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Spring 2013T H E M A G A Z I N E F O R J E T T I N G P R O F E S S I O N A L SB<strong>ETTER</strong> J<strong>ETTER</strong>www.<strong>US</strong>JETTING.com1-800-JETTINGTMA Message From Nick Woodhead,President of <strong>US</strong> <strong>Jetting</strong>nwoodhead@usjetting.comSafety Is MoreImportant Than EverOver the last two years, safety hasbecome an increasingly importantissue. Having been in this industry forforty years, and demonstrated thousandsof times, I have been luckyenough to go without any seriousinjuries. However, that does not mean itcannot happen. In the last three years,three injuries come to mind. Two ofthese injuries involved nozzles comingout of the pipe and striking the operator.One of these tragic incidentsresulted in a fatality. These types ofaccidents can be avoided by usingsafety leader hoses that will alert theoperator when the nozzle is near theinvert. This can also be averted bybeing careful not to fish for the invert ina flooded manhole.The third injury was caused by a pinhole in a hose which hit the operator,creating a dangerous water strike. Theoperator was not wearing any kind ofsafety gloves and was struck in thehand, a very common place to be hit. Atthe time, there were no adequatesafety gloves for high pressure injuries.However, in 2012 <strong>US</strong> <strong>Jetting</strong> released anew line of safety gear, includinggloves that can protect up to 3000 PSIwith a straight jet and up to 7500 PSIwith a fan or rotary jet. These gloves arean essential part of the safety gear, ashands are often the closest point toimpact.(continued on back page)Zoom Drain & Sewer Service PurchasesSeven Units In 2012 By Nick WoodheadIn 2000 Jim Crinity of Zoom Sewer andDrain approached me with the idea ofbuying five truck mounted jettingunits. He had previously purchased atrailer unit from us, but he felt that theconcept of a fully equipped servicetruck including a high pressure jettingunit would be more productive for histechnicians. Jim’s idea of having ajetting unit mounted on a truck completewith all the plumbing gear, cameras,and locaters made these vehiclestruly versatile. It enabled the operatornot only to jet and TV the line, but alsoto do plumbing repairs and cover anyeventuality that might occur on the job.While I suggested he buy one to beginwith, Jim had other ideas andpurchased all five at the same time.Five Hino cabover trucks with Hackneybodies arrived at <strong>US</strong> <strong>Jetting</strong> for theinstallation process. Each truck wasfitted with two 90 gallon vertical tanksat the rear of the unit. The jetting unitwas mounted right behind the cabwith the hose reel access through a rollup door on the curbside of the unit. Theside rollup door maintained unobstructedaccess for parts, cameras &cable machines from the rear truck.This made easy direct access to anynearby building or residential property.The trucks proved to be so successful,that another six truck units werepurchased over the years as businessgrew. Each of the 11 original <strong>US</strong> <strong>Jetting</strong>units are jetter powered by an aircooledLombardini engine.In 2012 Jim decided to retire some ofthe early units and replace them withnew units. Two units were ordered &delivered at the 2012 Pumper Show,powered by Lombardini diesel engines.At the show, we spoke about manufacturingunits using a hydraulic drivesystem, eliminating the diesel to drivethe jetting unit & freeing up spacewithin the Hackney truck body. In Juneof 2012, five Isuzu trucks with fullywrapped Hackney bodies arrived at <strong>US</strong>jetting to be fitted with the new stylehydraulic drive system.(continued on back page)

C U S T O M E RN E W SHigh Performance Jetters & Cars:Zero to 6000 PSI In Under Five SecondsBenny & Debra Montak, owners of Express Drain& Sewer Cleaning, are long time jetting users.They’ve purchased several 4000 jetting unitsover the past 25 years, and recently decided theywanted an upgrade. They wanted a jet with a bitmore power, but needed versatility, so theyagreed upon the 6018-300 gallon trailer unit. Thisunit is capable of doing 4000 PSI @ 18 GPM,but with a change of a nozzle it can go up to6000 PSI @ 18 GPM. It was exactly what Bennyand Debra needed. They’ve also been able toupgrade a few other machines in their life –their cars. Pictured below are the baby blueLamborghini Gallardo which is Debra’s prideand joy, and the dark blue Ferrari F-430 which isBenny’s favorite.Tom Eyman of Eyman Plumbing, based in Omaha, NE, purchased his first jetting unit inEyman Plumbing, Omaha NEOct 2011. It was a 4018-300 gallon Curbside Unit, with a hydraulic power pull out reel anda wireless remote control system. Tom bought an enclosed cabover truck and had two roll up doors fitted before driving it to Atlanta to havethe jetting unit installed. The unit was installed and tested in less than two days while Tom and his colleague took in the local scenery beforedriving it back to Omaha. In less than a year Tom called Danielle Young at <strong>US</strong> <strong>Jetting</strong> to order another identical unit, only this time it was tobe installed in a brand new red truck. By the time the unit was in service, Tom had already ordered another Curbside machine. This time hewanted a 5000 PSI 14 gpm unit. Tom will be making his next pilgrimage to Atlanta in March.Roto-Rooter Orlando UpdatesFleet With Three<strong>US</strong> <strong>Jetting</strong> 4018 - 300 Gallon UnitsThe year 2012 saw an upgrade to the Orlando based Roto-Rooter operation.It started with the single purchase of a <strong>US</strong> jetting 4018 - 300 gallon unit in2011, followed by two more units in May of 2012. All units were puchased toreplace older units and to keep up with an increasing work load.It is with regret we have to announce our long time delivery driver, Frank Cornell, passed away after a brief illness. Frank, a former <strong>US</strong> Marine, worked with us formany years delivering units during his retirement. Frank was full of character and loved telling stories about his time in Korea and abroad. He will be missed.

C U S T O M E R N E W SRichland CountyAdds New Truck UnitRichland County , South Carolina added a new <strong>US</strong> <strong>Jetting</strong> 4018 -750 gallon truck unit to theirsewer division. This complements their existing 2004 <strong>US</strong> <strong>Jetting</strong> 4018 -300 gallon trailer unitthat will continue to be used on a daily basis. The truck is a Ford F-550 Turbo Diesel with 4-wheel drive.From Down Under - AustraliaIf you drive 1800 km or 1120 miles due west of Brisbane, you will endup at the Mount Isa Mine, which is exactly what David Rose, an agent for<strong>US</strong> <strong>Jetting</strong> did to deliver this 4018 - 300 Gallon Narrow Track Series<strong>Jetting</strong> unit. Beyond this mine stretches the enormous remote NorthernTerritories, which is something you have to take into considerationwhen selling in Australia. The country is roughly the size of the <strong>US</strong>without Alaska, but has only 23 million people, so planning sales tripstakes some preparation. David Rose covers Queensland Territory, anarea of 1.7 million square kilometers or about 656,000 square mileswith a population of 4.5 million people. He worked with the Mount IsaMines to help them purchase a <strong>US</strong> <strong>Jetting</strong> 4018 unit for some pipe &equipment cleaning. Pictured above is the 4018 unit being delivered.This is just one of the many <strong>US</strong> <strong>Jetting</strong> units operating in Australia. <strong>US</strong><strong>Jetting</strong> units can now be found operating in 29 countries across theworld.Fulton County - Atlanta, GAFulton County purchased a <strong>US</strong> <strong>Jetting</strong> 4025 (4,000 PSI @ 25 GPM)powered by a 4-cylinder 66 HP Hatz diesel with dual Power Pull-Out Reels (500 ft of 5/8” hose & 500 ft of 1/2” hose) to be used asa “fly truck” for quick response to sewer blockages. The unit ismounted on a 4-wheel drive Ford F-550 Turbo Diesel.From Down Under - New ZealandPictured left is Roger and Wilma of Western Ridges Contracting with their newskid mounted 4018 300. They are based near Invercargill in the South Island ofNew Zealand, a very agricultural area. Roger and Wilma needed a unit thatcould handle the field tile drainage on farmland, but wouldn’t be so heavy itwould constantly be getting stuck in the mud. When they went to a tradeshowin Waimumu, they saw a <strong>US</strong> <strong>Jetting</strong> high pressure low volume unit thatcould solve their field tile drainage issues. They struck a deal with Ian McAndrew,of Kerrick’s Dunedin office, and a 4018 300 Skid unit was delivered.

P R O D U C T U P D A T ESEditor/Designer Sam Gardinersam@usjetting.comPublisher <strong>US</strong> <strong>Jetting</strong> LLCContactSafety Is More....Contributors(from page 1)The rest of the safety gear includes a workapron, jacket, pants, hood, and one pieceoverall. Each of the protective garments aredesigned specifically to meet the needs of ahigh pressure jet operator. They are the firstin the industry to protect against mid-levelhigh pressure water or fluid strikes.High pressure strikes are an extremelyunderestimated hazard in the water jettingindustry. High pressure injuries, while rare,are very dangerous and often incorrectlycared for. Water strike injuries tend to looklike a small puncture, so they are sometimesignored or left untreated. The danger of highpressure injuries is that the strike ofteninjects toxic fluid or bacteria contaminatedwater into the blood stream causing veryserious infections. These toxins must beremoved from the body, which may requiresurgery and, in severe cases, amputation.Specific instructions must be given todoctors when being treated for a highpressure injury, as the doctors may beunaware of the dangerous infections thatcan occur. Copies of medical instructions areavailable at www.usjetting.com.In order to protect high pressure jettingoperators, the new safety gear must bedistributed to anyone who works with highpressure equipment. It is important for thejetting industry to police itself before OSHAor any other regulatory agencies getinvolved. OSHA currently requires that allemployers provide their employees withadequate safety gear. The only certifiedsafety gear on the market is the kindavailable through <strong>US</strong> <strong>Jetting</strong>. It is imperativethat protective clothing and gloves becomeincorporated into every jetting operation.This new protective gear will eventuallybecome as common as safety glasses andhard hats over the next few years, because itis just as importantLucy Woodhead, Dorothy JohnsonNick Woodhead, Danielle YoungCall 1.800.JETTING (538.8464)or visitwww.usjetting.comNew Line OfWater <strong>Jetting</strong>Safety ClothingMeet Clint The InternClint Howell, a Georgia Tech Mechanicalengineering student began his internship at <strong>US</strong><strong>Jetting</strong> in June 2012. His first assignment was towork with the <strong>US</strong> jetting staff to develop ahydraulic drive system for the Zoom Drains 5truck order.Using a welder’s table, Clint built an ingeniusexternal test bed to test the new hydraulic drivesystem for powering a high pressure jettingpump. The test bed saved time by not having toto install or modify components within thetruck body for testing. A hydraulic oil flow meter,hydraulic pressure gauge, water pressure gauge& water flow meter were all part of the test bedto determine the proper size PTO pump to drivethe system. Clint worked with <strong>US</strong> <strong>Jetting</strong> assemblersto build the first three delivered unitsbefore returning to college.Clint’s favorite hobby is wake boarding. He’s onthe Georgia Tech Wake Boarding team.<strong>US</strong> <strong>Jetting</strong> has been appointed <strong>US</strong> distributorfor water jetting safety clothingmanufactured by TST Sweden. The ProOperator line of protective wear ismade from Dyneema a fiber that is 15times stronger than steel on a weightto weight basis.The ProOperator safety clothing linehas been tested & certified to protectagainst water strikes up to 7500 PSI or500 BAR. Clothing is available in a onepiece Overall, two piece Jacket & Pantssuit, Work Apron & Work Gloves. Clothingis available in sizes from extra smallto 3 extra large with the Work Apronavailable in one adjustable size.ProOperator clothing is designed toprotect workers from accidental waterstrikes while providing maximum comfort.Overalls & Jackets have zipperedslots in the armpit to provide ventilation.Gloves have an inner nylon glovesto provide hand comfort & airspace toreduce sweating. Each clothing piecehas waterproof pockets for storingpocket knives, keys, ID cards, etc. whileworking.The full line of ProOperator SafetyClothing will be unveiled at the 2013Pumper Show and can be viewed indetail at www.usjetting.comZoom Trucks(from page 1)The first hydraulic unit was delivered atthe end of July with the remaining fourunits delivered by September.Over the last thirteen years, ZoomDrain & Sewer Service have purchaseda total of eighteen <strong>US</strong> <strong>Jetting</strong> units,twelve of which are currently in operation.Many of Jim’s innovative ideashave gone on to be adapted by othercompanies. Jim’s concept has becomea full <strong>US</strong> <strong>Jetting</strong> product line calledCurbside <strong>Jetting</strong> Units, available withmost size jetting units, hydraulic PowerPull-Out Hose Reels and with variousinternal body shelving layouts. All ofthe Zoom trucks & other <strong>US</strong> <strong>Jetting</strong>Curbside Units can be seen atthe <strong>US</strong><strong>Jetting</strong> website - www.usjetting.comor at www.zoomdrain.com.

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