A G E N D A 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Ian Metcalfe 2 ...

A G E N D A 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Ian Metcalfe 2 ... A G E N D A 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Ian Metcalfe 2 ...


Leadership programmesSupported by NHS Thames Valley and Wessex LeadershipAcademy, the most far-reaching and comprehensive leadershipdevelopment portfolio the NHS has ever developed launchedon 1 May 2013.Aimed at wide range of NHS staff, a range of leadershipprogrammes have been developed to support leaders in creatingan environment where staff feel supported and encouraged tofocus on providing high-quality health care.Full details of the programmes are available from theNHS Leadership Academy website. Please visitwww.leadershipacademy.nhs.uk.A brief overview of the programmes:The Edward Jenner ProgrammeLeadership Foundation. Leaders in the NHS have a key role toplay in improving the health of their communities. LeadershipFoundation is an open access online learning package designed tosupport anyone looking to gain essential leadership skills. It leadsto an NHS Leadership Academy award in Leadership Foundations.The Mary Seacole ProgrammeLeading Care 1. This one-year programme combines experientialand online learning, and develops key leadership skills. Theprogramme will be open to all those working in health (nominatedby an individual’s place of work) regardless of professional oracademic background. It leads to an NHS Leadership AcademyAward in Leading on the Frontline and a Postgraduate Certificatein Healthcare Leadership.The Elizabeth Garrett Anderson ProgrammeLeading Care 2. The programme leads to an NHS LeadershipAcademy Award in Senior Healthcare Leadership and an MSc inHealthcare Leadership. The programme is 18 months long, andavailable to all those working in the NHS or in NHS-funded care,regardless of professional background.The Nye Bevan ProgrammeLeading Care 3. The Nye Bevan Programme leads to an NHSLeadership Academy Award in Executive Healthcare Leadership.It combines a significant element of personal and behaviouralleadership development with the knowledge and skills neededto operate successfully at the most senior levels in NHSorganisations.Applications for the majority of the programmes close on Friday14 June, with a start date of September. The exception to this isthe Edward Jenner programme, which is an online course and willbe ready to start during June.If you would like to discuss your application, contactKaren Allman, Director of Human Resources.TwilightWalkThere is still time to jointhe Bournemouth HospitalCharity for an evening walkalong the seafront and raisemoney for women’s health atthe Royal BournemouthHospital (RBH) on Friday7 June.We want to make this ourbiggest year yet so why notget your whole team involvedand pick up a registrationform from the FundraisingOffice in the main entranceat RBH or download a copyat www.bournemouthhospitalcharity.co.ukRegistration costs £15 perperson. Participants willreceive a t-shirt and afundraising pack. Fancydress is optional.2013Twilightwalk for womenFriday 7th June 2013 - 8pmBournemouth Seafront1km, 5km and 10km fundraising walkEntry Fee: £15 per person (includes T-shirt)Please raise as much sponsorship as possible.The event is open to women, men and childrenso why not get a group together and get everybodywalking for women and theΩBournemouth Hospital CharityChildren under 12 walk for freeFor more information please contact:Charity Office, Royal Bournemouth Hospital, Castle Lane East, Bournemouth BH7 7DWTel: 01202 704060 Email: charity@rbch.nhs.ukor book online at: www.bournemouthhospitalcharity.co.uk

BOARD OF DIRECTORSMeeting Date and Part: 14 June 2013 – Part 1Subject:Communications Update and Read All About ItSection:Executive Director withoverall responsibility:InformationRichard Renaut, Director of Service DevelopmentAuthor of Paper:Tracey Hall, Head of Communications and FundraisingDetails of previousdiscussion and/ordissemination:Key Purpose:PatientSafetyHealth &SafetyPerformance StrategyXXAction required by Board ofDirectors:Executive Summary:To note the reportThe Communications Report provides a summary of keycommunication activities over the past month, includingmedia KPIs and a summary of the Trust’s mediacoverage (Read All About It).Strategic Goals &Objectives:Links to CQC Registration:(Outcome reference)Section 1, Outcome 1,Section 4, Outcome 13 and 14Links to AssuranceFramework/Key Risks:Type of Assurance:InternalExternal

Leadership programmesSupported by NHS Thames Valley and Wessex LeadershipAcademy, the most far-reaching and comprehensive leadershipdevelopment portfolio the NHS has ever developed launchedon 1 May 2013.Aimed at wide range of NHS staff, a range of leadershipprogrammes have been developed to support leaders in creatingan environment where staff feel supported and encouraged tofocus on providing high-quality health care.Full details of the programmes are available from theNHS Leadership Academy website. Please visitwww.leadershipacademy.nhs.uk.A brief overview of the programmes:The Edward Jenner ProgrammeLeadership Foundation. Leaders in the NHS have a key role toplay in improving the health of their communities. LeadershipFoundation is an open access online learning package designed tosupport anyone looking to gain essential leadership skills. It leadsto an NHS Leadership Academy award in Leadership Foundations.The Mary Seacole ProgrammeLeading Care <strong>1.</strong> This one-year programme combines experientialand online learning, and develops key leadership skills. Theprogramme will be open to all those working in health (nominatedby an individual’s place of work) regardless of professional oracademic background. It leads to an NHS Leadership AcademyAward in Leading on the Frontline and a Postgraduate Certificatein Healthcare Leadership.The Elizabeth Garrett Anderson ProgrammeLeading Care 2. The programme leads to an NHS LeadershipAcademy Award in Senior Healthcare Leadership and an MSc inHealthcare Leadership. The programme is 18 months long, andavailable to all those working in the NHS or in NHS-funded care,regardless of professional background.The Nye Bevan ProgrammeLeading Care 3. The Nye Bevan Programme leads to an NHSLeadership Academy Award in Executive Healthcare Leadership.It combines a significant element of personal and behaviouralleadership development with the knowledge and skills neededto operate successfully at the most senior levels in NHSorganisations.Applications for the majority of the programmes close on Friday14 June, with a start date of September. The exception to this isthe Edward Jenner programme, which is an online course and willbe ready to start during June.If you would like to discuss your application, contactKaren Allman, Director of Human Resources.TwilightWalkThere is still time to jointhe Bournemouth HospitalCharity for an evening walkalong the seafront and raisemoney for women’s health atthe Royal BournemouthHospital (RBH) on Friday7 June.We want to make this ourbiggest year yet so why notget your whole team involvedand pick up a registrationform from the FundraisingOffice in the main entranceat RBH or download a copyat www.bournemouthhospitalcharity.co.ukRegistration costs £15 perperson. Participants willreceive a t-shirt and afundraising pack. Fancydress is optional.2013Twilightwalk for womenFriday 7th June 2013 - 8pmBournemouth Seafront1km, 5km and 10km fundraising walkEntry Fee: £15 per person (includes T-shirt)Please raise as much sponsorship as possible.The event is open to women, men and childrenso why not get a group together and get everybodywalking for women and theΩBournemouth Hospital CharityChildren under 12 walk for freeFor more information please contact:Charity Office, Royal Bournemouth Hospital, Castle Lane East, Bournemouth BH7 7DWTel: 01202 704060 Email: charity@rbch.nhs.ukor book online at: www.bournemouthhospitalcharity.co.uk

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