFORCEMENTR- Reinforcement :R-1.1 Scope of work :This item covers, hauling, storing, straightening, cleaning, cutting, bending, placingand /orerecting in position, securing and maintaining in position all reinforcement ofM.S. bars plainor for till the concrete is placed around it also includes splicing of thebars as shown on thedrawing or as required by the Engineer-in-charge and providingthe hooks at the ends. It alsoincludes the cost of furnishing and attaching wire tiesand chairs metal supports etc. It alsoincludes welding of reinforcing bars wheredirected or permitted by the Engineer-in-charge.The reinforcement will be either M.S.or Tor steel. Combination or M.S., plain or Tor steel willbe allowed in absence ofavailability of specific steel.R-1.2 Supply :The reinforcing steel shall be supplied by the Government at the rate mentioned intheSchedule ‘A’.R-2 Bar bending schedule :The department will indicate the design requirements of reinforcement steel for thedifferentcomponent. The contractor shall prepare the bar bending schedule fromthese designstatements, showing the details of bends, cranks and splices providedby him for all the barsto be placed and get them approved from the Engineer-incharge.The schedule shall bepresented for approval well in advance of the laying ofthe reinforcement.R-3 Cleaning :Before steel reinforcement is placed in position, the surface of these reinforcementbars shallcleaned of rust, scale, dirt, grease or other objectionable deleterious foreignsubstancesheavy, flaky rust and mill scale, that can be removed by firm rubbing withburlap of equivalenttreatment being considered. The fact that light or early stage rust,has no detrimental effecton bond and hence could be disregarded shall not beaccepted as an excuse for carelesshandling and storage of steel.R-3.1 In storing, bars of the same sizes, lengths, shape and grade shall be assembled inracks andmarked distinctly. Before the reinforcement bars are fixed in position it shallbe verified thatthey are of the specified sizes and are cut and bent in accordance withplans andspecifications. They shall be accurately placed and secured in position bymeans of built inconcrete blocks, metallic chairs, hangers, spacers or other suitabledevices at sufficientlyclose intervals so that they will not sag between supports, notbe displaced during the placingof the concrete or by any operation of the work.R-3.2 Special care shall be exercised to prevent any disturbance of the reinforcement inconcretethat has already been placed. The reinforcement after being placed inposition shall bemaintained a clean condition or unsightly rust stains on exposedconcrete surface.R- 4 Bending (Refer ISS No. 2502-1963) :Reinforcement shall not straightened or bent in a manner that will injure or weakenthematerial. Bars with kinks or bends not shown on the plans shall not be used. Barsshall bebent to the shape and dimensions shown on the drawings or as directed,using a bar bender,operated by hand or power, to achieve the proper pending radial.The radius of bend shall notbe less than four times nominal size of the bar. Theradius of the bends for stirrups and tiesshould not be less than twice the thickness orSignature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

133bar.Hearting of reinforcement bars to facilitate bending shall not ordinarily bepermitted. Whenhowever, such heating I permitted in the case of large diameter bars,the temperature of thesteel shall not exceed that corresponding to a cherry red colour(about 800 c).R-5 Placing :a) Binding wire : Wire for tying reinforcement shall be of soft and annealed steel. Thewiremay be of 1.2 mm to 1.63 mm and shall be soft and shall have (to confirm to 1:5280, 1962)and ultimate strength of not less than 5600 kg/cm2 and yield point of notless then system5600 kg/cm2 and yield point of not les than 3000 kg/cm2.b) Supports and spacers : Metal supports spacers shall be fabricated from noncorrodiblemetal.Dissimilar metals should not be placed in concrete in intimateproximity with eachother or be joined by a conductor, specially in the continuedpresence of moisture, unless it isknown that galvanic action will not result.c) Splicing by overlapping : Bars splices as indicted in the drawing or as specified bytheEngineer-in-charge shall only not be done in the region of maximum bendingmoment andsplicing of adjacent bars shall be avoided as far as possible.d) By welding : Welding of bars for splicing may be allowed in place of lapping asthediscretion of the Engineer-in-charge at approved locations. When welding isresorted toinstead of lapping, the bar to be spliced shall be lap welded or built weldedby electricwelding. Ends of bars to be spliced shall be cleaned of all dirt, scales, rust,paint and foreignmatter before welding. All welding shall confirm to the relevantIndian standard specificationand weld will be considered unsatisfactory if it failssustain a tensile. Stress of a t least 90%of the tensile stress of the carrying out thetest as directed by the Engineer-in-charge andwithin the accepted unit rate forreinforcement.R- 6 Distance between reinforcement bars :R- 6.1 The distance between two parallel reinforcement bars shall be except as providedbelow in6.2 not less than the greatest of the following distance :a) The dia of the either bar is their diameters be equal.b) The diameter of the bar, larger if the diameters be unequal.c) 6 mm. more than the nominal maximum size of the course aggregate comprisedsuchconcrete.Note : A greater distance should however be provided when convenient.R- 6.2 The vertical distance between two horizontal main steel reinforcements of thecorrespondingdistance at right angles to two inclined main steel. Reinforcement shallnot be less than 12mm. except at a splice or tap and except where one reinforcementis transverse to the other.R- 6.3 The pitch of the main bars in a reinforcementconcrete solid slap shall not be more than threetimes the effective depth of such slab.R-7 Concrete cover :R-7.1 Sufficient concrete cover shall be provided to protect reinforcement from corrosion orasindicated in the drawings. All protruding bars from concrete or masonry to whichother barsare to be spliced and which will be exposed to action of weather for anindefinite period shallbe protected from rusting by a thin coat of neat cement grout.Accurate records shall be keptat all time of numbers, sizes, lengths and weight ofbars placed in position for different partsor the work.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

134R-7.2 The thickness of concrete cover.(exclusive of plaster or other decorative finish shall be as follows)a) At each end of reinforcing bar a cover not less than 25 mm. nor les than twicethediameter of such rod bar.b) For a longitudinal reinforcing bar in a column a cover not less than 40 mm. norless thanthe diameter of such rod in the case of column of minimum dimension of 18cm. or underthose bars which do not exceed 12 mm. diameter, 25 mm. cover may beused.c) For a longitudinal reinforcing bar in a beam a cover not less than 25 mm. nor lessthanthe diameter of such rod or bar.d) For tensile, compressive shear of otherreinforcement in a slab a cover not less than 12mm. nor less than the diameter ofsuch reinforcement.e) For any other reinforcement, not less than 12 mm. nor less than the diameter ofsuchreinforcement.f) For all external works, for work against earth faces, and also for internal workwherethere exist particularly corrosive conditions, the cover of the concrete shall beincreased by12 mm. beyond the figures given above. (a to e).R- 7.3 Where, because of splicing, the thickness of concrete in between reduces to lessthemaximum size of the aggregate of concrete with reduced maximum size ofaggregate, shallbe used so as to allow development of bond in the splices. The extracost of such specialconcrete shall be deemed to have been included in the unit ratefor the main concrete andshall be paid at the same rate.R- 8 Additional important points for attention :a) Before the reinforcement bars fixed in position it shall be verified as to whether areofthe specified grade, size and are cut and bent in accordance with the relevantdrawing andspecifications. For any mistake, the contractor shall be solely responsibleand shall makehimself liable for all rectification of mistakes at his risk and cost.b) Reinforcement bars shall be accurately placed and secured in position by meansof builtin concrete blocks, metallic chairs, hangers, spacers, or other suitablyapproved devices atsufficiently close intervals so that they will not sag betweensupports and shall not bedisplaced during the placing of concrete or any operation ofthe work.c) Before starting concreting, the contractors shall make ascertain that themeasurement ofthe reinforcement placed have been recorded by the authorizedrepresentative of the dept.and the Engineer-in-charge at his discretion may orderdismantling and reconstruction of thework where necessary. The Engineer-in-chargeor his authorized representative shall recordthe fact of his having checked andapproved the reinforcement in the order book kept on thework before allowingconcreting to commence.R-9 Mode of measurements :The reinforcement shall be paid as the weight on Kg/Qti of the actual quantity ofstorereinforcement placed in the structure arrived at by measuring the length of thebars multipliedby the standard weight per unit length for the particular diameter of bar(as shown in the barbending schedule).Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

135The standard weights of the bars shall be as follows :Diameter of bar in mm.Weight in kg/meter6 0.208 0.4010 0.6012 0.9016 1.6018 2.0020 2.5022 3.0025 3.8028 4.8032 6.3036 8.0040 9.9045 12.5050 15.40In the case of deformed bars, weight per unit length for a bar for specified diameter(innominal size will be as shown in the manufactured catalogue). The issue ofdeformed bars tothe contractor and the payment to the contractor will be done on thebasis of weight given bythe manufactures.This shall include the quantity in laps,hooks and bends. It shall not include weight of metallicchairs, hangers, spaces orother suitable devices, If used. The length or bar shall bemeasured to the nearest 10cm. A fraction less 5 cm. shall be neglected and fraction of 5 cm.or more shall betaken as 10 cm.The cost of the wire used for tying the reinforcement shall be deemedto be included in therate for the item of reinforcement and shall be neglected andfraction of 5 cm. or more shallbe taken as 10 cm.The cost of the wire used for tyingthe reinforcement shall be deemed to be included in therate for the item ofreinforcement and shall not be paid separately. The item rate shall beexclusive ofchair, hangers, spacer etc. Separate measurements for supports steel shall keptandpayment shall be made at issue rate as per Schedule ‘A’. Surplus steel in pieceslongerthan 2.50 m. out of the steel issued to the contractor will be taken back at therate at which itwas issued to the contractor. The conveyance to the place of originalissue of steel being atthe contractors cost. The contractor shall return such cutplaces to department periodically.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

136SECTION 12 : MISCELLANEOUSDEWATERING AND DIVERSION1 Scope :The item shall include all dewatering and diversion work required in a mannerhereinafterspecified.Signature of Contractor No. of Corrections Executive Engineer2 Contractor Responsible for Design Etc :2.1 The contractor shall plan, construct and maintain satisfactory diversion ofnecessarydiversion channel and other temporary diversion, protective works andmake provision ofdiversion of stream flows and furnish, install, maintain and operateall necessary pumpingand dredging plant for dewatering the various parts of theworks and maintaining thefoundation, galleries, pump, sumps, drainage and groutingsystem and other parts of thework as free water as required for approvedconstruction operation.1.2.2 Design etc :All coffer-dams, diversion of flow and other arrangements proposed to be made shallbe byprior discussion and cammon consent with the Engineer-in-charge. On approvalby theEngineer-in-charge, they shall be constructed and maintained to thesatisfaction of theEngineer-in-charge at the contractor’s cost. Approval of the plansfor diversion works by theEngineer-in-charge will not relieve the contractor of theresponsibility for the adequacy ofdiversion and dewatering arrangements.1.3 Contractor to dewater whenever required :1.3.1 The area under all works pertaining to the structure and appurtenance and theadjoiningareas, as necessary shall be maintained free from water. The areas shallalso be maintainedfree of water after any part of the work is completed, forinspection, safety and installation byGovernment or for any other reasons determinedas necessary by the Engineer-in-charge.The contractor shall pump all water from thesite of the works and shall keep the foundationfree of water, while excavating,concreting and placing masonry and continue to keep theworks, free of water for aperiod as may be required for proper setting of mortar of concreteetc. or otherwiserequired for the completion of works.1.3.2 The contractor shall not be entitled to any claims or damages on account of or byreason ofany amount of water leaking through, under or around the coffer-dams,diversion channelsand other diversion or protective works or over topping of thediversion works or from theconstruction sluice.The river will be diverted through theportion of masonry spillway or by suitable diversion inorder to enable earth work ofthe dam to progress, ahead of the masonry dam, Anypercolation caused due to thisshall be covered by the rate for this item.The contractor shall provide and maintaintemporary bulk heads to protect galleries, shaftsand other openings in the structurefrom possible flooding from any reason whatsoever.1.4 Repairs and removal of diversion channel, coffer dam etc :After having served their purpose the temporary bulk heads shall be removed to theextenddirected by the Engineer-in-charge from time to time.The diversion channel,coffer-dam, etc. are likely to be damaged due to floods or any otherreason. If theyare so damaged they shall be fodone without extra cost to the satisfaction oftheEngineer-in-charge.Such removal or repair work shall be done in such a manner asnot to damage any works.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

1371.5 Closure of diversion work etc :The method of closure of diversion channel, shall be subject to the approval of theEngineerin-charge and at no extra cost.1.6 Damage due to flood :If any foundation pits are filled due to floods or flow, during the progress of work orduring therainy season, or due to any other cause, all pumping required to dewaterthe pit and desiltingshall be done without any extra cost. If for any reasons ofplanning of excavation, thefoundation pits get filled they shall be dewatered anddesilted under the scope of this item.1.7 Removal of coffer dams and closing of diversion cuts etc :1.7.1 All coffer dams and other protective works constructed for facility of dewatering shallberemoved after they have served their purpose in a manner and to the extentdirected by theEngineer-in-charge from time to time. All the diversion works ordiversion cuts shall be closedin a likewise manner. The coffer dams on the upstreammay however, be allowed to besubmerged at the discretion of the Engineer-incharge.If, however, such a submergence inthe opinion of the Engineer-in-charge islikely to be detrimental to the structure or a part of itthe upstream coffer dam shall beremoved in a manner and to the extent directed by theEngineer-in-charge. All thetimber and other materials which will float in water shall becarefully removed awayfrom the location of outlets of sluices so that they shall not find wayin the outletconduit, gate, trashracks etc. on flooding of the upstream.1.7.2 The down stream coffer dam shall be removed in such a manner as not to interferewith thesatisfactory working of the energy dissipation arrangements, outlets, canaletc.1.8 No claim if ponding is done :Ponding shall be done by the department upstream of the masonry dam itintermediate stageand water diverted from the lake into the river for irrigationpurposes. The contractor shallhave no claim on account of any additional dewateringand diversion of flow required to bedone because of such ponding and suchadditional dewatering and diversion of flow standsincluded in this item. Thecontractor shall not be entitled to any claims on account ofinterference with andinterruption caused in any temporary roads, quarries or temporarycamp areas gettingsubmerged or inaccessible by such ponding.1.9 Mode of payment :If the contractor is required to provide the diversion and coffer dam arrangements fortheproper completion of works as specified a number of times during the period of hiscontractthe cost of such provision shall be deemed to have been included in the lumpsum quoted bythe contractor for this item.50% of the amount quoted as lumpsum forthe item of dewatering and diversion of riverwould be released after masonry forentire length of the dam has been raised at least 3metres above the original groundlevel.Further 25% of the amount of lumpsum quoted for the item of dewatering anddiversion ofriver will be released after completion of work of stilling basin includingguide walls and endsill walls to final level.Remaining 25% of the amount of lumpsumquoted for the item of dewatering and diversion ofriver will be released when thework is completed in all respects in accordance with thetendered drawing andcontract documents.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

1382.1 Providing and Applying Cement Plaster :2.1.1 Scope of work :The work covered by this item shall consist of furnishing all equipment, material andlabourfor providing cement plaster for covering faces of U.C.R. masonry andperforming all thefunctions necessary and ancillary thereto including scaffolding,curing.All joints shall be racked out to a depth of atleast 2 cms. Or as directed by theEngineer-incharge.The surface to be plastered shall be cleaned and scrubbed withfresh water and keptwet for six hours prior to plastering. On rough surface of wall apreliminary coat must be givento fill up the hollows prior to laying of coat. Patches ofplaster 16 cms. X 15 cms. Should beput on about 1.5 metre apart as gauges toensure even plastering in one place. Cementplastering must be done in squares orstrips as directed. Plastering shall be done from topdownward. The cement mortarthat falls on the ground while applying plaster shall not beused.2.1.3 Coats :The plaster shall be laid in two coats. First coat shall consist of …… parts of cleanhard sand.The thickness of the first coat shall be just sufficient to fill up allunevenness in the surfaceunder treatment. The second coat shall consist of 1 part ofcement and 2 part of the fine sandand 1 part of coarse sand. The first coat shall bedashed on to the prepared surface with atrowel to even up the inequalities, but thesurface shall not be smoothened. The second coatshall be applied while the first coatis still soft.2.1.4 Mixing :Cement and sand shall be mixed dry in the proportion specified and water shall beadded tofrom an easily workable paste. In no case shall be mortar which has beenallowed to standfor more than half an hour after mixing to be used.2.1.5 Curing :All plaster work shall be kept damp continuously for atleast a week.2.1.6 Mode of measurement and payment :The contract rate shall be per square metre of plastering of specified thickness. Allwork shallbe measured net in square metres.3.1 PROVIDING EARTH BACK FILL :3.1.1 Earth Black FillEarth back fill is defined as the embankment constructed in the vicinity of concreteormasonry structures by utilization of the suitable excavated material either directly orbyrehandling or from quarried borrow materials without extra cost, whenever theexcavatedmaterial fall to satisfy the specification requirements.3.1.2 The decision of the Engineer-in-charge regarding the suitability of material for earthback fillshall be final and binding upon the contractor.The characteristic of back fillshall be in general conformity with the zoning of the dam andsatisfy be necessaryfilter criteria.3.1.3 Control of compaction :Control of placement shall be based on the proctor test of soil compaction withmodificationsapproved by the Engineer-in-charge. Optimum moisture content shallbe predetermined inthe laboratory. Dry and wet densities, shall be controlled by fieldtests to assess the degreecompaction The dry density shall in no case be below 98%of the standard proctor density.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

1393.1.4 Moisture content :Moisture content shall be controlled by necessary operations such as sprinkling,mixing,ponding in borrow areas, drying by exposure so as to attain the optimummoisture contentuniformity throughout the layer. The moisture content shall be within2% (two percent) of theoptimum moisture content as determined in the laboratory. Ifthe field moisture content isbeyond the range of moisture content prescribed, therolling operation and adding of furtherlayers shall be deferred till the prescribedmoisture content is obtained.3.1.5 Method of compaction and placement :The materials shall be placed in continuous horizontal layers of not more than 15 cm.Inthickness and shall be compacted as specified below. The laying and compactionshall be oras directed by the Engineer-in-charge.Rolling shall be done by tampingrollers when each layers of material has been suitablycontrolled. In parts of thestructures inaccessible to rolling equipment the compaction shall bedone by themechanical tamping equipment approved by the Engineer-in-charge. Thecompactionstandard specified in para 5.3 shall be satisfied irrespective of the equipmentused.3.1.6 Measurements :The measurements shall be on the basis of cubical contents of the compacted fill.The ratesshall include all necessary lifts and leads.3.1.7 Backfill with randum soil :This item covers all excavated or quarried material suitable for backfill which shall beplacedas per paragraph above.3.1.8 Backfill of impervious materials :The impervious material should have sufficiently low coefficient of permeability and atthesame time desired dry density and shear strength as measured in the laboratory,sealectedmaterials shall be quarried as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Thebackfill shall be placedas per paragraph above and paid as per paragraph above.4. Providing and Fixing G.I. Pipes Rolling :4.1.1 General :The item refers to the provision of mild steel angle, I or T section posts and G.I. piperailingsas shown in the working drawings.4.1.2 Material :1) Mild steel angles, I or T as per the item, shall be of sizes shown on plans.2) Anchor bolts, nuts and check nuts to be as per I.S. No. 1149-1964 and of theshape andsize shown in the drawing or as ordered by the Engineer-in-charge.3) Galvanished iron pipes of the diametre as shown in the drawings with couplingshall beof the standard type. The diameter shall be the inside bore diametre.4.1.3 Construction :The railing shall be constructed as per the detailed drawings.The angle iron, I and Tsections shall be fixed to the projecting anchor bolts which shall beplaced in accuratepositions at the time of concreting of the slab and / or kerb and fastenedsecurity bymeans of nuts and check nuts. Three rows of G.I. pipes with coupling shall thenbefixed on each side to lines, levels and curves as directed by the Engineer andpassingthrough the holes cut in the angles, I or T. It should not possible to removethe pipes easily.All ragged edges of posts shall be smoothened by filling. The pipesand posts shall then bepainted with one coat of red lead and two coats of approvedshade good oil paint.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

1404.1.4 Item of include :1) Providing and fixing angles, I or T. mentioned in the item, bolts, nuts, galvanishedironpipes with coupling including painting.2) All labour, materials, accessories, use of equipment, tools, plant, scaffolding,etcnecessary for the completion of the item satisfactory.4.1.5 Mode of measurement and payment :The contract rate shall be for one metre length of the railing completed. The railingshall bemeasured between the inside of the end pillars over the abutments.5.1 Providing and Fixing Guard Stones :5.1.1 Scope :The item includes all tools, plants, labour and materials required for preparingtransportingpainting of guard stones of size 200 x 200 x 750 mm. and performing allthe functionsnecessary and ancillary thereto.5.1.2 Materials :The stone shall be of the specified type of stone and of the standard size and shape.Theportions of the stones exposed above the ground shall be rough tooled asdirected. Thestones shall be embedded in 1 : 4 : 8 cement concrete upto 0.3 metrebelow the ground. Theexposed part of the stone shall be given two coats of whitewash and if necessary suitablewords and figures painted on it as directed by theEngineer-in-charge. Any excavationnecessary for fixing of the guard stone and layingof the cement concrete bedding shall bedone by the contractor at his cost.5.1.3 Mode of measurement and payment :Contract rate shall be for one guard stone fixed in position as mentionedhereinbefore. Themeasurement shall be for the number of guard stones fixed inposition.5.1.4 Painting to Gauge Plates :Painting to Gauge plates in stilling basin and body should be as specified by theEngineer-incharge.5.1.5 Mode of Payment :Mode of payment shall be made on square meter basis.6 Wearing Coat :6.1.1 Watering coat should be of cement concrete M-150 (1:2:4) (20 MSA) 75 mm thick ofgaugemetal from broken hard stone. Placing of concrete, vibrating, curling, finishing,from work etc.Confirms to the specifications of cement concrete vide page No.132,10, Mode of Measurements :The measurement shall be on square metre basis.5.1.3 Mode of Payment :The payment shall be made on square metre basis of work done.7 Expansion Joint :7.1 General :Expansion joints shall be constructed according to the details shown ondrawings.Venicular TRAFFC shall not be allowed over the expansion joints after theconstruction forsuch particular may be determined by the Engineer-in-charge.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

1417.1.1 Open Joint :Open joints shall be constructed at the location shown on the drawing, using awoodstripmetal plate or other suitable material which is subsequently removed.When removing thematerial care shall be exercised to avoid chipping or breaking thecorners of the concrete.The edge of the concrete at the joints shall be edge finished.Reinforcement shall not extendacross an open joints.7.1.2 Filled Joints :The filler material shall confirm to clause E 1.4. When the performance filler is shownon thedrawing. The filler shall be placed in correct position before the concrete isplaced against thefiller. The filler material shall form part of the joint and whileconcreting the slab, can shall betaken to prevent the former from being displaced.After the work is completed the exposedface of the joint and while concreting theslab, care shall be taken to prevent the former frombeing displaced, After the work iscompleted the exposed face of the joint shall be cleaned offall loose material stickingto it.FILLER MATERIAL AT EXPANSION JOINT :7.1.3 Propounded Bituminous Pad :The material used for filling expansion joints shall be bituminous impregnated, feltelastomeror any other suitable material as specified on the drawing. Impregnated feltshall confirm tothe requirement of I.S. 1838 and shall be got approved from theEngineer-in-charge. The jointfiller shall consist of large pieces and assembly of smallpieces to make up the required sizeshall be avoided.7.1.4 Measurement and Payment :The expansion joints shall be measured and paid in square meter.7.1.5 Rate :The rate shall include the cost of material, labour, equipment and other incidentalcharges forfixing the joints perfect as per these specification as shown on thedrawings.8.1 Pointing :8.1.1 Proportion of Mortar :All pointing shall be done with cement mortar 1:3 volume unless otherwise specified.Thecement shall be ordinary portland cement supplied by the Department at ratespecified inSchedule ‘A’, The sand to be used shall be fine. It shall pass mesh no.1.18 mm. I.S.S. Thesand shall conform in all other respects to specification underparagraph C. Raking Joints :The joints in masonry to be pointed shall be raked square for a minimum depth notless thanthe width of the header as directed by the Engineer-in-charge when themortar is firm but notset. The refilling and pointing shall be done as early as possibleand practicable to ensuregood adhesion between the two mortars.8.1.3 Cleaning joints :Before pointing the joints shall be thoroughly cleaned of any dirt or loosely adheringcementor mortar & washed properly and thoroughly wetted.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

1428.1.4 Filling Joints :The joints shall than be filled with cement 1:3 unless otherwise specified which shallbethoroughly and caulked into the joints. The pointing mix shall neither be too dry nortoo wet.The mortar shall have just enough water so that it will stich together no beingmoulded into aball by a slight pressure of the hands but will not leaveout free waterwhen so pressed andwill leave the hands damp. Pointing shall be carried out asrapidly as possible and touchedagain after the mortar has once begun to set.8.1.5 Final finish of Joints :The joints shall be neat, defined regular and of a uniform width. The joints shall beflushed tothe surface of the stone work pointed should be kept wet for 14 days afterpointing is afterpointing is completed.8.1.6 Payment :The item covers all the pointing work required for different class of masonry. Thework will bemeasured an specific rate mentioned in Scheduled ‘B’ on sq. meter basis.LAYING R.C.C. PIPES :9.1 General :The item includes fixing of R.C.C. pipes of the specified class and diameter inpositionincluding collars conveyance and fixing in cement mortar.9.1.1 Material :The pipes and the collars will be supplied by Dept. at work site free of cost within 100m. Fromthe structure concerned.9.1.2 Mixing :The handing and laying of the concrete pipes shall comply with IS-783-1959 code ofpracticeof laying concrete pipes.The pipes shall be laid on the bedding to the linesand levels shown on the drawings and theslope shall be as shown on drawing or asdirected by the Engineer-in-charge.The ends of the pipes shall be flush with ofmasonry of bell mouthed if so indicated on thedrawings or ordered by the Engineer.The color joints shall be filled with cement mortar,hemp/spun-yarn thoroughly so asto make the joint water tight & shall be cured satisfactory.Till then filling around thepipes shall not be done.9.1.3 Item to Include :1) Conveyance, from point of supply and fixing of R.C.C. pipe including collars,fixingin cm 1:2 hemp/spun – yarn etc. to the line, level and slope and curing for 28 days.2) All labour, materials, use of equipments and tools for completing the itemsatisfactory.1.4 Mode of measurements and payments :The contract rate shall be for laying and fixing per unit length of R.C.C. pipe, jointedand fixedin position. The measurements shall be for the length of pipes provided andfixed with collarsfrom the outside of one face of wall to the outside of the other face ofwall, limiting the lengthto that specified in plan or as ordered by the Engineer.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

143SPECIFICATIONS FOR GATES:10.1.0 Introduction :The canal gates are required to be provided at the head regulations of theminors.Distributaries and branch canals. They are also provided on these canals forheading upwater at various faces by providing cross regulators. These crossregulators the provided withproper gates to achieve the object. The head regulatorgate is required to govern thedischarge to let out the effacing canal withproportionate slit loads.All these gates are low head gates. They should confirm tothe following specifications as arelaid down in the following paras.10.1.1 Components :The gates shall comprise of following components.Bottom sealGuide Rollers & Guide shoes.Track baseGuidesSeal seat, Seal base and still beam.Anchor bolts and anchor plates.Wheels, wheel track, wheel pin and wheel beadings.Seals and accessories.Housing arrangements, stem rod,The sealing arrangement of the gate will confirm to upstream type sealingarrangements.Each of the components shall confirm to the specifications mentioned below.10.1.2 Bottom Steal :The bottom seal of non-ferrous material to the fixed on RSI of suitable size andweldedproperly to make leak proof. Also It shall be of adequate section to supportgate in closedposition, making it perfectly water tight. It shall be designed as per theprocedures laid downby Indian standard to satisfy above condition.10.1.3 Guide Rollers and Guide Shoes :They shall be rigid enough limit the lateral movement of the gate within thepermissiblestandard of tolerances. The number of guide rollers should at least be two(2) on either sideof the gate. They shall be naturally adequate to stand the loads towhich they are likely to besubjected to, depending on hydraulic and other conditions.10.1.4 Track Base :It shall provide a smooth machined surface for the roll of the wheels and shalltransmit theload from wheels to the base. It shall have adequate brinells hardnessnumber as specifiedby Indian standards department on the material used.10.1.5 Guides :It shall be suitable and match the guide rollers or guide shoes provided on the gate.Theguide shall extend to the full travel of the gate. They shall be provided withmaximumtolerance limit laid down by Indian Standard.10.1.6 Seal Seat, Seal Base, Slit Beam :The seal seat and the seal base shall be screwed or welded with corrosionresistancescrews. The number of screws shall be adequate to ensure rigidity andwater tightness of theseal assembly. The seal shall have good machined finished tooffer good surface to the gateseal. The base of seal shall be embedded in concrete,if necessary.The provision of silt beam may be made for in the design whenevernecessary.All the items viz seal seat, seat base and silt beam shall be somanufactured as to be withinthe limits of tolerances specified by the Indianstandards. The seal seats will be of nonferrous or stainless steel materials.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

14410.1.7 Anchor Bollts and Anchor Plates :Anchor bolts shall be provided for the first stage concrete of the gate. It shall hold thesealseat and seal base assembly. They shall be provided with double nuts andwashers ofadequate size as specified in the Indian standards.10.1.8 Leaf Plate :The leaf plate and the vertical and horizontal stiffeners shall be so designed to acttogethercoaxially. The leaf plate shall be designed for various conditions specified bythe Indianstandard. Adequate care shall be taken in the designs to provide for thecorrosion of the leafplate. The deflection of the gate shall be within permissible limitsalongwith the stiffeners.10.1.9 Wheel, Wheel track, Wheel pin & Wheel bearings :The wheels shall be able to withstand the hydrolatic pressure to which they will besubjected.The wheel head shall be fully vertical. The wheels shall be machined trueand shall operatewithout vibrations and drift. The wheel tread and path shall be ofadequate hardness.The wheel pin shall be provided with grease fittings and the pinshall be of greater hardnessthan the bushings. The pin shall be designed forbending, shear and bearings under thewheel head. The pin shall have adequateeccentricity to permit good alignment of wheels, Ifnecessary as per designs.Thewheel bearings shall be of suitable antifriction materials to suit the operational as wellasinstallation requirements.The tolerance for the wheels, wheel pins, bearings shallbe within the permissible limits.10.2.0 Seals and Accessories :It shall be so fixed so as to sure positive pressure between the seal and the gate.The sealshall be perfectly leak proof. The seals may be provided to the embeddedparts of the gate.The friction between the seal and back shall be least. The Initialcompression of seal shall beas specified in the Indian standards.10.3.0 Hoisting Arrangements :The hoist be of adequate capacity as to facilitate easy operation of the gate. Thestem rod forhoist shall be designed for adequate strength and dimensions. The handwheel shall bedesigned so that the gate can be operated manually. At least onethrust bearing will beprovided the hoist mechanism.10.4.0 Conditions :All the components of the gate shall confirm to relevant specifications as laid downby therespective Indian standards. All components of the gate shall be manufacturedwith strict vigilon the limits of tolerance allowed by the relevant Indian standards. Itshall be borne in mindwhile designing as well as while manufacturing of the gate thatit is a machine serving almostprecision.PROVIDING AND LAYING M.S. FABRICATED NEEDLES :11.1.0 General :The item provide for M.S. member /Mild steel to prepare the design shown in thedrawing ofas directed by Engineer for manufacturing a needle for K.T. weir includingspecified M.S.Section fabrication fixing as required with fixture and painting withthree coats of Oil paint ofapproved shed.All structural steel shall confirm to I.S. 226-1962 & I.S. 800-1962 the steel shall be free fromdefects mentioned in I.S. 226-1962and shall have a smooth confirm it shall be straightened ifnecessary in the mill beforeshifting material shall be free from loose mill scale, rust pits orother defects affectingits strength and durability. Rivet bars shall confirm to I.S. 1148 -1964.Structural steelshall be stored above surface of the ground upon platform, skids, or othersuitableSignature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

145support to avoid deformation of section and shall be protected as far aspracticablefrom surface deteration by direct contact with harmful elements orexposure to conditionsproviding rust, corrosion. It should be so stored and handledthat the material will not besubject to excessive stress and declyes.The sections shallbe square flats, rounds etc. of specified diamensions shown in drawingstandardscrews, rivers, welding rods etc. shall be used.The primer coat shall be of red oxideas approved by the Engineer.The fabrication of the specified section of mild steelshall be done as standard specificationsNo. B.18 & B.19 of Red Book of Standardspecifications.The rubber of seal beam should be of standard quality approved byEngineer-in-charge.11.1.2 Mode of Measurements :The contract rate shall be for one member of needle. 90% payment shall be made forsupplyof gates as per standard drawing and design. 10% payment shall be releasedafter fixing ofthe needles and testing that gate shall be 100 % water tight.ITEM :Providing and fixing I.S. channels _________ oiling greasing etc. complete.12.2.0 General :This item provides for M.S. member to be prepared as per design shown in thedrawing ordirected by Engineer-in-charge. M.S. section should be fixed in the weir asdirected.12.2.0 Material :All structural steel shall be confirm I.S. 226-1962 & I.S. 800-1962. The steel shall befree fromdefects mentioned in I.S. 226-1962 and shall have a smooth uniform finish.Its strengthdurability rivet bars shall confirm to I.S. 1148-1962.Structural steel shallbe stored above surface of ground upon platform sides or other suitablesupport toavoid deterioration by direct contact with harmful elements or exposure toconditionsproducing rust, corrosion.The section shall be square flat, round curved etc. orspecified dimensions shown indrawings.12.3.0 Mode of measurements & payments :The contract rate shall be for one quintal. The length of the section is measuredalong thecentre line the wt. of section is taken as per standard book of specification.All diamentionsshall be measured correct upto 2 place of decimals of a metre.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

146SECTION 13 : RULES FOR BLASTING OPERATIONSGENERAL :1) The contractor shall acquaint himself with all applicable laws and regulationsconcerningstoring handling and the use of explosives. All such laws, regulations andrules etc. as arecurrent from time to time shall be binding upon the contractor.2) The provisions detailed in these rules are supplementary to the above laws rulesandregulations etc. and are applicable except where the conflict with the abovementioned lawsetc. from time to time. Further the Engineer-in-charge may issuemodifications, alterations ornew instruction from time to time. The contractor shallcomply with the same without thesebeing made a cause for any claims.MATERIALS :3) All materials such as explosives, detonators, fuses, tamping materials etc. that areproposedto be used in the blasting operations, shall have the prior approval of theEngineer-in-charge.4) Black powder and safe explosive (as commonly current inIndia) shall be used whereverpossible. Explosive with Nitroglycerine shall only beused under exceptional circumstancesand where the above explosives are noteffective.5) The use of fuse with only one protective coat is prohibited. The fase shall besufficiently waterresistant as to be unaffected when immersed in water for thirtyminutes. The rate of burningof the fuse shall be uniform and less than 4 seconds per2.5 cms. of length with 10%tolerance on either side.Before use, the fuse shall beinspected and the moist, damaged or broken ones discarded.The rate of burning ofall new types of fuses, or when have been in stock for long shall betested before use.6) The detonators used shall be capable of giving effective blasting of the explosive.Moist ordamaged detonators shall be discarded.PESONNEL :7) Excavation by blasting will be permitted only under personnel supervision ofcompetent andlicensed persons and trained workmen.8) All supervisors and workmen in charge of making up, handling, storage andblasting workshall be adequately insured by the contractor.9) The storage shall be in charge of a very reliable person approved by the Engineerin-charge.Whomay, if necessary, causes police enquiries being made as to hisreliability, antecedentsetc. The contractor shall have to produce a security for theperson in charge of explosives ifand as required by the Engineer-in-charge or theCivil Authorities of the District.10) The contractor shall make sure that his supervisors and workmen are fullyconversant with allthe rules to be observed in storing, handling and use of theexplosives it shall be assured thatthe supervisor in charge is thoroughly acquaintedwith all the details of the handling of theblasting operations.STORAGE OF EXPLOSIVES :11) The contractor shall build a magazine, for storing the explosives. The site of themagazine. Itscapacity and design shall be subject to approval by the Engineer-inchargeand the inspectorof explosives before the construction is taken up as a rule,the explosives should be stored ina clean, dry, well ventilated bullet proof and fireproof building on the isolated site.12) The explosive, detonators and fuses shall eachto be separately stored.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

14713) A careful and day to day account of the use of explosive shall be kept by thecontractor in anapproved register and in an approved manner. The register shall beproduced by thecontractor for the inspection of the Engineer-in-charge when sorequired by the latter. TheEngineer-in-charge may also pay a surprise visit to thestorage magazine. In case of anyunaccountable shortage of the explosives or if theaccount is not found to have beenmaintained in a manner prescribed by theEngineer-in-charge, the contractor shall be liable tobe penalished with forfeiture ofthe security deposit lodged by him with the Government or histender shall becancelled in which case he shall not be entitled to any compensation for thelossesetc. The action taken under this clause shall be in addition to that which mightbetaken by the competent civil authorities in a court of law.14) The magazine shall, at all times be kept scrupulously clean.15) No unauthorized person shall, at any time, be admitted inside the magazine.16) The magazine shall, when not in use of authorized person, be kept well andsecurely locked.17) The magazine shall no account be opened during or in the approach ofthunderstorm and noperson shall remain in the vicinity of the magazine during suchperiod.18) Magazine shoes without nail shall, at the time, be kept in the magazine andwooden tub orcement tub about 30 cm. high and 45 cm. in diameter, filled with watershall be fixed near thedoor of magazine.Persons entering the magazine must put onthe magazine shoes which shall be provided bythe contractor for the purpose and becareful.i) Not to put their feet on the clean floor unless they have the magazine shoes on.ii) Not to allow the magazines shoes to touch the ground outside the clean floor.iii) Not to allow any dirt or grits to fail on the clean floor.19) Persons with bare feet, shall before entering the magazine, dip their feet in waterand thenstep direct from the tub over the barrier (if there be one) on to the cleanfloor.20) A brush or broom shall be kept in the lobby of the magazine, for cleaning out themagazineon each occasion it is opened, for the receipt, delivery or inspection ofexplosives.21) No matches or inflamable material shall be allowed in the magazine. Light shallbe obtainedfrom an Electric Storage battery lantern.22) No person having articles of steel or iron on him shall be allowed to enter themagazine.23) Workmen shall be examined before they enter the magazine to see that theyhave none ofthe prohibited articles on their person.24) Oil cotton rages, waste and articles liable to spontaneous ignition shall not beallowed insidethe magazine.25)No tools or implement other than those of copper, brass, gunmetal or wood shallbe allowedinside the magazine. All tools shall be used with extreme gentleness andcare.26) Boxes of explosives shall not be thrown down or dragged along the floor andshall be stackedon wooden trestles. Where there are white ants, the legs of thetrestles should rest in shallowcopper lead or brass bowls containing water. Openboxes of dynamite shall never beexposed to the direct rays of the such.27) Emory boxes or loose packing material shall not be kept inside the magazine.28) The magazine shall have a lightening conductor, which shall be got tested atleast once ayear dy an officer authorized by the Engineer-in-charge, the testing feeshall be a charged onthe contractor which will be Rs. 20/- for each inspection. Thecontractor shall within 15 dayscomply with all the recommendations made by theofficer testing the lightening conductor,falling which, the Engineer-in-charge shall beentitled to comply with the same at thecontractor’s expense which shall not be opento question or may consider any action that hemay consider fit.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

14829) A notice shall be hung near the store prohibiting entrance of unauthorizedpersons.30) The following shall be hung in the lobby of magazine.a) A copy of the rules both in English and in the Languages which the workersconcernedare familiar with.b) A statement showing the upto date stock in the magazine.c) A certificate showing the last date of testing the lightening conductor.d) A notice that smoking is strictly prohibited.31) The magazine will be inspected at least twice a year by the officer representingthe Engineerin-charge who will see that all the rules are strictly complied with, he willnotify all omissionsetc. to the contractor, who shall rectify the defect within a period of15 days from the date ofreceipt of the notice failing which the Engineer-in-chargemay take whatever action beconsiders suitable.USE OF EXPLOISIVES :32) For the transport of the explosive and detonators between the stores and site,closed andstrong container made of soft material such as timber, zine, copper,leather and the like shallbe used.33) Explosives and detonators shall be carried in separate boxes and transportedseparately forthe conveyance of primes special containers shall be used.34) The boxes and containers used shall be kept well closed.35) Explosives shall be stored and used chronologically to ensure the ones, receivedearlier,being used first.36) A make up house shall be provided at each working place in which cartridges willbe made upby an experienced man as required. The make up house shall beseparated from otherbuilding. Only electric storage battery lamps shall be used in thishouse.37) No smoking shall be allowed in the made up house.DISPOSAL OF DETERIORATED EXPLOSIVES :38) All deteriorated explosives shall be disposed of in an approved manner. Thequantity of thedeteriorated explosives to be disposed off shall be intimated to theEngineer-in-charge, priorto its disposal.PREPARATION OF PRIMERS :39) The primers shall not be prepared near open flames or fires. The work ofpreparation ofprimers shall always be entrusted to same personnel. Primers shall beused as soon aspossible after they are ready.CHARGING OF HOLES :40) The work of charging shall not commence before all the drilling work at the site iscompletedand the supervisor has satisfied himself to that effect by actual inspection.41) While charging open lamps shall be kept away. For charging with powderedexplosivesnaked flames shall not be allowed.42) Only wooden tamping rods, without any kind of metal on them shall be allowed tobe used.43) Bore holes must be of such a size that the cartridges can easily pass down them.44) Only one cartridge shall be inserted at a time and gently pressed home with thetamping rod.The sand, clay or other tamping material used for filling the holecompletely shall not betamped too hard.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

149BLASTING :45) Blasting shall be carried out during fixed hours of the day which shall have theapproval of theEngineer-in-charge. The blasting hours once fixed shall not be alteredwithout prior writtenapproval of the Engineer-in-charge.46) The site of blasting operations shall be prominently demarcated by red dangerflags. Theorder to fire shall be given only by the Supervisor-in-charge of the work andthis order shallbe given only after giving the warning signal three time so as to enableall the labour,watchman etc. to reach to safe shelter and after having ascertained thatnobody is with in thedanger zone.47) A bugle with a distinctive note shall be used to give the warning signals. Thisbugla shall notused for any other purpose. All the labour shall be made acquaintedwith the sound of thebugla and shall be strictly warned to leave their workimmediately at the first warning signaland to make for safe shelter and not to leavethe shelter until the clear signal has been given.48) All the roads and foot pathsleading to the blasting area shall be watched.49) In special cases suitable extra precautions shall be taken. The Engineer-inchargemayhowever permit blasting for underground excavation without restriction offixed time providedthat the is satisfied that proper precautions are taken to givesufficient warning to allconcerned and that the work of other agencies on the site isnot unduly hampered.50) For lighting the fuses, a lamp with a strong flame such as a carbide lamp shall beused.51) The supervisor shall watch the time required for firing the fuses and shall see thatall theworkmen are under safe shelters in good time.ELECTRICAL FIRING :52) Only the Supervisor-in-charge shall keep key of the firing apparatus and he shallkeep italways with himself.53) Special apparatus shall be used as a source of current of the blasting operations.Power linesnot be tapped for the purpose.54) All the detonators shall be checked before use.55) For blasts in one series only detonators of the same manufacture and of thesame group ofelectrical resistances shall be used.56) Such of the electrical lines as could constitute danger for work of charging shallbe removedfrom the site.57) The firing cable shall have a proper insulating cover so as to avoid short circuitingdue tocontract with water, metallic part of rock.58) The use of the earth as a return shall not be permitted.59) The firing cable shall be connected to the source of current only afterascertaining thatnobody is in the area of blasting.60) Before firing, the circuit shall be checked by a suitable apparatus.61) After firing whether with or without an actual blast, the contract between firingcable and thesource of current, shall be cut off before any persons are allowed toleave the shelters.62) During storms charging with electrical detonators shall be suspended. Thecharges alreadyplaced into the holes shall be blasted as quickly as possible, aftertaking all safetyprecautions and giving necessary warning, signals. If this is notpossible the site shall beabandoned till the storm has passed.Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

150PRECAUTION AFTER BLAST AND MIS-FIRES :63) If it is suspected that part of the blast has failed to fire or is delayed sufficient timeshall beallowed to elapse before entering the danger zone. When fuses and blastingcaps are used asafe time should be allowed and then the supervisor alone shallleave the shelter to see themisfire.64) Drilling near the hole that has misfired shall not be permitted until one of the twofollowingoperations have been carried out by the supervisor.i) The Supervisor should very carefully (when the tamping is of damp clay) extractthetamping with wooden scraper or jet of water or compressed air (using a pipe ofsoftmaterial) and withdraw the fuse with the primer and detonator attached. A freshprimerand detonator with fuse shall then be placed in this hole and fired.ii) The Supervisor shall get one foot of the tamping cleared off and indicate thedirection byplacing a stick in the hole. Another hole may then be drilled at 230 mm.away andparallel to it, this hole should then be charged and fired. The balance of thecartridgesand detonators found in the rock be removed.65) Before leaving his work, the supervisor should inform the supervisor of therelieving shift ofany case of misfire and shall point out the position with a red crossdenoting the same andalso state what action, if any, he has taken in the matter.66) The Supervisor shall at once report to the office all cases of misfire, the cause ofthe misfirethe steps taken in connection therewith.67) The name of the supervisor in charge of day or night shift may be noted daily inthecontractor’s office.68) If misfire has been found to be due to defective detonator or dynamite the wholequantity ofbox from which the defective article was taken must be returned to theauthority as may bedirected by the Engineer-in-charge for inspection to ascertainwhether the whole box containsdefective material.69) Redrilling the holes that have misfired either wholly or partly shall not bepermitted.70) Precautions after blasting : After the blast, the supervisor shall carefully inspectthe work andsatisfy himself that all the charges have exploded.71) After the blast has taken place in underground works, the workmen shall not beallowed toface till at the toxic gases are evacated from the face.Issued to ____________________________________________________________Vide M.R. No. ______________________Dated _____________________________Signature of contractor No of Corrections Executive Engineer

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