A G E N D A 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Ian Metcalfe 2 ...

A G E N D A 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Ian Metcalfe 2 ... A G E N D A 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Ian Metcalfe 2 ...


Transporting sharps containersIn order to comply with an alert from the Department of Health’s Estate and Facilities Departmentthe Trust has entered into an arrangement with the supplier Daniels for special sharpscontainers which will not open by accident during transportation.Please click on the link for further details of this product:www.daniels.co.uk/catalog/product.php?id=635The following two policies are being amended by the Sharps Group (thesubcommittee to the H&S Committee) to incorporate these changes:l Driving at Work Policyl Management of Needlestick Injuries and Accidents Involving Exposure toBlood and Body Fluids PolicyThis item will be on the Powergate system for managers to order. Pleaseensure your staff are made aware of this Alert and the new arrangements.Please can staff also be reminded to report all needlestick incidents on AIR forms.Hospital Open Day -Wednesday 12 June 2013The annual Open Day at the Royal Bournemouth Hospital returns on Wednesday 12 June,giving the public a chance to find out about some of the services available at the Trust.The day runs from 10am - 4pm and will see the return of the popular and informativeconsultant talks:10.30am: Hip Arthritis: NewTreatments and Preventionby Dr Robert Middleton, Consultant OrthopaedicSurgeon11.30am: Understanding Dementiaby Dr Sue Hazel, Consultant in Geriatric Medicine12.30pm: Cherishing the SkinYou’re Inby Dr Ian Pearson, Consultant Dermatologist1.30pm: Medicine and theNew Mediaby Professor David Kerr, Consultant Physicianin the Bournemouth Diabetes andEndocrine Centre2.45pm: Understanding Arthritisby Dr Neil Hopkinson, Rheumatology ConsultantThe hospital atrium will host informationdisplays from different hospital departments,each with their own interactive stand,including quizzes, challenges, and basichealth checks.We hope to see you on the day.HospitalOpen DayWednesday 12 June 2013l Atrium exhibition l Educational presentationsl Department stands l Competitions...and lots more10am - 4pmA number of presentations will be held throughout the day in the Chapel10.30am: Hip Arthritis: New treatments andPrevention Dr Robert Middleton, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon11.30am: Understanding DementiaDr Sue Hazel, Consultant in Geriatric Medicine12.30pm: Cherishing the Skin You’re InDr Ian Pearson, Consultant Dermatologist1.30pm: Medicine and the New Media Professor DavidKerr, Consultant Physician in the Bournemouth Diabetes and Endocrine Centre2.45pm: Understanding ArthritisDr Neil Hopkinson, Rheumatology ConsultantPlaces at these talks are limited so if you would like to attend,please call: 01202 704271 to book your placeor email: communications@rbch.nhs.uk

Sending emailssecurelyA number of (non-NHS) organisations haverecently received monetary penalties of up to£120,000 from the Information Commissioner’sOffice as a result of inappropriately disclosingsensitive personal information via email.To stop this happening at this Trust, be mindfulof the following when using email:l the security of any emails sent from the Trust’ssecure server to an insecure recipient will bethreatened. Consider whether the content ofany email that you send should be encryptedor password protected - any personalinformation emailed outside of the Trust’ssecure network should be encrypted.Guidance on sending emails securely isavailable at: http://rbhintranet/information_governance/pdf/secure_emailing_update_09_2011.pdfl be careful when using a group email address.Check who is in the group and make sure youreally want to send your message to everyonel ensure that you are aware of the contentof an email when forwarding it on - checkattachments and previous emails within thechain to make sure that you are not sharingsomething unintentionally or inappropriatelyl when you start to type in the name of therecipient, some email software will suggestsimilar addresses you have used before. Ifyou have previously emailed several peoplewhose name or address starts the sameway - e.g. “Dave” - the auto-completefunction may bring up several “Daves”.Make sure you choose the right addressbefore you click sendl remember that all emails that you send fromyour Trust email account are a public record,and could therefore be disclosable under theFreedom of Information Act 2000The Trust is obliged by the Data ProtectionAct 1998 to take appropriate technical andorganisational measures to protect thepersonal data that it holds, and could face amonetary penalty of up to £500,000 from theInformation Commissioner’s Office should itbe found to be in breach of this.Jigsaw Building planssubmitted to planningcommitteePlans for the new Jigsaw Building at the RoyalBournemouth Hospital have been submitted forconsideration to Bournemouth Council.Following a detailed feedback period, when thebuilding designers sought comments and viewsfrom hospital staff, patients and the public, the plansfor the new 2000m2 building have now beensubmitted.Richard Renaut, Director of Service Development,said: “We’re really pleased to get to this stage of theprocess. Our staff have worked hard to ensure theplans are right and that they reflect the feedback wehave received.“We’re excited about the design and will continue towork with the public to get their views on the interiorof the building and the garden area.“We are now in a 13 week process and wouldencourage people to either send their support forthe plans to us or to the council.”The Jigsaw Building will be located between the EyeUnit and the Derwent Suite for Orthopaedics at RBH.It will bring together oncology, haematology,gynaecology, breast care and early pregnancy intwo new units.Subject to planning approval, initial work couldstart in September/October with a potentialcompletion date of late 2014.Artist’s impression of what the Jigsaw Building will look like

Sending emailssecurelyA number of (non-NHS) organisations haverecently received monetary penalties of up to£120,000 from the Information Commissioner’sOffice as a result of inappropriately disclosingsensitive personal information via email.To stop this happening at this Trust, be mindfulof the following when using email:l the security of any emails sent from the Trust’ssecure server to an insecure recipient will bethreatened. Consider whether the content ofany email that you send should be encryptedor password protected - any personalinformation emailed outside of the Trust’ssecure network should be encrypted.Guidance on sending emails securely isavailable at: http://rbhintranet/information_governance/pdf/secure_emailing_update_09_201<strong>1.</strong>pdfl be careful when using a group email address.Check who is in the group and make sure youreally want to send your message to everyonel ensure that you are aware of the contentof an email when forwarding it on - checkattachments and previous emails within thechain to make sure that you are not sharingsomething unintentionally or inappropriatelyl when you start to type in the name of therecipient, some email software will suggestsimilar addresses you have used before. Ifyou have previously emailed several peoplewhose name or address starts the sameway - e.g. “Dave” - the auto-completefunction may bring up several “Daves”.Make sure you choose the right addressbefore you click sendl remember that all emails that you send fromyour Trust email account are a public record,and could therefore be disclosable under theFreedom of Information Act 2000The Trust is obliged by the Data ProtectionAct 1998 to take appropriate technical andorganisational measures to protect thepersonal data that it holds, and could face amonetary penalty of up to £500,000 from theInformation Commissioner’s Office should itbe found to be in breach of this.Jigsaw Building planssubmitted to planningcommitteePlans for the new Jigsaw Building at the RoyalBournemouth Hospital have been submitted forconsideration to Bournemouth Council.Following a detailed feedback period, when thebuilding designers sought comments and viewsfrom hospital staff, patients and the public, the plansfor the new 2000m2 building have now beensubmitted.Richard Renaut, Director of Service Development,said: “We’re really pleased to get to this stage of theprocess. Our staff have worked hard to ensure theplans are right and that they reflect the feedback wehave received.“We’re excited about the design and will continue towork with the public to get their views on the interiorof the building and the garden area.“We are now in a 13 week process and wouldencourage people to either send their support forthe plans to us or to the council.”The Jigsaw Building will be located between the EyeUnit and the Derwent Suite for Orthopaedics at RBH.It will bring together oncology, haematology,gynaecology, breast care and early pregnancy intwo new units.Subject to planning approval, initial work couldstart in September/October with a potentialcompletion date of late 2014.Artist’s impression of what the Jigsaw Building will look like

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