A G E N D A 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Ian Metcalfe 2 ...

A G E N D A 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Ian Metcalfe 2 ...

A G E N D A 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Ian Metcalfe 2 ...


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JS stressed that the Trust should not be complacent and therewere issues that the Board would return to. PS endorsed thesecomments and the need to be vigilant.(c) CQC Inpatient Survey 2012 (Appendix D)PS presented the results of the latest CQC Inpatient Surveysummarising that:• 156 trusts had been surveyed;• the patients surveyed had been in hospital for more thanone night;• the Trust had been rated amber for 60 out of 61 questions,which meant that its performance was about the same asother trusts;• there had been an improvement in 18 areas;• the Trust's performance on the five CQUIN(Commissioning for Quality and Innovation) questions wasabove average; and• the Trust was categorised as red in one area which waswhether patients were given enough privacy whenexamined or treated and was the worst performing trust onthis question.PS noted that the Trust scored much better on its own internalsurvey results but this was not reflected in CQC survey and drewattention to the actions taken since the CQC's survey wasconducted in July 2012. She also noted that the range betweenthe top and bottom scores in the bandings was very narrow.PS explained that the actions to be taken had been discussed bythe PECC which would be driving this work forward. She addedthat the Trust was also looking at the data on a disaggregatedDirectorate level to provide information on areas for improvementwithin each Directorate.BF highlighted that over half the patients surveyed were admittedon an emergency or urgent basis and it was more difficult todeliver privacy and dignity in those areas than it was for plannedadmissions although this should not detract from the need for theTrust to do its best. SP, although noting that he did not want to beoverly critical, felt the presentation focussed on the data ratherthan focussing on the actions required. PS clarified that shewanted to provide all the relevant information to provide a fullunderstanding of the results. DB observed that the results from156 trusts were spread over seven basis points and that while theTrust being last should not be the principal cause for concern, itshould not detract from focus on the underlying issue.HL interjected that patients would be commenting on their wholestay, which would include the ED. She described that work whichhad been done in the ED using screens rather than curtains andBOD/Part 1MINS 10.05.13 PAGE 4 OF 16

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