Noriko Endo - Meander Publishing Inc

Noriko Endo - Meander Publishing Inc

Noriko Endo - Meander Publishing Inc


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SACRED THREADS 2013<strong>Noriko</strong> <strong>Endo</strong>Confetti LandscapesTips for UsingMetallicThreads!Enhance Your QuiltswithMachineEmbroideryT-ShirtQuiltsDeborah HydeIn the Art StudioSEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2013

18 design elementsQuilting aMachine-EmbroideredQuiltSusan Stewartcontents26 Sacred Threads 201338 Confetti Landscapes<strong>Noriko</strong> <strong>Endo</strong>Interview by Kit Robinson46 Quilt as DesiredMachine QuiltingVintage TopsCurator Mary W. Kerr68 art studioCombiningFigurative Work withTraditional PatternsDeborah HydeSeptember/October 2013 | Machine Quilting UNLIMITED 3

6 from the editor’s desk8 contributors10 bookshelfKit Robinson12 foundationsT-Shirt QuiltsRenae Haddadin32 Trapunto Simplified—Part Three of ThreeKim BrunnerInspirationand instructionfor ALL machinequilters!Keep an eye out for the WebExtras! icon. That is your cue togo to our website, machinequilting.mqumag.com, for extra information onthe subject being discussed.54 Quilting with Metallic ThreadsSarah Ann Smith60 challenging quiltsDesign Decisions forTwo Modern QuiltsEbony Love66 filler finesseDiane Rusin Doran74 duetHawaiian Plumeria Quilt76 A Quilter’s DozenLinda Turner Griepentrog80 noteworthy84 tech talkTension ToolsTodd Fletcher87 index of advertisersOn the Cover: Silk Cherry Blossoms © 2011<strong>Noriko</strong> <strong>Endo</strong>, 17 ½ × 21 ½ inches.88 subscription information90 jaw dropperThe Peaceful Ones© 2013 Denise Tallon HavlanMachine Quilting Unlimited (USPS 000-230) Vol. XVIII,No. 5. Published six times per year by <strong>Meander</strong> <strong>Publishing</strong> <strong>Inc</strong>,1801 Aspen St., Fort Lupton, CO 80621 (Jan., March, May, July,Sept., Nov.), info@mqumag.com, www.mqumag.com.SUBSCRIPTIONS: 1 Year – 6 Issues, 2 Years – 12 Issues.USA 1 Year $34.95US, 2 Years $59.95US, Canada 1 Year$45US, 2 Years $78US, International 1 Year $60US. Pricessubject to change without notice. Periodical Postage paid atFort Lupton, CO, and additional mailing offices. Postmastersend change of address notices to: <strong>Meander</strong> <strong>Publishing</strong> <strong>Inc</strong>,PO Box 918, Fort Lupton, CO 80621, 800.910.1925 or303.710.9537, tiffani@meanderpublishing.com.4 Machine Quilting UNLIMITED | September/October 2013

from the editor’s deskPhoto by Barbara HollingerMany quilters like to share their work with others,in one way or another. Some bring their quilts toshow-and-tell at quilt guilds; share what they haveaccomplished over coffee in small sewing groupsor perhaps even post them online in chat rooms,Facebook, flickr or other photo sharing groups.There are also those intrepid souls who enter theirquilts in judged shows, both large and small, anddisplay their work through those venues.Special exhibits are another great way to share your quilting experienceswith others. These exhibits can be juried or non-juried, invitational or opento all, and are sometimes associated with a larger quilt show. A local churchor synagogue may be the venue for an annual show for quilters in the community,member quilt exhibits are frequently hosted by guilds, and showsthat feature certain types of quilts or fabric art can be seen at a growingnumber of venues in cities and towns across the country.In the September/October Machine Quilting Unlimited we feature selectionsfrom two special exhibits; Quilt as Desired, an invitational exhibit of vintagetops quilted by modern day longarm quilters showing incredible examplesof this work; and Sacred Threads 2013, at the other end of the quiltingspectrum, a juried show comprised of thought-provoking art quilts thatexplore different topics of human spirituality. We find both of these exhibitsfascinating and inspirational, and hope that you will enjoy them and all ofthe other design and instructional articles and features on the pages of thisjam packed issue!Kit Robinsonkit@meanderpublishing.comMachine Quilting UnlimitedEditor...................................... Kit RobinsonAssociate Editor....................... Diane Rusin DoranGraphic Designer........................ Jonathan Miller/www.jlmgraphics.comPhotographer................ Gregory Case Photographywww.gregorycase.com<strong>Meander</strong> <strong>Publishing</strong> <strong>Inc</strong>Founder/Publisher....................... Vicki AndersonVice President........................ Richard AndersonDirector of Advertising and Marketing....... Sara DuffertCirculation Manager........................ Tiffani HahnIT Director.................................. Emily VanekPrinter.................. Citizen Printing, Fort Collins COMission Statement: To provide inspiration and aforum for the exchange of ideas for the betterment ofquilters worldwide.Subscriptions800.910.1925 ext. 4Advertising800.910.1925 ext. 5Editorial800.910.1925 ext. 3Websitewww.mqumag.comRenewal: Check the expiration date on your mailinglabel. It states the last issue that you will receive.Back Issues: Visit www.mqumag.com for availabilityand ordering information.Manuscripts: We welcome unsolicited manuscripts ontopics of interest to quilters. Please send an email querytitled “Article for Submission” to submissions@mqumag.com.New Products and Media Reviews: We are happyto review publications (both print and electronic) andproducts of interest to our readers. Please send samplesor review copies to PO Box 918, Fort Lupton, CO 80621.Advertising Rates: Available upon request:sara@meanderpublishing.com.MACHINE QUILTING UNLIMITED is published six times per year (Jan/Feb;Mar/Apr; May/Jun; Jul/Aug; Sep/Oct; Nov/Dec) by <strong>Meander</strong> <strong>Publishing</strong> <strong>Inc</strong>, POBox 918, Fort Lupton, CO 80621. Customer Service: toll-free 800.910.1925,ext. 4 or email info@mqumag.com. Our submission guidelines can be foundon our website at www.machinequilting.mqumag.com. The Publisher assumesno responsibility for unsolicited materials. The editors reserve the right toedit, shorten, or modify any material submitted. Entire contents copyright2013 by <strong>Meander</strong> <strong>Publishing</strong> <strong>Inc</strong> and the contributors. All rights reserved.Reproduction in whole or in part, including photocopy and web usage,is prohibited without the expressed written permission of the publisher.Articles in MACHINE QUILTING UNLIMITED are for inspiration and personaluse only. MACHINE QUILTING UNLIMITED and/or <strong>Meander</strong> <strong>Publishing</strong> <strong>Inc</strong>are not responsible for any liability arising from errors, omissions, or mistakescontained in the magazine. MACHINE QUILTING UNLIMITED does notrecommend, approve, or endorse any of the advertisers, products, services,or views advertised therein, nor do we evaluate any claims made by theadvertisers. Printed in the USA.The Sacred Threads 2013 show was arranged as a maze so the visitor couldsee only a few quilts at a time. The exhibit was held at the Floris UnitedMethodist Church in Herndon, Virginia.Retailers: If you are interested in carrying thismagazine in your store please contact us toll-freeat 800.910.1925 ext. 4, or by email atsales@meanderpublishing.com.6 Machine Quilting UNLIMITED | September/October 2013

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