A G E N D A 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Ian Metcalfe 2 ...

A G E N D A 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Ian Metcalfe 2 ... A G E N D A 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Ian Metcalfe 2 ...


Board of Directors – Part I14 June 20131. IntroductionCommunications activitiesJune 2013The following paper sets out:• recent communication and fundraising activities• media relations KPIs2. Recent activitiesTrust achieved patient Information StandardPatients coming to the Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch hospitals can beassured the information they are receiving is of the highest quality. The Trusthas been awarded the Information Standard quality mark for the health andcare information it produces for patients.To achieve the Information Standard accreditation, the Trust underwent arigorous two-day assessment of its patient information process by the RoyalSociety for Public Health, one of the organisations accredited to carry out theassessment. Achieving the accreditation means all information produced cannow carry the Information Standard quality mark – a clear indication that it isaccurate and reliable.Launch of The big askRBCH has joined health organisations across Dorset to ask the public to takepart in The big ask - a unique survey which will help shape NHS services in thefuture.The survey asks for views on a whole range of NHS services, from your localGP and out of hours’ services to community, mental health and hospitalservices. This is the first time that NHS organisations across the county haveworked together on an exercise of this scale. It includes the major hospitals inBournemouth, Christchurch, Dorchester and Poole working together with thenewly-formed Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group, which represents thecounty’s 101 GP practices, and Dorset HealthCare, which provides communityhealth services across a wide range of locations.To ensure the exercise is independent it is being carried out by BournemouthUniversity’s Market Research Group. More than 12,000 people will be sent thesurvey by post but anyone can take part online atwww.bournemouth.ac.uk/thebigaskOther:• RBCH now has over 100 Twitter followers and continues to push socialmedia activity• work has been ongoing for the Trust’s Open Day on 12 June. Theaccompanying consultant talks are fully bookedCommunications activity – June 2013 Page 1 of 3For information

Board of Directors – Part I14 June 2013• Health Minister Dr Dan Poulter visited the Trust in May• work is about to start on two new patient information videos – dementiaand clinical site team• an update is soon to go out on the development at Christchurch Hospital• merger communications continues• Twilight Walk for Women on 7 June3. Future activities• Staff Excellence Awards filming• merger communications• patient films• developing social media plan• developing the Bournemouth Hospital Charity fundraising strategy4. RecommendationThe Board is asked to note the report.Communications activity – June 2013 Page 2 of 3For information

Board of Directors – Part I14 June 2013<strong>1.</strong> IntroductionCommunications activitiesJune 2013The following paper sets out:• recent communication and fundraising activities• media relations KPIs2. Recent activitiesTrust achieved patient Information StandardPatients coming to the Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch hospitals can beassured the information they are receiving is of the highest quality. The Trusthas been awarded the Information Standard quality mark for the health andcare information it produces for patients.To achieve the Information Standard accreditation, the Trust underwent arigorous two-day assessment of its patient information process by the RoyalSociety for Public Health, one of the organisations accredited to carry out theassessment. Achieving the accreditation means all information produced cannow carry the Information Standard quality mark – a clear indication that it isaccurate and reliable.Launch of The big askRBCH has joined health organisations across Dorset to ask the public to takepart in The big ask - a unique survey which will help shape NHS services in thefuture.The survey asks for views on a whole range of NHS services, from your localGP and out of hours’ services to community, mental health and hospitalservices. This is the first time that NHS organisations across the county haveworked together on an exercise of this scale. It includes the major hospitals inBournemouth, Christchurch, Dorchester and Poole working together with thenewly-formed Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group, which represents thecounty’s 101 GP practices, and Dorset HealthCare, which provides communityhealth services across a wide range of locations.To ensure the exercise is independent it is being carried out by BournemouthUniversity’s Market Research Group. More than 12,000 people will be sent thesurvey by post but anyone can take part online atwww.bournemouth.ac.uk/thebigaskOther:• RBCH now has over 100 Twitter followers and continues to push socialmedia activity• work has been ongoing for the Trust’s Open Day on 12 June. Theaccompanying consultant talks are fully bookedCommunications activity – June 2013 Page 1 of 3For information

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