A G E N D A 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Ian Metcalfe 2 ...

A G E N D A 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Ian Metcalfe 2 ... A G E N D A 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Ian Metcalfe 2 ...


Board of Directors Part 114 June 2013APPENDIX BSTAFF QUESTIONNAIRE RESPONSESCombined responses from all 48 nursing staff interviewedYes % No %Question 1Have you had an appraisal in the last year?Question 2Have you had all the training identified –mandatory and personal development?Question 3Are there enough staff on the ward at night?Question 4Do you have the right mix of staff on the ward atnight?Question 5Are there times when there are no registeredstaff on the ward at night?Question 6Do you have enough help or support from theClinical Site Team at night?Question 7Is the response from the CST within anacceptable timescale?41 85% 7 15%40 83% 8 17%38 79% 10 21%39 81% 9 19%2 4% 46 96%45 94% 3 6%42 88% 6 12%Question 828 a 64% 16 36%Do you have enough help / support when ward isunder pressure?Question 9Are you confident about expressing anyconcerns you may have about care tomanagers?Question 10Do you leave work feeling you have done a goodjob?Question 11Do you feel anxious that patients have notreceived optimum care?47 98% 1 2%41 85% 7 15%24 a 50% 24 50%Question 142 4% 46 96%Are the food options available at night for staffadequate?a – several staff answered this question with a yes / no response19The Hospital at NightQuality/Performance

Board of Directors Part 114 June 2013APPENDIX CPATIENT QUESTIONNAIRE RESPONSES TABULATED BY WARDWard 1 is a specialist gastroenterology ward which includes a high dependency unitfor acute Gastro-intestinal bleeders and thus needs a higher level of morespecialised nursing care.11 patients 6 female + 5 male Age range 25 – 84Lengths of Stay 2 – 28 nightsQUESTION YES NO1. Have you only been on this ward for this hospitalstay?2. Do you think there are enough nursing staff on thisward at night?3. Have you experienced any difference between careduring the day and night?4. Do you get your night-time medication on time andif you require any pain medication during thenight/morning is this given promptly?5. Do you feel safe in the hospital at night? 116. How long does it take for a call bell to be answeredat night?7 48 32 9112-5mins x 1010-20minsx17. Have you been able to sleep well whilst in hospital? 4 78. Overall, on a scale of 1 to 5, how good is the care atnight on this ward?1 – 02 – 03 – 24 – 55 – 420The Hospital at NightQuality/Performance

Board of Directors Part 114 June 2013APPENDIX CPATIENT QUESTIONNAIRE RESPONSES TABULATED BY WARDWard 1 is a specialist gastroenterology ward which includes a high dependency unitfor acute Gastro-intestinal bleeders and thus needs a higher level of morespecialised nursing care.11 patients 6 female + 5 male Age range 25 – 84Lengths of Stay 2 – 28 nightsQUESTION YES NO<strong>1.</strong> Have you only been on this ward for this hospitalstay?2. Do you think there are enough nursing staff on thisward at night?3. Have you experienced any difference between careduring the day and night?4. Do you get your night-time medication on time andif you require any pain medication during thenight/morning is this given promptly?5. Do you feel safe in the hospital at night? 116. How long does it take for a call bell to be answeredat night?7 48 32 9112-5mins x 1010-20minsx17. Have you been able to sleep well whilst in hospital? 4 78. Overall, on a scale of 1 to 5, how good is the care atnight on this ward?1 – 02 – 03 – 24 – 55 – 420The Hospital at NightQuality/Performance

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