A G E N D A 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Ian Metcalfe 2 ...

A G E N D A 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Ian Metcalfe 2 ... A G E N D A 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Ian Metcalfe 2 ...


Board of Directors Part 114 June 2013Medicine for the Elderly on Ward 22 recorded all patients as saying they hadwaited 10-30 minutes for the bell to be answered. It may be that some patientshere were unable to estimate time accurately. This is a concern for this wardbut is not representative of the hospital overall.The patients who did not have call bells said they were unhappy or feltinsecure about it. These patients were in escalation beds. Some patients feltthat the fact they had not needed to use their bell reflected well on the level ofcare they were receiving.5.2.6 Have you been able to sleep well whilst in hospital?41% of patients reported that they had slept well whilst on the wards, with onepatient stating that he had slept better here than at home! Ward 24 didespecially well here, having had a focus on helping patients to have a goodnight's sleep. However, 59% had not slept well (some said they did not sleepwell at home either) and gave a range of reasons with the most common atthe top:Other patients being noisy – e.g. coughing and shouting – andwandering aboutNoise from staff – talking and laughing loudly, moving beds, newadmissionsNoisy equipment – bleeps and buzzers, nebulizers etc.Lights not being dimmed early enough or being too brightGeneral hospital and strange noisesPatient’s own medical symptoms or pain – doctors slow to tend to themEnvironment – cold ward, bad smells, uncomfortable bed clothingBeing away from home and generally unsettled and anxiousNot being tired5The Hospital at NightQuality/Performance

Board of Directors Part 114 June 20135.2.7 Overall, on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being bad and 5 being excellent),how good is the care at night on this ward?SCALE 1 2 3 4 5Ward 1 0 0 2 5 4Ward 2 0 0 1 5 4Ward 9 0 0 1 3 6Ward 14 0 0 1 7 2Ward 15 0 0 1 8 1Ward 22 0 0 3 7 0Ward 24 0 0 1 2 7AMU 0 0 0 1 9Stroke 1 0 3 5 1Total 1 0 13 43 3437% felt their care was excellent, with AMU performing exceptionally well andWard 24 also doing very well. 47% felt their care was very good, with Wards14,15 and 22 doing well here. Only 14% gave the middle ranking to their wardfor night-time care, with responses spread across most wards and one personthought their care deserved the lowest score of 1. Six of the wards scoredentirely 4 or 5. On this scale, 99% of our patients thought their care wasfair/good or better.5.2.8 Additional comments from patients:Comments relating to the standard of care receivedI received excellent care for an asthma attack during the night.Amazing, excellent, kind, considerate staff.Willing to do anything for patients.Very attentive at night. Couldn’t have had better treatment.Excellent care from night staff. Good all round. Care at night generallyvery good.Nurses are very caring, treat all patients with care and respect.Night care better than day care teams.Not all staff as committed to patient care as others.“We’re very lucky to have such a good hospital here in Bournemouth”.Enjoyed being here, superb people. Very friendly. Absolutely fantastic.Sensitive to my needs, high level of personal consideration.6The Hospital at NightQuality/Performance

Board of Directors Part 114 June 2013Medicine for the Elderly on Ward 22 recorded all patients as saying they hadwaited 10-30 minutes for the bell to be answered. It may be that some patientshere were unable to estimate time accurately. This is a concern for this wardbut is not representative of the hospital overall.The patients who did not have call bells said they were unhappy or feltinsecure about it. These patients were in escalation beds. Some patients feltthat the fact they had not needed to use their bell reflected well on the level ofcare they were receiving.5.2.6 Have you been able to sleep well whilst in hospital?41% of patients reported that they had slept well whilst on the wards, with onepatient stating that he had slept better here than at home! Ward 24 didespecially well here, having had a focus on helping patients to have a goodnight's sleep. However, 59% had not slept well (some said they did not sleepwell at home either) and gave a range of reasons with the most common atthe top:Other patients being noisy – e.g. coughing and shouting – andwandering aboutNoise from staff – talking and laughing loudly, moving beds, newadmissionsNoisy equipment – bleeps and buzzers, nebulizers etc.Lights not being dimmed early enough or being too brightGeneral hospital and strange noisesPatient’s own medical symptoms or pain – doctors slow to tend to themEnvironment – cold ward, bad smells, uncomfortable bed clothingBeing away from home and generally unsettled and anxiousNot being tired5The Hospital at NightQuality/Performance

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