A G E N D A 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Ian Metcalfe 2 ...

A G E N D A 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Ian Metcalfe 2 ... A G E N D A 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Ian Metcalfe 2 ...


(b)Monitor’s Designation Framework for CommissionerRequested Services/ Location Specific ServicesRichard RenautJ(c) Appointment of new Medical Director Tony Spotswood K(d) Core Brief (May) Tony Spotswood L(e) Communications Update (inc RAAI May) Richard Renaut M(f) Board of Directors Forward Programme Karen Flaherty N10. NEXT MEETINGFriday 12 July 2013 at 8.30am in the Committee Room, Royal Bournemouth Hospital11. ANY OTHER BUSINESSKey Points for Communication12. COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS FROM THE GOVERNORS 10.15 – 10.30amBoard Members will be available for 10-15 minutes after the end of the Part I meeting to takecomments or questions from the Governors on items received or considered by the Board ofDirectors at the meeting.13. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC AND OTHERSTo resolve that under the provision of Section 1, Sub-Section 2, of the Public BodiesAdmission to Meetings Act 1960, representatives of the press, members of the public andothers not invited to attend be excluded on the grounds that publicity would prove prejudicialto the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.BoD/Agenda 14.06.2013 Page2 of 2

THE ROYAL BOURNEMOUTH AND CHRISTCHURCH HOSPITALSNHS FOUNDATION TRUSTMinutes of a Meeting of The Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals NHS FoundationTrust Board of Directors held on Friday 10 May 2013 in the Committee Room, RoyalBournemouth HospitalPresent:In attendance:Apologies:Jane StichburyTony SpotswoodKaren AllmanMary ArmitageDavid BennettBrian FordStuart HunterHelen LinghamIan MetcalfeSteven PeacockAlex PikeRichard RenautPaula ShobbrookKen TullettKaren FlahertyPeter GillDily RufferTracey HallSue LangloisDamian JenkinsonJoseph KwanClare GordonMike AllenJayne BakerDavid BellamyGlenys BrownSue BungeySharon Carr-BrownDerek ChaffeyCarole DeasEric FisherLee FoordDoreen HolfordGraham SwetmanDavid TriplowMargaret NevilleNone(JS)(TS)(KA)(MA)(DB)(BF)(SH)(HL)(IM)(SP)(AP)(RR)(PS)(KT)(KF)(PG)(DR)(TH)(SL)(DJ)(JK)(CG)(MAll)(JB)(DBel)(GB)(SB)(SCB)(DC)(CD)(EF)(LF)(DH)(GS)(DT)(MN)Chairman (in the chair)Chief ExecutiveDirector of Human ResourcesMedical DirectorNon-Executive DirectorNon-Executive DirectorDirector of FinanceChief Operating OfficerNon-Executive DirectorNon-Executive DirectorNon-Executive DirectorDirector of Service DevelopmentDirector of Nursing and MidwiferyNon-Executive DirectorTrust SecretaryDirector of InformaticsGovernor Co-ordinatorHead of CommunicationsSenior Nurse, Medical Directorate (foritem 4(a) only)Consultant, Stroke Unit (for item 5(c) only)Consultant, Stroke Unit (for item 5(c) only)Consultant Stroke Nurse (for item 5(c)only)Public GovernorPublic GovernorPublic GovernorPublic GovernorPublic GovernorPublic GovernorPublic GovernorPublic GovernorPublic GovernorAppointed GovernorPublic GovernorPublic GovernorPublic GovernorMember of the PublicJS welcomed Ian Metcalfe to his first meeting following his recentappointment by the Board of Directors.BOD/Part 1MINS 10.05.13 PAGE 1 OF 16

(b)Monitor’s Designation Framework for CommissionerRequested Services/ Location Specific ServicesRichard RenautJ(c) Appointment of new Medical Director Tony Spotswood K(d) Core Brief (May) Tony Spotswood L(e) Communications Update (inc RAAI May) Richard Renaut M(f) Board of Directors Forward Programme Karen Flaherty N10. NEXT MEETINGFriday 12 July 2013 at 8.30am in the Committee Room, Royal Bournemouth Hospital1<strong>1.</strong> ANY OTHER BUSINESSKey Points for Communication12. COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS FROM THE GOVERNORS 10.15 – 10.30amBoard Members will be available for 10-15 minutes after the end of the Part I meeting to takecomments or questions from the Governors on items received or considered by the Board ofDirectors at the meeting.13. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC AND OTHERSTo resolve that under the provision of Section 1, Sub-Section 2, of the Public BodiesAdmission to Meetings Act 1960, representatives of the press, members of the public andothers not invited to attend be excluded on the grounds that publicity would prove prejudicialto the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.BoD/Agenda 14.06.2013 Page2 of 2

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